blob: e53fe596038cd36107262091561a9361172a0fc6 [file] [log] [blame]
@// Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
@// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
@// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
@// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
@// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
@// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
@// This is a modification of armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_unsafe_s.S
@// to support float instead of SC32.
@// Description:
@// Compute a Radix 4 FFT stage for a N point complex signal
@// Include standard headers
#include "dl/api/arm/armCOMM_s.h"
#include "dl/api/arm/omxtypes_s.h"
@// Import symbols required from other files
@// (For example tables)
@// Set debugging level
@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
@// IF ARM1136JS
@//Input Registers
#define pSrc r0
#define pDst r2
#define pTwiddle r1
#define subFFTNum r6
#define subFFTSize r7
@//Output Registers
@//Local Scratch Registers
#define grpCount r12
#define step r12 /*@// Reuse grpCount*/
#define outPointStep r3
#define setCount r8
#define diff r9
#define pointStep r14
#define t1 r3 /*@// Reuse outPointStep*/
@// Real and Imaginary parts used in the inner grp loop
#define x0r s0
#define x0i s1
#define x1r s2
#define x1i s3
#define x2r s4
#define x2i s5
#define x3r s6
#define x3i s7
@// Temporary reg to hold the twiddle multiplies
#define t0r s8
#define t0i s9
#define t2r s10
#define t2i s11
#define sr s12
#define si s13
.macro FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse , name
@// Define stack arguments
@// Update grpCount and grpSize rightaway inorder to reuse
@// pGrpCount and pGrpSize regs
LSL grpCount,subFFTSize,#2
lsr subFFTNum, subFFTNum, #2
mov subFFTSize, grpCount
@// pT0+1 increments pT0 by 8 bytes
@// pT0+pointStep = increment of 8*pointStep bytes = 2*grpSize bytes
mov pointStep, subFFTNum, lsl #1
@// pOut0+1 increments pOut0 by 8 bytes
@// pOut0+outPointStep == increment of 8*outPointStep bytes = 2*size
@// bytes
@// Use setCount as dummy. It's set correctly below.
smull outPointStep, setCount, grpCount, pointStep
LSL pointStep,pointStep,#2 @// 2*grpSize
MOV setCount,pointStep,LSR #3
@// Interchange grpLoop and setLoop
MOV step,#0
@// Set pSrc and pDst for the grpLoop
SUB diff,outPointStep,pointStep
@// Save setCount on stack to reuse the reg
ADD pSrc,pSrc,diff,LSL #2 @// pSrc += (grpCount-1)*grpStep
ADD pDst,pDst,diff @// pDst += (grpCount-1)*setCount
ADD step,step,diff @// step += (grpCount-1)*setCount
@// Loop on the grps
@// butterfly loop
add pSrc, pointStep
vldm.f32 pSrc, {x3r, x3i} @// data[1]
add pTwiddle, step
vldm.f32 pTwiddle, {x1r, x1i} @// coef[1]
add pTwiddle, step
vldm.f32 pTwiddle, {x2r, x2i} @// coef[2]
add pSrc, pointStep
vldm.f32 pSrc, {x0r, x0i} @// data[2]
@// do first complex multiply
vmul.f32 t0r, x3r, x1r
vmul.f32 t0i, x3i, x1r
.ifeqs "\inverse", "TRUE"
vmla.f32 t0r, x3i, x1i
vmls.f32 t0i, x3r, x1i
vmov.f32 x1r, t0r
vmov.f32 x1i, t0i
vmls.f32 t0r, x3i, x1i
vmla.f32 t0i, x3r, x1i
vmov.f32 x1r, t0r
vmov.f32 x1i, t0i
add pTwiddle, pTwiddle, step
vldm pTwiddle, {x3r, x3i} @// coef[3]
sub pTwiddle, pTwiddle, step
@// do second complex multiply
vmul.f32 t0r, x0r, x2r
vmul.f32 t0i, x0i, x2r
.ifeqs "\inverse", "TRUE"
vmla.f32 t0r, x0i, x2i
vmls.f32 t0i, x0r, x2i
vmov.f32 x2r, t0r
vmov.f32 x2i, t0i
vmls.f32 t0r, x0i, x2i
vmla.f32 t0i, x0r, x2i
vmov.f32 x2r, t0r
vmov.f32 x2i, t0i
add pSrc, pointStep
vldm pSrc, {x0r, x0i} @// data[3]
sub pSrc, pointStep
SUB pTwiddle,pTwiddle,step,LSL #1 @// reset pTwiddle
SUBS step,step,pointStep @// decrement loop counter
@// do third complex multiply
SUB pSrc,pSrc,pointStep,LSL #1 @// reset pSrc to data[0]
vmul.f32 t0r, x0r, x3r
vmul.f32 t0i, x0i, x3r
.ifeqs "\inverse", "TRUE"
vmla.f32 t0r, x0i, x3i
vmls.f32 t0i, x0r, x3i
vmov.f32 x3r, t0r
vmov.f32 x3i, t0i
vmls.f32 t0r, x0i, x3i
vmla.f32 t0i, x0r, x3i
vmov.f32 x3r, t0r
vmov.f32 x3i, t0i
vldm pSrc, {x0r, x0i} @// data[0]
@// finish first stage of 4 point FFT
vadd.f32 x0r,x0r,x2r @// x0 = x0 + x2 (u0)
vadd.f32 x0i,x0i,x2i
vadd.f32 sr, x2r, x2r
vadd.f32 si, x2i, x2i
vsub.f32 x2r,x0r,sr @// x2 = x0 - x2 (u1)
vsub.f32 x2i,x0i,si
vadd.f32 x1r,x1r,x3r @// x1 = x1/2 + x3/2 (u2/2)
vadd.f32 x1i,x1i,x3i
vadd.f32 sr, x3r, x3r
vadd.f32 si, x3i, x3i
vsub.f32 x3r,x1r,sr @// x3 = x1/2 - x3/2 (u3/2)
vsub.f32 x3i,x1i,si
@// finish second stage of 4 point FFT
@// y0 = u1-u2 since twiddle's are stored as -ve values
vsub.f32 x2r,x2r,x1r
vsub.f32 x2i,x2i,x1i
vadd.f32 sr, x1r, x1r
vadd.f32 si, x1i, x1i
vadd.f32 x1r,x2r,sr @// y2 = u1+u2
vadd.f32 x1i,x2i,si
vstm pDst, {x2r, x2i} @// store y0
vsub.f32 x0r,x0r,x3i @// y3 = u0+ju3
vadd.f32 x0i,x0i,x3r
vadd.f32 sr, x3r, x3r
vadd.f32 si, x3i, x3i
vadd.f32 t2r,x0r,si @// y1 = u0-ju3
vsub.f32 t2i,x0i,sr @// t2 will be same as x2r reg
.ifeqs "\inverse", "TRUE"
add pDst, outPointStep
vstm pDst, {t2r, t2i} @// store y1
add pDst, outPointStep
vstm pDst, {x1r, x1i} @// store y2
add pDst, outPointStep
vstm pDst, {x0r, x0i} @// store y3
sub pDst, outPointStep
add pDst, outPointStep
vstm pDst, {x0r, x0i} @// store y1
add pDst, outPointStep
vstm pDst, {x1r, x1i} @// store y2
add pDst, outPointStep
vstm pDst, {t2r, t2i} @// store y3
sub pDst, outPointStep
SUB pDst,pDst,outPointStep, LSL #1 @// reset pDst
@// update the pDst for the next grp
SUBGE pDst,pDst,pointStep
@// update the pSrc for the next grp
SUBGE pSrc,pSrc,pointStep,LSL #2
BGE grpLoop\name
ADD pSrc,pSrc,#8 @// pSrc += 1; for the next set
ADD pDst,pDst,#8 @// pDst += 1; for the next set
SUBS setCount,setCount,#1 @// decrement loop counter
BGT setLoop\name
@// Reset and Swap pSrc and pDst for the next stage
MOV t1,pDst
SUB pDst,pSrc,subFFTNum,LSL #3
SUB pSrc,t1,subFFTNum,LSL #3
M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe_vfp,r4
M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe_vfp,r4
@// ENDIF @//ARM1136JS
@// Guarding implementation by the processor name