blob: 0edc0769ca4f2c634c6412e971cddd3b1fb96281 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "dl/api/omxtypes.h"
#include "dl/sp/api/omxSP.h"
#include "dl/sp/api/x86SP.h"
#include "dl/sp/src/x86/x86SP_SSE_Math.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
extern OMX_F32* x86SP_F32_radix2_kernel_OutOfPlace(
const OMX_F32 *src,
OMX_F32 *buf1,
OMX_F32 *buf2,
const OMX_F32 *twiddle,
bool forward_fft);
extern OMX_F32* x86SP_F32_radix4_kernel_OutOfPlace_sse(
const OMX_F32 *src,
OMX_F32 *buf1,
OMX_F32 *buf2,
const OMX_F32 *twiddle,
bool forward_fft);
* A two-for-one algorithm is used here to do the real ifft:
* Input X[k], (k = 0, ..., N - 1)
* Output x[n] = IDFT(N, k){X}
* X' is complex conjugate of X
* A[k] = (X[k] + X'[N/2 - k]) / 2
* B[k] = (X[k] - X'[N/2 - k]) / 2 * W[k], (W = exp(j*2*PI*k/N);
* k = 0, ..., N/2 - 1)
* Z[k] = A[k] + j * B[k], (k = 0, ..., N/2 - 1)
* z[n] = IDFT(N/2, k){Z}
* x[2n] = Re(z[n]), (n = 0, ..., N/2 - 1)
* x[2n + 1] = Im(z[n]), (n = 0, ..., N/2 - 1)
* This function is the first permutation of two-for-one IFFT algorithm.
* We move the division by 2 to the last step in the implementation, so:
* A[k] = (X[k] + X'[N/2 - k])
* B[k] = (X[k] - X'[N/2 - k]) * W[k], (k = 0, ..., N/2 - 1)
* Z[k] = (A[k] + j * B[k]) / 2, (k = 0, ..., N/2 - 1)
static void RevbinPermuteInv(const OMX_F32 *in,
OMX_F32 *out,
const OMX_F32 *twiddle,
OMX_INT n) {
OMX_INT i_by_2;
OMX_INT j_by_2;
OMX_INT n_by_2 = n >> 1;
OMX_INT n_by_4 = n >> 2;
OMX_FC32 big_a;
OMX_FC32 big_b;
OMX_FC32 temp;
const OMX_F32 *tw;
for (i = 2, j = n - 2; i < n_by_2; i += 2, j -= 2) {
// A[k] = (X[k] + X'[N/2 - k])
big_a.Re = in[i] + in[j];
big_a.Im = in[i + 1] - in[j + 1];
// temp = (X[k] - X'[N/2 - k])
temp.Re = in[i] - in[j];
temp.Im = in[i + 1] + in[j + 1];
i_by_2 = i >> 1;
j_by_2 = j >> 1;
// W[k]
tw = twiddle + i_by_2;
// B[k] = (X[k] - X'[N/2 - k]) * W[k]
big_b.Re = temp.Re * tw[0] + temp.Im * tw[n];
big_b.Im = temp.Re * tw[n] - temp.Im * tw[0];
// Convert split format to interleaved format.
// Z[k] = (A[k] + j * B[k]) (k = 0, ..., N/2 - 1)
// The scaling of 1/2 will be merged into to the scaling in
// the last step before the output in omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_Sfs.
out[i_by_2] = big_a.Re + big_b.Im;
out[i_by_2 + n_by_2] = big_b.Re + big_a.Im;
out[j_by_2] = big_a.Re - big_b.Im;
out[j_by_2 + n_by_2] = big_b.Re - big_a.Im;
// The n_by_2 complex point
out[n_by_4] = 2.0f * in[n_by_2];
out[n_by_4 + n_by_2] = -2.0f * in[n_by_2 + 1];
// The first complex point
out[0] = in[0] + in[n];
out[n_by_2] = in[0] - in[n];
// Sse version of RevbinPermuteInv function.
static void RevbinPermuteInvSse(const OMX_F32 *in,
OMX_F32 *out,
const OMX_F32 *twiddle,
OMX_INT n) {
OMX_INT n_by_2 = n >> 1;
OMX_INT n_by_4 = n >> 2;
const OMX_F32 *tw;
const OMX_F32 *pi;
const OMX_F32 *pj;
VC v_i;
VC v_j;
VC v_big_a;
VC v_big_b;
VC v_temp;
VC v_tw;
for (i = 0, j = n_by_2 - 3; i < n_by_4; i += 4, j -= 4) {
pi = in + (i << 1);
pj = in + (j << 1);
v_j.real = _mm_set_ps(pj[0], pj[2], pj[4], pj[6]);
v_j.imag = _mm_set_ps(pj[1], pj[3], pj[5], pj[7]);
// A[k] = (X[k] + X'[N/2 - k])
VC_ADD_SUB(&v_big_a, &v_i, &v_j);
// temp = (X[k] - X'[N/2 - k])
VC_SUB_ADD(&v_temp, &v_i, &v_j);
// W[k]
tw = twiddle + i;
VC_LOAD_SPLIT(&v_tw, tw, n);
// B[k] = (X[k] - X'[N/2 - k]) * W[k]
VC_CONJ_MUL(&v_big_b, &v_temp, &v_tw);
// Convert split format to interleaved format.
// Z[k] = (A[k] + j * B[k]) (k = 0, ..., N/2 - 1)
// The scaling of 1/2 will be merged into to the scaling in
// the last step before the output in omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_Sfs.
VC_ADD_X_STORE_SPLIT((out + i), &v_big_a, &v_big_b, n_by_2);
VC_SUB_X_INVERSE_STOREU_SPLIT((out + j), &v_big_a, &v_big_b, n_by_2);
// The n_by_2 complex point
out[n_by_4] = 2.0f * in[n_by_2];
out[n_by_4 + n_by_2] = -2.0f * in[n_by_2 + 1];
// The first complex point
out[0] = in[0] + in[n];
out[n_by_2] = in[0] - in[n];
OMXResult omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_Sfs(const OMX_F32 *pSrc, OMX_F32 *pDst,
const OMXFFTSpec_R_F32 *pFFTSpec) {
OMX_INT n_by_2;
OMX_INT n_by_4;
const OMX_F32 *twiddle;
OMX_F32 *buf;
OMX_F32 *in = (OMX_F32*) pSrc;
const X86FFTSpec_R_FC32 *pFFTStruct = (const X86FFTSpec_R_FC32*) pFFTSpec;
// Input must be 32 byte aligned
if (!pSrc || !pDst || (OMX_INT)pSrc & 31 || (OMX_INT)pDst & 31)
return OMX_Sts_BadArgErr;
n = pFFTStruct->N;
// This is to handle the case of order == 1.
if (n == 2) {
pDst[0] = (pSrc[0] + pSrc[2]) / 2;
pDst[1] = (pSrc[0] - pSrc[2]) / 2;
return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
n_by_2 = n >> 1;
n_by_4 = n >> 2;
buf = pFFTStruct->pBuf1;
twiddle = pFFTStruct->pTwiddle;
if (n < 8)
RevbinPermuteInv(in, buf, twiddle, n);
RevbinPermuteInvSse(in, buf, twiddle, n);
if (n_by_2 < 16) {
buf = x86SP_F32_radix2_kernel_OutOfPlace(
} else {
buf = x86SP_F32_radix4_kernel_OutOfPlace_sse(
// Scale the result by 1/n.
// It contains a scaling factor of 1/2 in
// RevbinPermuteInv/RevbinPermuteInvSse.
OMX_F32 factor = 1.0f / n;
if (n < 8) {
for (i = 0; i < n_by_2; i++) {
pDst[i << 1] = buf[i] * factor;
pDst[(i << 1) + 1] = buf[i + n_by_2] * factor;
} else {
OMX_F32 *base;
OMX_F32 *dst;
VC temp0;
VC temp1;
__m128 mFactor = _mm_load1_ps(&factor);
// Two things are done in this loop:
// 1 Get the result scaled; 2 Change the format from split to interleaved.
for (i = 0; i < n_by_2; i += 4) {
base = buf + i;
dst = pDst + (i << 1);
VC_LOAD_SPLIT(&temp0, base, n_by_2);
VC_MUL_F(&temp1, &temp0, mFactor);
return OMX_Sts_NoErr;