blob: f97fe5a717ceccc38fe70f1817c651351327da9a [file] [log] [blame]
@ Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
@ Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
@ that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
@ tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
@ in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
@ be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
@ Some code in this file was originally from file
@ omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs_s.S which was licensed as follows.
@ It has been relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
@ OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
@ Last Modified Revision: 7810
@ Last Modified Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2007
@ (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
@ Description:
@ Compute a forward FFT for a real signal, using 16 bit complex FFT routines.
#include "dl/api/armCOMM_s.h"
#include "dl/api/omxtypes_s.h"
.extern armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
.extern armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
.extern armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
.extern armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
.extern armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
.extern armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
.extern armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
.extern armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
.extern armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
.extern armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
.extern armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
.extern armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
.extern armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
.extern armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
.extern armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix2_ps_OutOfPlace_unsafe
.extern armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix2_ps_OutOfPlace_unsafe
@Input Registers
#define pSrc r0
#define pDst r1
#define pFFTSpec r2
#define scale r3
@ Output registers
#define result r0
@Local Scratch Registers
#define argTwiddle r1
#define argDst r2
#define argScale r4
#define pTwiddle r4
#define tmpOrder r4
#define pOut r5
#define subFFTSize r7
#define subFFTNum r6
#define N r6
#define order r14
#define diff r9
@ Total num of radix stages to comple the FFT
#define count r8
#define x0r r4
#define x0i r5
#define diffMinusOne r2
#define round r3
#define subFFTSizeTmp r6
#define step r3
#define stepr r11
#define step1 r10
#define step1r r6
#define step2 r8
#define step2r r9
#define twStep r8
#define zero r9
#define pTwiddleTmp r5
#define t0 r10
@ Neon registers
#define dX0 d0.s16
#define dX0S32 d0.s32
#define dzero d1.s16
#define dZero d2.s16
#define dShift d3.s16
#define qShift q1.s16
#define dX0r d2.s16
#define dX0i d3.s16
#define dX1r d4.s16
#define dX1i d5.s16
#define qX1 q2.s16
#define dX0rS32 d2.s32
#define dX0iS32 d3.s32
#define dX1rS32 d4.s32
#define dX1iS32 d5.s32
#define dT0 d6.s16
#define dT1 d7.s16
#define dT2 d8.s16
#define dT3 d9.s16
#define qT0 q5.s32
#define qT1 q6.s32
#define qT0s q5.s16
#define qT1s q6.s16
#define dW0r d14.s16
#define dW0i d15.s16
#define dW1r d16.s16
#define dW1i d17.s16
#define dW0rS32 d14.s32
#define dW0iS32 d15.s32
#define dW1rS32 d16.s32
#define dW1iS32 d17.s32
#define dY0r d14.s16
#define dY0i d15.s16
#define dY0rS32 d14.s32
#define dY0iS32 d15.s32
#define dY1r d16.s16
#define dY1i d17.s16
#define qY1 q8.s16
#define dY1rS32 d16.s32
#define dY1iS32 d17.s32
#define dY0rS64 d14.s32
#define dY0iS64 d15.s32
#define qT2 q9.s32
#define qT3 q10.s32
#define d18s16 d18.s16
#define d19s16 d19.s16
#define d20s16 d20.s16
#define d21s16 d21.s16
@ lastThreeelements
#define dX1 d3.s16
#define dW0 d4.s16
#define dW1 d5.s16
#define dY0 d10.s16
#define dY1 d11.s16
#define dY2 d12.s16
#define dY3 d13.s16
@ Allocate stack memory required by the function
M_ALLOC4 diffOnStack, 4
@ Write function header
M_START omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16_Sfs,r11,d15
@ Structure offsets for the FFTSpec
.set ARMsFFTSpec_N, 0
.set ARMsFFTSpec_pBitRev, 4
.set ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle, 8
.set ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf, 12
@ Define stack arguments
@ Read the size from structure and take log
LDR N, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_N]
@ Read other structure parameters
LDR pTwiddle, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle]
LDR pOut, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf]
@ Do a N/2 point complex FFT including the scaling
MOV N,N,ASR #1 @ N/2 point complex FFT
CLZ order,N @ N = 2^order
RSB order,order,#31
MOV subFFTSize,#1
CMP order,#3
BGT orderGreaterthan3 @ order > 3
CMP order,#1
BGE orderGreaterthan0 @ order > 0
M_STR scale, diffOnStack,LT @ order = 0
LDR x0r,[pSrc]
STR x0r,[pOut]
MOV pSrc,pOut
MOV argDst,pDst
@ set the buffers appropriately for various orders
CMP order,#2
MOVEQ argDst,pDst
MOVNE argDst,pOut
MOVNE pOut,pDst @ Pass 1st stage destination in RN5
MOV argTwiddle,pTwiddle
SUBS diff,scale,order
M_STR diff,diffOnStack
MOVGT scale,order
@ Now scale <= order
CMP order,#1
BGT orderGreaterthan1
@ order = 1:
SUBS scale,scale,#1
BLEQ armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
BLLT armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
CMP order,#2
MOV argScale,scale
BGT orderGreaterthan2
@ order = 2:
SUBS argScale,argScale,#1
BLGE armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
BLLT armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
SUBS argScale,argScale,#1
BLEQ armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
BLLT armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
orderGreaterthan2: @ order = 3
SUBS argScale,argScale,#1
BLGE armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
BLLT armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
SUBS argScale,argScale,#1
BLGE armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix2_ps_OutOfPlace_unsafe
BLLT armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix2_ps_OutOfPlace_unsafe
SUBS argScale,argScale,#1
BLEQ armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
BLLT armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
@ check scale = 0 or scale = order
SUBS diff, scale, order @ scale > order
MOVGT scale,order
BGE specialScaleCase @ scale = 0 or scale = order
CMP scale,#0
BEQ specialScaleCase
B generalScaleCase
specialScaleCase: @ scale = 0, or, scale = order && order > 3
TST order, #2 @ Set input args to fft stages
MOVEQ argDst,pDst
MOVNE argDst,pOut
MOVNE pOut,pDst @ Pass the first stage destination in RN5
MOV argTwiddle,pTwiddle
CMP diff,#0
M_STR diff, diffOnStack
BGE scaleEqualsOrder
@ check for even or odd order.
@ NOTE: The following combination of BL's would work fine even though
@ the first BL would corrupt the flags. This is because the end of the
@ "grpZeroSetLoop" loop inside
@ armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe sets Z flag to EQ.
TST order,#0x00000001
BLEQ armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
BLNE armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
CMP subFFTNum,#4
BEQ lastStageUnscaledRadix4
BL armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
CMP subFFTNum,#4
B unscaledRadix4Loop
BL armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
@ check for even or odd order
@ NOTE: The following combination of BL's would work fine even though
@ the first BL would corrupt the flags. This is because the end of the
@ "grpZeroSetLoop" loop inside
@ armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe sets Z flag to EQ.
TST order,#0x00000001
BLEQ armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
BLNE armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
CMP subFFTNum,#4
BEQ lastStageScaledRadix4
BL armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
CMP subFFTNum,#4
B scaledRadix4Loop
BL armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
generalScaleCase: @ 0 < scale < order and order > 3
@ Determine the correct destination buffer
SUB diff,order,scale
TST diff,#0x01
ADDEQ count,scale,diff,LSR #1 @ count = scale + (order - scale)/2
MOVNE count,order
TST count,#0x01 @ Is count even or odd ?
MOVEQ argDst,pDst @ Set input args to fft stages
MOVNE argDst,pOut
MOVNE pOut,pDst @ Pass 1st stage destination in RN5
MOV argTwiddle,pTwiddle
CMP diff,#1
M_STR diff, diffOnStack
BEQ scaleps @ scaling including a radix2_ps stage
MOV argScale,scale @ Put scale in RN4 to save and restore
BL armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
SUBS argScale,argScale,#1
BLGT armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
SUBS argScale,argScale,#1 @ save, restore scale in scaled stages
BGT scaledRadix2Loop
B outScale
SUB argScale,scale,#1 @ order>3 and diff=1 => scale >= 3
BL armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
SUBS argScale,argScale,#1
BEQ scaledRadix2psStage
BLGT armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
SUBS argScale,argScale,#1 @ save, restore scale in scaled stages
BGE scaledRadix2psLoop
BL armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix2_ps_OutOfPlace_unsafe
B generalLastStageUnscaledRadix2
M_LDR diff, diffOnStack
@check for even or odd order
TST diff,#0x00000001
BEQ generalUnscaledRadix4Loop
B unscaledRadix2Loop
CMP subFFTNum,#4
BEQ generalLastStageUnscaledRadix4
BL armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
B generalUnscaledRadix4Loop
BL armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
B End
CMP subFFTNum,#4
BEQ generalLastTwoStagesUnscaledRadix2
BL armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
B unscaledRadix2Loop
BL armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix2_ps_OutOfPlace_unsafe
BL armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
B End
FFTEnd: @ Does only the scaling
M_LDR diff, diffOnStack
CMP diff,#0
BLE finalComplexToRealFixup
RSB diff,diff,#0 @ for right shift by a variable
VDUP qShift,diff
@ save subFFTSize and use subFFTSizeTmp in the following loop
MOV subFFTSizeTmp,subFFTSize @ subFFTSizeTmp same reg as subFFTNum
@ Use parallel loads for bigger FFT size.
CMP subFFTSizeTmp, #8
BLT scaleLessFFTData
VLD1 {qT0s, qT1s},[pSrc:256] @ pSrc contains pDst pointer
SUBS subFFTSizeTmp,subFFTSizeTmp,#8
VSHL qT0s,qShift
VSHL qT1s,qShift
VST1 {qT0s, qT1s},[pSrc:256]!
BGT scaleFFTData
B afterScaling
VLD1 {dX0S32[0]},[pSrc] @ pSrc contains pDst pointer
SUBS subFFTSizeTmp,subFFTSizeTmp,#1
VSHL dX0,dShift
VST1 {dX0S32[0]},[pSrc]!
BGT scaleLessFFTData
SUB pSrc,pSrc,subFFTSize,LSL #2 @ reset pSrc for final fixup
@ change the logic so that output after scaling is in pOut and not in pDst
@ finally store from pOut to pDst
@ change branch "End" to branch "finalComplexToRealFixup" in the above
@ chk the code below for multiplication by j factor
@ F(0) = 1/2[Z(0) + Z'(0)] - j [Z(0) - Z'(0)]
@ 1/2[(a+jb) + (a-jb)] - j [(a+jb) - (a-jb)]
@ 1/2[2a+j0] - j [0+j2b]
@ (a+b, 0)
@ F(N/2) = 1/2[Z(0) + Z'(0)] + j [Z(0) - Z'(0)]
@ 1/2[(a+jb) + (a-jb)] + j [(a+jb) - (a-jb)]
@ 1/2[2a+j0] + j [0+j2b]
@ (a-b, 0)
CMP subFFTSize,#4
BLE smallFFTSize
@ SubSize > 3:
@ F(0) and F(N/2)
VLD2 {dX0r[0],dX0i[0]},[pSrc]!
MOV zero,#0
VMOV dX0r[1],zero
MOV step,subFFTSize,LSL #2 @ step = N/2 * 4 bytes
VMOV dX0i[1],zero
SUB twStep,step,subFFTSize @ twStep = 3N/8 * 8 bytes
VADD dY0r,dX0r,dX0i @ F(0) = ((Z0.r+Z0.i) , 0)
MOV step1,subFFTSize,LSL #1 @ step1 = N/2 * 2 bytes
VSUB dY0i,dX0r,dX0i @ F(N/2) = ((Z0.r-Z0.i) , 0)
SUBS subFFTSize,subFFTSize,#2
VST1 dY0rS32[0],[argDst], step
ADD pTwiddleTmp,argTwiddle,#4 @ W^2
VST1 dY0iS32[0],[argDst]!
ADD argTwiddle,argTwiddle,twStep @ W^1
VDUP dzero,zero
SUB argDst,argDst,step
SUB step,step,#20
RSB stepr, step, #16
SUB step1,step1,#8 @ (N/4-1)*8 bytes
RSB step1r,step1,#8
SUB step2, step1, #4
RSB step2r, step2, #8
@ F(k) = 1/2[Z(k) + Z'(N/2-k)] -j*W^(k) [Z(k) - Z'(N/2-k)]
@ Note: W^k is stored as negative values in the table.
@ Process 4 elements at a time. E.g: F(1),F(2) and F(N/2-2),F(N/2-1)
@ since both of them require Z(1),Z(2) and Z(N/2-2),Z(N/2-1).
VLD2 {dX0r,dX0i},[pSrc],step
VLD2 {dX1r,dX1i},[pSrc],stepr
VLD1 dW0r,[argTwiddle],step1
SUB step1, step1, #16
VREV64 qX1,qX1
VLD1 dW1r,[argTwiddle],step1r
ADD step1r, step1r, #16
VSUB dT2,dX0r,dX1r @ a-c
VLD1 dW0i,[pTwiddleTmp],step2
SUB step2, step2, #16
VADD dT3,dX0i,dX1i @ b+d
VLD1 dW1i,[pTwiddleTmp],step2r
ADD step2r, step2r, #16
VTRN dW0r,dW0i
VZIP dW1r, dW1i
SUBS subFFTSize,subFFTSize,#8
VHADD dT0,dX0r,dX1r @ (a+c)/2
VZIP dW1iS32, dW1rS32
VHSUB dT1,dX0i,dX1i @ (b-d)/2
VQDMULH dY0,dW1i,dT2
VQDMULH dY1,dW1r,dT3
VQDMULH dY2,dW1i,dT3
VQDMULH dY3,dW1r,dT2
VQDMULH d18s16,dW0r,dT2
VQDMULH d19s16,dW0i,dT3
VQDMULH d20s16,dW0r,dT3
VQDMULH d21s16,dW0i,dT2
VRHADD dX1r, dY0, dY1
VHSUB dX1i, dY2, dY3
VHSUB dX0r, d18s16, d19s16
VADD dY1i,dT1,dX1r
VRHADD dX0i, d20s16, d21s16
VSUB dY1r,dT0,dX1i @ F(N/2 -1)
VSUB dY0r,dT0,dX0i @ F(1)
VADD dY0i,dT1,dX0r
VNEG dY1i,dY1i
VREV64 qY1, qY1
VST2 {dY0r,dY0i},[argDst],step
SUB step,step,#32 @ (N/2-4)*4 bytes
VST2 {dY1r,dY1i},[argDst],stepr
ADD stepr,stepr,#32
BGT evenOddButterflyLoop
SUB pSrc,pSrc,#4 @ points to the last element.
SUB argDst,argDst,#4 @ points to the last element.
b lastElement
@ F(0) and F(N/2)
VLD2 {dX0r[0],dX0i[0]},[pSrc]!
MOV zero,#0
VMOV dX0r[1],zero
MOV step,subFFTSize,LSL #2 @ step = N/2 * 4 bytes
VMOV dX0i[1],zero
SUB twStep,step,subFFTSize @ twStep = 3N/8 * 8 bytes
VADD dY0r,dX0r,dX0i @ F(0) = ((Z0.r+Z0.i) , 0)
MOV step1,subFFTSize,LSL #1 @ step1 = N/2 * 2 bytes
VSUB dY0i,dX0r,dX0i @ F(N/2) = ((Z0.r-Z0.i) , 0)
SUBS subFFTSize,subFFTSize,#2
VST1 dY0rS32[0],[argDst], step
ADD pTwiddleTmp,argTwiddle,#4 @ W^2
VST1 dY0iS32[0],[argDst]!
ADD argTwiddle,argTwiddle,twStep @ W^1
VDUP dzero,zero
SUB argDst,argDst,step
BEQ lastElement
SUB step,step,#12
SUB step1,step1,#4 @ (N/4-1)*8 bytes
@ F(k) = 1/2[Z(k) + Z'(N/2-k)] -j*W^(k) [Z(k) - Z'(N/2-k)]
VLD1 dW0rS32[0], [argTwiddle],step1
VLD1 dW1rS32[0],[argTwiddle]!
VLD2 {dX0r[0],dX0i[0]},[pSrc]!
VLD2 {dX0r[1],dX0i[1]},[pSrc],step
SUB pSrc,pSrc,#4
SUB argTwiddle,argTwiddle,step1
VLD2 {dX1r[0],dX1i[0]},[pSrc]!
VLD2 {dX1r[1],dX1i[1]},[pSrc]!
SUB step1,step1,#4 @ (N/4-2)*4 bytes
VLD1 dW0iS32[0],[pTwiddleTmp],step1
VLD1 dW1iS32[0],[pTwiddleTmp]!
SUB pSrc,pSrc,step
SUB pTwiddleTmp,pTwiddleTmp,step1
VREV32 dX1r,dX1r
VREV32 dX1i,dX1i
SUBS subFFTSize,subFFTSize,#4
VSUB dT2,dX0r,dX1r @ a-c
SUB step1,step1,#4
VADD dT3,dX0i,dX1i @ b+d
VADD dT0,dX0r,dX1r @ a+c
VSUB dT1,dX0i,dX1i @ b-d
VHADD dT0,dT0,dzero
VHADD dT1,dT1,dzero
VTRN dW1r,dW1i
VTRN dW0r,dW0i
VMULL qT0,dW1r,dT2
VMLAL qT0,dW1i,dT3
VMULL qT1,dW1r,dT3
VMLSL qT1,dW1i,dT2
VMULL qT2,dW0r,dT2
VMLSL qT2,dW0i,dT3
VMULL qT3,dW0r,dT3
VMLAL qT3,dW0i,dT2
VRSHRN dX1r,qT0,#16
VRSHRN dX1i,qT1,#16
VSUB dY1r,dT0,dX1i @ F(N/2 -1)
VADD dY1i,dT1,dX1r
VNEG dY1i,dY1i
VREV32 dY1r,dY1r
VREV32 dY1i,dY1i
VRSHRN dX0r,qT2,#16
VRSHRN dX0i,qT3,#16
VSUB dY0r,dT0,dX0i @ F(1)
VADD dY0i,dT1,dX0r
VST2 {dY0r[0],dY0i[0]},[argDst]!
VST2 {dY0r[1],dY0i[1]},[argDst],step
SUB argDst, #4
VST2 {dY1r[0],dY1i[0]},[argDst]!
VST2 {dY1r[1],dY1i[1]},[argDst]!
SUB argDst,argDst,step
SUB pSrc,pSrc,#4 @ points to the last element.
SUB argDst,argDst,#4 @ points to the last element.
@ Last element can be expanded as follows
@ 1/2[Z(k) + Z'(k)] + j w^k [Z(k) - Z'(k)]
@ 1/2[(a+jb) + (a-jb)] + j w^k [(a+jb) - (a-jb)]
@ 1/2[2a+j0] + j (c+jd) [0+j2b]
@ (a-bc, -bd)
@ Since (c,d) = (0,1) for the last element, result is just (a,-b)
VLD1 dX0rS32[0],[pSrc]
VST1 dX0r[0],[argDst]!
VNEG dX0r,dX0r
VST1 dX0r[1],[argDst]!
@ Set return value
MOV result, #OMX_Sts_NoErr
@ Write function tail