Import FFT routines from webrtc-signal rev r1078 as is

But we removed fft_neon.S and fft_armv7.S, with corresponding updates
to arm_fft.gyp.  Those files have dependencies on webrtc, which we
don't want.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
diff --git a/dl/armCOMM.c b/dl/armCOMM.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1118744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armCOMM.c
@@ -0,0 +1,949 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ *  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+ *  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+ */
+ * 
+ * File Name:  armCOMM.c
+ * OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+ * Revision:   10586
+ * Date:       Wednesday, March 5, 2008
+ * 
+ * (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * 
+ *
+ * Defines Common APIs used across OpenMAX API's
+ */
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+#include "armCOMM.h"
+                /* Miscellaneous Arithmetic operations */
+ * Function: armRoundFloatToS16
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Converts a double precision value into a short int after rounding
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  Value                 Float value to be converted
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * [out] converted value in OMX_S16 format
+ *
+ */
+OMX_S16 armRoundFloatToS16 (OMX_F64 Value)
+    if (Value > 0)
+    {
+        return (OMX_S16)(Value + .5);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return (OMX_S16)(Value - .5);
+    }
+ * Function: armRoundFloatToS32
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Converts a double precision value into a int after rounding
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  Value                 Float value to be converted
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * [out] converted value in OMX_S32 format
+ *
+ */
+OMX_S32 armRoundFloatToS32 (OMX_F64 Value)
+    if (Value > 0)
+    {
+        return (OMX_S32)(Value + .5);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return (OMX_S32)(Value - .5);
+    }
+ * Function: armSatRoundFloatToS16
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Converts a double precision value into a short int after rounding and saturation
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  Value                 Float value to be converted
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * [out] converted value in OMX_S16 format
+ *
+ */
+OMX_S16 armSatRoundFloatToS16 (OMX_F64 Value)
+    if (Value > 0)
+    {
+        Value += 0.5;
+        if(Value > (OMX_S16)OMX_MAX_S16 )
+        {
+            return (OMX_S16)OMX_MAX_S16;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return (OMX_S16)Value;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Value -= 0.5;
+        if(Value < (OMX_S16)OMX_MIN_S16 )
+        {
+            return (OMX_S16)OMX_MIN_S16;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return (OMX_S16)Value;
+        }
+    }
+ * Function: armSatRoundFloatToS32
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Converts a double precision value into a int after rounding and saturation
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  Value                 Float value to be converted
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * [out] converted value in OMX_S32 format
+ *
+ */
+OMX_S32 armSatRoundFloatToS32 (OMX_F64 Value)
+    if (Value > 0)
+    {
+        Value += 0.5;
+        if(Value > (OMX_S32)OMX_MAX_S32 )
+        {
+            return (OMX_S32)OMX_MAX_S32;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return (OMX_S32)Value;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Value -= 0.5;
+        if(Value < (OMX_S32)OMX_MIN_S32 )
+        {
+            return (OMX_S32)OMX_MIN_S32;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return (OMX_S32)Value;
+        }
+    }
+ * Function: armSatRoundFloatToU16
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Converts a double precision value into a unsigned short int after rounding and saturation
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  Value                 Float value to be converted
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * [out] converted value in OMX_U16 format
+ *
+ */
+OMX_U16 armSatRoundFloatToU16 (OMX_F64 Value)
+    Value += 0.5;
+    if(Value > (OMX_U16)OMX_MAX_U16 )
+    {
+        return (OMX_U16)OMX_MAX_U16;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return (OMX_U16)Value;
+    }
+ * Function: armSatRoundFloatToU32
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Converts a double precision value into a unsigned int after rounding and saturation
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  Value                 Float value to be converted
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * [out] converted value in OMX_U32 format
+ *
+ */
+OMX_U32 armSatRoundFloatToU32 (OMX_F64 Value)
+    Value += 0.5;
+    if(Value > (OMX_U32)OMX_MAX_U32 )
+    {
+        return (OMX_U32)OMX_MAX_U32;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return (OMX_U32)Value;
+    }
+ * Function: armRoundFloatToS64
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Converts a double precision value into a 64 bit int after rounding
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  Value                 Float value to be converted
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * [out] converted value in OMX_S64 format
+ *
+ */
+OMX_S64 armRoundFloatToS64 (OMX_F64 Value)
+    if (Value > 0)
+    {
+        return (OMX_S64)(Value + .5);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return (OMX_S64)(Value - .5);
+    }
+ * Function: armSignCheck
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Checks the sign of a variable:
+ * returns 1 if it is Positive
+ * returns 0 if it is 0
+ * returns -1 if it is Negative 
+ *
+ * Remarks:
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]	    var     Variable to be checked
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * OMX_INT --   returns 1 if it is Positive
+ *              returns 0 if it is 0
+ *              returns -1 if it is Negative 
+ */ 
+OMX_INT armSignCheck (
+    OMX_S16 var
+    OMX_INT Sign;
+    if (var < 0)
+    {
+        Sign = -1;
+    }
+    else if ( var > 0)
+    {
+        Sign = 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Sign = 0;
+    }
+    return Sign;
+ * Function: armClip
+ *
+ * Description: Clips the input between MAX and MIN value
+ * 
+ *
+ * Remarks:
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in] Min     lower bound
+ * [in] Max     upper bound
+ * [in] src     variable to the clipped
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * OMX_S32 --   returns clipped value
+ */ 
+OMX_S32 armClip (
+    OMX_INT min,
+    OMX_INT max, 
+    OMX_S32 src 
+    if (src > max)
+    {
+        src = max;
+    }
+    else if (src < min)
+    {
+        src = min;
+    }
+    return src;
+ * Function: armClip_F32
+ *
+ * Description: Clips the input between MAX and MIN value
+ * 
+ *
+ * Remarks:
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in] Min     lower bound
+ * [in] Max     upper bound
+ * [in] src     variable to the clipped
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * OMX_F32 --   returns clipped value
+ */ 
+OMX_F32 armClip_F32 (
+    OMX_F32 min,
+    OMX_F32 max, 
+    OMX_F32 src 
+    if (src > max)
+    {
+        src = max;
+    }
+    else if (src < min)
+    {
+        src = min;
+    }
+    return src;
+ * Function: armShiftSat_F32
+ *
+ * Description: Divides a float value by 2^shift and 
+ * saturates it for unsigned value range for satBits.
+ * Second parameter is like "shifting" the corresponding 
+ * integer value. Takes care of rounding while clipping the final 
+ * value.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in] v          Number to be operated upon
+ * [in] shift      Divides the input "v" by "2^shift"
+ * [in] satBits    Final range is [0, 2^satBits)
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * OMX_S32 --   returns "shifted" saturated value
+ */ 
+OMX_U32 armShiftSat_F32(OMX_F32 v, OMX_INT shift, OMX_INT satBits) 
+    OMX_U32 allOnes = (OMX_U32)(-1);
+    OMX_U32 maxV = allOnes >> (32-satBits);
+    OMX_F32 vShifted, vRounded, shiftDiv = (OMX_F32)(1 << shift);
+    OMX_U32 vInt;
+    OMX_U32 vIntSat;
+    if(v <= 0)
+        return 0;
+    vShifted = v / shiftDiv;
+    vRounded = (OMX_F32)(vShifted + 0.5);
+    vInt = (OMX_U32)vRounded;
+    vIntSat = vInt;
+    if(vIntSat > maxV) 
+        vIntSat = maxV;
+    return vIntSat;
+ * Functions: armSwapElem
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These function swaps two elements at the specified pointer locations.
+ * The size of each element could be anything as specified by <elemSize>
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * OMXResult -- Error status from the function
+ */
+OMXResult armSwapElem(
+        OMX_U8 *pBuf1,
+        OMX_U8 *pBuf2,
+        OMX_INT elemSize
+       )
+    OMX_INT i;
+    OMX_U8 temp;
+    armRetArgErrIf(!pBuf1 || !pBuf2, OMX_Sts_BadArgErr);
+    for(i = 0; i < elemSize; i++)
+    {
+        temp = *(pBuf1 + i);
+        *(pBuf1 + i) = *(pBuf2 + i);
+        *(pBuf2 + i) = temp;
+    }
+    return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+ * Function: armMedianOf3
+ *
+ * Description: Finds the median of three numbers
+ * 
+ * Remarks:
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in] fEntry     First entry
+ * [in] sEntry     second entry
+ * [in] tEntry     Third entry
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * OMX_S32 --   returns the median value
+ */ 
+OMX_S32 armMedianOf3 (
+    OMX_S32 fEntry,
+    OMX_S32 sEntry, 
+    OMX_S32 tEntry 
+    OMX_S32 a, b, c;
+    a = armMin (fEntry, sEntry);
+    b = armMax (fEntry, sEntry);
+    c = armMin (b, tEntry);
+    return (armMax (a, c));
+ * Function: armLogSize
+ *
+ * Description: Finds the size of a positive value and returns the same
+ * 
+ * Remarks:
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in] value    Positive value
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * OMX_U8 --     Returns the minimum number of bits required to represent the positive value. 
+                 This is the smallest k>=0 such that that value is less than (1<<k).
+ */ 
+OMX_U8 armLogSize (
+    OMX_U16 value 
+    OMX_U8 i;    
+    for ( i = 0; value > 0; value = value >> 1) 
+    {
+        i++;
+    }
+    return i;
+                /* Saturating Arithmetic operations */
+ * Function :armSatAdd_S32()
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *   Returns the result of saturated addition of the two inputs Value1, Value2
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] Value1       First Operand
+ * [in] Value2       Second Operand
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation
+ * 
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S32 armSatAdd_S32(OMX_S32 Value1,OMX_S32 Value2)
+    OMX_S32 Result;
+    Result = Value1 + Value2;
+    if( (Value1^Value2) >= 0)
+    {
+        /*Same sign*/
+        if( (Result^Value1) >= 0)
+        {
+            /*Result has not saturated*/
+            return Result;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if(Value1 >= 0)
+            {
+                /*Result has saturated in positive side*/
+                return OMX_MAX_S32;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /*Result has saturated in negative side*/
+                return OMX_MIN_S32;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return Result;
+    }
+ * Function :armSatAdd_S64()
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *   Returns the result of saturated addition of the two inputs Value1, Value2
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] Value1       First Operand
+ * [in] Value2       Second Operand
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation
+ * 
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S64 armSatAdd_S64(OMX_S64 Value1,OMX_S64 Value2)
+    OMX_S64 Result;
+    Result = Value1 + Value2;
+    if( (Value1^Value2) >= 0)
+    {
+        /*Same sign*/
+        if( (Result^Value1) >= 0)
+        {
+            /*Result has not saturated*/
+            return Result;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if(Value1 >= 0)
+            {
+                /*Result has saturated in positive side*/
+                Result = OMX_MAX_S64;
+                return Result;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /*Result has saturated in negative side*/
+                return OMX_MIN_S64;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return Result;
+    }
+/** Function :armSatSub_S32()
+ * 
+ * Description :
+ *     Returns the result of saturated substraction of the two inputs Value1, Value2
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] Value1       First Operand
+ * [in] Value2       Second Operand
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation
+ * 
+ **/
+OMX_S32 armSatSub_S32(OMX_S32 Value1,OMX_S32 Value2)
+    OMX_S32 Result;
+    Result = Value1 - Value2;
+    if( (Value1^Value2) < 0)
+    {
+        /*Opposite sign*/
+        if( (Result^Value1) >= 0)
+        {
+            /*Result has not saturated*/
+            return Result;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if(Value1 >= 0)
+            {
+                /*Result has saturated in positive side*/
+                return OMX_MAX_S32;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /*Result has saturated in negative side*/
+                return OMX_MIN_S32;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return Result;
+    }
+ * Function :armSatMac_S32()
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *     Returns the result of Multiplication of Value1 and Value2 and subesquent saturated
+ *     accumulation with Mac
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] Value1       First Operand
+ * [in] Value2       Second Operand
+ * [in] Mac          Accumulator
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation
+ **/
+OMX_S32 armSatMac_S32(OMX_S32 Mac,OMX_S16 Value1,OMX_S16 Value2)
+    OMX_S32 Result;
+    Result = (OMX_S32)(Value1*Value2);
+    Result = armSatAdd_S32( Mac , Result );
+    return Result;    
+ * Function :armSatMac_S16S32_S32
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *   Returns the result of saturated MAC operation of the three inputs delayElem, filTap , mac
+ *
+ *   mac = mac + Saturate_in_32Bits(delayElem * filTap)
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] delayElem    First 32 bit Operand
+ * [in] filTap       Second 16 bit Operand
+ * [in] mac          Result of MAC operation
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]  mac        Result of operation
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S32 armSatMac_S16S32_S32(OMX_S32 mac, OMX_S32 delayElem, OMX_S16 filTap )
+    OMX_S32 result;
+    result = armSatMulS16S32_S32(filTap,delayElem); 
+    if ( result > OMX_MAX_S16 )
+    {
+        result = OMX_MAX_S32;
+    }
+    else if( result < OMX_MIN_S16 )
+    {
+        result = OMX_MIN_S32;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        result = delayElem * filTap;
+    }
+    mac = armSatAdd_S32(mac,result);
+    return mac;
+ * Function :armSatRoundRightShift_S32_S16
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *   Returns the result of rounded right shift operation of input by the scalefactor
+ *
+ *   output = Saturate_in_16Bits( ( Right/LeftShift( (Round(input) , shift ) )
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] input       The input to be operated on
+ * [in] shift The shift number
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]            Result of operation
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S16 armSatRoundRightShift_S32_S16(OMX_S32 input, OMX_INT shift)
+    input = armSatRoundLeftShift_S32(input,-shift);
+    if ( input > OMX_MAX_S16 )
+    {
+        return (OMX_S16)OMX_MAX_S16;
+    }
+    else if (input < OMX_MIN_S16)
+    {
+        return (OMX_S16)OMX_MIN_S16;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       return (OMX_S16)input;
+    }
+ * Function :armSatRoundLeftShift_S32()
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *     Returns the result of saturating left-shift operation on input
+ *     Or rounded Right shift if the input Shift is negative.
+ *     
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] Value        Operand
+ * [in] Shift        Operand for shift operation
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S32 armSatRoundLeftShift_S32(OMX_S32 Value, OMX_INT Shift)
+    OMX_INT i;
+    if (Shift < 0)
+    {
+        Shift = -Shift;
+        Value = armSatAdd_S32(Value, (1 << (Shift - 1)));
+        Value = Value >> Shift;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < Shift; i++)
+        {
+            Value = armSatAdd_S32(Value, Value);
+        }
+    }
+    return Value;
+ * Function :armSatRoundLeftShift_S64()
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *     Returns the result of saturating left-shift operation on input
+ *     Or rounded Right shift if the input Shift is negative.
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] Value        Operand
+ * [in] shift        Operand for shift operation
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S64 armSatRoundLeftShift_S64(OMX_S64 Value, OMX_INT Shift)
+    OMX_INT i;
+    if (Shift < 0)
+    {
+        Shift = -Shift;
+        Value = armSatAdd_S64(Value, ((OMX_S64)1 << (Shift - 1)));
+        Value = Value >> Shift;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < Shift; i++)
+        {
+            Value = armSatAdd_S64(Value, Value);
+        }
+    }
+    return Value;
+ * Function :armSatMulS16S32_S32()
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *     Returns the result of a S16 data type multiplied with an S32 data type
+ *     in a S32 container
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] input1       Operand 1
+ * [in] input2       Operand 2
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S32 armSatMulS16S32_S32(OMX_S16 input1,OMX_S32 input2)
+    OMX_S16 hi2,lo1;
+    OMX_U16 lo2;
+    OMX_S32 temp1,temp2;
+    OMX_S32 result;
+    lo1  = input1;
+    hi2  = ( input2 >>  16 );
+    lo2  = ( (OMX_U32)( input2 << 16 ) >> 16 );
+    temp1 = hi2 * lo1;
+    temp2 = ( lo2* lo1 ) >> 16;
+    result =  armSatAdd_S32(temp1,temp2);
+    return result;
+ * Function :armSatMulS32S32_S32()
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *     Returns the result of a S32 data type multiplied with an S32 data type
+ *     in a S32 container
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] input1       Operand 1
+ * [in] input2       Operand 2
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S32 armSatMulS32S32_S32(OMX_S32 input1,OMX_S32 input2)
+    OMX_S16 hi1,hi2;
+    OMX_U16 lo1,lo2;
+    OMX_S32 temp1,temp2,temp3;
+    OMX_S32 result;
+    hi1  = ( input1 >>  16 );
+    lo1  = ( (OMX_U32)( input1 << 16 ) >> 16 );
+    hi2  = ( input2 >>  16 );
+    lo2  = ( (OMX_U32)( input2 << 16 ) >> 16 );
+    temp1 =   hi1 * hi2;
+    temp2 = ( hi1* lo2 ) >> 16;
+    temp3 = ( hi2* lo1 ) >> 16;
+    result = armSatAdd_S32(temp1,temp2);
+    result = armSatAdd_S32(result,temp3);
+    return result;
+ * Function :armIntDivAwayFromZero()
+ *
+ * Description : Integer division with rounding to the nearest integer. 
+ *               Half-integer values are rounded away from zero
+ *               unless otherwise specified. For example 3//2 is rounded 
+ *               to 2, and -3//2 is rounded to -2.
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] Num        Operand 1
+ * [in] Deno       Operand 2
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation input1//input2
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S32 armIntDivAwayFromZero (OMX_S32 Num, OMX_S32 Deno)
+    OMX_F64 result;
+    result = ((OMX_F64)Num)/((OMX_F64)Deno);
+    if (result >= 0)
+    {
+        result += 0.5;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        result -= 0.5;
+    }
+    return (OMX_S32)(result);
+/*End of File*/
diff --git a/dl/armCOMM.h b/dl/armCOMM.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de46c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armCOMM.h
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ *  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+ *  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+ */
+ * 
+ * File Name:  armCOMM.h
+ * OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+ * Last Modified Revision:   15331
+ * Last Modified Date:       Fri, 24 Oct 2008
+ * 
+ * (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * 
+ *   
+ * File: armCOMM.h
+ * Brief: Declares Common APIs/Data Types used across OpenMAX API's
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _armCOMM_H_
+#define _armCOMM_H_
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+/* Used by both IP and IC domains for 8x8 JPEG blocks. */
+typedef OMX_S16 ARM_BLOCK8x8[64];
+#include "armOMX.h"
+#define  armPI (OMX_F64)(3.1415926535897932384626433832795)
+/* Compiler extensions */
+#ifdef ARM_DEBUG
+/* debug version */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define armError(str) {printf((str)); printf("\n"); exit(-1);}
+#define armWarn(str) {printf((str)); printf("\n");}
+#define armIgnore(a) ((void)a)
+#define armAssert(a) assert(a)
+/* release version */
+#define armError(str) ((void) (str))
+#define armWarn(str)  ((void) (str))
+#define armIgnore(a)  ((void) (a))
+#define armAssert(a)  ((void) (a))
+#endif /* ARM_DEBUG */
+/* Arithmetic operations */
+#define armMin(a,b)             ( (a) > (b) ?  (b):(a) )
+#define armMax(a,b)             ( (a) > (b) ?  (a):(b) )
+#define armAbs(a)               ( (a) <  0  ? -(a):(a) )
+/* Alignment operation */
+#define armAlignToBytes(Ptr,N)      (Ptr + ( ((N-(int)Ptr)&(N-1)) / sizeof(*Ptr) ))
+#define armAlignTo2Bytes(Ptr)       armAlignToBytes(Ptr,2)
+#define armAlignTo4Bytes(Ptr)       armAlignToBytes(Ptr,4)
+#define armAlignTo8Bytes(Ptr)       armAlignToBytes(Ptr,8)
+#define armAlignTo16Bytes(Ptr)      armAlignToBytes(Ptr,16)
+/* Error and Alignment check */
+#define armRetArgErrIf(condition, code)  if(condition) { return (code); }
+#define armRetDataErrIf(condition, code) if(condition) { return (code); }
+#define armIsByteAligned(Ptr,N)     ((((int)(Ptr)) % N)==0)
+#define armNotByteAligned(Ptr,N)    ((((int)(Ptr)) % N)!=0)
+#define armIs2ByteAligned(Ptr)      armIsByteAligned(Ptr,2)
+#define armIs4ByteAligned(Ptr)      armIsByteAligned(Ptr,4)
+#define armIs8ByteAligned(Ptr)      armIsByteAligned(Ptr,8)
+#define armIs16ByteAligned(Ptr)     armIsByteAligned(Ptr,16)
+#define armNot2ByteAligned(Ptr)     armNotByteAligned(Ptr,2)
+#define armNot4ByteAligned(Ptr)     armNotByteAligned(Ptr,4)
+#define armNot8ByteAligned(Ptr)     armNotByteAligned(Ptr,8)
+#define armNot16ByteAligned(Ptr)    armNotByteAligned(Ptr,16)
+#define armNot32ByteAligned(Ptr)    armNotByteAligned(Ptr,32)
+ * Function: armRoundFloatToS16_ref/armRoundFloatToS32_ref/armRoundFloatToS64
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Converts a double precision value into a short int/int after rounding
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  Value                 Float value to be converted
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * [out] converted value in OMX_S16/OMX_S32 format
+ *
+ */
+OMX_S16 armRoundFloatToS16 (OMX_F64 Value);
+OMX_S32 armRoundFloatToS32 (OMX_F64 Value);
+OMX_S64 armRoundFloatToS64 (OMX_F64 Value);
+ * Function: armSatRoundFloatToS16_ref/armSatRoundFloatToS32
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Converts a double precision value into a short int/int after rounding and saturation
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  Value                 Float value to be converted
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * [out] converted value in OMX_S16/OMX_S32 format
+ *
+ */
+OMX_S16 armSatRoundFloatToS16 (OMX_F64 Value);
+OMX_S32 armSatRoundFloatToS32 (OMX_F64 Value);
+ * Function: armSatRoundFloatToU16_ref/armSatRoundFloatToU32
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Converts a double precision value into a unsigned short int/int after rounding and saturation
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  Value                 Float value to be converted
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * [out] converted value in OMX_U16/OMX_U32 format
+ *
+ */
+OMX_U16 armSatRoundFloatToU16 (OMX_F64 Value);
+OMX_U32 armSatRoundFloatToU32 (OMX_F64 Value);
+ * Function: armSignCheck
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Checks the sign of a variable:
+ * returns 1 if it is Positive
+ * returns 0 if it is 0
+ * returns -1 if it is Negative 
+ *
+ * Remarks:
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]	    var     Variable to be checked
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * OMX_INT --   returns 1 if it is Positive
+ *              returns 0 if it is 0
+ *              returns -1 if it is Negative 
+ */ 
+OMX_INT armSignCheck (OMX_S16 var);
+ * Function: armClip
+ *
+ * Description: Clips the input between MAX and MIN value
+ * 
+ *
+ * Remarks:
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in] Min     lower bound
+ * [in] Max     upper bound
+ * [in] src     variable to the clipped
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * OMX_S32 --   returns clipped value
+ */ 
+OMX_S32 armClip (
+        OMX_INT min,
+        OMX_INT max, 
+        OMX_S32 src
+        );
+ * Function: armClip_F32
+ *
+ * Description: Clips the input between MAX and MIN value
+ * 
+ *
+ * Remarks:
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in] Min     lower bound
+ * [in] Max     upper bound
+ * [in] src     variable to the clipped
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * OMX_F32 --   returns clipped value
+ */ 
+OMX_F32 armClip_F32 (
+        OMX_F32 min,
+        OMX_F32 max, 
+        OMX_F32 src
+        );
+ * Function: armShiftSat_F32
+ *
+ * Description: Divides a float value by 2^shift and 
+ * saturates it for unsigned value range for satBits.
+ * Second parameter is like "shifting" the corresponding 
+ * integer value. Takes care of rounding while clipping the final 
+ * value.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in] v          Number to be operated upon
+ * [in] shift      Divides the input "v" by "2^shift"
+ * [in] satBits    Final range is [0, 2^satBits)
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * OMX_S32 --   returns "shifted" saturated value
+ */ 
+OMX_U32 armShiftSat_F32(
+        OMX_F32 v, 
+        OMX_INT shift, 
+        OMX_INT satBits
+        );
+ * Functions: armSwapElem
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * This function swaps two elements at the specified pointer locations.
+ * The size of each element could be anything as specified by <elemSize>
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * OMXResult -- Error status from the function
+ */
+OMXResult armSwapElem(OMX_U8 *pBuf1, OMX_U8 *pBuf2, OMX_INT elemSize);
+ * Function: armMedianOf3
+ *
+ * Description: Finds the median of three numbers
+ * 
+ * Remarks:
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in] fEntry     First entry
+ * [in] sEntry     second entry
+ * [in] tEntry     Third entry
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * OMX_S32 --   returns the median value
+ */ 
+OMX_S32 armMedianOf3 (
+    OMX_S32 fEntry,
+    OMX_S32 sEntry, 
+    OMX_S32 tEntry 
+    );
+ * Function: armLogSize
+ *
+ * Description: Finds the size of a positive value and returns the same
+ * 
+ * Remarks:
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in] value    Positive value
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * OMX_U8 --   returns the size of the positive value
+ */ 
+OMX_U8 armLogSize (
+    OMX_U16 value 
+    );    
+                /* Saturating Arithmetic operations */
+ * Function :armSatAdd_S32()
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *   Returns the result of saturated addition of the two inputs Value1, Value2
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] Value1       First Operand
+ * [in] Value2       Second Operand
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation
+ * 
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S32 armSatAdd_S32(
+                OMX_S32 Value1,
+                OMX_S32 Value2
+                );
+ * Function :armSatAdd_S64()
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *   Returns the result of saturated addition of the two inputs Value1, Value2
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] Value1       First Operand
+ * [in] Value2       Second Operand
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation
+ * 
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S64 armSatAdd_S64(
+                OMX_S64 Value1,
+                OMX_S64 Value2
+                );
+/** Function :armSatSub_S32()
+ * 
+ * Description :
+ *     Returns the result of saturated substraction of the two inputs Value1, Value2
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] Value1       First Operand
+ * [in] Value2       Second Operand
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation
+ * 
+ **/
+OMX_S32 armSatSub_S32(
+                    OMX_S32 Value1,
+                    OMX_S32 Value2
+                    );
+ * Function :armSatMac_S32()
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *     Returns the result of Multiplication of Value1 and Value2 and subesquent saturated
+ *     accumulation with Mac
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] Value1       First Operand
+ * [in] Value2       Second Operand
+ * [in] Mac          Accumulator
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation
+ **/
+OMX_S32 armSatMac_S32(
+                    OMX_S32 Mac,
+                    OMX_S16 Value1,
+                    OMX_S16 Value2
+                    );
+ * Function :armSatMac_S16S32_S32
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *   Returns the result of saturated MAC operation of the three inputs delayElem, filTap , mac
+ *
+ *   mac = mac + Saturate_in_32Bits(delayElem * filTap)
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] delayElem    First 32 bit Operand
+ * [in] filTap       Second 16 bit Operand
+ * [in] mac          Result of MAC operation
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]  mac        Result of operation
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S32 armSatMac_S16S32_S32(
+                        OMX_S32 mac, 
+                        OMX_S32 delayElem, 
+                        OMX_S16 filTap );
+ * Function :armSatRoundRightShift_S32_S16
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *   Returns the result of rounded right shift operation of input by the scalefactor
+ *
+ *   output = Saturate_in_16Bits( ( RightShift( (Round(input) , scaleFactor ) )
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] input       The input to be operated on
+ * [in] scaleFactor The shift number
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]            Result of operation
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S16 armSatRoundRightShift_S32_S16(
+                        OMX_S32 input, 
+                        OMX_INT scaleFactor);
+ * Function :armSatRoundLeftShift_S32()
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *     Returns the result of saturating left-shift operation on input
+ *     Or rounded Right shift if the input Shift is negative.
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] Value        Operand
+ * [in] shift        Operand for shift operation
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S32 armSatRoundLeftShift_S32(
+                        OMX_S32 Value,
+                        OMX_INT shift
+                        );
+ * Function :armSatRoundLeftShift_S64()
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *     Returns the result of saturating left-shift operation on input
+ *     Or rounded Right shift if the input Shift is negative.
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] Value        Operand
+ * [in] shift        Operand for shift operation
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S64 armSatRoundLeftShift_S64(
+                        OMX_S64 Value,
+                        OMX_INT shift
+                        );
+ * Function :armSatMulS16S32_S32()
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *     Returns the result of a S16 data type multiplied with an S32 data type
+ *     in a S32 container
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] input1       Operand 1
+ * [in] input2       Operand 2
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S32 armSatMulS16S32_S32(
+                    OMX_S16 input1,
+                    OMX_S32 input2);
+ * Function :armSatMulS32S32_S32()
+ *
+ * Description :
+ *     Returns the result of a S32 data type multiplied with an S32 data type
+ *     in a S32 container
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] input1       Operand 1
+ * [in] input2       Operand 2
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S32 armSatMulS32S32_S32(
+                    OMX_S32 input1,
+                    OMX_S32 input2);
+ * Function :armIntDivAwayFromZero()
+ *
+ * Description : Integer division with rounding to the nearest integer. 
+ *               Half-integer values are rounded away from zero
+ *               unless otherwise specified. For example 3/2 is rounded 
+ *               to 2, and -3/2 is rounded to -2.
+ *
+ * Parametrs:
+ * [in] Num        Operand 1
+ * [in] Deno       Operand 2
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * [out]             Result of operation input1/input2
+ *    
+ **/
+OMX_S32 armIntDivAwayFromZero (OMX_S32 Num, OMX_S32 Deno);
+ * Debugging macros
+ *
+ */
+ * Definition of output stream - change to stderr if necessary
+ */
+#define DEBUG_STREAM stdout
+ * Debug printf macros, one for each argument count.
+ * Add more if needed.
+ */
+#ifdef DEBUG_ON
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_0(a)                                               fprintf(DEBUG_STREAM, a)
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_1(a, b)                                            fprintf(DEBUG_STREAM, a, b)
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_2(a, b, c)                                         fprintf(DEBUG_STREAM, a, b, c)
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_3(a, b, c, d)                                      fprintf(DEBUG_STREAM, a, b, c, d)
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_4(a, b, c, d, e)                                   fprintf(DEBUG_STREAM, a, b, c, d, e)
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_5(a, b, c, d, e, f)                                fprintf(DEBUG_STREAM, a, b, c, d, e, f)
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_6(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)                             fprintf(DEBUG_STREAM, a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_7(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)                          fprintf(DEBUG_STREAM, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_8(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)                       fprintf(DEBUG_STREAM, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_9(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j)                    fprintf(DEBUG_STREAM, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j)
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_10(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k)                fprintf(DEBUG_STREAM, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k)
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_11(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l)             fprintf(DEBUG_STREAM, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l)
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_12(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m)          fprintf(DEBUG_STREAM, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m)
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_13(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n)       fprintf(DEBUG_STREAM, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n)
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_14(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o)    fprintf(DEBUG_STREAM, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o)
+#else /* DEBUG_ON */
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_0(a)                                  
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_1(a, b)                               
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_2(a, b, c)                            
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_3(a, b, c, d)                         
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_4(a, b, c, d, e)                      
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_5(a, b, c, d, e, f)                   
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_6(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)                
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_7(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)             
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_8(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)          
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_9(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j)       
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_10(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k)    
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_11(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l)             
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_12(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m)          
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_13(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n)      
+#define DEBUG_PRINTF_14(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o)   
+#endif /* DEBUG_ON */
+ * Domain and sub domain definitions
+ *
+ * In order to turn on debug for an entire domain or sub-domain
+ * at compile time, one of the DEBUG_DOMAIN_* below may be defined,
+ * which will activate debug in all of the defines it contains.
+ */
+#endif /* DEBUG_DOMAIN_AC */
+#define DEBUG_OMXVCM4P10_SAD_16X
+#define DEBUG_OMXVCM4P10_SAD_4X
+#define DEBUG_OMXVCM4P10_SAD_8X
+#define DEBUG_OMXVCM4P10_SATD_4X4
+#endif /* DEBUG_DOMAIN_VC */
+/* To be filled in */
+#endif /* DEBUG_DOMAIN_IC */
+#endif /* DEBUG_DOMAIN_SP */
+#endif /* DEBUG_DOMAIN_IP */
+#endif /* _armCOMM_H_ */
+/*End of File*/
diff --git a/dl/armCOMM_s.h b/dl/armCOMM_s.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3020894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armCOMM_s.h
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+@// -*- Mode: asm; -*-
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+@//  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+@// File Name:  armCOMM_s.h
+@// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+@// Last Modified Revision:   13871
+@// Last Modified Date:       Fri, 09 May 2008
+@// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+@// ARM optimized OpenMAX common header file
+	.set	_RBytes, 0	@ Number of register bytes on stack
+	.set	_SBytes, 0	@ Number of scratch bytes on stack
+	.set	_Workspace, 0	@ Stack offset of scratch workspace
+	.set	_RRegList, 0	@ R saved register list (last register number)
+	.set	_DRegList, 0	@ D saved register list (last register number)
+        @// Work out a list of R saved registers, and how much stack space is needed.
+	@// gas doesn't support setting a variable to a string, so we set _RRegList to 
+	@// the register number.
+	.macro	_M_GETRREGLIST	rreg
+	.ifeqs "\rreg", ""
+	@ Nothing needs to be saved
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	@ If rreg is lr or r4, save lr and r4
+	.ifeqs "\rreg", "lr"
+	.set	_RRegList, 4
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 8
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.ifeqs "\rreg", "r4"
+	.set	_RRegList, 4
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 8
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	@ If rreg = r5 or r6, save up to register r6
+	.ifeqs "\rreg", "r5"
+	.set	_RRegList, 6
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 16
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.ifeqs "\rreg", "r6"
+	.set	_RRegList, 6
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 16
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	@ If rreg = r7 or r8, save up to register r8
+	.ifeqs "\rreg", "r7"
+	.set	_RRegList, 8
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 24
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.ifeqs "\rreg", "r8"
+	.set	_RRegList, 8
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 24
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	@ If rreg = r9 or r10, save up to register r10
+	.ifeqs "\rreg", "r9"
+	.set	_RRegList, 10
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 32
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.ifeqs "\rreg", "r10"
+	.set	_RRegList, 10
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 32
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	@ If rreg = r11 or r12, save up to register r12
+	.ifeqs "\rreg", "r11"
+	.set	_RRegList, 12
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 40
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.ifeqs "\rreg", "r12"
+	.set	_RRegList, 12
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 40
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.warning "Unrecognized saved r register limit: \rreg"
+	.endm
+	@ Work out list of D saved registers, like for R registers.
+	.macro	_M_GETDREGLIST dreg
+	.ifeqs "\dreg", ""
+	.set	_DRegList, 0
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.ifeqs "\dreg", "d8"
+	.set	_DRegList, 8
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 8
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.ifeqs "\dreg", "d9"
+	.set	_DRegList, 9
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 16
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.ifeqs "\dreg", "d10"
+	.set	_DRegList, 10
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 24
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.ifeqs "\dreg", "d11"
+	.set	_DRegList, 11
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 32
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.ifeqs "\dreg", "d12"
+	.set	_DRegList, 12
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 40
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.ifeqs "\dreg", "d13"
+	.set	_DRegList, 13
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 48
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.ifeqs "\dreg", "d14"
+	.set	_DRegList, 14
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 56
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.ifeqs "\dreg", "d15"
+	.set	_DRegList, 15
+	.set	_RBytes, _RBytes + 64
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.warning "Unrecognized saved d register limit: \rreg"
+	.endm
+@// Function header and footer macros
+        @ Function Header Macro    
+        @ Generates the function prologue
+        @ Note that functions should all be "stack-moves-once"
+        @ The FNSTART and FNEND macros should be the only places
+        @ where the stack moves.
+        @    
+        @  name  = function name
+        @  rreg  = ""   don't stack any registers
+        @          "lr" stack "lr" only
+        @          "rN" stack registers "r4-rN,lr"
+        @  dreg  = ""   don't stack any D registers
+        @          "dN" stack registers "d8-dN"
+        @
+        @ Note: ARM Archicture procedure call standard AAPCS
+        @ states that r4-r11, sp, d8-d15 must be preserved by
+        @ a compliant function.
+	.macro	M_START name, rreg, dreg
+	.set	_RBytes, 0
+	.set	_Workspace, 0
+	@ Define the function and make it external.
+	.global	\name
+	.func	\name
+	.section	.text.\name,"ax",%progbits
+	.align	2
+\name :		
+	@ Save specified R registers
+	@ Save specified D registers
+        _M_GETDREGLIST  \dreg
+	@ Ensure size claimed on stack is 8-byte aligned
+	.if (_SBytes & 7) != 0
+	.set	_SBytes, _SBytes + (8 - (_SBytes & 7))
+	.endif
+	.if _SBytes != 0
+		sub	sp, sp, #_SBytes
+	.endif	
+	.endm
+        @ Function Footer Macro        
+        @ Generates the function epilogue
+	.macro M_END
+	@ Restore the stack pointer to its original value on function entry
+	.if _SBytes != 0
+		add	sp, sp, #_SBytes
+	.endif
+	@ Restore any saved R or D registers.
+	_M_RET
+	.fnend	
+	.endfunc
+        @ Reset the global stack tracking variables back to their
+	@ initial values.
+	.set _SBytes, 0
+	.endm
+	@// Based on the value of _DRegList, push the specified set of registers 
+	@// to the stack.  Is there a better way?
+	.macro _M_PUSH_DREG
+	.if _DRegList == 8
+		vpush	{d8}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _DRegList == 9
+		vpush	{d8-d9}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _DRegList == 10
+		vpush	{d8-d10}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _DRegList == 11
+		vpush	{d8-d11}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _DRegList == 12
+		vpush	{d8-d12}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _DRegList == 13
+		vpush	{d8-d13}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _DRegList == 14
+		vpush	{d8-d14}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _DRegList == 15
+		vpush	{d8-d15}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.endm
+	@// Based on the value of _RRegList, push the specified set of registers 
+	@// to the stack.  Is there a better way?
+	.macro _M_PUSH_RREG
+	.if _RRegList == 4
+		stmfd	sp!, {r4, lr}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _RRegList == 6
+		stmfd	sp!, {r4-r6, lr}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _RRegList == 8
+		stmfd	sp!, {r4-r8, lr}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _RRegList == 10
+		stmfd	sp!, {r4-r10, lr}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _RRegList == 12
+		stmfd	sp!, {r4-r12, lr}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.endm
+	@// The opposite of _M_PUSH_DREG
+	.macro  _M_POP_DREG
+	.if _DRegList == 8
+		vpop	{d8}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _DRegList == 9
+		vpop	{d8-d9}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _DRegList == 10
+		vpop	{d8-d10}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _DRegList == 11
+		vpop	{d8-d11}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _DRegList == 12
+		vpop	{d8-d12}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _DRegList == 13
+		vpop	{d8-d13}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _DRegList == 14
+		vpop	{d8-d14}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _DRegList == 15
+		vpop	{d8-d15}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.endm
+	@// The opposite of _M_PUSH_RREG
+	.macro _M_POP_RREG cc
+	.if _RRegList == 0
+		bx\cc lr
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _RRegList == 4
+		ldm\cc\()fd	sp!, {r4, pc}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _RRegList == 6
+		ldm\cc\()fd	sp!, {r4-r6, pc}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _RRegList == 8
+		ldm\cc\()fd	sp!, {r4-r8, pc}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _RRegList == 10
+		ldm\cc\()fd	sp!, {r4-r10, pc}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.if _RRegList == 12
+		ldm\cc\()fd	sp!, {r4-r12, pc}
+	.exitm
+	.endif
+	.endm
+        @ Produce function return instructions
+	.macro	_M_RET cc
+	_M_POP_DREG \cc
+	_M_POP_RREG \cc
+	.endm	
+        @// Allocate 4-byte aligned area of name
+        @// |name| and size |size| bytes.
+	.macro	M_ALLOC4 name, size
+	.if	(_SBytes & 3) != 0
+	.set	_SBytes, _SBytes + (4 - (_SBytes & 3))
+	.endif
+	.set	\name\()_F, _SBytes
+	.set	_SBytes, _SBytes + \size
+	.endm
+        @ Load word from stack
+	.macro M_LDR r, a0, a1, a2, a3
+	_M_DATA "ldr", 4, \r, \a0, \a1, \a2, \a3
+	.endm
+        @ Store word to stack
+	.macro M_STR r, a0, a1, a2, a3
+	_M_DATA "str", 4, \r, \a0, \a1, \a2, \a3
+	.endm
+        @ Macro to perform a data access operation
+        @ Such as LDR or STR
+        @ The addressing mode is modified such that
+        @ 1. If no address is given then the name is taken
+        @    as a stack offset
+        @ 2. If the addressing mode is not available for the
+        @    state being assembled for (eg Thumb) then a suitable
+        @    addressing mode is substituted.
+        @
+        @ On Entry:
+        @ $i = Instruction to perform (eg "LDRB")
+        @ $a = Required byte alignment
+        @ $r = Register(s) to transfer (eg "r1")
+        @ $a0,$a1,$a2. Addressing mode and condition. One of:
+        @     label {,cc}
+        @     [base]                    {,,,cc}
+        @     [base, offset]{!}         {,,cc}
+        @     [base, offset, shift]{!}  {,cc}
+        @     [base], offset            {,,cc}
+        @     [base], offset, shift     {,cc}
+	@
+	@ WARNING: Most of the above are not supported, except the first case.
+	.macro _M_DATA i, a, r, a0, a1, a2, a3
+	.set	_Offset, _Workspace + \a0\()_F
+	\i\a1	\r, [sp, #_Offset]	
+	.endm
diff --git a/dl/armOMX.h b/dl/armOMX.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ad21c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armOMX.h
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ *  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+ *  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+ */
+ * 
+ * File Name:  armOMX_ReleaseVersion.h
+ * OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+ * Last Modified Revision:   15322
+ * Last Modified Date:       Wed, 15 Oct 2008
+ * 
+ * (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * 
+ *
+ * This file allows a version of the OMX DL libraries to be built where some or
+ * all of the function names can be given a user specified suffix. 
+ *
+ * You might want to use it where:
+ *
+ * - you want to rename a function "out of the way" so that you could replace
+ *   a function with a different version (the original version would still be
+ *   in the library just with a different name - so you could debug the new
+ *   version by comparing it to the output of the old)
+ *
+ * - you want to rename all the functions to versions with a suffix so that 
+ *   you can include two versions of the library and choose between functions
+ *   at runtime.
+ *
+ *     e.g. omxIPBM_Copy_U8_C1R could be renamed omxIPBM_Copy_U8_C1R_CortexA8
+ * 
+ */
+#ifndef _armOMX_H_
+#define _armOMX_H_
+/* We need to define these two macros in order to expand and concatenate the names */
+#define OMXCAT2BAR(A, B) omx ## A ## B
+/* Define the suffix to add to all functions - the default is no suffix */
+#define BARE_SUFFIX 
+/* Define what happens to the bare suffix-less functions, down to the sub-domain accuracy */
+/* Define what the each bare, un-suffixed OpenMAX API function names is to be renamed */
+#define omxACAAC_DecodeChanPairElt                        OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_DecodeChanPairElt, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACAAC_DecodeDatStrElt                          OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_DecodeDatStrElt, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACAAC_DecodeFillElt                            OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_DecodeFillElt, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACAAC_DecodeIsStereo_S32                       OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_DecodeIsStereo_S32, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACAAC_DecodeMsPNS_S32_I                        OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_DecodeMsPNS_S32_I, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACAAC_DecodeMsStereo_S32_I                     OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_DecodeMsStereo_S32_I, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACAAC_DecodePrgCfgElt                          OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_DecodePrgCfgElt, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACAAC_DecodeTNS_S32_I                          OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_DecodeTNS_S32_I, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACAAC_DeinterleaveSpectrum_S32                 OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_DeinterleaveSpectrum_S32, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACAAC_EncodeTNS_S32_I                          OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_EncodeTNS_S32_I, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACAAC_LongTermPredict_S32                      OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_LongTermPredict_S32, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACAAC_LongTermReconstruct_S32_I                OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_LongTermReconstruct_S32_I, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACAAC_MDCTFwd_S32                              OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_MDCTFwd_S32, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACAAC_MDCTInv_S32_S16                          OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_MDCTInv_S32_S16, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACAAC_NoiselessDecode                          OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_NoiselessDecode, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACAAC_QuantInv_S32_I                           OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_QuantInv_S32_I, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACAAC_UnpackADIFHeader                         OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_UnpackADIFHeader, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACAAC_UnpackADTSFrameHeader                    OMXCATBAR(ACAAC_UnpackADTSFrameHeader, OMXACAAC_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACMP3_HuffmanDecode_S32                        OMXCATBAR(ACMP3_HuffmanDecode_S32, OMXACMP3_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACMP3_HuffmanDecodeSfb_S32                     OMXCATBAR(ACMP3_HuffmanDecodeSfb_S32, OMXACMP3_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACMP3_HuffmanDecodeSfbMbp_S32                  OMXCATBAR(ACMP3_HuffmanDecodeSfbMbp_S32, OMXACMP3_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACMP3_MDCTInv_S32                              OMXCATBAR(ACMP3_MDCTInv_S32, OMXACMP3_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACMP3_ReQuantize_S32_I                         OMXCATBAR(ACMP3_ReQuantize_S32_I, OMXACMP3_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACMP3_ReQuantizeSfb_S32_I                      OMXCATBAR(ACMP3_ReQuantizeSfb_S32_I, OMXACMP3_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACMP3_SynthPQMF_S32_S16                        OMXCATBAR(ACMP3_SynthPQMF_S32_S16, OMXACMP3_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACMP3_UnpackFrameHeader                        OMXCATBAR(ACMP3_UnpackFrameHeader, OMXACMP3_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACMP3_UnpackScaleFactors_S8                    OMXCATBAR(ACMP3_UnpackScaleFactors_S8, OMXACMP3_SUFFIX)
+#define omxACMP3_UnpackSideInfo                           OMXCATBAR(ACMP3_UnpackSideInfo, OMXACMP3_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_CopyExpand_U8_C3                          OMXCATBAR(ICJP_CopyExpand_U8_C3, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_DCTFwd_S16                                OMXCATBAR(ICJP_DCTFwd_S16, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_DCTFwd_S16_I                              OMXCATBAR(ICJP_DCTFwd_S16_I, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_DCTInv_S16                                OMXCATBAR(ICJP_DCTInv_S16, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_DCTInv_S16_I                              OMXCATBAR(ICJP_DCTInv_S16_I, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_DCTQuantFwd_Multiple_S16                  OMXCATBAR(ICJP_DCTQuantFwd_Multiple_S16, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_DCTQuantFwd_S16                           OMXCATBAR(ICJP_DCTQuantFwd_S16, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_DCTQuantFwd_S16_I                         OMXCATBAR(ICJP_DCTQuantFwd_S16_I, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_DCTQuantFwdTableInit                      OMXCATBAR(ICJP_DCTQuantFwdTableInit, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_DCTQuantInv_Multiple_S16                  OMXCATBAR(ICJP_DCTQuantInv_Multiple_S16, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_DCTQuantInv_S16                           OMXCATBAR(ICJP_DCTQuantInv_S16, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_DCTQuantInv_S16_I                         OMXCATBAR(ICJP_DCTQuantInv_S16_I, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_DCTQuantInvTableInit                      OMXCATBAR(ICJP_DCTQuantInvTableInit, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_DecodeHuffman8x8_Direct_S16_C1            OMXCATBAR(ICJP_DecodeHuffman8x8_Direct_S16_C1, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_DecodeHuffmanSpecGetBufSize_U8            OMXCATBAR(ICJP_DecodeHuffmanSpecGetBufSize_U8, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_DecodeHuffmanSpecInit_U8                  OMXCATBAR(ICJP_DecodeHuffmanSpecInit_U8, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_EncodeHuffman8x8_Direct_S16_U1_C1         OMXCATBAR(ICJP_EncodeHuffman8x8_Direct_S16_U1_C1, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_EncodeHuffmanSpecGetBufSize_U8            OMXCATBAR(ICJP_EncodeHuffmanSpecGetBufSize_U8, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxICJP_EncodeHuffmanSpecInit_U8                  OMXCATBAR(ICJP_EncodeHuffmanSpecInit_U8, OMXICJP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPBM_AddC_U8_C1R_Sfs                           OMXCATBAR(IPBM_AddC_U8_C1R_Sfs, OMXIPBM_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPBM_Copy_U8_C1R                               OMXCATBAR(IPBM_Copy_U8_C1R, OMXIPBM_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPBM_Copy_U8_C3R                               OMXCATBAR(IPBM_Copy_U8_C3R, OMXIPBM_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPBM_Mirror_U8_C1R                             OMXCATBAR(IPBM_Mirror_U8_C1R, OMXIPBM_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPBM_MulC_U8_C1R_Sfs                           OMXCATBAR(IPBM_MulC_U8_C1R_Sfs, OMXIPBM_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPCS_ColorTwistQ14_U8_C3R                      OMXCATBAR(IPCS_ColorTwistQ14_U8_C3R, OMXIPCS_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPCS_YCbCr420RszCscRotBGR_U8_P3C3R             OMXCATBAR(IPCS_YCbCr420RszCscRotBGR_U8_P3C3R, OMXIPCS_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPCS_YCbCr420RszRot_U8_P3R                     OMXCATBAR(IPCS_YCbCr420RszRot_U8_P3R, OMXIPCS_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPCS_YCbCr420ToBGR565_U8_U16_P3C3R             OMXCATBAR(IPCS_YCbCr420ToBGR565_U8_U16_P3C3R, OMXIPCS_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPCS_YCbCr422RszCscRotBGR_U8_P3C3R             OMXCATBAR(IPCS_YCbCr422RszCscRotBGR_U8_P3C3R, OMXIPCS_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPCS_CbYCrY422RszCscRotBGR_U8_U16_C2R          OMXCATBAR(IPCS_CbYCrY422RszCscRotBGR_U8_U16_C2R, OMXIPCS_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPCS_YCbCr422RszRot_U8_P3R                     OMXCATBAR(IPCS_YCbCr422RszRot_U8_P3R, OMXIPCS_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPCS_YCbYCr422ToBGR565_U8_U16_C2C3R            OMXCATBAR(IPCS_YCbYCr422ToBGR565_U8_U16_C2C3R, OMXIPCS_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPCS_YCbYCr422ToBGR888_U8_C2C3R                OMXCATBAR(IPCS_YCbYCr422ToBGR888_U8_C2C3R, OMXIPCS_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPCS_CbYCrY422ToYCbCr420Rotate_U8_C2P3R        OMXCATBAR(IPCS_CbYCrY422ToYCbCr420Rotate_U8_C2P3R, OMXIPCS_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPCS_YCbCr422ToYCbCr420Rotate_U8_P3R           OMXCATBAR(IPCS_YCbCr422ToYCbCr420Rotate_U8_P3R, OMXIPCS_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPCS_YCbCr444ToBGR565_U8_U16_C3R               OMXCATBAR(IPCS_YCbCr444ToBGR565_U8_U16_C3R, OMXIPCS_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPCS_YCbCr444ToBGR565_U8_U16_P3C3R             OMXCATBAR(IPCS_YCbCr444ToBGR565_U8_U16_P3C3R, OMXIPCS_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPCS_YCbCr444ToBGR888_U8_C3R                   OMXCATBAR(IPCS_YCbCr444ToBGR888_U8_C3R, OMXIPCS_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPPP_Deblock_HorEdge_U8_I                      OMXCATBAR(IPPP_Deblock_HorEdge_U8_I, OMXIPPP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPPP_Deblock_VerEdge_U8_I                      OMXCATBAR(IPPP_Deblock_VerEdge_U8_I, OMXIPPP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPPP_FilterFIR_U8_C1R                          OMXCATBAR(IPPP_FilterFIR_U8_C1R, OMXIPPP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPPP_FilterMedian_U8_C1R                       OMXCATBAR(IPPP_FilterMedian_U8_C1R, OMXIPPP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPPP_GetCentralMoment_S64                      OMXCATBAR(IPPP_GetCentralMoment_S64, OMXIPPP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPPP_GetSpatialMoment_S64                      OMXCATBAR(IPPP_GetSpatialMoment_S64, OMXIPPP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPPP_MomentGetStateSize                        OMXCATBAR(IPPP_MomentGetStateSize, OMXIPPP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPPP_MomentInit                                OMXCATBAR(IPPP_MomentInit, OMXIPPP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPPP_Moments_U8_C1R                            OMXCATBAR(IPPP_Moments_U8_C1R, OMXIPPP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxIPPP_Moments_U8_C3R                            OMXCATBAR(IPPP_Moments_U8_C3R, OMXIPPP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_BlockExp_S16                                OMXCATBAR(SP_BlockExp_S16, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_BlockExp_S32                                OMXCATBAR(SP_BlockExp_S32, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_Copy_S16                                    OMXCATBAR(SP_Copy_S16, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_DotProd_S16                                 OMXCATBAR(SP_DotProd_S16, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_DotProd_S16_Sfs                             OMXCATBAR(SP_DotProd_S16_Sfs, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs                        OMXCATBAR(SP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs                        OMXCATBAR(SP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16S32_Sfs                    OMXCATBAR(SP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16S32_Sfs, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs                       OMXCATBAR(SP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC16                        OMXCATBAR(SP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC16, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32                        OMXCATBAR(SP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S16S32                      OMXCATBAR(SP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S16S32, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S32                         OMXCATBAR(SP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S32, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC16                              OMXCATBAR(SP_FFTInit_C_SC16, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC32                              OMXCATBAR(SP_FFTInit_C_SC32, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FFTInit_R_S16S32                            OMXCATBAR(SP_FFTInit_R_S16S32, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FFTInit_R_S32                               OMXCATBAR(SP_FFTInit_R_S32, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs                       OMXCATBAR(SP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32S16_Sfs                    OMXCATBAR(SP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32S16_Sfs, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC16_Sfs                        OMXCATBAR(SP_FFTInv_CToC_SC16_Sfs, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs                        OMXCATBAR(SP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FilterMedian_S32                            OMXCATBAR(SP_FilterMedian_S32, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FilterMedian_S32_I                          OMXCATBAR(SP_FilterMedian_S32_I, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FIR_Direct_S16                              OMXCATBAR(SP_FIR_Direct_S16, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FIR_Direct_S16_I                            OMXCATBAR(SP_FIR_Direct_S16_I, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FIR_Direct_S16_ISfs                         OMXCATBAR(SP_FIR_Direct_S16_ISfs, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FIR_Direct_S16_Sfs                          OMXCATBAR(SP_FIR_Direct_S16_Sfs, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FIROne_Direct_S16                           OMXCATBAR(SP_FIROne_Direct_S16, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FIROne_Direct_S16_I                         OMXCATBAR(SP_FIROne_Direct_S16_I, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FIROne_Direct_S16_ISfs                      OMXCATBAR(SP_FIROne_Direct_S16_ISfs, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_FIROne_Direct_S16_Sfs                       OMXCATBAR(SP_FIROne_Direct_S16_Sfs, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_IIR_BiQuadDirect_S16                        OMXCATBAR(SP_IIR_BiQuadDirect_S16, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_IIR_BiQuadDirect_S16_I                      OMXCATBAR(SP_IIR_BiQuadDirect_S16_I, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_IIR_Direct_S16                              OMXCATBAR(SP_IIR_Direct_S16, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_IIR_Direct_S16_I                            OMXCATBAR(SP_IIR_Direct_S16_I, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_IIROne_BiQuadDirect_S16                     OMXCATBAR(SP_IIROne_BiQuadDirect_S16, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_IIROne_BiQuadDirect_S16_I                   OMXCATBAR(SP_IIROne_BiQuadDirect_S16_I, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_IIROne_Direct_S16                           OMXCATBAR(SP_IIROne_Direct_S16, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxSP_IIROne_Direct_S16_I                         OMXCATBAR(SP_IIROne_Direct_S16_I, OMXSP_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCCOMM_Average_16x                             OMXCATBAR(VCCOMM_Average_16x, OMXVCCOMM_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCCOMM_Average_8x                              OMXCATBAR(VCCOMM_Average_8x, OMXVCCOMM_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCCOMM_ComputeTextureErrorBlock                OMXCATBAR(VCCOMM_ComputeTextureErrorBlock, OMXVCCOMM_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCCOMM_ComputeTextureErrorBlock_SAD            OMXCATBAR(VCCOMM_ComputeTextureErrorBlock_SAD, OMXVCCOMM_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCCOMM_Copy16x16                               OMXCATBAR(VCCOMM_Copy16x16, OMXVCCOMM_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCCOMM_Copy8x8                                 OMXCATBAR(VCCOMM_Copy8x8, OMXVCCOMM_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCCOMM_ExpandFrame_I                           OMXCATBAR(VCCOMM_ExpandFrame_I, OMXVCCOMM_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCCOMM_LimitMVToRect                           OMXCATBAR(VCCOMM_LimitMVToRect, OMXVCCOMM_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCCOMM_SAD_16x                                 OMXCATBAR(VCCOMM_SAD_16x, OMXVCCOMM_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCCOMM_SAD_8x                                  OMXCATBAR(VCCOMM_SAD_8x, OMXVCCOMM_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_Average_4x                             OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_Average_4x, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_BlockMatch_Half                        OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_BlockMatch_Half, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_BlockMatch_Integer                     OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_BlockMatch_Integer, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_BlockMatch_Quarter                     OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_BlockMatch_Quarter, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_DeblockChroma_I                        OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_DeblockChroma_I, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_DeblockLuma_I                          OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_DeblockLuma_I, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_DecodeChromaDcCoeffsToPairCAVLC        OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_DecodeChromaDcCoeffsToPairCAVLC, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_DecodeCoeffsToPairCAVLC                OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_DecodeCoeffsToPairCAVLC, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_DequantTransformResidualFromPairAndAdd OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_DequantTransformResidualFromPairAndAdd, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_FilterDeblockingChroma_HorEdge_I       OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_FilterDeblockingChroma_HorEdge_I, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_FilterDeblockingChroma_VerEdge_I       OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_FilterDeblockingChroma_VerEdge_I, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_FilterDeblockingLuma_HorEdge_I         OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_FilterDeblockingLuma_HorEdge_I, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_FilterDeblockingLuma_VerEdge_I         OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_FilterDeblockingLuma_VerEdge_I, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_GetVLCInfo                             OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_GetVLCInfo, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_InterpolateChroma                      OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_InterpolateChroma, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_InterpolateHalfHor_Luma                OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_InterpolateHalfHor_Luma, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_InterpolateHalfVer_Luma                OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_InterpolateHalfVer_Luma, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_InterpolateLuma                        OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_InterpolateLuma, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_InvTransformDequant_ChromaDC           OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_InvTransformDequant_ChromaDC, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_InvTransformDequant_LumaDC             OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_InvTransformDequant_LumaDC, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_InvTransformResidualAndAdd             OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_InvTransformResidualAndAdd, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_MEGetBufSize                           OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_MEGetBufSize, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_MEInit                                 OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_MEInit, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_MotionEstimationMB                     OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_MotionEstimationMB, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_PredictIntra_16x16                     OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_PredictIntra_16x16, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_PredictIntra_4x4                       OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_PredictIntra_4x4, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_PredictIntraChroma_8x8                  OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_PredictIntraChroma_8x8, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_SAD_4x                                 OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_SAD_4x, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_SADQuar_16x                            OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_SADQuar_16x, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_SADQuar_4x                             OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_SADQuar_4x, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_SADQuar_8x                             OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_SADQuar_8x, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_SATD_4x4                               OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_SATD_4x4, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_SubAndTransformQDQResidual             OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_SubAndTransformQDQResidual, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_TransformDequantChromaDCFromPair       OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_TransformDequantChromaDCFromPair, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_TransformDequantLumaDCFromPair         OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_TransformDequantLumaDCFromPair, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_TransformQuant_ChromaDC                OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_TransformQuant_ChromaDC, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P10_TransformQuant_LumaDC                  OMXCATBAR(VCM4P10_TransformQuant_LumaDC, OMXVCM4P10_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_BlockMatch_Half_16x16                   OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_BlockMatch_Half_16x16, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_BlockMatch_Half_8x8                     OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_BlockMatch_Half_8x8, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_BlockMatch_Integer_16x16                OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_BlockMatch_Integer_16x16, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_BlockMatch_Integer_8x8                  OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_BlockMatch_Integer_8x8, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_DCT8x8blk                               OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_DCT8x8blk, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_DecodeBlockCoef_Inter                   OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_DecodeBlockCoef_Inter, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_DecodeBlockCoef_Intra                   OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_DecodeBlockCoef_Intra, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_DecodePadMV_PVOP                        OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_DecodePadMV_PVOP, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_DecodeVLCZigzag_Inter                   OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_DecodeVLCZigzag_Inter, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_DecodeVLCZigzag_IntraACVLC              OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_DecodeVLCZigzag_IntraACVLC, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_DecodeVLCZigzag_IntraDCVLC              OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_DecodeVLCZigzag_IntraDCVLC, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_EncodeMV                                OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_EncodeMV, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_EncodeVLCZigzag_Inter                   OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_EncodeVLCZigzag_Inter, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_EncodeVLCZigzag_IntraACVLC              OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_EncodeVLCZigzag_IntraACVLC, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_EncodeVLCZigzag_IntraDCVLC              OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_EncodeVLCZigzag_IntraDCVLC, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_FindMVpred                              OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_FindMVpred, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_IDCT8x8blk                              OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_IDCT8x8blk, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_MCReconBlock                            OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_MCReconBlock, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_MEGetBufSize                            OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_MEGetBufSize, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_MEInit                                  OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_MEInit, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_MotionEstimationMB                      OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_MotionEstimationMB, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_PredictReconCoefIntra                   OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_PredictReconCoefIntra, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_QuantInter_I                            OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_QuantInter_I, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_QuantIntra_I                            OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_QuantIntra_I, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_QuantInvInter_I                         OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_QuantInvInter_I, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_QuantInvIntra_I                         OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_QuantInvIntra_I, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_TransRecBlockCoef_inter                 OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_TransRecBlockCoef_inter, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#define omxVCM4P2_TransRecBlockCoef_intra                 OMXCATBAR(VCM4P2_TransRecBlockCoef_intra, OMXVCM4P2_SUFFIX)
+#endif /* endif ARMOMX_ENABLE_RENAMING */
+#endif /* _armOMX_h_ */
diff --git a/dl/armSP.h b/dl/armSP.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27528ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP.h
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ *  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+ *  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+ */
+ * 
+ * File Name:  armSP.h
+ * OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+ * Last Modified Revision:   7014
+ * Last Modified Date:       Wed, 01 Aug 2007
+ * 
+ * (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * 
+ *   
+ * File: armSP.h
+ * Brief: Declares API's/Basic Data types used across the OpenMAX Signal Processing domain
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _armSP_H_
+#define _armSP_H_
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** FFT Specific declarations */
+extern  OMX_S32 armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[1026];
+extern OMX_F32 armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[];
+typedef struct  ARMsFFTSpec_SC32_Tag 
+    OMX_U32     N;
+    OMX_U16     *pBitRev;    
+    OMX_SC32    *pTwiddle;
+    OMX_SC32    *pBuf;
+typedef struct  ARMsFFTSpec_SC16_Tag 
+    OMX_U32     N;
+    OMX_U16     *pBitRev;    
+    OMX_SC16    *pTwiddle;
+    OMX_SC16    *pBuf;
+typedef struct  ARMsFFTSpec_R_SC32_Tag 
+    OMX_U32     N;
+    OMX_U16     *pBitRev;    
+    OMX_SC32    *pTwiddle;
+    OMX_S32     *pBuf;
+typedef struct ARMsFFTSpec_R_FC32_Tag
+    OMX_U32 N;
+    OMX_U16* pBitRev;
+    OMX_FC32* pTwiddle;
+    OMX_F32* pBuf;
+} ARMsFFTSpec_R_FC32;
+typedef struct ARMsFFTSpec_FC32_Tag
+    OMX_U32 N;
+    OMX_U16* pBitRev;
+    OMX_FC32* pTwiddle;
+    OMX_FC32* pBuf;
+} ARMsFFTSpec_FC32;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/*End of File*/
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe_s.S b/dl/armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cacafc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This is a modification of
+@//  armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe_s.s to support float
+@//  instead of SC32.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute the "preTwiddleRadix2" stage prior to the call to the complexFFT
+@// It does a Z(k) = Feven(k) + jW^(-k) FOdd(k); k=0,1,2,...N/2-1 computation
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@// Set debugging level
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+      @// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc            r0
+#define pDst            r1
+#define pFFTSpec        r2
+#define scale           r3
+@// Output registers
+#define result          r0
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define argTwiddle      r1
+#define argDst          r2
+#define argScale        r4
+#define tmpOrder        r4
+#define pTwiddle        r4
+#define pOut            r5
+#define subFFTSize      r7
+#define subFFTNum       r6
+#define N               r6
+#define order           r14
+#define diff            r9
+@// Total num of radix stages required to complete the FFT
+#define count           r8
+#define x0r             r4
+#define x0i             r5
+#define diffMinusOne    r2
+#define round           r3
+#define pOut1           r2
+#define size            r7
+#define step            r8
+#define step1           r9
+#define twStep          r10
+#define pTwiddleTmp     r11
+#define argTwiddle1     r12
+#define zero            r14
+@// Neon registers
+#define dX0     D0.F32
+#define dShift  D1.F32
+#define dX1     D1.F32
+#define dY0     D2.F32
+#define dY1     D3.F32
+#define dX0r    D0.F32
+#define dX0i    D1.F32
+#define dX1r    D2.F32
+#define dX1i    D3.F32
+#define dW0r    D4.F32
+#define dW0i    D5.F32
+#define dW1r    D6.F32
+#define dW1i    D7.F32
+#define dT0     D8.F32
+#define dT1     D9.F32
+#define dT2     D10.F32
+#define dT3     D11.F32
+#define qT0     D12.F32
+#define qT1     D14.F32
+#define qT2     D16.F32
+#define qT3     D18.F32
+#define dY0r    D4.F32
+#define dY0i    D5.F32
+#define dY1r    D6.F32
+#define dY1i    D7.F32
+#define dY2     D4.F32
+#define dY3     D5.F32
+#define dW0     D6.F32
+#define dW1     D7.F32
+#define dW0Tmp  D10.F32
+#define dW1Neg  D11.F32
+#define half    D13.F32
+@ Structure offsets for the FFTSpec
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_N, 0
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBitRev, 4
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle, 8
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf, 12
+        .MACRO FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse, name
+        @// Read the size from structure and take log
+        LDR     N, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_N]
+        @// Read other structure parameters
+        LDR     pTwiddle, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle]
+        LDR     pOut, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf]
+        VMOV    half, 0.5
+        MOV     size,N,ASR #1                 @// preserve the contents of N
+        MOV     step,N,LSL #2                 @// step = N/2 * 8 bytes
+        @// Z(k) = 1/2 {[F(k) +  F'(N/2-k)] +j*W^(-k) [F(k) -  F'(N/2-k)]}
+        @// Note: W^(k) is stored as negated value and also need to
+        @// conjugate the values from the table
+        @// Z(0) : no need of twiddle multiply
+        @// Z(0) = 1/2 { [F(0) +  F'(N/2)] +j [F(0) -  F'(N/2)] }
+        VLD1    dX0,[pSrc],step
+        ADD     pOut1,pOut,step               @// pOut1 = pOut+ N/2*8 bytes
+        VLD1    dX1,[pSrc]!
+        @// twStep = 3N/8 * 8 bytes pointing to W^1
+        SUB     twStep,step,size,LSL #1
+        MOV     step1,size,LSL #2             @// step1 = N/4 * 8 = N/2*4 bytes
+        SUB     step1,step1,#8                @// (N/4-1)*8 bytes
+        VADD    dY0,dX0,dX1                   @// [b+d | a+c]
+        VSUB    dY1,dX0,dX1                   @// [b-d | a-c]
+        VMUL    dY0, dY0, half[0]
+        VMUL    dY1, dY1, half[0]
+        @// dY0= [a-c | a+c] ;dY1= [b-d | b+d]
+        VZIP    dY0,dY1
+        VSUB   dX0,dY0,dY1
+        SUBS   size,size,#2
+        VADD   dX1,dY0,dY1
+        SUB     pSrc,pSrc,step
+        VST1    dX0[0],[pOut1]!
+        ADD     pTwiddleTmp,pTwiddle,#8       @// W^2
+        VST1    dX1[1],[pOut1]!
+        ADD     argTwiddle1,pTwiddle,twStep   @// W^1
+        BLT     decrementScale\name
+        BEQ     lastElement\name
+        @// Z(k) = 1/2[F(k) +  F'(N/2-k)] +j*W^(-k) [F(k) -  F'(N/2-k)]
+        @// Note: W^k is stored as negative values in the table and also
+        @// need to conjugate the values from the table.
+        @//
+        @// Process 4 elements at a time. E.g: Z(1),Z(2) and Z(N/2-2),Z(N/2-1)
+        @// since both of them require F(1),F(2) and F(N/2-2),F(N/2-1)
+        SUB     step,step,#24
+evenOddButterflyLoop\name :
+        VLD1    dW0r,[argTwiddle1],step1
+        VLD1    dW1r,[argTwiddle1]!
+        VLD2    {dX0r,dX0i},[pSrc],step
+        SUB     argTwiddle1,argTwiddle1,step1
+        VLD2    {dX1r,dX1i},[pSrc]!
+        SUB     step1,step1,#8                @// (N/4-2)*8 bytes
+        VLD1    dW0i,[pTwiddleTmp],step1
+        VLD1    dW1i,[pTwiddleTmp]!
+        SUB     pSrc,pSrc,step
+        SUB     pTwiddleTmp,pTwiddleTmp,step1
+        VREV64  dX1r,dX1r
+        VREV64  dX1i,dX1i
+        SUBS    size,size,#4
+        VSUB    dT2,dX0r,dX1r                 @// a-c
+        VADD    dT3,dX0i,dX1i                 @// b+d
+        VADD    dT0,dX0r,dX1r                 @// a+c
+        VSUB    dT1,dX0i,dX1i                 @// b-d
+        SUB     step1,step1,#8
+        VMUL    dT2, dT2, half[0]
+        VMUL    dT3, dT3, half[0]
+        VMUL    dT0, dT0, half[0]
+        VMUL    dT1, dT1, half[0]
+        VZIP    dW1r,dW1i
+        VZIP    dW0r,dW0i
+        VMUL   dX1r,dW1r,dT2
+        VMUL   dX1i,dW1r,dT3
+        VMUL   dX0r,dW0r,dT2
+        VMUL   dX0i,dW0r,dT3
+        VMLS   dX1r,dW1i,dT3
+        VMLA   dX1i,dW1i,dT2
+        VMLA   dX0r,dW0i,dT3
+        VMLS   dX0i,dW0i,dT2
+        VADD    dY1r,dT0,dX1i                 @// F(N/2 -1)
+        VSUB    dY1i,dX1r,dT1
+        VREV64  dY1r,dY1r
+        VREV64  dY1i,dY1i
+        VADD    dY0r,dT0,dX0i                 @// F(1)
+        VSUB    dY0i,dT1,dX0r
+        VST2    {dY0r,dY0i},[pOut1],step
+        VST2    {dY1r,dY1i},[pOut1]!
+        SUB     pOut1,pOut1,step
+        SUB     step,step,#32                 @// (N/2-4)*8 bytes
+        BGT     evenOddButterflyLoop\name
+        @// set both the ptrs to the last element
+        SUB     pSrc,pSrc,#8
+        SUB     pOut1,pOut1,#8
+        @// Last element can be expanded as follows
+        @// 1/2[Z(k) + Z'(k)] - j w^-k [Z(k) - Z'(k)] (since W^k is stored as
+        @// -ve)
+        @// 1/2[(a+jb) + (a-jb)] - j w^-k [(a+jb) - (a-jb)]
+        @// 1/2[2a+j0] - j (c-jd) [0+j2b]
+        @// (a+bc, -bd)
+        @// Since (c,d) = (0,1) for the last element, result is just (a,-b)
+lastElement\name :
+        VLD1    dX0r,[pSrc]
+        VST1    dX0r[0],[pOut1]!
+        VNEG    dX0r,dX0r
+        VST1    dX0r[1],[pOut1]
+decrementScale\name :
+        .endm
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe,r4
+            FFTSTAGE "FALSE","TRUE",Inv
+        M_END
+        .end
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe_s.S b/dl/armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc1cad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+@//  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+@// File Name:  armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe_s.s
+@// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+@// Last Modified Revision:   7485
+@// Last Modified Date:       Fri, 21 Sep 2007
+@// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute the "preTwiddleRadix2" stage prior to the call to the complexFFT  
+@// It does a Z(k) = Feven(k) + jW^(-k) FOdd(k); k=0,1,2,...N/2-1 computation
+@// It implements both "scaled"(by 1/2) and "unsclaed" versions of the above formula
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@// Set debugging level        
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+      @// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc            r0
+#define pDst            r1
+#define pFFTSpec        r2
+#define scale           r3
+@// Output registers
+#define result          r0
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define argTwiddle      r1
+#define argDst          r2
+#define argScale        r4
+#define tmpOrder        r4
+#define pTwiddle        r4
+#define pOut            r5
+#define subFFTSize      r7     
+#define subFFTNum       r6
+#define N               r6
+#define order           r14
+#define diff            r9
+#define count           r8                   @// Total num of radix stages required to comple the FFT
+#define x0r             r4    
+#define x0i             r5
+#define diffMinusOne    r2
+#define round           r3
+#define pOut1           r2
+#define size            r7
+#define step            r8            
+#define step1           r9
+#define twStep          r10
+#define pTwiddleTmp     r11
+#define argTwiddle1     r12
+#define zero            r14
+@// Neon registers
+#define dX0     D0.S32
+#define dShift  D1.S32
+#define dX1     D1.S32
+#define dY0     D2.S32
+#define dY1     D3.S32
+#define dX0r    D0.S32            
+#define dX0i    D1.S32
+#define dX1r    D2.S32
+#define dX1i    D3.S32
+#define dW0r    D4.S32
+#define dW0i    D5.S32
+#define dW1r    D6.S32
+#define dW1i    D7.S32
+#define dT0     D8.S32
+#define dT1     D9.S32
+#define dT2     D10.S32
+#define dT3     D11.S32
+#define qT0     Q6.S64
+#define qT1     Q7.S64
+#define qT2     Q8.S64
+#define qT3     Q9.S64
+#define dY0r    D4.S32
+#define dY0i    D5.S32
+#define dY1r    D6.S32
+#define dY1i    D7.S32
+#define dY2     D4.S32
+#define dY3     D5.S32
+#define dW0     D6.S32
+#define dW1     D7.S32
+#define dW0Tmp  D10.S32
+#define dW1Neg  D11.S32
+@ Structure offsets for the FFTSpec             
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_N, 0
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBitRev, 4
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle, 8
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf, 12
+        .MACRO FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse, name
+        @// Read the size from structure and take log
+        LDR     N, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_N]
+        @// Read other structure parameters
+        LDR     pTwiddle, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle]
+        LDR     pOut, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf]
+        MOV     size,N,ASR #1                    @// preserve the contents of N
+        MOV     step,N,LSL #2                    @// step = N/2 * 8 bytes
+        @// Z(k) = 1/2 {[F(k) +  F'(N/2-k)] +j*W^(-k) [F(k) -  F'(N/2-k)]}
+        @// Note: W^(k) is stored as negated value and also need to conjugate the values from the table
+        @// Z(0) : no need of twiddle multiply
+        @// Z(0) = 1/2 { [F(0) +  F'(N/2)] +j [F(0) -  F'(N/2)] }
+        VLD1    dX0,[pSrc],step
+        ADD     pOut1,pOut,step                  @// pOut1 = pOut+ N/2*8 bytes 
+        VLD1    dX1,[pSrc]!
+        SUB     twStep,step,size,LSL #1          @// twStep = 3N/8 * 8 bytes pointing to W^1
+        MOV     step1,size,LSL #2                @// step1 = N/4 * 8 = N/2*4 bytes
+        SUB     step1,step1,#8                   @// (N/4-1)*8 bytes
+        VHADD    dY0,dX0,dX1                     @// [b+d | a+c]
+        VHSUB    dY1,dX0,dX1                     @// [b-d | a-c] 
+        VZIP    dY0,dY1                          @// dY0= [a-c | a+c] ;dY1= [b-d | b+d] 
+        .ifeqs  "\scaled", "TRUE"
+            VHSUB   dX0,dY0,dY1
+            SUBS    size,size,#2
+            VHADD   dX1,dY0,dY1
+        .else
+            VSUB   dX0,dY0,dY1
+            SUBS    size,size,#2
+            VADD   dX1,dY0,dY1
+        .endif
+        SUB     pSrc,pSrc,step
+        VST1    dX0[0],[pOut1]!
+        ADD     pTwiddleTmp,pTwiddle,#8                @// W^2
+        VST1    dX1[1],[pOut1]!
+        ADD     argTwiddle1,pTwiddle,twStep            @// W^1 
+        BLT     decrementScale\name
+        BEQ     lastElement\name
+        @// Z(k) = 1/2[F(k) +  F'(N/2-k)] +j*W^(-k) [F(k) -  F'(N/2-k)]
+        @// Note: W^k is stored as negative values in the table and also need to conjugate the values from the table
+        @// Process 4 elements at a time. E.g: Z(1),Z(2) and Z(N/2-2),Z(N/2-1) since both of them
+        @// require F(1),F(2) and F(N/2-2),F(N/2-1)
+        SUB     step,step,#24
+evenOddButterflyLoop\name :     
+        VLD1    dW0r,[argTwiddle1],step1
+        VLD1    dW1r,[argTwiddle1]!
+        VLD2    {dX0r,dX0i},[pSrc],step
+        SUB     argTwiddle1,argTwiddle1,step1
+        VLD2    {dX1r,dX1i},[pSrc]!
+        SUB     step1,step1,#8                          @// (N/4-2)*8 bytes
+        VLD1    dW0i,[pTwiddleTmp],step1
+        VLD1    dW1i,[pTwiddleTmp]!
+        SUB     pSrc,pSrc,step
+        SUB     pTwiddleTmp,pTwiddleTmp,step1
+        VREV64  dX1r,dX1r
+        VREV64  dX1i,dX1i
+        SUBS    size,size,#4
+        VHSUB    dT2,dX0r,dX1r                            @// a-c
+        VHADD    dT3,dX0i,dX1i                            @// b+d
+        SUB     step1,step1,#8
+        VHADD    dT0,dX0r,dX1r                           @// a+c
+        VHSUB    dT1,dX0i,dX1i                            @// b-d
+        VZIP    dW1r,dW1i
+        VZIP    dW0r,dW0i
+        VMULL   qT0,dW1r,dT2
+        VMLSL   qT0,dW1i,dT3
+        VMULL   qT1,dW1r,dT3
+        VMLAL   qT1,dW1i,dT2
+        VMULL   qT2,dW0r,dT2
+        VMLAL   qT2,dW0i,dT3
+        VMULL   qT3,dW0r,dT3
+        VMLSL   qT3,dW0i,dT2
+        VRSHRN  dX1r,qT0,#31
+        VRSHRN  dX1i,qT1,#31
+        .ifeqs  "\scaled", "TRUE"
+            VHADD    dY1r,dT0,dX1i                           @// F(N/2 -1)
+            VHSUB    dY1i,dX1r,dT1
+        .else
+            VADD    dY1r,dT0,dX1i                           @// F(N/2 -1)
+            VSUB    dY1i,dX1r,dT1
+        .endif
+        VREV64  dY1r,dY1r
+        VREV64  dY1i,dY1i
+        VRSHRN  dX0r,qT2,#31
+        VRSHRN  dX0i,qT3,#31
+        .ifeqs  "\scaled", "TRUE"
+            VHADD    dY0r,dT0,dX0i                           @// F(1)
+            VHSUB    dY0i,dT1,dX0r
+        .else
+            VADD    dY0r,dT0,dX0i                           @// F(1)
+            VSUB    dY0i,dT1,dX0r
+        .endif
+        VST2    {dY0r,dY0i},[pOut1],step
+        VST2    {dY1r,dY1i},[pOut1]!
+        SUB     pOut1,pOut1,step
+        SUB     step,step,#32                            @// (N/2-4)*8 bytes
+        BGT     evenOddButterflyLoop\name
+        SUB     pSrc,pSrc,#8                @// set both the ptrs to the last element
+        SUB     pOut1,pOut1,#8
+        @// Last element can be expanded as follows
+        @// 1/2[Z(k) + Z'(k)] - j w^-k [Z(k) - Z'(k)] (since W^k is stored as -ve)
+        @// 1/2[(a+jb) + (a-jb)] - j w^-k [(a+jb) - (a-jb)]
+        @// 1/2[2a+j0] - j (c-jd) [0+j2b]
+        @// (a+bc, -bd)
+        @// Since (c,d) = (0,1) for the last element, result is just (a,-b)
+lastElement\name :      
+        VLD1    dX0r,[pSrc]
+        .ifeqs  "\scaled", "TRUE"
+            VSHR    dX0r,dX0r,#1
+        .endif
+        VST1    dX0r[0],[pOut1]!
+        VNEG    dX0r,dX0r
+        VST1    dX0r[1],[pOut1]
+decrementScale\name :          
+        .ifeqs  "\scaled", "TRUE"
+            SUB scale,scale,#1
+        .endif
+        .endm
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe,r4
+            FFTSTAGE "FALSE","TRUE",Inv
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe,r4
+            FFTSTAGE "TRUE","TRUE",InvSfs
+        M_END
+        .end
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_unsafe_s.S b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_unsafe_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5aefd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_unsafe_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This is a modification of armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_unsafe_s.S
+@//  to support float instead of SC32.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute the first stage of a Radix 2 DIT in-order out-of-place FFT
+@// stage for a N point complex signal.
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@// Set debugging level
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc            r0
+#define pDst            r2
+#define pTwiddle        r1
+#define pPingPongBuf    r5
+#define subFFTNum       r6
+#define subFFTSize      r7
+@//Output Registers
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define pointStep       r3
+#define outPointStep    r3
+#define grpSize         r4
+#define setCount        r4
+#define step            r8
+#define dstStep         r8
+@// Neon Registers
+#define dX0     D0.F32
+#define dX1     D1.F32
+#define dY0     D2.F32
+#define dY1     D3.F32
+        .MACRO FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse, name
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// update subFFTSize and subFFTNum into RN6 and RN7 for the next stage
+        MOV        subFFTSize,#2
+        LSR        grpSize,subFFTNum,#1
+        MOV        subFFTNum,grpSize
+        @// pT0+1 increments pT0 by 8 bytes
+        @// pT0+pointStep = increment of 8*pointStep bytes = 4*grpSize bytes
+        @// Note: outPointStep = pointStep for firststage
+        @// Note: setCount = grpSize/2 (reuse the updated grpSize for setCount)
+        MOV        pointStep,grpSize,LSL #3
+        RSB        step,pointStep,#8
+        @// Loop on the sets for grp zero
+grpZeroSetLoop\name :
+        VLD1    dX0,[pSrc],pointStep
+        VLD1    dX1,[pSrc],step                   @// step = -pointStep + 8
+        SUBS    setCount,setCount,#1
+        VADD    dY0,dX0,dX1
+        VSUB    dY1,dX0,dX1
+        VST1    dY0,[pDst],outPointStep
+        @// dstStep =  step = -pointStep + 8
+        VST1    dY1,[pDst],dstStep
+        BGT     grpZeroSetLoop\name
+        @// reset pSrc to pDst for the next stage
+        SUB     pSrc,pDst,pointStep                     @// pDst -= 2*grpSize
+        MOV     pDst,pPingPongBuf
+        .endm
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "FALSE","FALSE",fwd
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "FALSE","TRUE",inv
+        M_END
+	.end
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix2_ls_unsafe_s.S b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix2_ls_unsafe_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6000813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix2_ls_unsafe_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This is a modification of armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_unsafe_s.S
+@//  to support float instead of SC32.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute the last stage of a Radix 2 DIT in-order out-of-place FFT
+@// stage for a N point complex signal.
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@// Set debugging level
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc            r0
+#define pDst            r2
+#define pTwiddle        r1
+#define subFFTNum       r6
+#define subFFTSize      r7
+@//Output Registers
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define outPointStep    r3
+#define grpCount        r4
+#define dstStep         r5
+#define pTmp            r4
+@// Neon Registers
+#define dWr     d0.f32
+#define dWi     d1.f32
+#define dXr0    d2.f32
+#define dXi0    d3.f32
+#define dXr1    d4.f32
+#define dXi1    d5.f32
+#define dYr0    d6.f32
+#define dYi0    d7.f32
+#define dYr1    d8.f32
+#define dYi1    d9.f32
+#define qT0     d10.f32
+#define qT1     d12.f32
+        .MACRO FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse, name
+        MOV     outPointStep,subFFTSize,LSL #3
+        @// Update grpCount and grpSize rightaway
+        MOV     subFFTNum,#1                            @//after the last stage
+        LSL     grpCount,subFFTSize,#1
+        @// update subFFTSize for the next stage
+        MOV     subFFTSize,grpCount
+        RSB      dstStep,outPointStep,#16
+        @// Loop on 2 grps at a time for the last stage
+radix2lsGrpLoop\name :
+        @ dWr = [pTwiddle[0].Re, pTwiddle[1].Re]
+        @ dWi = [pTwiddle[0].Im, pTwiddle[1].Im]
+        VLD2    {dWr,dWi},[pTwiddle :64]!
+        @ dXr0 = [pSrc[0].Re, pSrc[2].Re]
+        @ dXi0 = [pSrc[0].Im, pSrc[2].Im]
+        @ dXr1 = [pSrc[1].Re, pSrc[3].Re]
+        @ dXi1 = [pSrc[1].Im, pSrc[3].Im]
+        VLD4    {dXr0,dXi0,dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc :128]!
+        SUBS    grpCount,grpCount,#4                   @// grpCount is multiplied by 2
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VMUL   qT0,dWr,dXr1
+            VMLA   qT0,dWi,dXi1                       @// real part
+            VMUL   qT1,dWr,dXi1
+            VMLS   qT1,dWi,dXr1                       @// imag part
+        .else
+            VMUL   qT0,dWr,dXr1
+            VMLS   qT0,dWi,dXi1                       @// real part
+            VMUL   qT1,dWr,dXi1
+            VMLA   qT1,dWi,dXr1                       @// imag part
+        .endif
+        VSUB    dYr0,dXr0,qT0
+        VSUB    dYi0,dXi0,qT1
+        VADD    dYr1,dXr0,qT0
+        VADD    dYi1,dXi0,qT1
+        VST2    {dYr0,dYi0},[pDst],outPointStep
+        VST2    {dYr1,dYi1},[pDst],dstStep                  @// dstStep =  step = -outPointStep + 16
+        BGT     radix2lsGrpLoop\name
+        @// Reset and Swap pSrc and pDst for the next stage
+        MOV     pTmp,pDst
+        SUB     pDst,pSrc,outPointStep,LSL #1       @// pDst -= 4*size; pSrc -= 8*size bytes
+        SUB     pSrc,pTmp,outPointStep
+        @// Reset pTwiddle for the next stage
+        SUB     pTwiddle,pTwiddle,outPointStep      @// pTwiddle -= 4*size bytes
+        .endm
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4,""
+        FFTSTAGE "FALSE","FALSE",fwd
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "FALSE","TRUE",inv
+        M_END
+	.end
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix2_unsafe_s.S b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix2_unsafe_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c888ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix2_unsafe_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This is a modification of armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_unsafe_s.s
+@//  to support float instead of SC32.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute a Radix 2 DIT in-order out-of-place FFT stage for an N point
+@// complex signal.  This handles the general stage, not the first or last
+@// stage.
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@// Set debugging level
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc            r0
+#define pDst            r2
+#define pTwiddle        r1
+#define subFFTNum       r6
+#define subFFTSize      r7
+@//Output Registers
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define outPointStep    r3
+#define pointStep       r4
+#define grpCount        r5
+#define setCount        r8
+@//const           RN  9
+#define step            r10
+#define dstStep         r11
+#define pTable          r9
+#define pTmp            r9
+@// Neon Registers
+#define dW      D0.F32
+#define dX0     D2.F32
+#define dX1     D3.F32
+#define dX2     D4.F32
+#define dX3     D5.F32
+#define dY0     D6.F32
+#define dY1     D7.F32
+#define dY2     D8.F32
+#define dY3     D9.F32
+#define qT0     D10.F32
+#define qT1     D11.F32
+        .MACRO FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse, name
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// Update grpCount and grpSize rightaway inorder to reuse pGrpCount
+        @// and pGrpSize regs
+        LSR     subFFTNum,subFFTNum,#1                      @//grpSize
+        LSL     grpCount,subFFTSize,#1
+        @// pT0+1 increments pT0 by 8 bytes
+        @// pT0+pointStep = increment of 8*pointStep bytes = 4*grpSize bytes
+        MOV     pointStep,subFFTNum,LSL #2
+        @// update subFFTSize for the next stage
+        MOV     subFFTSize,grpCount
+        @// pOut0+1 increments pOut0 by 8 bytes
+        @// pOut0+outPointStep == increment of 8*outPointStep bytes =
+        @//    4*size bytes
+        SMULBB  outPointStep,grpCount,pointStep
+        LSL     pointStep,pointStep,#1
+        RSB      step,pointStep,#16
+        RSB      dstStep,outPointStep,#16
+        @// Loop on the groups
+radix2GrpLoop\name :
+        MOV      setCount,pointStep,LSR #3
+        VLD1     dW,[pTwiddle],pointStep                @//[wi | wr]
+        @// Loop on the sets
+radix2SetLoop\name :
+        @// point0: dX0-real part dX1-img part
+        VLD2    {dX0,dX1},[pSrc],pointStep
+        @// point1: dX2-real part dX3-img part
+        VLD2    {dX2,dX3},[pSrc],step
+        SUBS    setCount,setCount,#2
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VMUL   qT0,dX2,dW[0]
+            VMLA   qT0,dX3,dW[1]                       @// real part
+            VMUL   qT1,dX3,dW[0]
+            VMLS   qT1,dX2,dW[1]                       @// imag part
+        .else
+            VMUL   qT0,dX2,dW[0]
+            VMLS   qT0,dX3,dW[1]                       @// real part
+            VMUL   qT1,dX3,dW[0]
+            VMLA   qT1,dX2,dW[1]                       @// imag part
+        .endif
+        VSUB    dY0,dX0,qT0
+        VSUB    dY1,dX1,qT1
+        VADD    dY2,dX0,qT0
+        VADD    dY3,dX1,qT1
+        VST2    {dY0,dY1},[pDst],outPointStep
+        @// dstStep = -outPointStep + 16
+        VST2    {dY2,dY3},[pDst],dstStep
+        BGT     radix2SetLoop\name
+        SUBS    grpCount,grpCount,#2
+        ADD     pSrc,pSrc,pointStep
+        BGT     radix2GrpLoop\name
+        @// Reset and Swap pSrc and pDst for the next stage
+        MOV     pTmp,pDst
+        @// pDst -= 4*size; pSrc -= 8*size bytes
+        SUB     pDst,pSrc,outPointStep,LSL #1
+        SUB     pSrc,pTmp,outPointStep
+        @// Reset pTwiddle for the next stage
+        @// pTwiddle -= 4*size bytes
+        SUB     pTwiddle,pTwiddle,outPointStep
+        .endm
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        M_END
+        .end
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_unsafe_s.S b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_unsafe_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b66a8ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_unsafe_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This is a modification of armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_unsafe_s.s
+@//  to support float instead of SC32.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute a first stage Radix 4 FFT stage for a N point complex signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@// Set debugging level
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc            r0
+#define pDst            r2
+#define pTwiddle        r1
+#define pPingPongBuf    r5
+#define subFFTNum       r6
+#define subFFTSize      r7
+@//Output Registers
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define grpSize         r3
+@// Reuse grpSize as setCount
+#define setCount        r3
+#define pointStep       r4
+#define outPointStep    r4
+#define setStep         r8
+#define step1           r9
+#define step3           r10
+@// Neon Registers
+#define dXr0    D0.F32
+#define dXi0    D1.F32
+#define dXr1    D2.F32
+#define dXi1    D3.F32
+#define dXr2    D4.F32
+#define dXi2    D5.F32
+#define dXr3    D6.F32
+#define dXi3    D7.F32
+#define dYr0    D8.F32
+#define dYi0    D9.F32
+#define dYr1    D10.F32
+#define dYi1    D11.F32
+#define dYr2    D12.F32
+#define dYi2    D13.F32
+#define dYr3    D14.F32
+#define dYi3    D15.F32
+#define qX0     Q0.F32
+#define qX1     Q1.F32
+#define qX2     Q2.F32
+#define qX3     Q3.F32
+#define qY0     Q4.F32
+#define qY1     Q5.F32
+#define qY2     Q6.F32
+#define qY3     Q7.F32
+#define dZr0    D16.F32
+#define dZi0    D17.F32
+#define dZr1    D18.F32
+#define dZi1    D19.F32
+#define dZr2    D20.F32
+#define dZi2    D21.F32
+#define dZr3    D22.F32
+#define dZi3    D23.F32
+#define qZ0     Q8.F32
+#define qZ1     Q9.F32
+#define qZ2     Q10.F32
+#define qZ3     Q11.F32
+        .MACRO FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse, name
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// pT0+1 increments pT0 by 8 bytes
+        @// pT0+pointStep = increment of 8*pointStep bytes = 2*grpSize bytes
+        @// Note: outPointStep = pointStep for firststage
+        MOV     pointStep,subFFTNum,LSL #1
+        @// Update pSubFFTSize and pSubFFTNum regs
+        VLD2    {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[0]
+        @// subFFTSize = 1 for the first stage
+        MOV     subFFTSize,#4
+        @// Note: setCount = subFFTNum/4 (reuse the grpSize reg for setCount)
+        LSR     grpSize,subFFTNum,#2
+        VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[1]
+        MOV     subFFTNum,grpSize
+        @// Calculate the step of input data for the next set
+        @//MOV     setStep,pointStep,LSL #1
+        MOV     setStep,grpSize,LSL #4
+        VLD2    {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[2]
+        @// setStep = 3*pointStep
+        ADD     setStep,setStep,pointStep
+        @// setStep = - 3*pointStep+16
+        RSB     setStep,setStep,#16
+        @//  data[3] & update pSrc for the next set
+        VLD2    {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc :128],setStep
+        @// step1 = 2*pointStep
+        MOV     step1,pointStep,LSL #1
+        VADD    qY0,qX0,qX2
+        @// step3 = -pointStep
+        RSB     step3,pointStep,#0
+        @// grp = 0 a special case since all the twiddle factors are 1
+        @// Loop on the sets : 2 sets at a time
+radix4fsGrpZeroSetLoop\name :
+        @// Decrement setcount
+        SUBS    setCount,setCount,#2
+        @// finish first stage of 4 point FFT
+        VSUB    qY2,qX0,qX2
+        VLD2    {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc :128],step1          @//  data[0]
+        VADD    qY1,qX1,qX3
+        VLD2    {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc :128],step3          @//  data[2]
+        VSUB    qY3,qX1,qX3
+        @// finish second stage of 4 point FFT
+        .ifeqs "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc :128],step1          @//  data[1]
+            VADD    qZ0,qY0,qY1
+            @//  data[3] & update pSrc for the next set
+            VLD2    {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc :128],setStep
+            VSUB    dZr3,dYr2,dYi3
+            VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VADD    dZi3,dYi2,dYr3
+            VSUB    qZ1,qY0,qY1
+            VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VADD    dZr2,dYr2,dYi3
+            VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VSUB    dZi2,dYi2,dYr3
+            VADD    qY0,qX0,qX2                     @// u0 for next iteration
+            VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],setStep
+        .else
+            VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc :128],step1          @//  data[1]
+            VADD    qZ0,qY0,qY1
+            @//  data[3] & update pSrc for the next set
+            VLD2    {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc :128],setStep
+            VADD    dZr2,dYr2,dYi3
+            VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VSUB    dZi2,dYi2,dYr3
+            VSUB    qZ1,qY0,qY1
+            VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VSUB    dZr3,dYr2,dYi3
+            VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VADD    dZi3,dYi2,dYr3
+            VADD    qY0,qX0,qX2                     @// u0 for next iteration
+            VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],setStep
+        .endif
+        BGT     radix4fsGrpZeroSetLoop\name
+        @// reset pSrc to pDst for the next stage
+        SUB     pSrc,pDst,pointStep                     @// pDst -= 2*grpSize
+        MOV     pDst,pPingPongBuf
+        .endm
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "FALSE","FALSE",fwd
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "FALSE","TRUE",inv
+        M_END
+        .end
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix4_ls_unsafe_s.S b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix4_ls_unsafe_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a840ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix4_ls_unsafe_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This is a modification of armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_unsafe_s.s
+@//  to support float instead of SC32.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute a Radix 4 FFT stage for a N point complex signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@// Set debugging level
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+    @//IMPORT  armAAC_constTable
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc            r0
+#define pDst            r2
+#define pTwiddle        r1
+#define subFFTNum       r6
+#define subFFTSize      r7
+@//Output Registers
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define outPointStep    r3
+#define grpCount        r4
+#define dstStep         r5
+#define grpTwStep       r8
+#define stepTwiddle     r9
+#define twStep          r10
+#define pTmp            r4
+#define step16          r11
+#define step24          r12
+@// Neon Registers
+#define dButterfly1Real02       D0.F32
+#define dButterfly1Imag02       D1.F32
+#define dButterfly1Real13       D2.F32
+#define dButterfly1Imag13       D3.F32
+#define dButterfly2Real02       D4.F32
+#define dButterfly2Imag02       D5.F32
+#define dButterfly2Real13       D6.F32
+#define dButterfly2Imag13       D7.F32
+#define dXr0                    D0.F32
+#define dXi0                    D1.F32
+#define dXr1                    D2.F32
+#define dXi1                    D3.F32
+#define dXr2                    D4.F32
+#define dXi2                    D5.F32
+#define dXr3                    D6.F32
+#define dXi3                    D7.F32
+#define dYr0                    D16.F32
+#define dYi0                    D17.F32
+#define dYr1                    D18.F32
+#define dYi1                    D19.F32
+#define dYr2                    D20.F32
+#define dYi2                    D21.F32
+#define dYr3                    D22.F32
+#define dYi3                    D23.F32
+#define dW1r                    D8.F32
+#define dW1i                    D9.F32
+#define dW2r                    D10.F32
+#define dW2i                    D11.F32
+#define dW3r                    D12.F32
+#define dW3i                    D13.F32
+#define qT0                     d14.f32
+#define qT1                     d16.F32
+#define qT2                     d18.F32
+#define qT3                     d20.f32
+#define qT4                     d22.f32
+#define qT5                     d24.f32
+#define dZr0                    D14.F32
+#define dZi0                    D15.F32
+#define dZr1                    D26.F32
+#define dZi1                    D27.F32
+#define dZr2                    D28.F32
+#define dZi2                    D29.F32
+#define dZr3                    D30.F32
+#define dZi3                    D31.F32
+#define qX0                     Q0.F32
+#define qY0                     Q8.F32
+#define qY1                     Q9.F32
+#define qY2                     Q10.F32
+#define qY3                     Q11.F32
+#define qZ0                     Q7.F32
+#define qZ1                     Q13.F32
+#define qZ2                     Q14.F32
+#define qZ3                     Q15.F32
+        .MACRO FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse , name
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// pOut0+1 increments pOut0 by 8 bytes
+        @// pOut0+outPointStep == increment of 8*outPointStep bytes
+        MOV     outPointStep,subFFTSize,LSL #3
+        @// Update grpCount and grpSize rightaway
+        VLD2    {dW1r,dW1i},[pTwiddle :128]             @// [wi|wr]
+        MOV     step16,#16
+        LSL     grpCount,subFFTSize,#2
+        VLD1    dW2r,[pTwiddle :64]                     @// [wi|wr]
+        MOV     subFFTNum,#1                            @//after the last stage
+        VLD1    dW3r,[pTwiddle :64],step16              @// [wi|wr]
+        MOV     stepTwiddle,#0
+        VLD1    dW2i,[pTwiddle :64]!                    @// [wi|wr]
+        SUB     grpTwStep,stepTwiddle,#8                @// grpTwStep = -8 to start with
+        @// update subFFTSize for the next stage
+        MOV     subFFTSize,grpCount
+        VLD1    dW3i,[pTwiddle :64],grpTwStep           @// [wi|wr]
+        MOV     dstStep,outPointStep,LSL #1
+        @// AC.r AC.i BD.r BD.i
+        VLD4     {dButterfly1Real02,dButterfly1Imag02,dButterfly1Real13,dButterfly1Imag13},[pSrc :256]!
+        ADD     dstStep,dstStep,outPointStep            @// dstStep = 3*outPointStep
+        RSB     dstStep,dstStep,#16                     @// dstStep = - 3*outPointStep+16
+        MOV     step24,#24
+        @// AC.r AC.i BD.r BD.i
+        VLD4     {dButterfly2Real02,dButterfly2Imag02,dButterfly2Real13,dButterfly2Imag13},[pSrc :256]!
+        @// Process two groups at a time
+radix4lsGrpLoop\name :
+        VZIP    dW2r,dW2i
+        ADD     stepTwiddle,stepTwiddle,#16
+        VZIP    dW3r,dW3i
+        ADD     grpTwStep,stepTwiddle,#4
+        VUZP     dButterfly1Real13, dButterfly2Real13   @// B.r D.r
+        SUB     twStep,stepTwiddle,#16                  @// -16+stepTwiddle
+        VUZP     dButterfly1Imag13, dButterfly2Imag13   @// B.i D.i
+        MOV     grpTwStep,grpTwStep,LSL #1
+        VUZP     dButterfly1Real02, dButterfly2Real02   @// A.r C.r
+        RSB     grpTwStep,grpTwStep,#0                  @// -8-2*stepTwiddle
+        VUZP     dButterfly1Imag02, dButterfly2Imag02   @// A.i C.i
+        @// grpCount is multiplied by 4
+        SUBS    grpCount,grpCount,#8
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VMUL   dZr1,dW1r,dXr1
+            VMLA   dZr1,dW1i,dXi1                       @// real part
+            VMUL   dZi1,dW1r,dXi1
+            VMLS   dZi1,dW1i,dXr1                       @// imag part
+        .else
+            VMUL   dZr1,dW1r,dXr1
+            VMLS   dZr1,dW1i,dXi1                       @// real part
+            VMUL   dZi1,dW1r,dXi1
+            VMLA   dZi1,dW1i,dXr1                       @// imag part
+        .endif
+        VLD2    {dW1r,dW1i},[pTwiddle :128],stepTwiddle      @// [wi|wr]
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VMUL   dZr2,dW2r,dXr2
+            VMLA   dZr2,dW2i,dXi2                       @// real part
+            VMUL   dZi2,dW2r,dXi2
+            VLD1   dW2r,[pTwiddle :64],step16           @// [wi|wr]
+            VMLS   dZi2,dW2i,dXr2                       @// imag part
+        .else
+            VMUL   dZr2,dW2r,dXr2
+            VMLS   dZr2,dW2i,dXi2                       @// real part
+            VMUL   dZi2,dW2r,dXi2
+            VLD1    dW2r,[pTwiddle :64],step16          @// [wi|wr]
+            VMLA   dZi2,dW2i,dXr2                       @// imag part
+        .endif
+        VLD1    dW2i,[pTwiddle :64],twStep              @// [wi|wr]
+        @// move qX0 so as to load for the next iteration
+        VMOV     qZ0,qX0
+        @// AC.r AC.i BD.r BD.i
+        VLD4     {dButterfly1Real02,dButterfly1Imag02,dButterfly1Real13,dButterfly1Imag13},[pSrc :256]!
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VMUL   dZr3,dW3r,dXr3
+            VMLA   dZr3,dW3i,dXi3                       @// real part
+            VMUL   dZi3,dW3r,dXi3
+            VLD1    dW3r,[pTwiddle :64],step24
+            VMLS   dZi3,dW3i,dXr3                       @// imag part
+        .else
+            VMUL   dZr3,dW3r,dXr3
+            VMLS   dZr3,dW3i,dXi3                       @// real part
+            VMUL   dZi3,dW3r,dXi3
+            VLD1    dW3r,[pTwiddle :64],step24
+            VMLA   dZi3,dW3i,dXr3                       @// imag part
+        .endif
+        VLD1    dW3i,[pTwiddle :64],grpTwStep           @// [wi|wr]
+        @// AC.r AC.i BD.r BD.i
+        VLD4     {dButterfly2Real02,dButterfly2Imag02,dButterfly2Real13,dButterfly2Imag13},[pSrc :256]!
+        @// finish first stage of 4 point FFT
+        VADD    qY0,qZ0,qZ2
+        VSUB    qY2,qZ0,qZ2
+        VADD    qY1,qZ1,qZ3
+        VSUB    qY3,qZ1,qZ3
+        @// finish second stage of 4 point FFT
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VSUB    qZ0,qY2,qY1
+            VADD    dZr3,dYr0,dYi3
+            VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VSUB    dZi3,dYi0,dYr3
+            VADD    qZ2,qY2,qY1
+            VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VSUB    dZr1,dYr0,dYi3
+            VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VADD    dZi1,dYi0,dYr3
+            @// dstStep = -outPointStep + 16
+            VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],dstStep
+        .else
+            VSUB    qZ0,qY2,qY1
+            VSUB    dZr1,dYr0,dYi3
+            VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VADD    dZi1,dYi0,dYr3
+            VADD    qZ2,qY2,qY1
+            VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VADD    dZr3,dYr0,dYi3
+            VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VSUB    dZi3,dYi0,dYr3
+            @// dstStep = -outPointStep + 16
+            VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],dstStep
+        .endif
+        BGT     radix4lsGrpLoop\name
+        @// Reset and Swap pSrc and pDst for the next stage
+        MOV     pTmp,pDst
+        @// Extra increment done in final iteration of the loop
+        SUB     pSrc,pSrc,#64
+        @// pDst -= 4*size; pSrc -= 8*size bytes
+        SUB     pDst,pSrc,outPointStep,LSL #2
+        SUB     pSrc,pTmp,outPointStep
+        SUB     pTwiddle,pTwiddle,subFFTSize,LSL #1
+        @// Extra increment done in final iteration of the loop
+        SUB     pTwiddle,pTwiddle,#16
+        .endm
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "FALSE","FALSE",fwd
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "FALSE","TRUE",inv
+        M_END
+        .end
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix4_unsafe_s.S b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix4_unsafe_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6405483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix4_unsafe_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This is a modification of armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_unsafe_s.s
+@//  to support float instead of SC32.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute a Radix 4 FFT stage for a N point complex signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@// Set debugging level
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc            r0
+#define pDst            r2
+#define pTwiddle        r1
+#define subFFTNum       r6
+#define subFFTSize      r7
+@//Output Registers
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define grpCount        r3
+#define pointStep       r4
+#define outPointStep    r5
+#define stepTwiddle     r12
+#define setCount        r14
+#define srcStep         r8
+#define setStep         r9
+#define dstStep         r10
+#define twStep          r11
+#define t1              r3
+@// Neon Registers
+#define dW1     D0.F32
+#define dW2     D1.F32
+#define dW3     D2.F32
+#define dXr0    D4.F32
+#define dXi0    D5.F32
+#define dXr1    D6.F32
+#define dXi1    D7.F32
+#define dXr2    D8.F32
+#define dXi2    D9.F32
+#define dXr3    D10.F32
+#define dXi3    D11.F32
+#define dYr0    D12.F32
+#define dYi0    D13.F32
+#define dYr1    D14.F32
+#define dYi1    D15.F32
+#define dYr2    D16.F32
+#define dYi2    D17.F32
+#define dYr3    D18.F32
+#define dYi3    D19.F32
+#define qT0     d16.f32
+#define qT1     d18.f32
+#define qT2     d12.f32
+#define qT3     d14.f32
+#define dZr0    D20.F32
+#define dZi0    D21.F32
+#define dZr1    D22.F32
+#define dZi1    D23.F32
+#define dZr2    D24.F32
+#define dZi2    D25.F32
+#define dZr3    D26.F32
+#define dZi3    D27.F32
+#define qY0     Q6.F32
+#define qY1     Q7.F32
+#define qY2     Q8.F32
+#define qY3     Q9.F32
+#define qX0     Q2.F32
+#define qZ0     Q10.F32
+#define qZ1     Q11.F32
+#define qZ2     Q12.F32
+#define qZ3     Q13.F32
+        .MACRO FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse , name
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// Update grpCount and grpSize rightaway inorder to reuse
+        @// pGrpCount and pGrpSize regs
+        LSL     grpCount,subFFTSize,#2
+        LSR     subFFTNum,subFFTNum,#2
+        MOV     subFFTSize,grpCount
+        VLD1     dW1,[pTwiddle]                    @//[wi | wr]
+        @// pT0+1 increments pT0 by 8 bytes
+        @// pT0+pointStep = increment of 8*pointStep bytes = 2*grpSize bytes
+        MOV     pointStep,subFFTNum,LSL #1
+        @// pOut0+1 increments pOut0 by 8 bytes
+        @// pOut0+outPointStep == increment of 8*outPointStep bytes
+        @//   = 2*size bytes
+        MOV     stepTwiddle,#0
+        VLD1     dW2,[pTwiddle]                    @//[wi | wr]
+        SMULBB  outPointStep,grpCount,pointStep
+        LSL     pointStep,pointStep,#2             @// 2*grpSize
+        VLD1     dW3,[pTwiddle]                    @//[wi | wr]
+        MOV     srcStep,pointStep,LSL #1           @// srcStep = 2*pointStep
+        ADD     setStep,srcStep,pointStep          @// setStep = 3*pointStep
+        RSB     setStep,setStep,#0                 @// setStep = - 3*pointStep
+        SUB     srcStep,srcStep,#16                @// srcStep = 2*pointStep-16
+        MOV     dstStep,outPointStep,LSL #1
+        ADD     dstStep,dstStep,outPointStep       @// dstStep = 3*outPointStep
+        @// dstStep = - 3*outPointStep+16
+        RSB     dstStep,dstStep,#16
+radix4GrpLoop\name :
+        VLD2    {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc],pointStep       @//  data[0]
+        ADD      stepTwiddle,stepTwiddle,pointStep
+        VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc],pointStep       @//  data[1]
+        @// set pTwiddle to the first point
+        ADD      pTwiddle,pTwiddle,stepTwiddle
+        VLD2    {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc],pointStep       @//  data[2]
+        MOV      twStep,stepTwiddle,LSL #2
+        @//  data[3] & update pSrc for the next set
+        VLD2    {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc],setStep
+        SUB      twStep,stepTwiddle,twStep         @// twStep = -3*stepTwiddle
+        MOV      setCount,pointStep,LSR #3
+        @// set pSrc to data[0] of the next set
+        ADD     pSrc,pSrc,#16
+        @// increment to data[1] of the next set
+        ADD     pSrc,pSrc,pointStep
+        @// Loop on the sets
+radix4SetLoop\name :
+        SUBS    setCount,setCount,#2
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VMUL   dZr1,dXr1,dW1[0]
+            VMUL   dZi1,dXi1,dW1[0]
+            VMUL   dZr2,dXr2,dW2[0]
+            VMUL   dZi2,dXi2,dW2[0]
+            VMUL   dZr3,dXr3,dW3[0]
+            VMUL   dZi3,dXi3,dW3[0]
+            VMLA   dZr1,dXi1,dW1[1]                @// real part
+            VMLS   dZi1,dXr1,dW1[1]                @// imag part
+            @//  data[1] for next iteration
+            VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc],pointStep
+            VMLA   dZr2,dXi2,dW2[1]                @// real part
+            VMLS   dZi2,dXr2,dW2[1]                @// imag part
+            @//  data[2] for next iteration
+            VLD2    {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc],pointStep
+            VMLA   dZr3,dXi3,dW3[1]                @// real part
+            VMLS   dZi3,dXr3,dW3[1]                @// imag part
+        .else
+            VMUL   dZr1,dXr1,dW1[0]
+            VMUL   dZi1,dXi1,dW1[0]
+            VMUL   dZr2,dXr2,dW2[0]
+            VMUL   dZi2,dXi2,dW2[0]
+            VMUL   dZr3,dXr3,dW3[0]
+            VMUL   dZi3,dXi3,dW3[0]
+            VMLS   dZr1,dXi1,dW1[1]                @// real part
+            VMLA   dZi1,dXr1,dW1[1]                @// imag part
+            @//  data[1] for next iteration
+            VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc],pointStep
+            VMLS   dZr2,dXi2,dW2[1]                @// real part
+            VMLA   dZi2,dXr2,dW2[1]                @// imag part
+            @//  data[2] for next iteration
+            VLD2    {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc],pointStep
+            VMLS   dZr3,dXi3,dW3[1]                @// real part
+            VMLA   dZi3,dXr3,dW3[1]                @// imag part
+        .endif
+        @//  data[3] & update pSrc to data[0]
+        VLD2    {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc],setStep
+        @// finish first stage of 4 point FFT
+        VADD    qY0,qX0,qZ2
+        VSUB    qY2,qX0,qZ2
+        @//  data[0] for next iteration
+        VLD2    {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc :128]!
+        VADD    qY1,qZ1,qZ3
+        VSUB    qY3,qZ1,qZ3
+        @// finish second stage of 4 point FFT
+        VSUB    qZ0,qY2,qY1
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VADD    dZr3,dYr0,dYi3
+            VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VSUB    dZi3,dYi0,dYr3
+            VADD    qZ2,qY2,qY1
+            VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VSUB    dZr1,dYr0,dYi3
+            VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VADD    dZi1,dYi0,dYr3
+            VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],dstStep
+        .else
+            VSUB    dZr1,dYr0,dYi3
+            VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VADD    dZi1,dYi0,dYr3
+            VADD    qZ2,qY2,qY1
+            VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VADD    dZr3,dYr0,dYi3
+            VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+            VSUB    dZi3,dYi0,dYr3
+            VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],dstStep
+        .endif
+        @// increment to data[1] of the next set
+        ADD     pSrc,pSrc,pointStep
+        BGT     radix4SetLoop\name
+        VLD1     dW1,[pTwiddle :64],stepTwiddle    @//[wi | wr]
+        @// subtract 4 since grpCount multiplied by 4
+        SUBS    grpCount,grpCount,#4
+        VLD1     dW2,[pTwiddle :64],stepTwiddle    @//[wi | wr]
+        @// increment pSrc for the next grp
+        ADD     pSrc,pSrc,srcStep
+        VLD1     dW3,[pTwiddle :64],twStep         @//[wi | wr]
+        BGT     radix4GrpLoop\name
+        @// Reset and Swap pSrc and pDst for the next stage
+        MOV     t1,pDst
+        @// pDst -= 2*size; pSrc -= 8*size bytes
+        SUB     pDst,pSrc,outPointStep,LSL #2
+        SUB     pSrc,t1,outPointStep
+        .endm
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+            FFTSTAGE "FALSE","TRUE",INV
+        M_END
+        .end
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix8_fs_unsafe_s.S b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix8_fs_unsafe_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6eb71b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix8_fs_unsafe_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This is a modification of armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix8_fs_unsafe_s.s
+@//  to support float instead of SC32.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute a first stage Radix 8 FFT stage for a N point complex signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@// Set debugging level
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc            r0
+#define pDst            r2
+#define pTwiddle        r1
+#define subFFTNum       r6
+#define subFFTSize      r7
+@// dest buffer for the next stage (not pSrc for first stage)
+#define pPingPongBuf    r5
+@//Output Registers
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define grpSize         r3
+@// Reuse grpSize as setCount
+#define setCount        r3
+#define pointStep       r4
+#define outPointStep    r4
+#define setStep         r8
+#define step1           r9
+#define step2           r10
+#define t0              r11
+@// Neon Registers
+#define dXr0    D0.F32
+#define dXi0    D1.F32
+#define dXr1    D2.F32
+#define dXi1    D3.F32
+#define dXr2    D4.F32
+#define dXi2    D5.F32
+#define dXr3    D6.F32
+#define dXi3    D7.F32
+#define dXr4    D8.F32
+#define dXi4    D9.F32
+#define dXr5    D10.F32
+#define dXi5    D11.F32
+#define dXr6    D12.F32
+#define dXi6    D13.F32
+#define dXr7    D14.F32
+#define dXi7    D15.F32
+#define qX0     Q0.F32
+#define qX1     Q1.F32
+#define qX2     Q2.F32
+#define qX3     Q3.F32
+#define qX4     Q4.F32
+#define qX5     Q5.F32
+#define qX6     Q6.F32
+#define qX7     Q7.F32
+#define dUr0    D16.F32
+#define dUi0    D17.F32
+#define dUr2    D18.F32
+#define dUi2    D19.F32
+#define dUr4    D20.F32
+#define dUi4    D21.F32
+#define dUr6    D22.F32
+#define dUi6    D23.F32
+#define dUr1    D24.F32
+#define dUi1    D25.F32
+#define dUr3    D26.F32
+#define dUi3    D27.F32
+#define dUr5    D28.F32
+#define dUi5    D29.F32
+@// reuse dXr7 and dXi7
+#define dUr7    D30.F32
+#define dUi7    D31.F32
+#define qU0     Q8.F32
+#define qU1     Q12.F32
+#define qU2     Q9.F32
+#define qU3     Q13.F32
+#define qU4     Q10.F32
+#define qU5     Q14.F32
+#define qU6     Q11.F32
+#define qU7     Q15.F32
+#define dVr0    D24.F32
+#define dVi0    D25.F32
+#define dVr2    D26.F32
+#define dVi2    D27.F32
+#define dVr4    D28.F32
+#define dVi4    D29.F32
+#define dVr6    D30.F32
+#define dVi6    D31.F32
+#define dVr1    D16.F32
+#define dVi1    D17.F32
+#define dVr3    D18.F32
+#define dVi3    D19.F32
+#define dVr5    D20.F32
+#define dVi5    D21.F32
+#define dVr7    D22.F32
+#define dVi7    D23.F32
+#define qV0     Q12.F32
+#define qV1     Q8.F32
+#define qV2     Q13.F32
+#define qV3     Q9.F32
+#define qV4     Q14.F32
+#define qV5     Q10.F32
+#define qV6     Q15.F32
+#define qV7     Q11.F32
+#define dYr0    D16.F32
+#define dYi0    D17.F32
+#define dYr2    D18.F32
+#define dYi2    D19.F32
+#define dYr4    D20.F32
+#define dYi4    D21.F32
+#define dYr6    D22.F32
+#define dYi6    D23.F32
+#define dYr1    D24.F32
+#define dYi1    D25.F32
+#define dYr3    D26.F32
+#define dYi3    D27.F32
+#define dYr5    D28.F32
+#define dYi5    D29.F32
+#define dYr7    D30.F32
+#define dYi7    D31.F32
+#define qY0     Q8.F32
+#define qY1     Q12.F32
+#define qY2     Q9.F32
+#define qY3     Q13.F32
+#define qY4     Q10.F32
+#define qY5     Q14.F32
+#define qY6     Q11.F32
+#define qY7     Q15.F32
+#define dT0     D14.F32
+#define dT1     D15.F32
+@// Define constants
+        @ sqrt(1/2)
+ONEBYSQRT2:     .float  0.7071067811865476e0
+        .MACRO FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse, name
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// Update pSubFFTSize and pSubFFTNum regs
+        @// subFFTSize = 1 for the first stage
+        MOV     subFFTSize,#8
+        LDR     t0,=ONEBYSQRT2
+        @// Note: setCount = subFFTNum/8 (reuse the grpSize reg for setCount)
+        LSR     grpSize,subFFTNum,#3
+        MOV     subFFTNum,grpSize
+        @// pT0+1 increments pT0 by 8 bytes
+        @// pT0+pointStep = increment of 8*pointStep bytes = grpSize bytes
+        @// Note: outPointStep = pointStep for firststage
+        MOV     pointStep,grpSize,LSL #3
+        @// Calculate the step of input data for the next set
+        @//MOV     step1,pointStep,LSL #1             @// step1 = 2*pointStep
+        VLD2    {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc :128],pointStep     @//  data[0]
+        MOV     step1,grpSize,LSL #4
+        MOV     step2,pointStep,LSL #3
+        VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc :128],pointStep     @//  data[1]
+        SUB     step2,step2,pointStep                 @// step2 = 7*pointStep
+        @// setStep = - 7*pointStep+16
+        RSB     setStep,step2,#16
+        VLD2    {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc :128],pointStep     @//  data[2]
+        VLD2    {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc :128],pointStep     @//  data[3]
+        VLD2    {dXr4,dXi4},[pSrc :128],pointStep     @//  data[4]
+        VLD2    {dXr5,dXi5},[pSrc :128],pointStep     @//  data[5]
+        VLD2    {dXr6,dXi6},[pSrc :128],pointStep     @//  data[6]
+        @//  data[7] & update pSrc for the next set
+        @//  setStep = -7*pointStep + 16
+        VLD2    {dXr7,dXi7},[pSrc :128],setStep
+        @// grp = 0 a special case since all the twiddle factors are 1
+        @// Loop on the sets
+radix8fsGrpZeroSetLoop\name :
+        @// Decrement setcount
+        SUBS    setCount,setCount,#2
+        @// finish first stage of 8 point FFT
+        VADD    qU0,qX0,qX4
+        VADD    qU2,qX1,qX5
+        VADD    qU4,qX2,qX6
+        VADD    qU6,qX3,qX7
+        @// finish second stage of 8 point FFT
+        VADD    qV0,qU0,qU4
+        VSUB    qV2,qU0,qU4
+        VADD    qV4,qU2,qU6
+        VSUB    qV6,qU2,qU6
+        @// finish third stage of 8 point FFT
+        VADD    qY0,qV0,qV4
+        VSUB    qY4,qV0,qV4
+        VST2    {dYr0,dYi0},[pDst :128],step1         @// store y0
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VSUB    dYr2,dVr2,dVi6
+            VADD    dYi2,dVi2,dVr6
+            VADD    dYr6,dVr2,dVi6
+            VST2    {dYr2,dYi2},[pDst :128],step1     @// store y2
+            VSUB    dYi6,dVi2,dVr6
+            VSUB    qU1,qX0,qX4
+            VST2    {dYr4,dYi4},[pDst :128],step1     @// store y4
+            VSUB    qU3,qX1,qX5
+            VSUB    qU5,qX2,qX6
+            VST2    {dYr6,dYi6},[pDst :128],step1     @// store y6
+        .ELSE
+            VADD    dYr6,dVr2,dVi6
+            VSUB    dYi6,dVi2,dVr6
+            VSUB    dYr2,dVr2,dVi6
+            VST2    {dYr6,dYi6},[pDst :128],step1     @// store y2
+            VADD    dYi2,dVi2,dVr6
+            VSUB    qU1,qX0,qX4
+            VST2    {dYr4,dYi4},[pDst :128],step1     @// store y4
+            VSUB    qU3,qX1,qX5
+            VSUB    qU5,qX2,qX6
+            VST2    {dYr2,dYi2},[pDst :128],step1     @// store y6
+        .ENDIF
+        @// finish first stage of 8 point FFT
+        VSUB    qU7,qX3,qX7
+        VLD1    dT0[0], [t0]
+        @// finish second stage of 8 point FFT
+        VSUB    dVr1,dUr1,dUi5
+        @//  data[0] for next iteration
+        VLD2    {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc :128],pointStep
+        VADD    dVi1,dUi1,dUr5
+        VADD    dVr3,dUr1,dUi5
+        VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc :128],pointStep     @//  data[1]
+        VSUB    dVi3,dUi1,dUr5
+        VSUB    dVr5,dUr3,dUi7
+        VLD2    {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc :128],pointStep     @//  data[2]
+        VADD    dVi5,dUi3,dUr7
+        VADD    dVr7,dUr3,dUi7
+        VLD2    {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc :128],pointStep     @//  data[3]
+        VSUB    dVi7,dUi3,dUr7
+        @// finish third stage of 8 point FFT
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            @// calculate a*v5
+            VMUL    dT1,dVr5,dT0[0]                   @// use dVi0 for dT1
+            VLD2    {dXr4,dXi4},[pSrc :128],pointStep @//  data[4]
+            VMUL    dVi5,dVi5,dT0[0]
+            VLD2    {dXr5,dXi5},[pSrc :128],pointStep @//  data[5]
+            VSUB    dVr5,dT1,dVi5                     @// a * V5
+            VADD    dVi5,dT1,dVi5
+            VLD2    {dXr6,dXi6},[pSrc :128],pointStep @//  data[6]
+            @// calculate  b*v7
+            VMUL    dT1,dVr7,dT0[0]
+            VMUL    dVi7,dVi7,dT0[0]
+            VADD    qY1,qV1,qV5
+            VSUB    qY5,qV1,qV5
+            VADD    dVr7,dT1,dVi7                     @// b * V7
+            VSUB    dVi7,dVi7,dT1
+            SUB     pDst, pDst, step2                 @// set pDst to y1
+            VLD2    {dXr7,dXi7},[pSrc :128],setStep   @//  data[7]
+            VSUB    dYr3,dVr3,dVr7
+            VSUB    dYi3,dVi3,dVi7
+            VST2    {dYr1,dYi1},[pDst :128],step1     @// store y1
+            VADD    dYr7,dVr3,dVr7
+            VADD    dYi7,dVi3,dVi7
+            VST2    {dYr3,dYi3},[pDst :128],step1     @// store y3
+            VST2    {dYr5,dYi5},[pDst :128],step1     @// store y5
+            VST2    {dYr7,dYi7},[pDst :128]           @// store y7
+            ADD pDst, pDst, #16
+        .ELSE
+            @// calculate  b*v7
+            VMUL    dT1,dVr7,dT0[0]
+            VLD2    {dXr4,dXi4},[pSrc :128],pointStep @//  data[4]
+            VMUL    dVi7,dVi7,dT0[0]
+            VLD2    {dXr5,dXi5},[pSrc :128],pointStep @//  data[5]
+            VADD    dVr7,dT1,dVi7                     @// b * V7
+            VSUB    dVi7,dVi7,dT1
+            VLD2    {dXr6,dXi6},[pSrc :128],pointStep @//  data[6]
+            @// calculate a*v5
+            VMUL    dT1,dVr5,dT0[0]                   @// use dVi0 for dT1
+            VMUL    dVi5,dVi5,dT0[0]
+            VADD    dYr7,dVr3,dVr7
+            VADD    dYi7,dVi3,dVi7
+            SUB     pDst, pDst, step2                 @// set pDst to y1
+            VSUB    dVr5,dT1,dVi5                     @// a * V5
+            VADD    dVi5,dT1,dVi5
+            VLD2    {dXr7,dXi7},[pSrc :128],setStep   @//  data[7]
+            VSUB    qY5,qV1,qV5
+            VSUB    dYr3,dVr3,dVr7
+            VST2    {dYr7,dYi7},[pDst :128],step1     @// store y1
+            VSUB    dYi3,dVi3,dVi7
+            VADD    qY1,qV1,qV5
+            VST2    {dYr5,dYi5},[pDst :128],step1     @// store y3
+            VST2    {dYr3,dYi3},[pDst :128],step1     @// store y5
+            VST2    {dYr1,dYi1},[pDst :128]!          @// store y7
+        .ENDIF
+        @// update pDst for the next set
+        SUB     pDst, pDst, step2
+        BGT     radix8fsGrpZeroSetLoop\name
+        @// reset pSrc to pDst for the next stage
+        SUB     pSrc,pDst,pointStep                   @// pDst -= 2*grpSize
+        MOV     pDst,pPingPongBuf
+        .endm
+        @// Allocate stack memory required by the function
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+            FFTSTAGE "FALSE","TRUE",INV
+        M_END
+        .end
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_unsafe_s.S b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_unsafe_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa3df3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_unsafe_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+@//  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+@// File Name:  armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_unsafe_s.s
+@// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+@// Last Modified Revision:   5995
+@// Last Modified Date:       Fri, 08 Jun 2007
+@// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute the first stage of a Radix 2 DIT in-order out-of-place FFT 
+@// stage for a N point complex signal.
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@// Set debugging level        
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc		r0
+#define pDst		r2
+#define pTwiddle	r1
+#define pPingPongBuf	r5
+#define subFFTNum	r6
+#define subFFTSize	r7
+@//Output Registers
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define pointStep	r3
+#define outPointStep	r3
+#define grpSize		r4
+#define setCount	r4
+#define step		r8
+#define dstStep		r8
+@// Neon Registers
+#define dX0	D0.S32
+#define dX1	D1.S32
+#define dY0	D2.S32
+#define dY1	D3.S32
+        .MACRO FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse, name
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// update subFFTSize and subFFTNum into RN6 and RN7 for the next stage
+        MOV        subFFTSize,#2
+        LSR        grpSize,subFFTNum,#1  
+        MOV        subFFTNum,grpSize 
+        @// pT0+1 increments pT0 by 8 bytes
+        @// pT0+pointStep = increment of 8*pointStep bytes = 4*grpSize bytes
+        @// Note: outPointStep = pointStep for firststage
+        @// Note: setCount = grpSize/2 (reuse the updated grpSize for setCount)
+        MOV        pointStep,grpSize,LSL #3
+        RSB        step,pointStep,#8 
+        @// Loop on the sets for grp zero
+grpZeroSetLoop\name :	
+        VLD1    dX0,[pSrc],pointStep
+        VLD1    dX1,[pSrc],step                   @// step = -pointStep + 8
+        SUBS    setCount,setCount,#1              @// decrement the loop counter
+        .ifeqs "\scaled", "TRUE"
+            VHADD    dY0,dX0,dX1
+            VHSUB    dY1,dX0,dX1
+        .ELSE
+            VADD    dY0,dX0,dX1
+            VSUB    dY1,dX0,dX1
+        .ENDIF
+        VST1    dY0,[pDst],outPointStep
+        VST1    dY1,[pDst],dstStep                  @// dstStep =  step = -pointStep + 8
+        BGT     grpZeroSetLoop\name
+        @// reset pSrc to pDst for the next stage
+        SUB     pSrc,pDst,pointStep                     @// pDst -= 2*grpSize 
+        MOV     pDst,pPingPongBuf
+        .endm
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "FALSE","FALSE",fwd
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "FALSE","TRUE",inv
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "TRUE","FALSE",fwdsfs
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "TRUE","TRUE",invsfs
+        M_END
+	.end
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_unsafe_s.S b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_unsafe_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..568587a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_unsafe_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+@//  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+@// File Name:  armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_unsafe_s.s
+@// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+@// Last Modified Revision:   7493
+@// Last Modified Date:       Mon, 24 Sep 2007
+@// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute the last stage of a Radix 2 DIT in-order out-of-place FFT
+@// stage for a N point complex signal.
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@// Set debugging level        
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc		r0
+#define pDst		r2
+#define pTwiddle	r1
+#define subFFTNum	r6
+#define subFFTSize	r7
+@//Output Registers
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define outPointStep	r3
+#define grpCount	r4
+#define dstStep		r5
+#define pTmp		r4
+@// Neon Registers
+#define dWr	D0.S32
+#define dWi	d1.s32
+#define dXr0	d2.s32
+#define dXi0	d3.s32
+#define dXr1	d4.s32
+#define dXi1	d5.s32
+#define dYr0	d6.s32
+#define dYi0	d7.s32
+#define dYr1	d8.s32
+#define dYi1	d9.s32
+#define qT0	q5.s64
+#define qT1	q6.s64
+        .macro FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse, name
+        MOV     outPointStep,subFFTSize,LSL #3
+        @// Update grpCount and grpSize rightaway 
+        MOV     subFFTNum,#1                            @//after the last stage
+        LSL     grpCount,subFFTSize,#1
+        @// update subFFTSize for the next stage
+        MOV     subFFTSize,grpCount
+        RSB      dstStep,outPointStep,#16
+        @// Loop on 2 grps at a time for the last stage
+grpLoop\name :	
+        VLD2    {dWr,dWi},[pTwiddle :64]!
+        VLD4    {dXr0,dXi0,dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc :128]!
+        SUBS    grpCount,grpCount,#4                   @// grpCount is multiplied by 2 
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VMULL   qT0,dWr,dXr1
+            VMLAL   qT0,dWi,dXi1                       @// real part
+            VMULL   qT1,dWr,dXi1
+            VMLSL   qT1,dWi,dXr1                       @// imag part
+        .else
+            VMULL   qT0,dWr,dXr1
+            VMLSL   qT0,dWi,dXi1                       @// real part
+            VMULL   qT1,dWr,dXi1
+            VMLAL   qT1,dWi,dXr1                       @// imag part
+        .endif
+        VRSHRN  dXr1,qT0,#31
+        VRSHRN  dXi1,qT1,#31
+        .ifeqs "\scaled", "TRUE"
+            VHSUB    dYr0,dXr0,dXr1
+            VHSUB    dYi0,dXi0,dXi1
+            VHADD    dYr1,dXr0,dXr1
+            VHADD    dYi1,dXi0,dXi1
+        .else
+            VSUB    dYr0,dXr0,dXr1
+            VSUB    dYi0,dXi0,dXi1
+            VADD    dYr1,dXr0,dXr1
+            VADD    dYi1,dXi0,dXi1
+        .endif
+        VST2    {dYr0,dYi0},[pDst],outPointStep
+        VST2    {dYr1,dYi1},[pDst],dstStep                  @// dstStep =  step = -outPointStep + 16
+        bgt     grpLoop\name
+        @// Reset and Swap pSrc and pDst for the next stage     
+        MOV     pTmp,pDst
+        SUB     pDst,pSrc,outPointStep,LSL #1       @// pDst -= 4*size; pSrc -= 8*size bytes           
+        SUB     pSrc,pTmp,outPointStep
+        @// Reset pTwiddle for the next stage
+        SUB     pTwiddle,pTwiddle,outPointStep      @// pTwiddle -= 4*size bytes
+        .endm
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4,""
+        FFTSTAGE "FALSE","FALSE",fwd
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "FALSE","TRUE",inv
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "TRUE","FALSE",fwdsfs
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "TRUE","TRUE",invsfs
+        M_END
+	.end
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_unsafe_s.S b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_unsafe_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d103df1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_unsafe_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+@//  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+@// File Name:  armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_unsafe_s.s
+@// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+@// Last Modified Revision:   5638
+@// Last Modified Date:       Wed, 06 Jun 2007
+@// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute a Radix 2 DIT in-order out-of-place FFT stage for a N point complex signal.
+@// This handle the general stage, not the first or last stage.
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@// Set debugging level        
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc		r0
+#define pDst		r2
+#define pTwiddle	r1
+#define subFFTNum	r6
+#define subFFTSize	r7
+@//Output Registers
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define outPointStep	r3
+#define pointStep	r4
+#define grpCount	r5
+#define setCount	r8
+@//const           RN  9
+#define step		r10
+#define dstStep		r11
+#define pTable		r9
+#define pTmp		r9    
+@// Neon Registers
+#define dW	D0.S32
+#define dX0	D2.S32
+#define dX1	D3.S32
+#define dX2	D4.S32
+#define dX3	D5.S32
+#define dY0	D6.S32
+#define dY1	D7.S32
+#define dY2	D8.S32
+#define dY3	D9.S32
+#define qT0	Q3.S64
+#define qT1	Q4.S64
+        .MACRO FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse, name
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// Update grpCount and grpSize rightaway inorder to reuse pGrpCount and pGrpSize regs
+        LSR     subFFTNum,subFFTNum,#1                      @//grpSize
+        LSL     grpCount,subFFTSize,#1
+        @// pT0+1 increments pT0 by 8 bytes
+        @// pT0+pointStep = increment of 8*pointStep bytes = 4*grpSize bytes
+        MOV     pointStep,subFFTNum,LSL #2
+        @// update subFFTSize for the next stage
+        MOV     subFFTSize,grpCount
+        @// pOut0+1 increments pOut0 by 8 bytes
+        @// pOut0+outPointStep == increment of 8*outPointStep bytes = 4*size bytes
+        SMULBB  outPointStep,grpCount,pointStep  
+        LSL     pointStep,pointStep,#1    
+        RSB      step,pointStep,#16
+        RSB      dstStep,outPointStep,#16
+        @// Loop on the groups
+grpLoop\name :	        
+        MOV      setCount,pointStep,LSR #3
+        VLD1     dW,[pTwiddle],pointStep                @//[wi | wr]
+        @// Loop on the sets
+setLoop\name :	       
+        VLD2    {dX0,dX1},[pSrc],pointStep            @// point0: dX0-real part dX1-img part
+        VLD2    {dX2,dX3},[pSrc],step                 @// point1: dX2-real part dX3-img part
+        SUBS    setCount,setCount,#2               
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VMULL   qT0,dX2,dW[0]
+            VMLAL   qT0,dX3,dW[1]                       @// real part
+            VMULL   qT1,dX3,dW[0]
+            VMLSL   qT1,dX2,dW[1]                       @// imag part
+        .else
+            VMULL   qT0,dX2,dW[0]
+            VMLSL   qT0,dX3,dW[1]                       @// real part
+            VMULL   qT1,dX3,dW[0]
+            VMLAL   qT1,dX2,dW[1]                       @// imag part
+        .endif
+        VRSHRN  dX2,qT0,#31
+        VRSHRN  dX3,qT1,#31
+        .ifeqs "\scaled", "TRUE"
+            VHSUB    dY0,dX0,dX2
+            VHSUB    dY1,dX1,dX3
+            VHADD    dY2,dX0,dX2
+            VHADD    dY3,dX1,dX3
+        .else
+            VSUB    dY0,dX0,dX2
+            VSUB    dY1,dX1,dX3
+            VADD    dY2,dX0,dX2
+            VADD    dY3,dX1,dX3
+        .endif
+        VST2    {dY0,dY1},[pDst],outPointStep
+        VST2    {dY2,dY3},[pDst],dstStep              @// dstStep = -outPointStep + 16
+        BGT     setLoop\name
+        SUBS    grpCount,grpCount,#2               
+        ADD     pSrc,pSrc,pointStep
+        BGT     grpLoop\name    
+        @// Reset and Swap pSrc and pDst for the next stage     
+        MOV     pTmp,pDst
+        SUB     pDst,pSrc,outPointStep,LSL #1       @// pDst -= 4*size; pSrc -= 8*size bytes           
+        SUB     pSrc,pTmp,outPointStep
+        @// Reset pTwiddle for the next stage
+        SUB     pTwiddle,pTwiddle,outPointStep      @// pTwiddle -= 4*size bytes
+        .endm
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        M_END
+	.end
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_unsafe_s.S b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_unsafe_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d82124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_unsafe_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+@//  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+@// File Name:  armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_unsafe_s.s
+@// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+@// Last Modified Revision:   7767
+@// Last Modified Date:       Thu, 27 Sep 2007
+@// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute a first stage Radix 4 FFT stage for a N point complex signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@// Set debugging level        
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc		r0
+#define pDst		r2
+#define pTwiddle	r1
+#define pPingPongBuf	r5
+#define subFFTNum	r6
+#define subFFTSize	r7
+@//Output Registers
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define grpSize		r3
+@// Reuse grpSize as setCount
+#define setCount	r3
+#define pointStep	r4
+#define outPointStep	r4
+#define setStep		r8
+#define step1		r9
+#define step3		r10
+@// Neon Registers
+#define dXr0	D0.S32
+#define dXi0	D1.S32
+#define dXr1	D2.S32
+#define dXi1	D3.S32
+#define dXr2	D4.S32
+#define dXi2	D5.S32
+#define dXr3	D6.S32
+#define dXi3	D7.S32
+#define dYr0	D8.S32
+#define dYi0	D9.S32
+#define dYr1	D10.S32
+#define dYi1	D11.S32
+#define dYr2	D12.S32
+#define dYi2	D13.S32
+#define dYr3	D14.S32
+#define dYi3	D15.S32
+#define qX0	Q0.S32
+#define qX1	Q1.S32
+#define qX2	Q2.S32
+#define qX3	Q3.S32
+#define qY0	Q4.S32
+#define qY1	Q5.S32
+#define qY2	Q6.S32
+#define qY3	Q7.S32
+#define dZr0	D16.S32
+#define dZi0	D17.S32
+#define dZr1	D18.S32
+#define dZi1	D19.S32
+#define dZr2	D20.S32
+#define dZi2	D21.S32
+#define dZr3	D22.S32
+#define dZi3	D23.S32
+#define qZ0	Q8.S32
+#define qZ1	Q9.S32
+#define qZ2	Q10.S32
+#define qZ3	Q11.S32
+        .MACRO FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse, name
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// pT0+1 increments pT0 by 8 bytes
+        @// pT0+pointStep = increment of 8*pointStep bytes = 2*grpSize bytes
+        @// Note: outPointStep = pointStep for firststage
+        MOV     pointStep,subFFTNum,LSL #1
+        @// Update pSubFFTSize and pSubFFTNum regs
+        VLD2    {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[0]
+        MOV     subFFTSize,#4                                 @// subFFTSize = 1 for the first stage
+        @// Note: setCount = subFFTNum/4 (reuse the grpSize reg for setCount)
+        LSR     grpSize,subFFTNum,#2
+        VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[1]  
+        MOV     subFFTNum,grpSize
+        @// Calculate the step of input data for the next set
+        @//MOV     setStep,pointStep,LSL #1
+        MOV     setStep,grpSize,LSL #4
+        VLD2    {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[2]
+        ADD     setStep,setStep,pointStep                   @// setStep = 3*pointStep
+        RSB     setStep,setStep,#16                         @// setStep = - 3*pointStep+16
+        VLD2    {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc :128],setStep            @//  data[3] & update pSrc for the next set
+        MOV     step1,pointStep,LSL #1                      @// step1 = 2*pointStep
+        .ifeqs "\scaled", "TRUE"
+            VHADD    qY0,qX0,qX2
+        .else
+            VADD    qY0,qX0,qX2
+        .endif
+        RSB     step3,pointStep,#0                          @// step3 = -pointStep                          
+        @// grp = 0 a special case since all the twiddle factors are 1
+        @// Loop on the sets : 2 sets at a time
+grpZeroSetLoop\name :	
+        @// Decrement setcount
+        SUBS    setCount,setCount,#2                    @// decrement the set loop counter           
+        .ifeqs "\scaled", "TRUE" 
+            @// finish first stage of 4 point FFT 
+            VHSUB    qY2,qX0,qX2
+            VLD2    {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc :128],step1          @//  data[0]
+            VHADD    qY1,qX1,qX3
+            VLD2    {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc :128],step3          @//  data[2]
+            VHSUB    qY3,qX1,qX3
+            @// finish second stage of 4 point FFT 
+            .ifeqs "\inverse", "TRUE"
+                VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc :128],step1          @//  data[1]
+                VHADD    qZ0,qY0,qY1
+                VLD2    {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc :128],setStep            @//  data[3] & update pSrc for the next set    
+                VHSUB    dZr3,dYr2,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHADD    dZi3,dYi2,dYr3
+                VHSUB    qZ1,qY0,qY1
+                VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHADD    dZr2,dYr2,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHSUB    dZi2,dYi2,dYr3
+                VHADD    qY0,qX0,qX2                     @// u0 for next iteration
+                VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],setStep
+            .else
+                VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc :128],step1          @//  data[1]
+                VHADD    qZ0,qY0,qY1
+                VLD2    {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc :128],setStep            @//  data[3] & update pSrc for the next set
+                VHADD    dZr2,dYr2,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHSUB    dZi2,dYi2,dYr3
+                VHSUB    qZ1,qY0,qY1
+                VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHSUB    dZr3,dYr2,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHADD    dZi3,dYi2,dYr3
+                VHADD    qY0,qX0,qX2                     @// u0 for next iteration
+                VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],setStep
+            .endif
+        .else
+            @// finish first stage of 4 point FFT 
+            VSUB    qY2,qX0,qX2
+            VLD2    {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc :128],step1          @//  data[0]
+            VADD    qY1,qX1,qX3
+            VLD2    {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc :128],step3          @//  data[2]
+            VSUB    qY3,qX1,qX3
+            @// finish second stage of 4 point FFT 
+            .ifeqs "\inverse", "TRUE" 
+                VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc :128],step1          @//  data[1]
+                VADD    qZ0,qY0,qY1
+                VLD2    {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc :128],setStep            @//  data[3] & update pSrc for the next set    
+                VSUB    dZr3,dYr2,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VADD    dZi3,dYi2,dYr3
+                VSUB    qZ1,qY0,qY1
+                VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VADD    dZr2,dYr2,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VSUB    dZi2,dYi2,dYr3
+                VADD    qY0,qX0,qX2                     @// u0 for next iteration
+                VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],setStep
+            .else
+                VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc :128],step1          @//  data[1]
+                VADD    qZ0,qY0,qY1
+                VLD2    {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc :128],setStep            @//  data[3] & update pSrc for the next set
+                VADD    dZr2,dYr2,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VSUB    dZi2,dYi2,dYr3
+                VSUB    qZ1,qY0,qY1
+                VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VSUB    dZr3,dYr2,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VADD    dZi3,dYi2,dYr3
+                VADD    qY0,qX0,qX2                     @// u0 for next iteration
+                VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],setStep
+            .endif
+        .endif
+        BGT     grpZeroSetLoop\name
+        @// reset pSrc to pDst for the next stage
+        SUB     pSrc,pDst,pointStep                     @// pDst -= 2*grpSize  
+        MOV     pDst,pPingPongBuf
+        .endm
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "FALSE","FALSE",fwd
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "FALSE","TRUE",inv
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "TRUE","FALSE",fwdsfs
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "TRUE","TRUE",invsfs
+        M_END
+	.end
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_unsafe_s.S b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_unsafe_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..101a65e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_unsafe_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+@//  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+@// File Name:  armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_unsafe_s.s
+@// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+@// Last Modified Revision:   7767
+@// Last Modified Date:       Thu, 27 Sep 2007
+@// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute a Radix 4 FFT stage for a N point complex signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@// Set debugging level        
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+    @//IMPORT  armAAC_constTable    
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc		r0
+#define pDst		r2
+#define pTwiddle	r1
+#define subFFTNum	r6
+#define subFFTSize	r7
+@//Output Registers
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define outPointStep	r3
+#define grpCount	r4
+#define dstStep		r5
+#define grpTwStep	r8
+#define stepTwiddle	r9
+#define twStep		r10
+#define pTmp		r4
+#define step16		r11
+#define step24		r12
+@// Neon Registers
+#define dButterfly1Real02	D0.S32
+#define dButterfly1Imag02	D1.S32
+#define dButterfly1Real13	D2.S32
+#define dButterfly1Imag13	D3.S32
+#define dButterfly2Real02	D4.S32
+#define dButterfly2Imag02	D5.S32
+#define dButterfly2Real13	D6.S32
+#define dButterfly2Imag13	D7.S32
+#define dXr0			D0.S32
+#define dXi0			D1.S32
+#define dXr1			D2.S32
+#define dXi1			D3.S32
+#define dXr2			D4.S32
+#define dXi2			D5.S32
+#define dXr3			D6.S32
+#define dXi3			D7.S32
+#define dYr0			D16.S32
+#define dYi0			D17.S32
+#define dYr1			D18.S32
+#define dYi1			D19.S32
+#define dYr2			D20.S32
+#define dYi2			D21.S32
+#define dYr3			D22.S32
+#define dYi3			D23.S32
+#define dW1r			D8.S32
+#define dW1i			D9.S32
+#define dW2r			D10.S32
+#define dW2i			D11.S32
+#define dW3r			D12.S32
+#define dW3i			D13.S32
+#define qT0			Q7.S64
+#define qT1			Q8.S64
+#define qT2			Q9.S64
+#define qT3			Q10.S64
+#define qT4			Q11.S64
+#define qT5			Q12.S64
+#define dZr0			D14.S32
+#define dZi0			D15.S32
+#define dZr1			D26.S32
+#define dZi1			D27.S32
+#define dZr2			D28.S32
+#define dZi2			D29.S32
+#define dZr3			D30.S32
+#define dZi3			D31.S32
+#define qX0			Q0.S32
+#define qY0			Q8.S32
+#define qY1			Q9.S32   
+#define qY2			Q10.S32
+#define qY3			Q11.S32
+#define qZ0			Q7.S32
+#define qZ1			Q13.S32   
+#define qZ2			Q14.S32
+#define qZ3			Q15.S32
+        .MACRO FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse , name
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// pOut0+1 increments pOut0 by 8 bytes
+        @// pOut0+outPointStep == increment of 8*outPointStep bytes 
+        MOV     outPointStep,subFFTSize,LSL #3
+        @// Update grpCount and grpSize rightaway 
+        VLD2    {dW1r,dW1i},[pTwiddle :128]                          @// [wi|wr]
+        MOV     step16,#16
+        LSL     grpCount,subFFTSize,#2
+        VLD1    dW2r,[pTwiddle :64]                             @// [wi|wr]
+        MOV     subFFTNum,#1                            @//after the last stage
+        VLD1    dW3r,[pTwiddle :64],step16                     @// [wi|wr]
+        MOV     stepTwiddle,#0
+        VLD1    dW2i,[pTwiddle :64]!                            @// [wi|wr]
+        SUB     grpTwStep,stepTwiddle,#8                    @// grpTwStep = -8 to start with       
+        @// update subFFTSize for the next stage
+        MOV     subFFTSize,grpCount
+        VLD1    dW3i,[pTwiddle :64],grpTwStep                           @// [wi|wr]
+        MOV     dstStep,outPointStep,LSL #1
+        VLD4     {dButterfly1Real02,dButterfly1Imag02,dButterfly1Real13,dButterfly1Imag13},[pSrc :256]! @// AC.r AC.i BD.r BD.i
+        ADD     dstStep,dstStep,outPointStep                @// dstStep = 3*outPointStep
+        RSB     dstStep,dstStep,#16                         @// dstStep = - 3*outPointStep+16
+        MOV     step24,#24 
+        VLD4     {dButterfly2Real02,dButterfly2Imag02,dButterfly2Real13,dButterfly2Imag13},[pSrc :256]! @// AC.r AC.i BD.r BD.i
+        @// Process two groups at a time
+grpLoop\name :	
+        VZIP    dW2r,dW2i
+        ADD     stepTwiddle,stepTwiddle,#16                 @// increment for the next iteration
+        VZIP    dW3r,dW3i
+        ADD     grpTwStep,stepTwiddle,#4
+        VUZP     dButterfly1Real13, dButterfly2Real13        @// B.r D.r
+        SUB     twStep,stepTwiddle,#16                      @// -16+stepTwiddle
+        VUZP     dButterfly1Imag13, dButterfly2Imag13        @// B.i D.i
+        MOV     grpTwStep,grpTwStep,LSL #1
+        VUZP     dButterfly1Real02, dButterfly2Real02        @// A.r C.r
+        RSB     grpTwStep,grpTwStep,#0                      @// -8-2*stepTwiddle
+        VUZP     dButterfly1Imag02, dButterfly2Imag02        @// A.i C.i
+        SUBS    grpCount,grpCount,#8                    @// grpCount is multiplied by 4
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VMULL   qT0,dW1r,dXr1
+            VMLAL   qT0,dW1i,dXi1                       @// real part
+            VMULL   qT1,dW1r,dXi1
+            VMLSL   qT1,dW1i,dXr1                       @// imag part
+        .else
+            VMULL   qT0,dW1r,dXr1
+            VMLSL   qT0,dW1i,dXi1                       @// real part
+            VMULL   qT1,dW1r,dXi1
+            VMLAL   qT1,dW1i,dXr1                       @// imag part
+        .endif
+        VLD2    {dW1r,dW1i},[pTwiddle :128],stepTwiddle      @// [wi|wr]
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VMULL   qT2,dW2r,dXr2
+            VMLAL   qT2,dW2i,dXi2                       @// real part
+            VMULL   qT3,dW2r,dXi2
+            VLD1    dW2r,[pTwiddle :64],step16                  @// [wi|wr]
+            VMLSL   qT3,dW2i,dXr2                       @// imag part
+        .else
+            VMULL   qT2,dW2r,dXr2
+            VMLSL   qT2,dW2i,dXi2                       @// real part
+            VMULL   qT3,dW2r,dXi2
+            VLD1    dW2r,[pTwiddle :64],step16                  @// [wi|wr]
+            VMLAL   qT3,dW2i,dXr2                       @// imag part
+        .endif
+        VRSHRN  dZr1,qT0,#31
+        VLD1    dW2i,[pTwiddle :64],twStep                  @// [wi|wr] 
+        VRSHRN  dZi1,qT1,#31
+        VMOV     qZ0,qX0                                @// move qX0 so as to load for the next iteration
+        VLD4     {dButterfly1Real02,dButterfly1Imag02,dButterfly1Real13,dButterfly1Imag13},[pSrc :256]! @// AC.r AC.i BD.r BD.i
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VMULL   qT4,dW3r,dXr3
+            VMLAL   qT4,dW3i,dXi3                       @// real part
+            VMULL   qT5,dW3r,dXi3
+            VLD1    dW3r,[pTwiddle :64],step24
+            VMLSL   qT5,dW3i,dXr3                       @// imag part
+        .else
+            VMULL   qT4,dW3r,dXr3
+            VMLSL   qT4,dW3i,dXi3                       @// real part
+            VMULL   qT5,dW3r,dXi3
+            VLD1    dW3r,[pTwiddle :64],step24
+            VMLAL   qT5,dW3i,dXr3                       @// imag part
+        .endif
+        VRSHRN  dZr2,qT2,#31
+        VLD1    dW3i,[pTwiddle :64],grpTwStep                           @// [wi|wr]
+        VRSHRN  dZi2,qT3,#31
+        VRSHRN  dZr3,qT4,#31
+        VRSHRN  dZi3,qT5,#31
+        VLD4     {dButterfly2Real02,dButterfly2Imag02,dButterfly2Real13,dButterfly2Imag13},[pSrc :256]! @// AC.r AC.i BD.r BD.i
+        .ifeqs "\scaled", "TRUE"
+            @// finish first stage of 4 point FFT 
+            VHADD    qY0,qZ0,qZ2
+            VHSUB    qY2,qZ0,qZ2
+            VHADD    qY1,qZ1,qZ3
+            VHSUB    qY3,qZ1,qZ3
+            @// finish second stage of 4 point FFT 
+            .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+                VHSUB    qZ0,qY2,qY1
+                VHADD    dZr3,dYr0,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHSUB    dZi3,dYi0,dYr3
+                VHADD    qZ2,qY2,qY1
+                VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHSUB    dZr1,dYr0,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHADD    dZi1,dYi0,dYr3
+                VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],dstStep              @// dstStep = -outPointStep + 16
+            .else
+                VHSUB    qZ0,qY2,qY1
+                VHSUB    dZr1,dYr0,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHADD    dZi1,dYi0,dYr3
+                VHADD    qZ2,qY2,qY1
+                VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHADD    dZr3,dYr0,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHSUB    dZi3,dYi0,dYr3
+                VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],dstStep              @// dstStep = -outPointStep + 16
+            .endif
+        .else
+            @// finish first stage of 4 point FFT 
+            VADD    qY0,qZ0,qZ2
+            VSUB    qY2,qZ0,qZ2
+            VADD    qY1,qZ1,qZ3
+            VSUB    qY3,qZ1,qZ3
+            @// finish second stage of 4 point FFT 
+            .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+                VSUB    qZ0,qY2,qY1
+                VADD    dZr3,dYr0,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VSUB    dZi3,dYi0,dYr3
+                VADD    qZ2,qY2,qY1
+                VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VSUB    dZr1,dYr0,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VADD    dZi1,dYi0,dYr3
+                VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],dstStep              @// dstStep = -outPointStep + 16
+            .else
+                VSUB    qZ0,qY2,qY1
+                VSUB    dZr1,dYr0,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VADD    dZi1,dYi0,dYr3
+                VADD    qZ2,qY2,qY1
+                VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VADD    dZr3,dYr0,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VSUB    dZi3,dYi0,dYr3
+                VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],dstStep              @// dstStep = -outPointStep + 16
+            .endif
+        .endif
+        BGT     grpLoop\name
+        @// Reset and Swap pSrc and pDst for the next stage     
+        MOV     pTmp,pDst
+        SUB     pSrc,pSrc,#64                       @// Extra increment done in final iteration of the loop
+        SUB     pDst,pSrc,outPointStep,LSL #2       @// pDst -= 4*size; pSrc -= 8*size bytes           
+        SUB     pSrc,pTmp,outPointStep
+        SUB     pTwiddle,pTwiddle,subFFTSize,LSL #1
+        SUB     pTwiddle,pTwiddle,#16               @// Extra increment done in final iteration of the loop
+        .endm
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "FALSE","FALSE",fwd
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "FALSE","TRUE",inv
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "TRUE","FALSE",fwdsfs
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        FFTSTAGE "TRUE","TRUE",invsfs
+        M_END
+	.end
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_unsafe_s.S b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_unsafe_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a2e21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_unsafe_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+@//  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+@// File Name:  armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_unsafe_s.s
+@// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+@// Last Modified Revision:   7767
+@// Last Modified Date:       Thu, 27 Sep 2007
+@// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute a Radix 4 FFT stage for a N point complex signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@// Set debugging level        
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc		r0
+#define pDst		r2
+#define pTwiddle	r1
+#define subFFTNum	r6
+#define subFFTSize	r7
+@//Output Registers
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define grpCount	r3
+#define pointStep	r4
+#define outPointStep	r5
+#define stepTwiddle	r12
+#define setCount	r14
+#define srcStep		r8
+#define setStep		r9
+#define dstStep		r10
+#define twStep		r11
+#define t1		r3
+@// Neon Registers
+#define dW1	D0.S32
+#define dW2	D1.S32
+#define dW3	D2.S32   
+#define dXr0	D4.S32
+#define dXi0	D5.S32
+#define dXr1	D6.S32
+#define dXi1	D7.S32
+#define dXr2	D8.S32
+#define dXi2	D9.S32
+#define dXr3	D10.S32
+#define dXi3	D11.S32
+#define dYr0	D12.S32
+#define dYi0	D13.S32
+#define dYr1	D14.S32
+#define dYi1	D15.S32
+#define dYr2	D16.S32
+#define dYi2	D17.S32
+#define dYr3	D18.S32
+#define dYi3	D19.S32
+#define qT0	Q8.S64   
+#define qT1	Q9.S64
+#define qT2	Q6.S64
+#define qT3	Q7.S64
+#define dZr0	D20.S32
+#define dZi0	D21.S32
+#define dZr1	D22.S32
+#define dZi1	D23.S32
+#define dZr2	D24.S32
+#define dZi2	D25.S32
+#define dZr3	D26.S32
+#define dZi3	D27.S32
+#define qY0	Q6.S32
+#define qY1	Q7.S32
+#define qY2	Q8.S32
+#define qY3	Q9.S32   
+#define qX0	Q2.S32
+#define qZ0	Q10.S32
+#define qZ1	Q11.S32
+#define qZ2	Q12.S32
+#define qZ3	Q13.S32
+        .MACRO FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse , name
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// Update grpCount and grpSize rightaway inorder to reuse pGrpCount and pGrpSize regs
+        LSL     grpCount,subFFTSize,#2
+        LSR     subFFTNum,subFFTNum,#2  
+        MOV     subFFTSize,grpCount
+        VLD1     dW1,[pTwiddle]                             @//[wi | wr]
+        @// pT0+1 increments pT0 by 8 bytes
+        @// pT0+pointStep = increment of 8*pointStep bytes = 2*grpSize bytes
+        MOV     pointStep,subFFTNum,LSL #1
+        @// pOut0+1 increments pOut0 by 8 bytes
+        @// pOut0+outPointStep == increment of 8*outPointStep bytes = 2*size bytes
+        MOV     stepTwiddle,#0
+        VLD1     dW2,[pTwiddle]                             @//[wi | wr]
+        SMULBB  outPointStep,grpCount,pointStep  
+        LSL     pointStep,pointStep,#2                      @// 2*grpSize    
+        VLD1     dW3,[pTwiddle]                             @//[wi | wr]
+        MOV     srcStep,pointStep,LSL #1                    @// srcStep = 2*pointStep
+        ADD     setStep,srcStep,pointStep                   @// setStep = 3*pointStep
+        @//RSB     setStep,setStep,#16                         @// setStep = - 3*pointStep+16
+        RSB     setStep,setStep,#0                         @// setStep = - 3*pointStep
+        SUB     srcStep,srcStep,#16                         @// srcStep = 2*pointStep-16
+        MOV     dstStep,outPointStep,LSL #1
+        ADD     dstStep,dstStep,outPointStep                @// dstStep = 3*outPointStep
+        RSB     dstStep,dstStep,#16                          @// dstStep = - 3*outPointStep+16
+grpLoop\name :	
+        VLD2    {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc],pointStep                @//  data[0]
+        ADD      stepTwiddle,stepTwiddle,pointStep
+        VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc],pointStep                @//  data[1]
+        ADD      pTwiddle,pTwiddle,stepTwiddle              @// set pTwiddle to the first point
+        VLD2    {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc],pointStep                @//  data[2]
+        MOV      twStep,stepTwiddle,LSL #2
+        VLD2    {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc],setStep                  @//  data[3] & update pSrc for the next set
+        SUB      twStep,stepTwiddle,twStep                  @// twStep = -3*stepTwiddle
+        MOV      setCount,pointStep,LSR #3
+        ADD     pSrc,pSrc,#16                         @// set pSrc to data[0] of the next set
+        ADD     pSrc,pSrc,pointStep                   @// increment to data[1] of the next set
+        @// Loop on the sets
+setLoop\name :	
+        SUBS    setCount,setCount,#2                    @// decrement the loop counter
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VMULL   qT0,dXr1,dW1[0]
+            VMLAL   qT0,dXi1,dW1[1]                       @// real part
+            VMULL   qT1,dXi1,dW1[0]
+            VMLSL   qT1,dXr1,dW1[1]                       @// imag part
+        .else
+            VMULL   qT0,dXr1,dW1[0]
+            VMLSL   qT0,dXi1,dW1[1]                       @// real part
+            VMULL   qT1,dXi1,dW1[0]
+            VMLAL   qT1,dXr1,dW1[1]                       @// imag part
+        .endif
+        VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc],pointStep              @//  data[1] for next iteration
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VMULL   qT2,dXr2,dW2[0]
+            VMLAL   qT2,dXi2,dW2[1]                       @// real part
+            VMULL   qT3,dXi2,dW2[0]
+            VMLSL   qT3,dXr2,dW2[1]                       @// imag part
+        .else
+            VMULL   qT2,dXr2,dW2[0]
+            VMLSL   qT2,dXi2,dW2[1]                       @// real part
+            VMULL   qT3,dXi2,dW2[0]
+            VMLAL   qT3,dXr2,dW2[1]                       @// imag part
+        .endif
+        VRSHRN  dZr1,qT0,#31
+        VRSHRN  dZi1,qT1,#31
+        VLD2    {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc],pointStep              @//  data[2] for next iteration
+        .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+            VMULL   qT0,dXr3,dW3[0]
+            VMLAL   qT0,dXi3,dW3[1]                       @// real part
+            VMULL   qT1,dXi3,dW3[0]
+            VMLSL   qT1,dXr3,dW3[1]                       @// imag part
+        .else
+            VMULL   qT0,dXr3,dW3[0]
+            VMLSL   qT0,dXi3,dW3[1]                       @// real part
+            VMULL   qT1,dXi3,dW3[0]
+            VMLAL   qT1,dXr3,dW3[1]                       @// imag part
+        .endif
+        VRSHRN  dZr2,qT2,#31
+        VRSHRN  dZi2,qT3,#31
+        VRSHRN  dZr3,qT0,#31
+        VRSHRN  dZi3,qT1,#31
+        VLD2    {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc],setStep            @//  data[3] & update pSrc to data[0]
+        .ifeqs "\scaled", "TRUE"
+            @// finish first stage of 4 point FFT 
+            VHADD    qY0,qX0,qZ2
+            VHSUB    qY2,qX0,qZ2
+            VLD2    {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc]!          @//  data[0] for next iteration
+            VHADD    qY1,qZ1,qZ3
+            VHSUB    qY3,qZ1,qZ3
+            @// finish second stage of 4 point FFT 
+            VHSUB    qZ0,qY2,qY1
+            .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+                VHADD    dZr3,dYr0,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHSUB    dZi3,dYi0,dYr3
+                VHADD    qZ2,qY2,qY1
+                VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHSUB    dZr1,dYr0,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHADD    dZi1,dYi0,dYr3
+                VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],dstStep
+            .else
+                VHSUB    dZr1,dYr0,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHADD    dZi1,dYi0,dYr3
+                VHADD    qZ2,qY2,qY1
+                VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHADD    dZr3,dYr0,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VHSUB    dZi3,dYi0,dYr3
+                VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],dstStep
+            .endif
+        .else
+            @// finish first stage of 4 point FFT 
+            VADD    qY0,qX0,qZ2
+            VSUB    qY2,qX0,qZ2
+            VLD2    {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc :128]!          @//  data[0] for next iteration
+            VADD    qY1,qZ1,qZ3
+            VSUB    qY3,qZ1,qZ3
+            @// finish second stage of 4 point FFT 
+            VSUB    qZ0,qY2,qY1
+            .ifeqs  "\inverse", "TRUE"
+                VADD    dZr3,dYr0,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VSUB    dZi3,dYi0,dYr3
+                VADD    qZ2,qY2,qY1
+                VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VSUB    dZr1,dYr0,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VADD    dZi1,dYi0,dYr3
+                VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],dstStep
+            .else
+                VSUB    dZr1,dYr0,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VADD    dZi1,dYi0,dYr3
+                VADD    qZ2,qY2,qY1
+                VST2    {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VADD    dZr3,dYr0,dYi3
+                VST2    {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst :128],outPointStep
+                VSUB    dZi3,dYi0,dYr3
+                VST2    {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst :128],dstStep
+            .endif
+        .endif
+        ADD     pSrc,pSrc,pointStep                         @// increment to data[1] of the next set              
+        BGT     setLoop\name
+        VLD1     dW1,[pTwiddle :64],stepTwiddle                  @//[wi | wr]
+        SUBS    grpCount,grpCount,#4                    @// subtract 4 since grpCount multiplied by 4               
+        VLD1     dW2,[pTwiddle :64],stepTwiddle                  @//[wi | wr]
+        ADD     pSrc,pSrc,srcStep                       @// increment pSrc for the next grp
+        VLD1     dW3,[pTwiddle :64],twStep                       @//[wi | wr]
+        BGT     grpLoop\name
+        @// Reset and Swap pSrc and pDst for the next stage
+        MOV     t1,pDst
+        SUB     pDst,pSrc,outPointStep,LSL #2                  @// pDst -= 2*size; pSrc -= 8*size bytes           
+        SUB     pSrc,t1,outPointStep    
+        .endm
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+            FFTSTAGE "FALSE","TRUE",INV
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        M_END
+	.end
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix8_fs_unsafe_s.S b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix8_fs_unsafe_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fd8d9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix8_fs_unsafe_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+@//  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+@// File Name:  armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix8_fs_unsafe_s.s
+@// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+@// Last Modified Revision:   7770
+@// Last Modified Date:       Thu, 27 Sep 2007
+@// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute a first stage Radix 8 FFT stage for a N point complex signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@// Set debugging level        
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc		r0
+#define pDst		r2
+#define pTwiddle	r1
+#define subFFTNum	r6
+#define subFFTSize	r7
+@// dest buffer for the next stage (not pSrc for first stage) 	
+#define pPingPongBuf	r5
+@//Output Registers
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define grpSize		r3
+@// Reuse grpSize as setCount	
+#define setCount	r3
+#define pointStep	r4
+#define outPointStep	r4
+#define setStep		r8
+#define step1		r9
+#define step2		r10
+#define t0		r11
+@// Neon Registers
+#define dXr0	D0.S32
+#define dXi0	D1.S32
+#define dXr1	D2.S32
+#define dXi1	D3.S32
+#define dXr2	D4.S32
+#define dXi2	D5.S32
+#define dXr3	D6.S32
+#define dXi3	D7.S32
+#define dXr4	D8.S32
+#define dXi4	D9.S32
+#define dXr5	D10.S32
+#define dXi5	D11.S32
+#define dXr6	D12.S32
+#define dXi6	D13.S32
+#define dXr7	D14.S32
+#define dXi7	D15.S32
+#define qX0	Q0.S32
+#define qX1	Q1.S32
+#define qX2	Q2.S32
+#define qX3	Q3.S32   
+#define qX4	Q4.S32
+#define qX5	Q5.S32
+#define qX6	Q6.S32
+#define qX7	Q7.S32
+#define dUr0	D16.S32
+#define dUi0	D17.S32
+#define dUr2	D18.S32
+#define dUi2	D19.S32
+#define dUr4	D20.S32
+#define dUi4	D21.S32
+#define dUr6	D22.S32
+#define dUi6	D23.S32
+#define dUr1	D24.S32
+#define dUi1	D25.S32
+#define dUr3	D26.S32
+#define dUi3	D27.S32
+#define dUr5	D28.S32
+#define dUi5	D29.S32
+@// reuse dXr7 and dXi7	
+#define dUr7	D30.S32
+#define dUi7	D31.S32
+#define qU0	Q8.S32
+#define qU1	Q12.S32
+#define qU2	Q9.S32
+#define qU3	Q13.S32   
+#define qU4	Q10.S32
+#define qU5	Q14.S32
+#define qU6	Q11.S32
+#define qU7	Q15.S32
+#define dVr0	D24.S32
+#define dVi0	D25.S32
+#define dVr2	D26.S32
+#define dVi2	D27.S32
+#define dVr4	D28.S32
+#define dVi4	D29.S32
+#define dVr6	D30.S32
+#define dVi6	D31.S32
+#define dVr1	D16.S32
+#define dVi1	D17.S32
+#define dVr3	D18.S32
+#define dVi3	D19.S32
+#define dVr5	D20.S32
+#define dVi5	D21.S32
+#define dVr7	D22.S32              
+#define dVi7	D23.S32              
+#define qV0	Q12.S32
+#define qV1	Q8.S32
+#define qV2	Q13.S32
+#define qV3	Q9.S32   
+#define qV4	Q14.S32
+#define qV5	Q10.S32
+#define qV6	Q15.S32
+#define qV7	Q11.S32
+#define dYr0	D16.S32
+#define dYi0	D17.S32
+#define dYr2	D18.S32
+#define dYi2	D19.S32
+#define dYr4	D20.S32
+#define dYi4	D21.S32
+#define dYr6	D22.S32
+#define dYi6	D23.S32
+#define dYr1	D24.S32
+#define dYi1	D25.S32
+#define dYr3	D26.S32
+#define dYi3	D27.S32
+#define dYr5	D28.S32
+#define dYi5	D29.S32
+#define dYr7	D30.S32                 
+#define dYi7	D31.S32
+#define qY0	Q8.S32
+#define qY1	Q12.S32
+#define qY2	Q9.S32
+#define qY3	Q13.S32   
+#define qY4	Q10.S32
+#define qY5	Q14.S32
+#define qY6	Q11.S32
+#define qY7	Q15.S32
+#define dT0	D14.S32             
+#define dT1	D15.S32
+@// Define constants
+	.set ONEBYSQRT2, 0x5A82799A        @// Q31 format
+        .MACRO FFTSTAGE scaled, inverse, name
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// Update pSubFFTSize and pSubFFTNum regs
+        MOV     subFFTSize,#8                               @// subFFTSize = 1 for the first stage
+        LDR     t0,=ONEBYSQRT2                              @// t0=(1/sqrt(2)) as Q31 value 
+        @// Note: setCount = subFFTNum/8 (reuse the grpSize reg for setCount)
+        LSR     grpSize,subFFTNum,#3  
+        MOV     subFFTNum,grpSize
+        @// pT0+1 increments pT0 by 8 bytes
+        @// pT0+pointStep = increment of 8*pointStep bytes = grpSize bytes
+        @// Note: outPointStep = pointStep for firststage
+        MOV     pointStep,grpSize,LSL #3
+        @// Calculate the step of input data for the next set
+        @//MOV     step1,pointStep,LSL #1                      @// step1 = 2*pointStep
+        VLD2    {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[0]
+        MOV     step1,grpSize,LSL #4
+        MOV     step2,pointStep,LSL #3
+        VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[1]
+        SUB     step2,step2,pointStep                          @// step2 = 7*pointStep
+        RSB     setStep,step2,#16                              @// setStep = - 7*pointStep+16
+        VLD2    {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[2]
+        VLD2    {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[3] 
+        VLD2    {dXr4,dXi4},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[4]
+        VLD2    {dXr5,dXi5},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[5]
+        VLD2    {dXr6,dXi6},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[6]
+        VLD2    {dXr7,dXi7},[pSrc :128],setStep            @//  data[7] & update pSrc for the next set
+                                                      @//  setStep = -7*pointStep + 16  
+        @// grp = 0 a special case since all the twiddle factors are 1
+        @// Loop on the sets
+grpZeroSetLoop\name :	
+        @// Decrement setcount
+        SUBS    setCount,setCount,#2                    @// decrement the set loop counter           
+        .ifeqs	"\scaled", "TRUE"
+            @// finish first stage of 8 point FFT 
+            VHADD    qU0,qX0,qX4
+            VHADD    qU2,qX1,qX5
+            VHADD    qU4,qX2,qX6
+            VHADD    qU6,qX3,qX7
+            @// finish second stage of 8 point FFT 
+            VHADD    qV0,qU0,qU4
+            VHSUB    qV2,qU0,qU4
+            VHADD    qV4,qU2,qU6
+            VHSUB    qV6,qU2,qU6
+            @// finish third stage of 8 point FFT 
+            VHADD    qY0,qV0,qV4
+            VHSUB    qY4,qV0,qV4
+            VST2    {dYr0,dYi0},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y0
+            .ifeqs	"\inverse", "TRUE"
+                VHSUB    dYr2,dVr2,dVi6
+                VHADD    dYi2,dVi2,dVr6
+                VHADD    dYr6,dVr2,dVi6
+                VST2    {dYr2,dYi2},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y2
+                VHSUB    dYi6,dVi2,dVr6
+                VHSUB    qU1,qX0,qX4                    
+                VST2    {dYr4,dYi4},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y4
+                VHSUB    qU3,qX1,qX5
+                VHSUB    qU5,qX2,qX6
+                VST2    {dYr6,dYi6},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y6
+            .ELSE
+                VHADD    dYr6,dVr2,dVi6
+                VHSUB    dYi6,dVi2,dVr6
+                VHSUB    dYr2,dVr2,dVi6
+                VST2    {dYr6,dYi6},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y2
+                VHADD    dYi2,dVi2,dVr6
+                VHSUB    qU1,qX0,qX4
+                VST2    {dYr4,dYi4},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y4
+                VHSUB    qU3,qX1,qX5
+                VHSUB    qU5,qX2,qX6
+                VST2    {dYr2,dYi2},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y6
+            .ENDIF
+            @// finish first stage of 8 point FFT 
+            VHSUB    qU7,qX3,qX7
+            VMOV    dT0[0],t0                                   
+            @// finish second stage of 8 point FFT 
+            VHSUB    dVr1,dUr1,dUi5
+            VLD2    {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[0] for next iteration
+            VHADD    dVi1,dUi1,dUr5
+            VHADD    dVr3,dUr1,dUi5
+            VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[1]
+            VHSUB    dVi3,dUi1,dUr5
+            VHSUB    dVr5,dUr3,dUi7
+            VLD2    {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[2]
+            VHADD    dVi5,dUi3,dUr7
+            VHADD    dVr7,dUr3,dUi7
+            VLD2    {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[3]
+            VHSUB    dVi7,dUi3,dUr7
+            @// finish third stage of 8 point FFT 
+            .ifeqs	"\inverse", "TRUE"
+                @// calculate a*v5 
+                VQRDMULH    dT1,dVr5,dT0[0]                         @// use dVi0 for dT1
+                VLD2    {dXr4,dXi4},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[4]
+                VQRDMULH    dVi5,dVi5,dT0[0]
+                VLD2    {dXr5,dXi5},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[5]
+                VSUB    dVr5,dT1,dVi5                               @// a * V5
+                VADD    dVi5,dT1,dVi5
+                VLD2    {dXr6,dXi6},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[6]
+                @// calculate  b*v7
+                VQRDMULH    dT1,dVr7,dT0[0]
+                VQRDMULH    dVi7,dVi7,dT0[0]
+                VHADD    qY1,qV1,qV5
+                VHSUB    qY5,qV1,qV5
+                VADD    dVr7,dT1,dVi7                               @// b * V7
+                VSUB    dVi7,dVi7,dT1
+                SUB     pDst, pDst, step2                           @// set pDst to y1
+                VLD2    {dXr7,dXi7},[pSrc :128],setStep            @//  data[7]            
+                VHSUB    dYr3,dVr3,dVr7
+                VHSUB    dYi3,dVi3,dVi7
+                VST2    {dYr1,dYi1},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y1
+                VHADD    dYr7,dVr3,dVr7
+                VHADD    dYi7,dVi3,dVi7
+                VST2    {dYr3,dYi3},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y3
+                VST2    {dYr5,dYi5},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y5
+                VST2    {dYr7,dYi7},[pDst :128]!                      @// store y7
+            .ELSE
+                @// calculate  b*v7
+                VQRDMULH    dT1,dVr7,dT0[0]
+                VLD2    {dXr4,dXi4},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[4]
+                VQRDMULH    dVi7,dVi7,dT0[0]
+                VLD2    {dXr5,dXi5},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[5]
+                VADD    dVr7,dT1,dVi7                               @// b * V7
+                VSUB    dVi7,dVi7,dT1
+                VLD2    {dXr6,dXi6},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[6]
+                @// calculate a*v5 
+                VQRDMULH    dT1,dVr5,dT0[0]                         @// use dVi0 for dT1
+                VQRDMULH    dVi5,dVi5,dT0[0]
+                VHADD    dYr7,dVr3,dVr7
+                VHADD    dYi7,dVi3,dVi7
+                SUB     pDst, pDst, step2                           @// set pDst to y1
+                VSUB    dVr5,dT1,dVi5                               @// a * V5
+                VADD    dVi5,dT1,dVi5
+                VLD2    {dXr7,dXi7},[pSrc :128],setStep            @//  data[7]            
+                VHSUB    qY5,qV1,qV5
+                VHSUB    dYr3,dVr3,dVr7
+                VST2    {dYr7,dYi7},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y1
+                VHSUB    dYi3,dVi3,dVi7
+                VHADD    qY1,qV1,qV5
+                VST2    {dYr5,dYi5},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y3
+                VST2    {dYr3,dYi3},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y5
+                VST2    {dYr1,dYi1},[pDst :128]!                      @// store y7
+            .ENDIF
+        .ELSE
+            @// finish first stage of 8 point FFT 
+            VADD    qU0,qX0,qX4
+            VADD    qU2,qX1,qX5
+            VADD    qU4,qX2,qX6
+            VADD    qU6,qX3,qX7
+            @// finish second stage of 8 point FFT 
+            VADD    qV0,qU0,qU4
+            VSUB    qV2,qU0,qU4
+            VADD    qV4,qU2,qU6
+            VSUB    qV6,qU2,qU6
+            @// finish third stage of 8 point FFT 
+            VADD    qY0,qV0,qV4
+            VSUB    qY4,qV0,qV4
+            VST2    {dYr0,dYi0},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y0
+            .ifeqs	"\inverse", "TRUE"
+                VSUB    dYr2,dVr2,dVi6
+                VADD    dYi2,dVi2,dVr6
+                VADD    dYr6,dVr2,dVi6
+                VST2    {dYr2,dYi2},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y2
+                VSUB    dYi6,dVi2,dVr6
+                VSUB    qU1,qX0,qX4                    
+                VST2    {dYr4,dYi4},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y4
+                VSUB    qU3,qX1,qX5
+                VSUB    qU5,qX2,qX6
+                VST2    {dYr6,dYi6},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y6
+            .ELSE
+                VADD    dYr6,dVr2,dVi6
+                VSUB    dYi6,dVi2,dVr6
+                VSUB    dYr2,dVr2,dVi6
+                VST2    {dYr6,dYi6},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y2
+                VADD    dYi2,dVi2,dVr6
+                VSUB    qU1,qX0,qX4
+                VST2    {dYr4,dYi4},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y4
+                VSUB    qU3,qX1,qX5
+                VSUB    qU5,qX2,qX6
+                VST2    {dYr2,dYi2},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y6
+            .ENDIF
+            @// finish first stage of 8 point FFT 
+            VSUB    qU7,qX3,qX7
+            VMOV    dT0[0],t0                                   
+            @// finish second stage of 8 point FFT 
+            VSUB    dVr1,dUr1,dUi5
+            VLD2    {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[0] for next iteration
+            VADD    dVi1,dUi1,dUr5
+            VADD    dVr3,dUr1,dUi5
+            VLD2    {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[1]
+            VSUB    dVi3,dUi1,dUr5
+            VSUB    dVr5,dUr3,dUi7
+            VLD2    {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[2]
+            VADD    dVi5,dUi3,dUr7
+            VADD    dVr7,dUr3,dUi7
+            VLD2    {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[3]
+            VSUB    dVi7,dUi3,dUr7
+            @// finish third stage of 8 point FFT 
+            .ifeqs	"\inverse", "TRUE"
+                @// calculate a*v5 
+                VQRDMULH    dT1,dVr5,dT0[0]                         @// use dVi0 for dT1
+                VLD2    {dXr4,dXi4},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[4]
+                VQRDMULH    dVi5,dVi5,dT0[0]
+                VLD2    {dXr5,dXi5},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[5]
+                VSUB    dVr5,dT1,dVi5                               @// a * V5
+                VADD    dVi5,dT1,dVi5
+                VLD2    {dXr6,dXi6},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[6]
+                @// calculate  b*v7
+                VQRDMULH    dT1,dVr7,dT0[0]
+                VQRDMULH    dVi7,dVi7,dT0[0]
+                VADD    qY1,qV1,qV5
+                VSUB    qY5,qV1,qV5
+                VADD    dVr7,dT1,dVi7                               @// b * V7
+                VSUB    dVi7,dVi7,dT1
+                SUB     pDst, pDst, step2                           @// set pDst to y1
+                VLD2    {dXr7,dXi7},[pSrc :128],setStep            @//  data[7]            
+                VSUB    dYr3,dVr3,dVr7
+                VSUB    dYi3,dVi3,dVi7
+                VST2    {dYr1,dYi1},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y1
+                VADD    dYr7,dVr3,dVr7
+                VADD    dYi7,dVi3,dVi7
+                VST2    {dYr3,dYi3},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y3
+                VST2    {dYr5,dYi5},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y5
+                VST2    {dYr7,dYi7},[pDst :128]!                      @// store y7
+            .ELSE
+                @// calculate  b*v7
+                VQRDMULH    dT1,dVr7,dT0[0]
+                VLD2    {dXr4,dXi4},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[4]
+                VQRDMULH    dVi7,dVi7,dT0[0]
+                VLD2    {dXr5,dXi5},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[5]
+                VADD    dVr7,dT1,dVi7                               @// b * V7
+                VSUB    dVi7,dVi7,dT1
+                VLD2    {dXr6,dXi6},[pSrc :128],pointStep          @//  data[6]
+                @// calculate a*v5 
+                VQRDMULH    dT1,dVr5,dT0[0]                         @// use dVi0 for dT1
+                VQRDMULH    dVi5,dVi5,dT0[0]
+                VADD    dYr7,dVr3,dVr7
+                VADD    dYi7,dVi3,dVi7
+                SUB     pDst, pDst, step2                           @// set pDst to y1
+                VSUB    dVr5,dT1,dVi5                               @// a * V5
+                VADD    dVi5,dT1,dVi5
+                VLD2    {dXr7,dXi7},[pSrc :128],setStep            @//  data[7]            
+                VSUB    qY5,qV1,qV5
+                VSUB    dYr3,dVr3,dVr7
+                VST2    {dYr7,dYi7},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y1
+                VSUB    dYi3,dVi3,dVi7
+                VADD    qY1,qV1,qV5
+                VST2    {dYr5,dYi5},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y3
+                VST2    {dYr3,dYi3},[pDst :128],step1                    @// store y5
+                VST2    {dYr1,dYi1},[pDst :128]!                      @// store y7
+            .ENDIF
+        .ENDIF
+        SUB     pDst, pDst, step2                               @// update pDst for the next set
+        BGT     grpZeroSetLoop\name
+        @// reset pSrc to pDst for the next stage
+        SUB     pSrc,pDst,pointStep                             @// pDst -= 2*grpSize  
+        MOV     pDst,pPingPongBuf 
+        .endm
+        @// Allocate stack memory required by the function
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+            FFTSTAGE "FALSE","TRUE",INV
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        M_END
+        M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
+        M_END
+	.end
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable.c b/dl/armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78cd8a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable.c
@@ -0,0 +1,4643 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ */
+ * Description:
+ * Twiddle table for Forward FFT in float format.
+ * It contains complex pairs [-cos (W * i), -sin (W * i)] where W = -2*PI/N
+ * and 0<= i<= N/8.  N is the max size of the FFT. Here N = 2^12
+ * Values for N/8 < i < N are generated in the FFTInit function using the
+ * symmetries of cos and sine.
+ *
+ * We use the negative to be consistent with the S32 version.
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+const OMX_F32 armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[2 * TWIDDLE_TABLE_ENTRIES + 2] = {
+  -1.000000000000000e+00,   0.000000000000000e+00,
+  -9.999999816164293e-01,   1.917475973107033e-04,
+  -9.999999264657179e-01,   3.834951875713956e-04,
+  -9.999998345478677e-01,   5.752427637320661e-04,
+  -9.999997058628822e-01,   7.669903187427045e-04,
+  -9.999995404107661e-01,   9.587378455533014e-04,
+  -9.999993381915255e-01,   1.150485337113848e-03,
+  -9.999990992051678e-01,   1.342232786374338e-03,
+  -9.999988234517019e-01,   1.533980186284766e-03,
+  -9.999985109311378e-01,   1.725727529795126e-03,
+  -9.999981616434870e-01,   1.917474809855419e-03,
+  -9.999977755887623e-01,   2.109222019415644e-03,
+  -9.999973527669782e-01,   2.300969151425805e-03,
+  -9.999968931781499e-01,   2.492716198835908e-03,
+  -9.999963968222944e-01,   2.684463154595962e-03,
+  -9.999958636994299e-01,   2.876210011655979e-03,
+  -9.999952938095762e-01,   3.067956762965976e-03,
+  -9.999946871527541e-01,   3.259703401475973e-03,
+  -9.999940437289858e-01,   3.451449920135994e-03,
+  -9.999933635382952e-01,   3.643196311896068e-03,
+  -9.999926465807072e-01,   3.834942569706228e-03,
+  -9.999918928562480e-01,   4.026688686516512e-03,
+  -9.999911023649456e-01,   4.218434655276963e-03,
+  -9.999902751068289e-01,   4.410180468937631e-03,
+  -9.999894110819284e-01,   4.601926120448570e-03,
+  -9.999885102902757e-01,   4.793671602759841e-03,
+  -9.999875727319041e-01,   4.985416908821511e-03,
+  -9.999865984068480e-01,   5.177162031583651e-03,
+  -9.999855873151432e-01,   5.368906963996342e-03,
+  -9.999845394568270e-01,   5.560651699009674e-03,
+  -9.999834548319377e-01,   5.752396229573736e-03,
+  -9.999823334405153e-01,   5.944140548638633e-03,
+  -9.999811752826011e-01,   6.135884649154475e-03,
+  -9.999799803582377e-01,   6.327628524071378e-03,
+  -9.999787486674688e-01,   6.519372166339468e-03,
+  -9.999774802103399e-01,   6.711115568908879e-03,
+  -9.999761749868976e-01,   6.902858724729756e-03,
+  -9.999748329971898e-01,   7.094601626752250e-03,
+  -9.999734542412659e-01,   7.286344267926521e-03,
+  -9.999720387191767e-01,   7.478086641202744e-03,
+  -9.999705864309741e-01,   7.669828739531097e-03,
+  -9.999690973767116e-01,   7.861570555861772e-03,
+  -9.999675715564438e-01,   8.053312083144972e-03,
+  -9.999660089702269e-01,   8.245053314330906e-03,
+  -9.999644096181183e-01,   8.436794242369799e-03,
+  -9.999627735001769e-01,   8.628534860211886e-03,
+  -9.999611006164628e-01,   8.820275160807411e-03,
+  -9.999593909670375e-01,   9.012015137106633e-03,
+  -9.999576445519639e-01,   9.203754782059820e-03,
+  -9.999558613713061e-01,   9.395494088617251e-03,
+  -9.999540414251298e-01,   9.587233049729225e-03,
+  -9.999521847135018e-01,   9.778971658346043e-03,
+  -9.999502912364905e-01,   9.970709907418030e-03,
+  -9.999483609941654e-01,   1.016244778989551e-02,
+  -9.999463939865975e-01,   1.035418529872884e-02,
+  -9.999443902138591e-01,   1.054592242686838e-02,
+  -9.999423496760239e-01,   1.073765916726449e-02,
+  -9.999402723731670e-01,   1.092939551286757e-02,
+  -9.999381583053646e-01,   1.112113145662802e-02,
+  -9.999360074726946e-01,   1.131286699149626e-02,
+  -9.999338198752360e-01,   1.150460211042271e-02,
+  -9.999315955130692e-01,   1.169633680635784e-02,
+  -9.999293343862761e-01,   1.188807107225209e-02,
+  -9.999270364949396e-01,   1.207980490105596e-02,
+  -9.999247018391445e-01,   1.227153828571993e-02,
+  -9.999223304189765e-01,   1.246327121919451e-02,
+  -9.999199222345228e-01,   1.265500369443024e-02,
+  -9.999174772858718e-01,   1.284673570437766e-02,
+  -9.999149955731135e-01,   1.303846724198733e-02,
+  -9.999124770963392e-01,   1.323019830020983e-02,
+  -9.999099218556415e-01,   1.342192887199577e-02,
+  -9.999073298511143e-01,   1.361365895029574e-02,
+  -9.999047010828529e-01,   1.380538852806039e-02,
+  -9.999020355509539e-01,   1.399711759824037e-02,
+  -9.998993332555154e-01,   1.418884615378634e-02,
+  -9.998965941966367e-01,   1.438057418764901e-02,
+  -9.998938183744185e-01,   1.457230169277906e-02,
+  -9.998910057889630e-01,   1.476402866212725e-02,
+  -9.998881564403733e-01,   1.495575508864430e-02,
+  -9.998852703287545e-01,   1.514748096528099e-02,
+  -9.998823474542126e-01,   1.533920628498810e-02,
+  -9.998793878168549e-01,   1.553093104071645e-02,
+  -9.998763914167904e-01,   1.572265522541686e-02,
+  -9.998733582541293e-01,   1.591437883204018e-02,
+  -9.998702883289830e-01,   1.610610185353729e-02,
+  -9.998671816414644e-01,   1.629782428285906e-02,
+  -9.998640381916877e-01,   1.648954611295644e-02,
+  -9.998608579797685e-01,   1.668126733678033e-02,
+  -9.998576410058239e-01,   1.687298794728171e-02,
+  -9.998543872699719e-01,   1.706470793741156e-02,
+  -9.998510967723322e-01,   1.725642730012088e-02,
+  -9.998477695130259e-01,   1.744814602836069e-02,
+  -9.998444054921752e-01,   1.763986411508205e-02,
+  -9.998410047099040e-01,   1.783158155323604e-02,
+  -9.998375671663371e-01,   1.802329833577375e-02,
+  -9.998340928616010e-01,   1.821501445564629e-02,
+  -9.998305817958234e-01,   1.840672990580482e-02,
+  -9.998270339691334e-01,   1.859844467920051e-02,
+  -9.998234493816616e-01,   1.879015876878455e-02,
+  -9.998198280335394e-01,   1.898187216750818e-02,
+  -9.998161699249004e-01,   1.917358486832262e-02,
+  -9.998124750558788e-01,   1.936529686417916e-02,
+  -9.998087434266105e-01,   1.955700814802908e-02,
+  -9.998049750372329e-01,   1.974871871282373e-02,
+  -9.998011698878843e-01,   1.994042855151444e-02,
+  -9.997973279787047e-01,   2.013213765705259e-02,
+  -9.997934493098353e-01,   2.032384602238959e-02,
+  -9.997895338814188e-01,   2.051555364047688e-02,
+  -9.997855816935992e-01,   2.070726050426589e-02,
+  -9.997815927465217e-01,   2.089896660670814e-02,
+  -9.997775670403329e-01,   2.109067194075512e-02,
+  -9.997735045751810e-01,   2.128237649935839e-02,
+  -9.997694053512153e-01,   2.147408027546951e-02,
+  -9.997652693685865e-01,   2.166578326204008e-02,
+  -9.997610966274466e-01,   2.185748545202174e-02,
+  -9.997568871279491e-01,   2.204918683836614e-02,
+  -9.997526408702488e-01,   2.224088741402496e-02,
+  -9.997483578545018e-01,   2.243258717194993e-02,
+  -9.997440380808654e-01,   2.262428610509280e-02,
+  -9.997396815494987e-01,   2.281598420640535e-02,
+  -9.997352882605617e-01,   2.300768146883937e-02,
+  -9.997308582142160e-01,   2.319937788534672e-02,
+  -9.997263914106245e-01,   2.339107344887926e-02,
+  -9.997218878499513e-01,   2.358276815238889e-02,
+  -9.997173475323622e-01,   2.377446198882755e-02,
+  -9.997127704580239e-01,   2.396615495114721e-02,
+  -9.997081566271049e-01,   2.415784703229986e-02,
+  -9.997035060397746e-01,   2.434953822523753e-02,
+  -9.996988186962042e-01,   2.454122852291229e-02,
+  -9.996940945965660e-01,   2.473291791827622e-02,
+  -9.996893337410336e-01,   2.492460640428147e-02,
+  -9.996845361297821e-01,   2.511629397388019e-02,
+  -9.996797017629879e-01,   2.530798062002457e-02,
+  -9.996748306408287e-01,   2.549966633566685e-02,
+  -9.996699227634838e-01,   2.569135111375929e-02,
+  -9.996649781311333e-01,   2.588303494725420e-02,
+  -9.996599967439592e-01,   2.607471782910390e-02,
+  -9.996549786021447e-01,   2.626639975226076e-02,
+  -9.996499237058742e-01,   2.645808070967719e-02,
+  -9.996448320553336e-01,   2.664976069430562e-02,
+  -9.996397036507102e-01,   2.684143969909853e-02,
+  -9.996345384921923e-01,   2.703311771700843e-02,
+  -9.996293365799701e-01,   2.722479474098788e-02,
+  -9.996240979142346e-01,   2.741647076398944e-02,
+  -9.996188224951786e-01,   2.760814577896574e-02,
+  -9.996135103229960e-01,   2.779981977886944e-02,
+  -9.996081613978821e-01,   2.799149275665324e-02,
+  -9.996027757200335e-01,   2.818316470526987e-02,
+  -9.995973532896484e-01,   2.837483561767210e-02,
+  -9.995918941069260e-01,   2.856650548681273e-02,
+  -9.995863981720671e-01,   2.875817430564461e-02,
+  -9.995808654852737e-01,   2.894984206712064e-02,
+  -9.995752960467492e-01,   2.914150876419372e-02,
+  -9.995696898566986e-01,   2.933317438981684e-02,
+  -9.995640469153277e-01,   2.952483893694298e-02,
+  -9.995583672228443e-01,   2.971650239852519e-02,
+  -9.995526507794570e-01,   2.990816476751655e-02,
+  -9.995468975853760e-01,   3.009982603687020e-02,
+  -9.995411076408129e-01,   3.029148619953928e-02,
+  -9.995352809459805e-01,   3.048314524847701e-02,
+  -9.995294175010931e-01,   3.067480317663663e-02,
+  -9.995235173063663e-01,   3.086645997697141e-02,
+  -9.995175803620170e-01,   3.105811564243470e-02,
+  -9.995116066682634e-01,   3.124977016597986e-02,
+  -9.995055962253253e-01,   3.144142354056030e-02,
+  -9.994995490334236e-01,   3.163307575912948e-02,
+  -9.994934650927806e-01,   3.182472681464089e-02,
+  -9.994873444036201e-01,   3.201637670004806e-02,
+  -9.994811869661670e-01,   3.220802540830459e-02,
+  -9.994749927806478e-01,   3.239967293236409e-02,
+  -9.994687618472900e-01,   3.259131926518023e-02,
+  -9.994624941663232e-01,   3.278296439970672e-02,
+  -9.994561897379773e-01,   3.297460832889734e-02,
+  -9.994498485624845e-01,   3.316625104570586e-02,
+  -9.994434706400778e-01,   3.335789254308614e-02,
+  -9.994370559709915e-01,   3.354953281399207e-02,
+  -9.994306045554617e-01,   3.374117185137758e-02,
+  -9.994241163937256e-01,   3.393280964819666e-02,
+  -9.994175914860217e-01,   3.412444619740333e-02,
+  -9.994110298325898e-01,   3.431608149195165e-02,
+  -9.994044314336713e-01,   3.450771552479575e-02,
+  -9.993977962895086e-01,   3.469934828888980e-02,
+  -9.993911244003460e-01,   3.489097977718800e-02,
+  -9.993844157664286e-01,   3.508260998264462e-02,
+  -9.993776703880028e-01,   3.527423889821395e-02,
+  -9.993708882653172e-01,   3.546586651685035e-02,
+  -9.993640693986205e-01,   3.565749283150822e-02,
+  -9.993572137881640e-01,   3.584911783514202e-02,
+  -9.993503214341994e-01,   3.604074152070623e-02,
+  -9.993433923369802e-01,   3.623236388115540e-02,
+  -9.993364264967612e-01,   3.642398490944411e-02,
+  -9.993294239137984e-01,   3.661560459852703e-02,
+  -9.993223845883495e-01,   3.680722294135883e-02,
+  -9.993153085206731e-01,   3.699883993089426e-02,
+  -9.993081957110295e-01,   3.719045556008812e-02,
+  -9.993010461596801e-01,   3.738206982189523e-02,
+  -9.992938598668878e-01,   3.757368270927049e-02,
+  -9.992866368329167e-01,   3.776529421516886e-02,
+  -9.992793770580327e-01,   3.795690433254531e-02,
+  -9.992720805425026e-01,   3.814851305435489e-02,
+  -9.992647472865944e-01,   3.834012037355269e-02,
+  -9.992573772905781e-01,   3.853172628309387e-02,
+  -9.992499705547244e-01,   3.872333077593362e-02,
+  -9.992425270793058e-01,   3.891493384502719e-02,
+  -9.992350468645959e-01,   3.910653548332989e-02,
+  -9.992275299108696e-01,   3.929813568379706e-02,
+  -9.992199762184035e-01,   3.948973443938412e-02,
+  -9.992123857874753e-01,   3.968133174304653e-02,
+  -9.992047586183639e-01,   3.987292758773981e-02,
+  -9.991970947113499e-01,   4.006452196641952e-02,
+  -9.991893940667149e-01,   4.025611487204128e-02,
+  -9.991816566847423e-01,   4.044770629756078e-02,
+  -9.991738825657164e-01,   4.063929623593374e-02,
+  -9.991660717099230e-01,   4.083088468011595e-02,
+  -9.991582241176494e-01,   4.102247162306324e-02,
+  -9.991503397891841e-01,   4.121405705773152e-02,
+  -9.991424187248169e-01,   4.140564097707674e-02,
+  -9.991344609248392e-01,   4.159722337405489e-02,
+  -9.991264663895434e-01,   4.178880424162206e-02,
+  -9.991184351192235e-01,   4.198038357273436e-02,
+  -9.991103671141749e-01,   4.217196136034795e-02,
+  -9.991022623746941e-01,   4.236353759741907e-02,
+  -9.990941209010791e-01,   4.255511227690402e-02,
+  -9.990859426936293e-01,   4.274668539175913e-02,
+  -9.990777277526454e-01,   4.293825693494082e-02,
+  -9.990694760784293e-01,   4.312982689940555e-02,
+  -9.990611876712846e-01,   4.332139527810983e-02,
+  -9.990528625315159e-01,   4.351296206401024e-02,
+  -9.990445006594293e-01,   4.370452725006342e-02,
+  -9.990361020553323e-01,   4.389609082922607e-02,
+  -9.990276667195337e-01,   4.408765279445494e-02,
+  -9.990191946523435e-01,   4.427921313870685e-02,
+  -9.990106858540734e-01,   4.447077185493867e-02,
+  -9.990021403250360e-01,   4.466232893610732e-02,
+  -9.989935580655457e-01,   4.485388437516982e-02,
+  -9.989849390759180e-01,   4.504543816508320e-02,
+  -9.989762833564698e-01,   4.523699029880459e-02,
+  -9.989675909075193e-01,   4.542854076929115e-02,
+  -9.989588617293861e-01,   4.562008956950014e-02,
+  -9.989500958223912e-01,   4.581163669238884e-02,
+  -9.989412931868569e-01,   4.600318213091462e-02,
+  -9.989324538231067e-01,   4.619472587803491e-02,
+  -9.989235777314658e-01,   4.638626792670716e-02,
+  -9.989146649122604e-01,   4.657780826988894e-02,
+  -9.989057153658183e-01,   4.676934690053786e-02,
+  -9.988967290924684e-01,   4.696088381161159e-02,
+  -9.988877060925413e-01,   4.715241899606787e-02,
+  -9.988786463663687e-01,   4.734395244686448e-02,
+  -9.988695499142836e-01,   4.753548415695930e-02,
+  -9.988604167366205e-01,   4.772701411931025e-02,
+  -9.988512468337152e-01,   4.791854232687533e-02,
+  -9.988420402059048e-01,   4.811006877261259e-02,
+  -9.988327968535280e-01,   4.830159344948014e-02,
+  -9.988235167769245e-01,   4.849311635043618e-02,
+  -9.988141999764354e-01,   4.868463746843894e-02,
+  -9.988048464524034e-01,   4.887615679644676e-02,
+  -9.987954562051724e-01,   4.906767432741801e-02,
+  -9.987860292350876e-01,   4.925919005431114e-02,
+  -9.987765655424956e-01,   4.945070397008466e-02,
+  -9.987670651277444e-01,   4.964221606769716e-02,
+  -9.987575279911833e-01,   4.983372634010728e-02,
+  -9.987479541331629e-01,   5.002523478027373e-02,
+  -9.987383435540352e-01,   5.021674138115531e-02,
+  -9.987286962541537e-01,   5.040824613571086e-02,
+  -9.987190122338729e-01,   5.059974903689928e-02,
+  -9.987092914935490e-01,   5.079125007767958e-02,
+  -9.986995340335393e-01,   5.098274925101080e-02,
+  -9.986897398542026e-01,   5.117424654985208e-02,
+  -9.986799089558991e-01,   5.136574196716259e-02,
+  -9.986700413389901e-01,   5.155723549590161e-02,
+  -9.986601370038385e-01,   5.174872712902846e-02,
+  -9.986501959508083e-01,   5.194021685950254e-02,
+  -9.986402181802653e-01,   5.213170468028332e-02,
+  -9.986302036925760e-01,   5.232319058433035e-02,
+  -9.986201524881089e-01,   5.251467456460322e-02,
+  -9.986100645672333e-01,   5.270615661406163e-02,
+  -9.985999399303204e-01,   5.289763672566532e-02,
+  -9.985897785777422e-01,   5.308911489237413e-02,
+  -9.985795805098725e-01,   5.328059110714795e-02,
+  -9.985693457270861e-01,   5.347206536294673e-02,
+  -9.985590742297593e-01,   5.366353765273052e-02,
+  -9.985487660182699e-01,   5.385500796945944e-02,
+  -9.985384210929967e-01,   5.404647630609366e-02,
+  -9.985280394543202e-01,   5.423794265559345e-02,
+  -9.985176211026222e-01,   5.442940701091913e-02,
+  -9.985071660382855e-01,   5.462086936503111e-02,
+  -9.984966742616946e-01,   5.481232971088985e-02,
+  -9.984861457732354e-01,   5.500378804145592e-02,
+  -9.984755805732948e-01,   5.519524434968993e-02,
+  -9.984649786622612e-01,   5.538669862855260e-02,
+  -9.984543400405248e-01,   5.557815087100468e-02,
+  -9.984436647084763e-01,   5.576960107000703e-02,
+  -9.984329526665084e-01,   5.596104921852057e-02,
+  -9.984222039150150e-01,   5.615249530950629e-02,
+  -9.984114184543913e-01,   5.634393933592529e-02,
+  -9.984005962850336e-01,   5.653538129073870e-02,
+  -9.983897374073402e-01,   5.672682116690775e-02,
+  -9.983788418217100e-01,   5.691825895739374e-02,
+  -9.983679095285438e-01,   5.710969465515806e-02,
+  -9.983569405282434e-01,   5.730112825316216e-02,
+  -9.983459348212124e-01,   5.749255974436757e-02,
+  -9.983348924078550e-01,   5.768398912173590e-02,
+  -9.983238132885776e-01,   5.787541637822886e-02,
+  -9.983126974637873e-01,   5.806684150680819e-02,
+  -9.983015449338929e-01,   5.825826450043575e-02,
+  -9.982903556993044e-01,   5.844968535207348e-02,
+  -9.982791297604332e-01,   5.864110405468334e-02,
+  -9.982678671176921e-01,   5.883252060122744e-02,
+  -9.982565677714952e-01,   5.902393498466793e-02,
+  -9.982452317222579e-01,   5.921534719796706e-02,
+  -9.982338589703968e-01,   5.940675723408715e-02,
+  -9.982224495163305e-01,   5.959816508599059e-02,
+  -9.982110033604782e-01,   5.978957074663987e-02,
+  -9.981995205032607e-01,   5.998097420899755e-02,
+  -9.981880009451003e-01,   6.017237546602626e-02,
+  -9.981764446864205e-01,   6.036377451068874e-02,
+  -9.981648517276462e-01,   6.055517133594779e-02,
+  -9.981532220692038e-01,   6.074656593476629e-02,
+  -9.981415557115205e-01,   6.093795830010720e-02,
+  -9.981298526550256e-01,   6.112934842493359e-02,
+  -9.981181129001492e-01,   6.132073630220858e-02,
+  -9.981063364473230e-01,   6.151212192489538e-02,
+  -9.980945232969800e-01,   6.170350528595730e-02,
+  -9.980826734495546e-01,   6.189488637835772e-02,
+  -9.980707869054823e-01,   6.208626519506009e-02,
+  -9.980588636652002e-01,   6.227764172902797e-02,
+  -9.980469037291468e-01,   6.246901597322500e-02,
+  -9.980349070977618e-01,   6.266038792061487e-02,
+  -9.980228737714862e-01,   6.285175756416140e-02,
+  -9.980108037507625e-01,   6.304312489682849e-02,
+  -9.979986970360344e-01,   6.323448991158007e-02,
+  -9.979865536277470e-01,   6.342585260138023e-02,
+  -9.979743735263470e-01,   6.361721295919310e-02,
+  -9.979621567322820e-01,   6.380857097798290e-02,
+  -9.979499032460012e-01,   6.399992665071394e-02,
+  -9.979376130679553e-01,   6.419127997035064e-02,
+  -9.979252861985960e-01,   6.438263092985747e-02,
+  -9.979129226383766e-01,   6.457397952219898e-02,
+  -9.979005223877516e-01,   6.476532574033989e-02,
+  -9.978880854471771e-01,   6.495666957724487e-02,
+  -9.978756118171102e-01,   6.514801102587883e-02,
+  -9.978631014980095e-01,   6.533935007920663e-02,
+  -9.978505544903351e-01,   6.553068673019333e-02,
+  -9.978379707945483e-01,   6.572202097180399e-02,
+  -9.978253504111116e-01,   6.591335279700380e-02,
+  -9.978126933404893e-01,   6.610468219875808e-02,
+  -9.977999995831465e-01,   6.629600917003213e-02,
+  -9.977872691395500e-01,   6.648733370379145e-02,
+  -9.977745020101678e-01,   6.667865579300156e-02,
+  -9.977616981954696e-01,   6.686997543062811e-02,
+  -9.977488576959257e-01,   6.706129260963682e-02,
+  -9.977359805120086e-01,   6.725260732299350e-02,
+  -9.977230666441916e-01,   6.744391956366405e-02,
+  -9.977101160929496e-01,   6.763522932461448e-02,
+  -9.976971288587585e-01,   6.782653659881087e-02,
+  -9.976841049420960e-01,   6.801784137921939e-02,
+  -9.976710443434410e-01,   6.820914365880633e-02,
+  -9.976579470632737e-01,   6.840044343053801e-02,
+  -9.976448131020754e-01,   6.859174068738094e-02,
+  -9.976316424603293e-01,   6.878303542230163e-02,
+  -9.976184351385196e-01,   6.897432762826675e-02,
+  -9.976051911371316e-01,   6.916561729824298e-02,
+  -9.975919104566526e-01,   6.935690442519721e-02,
+  -9.975785930975708e-01,   6.954818900209630e-02,
+  -9.975652390603758e-01,   6.973947102190730e-02,
+  -9.975518483455584e-01,   6.993075047759731e-02,
+  -9.975384209536113e-01,   7.012202736213352e-02,
+  -9.975249568850280e-01,   7.031330166848325e-02,
+  -9.975114561403035e-01,   7.050457338961386e-02,
+  -9.974979187199342e-01,   7.069584251849285e-02,
+  -9.974843446244179e-01,   7.088710904808780e-02,
+  -9.974707338542537e-01,   7.107837297136640e-02,
+  -9.974570864099419e-01,   7.126963428129640e-02,
+  -9.974434022919844e-01,   7.146089297084568e-02,
+  -9.974296815008842e-01,   7.165214903298221e-02,
+  -9.974159240371460e-01,   7.184340246067403e-02,
+  -9.974021299012753e-01,   7.203465324688933e-02,
+  -9.973882990937795e-01,   7.222590138459632e-02,
+  -9.973744316151671e-01,   7.241714686676341e-02,
+  -9.973605274659479e-01,   7.260838968635899e-02,
+  -9.973465866466332e-01,   7.279962983635167e-02,
+  -9.973326091577355e-01,   7.299086730971004e-02,
+  -9.973185949997686e-01,   7.318210209940289e-02,
+  -9.973045441732480e-01,   7.337333419839903e-02,
+  -9.972904566786902e-01,   7.356456359966743e-02,
+  -9.972763325166132e-01,   7.375579029617710e-02,
+  -9.972621716875362e-01,   7.394701428089720e-02,
+  -9.972479741919799e-01,   7.413823554679698e-02,
+  -9.972337400304663e-01,   7.432945408684576e-02,
+  -9.972194692035187e-01,   7.452066989401300e-02,
+  -9.972051617116618e-01,   7.471188296126821e-02,
+  -9.971908175554219e-01,   7.490309328158108e-02,
+  -9.971764367353262e-01,   7.509430084792130e-02,
+  -9.971620192519033e-01,   7.528550565325877e-02,
+  -9.971475651056835e-01,   7.547670769056339e-02,
+  -9.971330742971981e-01,   7.566790695280523e-02,
+  -9.971185468269800e-01,   7.585910343295445e-02,
+  -9.971039826955633e-01,   7.605029712398126e-02,
+  -9.970893819034834e-01,   7.624148801885607e-02,
+  -9.970747444512773e-01,   7.643267611054928e-02,
+  -9.970600703394830e-01,   7.662386139203149e-02,
+  -9.970453595686400e-01,   7.681504385627334e-02,
+  -9.970306121392895e-01,   7.700622349624564e-02,
+  -9.970158280519733e-01,   7.719740030491920e-02,
+  -9.970010073072353e-01,   7.738857427526505e-02,
+  -9.969861499056202e-01,   7.757974540025422e-02,
+  -9.969712558476743e-01,   7.777091367285795e-02,
+  -9.969563251339453e-01,   7.796207908604749e-02,
+  -9.969413577649822e-01,   7.815324163279423e-02,
+  -9.969263537413351e-01,   7.834440130606970e-02,
+  -9.969113130635557e-01,   7.853555809884548e-02,
+  -9.968962357321972e-01,   7.872671200409330e-02,
+  -9.968811217478138e-01,   7.891786301478494e-02,
+  -9.968659711109613e-01,   7.910901112389238e-02,
+  -9.968507838221966e-01,   7.930015632438760e-02,
+  -9.968355598820782e-01,   7.949129860924277e-02,
+  -9.968202992911657e-01,   7.968243797143013e-02,
+  -9.968050020500204e-01,   7.987357440392200e-02,
+  -9.967896681592046e-01,   8.006470789969089e-02,
+  -9.967742976192820e-01,   8.025583845170932e-02,
+  -9.967588904308180e-01,   8.044696605295001e-02,
+  -9.967434465943789e-01,   8.063809069638571e-02,
+  -9.967279661105325e-01,   8.082921237498933e-02,
+  -9.967124489798480e-01,   8.102033108173386e-02,
+  -9.966968952028961e-01,   8.121144680959244e-02,
+  -9.966813047802483e-01,   8.140255955153824e-02,
+  -9.966656777124782e-01,   8.159366930054465e-02,
+  -9.966500140001601e-01,   8.178477604958508e-02,
+  -9.966343136438699e-01,   8.197587979163307e-02,
+  -9.966185766441851e-01,   8.216698051966231e-02,
+  -9.966028030016841e-01,   8.235807822664654e-02,
+  -9.965869927169470e-01,   8.254917290555967e-02,
+  -9.965711457905548e-01,   8.274026454937569e-02,
+  -9.965552622230905e-01,   8.293135315106870e-02,
+  -9.965393420151379e-01,   8.312243870361291e-02,
+  -9.965233851672824e-01,   8.331352119998268e-02,
+  -9.965073916801108e-01,   8.350460063315243e-02,
+  -9.964913615542109e-01,   8.369567699609672e-02,
+  -9.964752947901722e-01,   8.388675028179023e-02,
+  -9.964591913885854e-01,   8.407782048320770e-02,
+  -9.964430513500426e-01,   8.426888759332407e-02,
+  -9.964268746751372e-01,   8.445995160511433e-02,
+  -9.964106613644641e-01,   8.465101251155362e-02,
+  -9.963944114186193e-01,   8.484207030561713e-02,
+  -9.963781248382002e-01,   8.503312498028028e-02,
+  -9.963618016238057e-01,   8.522417652851848e-02,
+  -9.963454417760359e-01,   8.541522494330733e-02,
+  -9.963290452954924e-01,   8.560627021762253e-02,
+  -9.963126121827780e-01,   8.579731234443990e-02,
+  -9.962961424384968e-01,   8.598835131673534e-02,
+  -9.962796360632546e-01,   8.617938712748490e-02,
+  -9.962630930576581e-01,   8.637041976966475e-02,
+  -9.962465134223155e-01,   8.656144923625117e-02,
+  -9.962298971578365e-01,   8.675247552022054e-02,
+  -9.962132442648320e-01,   8.694349861454938e-02,
+  -9.961965547439142e-01,   8.713451851221430e-02,
+  -9.961798285956970e-01,   8.732553520619206e-02,
+  -9.961630658207950e-01,   8.751654868945953e-02,
+  -9.961462664198246e-01,   8.770755895499366e-02,
+  -9.961294303934037e-01,   8.789856599577159e-02,
+  -9.961125577421511e-01,   8.808956980477050e-02,
+  -9.960956484666873e-01,   8.828057037496774e-02,
+  -9.960787025676340e-01,   8.847156769934077e-02,
+  -9.960617200456140e-01,   8.866256177086715e-02,
+  -9.960447009012520e-01,   8.885355258252460e-02,
+  -9.960276451351736e-01,   8.904454012729089e-02,
+  -9.960105527480059e-01,   8.923552439814401e-02,
+  -9.959934237403774e-01,   8.942650538806196e-02,
+  -9.959762581129178e-01,   8.961748309002296e-02,
+  -9.959590558662583e-01,   8.980845749700528e-02,
+  -9.959418170010313e-01,   8.999942860198734e-02,
+  -9.959245415178708e-01,   9.019039639794770e-02,
+  -9.959072294174117e-01,   9.038136087786498e-02,
+  -9.958898807002907e-01,   9.057232203471799e-02,
+  -9.958724953671457e-01,   9.076327986148562e-02,
+  -9.958550734186158e-01,   9.095423435114693e-02,
+  -9.958376148553416e-01,   9.114518549668100e-02,
+  -9.958201196779649e-01,   9.133613329106718e-02,
+  -9.958025878871292e-01,   9.152707772728483e-02,
+  -9.957850194834788e-01,   9.171801879831346e-02,
+  -9.957674144676598e-01,   9.190895649713272e-02,
+  -9.957497728403195e-01,   9.209989081672239e-02,
+  -9.957320946021064e-01,   9.229082175006235e-02,
+  -9.957143797536706e-01,   9.248174929013260e-02,
+  -9.956966282956635e-01,   9.267267342991331e-02,
+  -9.956788402287375e-01,   9.286359416238472e-02,
+  -9.956610155535469e-01,   9.305451148052725e-02,
+  -9.956431542707469e-01,   9.324542537732138e-02,
+  -9.956252563809943e-01,   9.343633584574779e-02,
+  -9.956073218849470e-01,   9.362724287878720e-02,
+  -9.955893507832646e-01,   9.381814646942055e-02,
+  -9.955713430766078e-01,   9.400904661062884e-02,
+  -9.955532987656385e-01,   9.419994329539320e-02,
+  -9.955352178510204e-01,   9.439083651669494e-02,
+  -9.955171003334181e-01,   9.458172626751545e-02,
+  -9.954989462134978e-01,   9.477261254083624e-02,
+  -9.954807554919269e-01,   9.496349532963899e-02,
+  -9.954625281693744e-01,   9.515437462690549e-02,
+  -9.954442642465103e-01,   9.534525042561762e-02,
+  -9.954259637240062e-01,   9.553612271875747e-02,
+  -9.954076266025349e-01,   9.572699149930716e-02,
+  -9.953892528827707e-01,   9.591785676024904e-02,
+  -9.953708425653890e-01,   9.610871849456551e-02,
+  -9.953523956510668e-01,   9.629957669523913e-02,
+  -9.953339121404823e-01,   9.649043135525259e-02,
+  -9.953153920343151e-01,   9.668128246758873e-02,
+  -9.952968353332461e-01,   9.687213002523047e-02,
+  -9.952782420379577e-01,   9.706297402116092e-02,
+  -9.952596121491334e-01,   9.725381444836327e-02,
+  -9.952409456674581e-01,   9.744465129982087e-02,
+  -9.952222425936184e-01,   9.763548456851720e-02,
+  -9.952035029283015e-01,   9.782631424743586e-02,
+  -9.951847266721969e-01,   9.801714032956060e-02,
+  -9.951659138259946e-01,   9.820796280787528e-02,
+  -9.951470643903865e-01,   9.839878167536388e-02,
+  -9.951281783660655e-01,   9.858959692501058e-02,
+  -9.951092557537261e-01,   9.878040854979962e-02,
+  -9.950902965540640e-01,   9.897121654271543e-02,
+  -9.950713007677762e-01,   9.916202089674250e-02,
+  -9.950522683955610e-01,   9.935282160486554e-02,
+  -9.950331994381186e-01,   9.954361866006932e-02,
+  -9.950140938961497e-01,   9.973441205533883e-02,
+  -9.949949517703570e-01,   9.992520178365907e-02,
+  -9.949757730614441e-01,   1.001159878380153e-01,
+  -9.949565577701164e-01,   1.003067702113929e-01,
+  -9.949373058970801e-01,   1.004975488967772e-01,
+  -9.949180174430432e-01,   1.006883238871540e-01,
+  -9.948986924087149e-01,   1.008790951755089e-01,
+  -9.948793307948056e-01,   1.010698627548278e-01,
+  -9.948599326020273e-01,   1.012606266180968e-01,
+  -9.948404978310932e-01,   1.014513867583021e-01,
+  -9.948210264827179e-01,   1.016421431684298e-01,
+  -9.948015185576171e-01,   1.018328958414665e-01,
+  -9.947819740565083e-01,   1.020236447703987e-01,
+  -9.947623929801099e-01,   1.022143899482132e-01,
+  -9.947427753291420e-01,   1.024051313678967e-01,
+  -9.947231211043257e-01,   1.025958690224363e-01,
+  -9.947034303063839e-01,   1.027866029048190e-01,
+  -9.946837029360402e-01,   1.029773330080322e-01,
+  -9.946639389940204e-01,   1.031680593250632e-01,
+  -9.946441384810507e-01,   1.033587818488996e-01,
+  -9.946243013978594e-01,   1.035495005725291e-01,
+  -9.946044277451757e-01,   1.037402154889394e-01,
+  -9.945845175237303e-01,   1.039309265911185e-01,
+  -9.945645707342554e-01,   1.041216338720546e-01,
+  -9.945445873774843e-01,   1.043123373247358e-01,
+  -9.945245674541517e-01,   1.045030369421506e-01,
+  -9.945045109649937e-01,   1.046937327172874e-01,
+  -9.944844179107476e-01,   1.048844246431350e-01,
+  -9.944642882921524e-01,   1.050751127126820e-01,
+  -9.944441221099480e-01,   1.052657969189176e-01,
+  -9.944239193648760e-01,   1.054564772548307e-01,
+  -9.944036800576791e-01,   1.056471537134106e-01,
+  -9.943834041891014e-01,   1.058378262876467e-01,
+  -9.943630917598886e-01,   1.060284949705284e-01,
+  -9.943427427707873e-01,   1.062191597550455e-01,
+  -9.943223572225458e-01,   1.064098206341877e-01,
+  -9.943019351159136e-01,   1.066004776009450e-01,
+  -9.942814764516416e-01,   1.067911306483074e-01,
+  -9.942609812304818e-01,   1.069817797692652e-01,
+  -9.942404494531879e-01,   1.071724249568088e-01,
+  -9.942198811205150e-01,   1.073630662039288e-01,
+  -9.941992762332189e-01,   1.075537035036156e-01,
+  -9.941786347920576e-01,   1.077443368488603e-01,
+  -9.941579567977897e-01,   1.079349662326537e-01,
+  -9.941372422511757e-01,   1.081255916479869e-01,
+  -9.941164911529771e-01,   1.083162130878512e-01,
+  -9.940957035039569e-01,   1.085068305452379e-01,
+  -9.940748793048794e-01,   1.086974440131387e-01,
+  -9.940540185565102e-01,   1.088880534845452e-01,
+  -9.940331212596164e-01,   1.090786589524492e-01,
+  -9.940121874149662e-01,   1.092692604098428e-01,
+  -9.939912170233294e-01,   1.094598578497180e-01,
+  -9.939702100854769e-01,   1.096504512650671e-01,
+  -9.939491666021811e-01,   1.098410406488826e-01,
+  -9.939280865742158e-01,   1.100316259941570e-01,
+  -9.939069700023561e-01,   1.102222072938831e-01,
+  -9.938858168873781e-01,   1.104127845410536e-01,
+  -9.938646272300597e-01,   1.106033577286617e-01,
+  -9.938434010311802e-01,   1.107939268497006e-01,
+  -9.938221382915197e-01,   1.109844918971634e-01,
+  -9.938008390118601e-01,   1.111750528640437e-01,
+  -9.937795031929846e-01,   1.113656097433352e-01,
+  -9.937581308356774e-01,   1.115561625280315e-01,
+  -9.937367219407246e-01,   1.117467112111266e-01,
+  -9.937152765089132e-01,   1.119372557856146e-01,
+  -9.936937945410318e-01,   1.121277962444896e-01,
+  -9.936722760378700e-01,   1.123183325807462e-01,
+  -9.936507210002191e-01,   1.125088647873787e-01,
+  -9.936291294288717e-01,   1.126993928573819e-01,
+  -9.936075013246216e-01,   1.128899167837505e-01,
+  -9.935858366882640e-01,   1.130804365594796e-01,
+  -9.935641355205953e-01,   1.132709521775643e-01,
+  -9.935423978224136e-01,   1.134614636309999e-01,
+  -9.935206235945181e-01,   1.136519709127819e-01,
+  -9.934988128377094e-01,   1.138424740159057e-01,
+  -9.934769655527892e-01,   1.140329729333672e-01,
+  -9.934550817405610e-01,   1.142234676581623e-01,
+  -9.934331614018294e-01,   1.144139581832869e-01,
+  -9.934112045374001e-01,   1.146044445017374e-01,
+  -9.933892111480807e-01,   1.147949266065101e-01,
+  -9.933671812346796e-01,   1.149854044906015e-01,
+  -9.933451147980069e-01,   1.151758781470082e-01,
+  -9.933230118388740e-01,   1.153663475687271e-01,
+  -9.933008723580933e-01,   1.155568127487553e-01,
+  -9.932786963564790e-01,   1.157472736800897e-01,
+  -9.932564838348464e-01,   1.159377303557278e-01,
+  -9.932342347940123e-01,   1.161281827686669e-01,
+  -9.932119492347945e-01,   1.163186309119048e-01,
+  -9.931896271580126e-01,   1.165090747784390e-01,
+  -9.931672685644872e-01,   1.166995143612677e-01,
+  -9.931448734550404e-01,   1.168899496533888e-01,
+  -9.931224418304956e-01,   1.170803806478006e-01,
+  -9.930999736916776e-01,   1.172708073375015e-01,
+  -9.930774690394123e-01,   1.174612297154900e-01,
+  -9.930549278745273e-01,   1.176516477747649e-01,
+  -9.930323501978514e-01,   1.178420615083250e-01,
+  -9.930097360102146e-01,   1.180324709091693e-01,
+  -9.929870853124484e-01,   1.182228759702972e-01,
+  -9.929643981053856e-01,   1.184132766847078e-01,
+  -9.929416743898605e-01,   1.186036730454007e-01,
+  -9.929189141667083e-01,   1.187940650453756e-01,
+  -9.928961174367660e-01,   1.189844526776323e-01,
+  -9.928732842008717e-01,   1.191748359351709e-01,
+  -9.928504144598651e-01,   1.193652148109914e-01,
+  -9.928275082145868e-01,   1.195555892980941e-01,
+  -9.928045654658791e-01,   1.197459593894796e-01,
+  -9.927815862145856e-01,   1.199363250781485e-01,
+  -9.927585704615511e-01,   1.201266863571015e-01,
+  -9.927355182076218e-01,   1.203170432193397e-01,
+  -9.927124294536455e-01,   1.205073956578641e-01,
+  -9.926893042004707e-01,   1.206977436656761e-01,
+  -9.926661424489480e-01,   1.208880872357771e-01,
+  -9.926429441999288e-01,   1.210784263611686e-01,
+  -9.926197094542661e-01,   1.212687610348526e-01,
+  -9.925964382128143e-01,   1.214590912498308e-01,
+  -9.925731304764288e-01,   1.216494169991055e-01,
+  -9.925497862459667e-01,   1.218397382756789e-01,
+  -9.925264055222861e-01,   1.220300550725534e-01,
+  -9.925029883062470e-01,   1.222203673827315e-01,
+  -9.924795345987100e-01,   1.224106751992162e-01,
+  -9.924560444005377e-01,   1.226009785150102e-01,
+  -9.924325177125937e-01,   1.227912773231168e-01,
+  -9.924089545357428e-01,   1.229815716165391e-01,
+  -9.923853548708517e-01,   1.231718613882805e-01,
+  -9.923617187187879e-01,   1.233621466313447e-01,
+  -9.923380460804204e-01,   1.235524273387354e-01,
+  -9.923143369566196e-01,   1.237427035034565e-01,
+  -9.922905913482574e-01,   1.239329751185122e-01,
+  -9.922668092562066e-01,   1.241232421769066e-01,
+  -9.922429906813417e-01,   1.243135046716442e-01,
+  -9.922191356245385e-01,   1.245037625957297e-01,
+  -9.921952440866739e-01,   1.246940159421676e-01,
+  -9.921713160686265e-01,   1.248842647039631e-01,
+  -9.921473515712761e-01,   1.250745088741212e-01,
+  -9.921233505955037e-01,   1.252647484456471e-01,
+  -9.920993131421918e-01,   1.254549834115462e-01,
+  -9.920752392122241e-01,   1.256452137648243e-01,
+  -9.920511288064857e-01,   1.258354394984870e-01,
+  -9.920269819258634e-01,   1.260256606055403e-01,
+  -9.920027985712445e-01,   1.262158770789903e-01,
+  -9.919785787435186e-01,   1.264060889118434e-01,
+  -9.919543224435760e-01,   1.265962960971058e-01,
+  -9.919300296723085e-01,   1.267864986277844e-01,
+  -9.919057004306093e-01,   1.269766964968859e-01,
+  -9.918813347193730e-01,   1.271668896974172e-01,
+  -9.918569325394955e-01,   1.273570782223854e-01,
+  -9.918324938918738e-01,   1.275472620647980e-01,
+  -9.918080187774064e-01,   1.277374412176623e-01,
+  -9.917835071969935e-01,   1.279276156739861e-01,
+  -9.917589591515361e-01,   1.281177854267771e-01,
+  -9.917343746419368e-01,   1.283079504690434e-01,
+  -9.917097536690995e-01,   1.284981107937932e-01,
+  -9.916850962339294e-01,   1.286882663940347e-01,
+  -9.916604023373332e-01,   1.288784172627765e-01,
+  -9.916356719802187e-01,   1.290685633930274e-01,
+  -9.916109051634954e-01,   1.292587047777961e-01,
+  -9.915861018880735e-01,   1.294488414100918e-01,
+  -9.915612621548653e-01,   1.296389732829236e-01,
+  -9.915363859647839e-01,   1.298291003893009e-01,
+  -9.915114733187439e-01,   1.300192227222333e-01,
+  -9.914865242176615e-01,   1.302093402747306e-01,
+  -9.914615386624538e-01,   1.303994530398027e-01,
+  -9.914365166540394e-01,   1.305895610104597e-01,
+  -9.914114581933385e-01,   1.307796641797117e-01,
+  -9.913863632812723e-01,   1.309697625405694e-01,
+  -9.913612319187635e-01,   1.311598560860433e-01,
+  -9.913360641067361e-01,   1.313499448091442e-01,
+  -9.913108598461154e-01,   1.315400287028831e-01,
+  -9.912856191378282e-01,   1.317301077602712e-01,
+  -9.912603419828024e-01,   1.319201819743198e-01,
+  -9.912350283819674e-01,   1.321102513380404e-01,
+  -9.912096783362541e-01,   1.323003158444447e-01,
+  -9.911842918465942e-01,   1.324903754865445e-01,
+  -9.911588689139214e-01,   1.326804302573521e-01,
+  -9.911334095391702e-01,   1.328704801498794e-01,
+  -9.911079137232769e-01,   1.330605251571391e-01,
+  -9.910823814671786e-01,   1.332505652721436e-01,
+  -9.910568127718143e-01,   1.334406004879057e-01,
+  -9.910312076381241e-01,   1.336306307974383e-01,
+  -9.910055660670494e-01,   1.338206561937547e-01,
+  -9.909798880595327e-01,   1.340106766698681e-01,
+  -9.909541736165185e-01,   1.342006922187920e-01,
+  -9.909284227389520e-01,   1.343907028335401e-01,
+  -9.909026354277800e-01,   1.345807085071262e-01,
+  -9.908768116839507e-01,   1.347707092325643e-01,
+  -9.908509515084136e-01,   1.349607050028687e-01,
+  -9.908250549021195e-01,   1.351506958110539e-01,
+  -9.907991218660204e-01,   1.353406816501342e-01,
+  -9.907731524010698e-01,   1.355306625131246e-01,
+  -9.907471465082227e-01,   1.357206383930399e-01,
+  -9.907211041884352e-01,   1.359106092828953e-01,
+  -9.906950254426646e-01,   1.361005751757062e-01,
+  -9.906689102718701e-01,   1.362905360644880e-01,
+  -9.906427586770116e-01,   1.364804919422563e-01,
+  -9.906165706590506e-01,   1.366704428020271e-01,
+  -9.905903462189501e-01,   1.368603886368164e-01,
+  -9.905640853576744e-01,   1.370503294396404e-01,
+  -9.905377880761888e-01,   1.372402652035156e-01,
+  -9.905114543754603e-01,   1.374301959214586e-01,
+  -9.904850842564571e-01,   1.376201215864860e-01,
+  -9.904586777201486e-01,   1.378100421916151e-01,
+  -9.904322347675060e-01,   1.379999577298628e-01,
+  -9.904057553995013e-01,   1.381898681942466e-01,
+  -9.903792396171082e-01,   1.383797735777839e-01,
+  -9.903526874213014e-01,   1.385696738734925e-01,
+  -9.903260988130573e-01,   1.387595690743904e-01,
+  -9.902994737933536e-01,   1.389494591734955e-01,
+  -9.902728123631691e-01,   1.391393441638262e-01,
+  -9.902461145234840e-01,   1.393292240384010e-01,
+  -9.902193802752800e-01,   1.395190987902385e-01,
+  -9.901926096195400e-01,   1.397089684123576e-01,
+  -9.901658025572484e-01,   1.398988328977772e-01,
+  -9.901389590893906e-01,   1.400886922395167e-01,
+  -9.901120792169538e-01,   1.402785464305954e-01,
+  -9.900851629409260e-01,   1.404683954640330e-01,
+  -9.900582102622971e-01,   1.406582393328492e-01,
+  -9.900312211820580e-01,   1.408480780300641e-01,
+  -9.900041957012009e-01,   1.410379115486977e-01,
+  -9.899771338207196e-01,   1.412277398817705e-01,
+  -9.899500355416090e-01,   1.414175630223030e-01,
+  -9.899229008648655e-01,   1.416073809633160e-01,
+  -9.898957297914867e-01,   1.417971936978304e-01,
+  -9.898685223224716e-01,   1.419870012188673e-01,
+  -9.898412784588205e-01,   1.421768035194480e-01,
+  -9.898139982015353e-01,   1.423666005925942e-01,
+  -9.897866815516186e-01,   1.425563924313273e-01,
+  -9.897593285100752e-01,   1.427461790286695e-01,
+  -9.897319390779106e-01,   1.429359603776427e-01,
+  -9.897045132561318e-01,   1.431257364712692e-01,
+  -9.896770510457472e-01,   1.433155073025715e-01,
+  -9.896495524477665e-01,   1.435052728645723e-01,
+  -9.896220174632009e-01,   1.436950331502945e-01,
+  -9.895944460930625e-01,   1.438847881527610e-01,
+  -9.895668383383651e-01,   1.440745378649952e-01,
+  -9.895391942001239e-01,   1.442642822800204e-01,
+  -9.895115136793552e-01,   1.444540213908605e-01,
+  -9.894837967770768e-01,   1.446437551905390e-01,
+  -9.894560434943077e-01,   1.448334836720802e-01,
+  -9.894282538320682e-01,   1.450232068285082e-01,
+  -9.894004277913804e-01,   1.452129246528475e-01,
+  -9.893725653732670e-01,   1.454026371381226e-01,
+  -9.893446665787526e-01,   1.455923442773583e-01,
+  -9.893167314088630e-01,   1.457820460635799e-01,
+  -9.892887598646252e-01,   1.459717424898122e-01,
+  -9.892607519470676e-01,   1.461614335490809e-01,
+  -9.892327076572200e-01,   1.463511192344115e-01,
+  -9.892046269961138e-01,   1.465407995388298e-01,
+  -9.891765099647810e-01,   1.467304744553617e-01,
+  -9.891483565642556e-01,   1.469201439770336e-01,
+  -9.891201667955727e-01,   1.471098080968718e-01,
+  -9.890919406597688e-01,   1.472994668079028e-01,
+  -9.890636781578815e-01,   1.474891201031536e-01,
+  -9.890353792909503e-01,   1.476787679756510e-01,
+  -9.890070440600153e-01,   1.478684104184222e-01,
+  -9.889786724661185e-01,   1.480580474244947e-01,
+  -9.889502645103030e-01,   1.482476789868960e-01,
+  -9.889218201936132e-01,   1.484373050986540e-01,
+  -9.888933395170951e-01,   1.486269257527965e-01,
+  -9.888648224817956e-01,   1.488165409423519e-01,
+  -9.888362690887635e-01,   1.490061506603484e-01,
+  -9.888076793390485e-01,   1.491957548998148e-01,
+  -9.887790532337015e-01,   1.493853536537797e-01,
+  -9.887503907737754e-01,   1.495749469152722e-01,
+  -9.887216919603238e-01,   1.497645346773215e-01,
+  -9.886929567944020e-01,   1.499541169329570e-01,
+  -9.886641852770662e-01,   1.501436936752082e-01,
+  -9.886353774093748e-01,   1.503332648971050e-01,
+  -9.886065331923864e-01,   1.505228305916774e-01,
+  -9.885776526271620e-01,   1.507123907519556e-01,
+  -9.885487357147632e-01,   1.509019453709700e-01,
+  -9.885197824562533e-01,   1.510914944417513e-01,
+  -9.884907928526966e-01,   1.512810379573302e-01,
+  -9.884617669051593e-01,   1.514705759107378e-01,
+  -9.884327046147083e-01,   1.516601082950053e-01,
+  -9.884036059824124e-01,   1.518496351031642e-01,
+  -9.883744710093413e-01,   1.520391563282461e-01,
+  -9.883452996965661e-01,   1.522286719632827e-01,
+  -9.883160920451597e-01,   1.524181820013063e-01,
+  -9.882868480561958e-01,   1.526076864353491e-01,
+  -9.882575677307495e-01,   1.527971852584434e-01,
+  -9.882282510698974e-01,   1.529866784636220e-01,
+  -9.881988980747176e-01,   1.531761660439178e-01,
+  -9.881695087462891e-01,   1.533656479923639e-01,
+  -9.881400830856926e-01,   1.535551243019934e-01,
+  -9.881106210940098e-01,   1.537445949658400e-01,
+  -9.880811227723241e-01,   1.539340599769373e-01,
+  -9.880515881217201e-01,   1.541235193283194e-01,
+  -9.880220171432835e-01,   1.543129730130201e-01,
+  -9.879924098381019e-01,   1.545024210240739e-01,
+  -9.879627662072634e-01,   1.546918633545154e-01,
+  -9.879330862518584e-01,   1.548812999973793e-01,
+  -9.879033699729778e-01,   1.550707309457005e-01,
+  -9.878736173717142e-01,   1.552601561925142e-01,
+  -9.878438284491617e-01,   1.554495757308559e-01,
+  -9.878140032064155e-01,   1.556389895537609e-01,
+  -9.877841416445722e-01,   1.558283976542652e-01,
+  -9.877542437647295e-01,   1.560178000254048e-01,
+  -9.877243095679870e-01,   1.562071966602159e-01,
+  -9.876943390554451e-01,   1.563965875517349e-01,
+  -9.876643322282057e-01,   1.565859726929984e-01,
+  -9.876342890873722e-01,   1.567753520770434e-01,
+  -9.876042096340492e-01,   1.569647256969068e-01,
+  -9.875740938693424e-01,   1.571540935456259e-01,
+  -9.875439417943592e-01,   1.573434556162382e-01,
+  -9.875137534102084e-01,   1.575328119017815e-01,
+  -9.874835287179997e-01,   1.577221623952936e-01,
+  -9.874532677188446e-01,   1.579115070898127e-01,
+  -9.874229704138554e-01,   1.581008459783770e-01,
+  -9.873926368041462e-01,   1.582901790540252e-01,
+  -9.873622668908324e-01,   1.584795063097960e-01,
+  -9.873318606750304e-01,   1.586688277387283e-01,
+  -9.873014181578584e-01,   1.588581433338614e-01,
+  -9.872709393404354e-01,   1.590474530882348e-01,
+  -9.872404242238823e-01,   1.592367569948878e-01,
+  -9.872098728093208e-01,   1.594260550468606e-01,
+  -9.871792850978743e-01,   1.596153472371931e-01,
+  -9.871486610906676e-01,   1.598046335589254e-01,
+  -9.871180007888263e-01,   1.599939140050983e-01,
+  -9.870873041934779e-01,   1.601831885687522e-01,
+  -9.870565713057510e-01,   1.603724572429283e-01,
+  -9.870258021267756e-01,   1.605617200206675e-01,
+  -9.869949966576830e-01,   1.607509768950112e-01,
+  -9.869641548996057e-01,   1.609402278590011e-01,
+  -9.869332768536777e-01,   1.611294729056788e-01,
+  -9.869023625210345e-01,   1.613187120280864e-01,
+  -9.868714119028125e-01,   1.615079452192661e-01,
+  -9.868404250001497e-01,   1.616971724722604e-01,
+  -9.868094018141855e-01,   1.618863937801118e-01,
+  -9.867783423460604e-01,   1.620756091358633e-01,
+  -9.867472465969166e-01,   1.622648185325580e-01,
+  -9.867161145678971e-01,   1.624540219632392e-01,
+  -9.866849462601467e-01,   1.626432194209503e-01,
+  -9.866537416748113e-01,   1.628324108987352e-01,
+  -9.866225008130385e-01,   1.630215963896378e-01,
+  -9.865912236759764e-01,   1.632107758867024e-01,
+  -9.865599102647754e-01,   1.633999493829732e-01,
+  -9.865285605805867e-01,   1.635891168714950e-01,
+  -9.864971746245629e-01,   1.637782783453127e-01,
+  -9.864657523978579e-01,   1.639674337974712e-01,
+  -9.864342939016272e-01,   1.641565832210158e-01,
+  -9.864027991370272e-01,   1.643457266089922e-01,
+  -9.863712681052160e-01,   1.645348639544460e-01,
+  -9.863397008073530e-01,   1.647239952504232e-01,
+  -9.863080972445987e-01,   1.649131204899699e-01,
+  -9.862764574181151e-01,   1.651022396661327e-01,
+  -9.862447813290655e-01,   1.652913527719580e-01,
+  -9.862130689786145e-01,   1.654804598004928e-01,
+  -9.861813203679283e-01,   1.656695607447841e-01,
+  -9.861495354981739e-01,   1.658586555978793e-01,
+  -9.861177143705201e-01,   1.660477443528258e-01,
+  -9.860858569861368e-01,   1.662368270026714e-01,
+  -9.860539633461954e-01,   1.664259035404641e-01,
+  -9.860220334518686e-01,   1.666149739592521e-01,
+  -9.859900673043301e-01,   1.668040382520837e-01,
+  -9.859580649047555e-01,   1.669930964120077e-01,
+  -9.859260262543211e-01,   1.671821484320729e-01,
+  -9.858939513542052e-01,   1.673711943053284e-01,
+  -9.858618402055870e-01,   1.675602340248236e-01,
+  -9.858296928096470e-01,   1.677492675836079e-01,
+  -9.857975091675675e-01,   1.679382949747312e-01,
+  -9.857652892805313e-01,   1.681273161912434e-01,
+  -9.857330331497235e-01,   1.683163312261948e-01,
+  -9.857007407763299e-01,   1.685053400726359e-01,
+  -9.856684121615376e-01,   1.686943427236173e-01,
+  -9.856360473065354e-01,   1.688833391721900e-01,
+  -9.856036462125134e-01,   1.690723294114050e-01,
+  -9.855712088806627e-01,   1.692613134343138e-01,
+  -9.855387353121761e-01,   1.694502912339680e-01,
+  -9.855062255082473e-01,   1.696392628034193e-01,
+  -9.854736794700718e-01,   1.698282281357198e-01,
+  -9.854410971988462e-01,   1.700171872239220e-01,
+  -9.854084786957684e-01,   1.702061400610781e-01,
+  -9.853758239620377e-01,   1.703950866402409e-01,
+  -9.853431329988548e-01,   1.705840269544636e-01,
+  -9.853104058074216e-01,   1.707729609967992e-01,
+  -9.852776423889412e-01,   1.709618887603012e-01,
+  -9.852448427446185e-01,   1.711508102380233e-01,
+  -9.852120068756594e-01,   1.713397254230193e-01,
+  -9.851791347832711e-01,   1.715286343083434e-01,
+  -9.851462264686622e-01,   1.717175368870500e-01,
+  -9.851132819330427e-01,   1.719064331521935e-01,
+  -9.850803011776238e-01,   1.720953230968290e-01,
+  -9.850472842036182e-01,   1.722842067140114e-01,
+  -9.850142310122398e-01,   1.724730839967960e-01,
+  -9.849811416047040e-01,   1.726619549382383e-01,
+  -9.849480159822270e-01,   1.728508195313941e-01,
+  -9.849148541460272e-01,   1.730396777693194e-01,
+  -9.848816560973237e-01,   1.732285296450703e-01,
+  -9.848484218373370e-01,   1.734173751517035e-01,
+  -9.848151513672891e-01,   1.736062142822754e-01,
+  -9.847818446884034e-01,   1.737950470298432e-01,
+  -9.847485018019042e-01,   1.739838733874638e-01,
+  -9.847151227090176e-01,   1.741726933481948e-01,
+  -9.846817074109709e-01,   1.743615069050937e-01,
+  -9.846482559089926e-01,   1.745503140512185e-01,
+  -9.846147682043126e-01,   1.747391147796272e-01,
+  -9.845812442981622e-01,   1.749279090833782e-01,
+  -9.845476841917740e-01,   1.751166969555299e-01,
+  -9.845140878863818e-01,   1.753054783891413e-01,
+  -9.844804553832209e-01,   1.754942533772714e-01,
+  -9.844467866835279e-01,   1.756830219129795e-01,
+  -9.844130817885407e-01,   1.758717839893250e-01,
+  -9.843793406994985e-01,   1.760605395993678e-01,
+  -9.843455634176419e-01,   1.762492887361679e-01,
+  -9.843117499442128e-01,   1.764380313927854e-01,
+  -9.842779002804544e-01,   1.766267675622809e-01,
+  -9.842440144276111e-01,   1.768154972377150e-01,
+  -9.842100923869290e-01,   1.770042204121487e-01,
+  -9.841761341596553e-01,   1.771929370786433e-01,
+  -9.841421397470386e-01,   1.773816472302600e-01,
+  -9.841081091503285e-01,   1.775703508600607e-01,
+  -9.840740423707764e-01,   1.777590479611072e-01,
+  -9.840399394096350e-01,   1.779477385264616e-01,
+  -9.840058002681579e-01,   1.781364225491863e-01,
+  -9.839716249476003e-01,   1.783251000223440e-01,
+  -9.839374134492189e-01,   1.785137709389975e-01,
+  -9.839031657742715e-01,   1.787024352922100e-01,
+  -9.838688819240172e-01,   1.788910930750447e-01,
+  -9.838345618997166e-01,   1.790797442805654e-01,
+  -9.838002057026316e-01,   1.792683889018357e-01,
+  -9.837658133340252e-01,   1.794570269319199e-01,
+  -9.837313847951621e-01,   1.796456583638822e-01,
+  -9.836969200873081e-01,   1.798342831907871e-01,
+  -9.836624192117303e-01,   1.800229014056995e-01,
+  -9.836278821696972e-01,   1.802115130016844e-01,
+  -9.835933089624787e-01,   1.804001179718072e-01,
+  -9.835586995913459e-01,   1.805887163091333e-01,
+  -9.835240540575713e-01,   1.807773080067286e-01,
+  -9.834893723624287e-01,   1.809658930576590e-01,
+  -9.834546545071933e-01,   1.811544714549908e-01,
+  -9.834199004931415e-01,   1.813430431917905e-01,
+  -9.833851103215512e-01,   1.815316082611250e-01,
+  -9.833502839937015e-01,   1.817201666560611e-01,
+  -9.833154215108728e-01,   1.819087183696662e-01,
+  -9.832805228743470e-01,   1.820972633950076e-01,
+  -9.832455880854071e-01,   1.822858017251533e-01,
+  -9.832106171453376e-01,   1.824743333531711e-01,
+  -9.831756100554244e-01,   1.826628582721293e-01,
+  -9.831405668169545e-01,   1.828513764750963e-01,
+  -9.831054874312163e-01,   1.830398879551410e-01,
+  -9.830703718994996e-01,   1.832283927053321e-01,
+  -9.830352202230956e-01,   1.834168907187391e-01,
+  -9.830000324032966e-01,   1.836053819884313e-01,
+  -9.829648084413964e-01,   1.837938665074784e-01,
+  -9.829295483386902e-01,   1.839823442689505e-01,
+  -9.828942520964741e-01,   1.841708152659177e-01,
+  -9.828589197160461e-01,   1.843592794914505e-01,
+  -9.828235511987052e-01,   1.845477369386196e-01,
+  -9.827881465457520e-01,   1.847361876004960e-01,
+  -9.827527057584878e-01,   1.849246314701508e-01,
+  -9.827172288382160e-01,   1.851130685406555e-01,
+  -9.826817157862409e-01,   1.853014988050819e-01,
+  -9.826461666038680e-01,   1.854899222565019e-01,
+  -9.826105812924048e-01,   1.856783388879876e-01,
+  -9.825749598531592e-01,   1.858667486926117e-01,
+  -9.825393022874412e-01,   1.860551516634466e-01,
+  -9.825036085965618e-01,   1.862435477935656e-01,
+  -9.824678787818332e-01,   1.864319370760416e-01,
+  -9.824321128445691e-01,   1.866203195039483e-01,
+  -9.823963107860847e-01,   1.868086950703593e-01,
+  -9.823604726076962e-01,   1.869970637683485e-01,
+  -9.823245983107213e-01,   1.871854255909903e-01,
+  -9.822886878964788e-01,   1.873737805313591e-01,
+  -9.822527413662894e-01,   1.875621285825296e-01,
+  -9.822167587214745e-01,   1.877504697375768e-01,
+  -9.821807399633571e-01,   1.879388039895759e-01,
+  -9.821446850932616e-01,   1.881271313316024e-01,
+  -9.821085941125136e-01,   1.883154517567321e-01,
+  -9.820724670224400e-01,   1.885037652580409e-01,
+  -9.820363038243690e-01,   1.886920718286052e-01,
+  -9.820001045196305e-01,   1.888803714615014e-01,
+  -9.819638691095552e-01,   1.890686641498062e-01,
+  -9.819275975954755e-01,   1.892569498865967e-01,
+  -9.818912899787251e-01,   1.894452286649502e-01,
+  -9.818549462606386e-01,   1.896335004779442e-01,
+  -9.818185664425525e-01,   1.898217653186564e-01,
+  -9.817821505258043e-01,   1.900100231801650e-01,
+  -9.817456985117330e-01,   1.901982740555481e-01,
+  -9.817092104016788e-01,   1.903865179378845e-01,
+  -9.816726861969831e-01,   1.905747548202527e-01,
+  -9.816361258989891e-01,   1.907629846957321e-01,
+  -9.815995295090407e-01,   1.909512075574018e-01,
+  -9.815628970284836e-01,   1.911394233983414e-01,
+  -9.815262284586648e-01,   1.913276322116309e-01,
+  -9.814895238009321e-01,   1.915158339903502e-01,
+  -9.814527830566355e-01,   1.917040287275798e-01,
+  -9.814160062271255e-01,   1.918922164164002e-01,
+  -9.813791933137546e-01,   1.920803970498924e-01,
+  -9.813423443178760e-01,   1.922685706211375e-01,
+  -9.813054592408447e-01,   1.924567371232168e-01,
+  -9.812685380840167e-01,   1.926448965492121e-01,
+  -9.812315808487497e-01,   1.928330488922052e-01,
+  -9.811945875364023e-01,   1.930211941452784e-01,
+  -9.811575581483348e-01,   1.932093323015140e-01,
+  -9.811204926859087e-01,   1.933974633539947e-01,
+  -9.810833911504867e-01,   1.935855872958036e-01,
+  -9.810462535434328e-01,   1.937737041200238e-01,
+  -9.810090798661126e-01,   1.939618138197388e-01,
+  -9.809718701198928e-01,   1.941499163880324e-01,
+  -9.809346243061416e-01,   1.943380118179886e-01,
+  -9.808973424262284e-01,   1.945261001026916e-01,
+  -9.808600244815239e-01,   1.947141812352260e-01,
+  -9.808226704734001e-01,   1.949022552086765e-01,
+  -9.807852804032304e-01,   1.950903220161282e-01,
+  -9.807478542723898e-01,   1.952783816506665e-01,
+  -9.807103920822540e-01,   1.954664341053770e-01,
+  -9.806728938342005e-01,   1.956544793733454e-01,
+  -9.806353595296081e-01,   1.958425174476578e-01,
+  -9.805977891698568e-01,   1.960305483214008e-01,
+  -9.805601827563278e-01,   1.962185719876609e-01,
+  -9.805225402904041e-01,   1.964065884395250e-01,
+  -9.804848617734694e-01,   1.965945976700802e-01,
+  -9.804471472069091e-01,   1.967825996724141e-01,
+  -9.804093965921099e-01,   1.969705944396143e-01,
+  -9.803716099304598e-01,   1.971585819647689e-01,
+  -9.803337872233480e-01,   1.973465622409659e-01,
+  -9.802959284721653e-01,   1.975345352612940e-01,
+  -9.802580336783036e-01,   1.977225010188419e-01,
+  -9.802201028431561e-01,   1.979104595066987e-01,
+  -9.801821359681174e-01,   1.980984107179536e-01,
+  -9.801441330545836e-01,   1.982863546456962e-01,
+  -9.801060941039518e-01,   1.984742912830164e-01,
+  -9.800680191176206e-01,   1.986622206230042e-01,
+  -9.800299080969901e-01,   1.988501426587501e-01,
+  -9.799917610434612e-01,   1.990380573833447e-01,
+  -9.799535779584367e-01,   1.992259647898788e-01,
+  -9.799153588433205e-01,   1.994138648714438e-01,
+  -9.798771036995176e-01,   1.996017576211310e-01,
+  -9.798388125284347e-01,   1.997896430320321e-01,
+  -9.798004853314798e-01,   1.999775210972392e-01,
+  -9.797621221100618e-01,   2.001653918098444e-01,
+  -9.797237228655912e-01,   2.003532551629404e-01,
+  -9.796852875994799e-01,   2.005411111496200e-01,
+  -9.796468163131412e-01,   2.007289597629761e-01,
+  -9.796083090079895e-01,   2.009168009961022e-01,
+  -9.795697656854405e-01,   2.011046348420919e-01,
+  -9.795311863469115e-01,   2.012924612940390e-01,
+  -9.794925709938208e-01,   2.014802803450377e-01,
+  -9.794539196275882e-01,   2.016680919881825e-01,
+  -9.794152322496348e-01,   2.018558962165680e-01,
+  -9.793765088613832e-01,   2.020436930232893e-01,
+  -9.793377494642568e-01,   2.022314824014415e-01,
+  -9.792989540596810e-01,   2.024192643441202e-01,
+  -9.792601226490820e-01,   2.026070388444211e-01,
+  -9.792212552338877e-01,   2.027948058954404e-01,
+  -9.791823518155269e-01,   2.029825654902744e-01,
+  -9.791434123954302e-01,   2.031703176220198e-01,
+  -9.791044369750292e-01,   2.033580622837733e-01,
+  -9.790654255557569e-01,   2.035457994686322e-01,
+  -9.790263781390476e-01,   2.037335291696939e-01,
+  -9.789872947263370e-01,   2.039212513800561e-01,
+  -9.789481753190622e-01,   2.041089660928169e-01,
+  -9.789090199186613e-01,   2.042966733010744e-01,
+  -9.788698285265741e-01,   2.044843729979272e-01,
+  -9.788306011442415e-01,   2.046720651764742e-01,
+  -9.787913377731057e-01,   2.048597498298144e-01,
+  -9.787520384146103e-01,   2.050474269510472e-01,
+  -9.787127030702004e-01,   2.052350965332723e-01,
+  -9.786733317413222e-01,   2.054227585695896e-01,
+  -9.786339244294232e-01,   2.056104130530992e-01,
+  -9.785944811359523e-01,   2.057980599769018e-01,
+  -9.785550018623596e-01,   2.059856993340979e-01,
+  -9.785154866100969e-01,   2.061733311177887e-01,
+  -9.784759353806168e-01,   2.063609553210755e-01,
+  -9.784363481753737e-01,   2.065485719370599e-01,
+  -9.783967249958231e-01,   2.067361809588437e-01,
+  -9.783570658434216e-01,   2.069237823795291e-01,
+  -9.783173707196277e-01,   2.071113761922186e-01,
+  -9.782776396259005e-01,   2.072989623900147e-01,
+  -9.782378725637011e-01,   2.074865409660206e-01,
+  -9.781980695344914e-01,   2.076741119133396e-01,
+  -9.781582305397350e-01,   2.078616752250751e-01,
+  -9.781183555808967e-01,   2.080492308943309e-01,
+  -9.780784446594424e-01,   2.082367789142113e-01,
+  -9.780384977768396e-01,   2.084243192778206e-01,
+  -9.779985149345571e-01,   2.086118519782635e-01,
+  -9.779584961340648e-01,   2.087993770086449e-01,
+  -9.779184413768344e-01,   2.089868943620701e-01,
+  -9.778783506643381e-01,   2.091744040316446e-01,
+  -9.778382239980504e-01,   2.093619060104742e-01,
+  -9.777980613794464e-01,   2.095494002916649e-01,
+  -9.777578628100028e-01,   2.097368868683233e-01,
+  -9.777176282911975e-01,   2.099243657335559e-01,
+  -9.776773578245099e-01,   2.101118368804696e-01,
+  -9.776370514114208e-01,   2.102993003021717e-01,
+  -9.775967090534119e-01,   2.104867559917697e-01,
+  -9.775563307519665e-01,   2.106742039423714e-01,
+  -9.775159165085693e-01,   2.108616441470849e-01,
+  -9.774754663247062e-01,   2.110490765990184e-01,
+  -9.774349802018643e-01,   2.112365012912807e-01,
+  -9.773944581415323e-01,   2.114239182169807e-01,
+  -9.773539001452000e-01,   2.116113273692276e-01,
+  -9.773133062143587e-01,   2.117987287411308e-01,
+  -9.772726763505009e-01,   2.119861223258003e-01,
+  -9.772320105551203e-01,   2.121735081163461e-01,
+  -9.771913088297123e-01,   2.123608861058784e-01,
+  -9.771505711757732e-01,   2.125482562875081e-01,
+  -9.771097975948009e-01,   2.127356186543459e-01,
+  -9.770689880882945e-01,   2.129229731995032e-01,
+  -9.770281426577544e-01,   2.131103199160914e-01,
+  -9.769872613046824e-01,   2.132976587972223e-01,
+  -9.769463440305817e-01,   2.134849898360081e-01,
+  -9.769053908369565e-01,   2.136723130255610e-01,
+  -9.768644017253126e-01,   2.138596283589937e-01,
+  -9.768233766971572e-01,   2.140469358294194e-01,
+  -9.767823157539987e-01,   2.142342354299510e-01,
+  -9.767412188973466e-01,   2.144215271537022e-01,
+  -9.767000861287118e-01,   2.146088109937868e-01,
+  -9.766589174496070e-01,   2.147960869433189e-01,
+  -9.766177128615456e-01,   2.149833549954128e-01,
+  -9.765764723660426e-01,   2.151706151431834e-01,
+  -9.765351959646145e-01,   2.153578673797455e-01,
+  -9.764938836587786e-01,   2.155451116982145e-01,
+  -9.764525354500541e-01,   2.157323480917059e-01,
+  -9.764111513399610e-01,   2.159195765533355e-01,
+  -9.763697313300211e-01,   2.161067970762195e-01,
+  -9.763282754217573e-01,   2.162940096534743e-01,
+  -9.762867836166936e-01,   2.164812142782167e-01,
+  -9.762452559163558e-01,   2.166684109435637e-01,
+  -9.762036923222706e-01,   2.168555996426326e-01,
+  -9.761620928359661e-01,   2.170427803685410e-01,
+  -9.761204574589719e-01,   2.172299531144068e-01,
+  -9.760787861928188e-01,   2.174171178733482e-01,
+  -9.760370790390390e-01,   2.176042746384836e-01,
+  -9.759953359991660e-01,   2.177914234029319e-01,
+  -9.759535570747343e-01,   2.179785641598122e-01,
+  -9.759117422672802e-01,   2.181656969022438e-01,
+  -9.758698915783410e-01,   2.183528216233463e-01,
+  -9.758280050094557e-01,   2.185399383162398e-01,
+  -9.757860825621639e-01,   2.187270469740444e-01,
+  -9.757441242380073e-01,   2.189141475898808e-01,
+  -9.757021300385286e-01,   2.191012401568698e-01,
+  -9.756600999652716e-01,   2.192883246681325e-01,
+  -9.756180340197818e-01,   2.194754011167903e-01,
+  -9.755759322036057e-01,   2.196624694959650e-01,
+  -9.755337945182914e-01,   2.198495297987787e-01,
+  -9.754916209653881e-01,   2.200365820183536e-01,
+  -9.754494115464464e-01,   2.202236261478124e-01,
+  -9.754071662630183e-01,   2.204106621802779e-01,
+  -9.753648851166570e-01,   2.205976901088735e-01,
+  -9.753225681089169e-01,   2.207847099267226e-01,
+  -9.752802152413542e-01,   2.209717216269491e-01,
+  -9.752378265155258e-01,   2.211587252026770e-01,
+  -9.751954019329904e-01,   2.213457206470308e-01,
+  -9.751529414953076e-01,   2.215327079531352e-01,
+  -9.751104452040389e-01,   2.217196871141152e-01,
+  -9.750679130607465e-01,   2.219066581230961e-01,
+  -9.750253450669941e-01,   2.220936209732035e-01,
+  -9.749827412243471e-01,   2.222805756575634e-01,
+  -9.749401015343718e-01,   2.224675221693019e-01,
+  -9.748974259986358e-01,   2.226544605015455e-01,
+  -9.748547146187084e-01,   2.228413906474211e-01,
+  -9.748119673961598e-01,   2.230283126000558e-01,
+  -9.747691843325618e-01,   2.232152263525770e-01,
+  -9.747263654294873e-01,   2.234021318981124e-01,
+  -9.746835106885107e-01,   2.235890292297900e-01,
+  -9.746406201112076e-01,   2.237759183407382e-01,
+  -9.745976936991550e-01,   2.239627992240855e-01,
+  -9.745547314539312e-01,   2.241496718729609e-01,
+  -9.745117333771157e-01,   2.243365362804936e-01,
+  -9.744686994702896e-01,   2.245233924398132e-01,
+  -9.744256297350350e-01,   2.247102403440494e-01,
+  -9.743825241729355e-01,   2.248970799863325e-01,
+  -9.743393827855759e-01,   2.250839113597928e-01,
+  -9.742962055745424e-01,   2.252707344575612e-01,
+  -9.742529925414225e-01,   2.254575492727685e-01,
+  -9.742097436878052e-01,   2.256443557985463e-01,
+  -9.741664590152803e-01,   2.258311540280262e-01,
+  -9.741231385254396e-01,   2.260179439543400e-01,
+  -9.740797822198757e-01,   2.262047255706202e-01,
+  -9.740363901001826e-01,   2.263914988699992e-01,
+  -9.739929621679558e-01,   2.265782638456100e-01,
+  -9.739494984247922e-01,   2.267650204905857e-01,
+  -9.739059988722896e-01,   2.269517687980598e-01,
+  -9.738624635120473e-01,   2.271385087611662e-01,
+  -9.738188923456661e-01,   2.273252403730389e-01,
+  -9.737752853747481e-01,   2.275119636268123e-01,
+  -9.737316426008964e-01,   2.276986785156212e-01,
+  -9.736879640257157e-01,   2.278853850326005e-01,
+  -9.736442496508120e-01,   2.280720831708857e-01,
+  -9.736004994777924e-01,   2.282587729236124e-01,
+  -9.735567135082656e-01,   2.284454542839165e-01,
+  -9.735128917438414e-01,   2.286321272449342e-01,
+  -9.734690341861311e-01,   2.288187917998022e-01,
+  -9.734251408367470e-01,   2.290054479416573e-01,
+  -9.733812116973033e-01,   2.291920956636368e-01,
+  -9.733372467694149e-01,   2.293787349588780e-01,
+  -9.732932460546982e-01,   2.295653658205189e-01,
+  -9.732492095547712e-01,   2.297519882416975e-01,
+  -9.732051372712528e-01,   2.299386022155522e-01,
+  -9.731610292057635e-01,   2.301252077352219e-01,
+  -9.731168853599251e-01,   2.303118047938454e-01,
+  -9.730727057353605e-01,   2.304983933845624e-01,
+  -9.730284903336942e-01,   2.306849735005122e-01,
+  -9.729842391565517e-01,   2.308715451348350e-01,
+  -9.729399522055602e-01,   2.310581082806711e-01,
+  -9.728956294823478e-01,   2.312446629311611e-01,
+  -9.728512709885442e-01,   2.314312090794458e-01,
+  -9.728068767257804e-01,   2.316177467186665e-01,
+  -9.727624466956886e-01,   2.318042758419648e-01,
+  -9.727179808999022e-01,   2.319907964424824e-01,
+  -9.726734793400564e-01,   2.321773085133617e-01,
+  -9.726289420177873e-01,   2.323638120477450e-01,
+  -9.725843689347322e-01,   2.325503070387752e-01,
+  -9.725397600925302e-01,   2.327367934795954e-01,
+  -9.724951154928212e-01,   2.329232713633490e-01,
+  -9.724504351372468e-01,   2.331097406831797e-01,
+  -9.724057190274498e-01,   2.332962014322316e-01,
+  -9.723609671650741e-01,   2.334826536036491e-01,
+  -9.723161795517653e-01,   2.336690971905768e-01,
+  -9.722713561891700e-01,   2.338555321861598e-01,
+  -9.722264970789363e-01,   2.340419585835434e-01,
+  -9.721816022227134e-01,   2.342283763758732e-01,
+  -9.721366716221522e-01,   2.344147855562952e-01,
+  -9.720917052789044e-01,   2.346011861179556e-01,
+  -9.720467031946235e-01,   2.347875780540010e-01,
+  -9.720016653709639e-01,   2.349739613575783e-01,
+  -9.719565918095817e-01,   2.351603360218347e-01,
+  -9.719114825121340e-01,   2.353467020399178e-01,
+  -9.718663374802794e-01,   2.355330594049755e-01,
+  -9.718211567156777e-01,   2.357194081101558e-01,
+  -9.717759402199901e-01,   2.359057481486074e-01,
+  -9.717306879948792e-01,   2.360920795134789e-01,
+  -9.716854000420085e-01,   2.362784021979196e-01,
+  -9.716400763630434e-01,   2.364647161950788e-01,
+  -9.715947169596502e-01,   2.366510214981064e-01,
+  -9.715493218334966e-01,   2.368373181001524e-01,
+  -9.715038909862518e-01,   2.370236059943672e-01,
+  -9.714584244195860e-01,   2.372098851739016e-01,
+  -9.714129221351709e-01,   2.373961556319066e-01,
+  -9.713673841346795e-01,   2.375824173615336e-01,
+  -9.713218104197862e-01,   2.377686703559342e-01,
+  -9.712762009921665e-01,   2.379549146082605e-01,
+  -9.712305558534974e-01,   2.381411501116648e-01,
+  -9.711848750054570e-01,   2.383273768592998e-01,
+  -9.711391584497251e-01,   2.385135948443184e-01,
+  -9.710934061879825e-01,   2.386998040598740e-01,
+  -9.710476182219111e-01,   2.388860044991200e-01,
+  -9.710017945531947e-01,   2.390721961552106e-01,
+  -9.709559351835180e-01,   2.392583790213000e-01,
+  -9.709100401145670e-01,   2.394445530905426e-01,
+  -9.708641093480295e-01,   2.396307183560936e-01,
+  -9.708181428855939e-01,   2.398168748111080e-01,
+  -9.707721407289504e-01,   2.400030224487415e-01,
+  -9.707261028797901e-01,   2.401891612621499e-01,
+  -9.706800293398061e-01,   2.403752912444894e-01,
+  -9.706339201106922e-01,   2.405614123889167e-01,
+  -9.705877751941436e-01,   2.407475246885884e-01,
+  -9.705415945918571e-01,   2.409336281366619e-01,
+  -9.704953783055306e-01,   2.411197227262946e-01,
+  -9.704491263368631e-01,   2.413058084506444e-01,
+  -9.704028386875555e-01,   2.414918853028693e-01,
+  -9.703565153593094e-01,   2.416779532761280e-01,
+  -9.703101563538281e-01,   2.418640123635792e-01,
+  -9.702637616728161e-01,   2.420500625583821e-01,
+  -9.702173313179792e-01,   2.422361038536960e-01,
+  -9.701708652910245e-01,   2.424221362426809e-01,
+  -9.701243635936603e-01,   2.426081597184968e-01,
+  -9.700778262275964e-01,   2.427941742743042e-01,
+  -9.700312531945440e-01,   2.429801799032639e-01,
+  -9.699846444962152e-01,   2.431661765985369e-01,
+  -9.699380001343240e-01,   2.433521643532847e-01,
+  -9.698913201105851e-01,   2.435381431606691e-01,
+  -9.698446044267148e-01,   2.437241130138522e-01,
+  -9.697978530844309e-01,   2.439100739059963e-01,
+  -9.697510660854521e-01,   2.440960258302642e-01,
+  -9.697042434314989e-01,   2.442819687798190e-01,
+  -9.696573851242924e-01,   2.444679027478242e-01,
+  -9.696104911655559e-01,   2.446538277274433e-01,
+  -9.695635615570132e-01,   2.448397437118407e-01,
+  -9.695165963003900e-01,   2.450256506941805e-01,
+  -9.694695953974131e-01,   2.452115486676275e-01,
+  -9.694225588498103e-01,   2.453974376253470e-01,
+  -9.693754866593113e-01,   2.455833175605041e-01,
+  -9.693283788276467e-01,   2.457691884662646e-01,
+  -9.692812353565485e-01,   2.459550503357946e-01,
+  -9.692340562477500e-01,   2.461409031622605e-01,
+  -9.691868415029860e-01,   2.463267469388290e-01,
+  -9.691395911239923e-01,   2.465125816586672e-01,
+  -9.690923051125062e-01,   2.466984073149424e-01,
+  -9.690449834702662e-01,   2.468842239008224e-01,
+  -9.689976261990124e-01,   2.470700314094753e-01,
+  -9.689502333004858e-01,   2.472558298340693e-01,
+  -9.689028047764289e-01,   2.474416191677733e-01,
+  -9.688553406285856e-01,   2.476273994037563e-01,
+  -9.688078408587010e-01,   2.478131705351877e-01,
+  -9.687603054685214e-01,   2.479989325552371e-01,
+  -9.687127344597948e-01,   2.481846854570748e-01,
+  -9.686651278342701e-01,   2.483704292338710e-01,
+  -9.686174855936975e-01,   2.485561638787966e-01,
+  -9.685698077398289e-01,   2.487418893850225e-01,
+  -9.685220942744174e-01,   2.489276057457201e-01,
+  -9.684743451992168e-01,   2.491133129540614e-01,
+  -9.684265605159832e-01,   2.492990110032182e-01,
+  -9.683787402264733e-01,   2.494846998863630e-01,
+  -9.683308843324452e-01,   2.496703795966686e-01,
+  -9.682829928356587e-01,   2.498560501273080e-01,
+  -9.682350657378743e-01,   2.500417114714547e-01,
+  -9.681871030408544e-01,   2.502273636222824e-01,
+  -9.681391047463624e-01,   2.504130065729652e-01,
+  -9.680910708561630e-01,   2.505986403166777e-01,
+  -9.680430013720223e-01,   2.507842648465945e-01,
+  -9.679948962957077e-01,   2.509698801558907e-01,
+  -9.679467556289878e-01,   2.511554862377419e-01,
+  -9.678985793736327e-01,   2.513410830853239e-01,
+  -9.678503675314136e-01,   2.515266706918126e-01,
+  -9.678021201041033e-01,   2.517122490503847e-01,
+  -9.677538370934755e-01,   2.518978181542170e-01,
+  -9.677055185013055e-01,   2.520833779964864e-01,
+  -9.676571643293699e-01,   2.522689285703708e-01,
+  -9.676087745794465e-01,   2.524544698690477e-01,
+  -9.675603492533144e-01,   2.526400018856955e-01,
+  -9.675118883527541e-01,   2.528255246134926e-01,
+  -9.674633918795476e-01,   2.530110380456179e-01,
+  -9.674148598354775e-01,   2.531965421752506e-01,
+  -9.673662922223285e-01,   2.533820369955702e-01,
+  -9.673176890418863e-01,   2.535675224997566e-01,
+  -9.672690502959378e-01,   2.537529986809900e-01,
+  -9.672203759862714e-01,   2.539384655324511e-01,
+  -9.671716661146766e-01,   2.541239230473206e-01,
+  -9.671229206829444e-01,   2.543093712187800e-01,
+  -9.670741396928670e-01,   2.544948100400107e-01,
+  -9.670253231462380e-01,   2.546802395041948e-01,
+  -9.669764710448521e-01,   2.548656596045146e-01,
+  -9.669275833905057e-01,   2.550510703341525e-01,
+  -9.668786601849959e-01,   2.552364716862917e-01,
+  -9.668297014301218e-01,   2.554218636541155e-01,
+  -9.667807071276833e-01,   2.556072462308074e-01,
+  -9.667316772794818e-01,   2.557926194095516e-01,
+  -9.666826118873201e-01,   2.559779831835324e-01,
+  -9.666335109530021e-01,   2.561633375459345e-01,
+  -9.665843744783331e-01,   2.563486824899429e-01,
+  -9.665352024651197e-01,   2.565340180087430e-01,
+  -9.664859949151698e-01,   2.567193440955207e-01,
+  -9.664367518302927e-01,   2.569046607434619e-01,
+  -9.663874732122989e-01,   2.570899679457531e-01,
+  -9.663381590630001e-01,   2.572752656955811e-01,
+  -9.662888093842097e-01,   2.574605539861331e-01,
+  -9.662394241777419e-01,   2.576458328105964e-01,
+  -9.661900034454125e-01,   2.578311021621590e-01,
+  -9.661405471890387e-01,   2.580163620340090e-01,
+  -9.660910554104388e-01,   2.582016124193349e-01,
+  -9.660415281114324e-01,   2.583868533113256e-01,
+  -9.659919652938406e-01,   2.585720847031703e-01,
+  -9.659423669594855e-01,   2.587573065880587e-01,
+  -9.658927331101909e-01,   2.589425189591805e-01,
+  -9.658430637477815e-01,   2.591277218097262e-01,
+  -9.657933588740837e-01,   2.593129151328862e-01,
+  -9.657436184909248e-01,   2.594980989218517e-01,
+  -9.656938426001337e-01,   2.596832731698138e-01,
+  -9.656440312035406e-01,   2.598684378699643e-01,
+  -9.655941843029768e-01,   2.600535930154952e-01,
+  -9.655443019002752e-01,   2.602387385995988e-01,
+  -9.654943839972695e-01,   2.604238746154680e-01,
+  -9.654444305957954e-01,   2.606090010562958e-01,
+  -9.653944416976894e-01,   2.607941179152755e-01,
+  -9.653444173047894e-01,   2.609792251856011e-01,
+  -9.652943574189347e-01,   2.611643228604665e-01,
+  -9.652442620419658e-01,   2.613494109330664e-01,
+  -9.651941311757247e-01,   2.615344893965955e-01,
+  -9.651439648220544e-01,   2.617195582442490e-01,
+  -9.650937629827996e-01,   2.619046174692226e-01,
+  -9.650435256598059e-01,   2.620896670647120e-01,
+  -9.649932528549203e-01,   2.622747070239136e-01,
+  -9.649429445699914e-01,   2.624597373400240e-01,
+  -9.648926008068689e-01,   2.626447580062400e-01,
+  -9.648422215674036e-01,   2.628297690157592e-01,
+  -9.647918068534479e-01,   2.630147703617790e-01,
+  -9.647413566668553e-01,   2.631997620374976e-01,
+  -9.646908710094810e-01,   2.633847440361133e-01,
+  -9.646403498831809e-01,   2.635697163508249e-01,
+  -9.645897932898128e-01,   2.637546789748313e-01,
+  -9.645392012312352e-01,   2.639396319013323e-01,
+  -9.644885737093084e-01,   2.641245751235275e-01,
+  -9.644379107258939e-01,   2.643095086346171e-01,
+  -9.643872122828543e-01,   2.644944324278016e-01,
+  -9.643364783820537e-01,   2.646793464962819e-01,
+  -9.642857090253575e-01,   2.648642508332593e-01,
+  -9.642349042146322e-01,   2.650491454319353e-01,
+  -9.641840639517458e-01,   2.652340302855118e-01,
+  -9.641331882385676e-01,   2.654189053871913e-01,
+  -9.640822770769681e-01,   2.656037707301763e-01,
+  -9.640313304688193e-01,   2.657886263076699e-01,
+  -9.639803484159941e-01,   2.659734721128756e-01,
+  -9.639293309203671e-01,   2.661583081389970e-01,
+  -9.638782779838142e-01,   2.663431343792382e-01,
+  -9.638271896082123e-01,   2.665279508268037e-01,
+  -9.637760657954398e-01,   2.667127574748984e-01,
+  -9.637249065473765e-01,   2.668975543167273e-01,
+  -9.636737118659032e-01,   2.670823413454962e-01,
+  -9.636224817529022e-01,   2.672671185544109e-01,
+  -9.635712162102573e-01,   2.674518859366776e-01,
+  -9.635199152398531e-01,   2.676366434855031e-01,
+  -9.634685788435760e-01,   2.678213911940941e-01,
+  -9.634172070233133e-01,   2.680061290556583e-01,
+  -9.633657997809540e-01,   2.681908570634032e-01,
+  -9.633143571183882e-01,   2.683755752105369e-01,
+  -9.632628790375071e-01,   2.685602834902679e-01,
+  -9.632113655402035e-01,   2.687449818958050e-01,
+  -9.631598166283714e-01,   2.689296704203573e-01,
+  -9.631082323039062e-01,   2.691143490571344e-01,
+  -9.630566125687043e-01,   2.692990177993461e-01,
+  -9.630049574246639e-01,   2.694836766402028e-01,
+  -9.629532668736839e-01,   2.696683255729151e-01,
+  -9.629015409176650e-01,   2.698529645906939e-01,
+  -9.628497795585090e-01,   2.700375936867506e-01,
+  -9.627979827981190e-01,   2.702222128542969e-01,
+  -9.627461506383994e-01,   2.704068220865448e-01,
+  -9.626942830812559e-01,   2.705914213767069e-01,
+  -9.626423801285957e-01,   2.707760107179960e-01,
+  -9.625904417823269e-01,   2.709605901036252e-01,
+  -9.625384680443592e-01,   2.711451595268080e-01,
+  -9.624864589166034e-01,   2.713297189807584e-01,
+  -9.624344144009721e-01,   2.715142684586907e-01,
+  -9.623823344993784e-01,   2.716988079538195e-01,
+  -9.623302192137374e-01,   2.718833374593597e-01,
+  -9.622780685459651e-01,   2.720678569685269e-01,
+  -9.622258824979790e-01,   2.722523664745367e-01,
+  -9.621736610716979e-01,   2.724368659706052e-01,
+  -9.621214042690416e-01,   2.726213554499490e-01,
+  -9.620691120919316e-01,   2.728058349057848e-01,
+  -9.620167845422906e-01,   2.729903043313299e-01,
+  -9.619644216220423e-01,   2.731747637198019e-01,
+  -9.619120233331122e-01,   2.733592130644187e-01,
+  -9.618595896774266e-01,   2.735436523583987e-01,
+  -9.618071206569135e-01,   2.737280815949605e-01,
+  -9.617546162735020e-01,   2.739125007673233e-01,
+  -9.617020765291225e-01,   2.740969098687064e-01,
+  -9.616495014257068e-01,   2.742813088923297e-01,
+  -9.615968909651879e-01,   2.744656978314132e-01,
+  -9.615442451495000e-01,   2.746500766791777e-01,
+  -9.614915639805790e-01,   2.748344454288439e-01,
+  -9.614388474603617e-01,   2.750188040736332e-01,
+  -9.613860955907862e-01,   2.752031526067673e-01,
+  -9.613333083737923e-01,   2.753874910214681e-01,
+  -9.612804858113206e-01,   2.755718193109581e-01,
+  -9.612276279053135e-01,   2.757561374684601e-01,
+  -9.611747346577141e-01,   2.759404454871972e-01,
+  -9.611218060704674e-01,   2.761247433603928e-01,
+  -9.610688421455194e-01,   2.763090310812711e-01,
+  -9.610158428848172e-01,   2.764933086430560e-01,
+  -9.609628082903098e-01,   2.766775760389724e-01,
+  -9.609097383639468e-01,   2.768618332622453e-01,
+  -9.608566331076797e-01,   2.770460803060999e-01,
+  -9.608034925234608e-01,   2.772303171637622e-01,
+  -9.607503166132440e-01,   2.774145438284581e-01,
+  -9.606971053789845e-01,   2.775987602934143e-01,
+  -9.606438588226386e-01,   2.777829665518577e-01,
+  -9.605905769461641e-01,   2.779671625970154e-01,
+  -9.605372597515200e-01,   2.781513484221151e-01,
+  -9.604839072406668e-01,   2.783355240203849e-01,
+  -9.604305194155658e-01,   2.785196893850531e-01,
+  -9.603770962781801e-01,   2.787038445093485e-01,
+  -9.603236378304739e-01,   2.788879893865003e-01,
+  -9.602701440744128e-01,   2.790721240097378e-01,
+  -9.602166150119634e-01,   2.792562483722912e-01,
+  -9.601630506450940e-01,   2.794403624673905e-01,
+  -9.601094509757739e-01,   2.796244662882666e-01,
+  -9.600558160059739e-01,   2.798085598281504e-01,
+  -9.600021457376660e-01,   2.799926430802732e-01,
+  -9.599484401728232e-01,   2.801767160378670e-01,
+  -9.598946993134205e-01,   2.803607786941638e-01,
+  -9.598409231614338e-01,   2.805448310423962e-01,
+  -9.597871117188399e-01,   2.807288730757972e-01,
+  -9.597332649876177e-01,   2.809129047876000e-01,
+  -9.596793829697468e-01,   2.810969261710383e-01,
+  -9.596254656672082e-01,   2.812809372193461e-01,
+  -9.595715130819845e-01,   2.814649379257579e-01,
+  -9.595175252160593e-01,   2.816489282835086e-01,
+  -9.594635020714175e-01,   2.818329082858334e-01,
+  -9.594094436500455e-01,   2.820168779259676e-01,
+  -9.593553499539308e-01,   2.822008371971476e-01,
+  -9.593012209850622e-01,   2.823847860926094e-01,
+  -9.592470567454301e-01,   2.825687246055897e-01,
+  -9.591928572370257e-01,   2.827526527293259e-01,
+  -9.591386224618419e-01,   2.829365704570554e-01,
+  -9.590843524218727e-01,   2.831204777820158e-01,
+  -9.590300471191137e-01,   2.833043746974457e-01,
+  -9.589757065555611e-01,   2.834882611965835e-01,
+  -9.589213307332132e-01,   2.836721372726684e-01,
+  -9.588669196540690e-01,   2.838560029189398e-01,
+  -9.588124733201293e-01,   2.840398581286372e-01,
+  -9.587579917333957e-01,   2.842237028950010e-01,
+  -9.587034748958716e-01,   2.844075372112719e-01,
+  -9.586489228095612e-01,   2.845913610706904e-01,
+  -9.585943354764702e-01,   2.847751744664983e-01,
+  -9.585397128986057e-01,   2.849589773919370e-01,
+  -9.584850550779761e-01,   2.851427698402487e-01,
+  -9.584303620165909e-01,   2.853265518046759e-01,
+  -9.583756337164612e-01,   2.855103232784613e-01,
+  -9.583208701795989e-01,   2.856940842548483e-01,
+  -9.582660714080177e-01,   2.858778347270806e-01,
+  -9.582112374037323e-01,   2.860615746884020e-01,
+  -9.581563681687588e-01,   2.862453041320571e-01,
+  -9.581014637051147e-01,   2.864290230512907e-01,
+  -9.580465240148186e-01,   2.866127314393478e-01,
+  -9.579915490998904e-01,   2.867964292894741e-01,
+  -9.579365389623514e-01,   2.869801165949156e-01,
+  -9.578814936042244e-01,   2.871637933489184e-01,
+  -9.578264130275329e-01,   2.873474595447295e-01,
+  -9.577712972343023e-01,   2.875311151755959e-01,
+  -9.577161462265589e-01,   2.877147602347652e-01,
+  -9.576609600063306e-01,   2.878983947154852e-01,
+  -9.576057385756463e-01,   2.880820186110041e-01,
+  -9.575504819365365e-01,   2.882656319145708e-01,
+  -9.574951900910326e-01,   2.884492346194342e-01,
+  -9.574398630411677e-01,   2.886328267188438e-01,
+  -9.573845007889759e-01,   2.888164082060495e-01,
+  -9.573291033364928e-01,   2.889999790743014e-01,
+  -9.572736706857552e-01,   2.891835393168502e-01,
+  -9.572182028388012e-01,   2.893670889269470e-01,
+  -9.571626997976702e-01,   2.895506278978430e-01,
+  -9.571071615644028e-01,   2.897341562227903e-01,
+  -9.570515881410410e-01,   2.899176738950408e-01,
+  -9.569959795296282e-01,   2.901011809078471e-01,
+  -9.569403357322088e-01,   2.902846772544623e-01,
+  -9.568846567508289e-01,   2.904681629281398e-01,
+  -9.568289425875354e-01,   2.906516379221332e-01,
+  -9.567731932443769e-01,   2.908351022296968e-01,
+  -9.567174087234030e-01,   2.910185558440851e-01,
+  -9.566615890266651e-01,   2.912019987585529e-01,
+  -9.566057341562151e-01,   2.913854309663557e-01,
+  -9.565498441141068e-01,   2.915688524607490e-01,
+  -9.564939189023951e-01,   2.917522632349893e-01,
+  -9.564379585231362e-01,   2.919356632823328e-01,
+  -9.563819629783877e-01,   2.921190525960364e-01,
+  -9.563259322702082e-01,   2.923024311693576e-01,
+  -9.562698664006580e-01,   2.924857989955539e-01,
+  -9.562137653717985e-01,   2.926691560678835e-01,
+  -9.561576291856921e-01,   2.928525023796048e-01,
+  -9.561014578444030e-01,   2.930358379239768e-01,
+  -9.560452513499964e-01,   2.932191626942586e-01,
+  -9.559890097045389e-01,   2.934024766837101e-01,
+  -9.559327329100983e-01,   2.935857798855912e-01,
+  -9.558764209687436e-01,   2.937690722931624e-01,
+  -9.558200738825454e-01,   2.939523538996847e-01,
+  -9.557636916535754e-01,   2.941356246984190e-01,
+  -9.557072742839066e-01,   2.943188846826274e-01,
+  -9.556508217756133e-01,   2.945021338455717e-01,
+  -9.555943341307711e-01,   2.946853721805143e-01,
+  -9.555378113514569e-01,   2.948685996807183e-01,
+  -9.554812534397488e-01,   2.950518163394467e-01,
+  -9.554246603977263e-01,   2.952350221499632e-01,
+  -9.553680322274704e-01,   2.954182171055320e-01,
+  -9.553113689310627e-01,   2.956014011994174e-01,
+  -9.552546705105870e-01,   2.957845744248843e-01,
+  -9.551979369681277e-01,   2.959677367751979e-01,
+  -9.551411683057708e-01,   2.961508882436238e-01,
+  -9.550843645256034e-01,   2.963340288234282e-01,
+  -9.550275256297142e-01,   2.965171585078775e-01,
+  -9.549706516201928e-01,   2.967002772902383e-01,
+  -9.549137424991305e-01,   2.968833851637783e-01,
+  -9.548567982686196e-01,   2.970664821217647e-01,
+  -9.547998189307537e-01,   2.972495681574658e-01,
+  -9.547428044876279e-01,   2.974326432641500e-01,
+  -9.546857549413383e-01,   2.976157074350862e-01,
+  -9.546286702939827e-01,   2.977987606635435e-01,
+  -9.545715505476596e-01,   2.979818029427918e-01,
+  -9.545143957044695e-01,   2.981648342661009e-01,
+  -9.544572057665135e-01,   2.983478546267414e-01,
+  -9.543999807358945e-01,   2.985308640179841e-01,
+  -9.543427206147165e-01,   2.987138624331003e-01,
+  -9.542854254050847e-01,   2.988968498653618e-01,
+  -9.542280951091057e-01,   2.990798263080405e-01,
+  -9.541707297288873e-01,   2.992627917544088e-01,
+  -9.541133292665388e-01,   2.994457461977399e-01,
+  -9.540558937241707e-01,   2.996286896313068e-01,
+  -9.539984231038945e-01,   2.998116220483834e-01,
+  -9.539409174078235e-01,   2.999945434422436e-01,
+  -9.538833766380718e-01,   3.001774538061620e-01,
+  -9.538258007967550e-01,   3.003603531334135e-01,
+  -9.537681898859903e-01,   3.005432414172735e-01,
+  -9.537105439078957e-01,   3.007261186510175e-01,
+  -9.536528628645905e-01,   3.009089848279219e-01,
+  -9.535951467581957e-01,   3.010918399412631e-01,
+  -9.535373955908333e-01,   3.012746839843179e-01,
+  -9.534796093646266e-01,   3.014575169503639e-01,
+  -9.534217880817003e-01,   3.016403388326788e-01,
+  -9.533639317441803e-01,   3.018231496245407e-01,
+  -9.533060403541939e-01,   3.020059493192281e-01,
+  -9.532481139138693e-01,   3.021887379100200e-01,
+  -9.531901524253367e-01,   3.023715153901960e-01,
+  -9.531321558907268e-01,   3.025542817530356e-01,
+  -9.530741243121722e-01,   3.027370369918191e-01,
+  -9.530160576918065e-01,   3.029197810998273e-01,
+  -9.529579560317647e-01,   3.031025140703411e-01,
+  -9.528998193341829e-01,   3.032852358966417e-01,
+  -9.528416476011987e-01,   3.034679465720113e-01,
+  -9.527834408349509e-01,   3.036506460897319e-01,
+  -9.527251990375796e-01,   3.038333344430864e-01,
+  -9.526669222112262e-01,   3.040160116253576e-01,
+  -9.526086103580333e-01,   3.041986776298291e-01,
+  -9.525502634801449e-01,   3.043813324497849e-01,
+  -9.524918815797063e-01,   3.045639760785091e-01,
+  -9.524334646588640e-01,   3.047466085092865e-01,
+  -9.523750127197659e-01,   3.049292297354024e-01,
+  -9.523165257645609e-01,   3.051118397501421e-01,
+  -9.522580037953996e-01,   3.052944385467917e-01,
+  -9.521994468144336e-01,   3.054770261186374e-01,
+  -9.521408548238158e-01,   3.056596024589661e-01,
+  -9.520822278257006e-01,   3.058421675610651e-01,
+  -9.520235658222436e-01,   3.060247214182218e-01,
+  -9.519648688156014e-01,   3.062072640237242e-01,
+  -9.519061368079323e-01,   3.063897953708609e-01,
+  -9.518473698013956e-01,   3.065723154529207e-01,
+  -9.517885677981521e-01,   3.067548242631928e-01,
+  -9.517297308003638e-01,   3.069373217949669e-01,
+  -9.516708588101939e-01,   3.071198080415331e-01,
+  -9.516119518298068e-01,   3.073022829961818e-01,
+  -9.515530098613686e-01,   3.074847466522041e-01,
+  -9.514940329070464e-01,   3.076671990028912e-01,
+  -9.514350209690083e-01,   3.078496400415349e-01,
+  -9.513759740494244e-01,   3.080320697614273e-01,
+  -9.513168921504656e-01,   3.082144881558611e-01,
+  -9.512577752743040e-01,   3.083968952181292e-01,
+  -9.511986234231132e-01,   3.085792909415251e-01,
+  -9.511394365990682e-01,   3.087616753193425e-01,
+  -9.510802148043450e-01,   3.089440483448757e-01,
+  -9.510209580411211e-01,   3.091264100114194e-01,
+  -9.509616663115751e-01,   3.093087603122687e-01,
+  -9.509023396178871e-01,   3.094910992407191e-01,
+  -9.508429779622382e-01,   3.096734267900664e-01,
+  -9.507835813468111e-01,   3.098557429536071e-01,
+  -9.507241497737896e-01,   3.100380477246379e-01,
+  -9.506646832453589e-01,   3.102203410964559e-01,
+  -9.506051817637053e-01,   3.104026230623587e-01,
+  -9.505456453310166e-01,   3.105848936156445e-01,
+  -9.504860739494817e-01,   3.107671527496115e-01,
+  -9.504264676212909e-01,   3.109494004575586e-01,
+  -9.503668263486358e-01,   3.111316367327853e-01,
+  -9.503071501337093e-01,   3.113138615685909e-01,
+  -9.502474389787052e-01,   3.114960749582759e-01,
+  -9.501876928858193e-01,   3.116782768951405e-01,
+  -9.501279118572481e-01,   3.118604673724860e-01,
+  -9.500680958951896e-01,   3.120426463836135e-01,
+  -9.500082450018430e-01,   3.122248139218249e-01,
+  -9.499483591794090e-01,   3.124069699804224e-01,
+  -9.498884384300893e-01,   3.125891145527087e-01,
+  -9.498284827560871e-01,   3.127712476319868e-01,
+  -9.497684921596067e-01,   3.129533692115602e-01,
+  -9.497084666428538e-01,   3.131354792847328e-01,
+  -9.496484062080355e-01,   3.133175778448090e-01,
+  -9.495883108573600e-01,   3.134996648850935e-01,
+  -9.495281805930367e-01,   3.136817403988915e-01,
+  -9.494680154172765e-01,   3.138638043795085e-01,
+  -9.494078153322916e-01,   3.140458568202507e-01,
+  -9.493475803402952e-01,   3.142278977144244e-01,
+  -9.492873104435021e-01,   3.144099270553367e-01,
+  -9.492270056441282e-01,   3.145919448362947e-01,
+  -9.491666659443907e-01,   3.147739510506061e-01,
+  -9.491062913465083e-01,   3.149559456915791e-01,
+  -9.490458818527006e-01,   3.151379287525224e-01,
+  -9.489854374651887e-01,   3.153199002267449e-01,
+  -9.489249581861952e-01,   3.155018601075560e-01,
+  -9.488644440179433e-01,   3.156838083882657e-01,
+  -9.488038949626585e-01,   3.158657450621840e-01,
+  -9.487433110225665e-01,   3.160476701226219e-01,
+  -9.486826921998951e-01,   3.162295835628903e-01,
+  -9.486220384968730e-01,   3.164114853763010e-01,
+  -9.485613499157303e-01,   3.165933755561658e-01,
+  -9.485006264586983e-01,   3.167752540957973e-01,
+  -9.484398681280096e-01,   3.169571209885081e-01,
+  -9.483790749258981e-01,   3.171389762276118e-01,
+  -9.483182468545991e-01,   3.173208198064217e-01,
+  -9.482573839163491e-01,   3.175026517182523e-01,
+  -9.481964861133856e-01,   3.176844719564180e-01,
+  -9.481355534479480e-01,   3.178662805142337e-01,
+  -9.480745859222762e-01,   3.180480773850149e-01,
+  -9.480135835386122e-01,   3.182298625620775e-01,
+  -9.479525462991987e-01,   3.184116360387378e-01,
+  -9.478914742062798e-01,   3.185933978083124e-01,
+  -9.478303672621010e-01,   3.187751478641185e-01,
+  -9.477692254689092e-01,   3.189568861994737e-01,
+  -9.477080488289521e-01,   3.191386128076959e-01,
+  -9.476468373444793e-01,   3.193203276821036e-01,
+  -9.475855910177411e-01,   3.195020308160157e-01,
+  -9.475243098509896e-01,   3.196837222027514e-01,
+  -9.474629938464777e-01,   3.198654018356305e-01,
+  -9.474016430064599e-01,   3.200470697079731e-01,
+  -9.473402573331920e-01,   3.202287258130999e-01,
+  -9.472788368289309e-01,   3.204103701443318e-01,
+  -9.472173814959348e-01,   3.205920026949903e-01,
+  -9.471558913364633e-01,   3.207736234583973e-01,
+  -9.470943663527772e-01,   3.209552324278752e-01,
+  -9.470328065471386e-01,   3.211368295967467e-01,
+  -9.469712119218109e-01,   3.213184149583349e-01,
+  -9.469095824790588e-01,   3.214999885059635e-01,
+  -9.468479182211480e-01,   3.216815502329566e-01,
+  -9.467862191503460e-01,   3.218631001326386e-01,
+  -9.467244852689212e-01,   3.220446381983345e-01,
+  -9.466627165791434e-01,   3.222261644233696e-01,
+  -9.466009130832835e-01,   3.224076788010699e-01,
+  -9.465390747836141e-01,   3.225891813247613e-01,
+  -9.464772016824087e-01,   3.227706719877707e-01,
+  -9.464152937819421e-01,   3.229521507834253e-01,
+  -9.463533510844906e-01,   3.231336177050523e-01,
+  -9.462913735923316e-01,   3.233150727459800e-01,
+  -9.462293613077438e-01,   3.234965158995367e-01,
+  -9.461673142330074e-01,   3.236779471590512e-01,
+  -9.461052323704034e-01,   3.238593665178529e-01,
+  -9.460431157222146e-01,   3.240407739692714e-01,
+  -9.459809642907248e-01,   3.242221695066370e-01,
+  -9.459187780782191e-01,   3.244035531232802e-01,
+  -9.458565570869839e-01,   3.245849248125321e-01,
+  -9.457943013193070e-01,   3.247662845677242e-01,
+  -9.457320107774772e-01,   3.249476323821884e-01,
+  -9.456696854637847e-01,   3.251289682492571e-01,
+  -9.456073253805213e-01,   3.253102921622629e-01,
+  -9.455449305299797e-01,   3.254916041145393e-01,
+  -9.454825009144537e-01,   3.256729040994198e-01,
+  -9.454200365362391e-01,   3.258541921102386e-01,
+  -9.453575373976323e-01,   3.260354681403302e-01,
+  -9.452950035009312e-01,   3.262167321830297e-01,
+  -9.452324348484350e-01,   3.263979842316725e-01,
+  -9.451698314424442e-01,   3.265792242795944e-01,
+  -9.451071932852606e-01,   3.267604523201317e-01,
+  -9.450445203791871e-01,   3.269416683466214e-01,
+  -9.449818127265281e-01,   3.271228723524005e-01,
+  -9.449190703295892e-01,   3.273040643308067e-01,
+  -9.448562931906772e-01,   3.274852442751780e-01,
+  -9.447934813121003e-01,   3.276664121788531e-01,
+  -9.447306346961678e-01,   3.278475680351708e-01,
+  -9.446677533451905e-01,   3.280287118374707e-01,
+  -9.446048372614803e-01,   3.282098435790925e-01,
+  -9.445418864473505e-01,   3.283909632533766e-01,
+  -9.444789009051155e-01,   3.285720708536637e-01,
+  -9.444158806370913e-01,   3.287531663732950e-01,
+  -9.443528256455948e-01,   3.289342498056122e-01,
+  -9.442897359329444e-01,   3.291153211439573e-01,
+  -9.442266115014598e-01,   3.292963803816727e-01,
+  -9.441634523534618e-01,   3.294774275121017e-01,
+  -9.441002584912727e-01,   3.296584625285875e-01,
+  -9.440370299172158e-01,   3.298394854244739e-01,
+  -9.439737666336160e-01,   3.300204961931054e-01,
+  -9.439104686427991e-01,   3.302014948278266e-01,
+  -9.438471359470927e-01,   3.303824813219828e-01,
+  -9.437837685488251e-01,   3.305634556689195e-01,
+  -9.437203664503262e-01,   3.307444178619829e-01,
+  -9.436569296539272e-01,   3.309253678945195e-01,
+  -9.435934581619604e-01,   3.311063057598764e-01,
+  -9.435299519767595e-01,   3.312872314514008e-01,
+  -9.434664111006593e-01,   3.314681449624409e-01,
+  -9.434028355359962e-01,   3.316490462863447e-01,
+  -9.433392252851077e-01,   3.318299354164611e-01,
+  -9.432755803503325e-01,   3.320108123461394e-01,
+  -9.432119007340106e-01,   3.321916770687292e-01,
+  -9.431481864384834e-01,   3.323725295775806e-01,
+  -9.430844374660935e-01,   3.325533698660442e-01,
+  -9.430206538191847e-01,   3.327341979274711e-01,
+  -9.429568355001021e-01,   3.329150137552127e-01,
+  -9.428929825111922e-01,   3.330958173426208e-01,
+  -9.428290948548027e-01,   3.332766086830479e-01,
+  -9.427651725332825e-01,   3.334573877698468e-01,
+  -9.427012155489819e-01,   3.336381545963709e-01,
+  -9.426372239042525e-01,   3.338189091559736e-01,
+  -9.425731976014469e-01,   3.339996514420094e-01,
+  -9.425091366429192e-01,   3.341803814478327e-01,
+  -9.424450410310249e-01,   3.343610991667987e-01,
+  -9.423809107681205e-01,   3.345418045922629e-01,
+  -9.423167458565638e-01,   3.347224977175812e-01,
+  -9.422525462987140e-01,   3.349031785361102e-01,
+  -9.421883120969318e-01,   3.350838470412066e-01,
+  -9.421240432535786e-01,   3.352645032262278e-01,
+  -9.420597397710173e-01,   3.354451470845316e-01,
+  -9.419954016516126e-01,   3.356257786094763e-01,
+  -9.419310288977296e-01,   3.358063977944205e-01,
+  -9.418666215117353e-01,   3.359870046327234e-01,
+  -9.418021794959976e-01,   3.361675991177445e-01,
+  -9.417377028528862e-01,   3.363481812428440e-01,
+  -9.416731915847714e-01,   3.365287510013824e-01,
+  -9.416086456940252e-01,   3.367093083867206e-01,
+  -9.415440651830208e-01,   3.368898533922201e-01,
+  -9.414794500541326e-01,   3.370703860112426e-01,
+  -9.414148003097363e-01,   3.372509062371506e-01,
+  -9.413501159522090e-01,   3.374314140633068e-01,
+  -9.412853969839287e-01,   3.376119094830746e-01,
+  -9.412206434072752e-01,   3.377923924898175e-01,
+  -9.411558552246292e-01,   3.379728630768997e-01,
+  -9.410910324383728e-01,   3.381533212376859e-01,
+  -9.410261750508893e-01,   3.383337669655411e-01,
+  -9.409612830645633e-01,   3.385142002538309e-01,
+  -9.408963564817808e-01,   3.386946210959212e-01,
+  -9.408313953049289e-01,   3.388750294851784e-01,
+  -9.407663995363961e-01,   3.390554254149696e-01,
+  -9.407013691785719e-01,   3.392358088786619e-01,
+  -9.406363042338476e-01,   3.394161798696234e-01,
+  -9.405712047046152e-01,   3.395965383812221e-01,
+  -9.405060705932683e-01,   3.397768844068269e-01,
+  -9.404409019022018e-01,   3.399572179398069e-01,
+  -9.403756986338115e-01,   3.401375389735317e-01,
+  -9.403104607904951e-01,   3.403178475013717e-01,
+  -9.402451883746509e-01,   3.404981435166972e-01,
+  -9.401798813886789e-01,   3.406784270128792e-01,
+  -9.401145398349803e-01,   3.408586979832894e-01,
+  -9.400491637159574e-01,   3.410389564212997e-01,
+  -9.399837530340140e-01,   3.412192023202824e-01,
+  -9.399183077915550e-01,   3.413994356736104e-01,
+  -9.398528279909867e-01,   3.415796564746572e-01,
+  -9.397873136347166e-01,   3.417598647167963e-01,
+  -9.397217647251533e-01,   3.419400603934022e-01,
+  -9.396561812647072e-01,   3.421202434978495e-01,
+  -9.395905632557893e-01,   3.423004140235135e-01,
+  -9.395249107008122e-01,   3.424805719637698e-01,
+  -9.394592236021899e-01,   3.426607173119944e-01,
+  -9.393935019623375e-01,   3.428408500615640e-01,
+  -9.393277457836714e-01,   3.430209702058555e-01,
+  -9.392619550686092e-01,   3.432010777382465e-01,
+  -9.391961298195699e-01,   3.433811726521150e-01,
+  -9.391302700389736e-01,   3.435612549408394e-01,
+  -9.390643757292420e-01,   3.437413245977985e-01,
+  -9.389984468927975e-01,   3.439213816163717e-01,
+  -9.389324835320646e-01,   3.441014259899388e-01,
+  -9.388664856494681e-01,   3.442814577118802e-01,
+  -9.388004532474348e-01,   3.444614767755765e-01,
+  -9.387343863283925e-01,   3.446414831744090e-01,
+  -9.386682848947702e-01,   3.448214769017593e-01,
+  -9.386021489489984e-01,   3.450014579510097e-01,
+  -9.385359784935086e-01,   3.451814263155425e-01,
+  -9.384697735307338e-01,   3.453613819887412e-01,
+  -9.384035340631081e-01,   3.455413249639891e-01,
+  -9.383372600930670e-01,   3.457212552346701e-01,
+  -9.382709516230472e-01,   3.459011727941690e-01,
+  -9.382046086554865e-01,   3.460810776358704e-01,
+  -9.381382311928244e-01,   3.462609697531600e-01,
+  -9.380718192375013e-01,   3.464408491394235e-01,
+  -9.380053727919588e-01,   3.466207157880473e-01,
+  -9.379388918586403e-01,   3.468005696924183e-01,
+  -9.378723764399899e-01,   3.469804108459237e-01,
+  -9.378058265384531e-01,   3.471602392419512e-01,
+  -9.377392421564770e-01,   3.473400548738891e-01,
+  -9.376726232965095e-01,   3.475198577351261e-01,
+  -9.376059699610000e-01,   3.476996478190514e-01,
+  -9.375392821523992e-01,   3.478794251190545e-01,
+  -9.374725598731593e-01,   3.480591896285256e-01,
+  -9.374058031257330e-01,   3.482389413408553e-01,
+  -9.373390119125750e-01,   3.484186802494346e-01,
+  -9.372721862361410e-01,   3.485984063476549e-01,
+  -9.372053260988880e-01,   3.487781196289084e-01,
+  -9.371384315032741e-01,   3.489578200865875e-01,
+  -9.370715024517592e-01,   3.491375077140850e-01,
+  -9.370045389468037e-01,   3.493171825047944e-01,
+  -9.369375409908699e-01,   3.494968444521095e-01,
+  -9.368705085864210e-01,   3.496764935494248e-01,
+  -9.368034417359216e-01,   3.498561297901349e-01,
+  -9.367363404418376e-01,   3.500357531676352e-01,
+  -9.366692047066362e-01,   3.502153636753216e-01,
+  -9.366020345327856e-01,   3.503949613065901e-01,
+  -9.365348299227555e-01,   3.505745460548375e-01,
+  -9.364675908790170e-01,   3.507541179134611e-01,
+  -9.364003174040421e-01,   3.509336768758584e-01,
+  -9.363330095003042e-01,   3.511132229354275e-01,
+  -9.362656671702783e-01,   3.512927560855671e-01,
+  -9.361982904164401e-01,   3.514722763196763e-01,
+  -9.361308792412670e-01,   3.516517836311546e-01,
+  -9.360634336472375e-01,   3.518312780134020e-01,
+  -9.359959536368314e-01,   3.520107594598191e-01,
+  -9.359284392125297e-01,   3.521902279638068e-01,
+  -9.358608903768146e-01,   3.523696835187666e-01,
+  -9.357933071321699e-01,   3.525491261181005e-01,
+  -9.357256894810804e-01,   3.527285557552107e-01,
+  -9.356580374260320e-01,   3.529079724235002e-01,
+  -9.355903509695124e-01,   3.530873761163725e-01,
+  -9.355226301140099e-01,   3.532667668272312e-01,
+  -9.354548748620146e-01,   3.534461445494808e-01,
+  -9.353870852160178e-01,   3.536255092765260e-01,
+  -9.353192611785116e-01,   3.538048610017721e-01,
+  -9.352514027519899e-01,   3.539841997186248e-01,
+  -9.351835099389476e-01,   3.541635254204903e-01,
+  -9.351155827418809e-01,   3.543428381007755e-01,
+  -9.350476211632874e-01,   3.545221377528874e-01,
+  -9.349796252056658e-01,   3.547014243702338e-01,
+  -9.349115948715161e-01,   3.548806979462228e-01,
+  -9.348435301633395e-01,   3.550599584742629e-01,
+  -9.347754310836387e-01,   3.552392059477633e-01,
+  -9.347072976349174e-01,   3.554184403601336e-01,
+  -9.346391298196808e-01,   3.555976617047839e-01,
+  -9.345709276404350e-01,   3.557768699751246e-01,
+  -9.345026910996879e-01,   3.559560651645668e-01,
+  -9.344344201999480e-01,   3.561352472665221e-01,
+  -9.343661149437258e-01,   3.563144162744024e-01,
+  -9.342977753335325e-01,   3.564935721816201e-01,
+  -9.342294013718808e-01,   3.566727149815883e-01,
+  -9.341609930612845e-01,   3.568518446677203e-01,
+  -9.340925504042590e-01,   3.570309612334300e-01,
+  -9.340240734033204e-01,   3.572100646721320e-01,
+  -9.339555620609867e-01,   3.573891549772409e-01,
+  -9.338870163797769e-01,   3.575682321421723e-01,
+  -9.338184363622110e-01,   3.577472961603419e-01,
+  -9.337498220108106e-01,   3.579263470251660e-01,
+  -9.336811733280984e-01,   3.581053847300616e-01,
+  -9.336124903165985e-01,   3.582844092684458e-01,
+  -9.335437729788362e-01,   3.584634206337365e-01,
+  -9.334750213173380e-01,   3.586424188193520e-01,
+  -9.334062353346315e-01,   3.588214038187109e-01,
+  -9.333374150332462e-01,   3.590003756252325e-01,
+  -9.332685604157120e-01,   3.591793342323365e-01,
+  -9.331996714845607e-01,   3.593582796334431e-01,
+  -9.331307482423252e-01,   3.595372118219731e-01,
+  -9.330617906915394e-01,   3.597161307913476e-01,
+  -9.329927988347390e-01,   3.598950365349881e-01,
+  -9.329237726744601e-01,   3.600739290463170e-01,
+  -9.328547122132411e-01,   3.602528083187569e-01,
+  -9.327856174536211e-01,   3.604316743457307e-01,
+  -9.327164883981403e-01,   3.606105271206623e-01,
+  -9.326473250493404e-01,   3.607893666369756e-01,
+  -9.325781274097644e-01,   3.609681928880952e-01,
+  -9.325088954819566e-01,   3.611470058674462e-01,
+  -9.324396292684624e-01,   3.613258055684543e-01,
+  -9.323703287718285e-01,   3.615045919845453e-01,
+  -9.323009939946028e-01,   3.616833651091458e-01,
+  -9.322316249393345e-01,   3.618621249356830e-01,
+  -9.321622216085744e-01,   3.620408714575842e-01,
+  -9.320927840048740e-01,   3.622196046682775e-01,
+  -9.320233121307865e-01,   3.623983245611913e-01,
+  -9.319538059888660e-01,   3.625770311297548e-01,
+  -9.318842655816681e-01,   3.627557243673972e-01,
+  -9.318146909117497e-01,   3.629344042675486e-01,
+  -9.317450819816687e-01,   3.631130708236395e-01,
+  -9.316754387939846e-01,   3.632917240291008e-01,
+  -9.316057613512578e-01,   3.634703638773638e-01,
+  -9.315360496560503e-01,   3.636489903618605e-01,
+  -9.314663037109251e-01,   3.638276034760235e-01,
+  -9.313965235184466e-01,   3.640062032132855e-01,
+  -9.313267090811804e-01,   3.641847895670799e-01,
+  -9.312568604016934e-01,   3.643633625308406e-01,
+  -9.311869774825537e-01,   3.645419220980021e-01,
+  -9.311170603263308e-01,   3.647204682619993e-01,
+  -9.310471089355953e-01,   3.648990010162673e-01,
+  -9.309771233129189e-01,   3.650775203542422e-01,
+  -9.309071034608751e-01,   3.652560262693603e-01,
+  -9.308370493820382e-01,   3.654345187550584e-01,
+  -9.307669610789837e-01,   3.656129978047739e-01,
+  -9.306968385542889e-01,   3.657914634119446e-01,
+  -9.306266818105318e-01,   3.659699155700087e-01,
+  -9.305564908502918e-01,   3.661483542724053e-01,
+  -9.304862656761498e-01,   3.663267795125736e-01,
+  -9.304160062906875e-01,   3.665051912839534e-01,
+  -9.303457126964885e-01,   3.666835895799849e-01,
+  -9.302753848961371e-01,   3.668619743941091e-01,
+  -9.302050228922191e-01,   3.670403457197672e-01,
+  -9.301346266873214e-01,   3.672187035504010e-01,
+  -9.300641962840324e-01,   3.673970478794527e-01,
+  -9.299937316849415e-01,   3.675753787003653e-01,
+  -9.299232328926397e-01,   3.677536960065820e-01,
+  -9.298526999097187e-01,   3.679319997915464e-01,
+  -9.297821327387722e-01,   3.681102900487030e-01,
+  -9.297115313823944e-01,   3.682885667714966e-01,
+  -9.296408958431813e-01,   3.684668299533723e-01,
+  -9.295702261237299e-01,   3.686450795877760e-01,
+  -9.294995222266386e-01,   3.688233156681539e-01,
+  -9.294287841545068e-01,   3.690015381879528e-01,
+  -9.293580119099355e-01,   3.691797471406200e-01,
+  -9.292872054955268e-01,   3.693579425196031e-01,
+  -9.292163649138840e-01,   3.695361243183506e-01,
+  -9.291454901676117e-01,   3.697142925303112e-01,
+  -9.290745812593159e-01,   3.698924471489341e-01,
+  -9.290036381916034e-01,   3.700705881676691e-01,
+  -9.289326609670828e-01,   3.702487155799664e-01,
+  -9.288616495883637e-01,   3.704268293792768e-01,
+  -9.287906040580570e-01,   3.706049295590517e-01,
+  -9.287195243787748e-01,   3.707830161127426e-01,
+  -9.286484105531305e-01,   3.709610890338020e-01,
+  -9.285772625837388e-01,   3.711391483156826e-01,
+  -9.285060804732156e-01,   3.713171939518375e-01,
+  -9.284348642241780e-01,   3.714952259357208e-01,
+  -9.283636138392444e-01,   3.716732442607865e-01,
+  -9.282923293210347e-01,   3.718512489204895e-01,
+  -9.282210106721694e-01,   3.720292399082850e-01,
+  -9.281496578952712e-01,   3.722072172176288e-01,
+  -9.280782709929631e-01,   3.723851808419774e-01,
+  -9.280068499678700e-01,   3.725631307747873e-01,
+  -9.279353948226179e-01,   3.727410670095158e-01,
+  -9.278639055598338e-01,   3.729189895396208e-01,
+  -9.277923821821463e-01,   3.730968983585606e-01,
+  -9.277208246921852e-01,   3.732747934597940e-01,
+  -9.276492330925812e-01,   3.734526748367803e-01,
+  -9.275776073859667e-01,   3.736305424829793e-01,
+  -9.275059475749752e-01,   3.738083963918512e-01,
+  -9.274342536622413e-01,   3.739862365568570e-01,
+  -9.273625256504011e-01,   3.741640629714579e-01,
+  -9.272907635420917e-01,   3.743418756291159e-01,
+  -9.272189673399518e-01,   3.745196745232932e-01,
+  -9.271471370466209e-01,   3.746974596474526e-01,
+  -9.270752726647401e-01,   3.748752309950575e-01,
+  -9.270033741969517e-01,   3.750529885595719e-01,
+  -9.269314416458991e-01,   3.752307323344599e-01,
+  -9.268594750142272e-01,   3.754084623131866e-01,
+  -9.267874743045817e-01,   3.755861784892172e-01,
+  -9.267154395196103e-01,   3.757638808560177e-01,
+  -9.266433706619612e-01,   3.759415694070544e-01,
+  -9.265712677342843e-01,   3.761192441357943e-01,
+  -9.264991307392305e-01,   3.762969050357048e-01,
+  -9.264269596794522e-01,   3.764745521002538e-01,
+  -9.263547545576029e-01,   3.766521853229096e-01,
+  -9.262825153763372e-01,   3.768298046971413e-01,
+  -9.262102421383114e-01,   3.770074102164183e-01,
+  -9.261379348461826e-01,   3.771850018742104e-01,
+  -9.260655935026093e-01,   3.773625796639883e-01,
+  -9.259932181102515e-01,   3.775401435792229e-01,
+  -9.259208086717701e-01,   3.777176936133856e-01,
+  -9.258483651898273e-01,   3.778952297599485e-01,
+  -9.257758876670867e-01,   3.780727520123840e-01,
+  -9.257033761062132e-01,   3.782502603641652e-01,
+  -9.256308305098727e-01,   3.784277548087656e-01,
+  -9.255582508807327e-01,   3.786052353396591e-01,
+  -9.254856372214615e-01,   3.787827019503205e-01,
+  -9.254129895347291e-01,   3.789601546342247e-01,
+  -9.253403078232063e-01,   3.791375933848473e-01,
+  -9.252675920895657e-01,   3.793150181956644e-01,
+  -9.251948423364805e-01,   3.794924290601526e-01,
+  -9.251220585666259e-01,   3.796698259717889e-01,
+  -9.250492407826776e-01,   3.798472089240512e-01,
+  -9.249763889873132e-01,   3.800245779104173e-01,
+  -9.249035031832109e-01,   3.802019329243660e-01,
+  -9.248305833730508e-01,   3.803792739593766e-01,
+  -9.247576295595139e-01,   3.805566010089285e-01,
+  -9.246846417452824e-01,   3.807339140665021e-01,
+  -9.246116199330400e-01,   3.809112131255781e-01,
+  -9.245385641254714e-01,   3.810884981796375e-01,
+  -9.244654743252626e-01,   3.812657692221624e-01,
+  -9.243923505351010e-01,   3.814430262466347e-01,
+  -9.243191927576752e-01,   3.816202692465374e-01,
+  -9.242460009956749e-01,   3.817974982153536e-01,
+  -9.241727752517912e-01,   3.819747131465672e-01,
+  -9.240995155287163e-01,   3.821519140336626e-01,
+  -9.240262218291438e-01,   3.823291008701245e-01,
+  -9.239528941557686e-01,   3.825062736494382e-01,
+  -9.238795325112867e-01,   3.826834323650898e-01,
+  -9.238061368983954e-01,   3.828605770105654e-01,
+  -9.237327073197933e-01,   3.830377075793520e-01,
+  -9.236592437781800e-01,   3.832148240649372e-01,
+  -9.235857462762567e-01,   3.833919264608087e-01,
+  -9.235122148167256e-01,   3.835690147604549e-01,
+  -9.234386494022904e-01,   3.837460889573650e-01,
+  -9.233650500356557e-01,   3.839231490450284e-01,
+  -9.232914167195276e-01,   3.841001950169350e-01,
+  -9.232177494566135e-01,   3.842772268665755e-01,
+  -9.231440482496219e-01,   3.844542445874408e-01,
+  -9.230703131012624e-01,   3.846312481730226e-01,
+  -9.229965440142462e-01,   3.848082376168129e-01,
+  -9.229227409912857e-01,   3.849852129123042e-01,
+  -9.228489040350941e-01,   3.851621740529899e-01,
+  -9.227750331483864e-01,   3.853391210323633e-01,
+  -9.227011283338786e-01,   3.855160538439188e-01,
+  -9.226271895942879e-01,   3.856929724811511e-01,
+  -9.225532169323328e-01,   3.858698769375553e-01,
+  -9.224792103507332e-01,   3.860467672066272e-01,
+  -9.224051698522099e-01,   3.862236432818630e-01,
+  -9.223310954394854e-01,   3.864005051567594e-01,
+  -9.222569871152830e-01,   3.865773528248139e-01,
+  -9.221828448823276e-01,   3.867541862795242e-01,
+  -9.221086687433452e-01,   3.869310055143886e-01,
+  -9.220344587010628e-01,   3.871078105229060e-01,
+  -9.219602147582092e-01,   3.872846012985758e-01,
+  -9.218859369175140e-01,   3.874613778348979e-01,
+  -9.218116251817081e-01,   3.876381401253727e-01,
+  -9.217372795535239e-01,   3.878148881635012e-01,
+  -9.216629000356947e-01,   3.879916219427849e-01,
+  -9.215884866309555e-01,   3.881683414567257e-01,
+  -9.215140393420420e-01,   3.883450466988262e-01,
+  -9.214395581716914e-01,   3.885217376625896e-01,
+  -9.213650431226423e-01,   3.886984143415192e-01,
+  -9.212904941976345e-01,   3.888750767291193e-01,
+  -9.212159113994087e-01,   3.890517248188944e-01,
+  -9.211412947307073e-01,   3.892283586043497e-01,
+  -9.210666441942736e-01,   3.894049780789909e-01,
+  -9.209919597928523e-01,   3.895815832363243e-01,
+  -9.209172415291895e-01,   3.897581740698564e-01,
+  -9.208424894060322e-01,   3.899347505730947e-01,
+  -9.207677034261288e-01,   3.901113127395469e-01,
+  -9.206928835922291e-01,   3.902878605627212e-01,
+  -9.206180299070840e-01,   3.904643940361266e-01,
+  -9.205431423734455e-01,   3.906409131532724e-01,
+  -9.204682209940671e-01,   3.908174179076685e-01,
+  -9.203932657717036e-01,   3.909939082928254e-01,
+  -9.203182767091106e-01,   3.911703843022539e-01,
+  -9.202432538090454e-01,   3.913468459294656e-01,
+  -9.201681970742663e-01,   3.915232931679724e-01,
+  -9.200931065075332e-01,   3.916997260112869e-01,
+  -9.200179821116066e-01,   3.918761444529223e-01,
+  -9.199428238892486e-01,   3.920525484863921e-01,
+  -9.198676318432230e-01,   3.922289381052103e-01,
+  -9.197924059762939e-01,   3.924053133028917e-01,
+  -9.197171462912274e-01,   3.925816740729515e-01,
+  -9.196418527907905e-01,   3.927580204089053e-01,
+  -9.195665254777515e-01,   3.929343523042695e-01,
+  -9.194911643548801e-01,   3.931106697525608e-01,
+  -9.194157694249471e-01,   3.932869727472964e-01,
+  -9.193403406907243e-01,   3.934632612819943e-01,
+  -9.192648781549854e-01,   3.936395353501729e-01,
+  -9.191893818205045e-01,   3.938157949453510e-01,
+  -9.191138516900578e-01,   3.939920400610481e-01,
+  -9.190382877664220e-01,   3.941682706907841e-01,
+  -9.189626900523756e-01,   3.943444868280796e-01,
+  -9.188870585506980e-01,   3.945206884664556e-01,
+  -9.188113932641700e-01,   3.946968755994336e-01,
+  -9.187356941955735e-01,   3.948730482205358e-01,
+  -9.186599613476919e-01,   3.950492063232848e-01,
+  -9.185841947233095e-01,   3.952253499012037e-01,
+  -9.185083943252123e-01,   3.954014789478164e-01,
+  -9.184325601561869e-01,   3.955775934566468e-01,
+  -9.183566922190217e-01,   3.957536934212201e-01,
+  -9.182807905165061e-01,   3.959297788350613e-01,
+  -9.182048550514309e-01,   3.961058496916963e-01,
+  -9.181288858265880e-01,   3.962819059846515e-01,
+  -9.180528828447704e-01,   3.964579477074539e-01,
+  -9.179768461087727e-01,   3.966339748536308e-01,
+  -9.179007756213905e-01,   3.968099874167103e-01,
+  -9.178246713854206e-01,   3.969859853902209e-01,
+  -9.177485334036612e-01,   3.971619687676916e-01,
+  -9.176723616789119e-01,   3.973379375426521e-01,
+  -9.175961562139730e-01,   3.975138917086323e-01,
+  -9.175199170116463e-01,   3.976898312591632e-01,
+  -9.174436440747352e-01,   3.978657561877758e-01,
+  -9.173673374060439e-01,   3.980416664880018e-01,
+  -9.172909970083779e-01,   3.982175621533736e-01,
+  -9.172146228845443e-01,   3.983934431774240e-01,
+  -9.171382150373507e-01,   3.985693095536863e-01,
+  -9.170617734696068e-01,   3.987451612756944e-01,
+  -9.169852981841230e-01,   3.989209983369829e-01,
+  -9.169087891837110e-01,   3.990968207310865e-01,
+  -9.168322464711839e-01,   3.992726284515410e-01,
+  -9.167556700493560e-01,   3.994484214918821e-01,
+  -9.166790599210427e-01,   3.996241998456468e-01,
+  -9.166024160890608e-01,   3.997999635063720e-01,
+  -9.165257385562282e-01,   3.999757124675953e-01,
+  -9.164490273253642e-01,   4.001514467228551e-01,
+  -9.163722823992891e-01,   4.003271662656901e-01,
+  -9.162955037808248e-01,   4.005028710896395e-01,
+  -9.162186914727942e-01,   4.006785611882432e-01,
+  -9.161418454780214e-01,   4.008542365550417e-01,
+  -9.160649657993317e-01,   4.010298971835756e-01,
+  -9.159880524395520e-01,   4.012055430673867e-01,
+  -9.159111054015099e-01,   4.013811742000168e-01,
+  -9.158341246880347e-01,   4.015567905750085e-01,
+  -9.157571103019567e-01,   4.017323921859050e-01,
+  -9.156800622461077e-01,   4.019079790262497e-01,
+  -9.156029805233202e-01,   4.020835510895870e-01,
+  -9.155258651364285e-01,   4.022591083694615e-01,
+  -9.154487160882678e-01,   4.024346508594184e-01,
+  -9.153715333816748e-01,   4.026101785530037e-01,
+  -9.152943170194870e-01,   4.027856914437635e-01,
+  -9.152170670045439e-01,   4.029611895252449e-01,
+  -9.151397833396853e-01,   4.031366727909953e-01,
+  -9.150624660277529e-01,   4.033121412345625e-01,
+  -9.149851150715893e-01,   4.034875948494953e-01,
+  -9.149077304740387e-01,   4.036630336293426e-01,
+  -9.148303122379462e-01,   4.038384575676541e-01,
+  -9.147528603661582e-01,   4.040138666579799e-01,
+  -9.146753748615224e-01,   4.041892608938707e-01,
+  -9.145978557268878e-01,   4.043646402688778e-01,
+  -9.145203029651044e-01,   4.045400047765530e-01,
+  -9.144427165790239e-01,   4.047153544104486e-01,
+  -9.143650965714986e-01,   4.048906891641176e-01,
+  -9.142874429453824e-01,   4.050660090311133e-01,
+  -9.142097557035307e-01,   4.052413140049899e-01,
+  -9.141320348487995e-01,   4.054166040793016e-01,
+  -9.140542803840466e-01,   4.055918792476039e-01,
+  -9.139764923121306e-01,   4.057671395034521e-01,
+  -9.138986706359117e-01,   4.059423848404025e-01,
+  -9.138208153582511e-01,   4.061176152520118e-01,
+  -9.137429264820114e-01,   4.062928307318374e-01,
+  -9.136650040100563e-01,   4.064680312734370e-01,
+  -9.135870479452508e-01,   4.066432168703690e-01,
+  -9.135090582904611e-01,   4.068183875161923e-01,
+  -9.134310350485547e-01,   4.069935432044665e-01,
+  -9.133529782224002e-01,   4.071686839287516e-01,
+  -9.132748878148678e-01,   4.073438096826080e-01,
+  -9.131967638288282e-01,   4.075189204595969e-01,
+  -9.131186062671542e-01,   4.076940162532801e-01,
+  -9.130404151327192e-01,   4.078690970572198e-01,
+  -9.129621904283982e-01,   4.080441628649787e-01,
+  -9.128839321570672e-01,   4.082192136701201e-01,
+  -9.128056403216035e-01,   4.083942494662080e-01,
+  -9.127273149248859e-01,   4.085692702468068e-01,
+  -9.126489559697939e-01,   4.087442760054814e-01,
+  -9.125705634592087e-01,   4.089192667357974e-01,
+  -9.124921373960126e-01,   4.090942424313210e-01,
+  -9.124136777830890e-01,   4.092692030856186e-01,
+  -9.123351846233227e-01,   4.094441486922576e-01,
+  -9.122566579195998e-01,   4.096190792448057e-01,
+  -9.121780976748072e-01,   4.097939947368311e-01,
+  -9.120995038918335e-01,   4.099688951619029e-01,
+  -9.120208765735683e-01,   4.101437805135902e-01,
+  -9.119422157229026e-01,   4.103186507854633e-01,
+  -9.118635213427285e-01,   4.104935059710924e-01,
+  -9.117847934359394e-01,   4.106683460640487e-01,
+  -9.117060320054299e-01,   4.108431710579039e-01,
+  -9.116272370540957e-01,   4.110179809462302e-01,
+  -9.115484085848340e-01,   4.111927757226002e-01,
+  -9.114695466005430e-01,   4.113675553805872e-01,
+  -9.113906511041224e-01,   4.115423199137652e-01,
+  -9.113117220984728e-01,   4.117170693157086e-01,
+  -9.112327595864962e-01,   4.118918035799922e-01,
+  -9.111537635710959e-01,   4.120665227001916e-01,
+  -9.110747340551764e-01,   4.122412266698829e-01,
+  -9.109956710416431e-01,   4.124159154826427e-01,
+  -9.109165745334034e-01,   4.125905891320482e-01,
+  -9.108374445333650e-01,   4.127652476116773e-01,
+  -9.107582810444376e-01,   4.129398909151081e-01,
+  -9.106790840695316e-01,   4.131145190359194e-01,
+  -9.105998536115589e-01,   4.132891319676910e-01,
+  -9.105205896734327e-01,   4.134637297040024e-01,
+  -9.104412922580672e-01,   4.136383122384345e-01,
+  -9.103619613683780e-01,   4.138128795645683e-01,
+  -9.102825970072818e-01,   4.139874316759854e-01,
+  -9.102031991776965e-01,   4.141619685662681e-01,
+  -9.101237678825417e-01,   4.143364902289991e-01,
+  -9.100443031247375e-01,   4.145109966577618e-01,
+  -9.099648049072057e-01,   4.146854878461400e-01,
+  -9.098852732328692e-01,   4.148599637877183e-01,
+  -9.098057081046522e-01,   4.150344244760816e-01,
+  -9.097261095254802e-01,   4.152088699048156e-01,
+  -9.096464774982795e-01,   4.153833000675062e-01,
+  -9.095668120259783e-01,   4.155577149577404e-01,
+  -9.094871131115054e-01,   4.157321145691054e-01,
+  -9.094073807577913e-01,   4.159064988951888e-01,
+  -9.093276149677673e-01,   4.160808679295792e-01,
+  -9.092478157443663e-01,   4.162552216658655e-01,
+  -9.091679830905224e-01,   4.164295600976372e-01,
+  -9.090881170091706e-01,   4.166038832184843e-01,
+  -9.090082175032475e-01,   4.167781910219976e-01,
+  -9.089282845756906e-01,   4.169524835017682e-01,
+  -9.088483182294391e-01,   4.171267606513879e-01,
+  -9.087683184674329e-01,   4.173010224644489e-01,
+  -9.086882852926134e-01,   4.174752689345443e-01,
+  -9.086082187079232e-01,   4.176495000552674e-01,
+  -9.085281187163061e-01,   4.178237158202123e-01,
+  -9.084479853207073e-01,   4.179979162229736e-01,
+  -9.083678185240729e-01,   4.181721012571463e-01,
+  -9.082876183293505e-01,   4.183462709163263e-01,
+  -9.082073847394887e-01,   4.185204251941097e-01,
+  -9.081271177574376e-01,   4.186945640840936e-01,
+  -9.080468173861483e-01,   4.188686875798751e-01,
+  -9.079664836285734e-01,   4.190427956750524e-01,
+  -9.078861164876663e-01,   4.192168883632239e-01,
+  -9.078057159663819e-01,   4.193909656379889e-01,
+  -9.077252820676764e-01,   4.195650274929469e-01,
+  -9.076448147945072e-01,   4.197390739216982e-01,
+  -9.075643141498326e-01,   4.199131049178436e-01,
+  -9.074837801366126e-01,   4.200871204749845e-01,
+  -9.074032127578081e-01,   4.202611205867229e-01,
+  -9.073226120163814e-01,   4.204351052466612e-01,
+  -9.072419779152958e-01,   4.206090744484025e-01,
+  -9.071613104575162e-01,   4.207830281855505e-01,
+  -9.070806096460085e-01,   4.209569664517094e-01,
+  -9.069998754837396e-01,   4.211308892404840e-01,
+  -9.069191079736781e-01,   4.213047965454796e-01,
+  -9.068383071187934e-01,   4.214786883603023e-01,
+  -9.067574729220566e-01,   4.216525646785583e-01,
+  -9.066766053864395e-01,   4.218264254938549e-01,
+  -9.065957045149153e-01,   4.220002707997997e-01,
+  -9.065147703104588e-01,   4.221741005900008e-01,
+  -9.064338027760455e-01,   4.223479148580671e-01,
+  -9.063528019146524e-01,   4.225217135976078e-01,
+  -9.062717677292577e-01,   4.226954968022330e-01,
+  -9.061907002228407e-01,   4.228692644655531e-01,
+  -9.061095993983820e-01,   4.230430165811790e-01,
+  -9.060284652588636e-01,   4.232167531427226e-01,
+  -9.059472978072685e-01,   4.233904741437960e-01,
+  -9.058660970465809e-01,   4.235641795780120e-01,
+  -9.057848629797866e-01,   4.237378694389838e-01,
+  -9.057035956098720e-01,   4.239115437203256e-01,
+  -9.056222949398253e-01,   4.240852024156516e-01,
+  -9.055409609726356e-01,   4.242588455185770e-01,
+  -9.054595937112933e-01,   4.244324730227174e-01,
+  -9.053781931587901e-01,   4.246060849216891e-01,
+  -9.052967593181188e-01,   4.247796812091088e-01,
+  -9.052152921922736e-01,   4.249532618785939e-01,
+  -9.051337917842497e-01,   4.251268269237624e-01,
+  -9.050522580970436e-01,   4.253003763382326e-01,
+  -9.049706911336532e-01,   4.254739101156238e-01,
+  -9.048890908970775e-01,   4.256474282495556e-01,
+  -9.048074573903165e-01,   4.258209307336482e-01,
+  -9.047257906163719e-01,   4.259944175615224e-01,
+  -9.046440905782462e-01,   4.261678887267996e-01,
+  -9.045623572789433e-01,   4.263413442231018e-01,
+  -9.044805907214682e-01,   4.265147840440515e-01,
+  -9.043987909088274e-01,   4.266882081832719e-01,
+  -9.043169578440283e-01,   4.268616166343864e-01,
+  -9.042350915300797e-01,   4.270350093910197e-01,
+  -9.041531919699918e-01,   4.272083864467963e-01,
+  -9.040712591667754e-01,   4.273817477953418e-01,
+  -9.039892931234433e-01,   4.275550934302821e-01,
+  -9.039072938430090e-01,   4.277284233452438e-01,
+  -9.038252613284875e-01,   4.279017375338541e-01,
+  -9.037431955828946e-01,   4.280750359897407e-01,
+  -9.036610966092480e-01,   4.282483187065320e-01,
+  -9.035789644105661e-01,   4.284215856778567e-01,
+  -9.034967989898685e-01,   4.285948368973444e-01,
+  -9.034146003501763e-01,   4.287680723586251e-01,
+  -9.033323684945118e-01,   4.289412920553295e-01,
+  -9.032501034258984e-01,   4.291144959810888e-01,
+  -9.031678051473607e-01,   4.292876841295346e-01,
+  -9.030854736619246e-01,   4.294608564942995e-01,
+  -9.030031089726172e-01,   4.296340130690164e-01,
+  -9.029207110824667e-01,   4.298071538473187e-01,
+  -9.028382799945028e-01,   4.299802788228406e-01,
+  -9.027558157117561e-01,   4.301533879892169e-01,
+  -9.026733182372588e-01,   4.303264813400826e-01,
+  -9.025907875740439e-01,   4.304995588690738e-01,
+  -9.025082237251459e-01,   4.306726205698268e-01,
+  -9.024256266936004e-01,   4.308456664359787e-01,
+  -9.023429964824442e-01,   4.310186964611670e-01,
+  -9.022603330947155e-01,   4.311917106390299e-01,
+  -9.021776365334536e-01,   4.313647089632063e-01,
+  -9.020949068016989e-01,   4.315376914273355e-01,
+  -9.020121439024932e-01,   4.317106580250573e-01,
+  -9.019293478388795e-01,   4.318836087500122e-01,
+  -9.018465186139017e-01,   4.320565435958415e-01,
+  -9.017636562306057e-01,   4.322294625561867e-01,
+  -9.016807606920377e-01,   4.324023656246901e-01,
+  -9.015978320012457e-01,   4.325752527949946e-01,
+  -9.015148701612787e-01,   4.327481240607437e-01,
+  -9.014318751751870e-01,   4.329209794155813e-01,
+  -9.013488470460220e-01,   4.330938188531520e-01,
+  -9.012657857768366e-01,   4.332666423671009e-01,
+  -9.011826913706845e-01,   4.334394499510741e-01,
+  -9.010995638306210e-01,   4.336122415987176e-01,
+  -9.010164031597023e-01,   4.337850173036785e-01,
+  -9.009332093609862e-01,   4.339577770596044e-01,
+  -9.008499824375314e-01,   4.341305208601433e-01,
+  -9.007667223923979e-01,   4.343032486989440e-01,
+  -9.006834292286470e-01,   4.344759605696557e-01,
+  -9.006001029493409e-01,   4.346486564659283e-01,
+  -9.005167435575435e-01,   4.348213363814123e-01,
+  -9.004333510563198e-01,   4.349940003097587e-01,
+  -9.003499254487356e-01,   4.351666482446193e-01,
+  -9.002664667378585e-01,   4.353392801796461e-01,
+  -9.001829749267568e-01,   4.355118961084920e-01,
+  -9.000994500185004e-01,   4.356844960248105e-01,
+  -9.000158920161603e-01,   4.358570799222555e-01,
+  -8.999323009228085e-01,   4.360296477944816e-01,
+  -8.998486767415186e-01,   4.362021996351440e-01,
+  -8.997650194753651e-01,   4.363747354378983e-01,
+  -8.996813291274239e-01,   4.365472551964012e-01,
+  -8.995976057007722e-01,   4.367197589043094e-01,
+  -8.995138491984880e-01,   4.368922465552804e-01,
+  -8.994300596236509e-01,   4.370647181429724e-01,
+  -8.993462369793416e-01,   4.372371736610441e-01,
+  -8.992623812686420e-01,   4.374096131031548e-01,
+  -8.991784924946353e-01,   4.375820364629644e-01,
+  -8.990945706604058e-01,   4.377544437341334e-01,
+  -8.990106157690391e-01,   4.379268349103229e-01,
+  -8.989266278236219e-01,   4.380992099851945e-01,
+  -8.988426068272424e-01,   4.382715689524104e-01,
+  -8.987585527829894e-01,   4.384439118056337e-01,
+  -8.986744656939538e-01,   4.386162385385277e-01,
+  -8.985903455632270e-01,   4.387885491447563e-01,
+  -8.985061923939020e-01,   4.389608436179843e-01,
+  -8.984220061890725e-01,   4.391331219518769e-01,
+  -8.983377869518343e-01,   4.393053841401000e-01,
+  -8.982535346852836e-01,   4.394776301763198e-01,
+  -8.981692493925181e-01,   4.396498600542035e-01,
+  -8.980849310766368e-01,   4.398220737674185e-01,
+  -8.980005797407399e-01,   4.399942713096333e-01,
+  -8.979161953879287e-01,   4.401664526745163e-01,
+  -8.978317780213056e-01,   4.403386178557372e-01,
+  -8.977473276439747e-01,   4.405107668469659e-01,
+  -8.976628442590409e-01,   4.406828996418729e-01,
+  -8.975783278696102e-01,   4.408550162341294e-01,
+  -8.974937784787903e-01,   4.410271166174072e-01,
+  -8.974091960896897e-01,   4.411992007853787e-01,
+  -8.973245807054183e-01,   4.413712687317167e-01,
+  -8.972399323290872e-01,   4.415433204500949e-01,
+  -8.971552509638085e-01,   4.417153559341873e-01,
+  -8.970705366126959e-01,   4.418873751776689e-01,
+  -8.969857892788640e-01,   4.420593781742147e-01,
+  -8.969010089654288e-01,   4.422313649175010e-01,
+  -8.968161956755073e-01,   4.424033354012041e-01,
+  -8.967313494122179e-01,   4.425752896190012e-01,
+  -8.966464701786802e-01,   4.427472275645700e-01,
+  -8.965615579780150e-01,   4.429191492315890e-01,
+  -8.964766128133441e-01,   4.430910546137369e-01,
+  -8.963916346877908e-01,   4.432629437046933e-01,
+  -8.963066236044795e-01,   4.434348164981385e-01,
+  -8.962215795665360e-01,   4.436066729877530e-01,
+  -8.961365025770868e-01,   4.437785131672182e-01,
+  -8.960513926392601e-01,   4.439503370302161e-01,
+  -8.959662497561852e-01,   4.441221445704292e-01,
+  -8.958810739309924e-01,   4.442939357815406e-01,
+  -8.957958651668135e-01,   4.444657106572340e-01,
+  -8.957106234667813e-01,   4.446374691911938e-01,
+  -8.956253488340301e-01,   4.448092113771049e-01,
+  -8.955400412716950e-01,   4.449809372086527e-01,
+  -8.954547007829124e-01,   4.451526466795236e-01,
+  -8.953693273708203e-01,   4.453243397834042e-01,
+  -8.952839210385576e-01,   4.454960165139817e-01,
+  -8.951984817892642e-01,   4.456676768649443e-01,
+  -8.951130096260818e-01,   4.458393208299803e-01,
+  -8.950275045521526e-01,   4.460109484027789e-01,
+  -8.949419665706208e-01,   4.461825595770301e-01,
+  -8.948563956846310e-01,   4.463541543464238e-01,
+  -8.947707918973296e-01,   4.465257327046513e-01,
+  -8.946851552118640e-01,   4.466972946454041e-01,
+  -8.945994856313827e-01,   4.468688401623742e-01,
+  -8.945137831590356e-01,   4.470403692492544e-01,
+  -8.944280477979738e-01,   4.472118818997383e-01,
+  -8.943422795513495e-01,   4.473833781075196e-01,
+  -8.942564784223160e-01,   4.475548578662930e-01,
+  -8.941706444140283e-01,   4.477263211697536e-01,
+  -8.940847775296420e-01,   4.478977680115973e-01,
+  -8.939988777723142e-01,   4.480691983855204e-01,
+  -8.939129451452033e-01,   4.482406122852199e-01,
+  -8.938269796514686e-01,   4.484120097043934e-01,
+  -8.937409812942710e-01,   4.485833906367392e-01,
+  -8.936549500767725e-01,   4.487547550759560e-01,
+  -8.935688860021359e-01,   4.489261030157433e-01,
+  -8.934827890735259e-01,   4.490974344498010e-01,
+  -8.933966592941077e-01,   4.492687493718299e-01,
+  -8.933104966670482e-01,   4.494400477755311e-01,
+  -8.932243011955153e-01,   4.496113296546065e-01,
+  -8.931380728826783e-01,   4.497825950027587e-01,
+  -8.930518117317074e-01,   4.499538438136905e-01,
+  -8.929655177457744e-01,   4.501250760811057e-01,
+  -8.928791909280517e-01,   4.502962917987086e-01,
+  -8.927928312817136e-01,   4.504674909602041e-01,
+  -8.927064388099354e-01,   4.506386735592976e-01,
+  -8.926200135158932e-01,   4.508098395896953e-01,
+  -8.925335554027646e-01,   4.509809890451039e-01,
+  -8.924470644737287e-01,   4.511521219192306e-01,
+  -8.923605407319654e-01,   4.513232382057835e-01,
+  -8.922739841806558e-01,   4.514943378984711e-01,
+  -8.921873948229825e-01,   4.516654209910025e-01,
+  -8.921007726621291e-01,   4.518364874770875e-01,
+  -8.920141177012805e-01,   4.520075373504364e-01,
+  -8.919274299436225e-01,   4.521785706047604e-01,
+  -8.918407093923427e-01,   4.523495872337709e-01,
+  -8.917539560506295e-01,   4.525205872311800e-01,
+  -8.916671699216723e-01,   4.526915705907009e-01,
+  -8.915803510086623e-01,   4.528625373060468e-01,
+  -8.914934993147914e-01,   4.530334873709316e-01,
+  -8.914066148432529e-01,   4.532044207790702e-01,
+  -8.913196975972414e-01,   4.533753375241777e-01,
+  -8.912327475799525e-01,   4.535462375999701e-01,
+  -8.911457647945832e-01,   4.537171210001639e-01,
+  -8.910587492443316e-01,   4.538879877184760e-01,
+  -8.909717009323969e-01,   4.540588377486244e-01,
+  -8.908846198619795e-01,   4.542296710843273e-01,
+  -8.907975060362815e-01,   4.544004877193036e-01,
+  -8.907103594585056e-01,   4.545712876472729e-01,
+  -8.906231801318559e-01,   4.547420708619554e-01,
+  -8.905359680595378e-01,   4.549128373570719e-01,
+  -8.904487232447579e-01,   4.550835871263438e-01,
+  -8.903614456907238e-01,   4.552543201634931e-01,
+  -8.902741354006446e-01,   4.554250364622424e-01,
+  -8.901867923777302e-01,   4.555957360163150e-01,
+  -8.900994166251923e-01,   4.557664188194346e-01,
+  -8.900120081462433e-01,   4.559370848653260e-01,
+  -8.899245669440967e-01,   4.561077341477141e-01,
+  -8.898370930219679e-01,   4.562783666603246e-01,
+  -8.897495863830728e-01,   4.564489823968839e-01,
+  -8.896620470306289e-01,   4.566195813511189e-01,
+  -8.895744749678546e-01,   4.567901635167572e-01,
+  -8.894868701979699e-01,   4.569607288875270e-01,
+  -8.893992327241955e-01,   4.571312774571570e-01,
+  -8.893115625497539e-01,   4.573018092193766e-01,
+  -8.892238596778682e-01,   4.574723241679161e-01,
+  -8.891361241117632e-01,   4.576428222965058e-01,
+  -8.890483558546646e-01,   4.578133035988772e-01,
+  -8.889605549097993e-01,   4.579837680687621e-01,
+  -8.888727212803956e-01,   4.581542156998931e-01,
+  -8.887848549696828e-01,   4.583246464860032e-01,
+  -8.886969559808916e-01,   4.584950604208263e-01,
+  -8.886090243172539e-01,   4.586654574980966e-01,
+  -8.885210599820023e-01,   4.588358377115491e-01,
+  -8.884330629783713e-01,   4.590062010549196e-01,
+  -8.883450333095964e-01,   4.591765475219441e-01,
+  -8.882569709789139e-01,   4.593468771063596e-01,
+  -8.881688759895617e-01,   4.595171898019035e-01,
+  -8.880807483447789e-01,   4.596874856023139e-01,
+  -8.879925880478056e-01,   4.598577645013295e-01,
+  -8.879043951018832e-01,   4.600280264926896e-01,
+  -8.878161695102544e-01,   4.601982715701343e-01,
+  -8.877279112761630e-01,   4.603684997274040e-01,
+  -8.876396204028539e-01,   4.605387109582400e-01,
+  -8.875512968935734e-01,   4.607089052563841e-01,
+  -8.874629407515688e-01,   4.608790826155787e-01,
+  -8.873745519800889e-01,   4.610492430295669e-01,
+  -8.872861305823831e-01,   4.612193864920924e-01,
+  -8.871976765617029e-01,   4.613895129968995e-01,
+  -8.871091899213002e-01,   4.615596225377331e-01,
+  -8.870206706644284e-01,   4.617297151083388e-01,
+  -8.869321187943422e-01,   4.618997907024627e-01,
+  -8.868435343142974e-01,   4.620698493138518e-01,
+  -8.867549172275508e-01,   4.622398909362533e-01,
+  -8.866662675373610e-01,   4.624099155634154e-01,
+  -8.865775852469870e-01,   4.625799231890868e-01,
+  -8.864888703596896e-01,   4.627499138070167e-01,
+  -8.864001228787306e-01,   4.629198874109551e-01,
+  -8.863113428073728e-01,   4.630898439946525e-01,
+  -8.862225301488806e-01,   4.632597835518601e-01,
+  -8.861336849065193e-01,   4.634297060763298e-01,
+  -8.860448070835556e-01,   4.635996115618140e-01,
+  -8.859558966832570e-01,   4.637695000020656e-01,
+  -8.858669537088928e-01,   4.639393713908385e-01,
+  -8.857779781637329e-01,   4.641092257218870e-01,
+  -8.856889700510490e-01,   4.642790629889658e-01,
+  -8.855999293741134e-01,   4.644488831858307e-01,
+  -8.855108561362000e-01,   4.646186863062378e-01,
+  -8.854217503405837e-01,   4.647884723439440e-01,
+  -8.853326119905406e-01,   4.649582412927067e-01,
+  -8.852434410893483e-01,   4.651279931462839e-01,
+  -8.851542376402851e-01,   4.652977278984346e-01,
+  -8.850650016466309e-01,   4.654674455429178e-01,
+  -8.849757331116667e-01,   4.656371460734937e-01,
+  -8.848864320386746e-01,   4.658068294839227e-01,
+  -8.847970984309378e-01,   4.659764957679662e-01,
+  -8.847077322917410e-01,   4.661461449193859e-01,
+  -8.846183336243699e-01,   4.663157769319444e-01,
+  -8.845289024321115e-01,   4.664853917994049e-01,
+  -8.844394387182538e-01,   4.666549895155309e-01,
+  -8.843499424860861e-01,   4.668245700740870e-01,
+  -8.842604137388992e-01,   4.669941334688380e-01,
+  -8.841708524799845e-01,   4.671636796935498e-01,
+  -8.840812587126350e-01,   4.673332087419884e-01,
+  -8.839916324401449e-01,   4.675027206079209e-01,
+  -8.839019736658095e-01,   4.676722152851148e-01,
+  -8.838122823929251e-01,   4.678416927673382e-01,
+  -8.837225586247897e-01,   4.680111530483598e-01,
+  -8.836328023647019e-01,   4.681805961219493e-01,
+  -8.835430136159619e-01,   4.683500219818765e-01,
+  -8.834531923818709e-01,   4.685194306219123e-01,
+  -8.833633386657316e-01,   4.686888220358279e-01,
+  -8.832734524708474e-01,   4.688581962173953e-01,
+  -8.831835338005234e-01,   4.690275531603871e-01,
+  -8.830935826580654e-01,   4.691968928585766e-01,
+  -8.830035990467808e-01,   4.693662153057375e-01,
+  -8.829135829699780e-01,   4.695355204956445e-01,
+  -8.828235344309666e-01,   4.697048084220725e-01,
+  -8.827334534330576e-01,   4.698740790787974e-01,
+  -8.826433399795628e-01,   4.700433324595956e-01,
+  -8.825531940737955e-01,   4.702125685582442e-01,
+  -8.824630157190702e-01,   4.703817873685207e-01,
+  -8.823728049187023e-01,   4.705509888842035e-01,
+  -8.822825616760087e-01,   4.707201730990716e-01,
+  -8.821922859943074e-01,   4.708893400069045e-01,
+  -8.821019778769176e-01,   4.710584896014825e-01,
+  -8.820116373271596e-01,   4.712276218765863e-01,
+  -8.819212643483550e-01,   4.713967368259976e-01,
+  -8.818308589438266e-01,   4.715658344434984e-01,
+  -8.817404211168983e-01,   4.717349147228714e-01,
+  -8.816499508708953e-01,   4.719039776579002e-01,
+  -8.815594482091438e-01,   4.720730232423687e-01,
+  -8.814689131349714e-01,   4.722420514700615e-01,
+  -8.813783456517069e-01,   4.724110623347640e-01,
+  -8.812877457626801e-01,   4.725800558302622e-01,
+  -8.811971134712221e-01,   4.727490319503428e-01,
+  -8.811064487806651e-01,   4.729179906887928e-01,
+  -8.810157516943429e-01,   4.730869320394001e-01,
+  -8.809250222155899e-01,   4.732558559959533e-01,
+  -8.808342603477420e-01,   4.734247625522415e-01,
+  -8.807434660941363e-01,   4.735936517020545e-01,
+  -8.806526394581110e-01,   4.737625234391828e-01,
+  -8.805617804430057e-01,   4.739313777574174e-01,
+  -8.804708890521608e-01,   4.741002146505500e-01,
+  -8.803799652889182e-01,   4.742690341123730e-01,
+  -8.802890091566210e-01,   4.744378361366792e-01,
+  -8.801980206586132e-01,   4.746066207172626e-01,
+  -8.801069997982404e-01,   4.747753878479171e-01,
+  -8.800159465788491e-01,   4.749441375224378e-01,
+  -8.799248610037869e-01,   4.751128697346203e-01,
+  -8.798337430764029e-01,   4.752815844782607e-01,
+  -8.797425928000474e-01,   4.754502817471559e-01,
+  -8.796514101780716e-01,   4.756189615351033e-01,
+  -8.795601952138279e-01,   4.757876238359011e-01,
+  -8.794689479106702e-01,   4.759562686433481e-01,
+  -8.793776682719533e-01,   4.761248959512436e-01,
+  -8.792863563010332e-01,   4.762935057533877e-01,
+  -8.791950120012675e-01,   4.764620980435812e-01,
+  -8.791036353760143e-01,   4.766306728156253e-01,
+  -8.790122264286335e-01,   4.767992300633221e-01,
+  -8.789207851624858e-01,   4.769677697804742e-01,
+  -8.788293115809334e-01,   4.771362919608848e-01,
+  -8.787378056873394e-01,   4.773047965983579e-01,
+  -8.786462674850681e-01,   4.774732836866981e-01,
+  -8.785546969774854e-01,   4.776417532197105e-01,
+  -8.784630941679579e-01,   4.778102051912010e-01,
+  -8.783714590598535e-01,   4.779786395949762e-01,
+  -8.782797916565416e-01,   4.781470564248430e-01,
+  -8.781880919613922e-01,   4.783154556746095e-01,
+  -8.780963599777771e-01,   4.784838373380840e-01,
+  -8.780045957090691e-01,   4.786522014090755e-01,
+  -8.779127991586418e-01,   4.788205478813939e-01,
+  -8.778209703298705e-01,   4.789888767488495e-01,
+  -8.777291092261316e-01,   4.791571880052533e-01,
+  -8.776372158508022e-01,   4.793254816444171e-01,
+  -8.775452902072614e-01,   4.794937576601530e-01,
+  -8.774533322988886e-01,   4.796620160462742e-01,
+  -8.773613421290651e-01,   4.798302567965942e-01,
+  -8.772693197011732e-01,   4.799984799049273e-01,
+  -8.771772650185959e-01,   4.801666853650884e-01,
+  -8.770851780847184e-01,   4.803348731708930e-01,
+  -8.769930589029259e-01,   4.805030433161575e-01,
+  -8.769009074766057e-01,   4.806711957946986e-01,
+  -8.768087238091457e-01,   4.808393306003340e-01,
+  -8.767165079039354e-01,   4.810074477268816e-01,
+  -8.766242597643653e-01,   4.811755471681603e-01,
+  -8.765319793938271e-01,   4.813436289179897e-01,
+  -8.764396667957136e-01,   4.815116929701899e-01,
+  -8.763473219734190e-01,   4.816797393185815e-01,
+  -8.762549449303385e-01,   4.818477679569860e-01,
+  -8.761625356698685e-01,   4.820157788792256e-01,
+  -8.760700941954066e-01,   4.821837720791227e-01,
+  -8.759776205103518e-01,   4.823517475505010e-01,
+  -8.758851146181038e-01,   4.825197052871844e-01,
+  -8.757925765220639e-01,   4.826876452829975e-01,
+  -8.757000062256346e-01,   4.828555675317657e-01,
+  -8.756074037322193e-01,   4.830234720273149e-01,
+  -8.755147690452229e-01,   4.831913587634719e-01,
+  -8.754221021680509e-01,   4.833592277340638e-01,
+  -8.753294031041109e-01,   4.835270789329187e-01,
+  -8.752366718568109e-01,   4.836949123538651e-01,
+  -8.751439084295604e-01,   4.838627279907323e-01,
+  -8.750511128257700e-01,   4.840305258373500e-01,
+  -8.749582850488516e-01,   4.841983058875490e-01,
+  -8.748654251022183e-01,   4.843660681351604e-01,
+  -8.747725329892841e-01,   4.845338125740162e-01,
+  -8.746796087134645e-01,   4.847015391979487e-01,
+  -8.745866522781761e-01,   4.848692480007911e-01,
+  -8.744936636868366e-01,   4.850369389763773e-01,
+  -8.744006429428648e-01,   4.852046121185418e-01,
+  -8.743075900496810e-01,   4.853722674211198e-01,
+  -8.742145050107063e-01,   4.855399048779470e-01,
+  -8.741213878293633e-01,   4.857075244828598e-01,
+  -8.740282385090757e-01,   4.858751262296953e-01,
+  -8.739350570532682e-01,   4.860427101122913e-01,
+  -8.738418434653669e-01,   4.862102761244864e-01,
+  -8.737485977487989e-01,   4.863778242601194e-01,
+  -8.736553199069926e-01,   4.865453545130303e-01,
+  -8.735620099433778e-01,   4.867128668770592e-01,
+  -8.734686678613849e-01,   4.868803613460473e-01,
+  -8.733752936644460e-01,   4.870478379138364e-01,
+  -8.732818873559942e-01,   4.872152965742688e-01,
+  -8.731884489394638e-01,   4.873827373211874e-01,
+  -8.730949784182901e-01,   4.875501601484360e-01,
+  -8.730014757959099e-01,   4.877175650498588e-01,
+  -8.729079410757611e-01,   4.878849520193010e-01,
+  -8.728143742612824e-01,   4.880523210506083e-01,
+  -8.727207753559143e-01,   4.882196721376268e-01,
+  -8.726271443630980e-01,   4.883870052742035e-01,
+  -8.725334812862762e-01,   4.885543204541862e-01,
+  -8.724397861288923e-01,   4.887216176714231e-01,
+  -8.723460588943915e-01,   4.888888969197632e-01,
+  -8.722522995862199e-01,   4.890561581930560e-01,
+  -8.721585082078245e-01,   4.892234014851520e-01,
+  -8.720646847626539e-01,   4.893906267899019e-01,
+  -8.719708292541578e-01,   4.895578341011574e-01,
+  -8.718769416857869e-01,   4.897250234127709e-01,
+  -8.717830220609931e-01,   4.898921947185952e-01,
+  -8.716890703832297e-01,   4.900593480124839e-01,
+  -8.715950866559510e-01,   4.902264832882912e-01,
+  -8.715010708826125e-01,   4.903936005398720e-01,
+  -8.714070230666710e-01,   4.905606997610820e-01,
+  -8.713129432115840e-01,   4.907277809457774e-01,
+  -8.712188313208110e-01,   4.908948440878151e-01,
+  -8.711246873978119e-01,   4.910618891810526e-01,
+  -8.710305114460483e-01,   4.912289162193483e-01,
+  -8.709363034689828e-01,   4.913959251965608e-01,
+  -8.708420634700790e-01,   4.915629161065499e-01,
+  -8.707477914528018e-01,   4.917298889431758e-01,
+  -8.706534874206174e-01,   4.918968437002993e-01,
+  -8.705591513769932e-01,   4.920637803717820e-01,
+  -8.704647833253977e-01,   4.922306989514860e-01,
+  -8.703703832693003e-01,   4.923975994332744e-01,
+  -8.702759512121719e-01,   4.925644818110106e-01,
+  -8.701814871574846e-01,   4.927313460785588e-01,
+  -8.700869911087115e-01,   4.928981922297840e-01,
+  -8.699924630693269e-01,   4.930650202585517e-01,
+  -8.698979030428063e-01,   4.932318301587279e-01,
+  -8.698033110326266e-01,   4.933986219241798e-01,
+  -8.697086870422657e-01,   4.935653955487748e-01,
+  -8.696140310752023e-01,   4.937321510263810e-01,
+  -8.695193431349169e-01,   4.938988883508675e-01,
+  -8.694246232248909e-01,   4.940656075161036e-01,
+  -8.693298713486068e-01,   4.942323085159597e-01,
+  -8.692350875095484e-01,   4.943989913443066e-01,
+  -8.691402717112006e-01,   4.945656559950160e-01,
+  -8.690454239570495e-01,   4.947323024619599e-01,
+  -8.689505442505824e-01,   4.948989307390113e-01,
+  -8.688556325952879e-01,   4.950655408200436e-01,
+  -8.687606889946553e-01,   4.952321326989312e-01,
+  -8.686657134521757e-01,   4.953987063695490e-01,
+  -8.685707059713409e-01,   4.955652618257725e-01,
+  -8.684756665556441e-01,   4.957317990614780e-01,
+  -8.683805952085798e-01,   4.958983180705422e-01,
+  -8.682854919336433e-01,   4.960648188468429e-01,
+  -8.681903567343313e-01,   4.962313013842582e-01,
+  -8.680951896141417e-01,   4.963977656766672e-01,
+  -8.679999905765735e-01,   4.965642117179493e-01,
+  -8.679047596251269e-01,   4.967306395019848e-01,
+  -8.678094967633033e-01,   4.968970490226545e-01,
+  -8.677142019946051e-01,   4.970634402738403e-01,
+  -8.676188753225362e-01,   4.972298132494242e-01,
+  -8.675235167506015e-01,   4.973961679432893e-01,
+  -8.674281262823069e-01,   4.975625043493191e-01,
+  -8.673327039211598e-01,   4.977288224613979e-01,
+  -8.672372496706684e-01,   4.978951222734109e-01,
+  -8.671417635343425e-01,   4.980614037792434e-01,
+  -8.670462455156926e-01,   4.982276669727819e-01,
+  -8.669506956182309e-01,   4.983939118479132e-01,
+  -8.668551138454704e-01,   4.985601383985251e-01,
+  -8.667595002009254e-01,   4.987263466185059e-01,
+  -8.666638546881111e-01,   4.988925365017446e-01,
+  -8.665681773105445e-01,   4.990587080421309e-01,
+  -8.664724680717430e-01,   4.992248612335551e-01,
+  -8.663767269752258e-01,   4.993909960699082e-01,
+  -8.662809540245130e-01,   4.995571125450818e-01,
+  -8.661851492231258e-01,   4.997232106529685e-01,
+  -8.660893125745868e-01,   4.998892903874613e-01,
+  -8.659934440824195e-01,   5.000553517424539e-01,
+  -8.658975437501488e-01,   5.002213947118407e-01,
+  -8.658016115813008e-01,   5.003874192895166e-01,
+  -8.657056475794024e-01,   5.005534254693774e-01,
+  -8.656096517479820e-01,   5.007194132453199e-01,
+  -8.655136240905691e-01,   5.008853826112407e-01,
+  -8.654175646106944e-01,   5.010513335610380e-01,
+  -8.653214733118898e-01,   5.012172660886100e-01,
+  -8.652253501976882e-01,   5.013831801878558e-01,
+  -8.651291952716238e-01,   5.015490758526754e-01,
+  -8.650330085372319e-01,   5.017149530769691e-01,
+  -8.649367899980490e-01,   5.018808118546383e-01,
+  -8.648405396576129e-01,   5.020466521795847e-01,
+  -8.647442575194624e-01,   5.022124740457108e-01,
+  -8.646479435871375e-01,   5.023782774469198e-01,
+  -8.645515978641793e-01,   5.025440623771157e-01,
+  -8.644552203541304e-01,   5.027098288302030e-01,
+  -8.643588110605340e-01,   5.028755768000870e-01,
+  -8.642623699869350e-01,   5.030413062806735e-01,
+  -8.641658971368793e-01,   5.032070172658689e-01,
+  -8.640693925139138e-01,   5.033727097495810e-01,
+  -8.639728561215868e-01,   5.035383837257176e-01,
+  -8.638762879634475e-01,   5.037040391881871e-01,
+  -8.637796880430467e-01,   5.038696761308990e-01,
+  -8.636830563639358e-01,   5.040352945477632e-01,
+  -8.635863929296681e-01,   5.042008944326903e-01,
+  -8.634896977437971e-01,   5.043664757795920e-01,
+  -8.633929708098784e-01,   5.045320385823803e-01,
+  -8.632962121314682e-01,   5.046975828349676e-01,
+  -8.631994217121242e-01,   5.048631085312676e-01,
+  -8.631025995554049e-01,   5.050286156651941e-01,
+  -8.630057456648703e-01,   5.051941042306622e-01,
+  -8.629088600440814e-01,   5.053595742215873e-01,
+  -8.628119426966003e-01,   5.055250256318854e-01,
+  -8.627149936259907e-01,   5.056904584554734e-01,
+  -8.626180128358167e-01,   5.058558726862689e-01,
+  -8.625210003296445e-01,   5.060212683181897e-01,
+  -8.624239561110406e-01,   5.061866453451552e-01,
+  -8.623268801835731e-01,   5.063520037610848e-01,
+  -8.622297725508112e-01,   5.065173435598985e-01,
+  -8.621326332163254e-01,   5.066826647355176e-01,
+  -8.620354621836872e-01,   5.068479672818632e-01,
+  -8.619382594564693e-01,   5.070132511928582e-01,
+  -8.618410250382453e-01,   5.071785164624252e-01,
+  -8.617437589325907e-01,   5.073437630844879e-01,
+  -8.616464611430813e-01,   5.075089910529709e-01,
+  -8.615491316732947e-01,   5.076742003617989e-01,
+  -8.614517705268093e-01,   5.078393910048977e-01,
+  -8.613543777072049e-01,   5.080045629761940e-01,
+  -8.612569532180622e-01,   5.081697162696146e-01,
+  -8.611594970629634e-01,   5.083348508790874e-01,
+  -8.610620092454915e-01,   5.084999667985409e-01,
+  -8.609644897692310e-01,   5.086650640219040e-01,
+  -8.608669386377673e-01,   5.088301425431070e-01,
+  -8.607693558546872e-01,   5.089952023560801e-01,
+  -8.606717414235784e-01,   5.091602434547546e-01,
+  -8.605740953480300e-01,   5.093252658330625e-01,
+  -8.604764176316321e-01,   5.094902694849364e-01,
+  -8.603787082779761e-01,   5.096552544043093e-01,
+  -8.602809672906545e-01,   5.098202205851154e-01,
+  -8.601831946732610e-01,   5.099851680212895e-01,
+  -8.600853904293901e-01,   5.101500967067668e-01,
+  -8.599875545626382e-01,   5.103150066354832e-01,
+  -8.598896870766023e-01,   5.104798978013757e-01,
+  -8.597917879748807e-01,   5.106447701983816e-01,
+  -8.596938572610726e-01,   5.108096238204390e-01,
+  -8.595958949387791e-01,   5.109744586614868e-01,
+  -8.594979010116017e-01,   5.111392747154644e-01,
+  -8.593998754831434e-01,   5.113040719763120e-01,
+  -8.593018183570085e-01,   5.114688504379703e-01,
+  -8.592037296368019e-01,   5.116336100943812e-01,
+  -8.591056093261304e-01,   5.117983509394869e-01,
+  -8.590074574286015e-01,   5.119630729672302e-01,
+  -8.589092739478239e-01,   5.121277761715547e-01,
+  -8.588110588874076e-01,   5.122924605464049e-01,
+  -8.587128122509635e-01,   5.124571260857257e-01,
+  -8.586145340421042e-01,   5.126217727834630e-01,
+  -8.585162242644427e-01,   5.127864006335630e-01,
+  -8.584178829215939e-01,   5.129510096299730e-01,
+  -8.583195100171734e-01,   5.131155997666406e-01,
+  -8.582211055547982e-01,   5.132801710375142e-01,
+  -8.581226695380861e-01,   5.134447234365435e-01,
+  -8.580242019706565e-01,   5.136092569576778e-01,
+  -8.579257028561298e-01,   5.137737715948680e-01,
+  -8.578271721981274e-01,   5.139382673420654e-01,
+  -8.577286100002721e-01,   5.141027441932217e-01,
+  -8.576300162661876e-01,   5.142672021422897e-01,
+  -8.575313909994992e-01,   5.144316411832228e-01,
+  -8.574327342038327e-01,   5.145960613099750e-01,
+  -8.573340458828156e-01,   5.147604625165012e-01,
+  -8.572353260400765e-01,   5.149248447967565e-01,
+  -8.571365746792450e-01,   5.150892081446972e-01,
+  -8.570377918039517e-01,   5.152535525542802e-01,
+  -8.569389774178288e-01,   5.154178780194629e-01,
+  -8.568401315245092e-01,   5.155821845342038e-01,
+  -8.567412541276275e-01,   5.157464720924614e-01,
+  -8.566423452308188e-01,   5.159107406881956e-01,
+  -8.565434048377200e-01,   5.160749903153666e-01,
+  -8.564444329519686e-01,   5.162392209679355e-01,
+  -8.563454295772036e-01,   5.164034326398640e-01,
+  -8.562463947170652e-01,   5.165676253251144e-01,
+  -8.561473283751945e-01,   5.167317990176499e-01,
+  -8.560482305552339e-01,   5.168959537114342e-01,
+  -8.559491012608269e-01,   5.170600894004319e-01,
+  -8.558499404956182e-01,   5.172242060786083e-01,
+  -8.557507482632539e-01,   5.173883037399291e-01,
+  -8.556515245673807e-01,   5.175523823783609e-01,
+  -8.555522694116469e-01,   5.177164419878711e-01,
+  -8.554529827997018e-01,   5.178804825624277e-01,
+  -8.553536647351960e-01,   5.180445040959993e-01,
+  -8.552543152217810e-01,   5.182085065825555e-01,
+  -8.551549342631096e-01,   5.183724900160661e-01,
+  -8.550555218628360e-01,   5.185364543905022e-01,
+  -8.549560780246149e-01,   5.187003996998350e-01,
+  -8.548566027521028e-01,   5.188643259380369e-01,
+  -8.547570960489572e-01,   5.190282330990809e-01,
+  -8.546575579188365e-01,   5.191921211769402e-01,
+  -8.545579883654005e-01,   5.193559901655896e-01,
+  -8.544583873923102e-01,   5.195198400590038e-01,
+  -8.543587550032274e-01,   5.196836708511584e-01,
+  -8.542590912018155e-01,   5.198474825360302e-01,
+  -8.541593959917388e-01,   5.200112751075960e-01,
+  -8.540596693766628e-01,   5.201750485598338e-01,
+  -8.539599113602542e-01,   5.203388028867220e-01,
+  -8.538601219461808e-01,   5.205025380822397e-01,
+  -8.537603011381114e-01,   5.206662541403672e-01,
+  -8.536604489397164e-01,   5.208299510550847e-01,
+  -8.535605653546668e-01,   5.209936288203739e-01,
+  -8.534606503866353e-01,   5.211572874302166e-01,
+  -8.533607040392954e-01,   5.213209268785957e-01,
+  -8.532607263163219e-01,   5.214845471594943e-01,
+  -8.531607172213904e-01,   5.216481482668971e-01,
+  -8.530606767581783e-01,   5.218117301947885e-01,
+  -8.529606049303636e-01,   5.219752929371544e-01,
+  -8.528605017416258e-01,   5.221388364879808e-01,
+  -8.527603671956453e-01,   5.223023608412546e-01,
+  -8.526602012961038e-01,   5.224658659909638e-01,
+  -8.525600040466841e-01,   5.226293519310966e-01,
+  -8.524597754510701e-01,   5.227928186556421e-01,
+  -8.523595155129471e-01,   5.229562661585901e-01,
+  -8.522592242360011e-01,   5.231196944339312e-01,
+  -8.521589016239198e-01,   5.232831034756564e-01,
+  -8.520585476803917e-01,   5.234464932777578e-01,
+  -8.519581624091064e-01,   5.236098638342279e-01,
+  -8.518577458137548e-01,   5.237732151390602e-01,
+  -8.517572978980291e-01,   5.239365471862486e-01,
+  -8.516568186656224e-01,   5.240998599697877e-01,
+  -8.515563081202290e-01,   5.242631534836734e-01,
+  -8.514557662655443e-01,   5.244264277219014e-01,
+  -8.513551931052652e-01,   5.245896826784690e-01,
+  -8.512545886430891e-01,   5.247529183473734e-01,
+  -8.511539528827153e-01,   5.249161347226130e-01,
+  -8.510532858278438e-01,   5.250793317981868e-01,
+  -8.509525874821757e-01,   5.252425095680947e-01,
+  -8.508518578494135e-01,   5.254056680263369e-01,
+  -8.507510969332608e-01,   5.255688071669147e-01,
+  -8.506503047374221e-01,   5.257319269838298e-01,
+  -8.505494812656035e-01,   5.258950274710846e-01,
+  -8.504486265215118e-01,   5.260581086226828e-01,
+  -8.503477405088550e-01,   5.262211704326281e-01,
+  -8.502468232313427e-01,   5.263842128949251e-01,
+  -8.501458746926852e-01,   5.265472360035794e-01,
+  -8.500448948965942e-01,   5.267102397525970e-01,
+  -8.499438838467822e-01,   5.268732241359846e-01,
+  -8.498428415469633e-01,   5.270361891477501e-01,
+  -8.497417680008525e-01,   5.271991347819013e-01,
+  -8.496406632121659e-01,   5.273620610324475e-01,
+  -8.495395271846209e-01,   5.275249678933982e-01,
+  -8.494383599219361e-01,   5.276878553587637e-01,
+  -8.493371614278308e-01,   5.278507234225552e-01,
+  -8.492359317060260e-01,   5.280135720787846e-01,
+  -8.491346707602436e-01,   5.281764013214644e-01,
+  -8.490333785942068e-01,   5.283392111446077e-01,
+  -8.489320552116396e-01,   5.285020015422285e-01,
+  -8.488307006162675e-01,   5.286647725083413e-01,
+  -8.487293148118171e-01,   5.288275240369619e-01,
+  -8.486278978020159e-01,   5.289902561221060e-01,
+  -8.485264495905926e-01,   5.291529687577906e-01,
+  -8.484249701812776e-01,   5.293156619380333e-01,
+  -8.483234595778016e-01,   5.294783356568520e-01,
+  -8.482219177838970e-01,   5.296409899082659e-01,
+  -8.481203448032972e-01,   5.298036246862946e-01,
+  -8.480187406397368e-01,   5.299662399849586e-01,
+  -8.479171052969514e-01,   5.301288357982790e-01,
+  -8.478154387786779e-01,   5.302914121202773e-01,
+  -8.477137410886544e-01,   5.304539689449763e-01,
+  -8.476120122306197e-01,   5.306165062663993e-01,
+  -8.475102522083143e-01,   5.307790240785701e-01,
+  -8.474084610254797e-01,   5.309415223755136e-01,
+  -8.473066386858583e-01,   5.311040011512550e-01,
+  -8.472047851931941e-01,   5.312664603998204e-01,
+  -8.471029005512315e-01,   5.314289001152368e-01,
+  -8.470009847637169e-01,   5.315913202915317e-01,
+  -8.468990378343972e-01,   5.317537209227333e-01,
+  -8.467970597670209e-01,   5.319161020028706e-01,
+  -8.466950505653374e-01,   5.320784635259735e-01,
+  -8.465930102330972e-01,   5.322408054860722e-01,
+  -8.464909387740521e-01,   5.324031278771979e-01,
+  -8.463888361919549e-01,   5.325654306933826e-01,
+  -8.462867024905597e-01,   5.327277139286588e-01,
+  -8.461845376736216e-01,   5.328899775770598e-01,
+  -8.460823417448970e-01,   5.330522216326194e-01,
+  -8.459801147081433e-01,   5.332144460893730e-01,
+  -8.458778565671190e-01,   5.333766509413553e-01,
+  -8.457755673255840e-01,   5.335388361826031e-01,
+  -8.456732469872991e-01,   5.337010018071530e-01,
+  -8.455708955560263e-01,   5.338631478090426e-01,
+  -8.454685130355288e-01,   5.340252741823104e-01,
+  -8.453660994295710e-01,   5.341873809209954e-01,
+  -8.452636547419182e-01,   5.343494680191375e-01,
+  -8.451611789763371e-01,   5.345115354707771e-01,
+  -8.450586721365955e-01,   5.346735832699555e-01,
+  -8.449561342264622e-01,   5.348356114107146e-01,
+  -8.448535652497071e-01,   5.349976198870972e-01,
+  -8.447509652101015e-01,   5.351596086931466e-01,
+  -8.446483341114178e-01,   5.353215778229071e-01,
+  -8.445456719574292e-01,   5.354835272704234e-01,
+  -8.444429787519107e-01,   5.356454570297411e-01,
+  -8.443402544986376e-01,   5.358073670949064e-01,
+  -8.442374992013870e-01,   5.359692574599667e-01,
+  -8.441347128639369e-01,   5.361311281189695e-01,
+  -8.440318954900664e-01,   5.362929790659632e-01,
+  -8.439290470835559e-01,   5.364548102949971e-01,
+  -8.438261676481867e-01,   5.366166218001210e-01,
+  -8.437232571877417e-01,   5.367784135753859e-01,
+  -8.436203157060042e-01,   5.369401856148429e-01,
+  -8.435173432067592e-01,   5.371019379125441e-01,
+  -8.434143396937928e-01,   5.372636704625425e-01,
+  -8.433113051708921e-01,   5.374253832588916e-01,
+  -8.432082396418454e-01,   5.375870762956454e-01,
+  -8.431051431104422e-01,   5.377487495668594e-01,
+  -8.430020155804729e-01,   5.379104030665889e-01,
+  -8.428988570557293e-01,   5.380720367888906e-01,
+  -8.427956675400041e-01,   5.382336507278217e-01,
+  -8.426924470370917e-01,   5.383952448774400e-01,
+  -8.425891955507867e-01,   5.385568192318041e-01,
+  -8.424859130848856e-01,   5.387183737849736e-01,
+  -8.423825996431858e-01,   5.388799085310084e-01,
+  -8.422792552294860e-01,   5.390414234639694e-01,
+  -8.421758798475856e-01,   5.392029185779182e-01,
+  -8.420724735012856e-01,   5.393643938669170e-01,
+  -8.419690361943877e-01,   5.395258493250289e-01,
+  -8.418655679306953e-01,   5.396872849463176e-01,
+  -8.417620687140125e-01,   5.398487007248476e-01,
+  -8.416585385481448e-01,   5.400100966546840e-01,
+  -8.415549774368984e-01,   5.401714727298929e-01,
+  -8.414513853840813e-01,   5.403328289445407e-01,
+  -8.413477623935020e-01,   5.404941652926952e-01,
+  -8.412441084689706e-01,   5.406554817684242e-01,
+  -8.411404236142981e-01,   5.408167783657967e-01,
+  -8.410367078332966e-01,   5.409780550788821e-01,
+  -8.409329611297798e-01,   5.411393119017508e-01,
+  -8.408291835075616e-01,   5.413005488284741e-01,
+  -8.407253749704581e-01,   5.414617658531234e-01,
+  -8.406215355222857e-01,   5.416229629697715e-01,
+  -8.405176651668625e-01,   5.417841401724915e-01,
+  -8.404137639080075e-01,   5.419452974553574e-01,
+  -8.403098317495408e-01,   5.421064348124439e-01,
+  -8.402058686952836e-01,   5.422675522378265e-01,
+  -8.401018747490584e-01,   5.424286497255812e-01,
+  -8.399978499146888e-01,   5.425897272697853e-01,
+  -8.398937941959995e-01,   5.427507848645159e-01,
+  -8.397897075968164e-01,   5.429118225038517e-01,
+  -8.396855901209661e-01,   5.430728401818717e-01,
+  -8.395814417722771e-01,   5.432338378926559e-01,
+  -8.394772625545786e-01,   5.433948156302848e-01,
+  -8.393730524717007e-01,   5.435557733888395e-01,
+  -8.392688115274752e-01,   5.437167111624023e-01,
+  -8.391645397257347e-01,   5.438776289450560e-01,
+  -8.390602370703127e-01,   5.440385267308838e-01,
+  -8.389559035650445e-01,   5.441994045139703e-01,
+  -8.388515392137658e-01,   5.443602622884004e-01,
+  -8.387471440203139e-01,   5.445211000482596e-01,
+  -8.386427179885273e-01,   5.446819177876345e-01,
+  -8.385382611222453e-01,   5.448427155006124e-01,
+  -8.384337734253083e-01,   5.450034931812812e-01,
+  -8.383292549015583e-01,   5.451642508237293e-01,
+  -8.382247055548381e-01,   5.453249884220465e-01,
+  -8.381201253889915e-01,   5.454857059703225e-01,
+  -8.380155144078638e-01,   5.456464034626486e-01,
+  -8.379108726153012e-01,   5.458070808931161e-01,
+  -8.378062000151509e-01,   5.459677382558176e-01,
+  -8.377014966112617e-01,   5.461283755448460e-01,
+  -8.375967624074830e-01,   5.462889927542952e-01,
+  -8.374919974076659e-01,   5.464495898782596e-01,
+  -8.373872016156619e-01,   5.466101669108349e-01,
+  -8.372823750353243e-01,   5.467707238461168e-01,
+  -8.371775176705073e-01,   5.469312606782022e-01,
+  -8.370726295250660e-01,   5.470917774011885e-01,
+  -8.369677106028570e-01,   5.472522740091741e-01,
+  -8.368627609077379e-01,   5.474127504962579e-01,
+  -8.367577804435672e-01,   5.475732068565398e-01,
+  -8.366527692142050e-01,   5.477336430841201e-01,
+  -8.365477272235120e-01,   5.478940591731002e-01,
+  -8.364426544753504e-01,   5.480544551175819e-01,
+  -8.363375509735835e-01,   5.482148309116678e-01,
+  -8.362324167220756e-01,   5.483751865494616e-01,
+  -8.361272517246923e-01,   5.485355220250674e-01,
+  -8.360220559852999e-01,   5.486958373325901e-01,
+  -8.359168295077664e-01,   5.488561324661353e-01,
+  -8.358115722959607e-01,   5.490164074198094e-01,
+  -8.357062843537526e-01,   5.491766621877197e-01,
+  -8.356009656850134e-01,   5.493368967639740e-01,
+  -8.354956162936154e-01,   5.494971111426810e-01,
+  -8.353902361834319e-01,   5.496573053179499e-01,
+  -8.352848253583374e-01,   5.498174792838909e-01,
+  -8.351793838222077e-01,   5.499776330346149e-01,
+  -8.350739115789194e-01,   5.501377665642336e-01,
+  -8.349684086323504e-01,   5.502978798668592e-01,
+  -8.348628749863800e-01,   5.504579729366048e-01,
+  -8.347573106448882e-01,   5.506180457675843e-01,
+  -8.346517156117564e-01,   5.507780983539121e-01,
+  -8.345460898908669e-01,   5.509381306897039e-01,
+  -8.344404334861032e-01,   5.510981427690754e-01,
+  -8.343347464013501e-01,   5.512581345861436e-01,
+  -8.342290286404934e-01,   5.514181061350261e-01,
+  -8.341232802074201e-01,   5.515780574098410e-01,
+  -8.340175011060181e-01,   5.517379884047073e-01,
+  -8.339116913401768e-01,   5.518978991137452e-01,
+  -8.338058509137863e-01,   5.520577895310750e-01,
+  -8.336999798307383e-01,   5.522176596508179e-01,
+  -8.335940780949251e-01,   5.523775094670961e-01,
+  -8.334881457102408e-01,   5.525373389740321e-01,
+  -8.333821826805797e-01,   5.526971481657498e-01,
+  -8.332761890098382e-01,   5.528569370363733e-01,
+  -8.331701647019132e-01,   5.530167055800275e-01,
+  -8.330641097607029e-01,   5.531764537908384e-01,
+  -8.329580241901067e-01,   5.533361816629323e-01,
+  -8.328519079940251e-01,   5.534958891904366e-01,
+  -8.327457611763595e-01,   5.536555763674793e-01,
+  -8.326395837410128e-01,   5.538152431881891e-01,
+  -8.325333756918887e-01,   5.539748896466955e-01,
+  -8.324271370328923e-01,   5.541345157371289e-01,
+  -8.323208677679297e-01,   5.542941214536200e-01,
+  -8.322145679009080e-01,   5.544537067903009e-01,
+  -8.321082374357356e-01,   5.546132717413040e-01,
+  -8.320018763763220e-01,   5.547728163007625e-01,
+  -8.318954847265776e-01,   5.549323404628104e-01,
+  -8.317890624904144e-01,   5.550918442215824e-01,
+  -8.316826096717451e-01,   5.552513275712140e-01,
+  -8.315761262744837e-01,   5.554107905058416e-01,
+  -8.314696123025452e-01,   5.555702330196022e-01,
+  -8.313630677598459e-01,   5.557296551066334e-01,
+  -8.312564926503032e-01,   5.558890567610738e-01,
+  -8.311498869778355e-01,   5.560484379770626e-01,
+  -8.310432507463623e-01,   5.562077987487399e-01,
+  -8.309365839598044e-01,   5.563671390702464e-01,
+  -8.308298866220836e-01,   5.565264589357236e-01,
+  -8.307231587371229e-01,   5.566857583393139e-01,
+  -8.306164003088463e-01,   5.568450372751601e-01,
+  -8.305096113411791e-01,   5.570042957374060e-01,
+  -8.304027918380475e-01,   5.571635337201962e-01,
+  -8.302959418033791e-01,   5.573227512176762e-01,
+  -8.301890612411024e-01,   5.574819482239916e-01,
+  -8.300821501551470e-01,   5.576411247332894e-01,
+  -8.299752085494440e-01,   5.578002807397170e-01,
+  -8.298682364279248e-01,   5.579594162374230e-01,
+  -8.297612337945230e-01,   5.581185312205561e-01,
+  -8.296542006531726e-01,   5.582776256832663e-01,
+  -8.295471370078089e-01,   5.584366996197041e-01,
+  -8.294400428623682e-01,   5.585957530240208e-01,
+  -8.293329182207883e-01,   5.587547858903683e-01,
+  -8.292257630870076e-01,   5.589137982128998e-01,
+  -8.291185774649660e-01,   5.590727899857685e-01,
+  -8.290113613586044e-01,   5.592317612031289e-01,
+  -8.289041147718649e-01,   5.593907118591361e-01,
+  -8.287968377086906e-01,   5.595496419479458e-01,
+  -8.286895301730258e-01,   5.597085514637147e-01,
+  -8.285821921688158e-01,   5.598674404006002e-01,
+  -8.284748237000071e-01,   5.600263087527604e-01,
+  -8.283674247705475e-01,   5.601851565143541e-01,
+  -8.282599953843857e-01,   5.603439836795409e-01,
+  -8.281525355454714e-01,   5.605027902424811e-01,
+  -8.280450452577558e-01,   5.606615761973360e-01,
+  -8.279375245251909e-01,   5.608203415382674e-01,
+  -8.278299733517299e-01,   5.609790862594382e-01,
+  -8.277223917413272e-01,   5.611378103550114e-01,
+  -8.276147796979384e-01,   5.612965138191515e-01,
+  -8.275071372255198e-01,   5.614551966460233e-01,
+  -8.273994643280295e-01,   5.616138588297924e-01,
+  -8.272917610094258e-01,   5.617725003646253e-01,
+  -8.271840272736691e-01,   5.619311212446895e-01,
+  -8.270762631247203e-01,   5.620897214641525e-01,
+  -8.269684685665416e-01,   5.622483010171831e-01,
+  -8.268606436030962e-01,   5.624068598979511e-01,
+  -8.267527882383485e-01,   5.625653981006266e-01,
+  -8.266449024762643e-01,   5.627239156193804e-01,
+  -8.265369863208100e-01,   5.628824124483844e-01,
+  -8.264290397759535e-01,   5.630408885818112e-01,
+  -8.263210628456635e-01,   5.631993440138341e-01,
+  -8.262130555339102e-01,   5.633577787386270e-01,
+  -8.261050178446646e-01,   5.635161927503648e-01,
+  -8.259969497818991e-01,   5.636745860432231e-01,
+  -8.258888513495868e-01,   5.638329586113782e-01,
+  -8.257807225517024e-01,   5.639913104490070e-01,
+  -8.256725633922214e-01,   5.641496415502877e-01,
+  -8.255643738751205e-01,   5.643079519093986e-01,
+  -8.254561540043776e-01,   5.644662415205195e-01,
+  -8.253479037839714e-01,   5.646245103778301e-01,
+  -8.252396232178822e-01,   5.647827584755114e-01,
+  -8.251313123100911e-01,   5.649409858077452e-01,
+  -8.250229710645802e-01,   5.650991923687140e-01,
+  -8.249145994853332e-01,   5.652573781526008e-01,
+  -8.248061975763343e-01,   5.654155431535897e-01,
+  -8.246977653415695e-01,   5.655736873658653e-01,
+  -8.245893027850253e-01,   5.657318107836131e-01,
+  -8.244808099106895e-01,   5.658899134010196e-01,
+  -8.243722867225513e-01,   5.660479952122714e-01,
+  -8.242637332246006e-01,   5.662060562115567e-01,
+  -8.241551494208286e-01,   5.663640963930638e-01,
+  -8.240465353152278e-01,   5.665221157509821e-01,
+  -8.239378909117914e-01,   5.666801142795016e-01,
+  -8.238292162145140e-01,   5.668380919728133e-01,
+  -8.237205112273914e-01,   5.669960488251087e-01,
+  -8.236117759544203e-01,   5.671539848305801e-01,
+  -8.235030103995985e-01,   5.673118999834208e-01,
+  -8.233942145669251e-01,   5.674697942778245e-01,
+  -8.232853884604001e-01,   5.676276677079862e-01,
+  -8.231765320840249e-01,   5.677855202681011e-01,
+  -8.230676454418017e-01,   5.679433519523656e-01,
+  -8.229587285377340e-01,   5.681011627549765e-01,
+  -8.228497813758264e-01,   5.682589526701315e-01,
+  -8.227408039600844e-01,   5.684167216920293e-01,
+  -8.226317962945150e-01,   5.685744698148691e-01,
+  -8.225227583831259e-01,   5.687321970328510e-01,
+  -8.224136902299264e-01,   5.688899033401759e-01,
+  -8.223045918389263e-01,   5.690475887310451e-01,
+  -8.221954632141372e-01,   5.692052531996612e-01,
+  -8.220863043595711e-01,   5.693628967402272e-01,
+  -8.219771152792416e-01,   5.695205193469471e-01,
+  -8.218678959771633e-01,   5.696781210140256e-01,
+  -8.217586464573517e-01,   5.698357017356680e-01,
+  -8.216493667238239e-01,   5.699932615060805e-01,
+  -8.215400567805976e-01,   5.701508003194703e-01,
+  -8.214307166316919e-01,   5.703083181700449e-01,
+  -8.213213462811267e-01,   5.704658150520130e-01,
+  -8.212119457329236e-01,   5.706232909595838e-01,
+  -8.211025149911046e-01,   5.707807458869673e-01,
+  -8.209930540596936e-01,   5.709381798283744e-01,
+  -8.208835629427146e-01,   5.710955927780167e-01,
+  -8.207740416441937e-01,   5.712529847301067e-01,
+  -8.206644901681575e-01,   5.714103556788572e-01,
+  -8.205549085186339e-01,   5.715677056184826e-01,
+  -8.204452966996520e-01,   5.717250345431971e-01,
+  -8.203356547152418e-01,   5.718823424472166e-01,
+  -8.202259825694347e-01,   5.720396293247570e-01,
+  -8.201162802662628e-01,   5.721968951700356e-01,
+  -8.200065478097597e-01,   5.723541399772699e-01,
+  -8.198967852039598e-01,   5.725113637406788e-01,
+  -8.197869924528990e-01,   5.726685664544812e-01,
+  -8.196771695606139e-01,   5.728257481128975e-01,
+  -8.195673165311422e-01,   5.729829087101486e-01,
+  -8.194574333685233e-01,   5.731400482404560e-01,
+  -8.193475200767969e-01,   5.732971666980422e-01,
+  -8.192375766600045e-01,   5.734542640771304e-01,
+  -8.191276031221882e-01,   5.736113403719446e-01,
+  -8.190175994673915e-01,   5.737683955767096e-01,
+  -8.189075656996590e-01,   5.739254296856507e-01,
+  -8.187975018230360e-01,   5.740824426929945e-01,
+  -8.186874078415697e-01,   5.742394345929679e-01,
+  -8.185772837593076e-01,   5.743964053797987e-01,
+  -8.184671295802987e-01,   5.745533550477158e-01,
+  -8.183569453085932e-01,   5.747102835909483e-01,
+  -8.182467309482421e-01,   5.748671910037267e-01,
+  -8.181364865032977e-01,   5.750240772802817e-01,
+  -8.180262119778134e-01,   5.751809424148451e-01,
+  -8.179159073758439e-01,   5.753377864016495e-01,
+  -8.178055727014443e-01,   5.754946092349281e-01,
+  -8.176952079586717e-01,   5.756514109089151e-01,
+  -8.175848131515837e-01,   5.758081914178453e-01,
+  -8.174743882842392e-01,   5.759649507559542e-01,
+  -8.173639333606985e-01,   5.761216889174783e-01,
+  -8.172534483850223e-01,   5.762784058966549e-01,
+  -8.171429333612730e-01,   5.764351016877218e-01,
+  -8.170323882935139e-01,   5.765917762849178e-01,
+  -8.169218131858095e-01,   5.767484296824824e-01,
+  -8.168112080422253e-01,   5.769050618746560e-01,
+  -8.167005728668278e-01,   5.770616728556794e-01,
+  -8.165899076636849e-01,   5.772182626197949e-01,
+  -8.164792124368654e-01,   5.773748311612449e-01,
+  -8.163684871904392e-01,   5.775313784742727e-01,
+  -8.162577319284774e-01,   5.776879045531228e-01,
+  -8.161469466550523e-01,   5.778444093920398e-01,
+  -8.160361313742368e-01,   5.780008929852699e-01,
+  -8.159252860901055e-01,   5.781573553270594e-01,
+  -8.158144108067338e-01,   5.783137964116556e-01,
+  -8.157035055281983e-01,   5.784702162333066e-01,
+  -8.155925702585768e-01,   5.786266147862614e-01,
+  -8.154816050019478e-01,   5.787829920647697e-01,
+  -8.153706097623913e-01,   5.789393480630818e-01,
+  -8.152595845439883e-01,   5.790956827754491e-01,
+  -8.151485293508208e-01,   5.792519961961236e-01,
+  -8.150374441869722e-01,   5.794082883193579e-01,
+  -8.149263290565266e-01,   5.795645591394056e-01,
+  -8.148151839635694e-01,   5.797208086505214e-01,
+  -8.147040089121871e-01,   5.798770368469603e-01,
+  -8.145928039064673e-01,   5.800332437229782e-01,
+  -8.144815689504986e-01,   5.801894292728317e-01,
+  -8.143703040483711e-01,   5.803455934907783e-01,
+  -8.142590092041753e-01,   5.805017363710765e-01,
+  -8.141476844220034e-01,   5.806578579079853e-01,
+  -8.140363297059484e-01,   5.808139580957645e-01,
+  -8.139249450601046e-01,   5.809700369286748e-01,
+  -8.138135304885672e-01,   5.811260944009776e-01,
+  -8.137020859954327e-01,   5.812821305069350e-01,
+  -8.135906115847985e-01,   5.814381452408102e-01,
+  -8.134791072607632e-01,   5.815941385968669e-01,
+  -8.133675730274266e-01,   5.817501105693696e-01,
+  -8.132560088888894e-01,   5.819060611525838e-01,
+  -8.131444148492536e-01,   5.820619903407754e-01,
+  -8.130327909126220e-01,   5.822178981282117e-01,
+  -8.129211370830988e-01,   5.823737845091601e-01,
+  -8.128094533647893e-01,   5.825296494778893e-01,
+  -8.126977397617995e-01,   5.826854930286685e-01,
+  -8.125859962782371e-01,   5.828413151557676e-01,
+  -8.124742229182105e-01,   5.829971158534577e-01,
+  -8.123624196858292e-01,   5.831528951160104e-01,
+  -8.122505865852039e-01,   5.833086529376983e-01,
+  -8.121387236204465e-01,   5.834643893127943e-01,
+  -8.120268307956697e-01,   5.836201042355728e-01,
+  -8.119149081149878e-01,   5.837757977003081e-01,
+  -8.118029555825155e-01,   5.839314697012762e-01,
+  -8.116909732023690e-01,   5.840871202327534e-01,
+  -8.115789609786659e-01,   5.842427492890170e-01,
+  -8.114669189155242e-01,   5.843983568643446e-01,
+  -8.113548470170637e-01,   5.845539429530153e-01,
+  -8.112427452874048e-01,   5.847095075493084e-01,
+  -8.111306137306692e-01,   5.848650506475045e-01,
+  -8.110184523509795e-01,   5.850205722418845e-01,
+  -8.109062611524597e-01,   5.851760723267304e-01,
+  -8.107940401392347e-01,   5.853315508963249e-01,
+  -8.106817893154308e-01,   5.854870079449513e-01,
+  -8.105695086851746e-01,   5.856424434668944e-01,
+  -8.104571982525948e-01,   5.857978574564389e-01,
+  -8.103448580218205e-01,   5.859532499078706e-01,
+  -8.102324879969823e-01,   5.861086208154764e-01,
+  -8.101200881822116e-01,   5.862639701735436e-01,
+  -8.100076585816411e-01,   5.864192979763605e-01,
+  -8.098951991994044e-01,   5.865746042182162e-01,
+  -8.097827100396365e-01,   5.867298888934004e-01,
+  -8.096701911064731e-01,   5.868851519962040e-01,
+  -8.095576424040513e-01,   5.870403935209180e-01,
+  -8.094450639365092e-01,   5.871956134618348e-01,
+  -8.093324557079860e-01,   5.873508118132477e-01,
+  -8.092198177226217e-01,   5.875059885694500e-01,
+  -8.091071499845582e-01,   5.876611437247367e-01,
+  -8.089944524979377e-01,   5.878162772734029e-01,
+  -8.088817252669036e-01,   5.879713892097450e-01,
+  -8.087689682956009e-01,   5.881264795280599e-01,
+  -8.086561815881750e-01,   5.882815482226452e-01,
+  -8.085433651487730e-01,   5.884365952877998e-01,
+  -8.084305189815427e-01,   5.885916207178229e-01,
+  -8.083176430906333e-01,   5.887466245070145e-01,
+  -8.082047374801947e-01,   5.889016066496757e-01,
+  -8.080918021543784e-01,   5.890565671401085e-01,
+  -8.079788371173363e-01,   5.892115059726150e-01,
+  -8.078658423732221e-01,   5.893664231414988e-01,
+  -8.077528179261904e-01,   5.895213186410639e-01,
+  -8.076397637803965e-01,   5.896761924656154e-01,
+  -8.075266799399972e-01,   5.898310446094588e-01,
+  -8.074135664091502e-01,   5.899858750669009e-01,
+  -8.073004231920144e-01,   5.901406838322488e-01,
+  -8.071872502927500e-01,   5.902954708998108e-01,
+  -8.070740477155176e-01,   5.904502362638958e-01,
+  -8.069608154644797e-01,   5.906049799188133e-01,
+  -8.068475535437993e-01,   5.907597018588742e-01,
+  -8.067342619576409e-01,   5.909144020783895e-01,
+  -8.066209407101697e-01,   5.910690805716714e-01,
+  -8.065075898055523e-01,   5.912237373330329e-01,
+  -8.063942092479562e-01,   5.913783723567876e-01,
+  -8.062807990415505e-01,   5.915329856372500e-01,
+  -8.061673591905044e-01,   5.916875771687354e-01,
+  -8.060538896989891e-01,   5.918421469455601e-01,
+  -8.059403905711763e-01,   5.919966949620410e-01,
+  -8.058268618112393e-01,   5.921512212124955e-01,
+  -8.057133034233522e-01,   5.923057256912423e-01,
+  -8.055997154116901e-01,   5.924602083926008e-01,
+  -8.054860977804292e-01,   5.926146693108911e-01,
+  -8.053724505337471e-01,   5.927691084404341e-01,
+  -8.052587736758222e-01,   5.929235257755513e-01,
+  -8.051450672108342e-01,   5.930779213105655e-01,
+  -8.050313311429637e-01,   5.932322950397998e-01,
+  -8.049175654763923e-01,   5.933866469575785e-01,
+  -8.048037702153029e-01,   5.935409770582264e-01,
+  -8.046899453638795e-01,   5.936952853360692e-01,
+  -8.045760909263071e-01,   5.938495717854336e-01,
+  -8.044622069067718e-01,   5.940038364006467e-01,
+  -8.043482933094608e-01,   5.941580791760368e-01,
+  -8.042343501385624e-01,   5.943123001059328e-01,
+  -8.041203773982658e-01,   5.944664991846644e-01,
+  -8.040063750927615e-01,   5.946206764065622e-01,
+  -8.038923432262413e-01,   5.947748317659576e-01,
+  -8.037782818028976e-01,   5.949289652571824e-01,
+  -8.036641908269241e-01,   5.950830768745700e-01,
+  -8.035500703025157e-01,   5.952371666124538e-01,
+  -8.034359202338681e-01,   5.953912344651687e-01,
+  -8.033217406251786e-01,   5.955452804270498e-01,
+  -8.032075314806449e-01,   5.956993044924334e-01,
+  -8.030932928044664e-01,   5.958533066556563e-01,
+  -8.029790246008432e-01,   5.960072869110565e-01,
+  -8.028647268739767e-01,   5.961612452529725e-01,
+  -8.027503996280692e-01,   5.963151816757437e-01,
+  -8.026360428673242e-01,   5.964690961737104e-01,
+  -8.025216565959464e-01,   5.966229887412132e-01,
+  -8.024072408181413e-01,   5.967768593725944e-01,
+  -8.022927955381157e-01,   5.969307080621965e-01,
+  -8.021783207600774e-01,   5.970845348043627e-01,
+  -8.020638164882354e-01,   5.972383395934374e-01,
+  -8.019492827267998e-01,   5.973921224237657e-01,
+  -8.018347194799813e-01,   5.975458832896932e-01,
+  -8.017201267519923e-01,   5.976996221855668e-01,
+  -8.016055045470462e-01,   5.978533391057339e-01,
+  -8.014908528693570e-01,   5.980070340445427e-01,
+  -8.013761717231402e-01,   5.981607069963423e-01,
+  -8.012614611126125e-01,   5.983143579554826e-01,
+  -8.011467210419914e-01,   5.984679869163143e-01,
+  -8.010319515154953e-01,   5.986215938731889e-01,
+  -8.009171525373443e-01,   5.987751788204587e-01,
+  -8.008023241117591e-01,   5.989287417524769e-01,
+  -8.006874662429616e-01,   5.990822826635973e-01,
+  -8.005725789351749e-01,   5.992358015481746e-01,
+  -8.004576621926228e-01,   5.993892984005645e-01,
+  -8.003427160195307e-01,   5.995427732151234e-01,
+  -8.002277404201248e-01,   5.996962259862083e-01,
+  -8.001127353986324e-01,   5.998496567081772e-01,
+  -7.999977009592819e-01,   6.000030653753889e-01,
+  -7.998826371063028e-01,   6.001564519822032e-01,
+  -7.997675438439257e-01,   6.003098165229804e-01,
+  -7.996524211763822e-01,   6.004631589920816e-01,
+  -7.995372691079050e-01,   6.006164793838690e-01,
+  -7.994220876427280e-01,   6.007697776927052e-01,
+  -7.993068767850862e-01,   6.009230539129541e-01,
+  -7.991916365392152e-01,   6.010763080389802e-01,
+  -7.990763669093524e-01,   6.012295400651485e-01,
+  -7.989610678997358e-01,   6.013827499858254e-01,
+  -7.988457395146046e-01,   6.015359377953777e-01,
+  -7.987303817581992e-01,   6.016891034881730e-01,
+  -7.986149946347608e-01,   6.018422470585800e-01,
+  -7.984995781485321e-01,   6.019953685009680e-01,
+  -7.983841323037564e-01,   6.021484678097072e-01,
+  -7.982686571046784e-01,   6.023015449791685e-01,
+  -7.981531525555438e-01,   6.024546000037238e-01,
+  -7.980376186605994e-01,   6.026076328777454e-01,
+  -7.979220554240930e-01,   6.027606435956072e-01,
+  -7.978064628502736e-01,   6.029136321516830e-01,
+  -7.976908409433912e-01,   6.030665985403482e-01,
+  -7.975751897076967e-01,   6.032195427559784e-01,
+  -7.974595091474425e-01,   6.033724647929503e-01,
+  -7.973437992668817e-01,   6.035253646456415e-01,
+  -7.972280600702688e-01,   6.036782423084304e-01,
+  -7.971122915618589e-01,   6.038310977756959e-01,
+  -7.969964937459088e-01,   6.039839310418180e-01,
+  -7.968806666266758e-01,   6.041367421011775e-01,
+  -7.967648102084188e-01,   6.042895309481560e-01,
+  -7.966489244953973e-01,   6.044422975771359e-01,
+  -7.965330094918720e-01,   6.045950419825004e-01,
+  -7.964170652021050e-01,   6.047477641586334e-01,
+  -7.963010916303591e-01,   6.049004640999198e-01,
+  -7.961850887808984e-01,   6.050531418007453e-01,
+  -7.960690566579880e-01,   6.052057972554965e-01,
+  -7.959529952658939e-01,   6.053584304585605e-01,
+  -7.958369046088836e-01,   6.055110414043255e-01,
+  -7.957207846912251e-01,   6.056636300871804e-01,
+  -7.956046355171881e-01,   6.058161965015150e-01,
+  -7.954884570910430e-01,   6.059687406417197e-01,
+  -7.953722494170613e-01,   6.061212625021861e-01,
+  -7.952560124995156e-01,   6.062737620773064e-01,
+  -7.951397463426796e-01,   6.064262393614736e-01,
+  -7.950234509508280e-01,   6.065786943490813e-01,
+  -7.949071263282370e-01,   6.067311270345245e-01,
+  -7.947907724791832e-01,   6.068835374121985e-01,
+  -7.946743894079445e-01,   6.070359254764996e-01,
+  -7.945579771188004e-01,   6.071882912218252e-01,
+  -7.944415356160306e-01,   6.073406346425729e-01,
+  -7.943250649039165e-01,   6.074929557331415e-01,
+  -7.942085649867406e-01,   6.076452544879308e-01,
+  -7.940920358687860e-01,   6.077975309013411e-01,
+  -7.939754775543372e-01,   6.079497849677736e-01,
+  -7.938588900476797e-01,   6.081020166816304e-01,
+  -7.937422733531002e-01,   6.082542260373145e-01,
+  -7.936256274748863e-01,   6.084064130292292e-01,
+  -7.935089524173267e-01,   6.085585776517795e-01,
+  -7.933922481847111e-01,   6.087107198993703e-01,
+  -7.932755147813306e-01,   6.088628397664082e-01,
+  -7.931587522114771e-01,   6.090149372472998e-01,
+  -7.930419604794436e-01,   6.091670123364532e-01,
+  -7.929251395895243e-01,   6.093190650282768e-01,
+  -7.928082895460141e-01,   6.094710953171802e-01,
+  -7.926914103532094e-01,   6.096231031975737e-01,
+  -7.925745020154077e-01,   6.097750886638684e-01,
+  -7.924575645369071e-01,   6.099270517104761e-01,
+  -7.923405979220072e-01,   6.100789923318096e-01,
+  -7.922236021750083e-01,   6.102309105222826e-01,
+  -7.921065773002124e-01,   6.103828062763095e-01,
+  -7.919895233019218e-01,   6.105346795883053e-01,
+  -7.918724401844405e-01,   6.106865304526863e-01,
+  -7.917553279520732e-01,   6.108383588638692e-01,
+  -7.916381866091259e-01,   6.109901648162717e-01,
+  -7.915210161599052e-01,   6.111419483043126e-01,
+  -7.914038166087195e-01,   6.112937093224109e-01,
+  -7.912865879598778e-01,   6.114454478649870e-01,
+  -7.911693302176902e-01,   6.115971639264619e-01,
+  -7.910520433864680e-01,   6.117488575012573e-01,
+  -7.909347274705233e-01,   6.119005285837961e-01,
+  -7.908173824741698e-01,   6.120521771685015e-01,
+  -7.907000084017216e-01,   6.122038032497980e-01,
+  -7.905826052574945e-01,   6.123554068221106e-01,
+  -7.904651730458049e-01,   6.125069878798656e-01,
+  -7.903477117709705e-01,   6.126585464174893e-01,
+  -7.902302214373100e-01,   6.128100824294097e-01,
+  -7.901127020491433e-01,   6.129615959100552e-01,
+  -7.899951536107911e-01,   6.131130868538549e-01,
+  -7.898775761265753e-01,   6.132645552552390e-01,
+  -7.897599696008191e-01,   6.134160011086386e-01,
+  -7.896423340378463e-01,   6.135674244084853e-01,
+  -7.895246694419822e-01,   6.137188251492117e-01,
+  -7.894069758175529e-01,   6.138702033252513e-01,
+  -7.892892531688857e-01,   6.140215589310384e-01,
+  -7.891715015003089e-01,   6.141728919610080e-01,
+  -7.890537208161519e-01,   6.143242024095960e-01,
+  -7.889359111207452e-01,   6.144754902712390e-01,
+  -7.888180724184203e-01,   6.146267555403750e-01,
+  -7.887002047135097e-01,   6.147779982114421e-01,
+  -7.885823080103471e-01,   6.149292182788796e-01,
+  -7.884643823132675e-01,   6.150804157371275e-01,
+  -7.883464276266063e-01,   6.152315905806268e-01,
+  -7.882284439547005e-01,   6.153827428038192e-01,
+  -7.881104313018881e-01,   6.155338724011473e-01,
+  -7.879923896725080e-01,   6.156849793670546e-01,
+  -7.878743190709002e-01,   6.158360636959851e-01,
+  -7.877562195014061e-01,   6.159871253823838e-01,
+  -7.876380909683675e-01,   6.161381644206969e-01,
+  -7.875199334761278e-01,   6.162891808053710e-01,
+  -7.874017470290314e-01,   6.164401745308536e-01,
+  -7.872835316314236e-01,   6.165911455915931e-01,
+  -7.871652872876510e-01,   6.167420939820387e-01,
+  -7.870470140020608e-01,   6.168930196966407e-01,
+  -7.869287117790018e-01,   6.170439227298498e-01,
+  -7.868103806228235e-01,   6.171948030761176e-01,
+  -7.866920205378768e-01,   6.173456607298968e-01,
+  -7.865736315285132e-01,   6.174964956856409e-01,
+  -7.864552135990858e-01,   6.176473079378039e-01,
+  -7.863367667539483e-01,   6.177980974808410e-01,
+  -7.862182909974557e-01,   6.179488643092081e-01,
+  -7.860997863339639e-01,   6.180996084173620e-01,
+  -7.859812527678302e-01,   6.182503297997602e-01,
+  -7.858626903034126e-01,   6.184010284508610e-01,
+  -7.857440989450704e-01,   6.185517043651237e-01,
+  -7.856254786971637e-01,   6.187023575370085e-01,
+  -7.855068295640539e-01,   6.188529879609763e-01,
+  -7.853881515501036e-01,   6.190035956314887e-01,
+  -7.852694446596759e-01,   6.191541805430084e-01,
+  -7.851507088971356e-01,   6.193047426899987e-01,
+  -7.850319442668481e-01,   6.194552820669240e-01,
+  -7.849131507731800e-01,   6.196057986682493e-01,
+  -7.847943284204992e-01,   6.197562924884407e-01,
+  -7.846754772131743e-01,   6.199067635219647e-01,
+  -7.845565971555752e-01,   6.200572117632891e-01,
+  -7.844376882520728e-01,   6.202076372068824e-01,
+  -7.843187505070389e-01,   6.203580398472137e-01,
+  -7.841997839248466e-01,   6.205084196787534e-01,
+  -7.840807885098700e-01,   6.206587766959721e-01,
+  -7.839617642664841e-01,   6.208091108933419e-01,
+  -7.838427111990652e-01,   6.209594222653352e-01,
+  -7.837236293119905e-01,   6.211097108064256e-01,
+  -7.836045186096382e-01,   6.212599765110876e-01,
+  -7.834853790963878e-01,   6.214102193737961e-01,
+  -7.833662107766197e-01,   6.215604393890273e-01,
+  -7.832470136547154e-01,   6.217106365512577e-01,
+  -7.831277877350573e-01,   6.218608108549654e-01,
+  -7.830085330220291e-01,   6.220109622946286e-01,
+  -7.828892495200155e-01,   6.221610908647268e-01,
+  -7.827699372334020e-01,   6.223111965597403e-01,
+  -7.826505961665757e-01,   6.224612793741500e-01,
+  -7.825312263239242e-01,   6.226113393024377e-01,
+  -7.824118277098365e-01,   6.227613763390863e-01,
+  -7.822924003287024e-01,   6.229113904785795e-01,
+  -7.821729441849130e-01,   6.230613817154013e-01,
+  -7.820534592828603e-01,   6.232113500440373e-01,
+  -7.819339456269376e-01,   6.233612954589732e-01,
+  -7.818144032215388e-01,   6.235112179546964e-01,
+  -7.816948320710594e-01,   6.236611175256945e-01,
+  -7.815752321798956e-01,   6.238109941664561e-01,
+  -7.814556035524446e-01,   6.239608478714707e-01,
+  -7.813359461931049e-01,   6.241106786352285e-01,
+  -7.812162601062761e-01,   6.242604864522207e-01,
+  -7.810965452963585e-01,   6.244102713169393e-01,
+  -7.809768017677537e-01,   6.245600332238772e-01,
+  -7.808570295248646e-01,   6.247097721675281e-01,
+  -7.807372285720945e-01,   6.248594881423863e-01,
+  -7.806173989138484e-01,   6.250091811429475e-01,
+  -7.804975405545319e-01,   6.251588511637076e-01,
+  -7.803776534985520e-01,   6.253084981991640e-01,
+  -7.802577377503166e-01,   6.254581222438144e-01,
+  -7.801377933142346e-01,   6.256077232921574e-01,
+  -7.800178201947160e-01,   6.257573013386929e-01,
+  -7.798978183961720e-01,   6.259068563779211e-01,
+  -7.797777879230146e-01,   6.260563884043435e-01,
+  -7.796577287796569e-01,   6.262058974124621e-01,
+  -7.795376409705133e-01,   6.263553833967800e-01,
+  -7.794175244999989e-01,   6.265048463518008e-01,
+  -7.792973793725303e-01,   6.266542862720293e-01,
+  -7.791772055925247e-01,   6.268037031519712e-01,
+  -7.790570031644006e-01,   6.269530969861327e-01,
+  -7.789367720925775e-01,   6.271024677690209e-01,
+  -7.788165123814760e-01,   6.272518154951441e-01,
+  -7.786962240355175e-01,   6.274011401590110e-01,
+  -7.785759070591250e-01,   6.275504417551315e-01,
+  -7.784555614567219e-01,   6.276997202780162e-01,
+  -7.783351872327332e-01,   6.278489757221765e-01,
+  -7.782147843915845e-01,   6.279982080821247e-01,
+  -7.780943529377028e-01,   6.281474173523740e-01,
+  -7.779738928755161e-01,   6.282966035274383e-01,
+  -7.778534042094531e-01,   6.284457666018327e-01,
+  -7.777328869439440e-01,   6.285949065700726e-01,
+  -7.776123410834200e-01,   6.287440234266747e-01,
+  -7.774917666323130e-01,   6.288931171661565e-01,
+  -7.773711635950563e-01,   6.290421877830360e-01,
+  -7.772505319760841e-01,   6.291912352718323e-01,
+  -7.771298717798316e-01,   6.293402596270656e-01,
+  -7.770091830107353e-01,   6.294892608432566e-01,
+  -7.768884656732324e-01,   6.296382389149270e-01,
+  -7.767677197717615e-01,   6.297871938365992e-01,
+  -7.766469453107621e-01,   6.299361256027964e-01,
+  -7.765261422946744e-01,   6.300850342080432e-01,
+  -7.764053107279404e-01,   6.302339196468644e-01,
+  -7.762844506150025e-01,   6.303827819137859e-01,
+  -7.761635619603043e-01,   6.305316210033346e-01,
+  -7.760426447682908e-01,   6.306804369100380e-01,
+  -7.759216990434077e-01,   6.308292296284245e-01,
+  -7.758007247901016e-01,   6.309779991530235e-01,
+  -7.756797220128206e-01,   6.311267454783653e-01,
+  -7.755586907160136e-01,   6.312754685989808e-01,
+  -7.754376309041305e-01,   6.314241685094019e-01,
+  -7.753165425816225e-01,   6.315728452041610e-01,
+  -7.751954257529414e-01,   6.317214986777923e-01,
+  -7.750742804225405e-01,   6.318701289248299e-01,
+  -7.749531065948739e-01,   6.320187359398091e-01,
+  -7.748319042743969e-01,   6.321673197172659e-01,
+  -7.747106734655655e-01,   6.323158802517376e-01,
+  -7.745894141728376e-01,   6.324644175377618e-01,
+  -7.744681264006709e-01,   6.326129315698774e-01,
+  -7.743468101535251e-01,   6.327614223426240e-01,
+  -7.742254654358607e-01,   6.329098898505418e-01,
+  -7.741040922521390e-01,   6.330583340881721e-01,
+  -7.739826906068229e-01,   6.332067550500572e-01,
+  -7.738612605043755e-01,   6.333551527307400e-01,
+  -7.737398019492618e-01,   6.335035271247643e-01,
+  -7.736183149459475e-01,   6.336518782266749e-01,
+  -7.734967994988990e-01,   6.338002060310173e-01,
+  -7.733752556125845e-01,   6.339485105323378e-01,
+  -7.732536832914726e-01,   6.340967917251837e-01,
+  -7.731320825400331e-01,   6.342450496041033e-01,
+  -7.730104533627370e-01,   6.343932841636455e-01,
+  -7.728887957640562e-01,   6.345414953983600e-01,
+  -7.727671097484639e-01,   6.346896833027977e-01,
+  -7.726453953204339e-01,   6.348378478715100e-01,
+  -7.725236524844413e-01,   6.349859890990495e-01,
+  -7.724018812449625e-01,   6.351341069799692e-01,
+  -7.722800816064743e-01,   6.352822015088234e-01,
+  -7.721582535734552e-01,   6.354302726801672e-01,
+  -7.720363971503845e-01,   6.355783204885561e-01,
+  -7.719145123417424e-01,   6.357263449285471e-01,
+  -7.717925991520102e-01,   6.358743459946977e-01,
+  -7.716706575856703e-01,   6.360223236815663e-01,
+  -7.715486876472063e-01,   6.361702779837122e-01,
+  -7.714266893411026e-01,   6.363182088956955e-01,
+  -7.713046626718448e-01,   6.364661164120772e-01,
+  -7.711826076439193e-01,   6.366140005274191e-01,
+  -7.710605242618138e-01,   6.367618612362842e-01,
+  -7.709384125300169e-01,   6.369096985332359e-01,
+  -7.708162724530185e-01,   6.370575124128386e-01,
+  -7.706941040353091e-01,   6.372053028696576e-01,
+  -7.705719072813808e-01,   6.373530698982591e-01,
+  -7.704496821957260e-01,   6.375008134932102e-01,
+  -7.703274287828389e-01,   6.376485336490788e-01,
+  -7.702051470472142e-01,   6.377962303604335e-01,
+  -7.700828369933479e-01,   6.379439036218440e-01,
+  -7.699604986257372e-01,   6.380915534278808e-01,
+  -7.698381319488798e-01,   6.382391797731153e-01,
+  -7.697157369672751e-01,   6.383867826521196e-01,
+  -7.695933136854229e-01,   6.385343620594668e-01,
+  -7.694708621078247e-01,   6.386819179897307e-01,
+  -7.693483822389823e-01,   6.388294504374863e-01,
+  -7.692258740833993e-01,   6.389769593973091e-01,
+  -7.691033376455797e-01,   6.391244448637757e-01,
+  -7.689807729300289e-01,   6.392719068314635e-01,
+  -7.688581799412533e-01,   6.394193452949507e-01,
+  -7.687355586837603e-01,   6.395667602488163e-01,
+  -7.686129091620584e-01,   6.397141516876405e-01,
+  -7.684902313806569e-01,   6.398615196060039e-01,
+  -7.683675253440663e-01,   6.400088639984884e-01,
+  -7.682447910567983e-01,   6.401561848596765e-01,
+  -7.681220285233654e-01,   6.403034821841517e-01,
+  -7.679992377482813e-01,   6.404507559664981e-01,
+  -7.678764187360606e-01,   6.405980062013010e-01,
+  -7.677535714912190e-01,   6.407452328831464e-01,
+  -7.676306960182734e-01,   6.408924360066214e-01,
+  -7.675077923217413e-01,   6.410396155663134e-01,
+  -7.673848604061417e-01,   6.411867715568113e-01,
+  -7.672619002759945e-01,   6.413339039727043e-01,
+  -7.671389119358204e-01,   6.414810128085832e-01,
+  -7.670158953901415e-01,   6.416280980590388e-01,
+  -7.668928506434807e-01,   6.417751597186635e-01,
+  -7.667697777003619e-01,   6.419221977820502e-01,
+  -7.666466765653104e-01,   6.420692122437925e-01,
+  -7.665235472428522e-01,   6.422162030984854e-01,
+  -7.664003897375142e-01,   6.423631703407243e-01,
+  -7.662772040538247e-01,   6.425101139651057e-01,
+  -7.661539901963129e-01,   6.426570339662269e-01,
+  -7.660307481695090e-01,   6.428039303386860e-01,
+  -7.659074779779443e-01,   6.429508030770821e-01,
+  -7.657841796261510e-01,   6.430976521760151e-01,
+  -7.656608531186625e-01,   6.432444776300859e-01,
+  -7.655374984600131e-01,   6.433912794338958e-01,
+  -7.654141156547383e-01,   6.435380575820477e-01,
+  -7.652907047073744e-01,   6.436848120691449e-01,
+  -7.651672656224590e-01,   6.438315428897914e-01,
+  -7.650437984045305e-01,   6.439782500385927e-01,
+  -7.649203030581284e-01,   6.441249335101545e-01,
+  -7.647967795877935e-01,   6.442715932990838e-01,
+  -7.646732279980671e-01,   6.444182293999884e-01,
+  -7.645496482934921e-01,   6.445648418074766e-01,
+  -7.644260404786121e-01,   6.447114305161583e-01,
+  -7.643024045579717e-01,   6.448579955206437e-01,
+  -7.641787405361167e-01,   6.450045368155439e-01,
+  -7.640550484175940e-01,   6.451510543954712e-01,
+  -7.639313282069511e-01,   6.452975482550384e-01,
+  -7.638075799087372e-01,   6.454440183888592e-01,
+  -7.636838035275019e-01,   6.455904647915487e-01,
+  -7.635599990677961e-01,   6.457368874577223e-01,
+  -7.634361665341720e-01,   6.458832863819963e-01,
+  -7.633123059311824e-01,   6.460296615589883e-01,
+  -7.631884172633813e-01,   6.461760129833163e-01,
+  -7.630645005353237e-01,   6.463223406495995e-01,
+  -7.629405557515657e-01,   6.464686445524578e-01,
+  -7.628165829166644e-01,   6.466149246865120e-01,
+  -7.626925820351780e-01,   6.467611810463839e-01,
+  -7.625685531116654e-01,   6.469074136266960e-01,
+  -7.624444961506872e-01,   6.470536224220715e-01,
+  -7.623204111568043e-01,   6.471998074271352e-01,
+  -7.621962981345789e-01,   6.473459686365121e-01,
+  -7.620721570885746e-01,   6.474921060448281e-01,
+  -7.619479880233554e-01,   6.476382196467103e-01,
+  -7.618237909434870e-01,   6.477843094367864e-01,
+  -7.616995658535354e-01,   6.479303754096853e-01,
+  -7.615753127580680e-01,   6.480764175600365e-01,
+  -7.614510316616536e-01,   6.482224358824704e-01,
+  -7.613267225688614e-01,   6.483684303716183e-01,
+  -7.612023854842618e-01,   6.485144010221124e-01,
+  -7.610780204124266e-01,   6.486603478285858e-01,
+  -7.609536273579282e-01,   6.488062707856725e-01,
+  -7.608292063253400e-01,   6.489521698880073e-01,
+  -7.607047573192369e-01,   6.490980451302260e-01,
+  -7.605802803441944e-01,   6.492438965069649e-01,
+  -7.604557754047893e-01,   6.493897240128617e-01,
+  -7.603312425055990e-01,   6.495355276425547e-01,
+  -7.602066816512024e-01,   6.496813073906832e-01,
+  -7.600820928461793e-01,   6.498270632518871e-01,
+  -7.599574760951103e-01,   6.499727952208075e-01,
+  -7.598328314025774e-01,   6.501185032920862e-01,
+  -7.597081587731634e-01,   6.502641874603659e-01,
+  -7.595834582114520e-01,   6.504098477202903e-01,
+  -7.594587297220282e-01,   6.505554840665039e-01,
+  -7.593339733094779e-01,   6.507010964936520e-01,
+  -7.592091889783881e-01,   6.508466849963809e-01,
+  -7.590843767333466e-01,   6.509922495693377e-01,
+  -7.589595365789424e-01,   6.511377902071703e-01,
+  -7.588346685197657e-01,   6.512833069045277e-01,
+  -7.587097725604074e-01,   6.514287996560598e-01,
+  -7.585848487054596e-01,   6.515742684564170e-01,
+  -7.584598969595154e-01,   6.517197133002509e-01,
+  -7.583349173271690e-01,   6.518651341822139e-01,
+  -7.582099098130153e-01,   6.520105310969595e-01,
+  -7.580848744216507e-01,   6.521559040391416e-01,
+  -7.579598111576723e-01,   6.523012530034155e-01,
+  -7.578347200256783e-01,   6.524465779844367e-01,
+  -7.577096010302681e-01,   6.525918789768624e-01,
+  -7.575844541760418e-01,   6.527371559753503e-01,
+  -7.574592794676007e-01,   6.528824089745588e-01,
+  -7.573340769095471e-01,   6.530276379691475e-01,
+  -7.572088465064846e-01,   6.531728429537768e-01,
+  -7.570835882630171e-01,   6.533180239231077e-01,
+  -7.569583021837505e-01,   6.534631808718023e-01,
+  -7.568329882732908e-01,   6.536083137945239e-01,
+  -7.567076465362457e-01,   6.537534226859361e-01,
+  -7.565822769772235e-01,   6.538985075407038e-01,
+  -7.564568796008337e-01,   6.540435683534926e-01,
+  -7.563314544116869e-01,   6.541886051189690e-01,
+  -7.562060014143945e-01,   6.543336178318004e-01,
+  -7.560805206135691e-01,   6.544786064866553e-01,
+  -7.559550120138244e-01,   6.546235710782027e-01,
+  -7.558294756197748e-01,   6.547685116011126e-01,
+  -7.557039114360359e-01,   6.549134280500560e-01,
+  -7.555783194672245e-01,   6.550583204197049e-01,
+  -7.554526997179583e-01,   6.552031887047318e-01,
+  -7.553270521928557e-01,   6.553480328998105e-01,
+  -7.552013768965365e-01,   6.554928529996153e-01,
+  -7.550756738336216e-01,   6.556376489988218e-01,
+  -7.549499430087326e-01,   6.557824208921060e-01,
+  -7.548241844264924e-01,   6.559271686741454e-01,
+  -7.546983980915245e-01,   6.560718923396176e-01,
+  -7.545725840084538e-01,   6.562165918832019e-01,
+  -7.544467421819064e-01,   6.563612672995780e-01,
+  -7.543208726165088e-01,   6.565059185834266e-01,
+  -7.541949753168892e-01,   6.566505457294289e-01,
+  -7.540690502876761e-01,   6.567951487322681e-01,
+  -7.539430975334996e-01,   6.569397275866271e-01,
+  -7.538171170589908e-01,   6.570842822871902e-01,
+  -7.536911088687812e-01,   6.572288128286425e-01,
+  -7.535650729675043e-01,   6.573733192056702e-01,
+  -7.534390093597936e-01,   6.575178014129601e-01,
+  -7.533129180502843e-01,   6.576622594452001e-01,
+  -7.531867990436125e-01,   6.578066932970786e-01,
+  -7.530606523444151e-01,   6.579511029632855e-01,
+  -7.529344779573302e-01,   6.580954884385112e-01,
+  -7.528082758869970e-01,   6.582398497174469e-01,
+  -7.526820461380553e-01,   6.583841867947850e-01,
+  -7.525557887151464e-01,   6.585284996652186e-01,
+  -7.524295036229124e-01,   6.586727883234419e-01,
+  -7.523031908659964e-01,   6.588170527641495e-01,
+  -7.521768504490428e-01,   6.589612929820373e-01,
+  -7.520504823766964e-01,   6.591055089718021e-01,
+  -7.519240866536036e-01,   6.592497007281415e-01,
+  -7.517976632844116e-01,   6.593938682457539e-01,
+  -7.516712122737684e-01,   6.595380115193387e-01,
+  -7.515447336263237e-01,   6.596821305435961e-01,
+  -7.514182273467275e-01,   6.598262253132273e-01,
+  -7.512916934396309e-01,   6.599702958229345e-01,
+  -7.511651319096865e-01,   6.601143420674205e-01,
+  -7.510385427615474e-01,   6.602583640413890e-01,
+  -7.509119259998679e-01,   6.604023617395450e-01,
+  -7.507852816293037e-01,   6.605463351565939e-01,
+  -7.506586096545107e-01,   6.606902842872423e-01,
+  -7.505319100801464e-01,   6.608342091261976e-01,
+  -7.504051829108693e-01,   6.609781096681681e-01,
+  -7.502784281513387e-01,   6.611219859078629e-01,
+  -7.501516458062151e-01,   6.612658378399923e-01,
+  -7.500248358801598e-01,   6.614096654592669e-01,
+  -7.498979983778353e-01,   6.615534687603989e-01,
+  -7.497711333039051e-01,   6.616972477381010e-01,
+  -7.496442406630335e-01,   6.618410023870869e-01,
+  -7.495173204598862e-01,   6.619847327020709e-01,
+  -7.493903726991296e-01,   6.621284386777687e-01,
+  -7.492633973854311e-01,   6.622721203088966e-01,
+  -7.491363945234594e-01,   6.624157775901718e-01,
+  -7.490093641178839e-01,   6.625594105163123e-01,
+  -7.488823061733751e-01,   6.627030190820374e-01,
+  -7.487552206946048e-01,   6.628466032820669e-01,
+  -7.486281076862454e-01,   6.629901631111215e-01,
+  -7.485009671529704e-01,   6.631336985639230e-01,
+  -7.483737990994546e-01,   6.632772096351941e-01,
+  -7.482466035303734e-01,   6.634206963196583e-01,
+  -7.481193804504036e-01,   6.635641586120398e-01,
+  -7.479921298642227e-01,   6.637075965070640e-01,
+  -7.478648517765094e-01,   6.638510099994573e-01,
+  -7.477375461919433e-01,   6.639943990839466e-01,
+  -7.476102131152051e-01,   6.641377637552600e-01,
+  -7.474828525509766e-01,   6.642811040081262e-01,
+  -7.473554645039402e-01,   6.644244198372752e-01,
+  -7.472280489787799e-01,   6.645677112374375e-01,
+  -7.471006059801801e-01,   6.647109782033448e-01,
+  -7.469731355128268e-01,   6.648542207297297e-01,
+  -7.468456375814065e-01,   6.649974388113253e-01,
+  -7.467181121906071e-01,   6.651406324428661e-01,
+  -7.465905593451173e-01,   6.652838016190872e-01,
+  -7.464629790496268e-01,   6.654269463347247e-01,
+  -7.463353713088263e-01,   6.655700665845155e-01,
+  -7.462077361274078e-01,   6.657131623631976e-01,
+  -7.460800735100638e-01,   6.658562336655097e-01,
+  -7.459523834614883e-01,   6.659992804861915e-01,
+  -7.458246659863761e-01,   6.661423028199835e-01,
+  -7.456969210894228e-01,   6.662853006616273e-01,
+  -7.455691487753254e-01,   6.664282740058652e-01,
+  -7.454413490487817e-01,   6.665712228474406e-01,
+  -7.453135219144905e-01,   6.667141471810977e-01,
+  -7.451856673771516e-01,   6.668570470015812e-01,
+  -7.450577854414661e-01,   6.669999223036375e-01,
+  -7.449298761121353e-01,   6.671427730820133e-01,
+  -7.448019393938626e-01,   6.672855993314564e-01,
+  -7.446739752913517e-01,   6.674284010467155e-01,
+  -7.445459838093074e-01,   6.675711782225403e-01,
+  -7.444179649524356e-01,   6.677139308536810e-01,
+  -7.442899187254433e-01,   6.678566589348893e-01,
+  -7.441618451330382e-01,   6.679993624609174e-01,
+  -7.440337441799293e-01,   6.681420414265185e-01,
+  -7.439056158708265e-01,   6.682846958264467e-01,
+  -7.437774602104409e-01,   6.684273256554568e-01,
+  -7.436492772034841e-01,   6.685699309083050e-01,
+  -7.435210668546691e-01,   6.687125115797480e-01,
+  -7.433928291687100e-01,   6.688550676645436e-01,
+  -7.432645641503216e-01,   6.689975991574503e-01,
+  -7.431362718042198e-01,   6.691401060532276e-01,
+  -7.430079521351217e-01,   6.692825883466360e-01,
+  -7.428796051477452e-01,   6.694250460324369e-01,
+  -7.427512308468090e-01,   6.695674791053925e-01,
+  -7.426228292370335e-01,   6.697098875602658e-01,
+  -7.424944003231392e-01,   6.698522713918210e-01,
+  -7.423659441098485e-01,   6.699946305948230e-01,
+  -7.422374606018840e-01,   6.701369651640376e-01,
+  -7.421089498039699e-01,   6.702792750942318e-01,
+  -7.419804117208311e-01,   6.704215603801731e-01,
+  -7.418518463571935e-01,   6.705638210166300e-01,
+  -7.417232537177841e-01,   6.707060569983722e-01,
+  -7.415946338073311e-01,   6.708482683201696e-01,
+  -7.414659866305633e-01,   6.709904549767942e-01,
+  -7.413373121922107e-01,   6.711326169630177e-01,
+  -7.412086104970043e-01,   6.712747542736135e-01,
+  -7.410798815496761e-01,   6.714168669033554e-01,
+  -7.409511253549591e-01,   6.715589548470183e-01,
+  -7.408223419175873e-01,   6.717010180993783e-01,
+  -7.406935312422958e-01,   6.718430566552119e-01,
+  -7.405646933338202e-01,   6.719850705092969e-01,
+  -7.404358281968980e-01,   6.721270596564117e-01,
+  -7.403069358362669e-01,   6.722690240913359e-01,
+  -7.401780162566662e-01,   6.724109638088498e-01,
+  -7.400490694628356e-01,   6.725528788037347e-01,
+  -7.399200954595162e-01,   6.726947690707729e-01,
+  -7.397910942514500e-01,   6.728366346047473e-01,
+  -7.396620658433800e-01,   6.729784754004421e-01,
+  -7.395330102400502e-01,   6.731202914526421e-01,
+  -7.394039274462058e-01,   6.732620827561330e-01,
+  -7.392748174665925e-01,   6.734038493057017e-01,
+  -7.391456803059575e-01,   6.735455910961361e-01,
+  -7.390165159690487e-01,   6.736873081222243e-01,
+  -7.388873244606151e-01,   6.738290003787560e-01,
+  -7.387581057854069e-01,   6.739706678605216e-01,
+  -7.386288599481748e-01,   6.741123105623124e-01,
+  -7.384995869536711e-01,   6.742539284789204e-01,
+  -7.383702868066486e-01,   6.743955216051390e-01,
+  -7.382409595118613e-01,   6.745370899357620e-01,
+  -7.381116050740643e-01,   6.746786334655845e-01,
+  -7.379822234980136e-01,   6.748201521894022e-01,
+  -7.378528147884660e-01,   6.749616461020119e-01,
+  -7.377233789501797e-01,   6.751031151982114e-01,
+  -7.375939159879136e-01,   6.752445594727993e-01,
+  -7.374644259064276e-01,   6.753859789205748e-01,
+  -7.373349087104829e-01,   6.755273735363385e-01,
+  -7.372053644048412e-01,   6.756687433148919e-01,
+  -7.370757929942657e-01,   6.758100882510369e-01,
+  -7.369461944835203e-01,   6.759514083395770e-01,
+  -7.368165688773699e-01,   6.760927035753159e-01,
+  -7.366869161805805e-01,   6.762339739530590e-01,
+  -7.365572363979191e-01,   6.763752194676116e-01,
+  -7.364275295341537e-01,   6.765164401137811e-01,
+  -7.362977955940532e-01,   6.766576358863750e-01,
+  -7.361680345823874e-01,   6.767988067802018e-01,
+  -7.360382465039274e-01,   6.769399527900711e-01,
+  -7.359084313634452e-01,   6.770810739107935e-01,
+  -7.357785891657136e-01,   6.772221701371803e-01,
+  -7.356487199155065e-01,   6.773632414640439e-01,
+  -7.355188236175989e-01,   6.775042878861974e-01,
+  -7.353889002767667e-01,   6.776453093984549e-01,
+  -7.352589498977868e-01,   6.777863059956315e-01,
+  -7.351289724854372e-01,   6.779272776725430e-01,
+  -7.349989680444967e-01,   6.780682244240066e-01,
+  -7.348689365797452e-01,   6.782091462448399e-01,
+  -7.347388780959635e-01,   6.783500431298615e-01,
+  -7.346087925979335e-01,   6.784909150738911e-01,
+  -7.344786800904384e-01,   6.786317620717494e-01,
+  -7.343485405782616e-01,   6.787725841182577e-01,
+  -7.342183740661883e-01,   6.789133812082384e-01,
+  -7.340881805590040e-01,   6.790541533365149e-01,
+  -7.339579600614959e-01,   6.791949004979112e-01,
+  -7.338277125784517e-01,   6.793356226872526e-01,
+  -7.336974381146604e-01,   6.794763198993650e-01,
+  -7.335671366749114e-01,   6.796169921290756e-01,
+  -7.334368082639957e-01,   6.797576393712120e-01,
+  -7.333064528867053e-01,   6.798982616206033e-01,
+  -7.331760705478327e-01,   6.800388588720789e-01,
+  -7.330456612521721e-01,   6.801794311204697e-01,
+  -7.329152250045178e-01,   6.803199783606072e-01,
+  -7.327847618096658e-01,   6.804605005873239e-01,
+  -7.326542716724128e-01,   6.806009977954530e-01,
+  -7.325237545975567e-01,   6.807414699798291e-01,
+  -7.323932105898960e-01,   6.808819171352872e-01,
+  -7.322626396542308e-01,   6.810223392566637e-01,
+  -7.321320417953613e-01,   6.811627363387954e-01,
+  -7.320014170180896e-01,   6.813031083765205e-01,
+  -7.318707653272183e-01,   6.814434553646779e-01,
+  -7.317400867275510e-01,   6.815837772981075e-01,
+  -7.316093812238926e-01,   6.817240741716497e-01,
+  -7.314786488210485e-01,   6.818643459801467e-01,
+  -7.313478895238256e-01,   6.820045927184408e-01,
+  -7.312171033370313e-01,   6.821448143813756e-01,
+  -7.310862902654743e-01,   6.822850109637956e-01,
+  -7.309554503139644e-01,   6.824251824605461e-01,
+  -7.308245834873122e-01,   6.825653288664733e-01,
+  -7.306936897903290e-01,   6.827054501764246e-01,
+  -7.305627692278276e-01,   6.828455463852481e-01,
+  -7.304318218046215e-01,   6.829856174877927e-01,
+  -7.303008475255255e-01,   6.831256634789087e-01,
+  -7.301698463953549e-01,   6.832656843534467e-01,
+  -7.300388184189263e-01,   6.834056801062587e-01,
+  -7.299077636010571e-01,   6.835456507321975e-01,
+  -7.297766819465661e-01,   6.836855962261166e-01,
+  -7.296455734602725e-01,   6.838255165828707e-01,
+  -7.295144381469970e-01,   6.839654117973154e-01,
+  -7.293832760115610e-01,   6.841052818643071e-01,
+  -7.292520870587870e-01,   6.842451267787031e-01,
+  -7.291208712934982e-01,   6.843849465353617e-01,
+  -7.289896287205194e-01,   6.845247411291423e-01,
+  -7.288583593446758e-01,   6.846645105549050e-01,
+  -7.287270631707938e-01,   6.848042548075106e-01,
+  -7.285957402037009e-01,   6.849439738818215e-01,
+  -7.284643904482252e-01,   6.850836677727004e-01,
+  -7.283330139091964e-01,   6.852233364750112e-01,
+  -7.282016105914446e-01,   6.853629799836187e-01,
+  -7.280701804998012e-01,   6.855025982933886e-01,
+  -7.279387236390986e-01,   6.856421913991875e-01,
+  -7.278072400141700e-01,   6.857817592958830e-01,
+  -7.276757296298496e-01,   6.859213019783436e-01,
+  -7.275441924909728e-01,   6.860608194414387e-01,
+  -7.274126286023758e-01,   6.862003116800386e-01,
+  -7.272810379688959e-01,   6.863397786890145e-01,
+  -7.271494205953710e-01,   6.864792204632390e-01,
+  -7.270177764866407e-01,   6.866186369975846e-01,
+  -7.268861056475450e-01,   6.867580282869259e-01,
+  -7.267544080829250e-01,   6.868973943261376e-01,
+  -7.266226837976228e-01,   6.870367351100957e-01,
+  -7.264909327964819e-01,   6.871760506336768e-01,
+  -7.263591550843460e-01,   6.873153408917590e-01,
+  -7.262273506660604e-01,   6.874546058792210e-01,
+  -7.260955195464710e-01,   6.875938455909422e-01,
+  -7.259636617304249e-01,   6.877330600218032e-01,
+  -7.258317772227704e-01,   6.878722491666855e-01,
+  -7.256998660283561e-01,   6.880114130204716e-01,
+  -7.255679281520323e-01,   6.881505515780448e-01,
+  -7.254359635986498e-01,   6.882896648342893e-01,
+  -7.253039723730608e-01,   6.884287527840904e-01,
+  -7.251719544801180e-01,   6.885678154223343e-01,
+  -7.250399099246754e-01,   6.887068527439077e-01,
+  -7.249078387115878e-01,   6.888458647436990e-01,
+  -7.247757408457113e-01,   6.889848514165970e-01,
+  -7.246436163319026e-01,   6.891238127574916e-01,
+  -7.245114651750196e-01,   6.892627487612735e-01,
+  -7.243792873799212e-01,   6.894016594228343e-01,
+  -7.242470829514670e-01,   6.895405447370668e-01,
+  -7.241148518945179e-01,   6.896794046988648e-01,
+  -7.239825942139355e-01,   6.898182393031225e-01,
+  -7.238503099145829e-01,   6.899570485447354e-01,
+  -7.237179990013235e-01,   6.900958324186000e-01,
+  -7.235856614790221e-01,   6.902345909196134e-01,
+  -7.234532973525444e-01,   6.903733240426740e-01,
+  -7.233209066267570e-01,   6.905120317826811e-01,
+  -7.231884893065275e-01,   6.906507141345346e-01,
+  -7.230560453967244e-01,   6.907893710931357e-01,
+  -7.229235749022177e-01,   6.909280026533862e-01,
+  -7.227910778278775e-01,   6.910666088101892e-01,
+  -7.226585541785756e-01,   6.912051895584485e-01,
+  -7.225260039591845e-01,   6.913437448930687e-01,
+  -7.223934271745776e-01,   6.914822748089559e-01,
+  -7.222608238296293e-01,   6.916207793010163e-01,
+  -7.221281939292153e-01,   6.917592583641577e-01,
+  -7.219955374782119e-01,   6.918977119932888e-01,
+  -7.218628544814963e-01,   6.920361401833187e-01,
+  -7.217301449439472e-01,   6.921745429291581e-01,
+  -7.215974088704438e-01,   6.923129202257182e-01,
+  -7.214646462658664e-01,   6.924512720679111e-01,
+  -7.213318571350963e-01,   6.925895984506504e-01,
+  -7.211990414830157e-01,   6.927278993688498e-01,
+  -7.210661993145081e-01,   6.928661748174246e-01,
+  -7.209333306344575e-01,   6.930044247912909e-01,
+  -7.208004354477492e-01,   6.931426492853654e-01,
+  -7.206675137592695e-01,   6.932808482945660e-01,
+  -7.205345655739053e-01,   6.934190218138118e-01,
+  -7.204015908965448e-01,   6.935571698380223e-01,
+  -7.202685897320772e-01,   6.936952923621182e-01,
+  -7.201355620853924e-01,   6.938333893810213e-01,
+  -7.200025079613817e-01,   6.939714608896540e-01,
+  -7.198694273649369e-01,   6.941095068829398e-01,
+  -7.197363203009510e-01,   6.942475273558033e-01,
+  -7.196031867743181e-01,   6.943855223031697e-01,
+  -7.194700267899330e-01,   6.945234917199655e-01,
+  -7.193368403526917e-01,   6.946614356011178e-01,
+  -7.192036274674912e-01,   6.947993539415549e-01,
+  -7.190703881392292e-01,   6.949372467362058e-01,
+  -7.189371223728045e-01,   6.950751139800009e-01,
+  -7.188038301731169e-01,   6.952129556678708e-01,
+  -7.186705115450672e-01,   6.953507717947477e-01,
+  -7.185371664935574e-01,   6.954885623555644e-01,
+  -7.184037950234898e-01,   6.956263273452549e-01,
+  -7.182703971397683e-01,   6.957640667587537e-01,
+  -7.181369728472975e-01,   6.959017805909968e-01,
+  -7.180035221509832e-01,   6.960394688369207e-01,
+  -7.178700450557317e-01,   6.961771314914630e-01,
+  -7.177365415664510e-01,   6.963147685495621e-01,
+  -7.176030116880491e-01,   6.964523800061578e-01,
+  -7.174694554254358e-01,   6.965899658561904e-01,
+  -7.173358727835217e-01,   6.967275260946012e-01,
+  -7.172022637672181e-01,   6.968650607163325e-01,
+  -7.170686283814375e-01,   6.970025697163275e-01,
+  -7.169349666310931e-01,   6.971400530895304e-01,
+  -7.168012785210995e-01,   6.972775108308865e-01,
+  -7.166675640563719e-01,   6.974149429353418e-01,
+  -7.165338232418267e-01,   6.975523493978432e-01,
+  -7.164000560823810e-01,   6.976897302133388e-01,
+  -7.162662625829531e-01,   6.978270853767773e-01,
+  -7.161324427484623e-01,   6.979644148831087e-01,
+  -7.159985965838287e-01,   6.981017187272838e-01,
+  -7.158647240939735e-01,   6.982389969042543e-01,
+  -7.157308252838186e-01,   6.983762494089729e-01,
+  -7.155969001582875e-01,   6.985134762363930e-01,
+  -7.154629487223038e-01,   6.986506773814695e-01,
+  -7.153289709807926e-01,   6.987878528391577e-01,
+  -7.151949669386801e-01,   6.989250026044141e-01,
+  -7.150609366008931e-01,   6.990621266721961e-01,
+  -7.149268799723595e-01,   6.991992250374621e-01,
+  -7.147927970580082e-01,   6.993362976951711e-01,
+  -7.146586878627691e-01,   6.994733446402838e-01,
+  -7.145245523915729e-01,   6.996103658677610e-01,
+  -7.143903906493514e-01,   6.997473613725650e-01,
+  -7.142562026410375e-01,   6.998843311496588e-01,
+  -7.141219883715648e-01,   7.000212751940063e-01,
+  -7.139877478458678e-01,   7.001581935005727e-01,
+  -7.138534810688825e-01,   7.002950860643238e-01,
+  -7.137191880455452e-01,   7.004319528802264e-01,
+  -7.135848687807936e-01,   7.005687939432483e-01,
+  -7.134505232795663e-01,   7.007056092483585e-01,
+  -7.133161515468026e-01,   7.008423987905261e-01,
+  -7.131817535874432e-01,   7.009791625647224e-01,
+  -7.130473294064293e-01,   7.011159005659187e-01,
+  -7.129128790087035e-01,   7.012526127890875e-01,
+  -7.127784023992090e-01,   7.013892992292022e-01,
+  -7.126438995828902e-01,   7.015259598812373e-01,
+  -7.125093705646923e-01,   7.016625947401685e-01,
+  -7.123748153495617e-01,   7.017992038009717e-01,
+  -7.122402339424455e-01,   7.019357870586244e-01,
+  -7.121056263482919e-01,   7.020723445081046e-01,
+  -7.119709925720501e-01,   7.022088761443919e-01,
+  -7.118363326186701e-01,   7.023453819624659e-01,
+  -7.117016464931030e-01,   7.024818619573080e-01,
+  -7.115669342003007e-01,   7.026183161239001e-01,
+  -7.114321957452164e-01,   7.027547444572253e-01,
+  -7.112974311328040e-01,   7.028911469522674e-01,
+  -7.111626403680184e-01,   7.030275236040112e-01,
+  -7.110278234558153e-01,   7.031638744074428e-01,
+  -7.108929804011517e-01,   7.033001993575487e-01,
+  -7.107581112089854e-01,   7.034364984493167e-01,
+  -7.106232158842750e-01,   7.035727716777356e-01,
+  -7.104882944319805e-01,   7.037090190377948e-01,
+  -7.103533468570624e-01,   7.038452405244849e-01,
+  -7.102183731644822e-01,   7.039814361327976e-01,
+  -7.100833733592028e-01,   7.041176058577253e-01,
+  -7.099483474461874e-01,   7.042537496942615e-01,
+  -7.098132954304008e-01,   7.043898676374004e-01,
+  -7.096782173168086e-01,   7.045259596821374e-01,
+  -7.095431131103768e-01,   7.046620258234688e-01,
+  -7.094079828160730e-01,   7.047980660563920e-01,
+  -7.092728264388657e-01,   7.049340803759049e-01,
+  -7.091376439837240e-01,   7.050700687770068e-01,
+  -7.090024354556183e-01,   7.052060312546978e-01,
+  -7.088672008595198e-01,   7.053419678039788e-01,
+  -7.087319402004006e-01,   7.054778784198521e-01,
+  -7.085966534832341e-01,   7.056137630973205e-01,
+  -7.084613407129942e-01,   7.057496218313878e-01,
+  -7.083260018946559e-01,   7.058854546170590e-01,
+  -7.081906370331954e-01,   7.060212614493397e-01,
+  -7.080552461335895e-01,   7.061570423232371e-01,
+  -7.079198292008163e-01,   7.062927972337585e-01,
+  -7.077843862398546e-01,   7.064285261759128e-01,
+  -7.076489172556844e-01,   7.065642291447095e-01,
+  -7.075134222532863e-01,   7.066999061351594e-01,
+  -7.073779012376421e-01,   7.068355571422738e-01,
+  -7.072423542137347e-01,   7.069711821610654e-01,
+  -7.071067811865476e-01,   7.071067811865475e-01,
+  -1.000000000000000e+00,   0.000000000000000e+00,
+  -9.999988234517019e-01,   1.533980186284766e-03,
+  -9.999952938095762e-01,   3.067956762965976e-03,
+  -9.999894110819284e-01,   4.601926120448570e-03,
+  -9.999811752826011e-01,   6.135884649154475e-03,
+  -9.999705864309741e-01,   7.669828739531097e-03,
+  -9.999576445519639e-01,   9.203754782059820e-03,
+  -9.999423496760239e-01,   1.073765916726449e-02,
+  -9.999247018391445e-01,   1.227153828571993e-02,
+  -9.999047010828529e-01,   1.380538852806039e-02,
+  -9.998823474542126e-01,   1.533920628498810e-02,
+  -9.998576410058239e-01,   1.687298794728171e-02,
+  -9.998305817958234e-01,   1.840672990580482e-02,
+  -9.998011698878843e-01,   1.994042855151444e-02,
+  -9.997694053512153e-01,   2.147408027546951e-02,
+  -9.997352882605617e-01,   2.300768146883937e-02,
+  -9.996988186962042e-01,   2.454122852291229e-02,
+  -9.996599967439592e-01,   2.607471782910390e-02,
+  -9.996188224951786e-01,   2.760814577896574e-02,
+  -9.995752960467492e-01,   2.914150876419372e-02,
+  -9.995294175010931e-01,   3.067480317663663e-02,
+  -9.994811869661670e-01,   3.220802540830459e-02,
+  -9.994306045554617e-01,   3.374117185137758e-02,
+  -9.993776703880028e-01,   3.527423889821395e-02,
+  -9.993223845883495e-01,   3.680722294135883e-02,
+  -9.992647472865944e-01,   3.834012037355269e-02,
+  -9.992047586183639e-01,   3.987292758773981e-02,
+  -9.991424187248169e-01,   4.140564097707674e-02,
+  -9.990777277526454e-01,   4.293825693494082e-02,
+  -9.990106858540734e-01,   4.447077185493867e-02,
+  -9.989412931868569e-01,   4.600318213091462e-02,
+  -9.988695499142836e-01,   4.753548415695930e-02,
+  -9.987954562051724e-01,   4.906767432741801e-02,
+  -9.987190122338729e-01,   5.059974903689928e-02,
+  -9.986402181802653e-01,   5.213170468028332e-02,
+  -9.985590742297593e-01,   5.366353765273052e-02,
+  -9.984755805732948e-01,   5.519524434968993e-02,
+  -9.983897374073402e-01,   5.672682116690775e-02,
+  -9.983015449338929e-01,   5.825826450043575e-02,
+  -9.982110033604782e-01,   5.978957074663987e-02,
+  -9.981181129001492e-01,   6.132073630220858e-02,
+  -9.980228737714862e-01,   6.285175756416140e-02,
+  -9.979252861985960e-01,   6.438263092985747e-02,
+  -9.978253504111116e-01,   6.591335279700380e-02,
+  -9.977230666441916e-01,   6.744391956366405e-02,
+  -9.976184351385196e-01,   6.897432762826675e-02,
+  -9.975114561403035e-01,   7.050457338961386e-02,
+  -9.974021299012753e-01,   7.203465324688933e-02,
+  -9.972904566786902e-01,   7.356456359966743e-02,
+  -9.971764367353262e-01,   7.509430084792130e-02,
+  -9.970600703394830e-01,   7.662386139203149e-02,
+  -9.969413577649822e-01,   7.815324163279423e-02,
+  -9.968202992911657e-01,   7.968243797143013e-02,
+  -9.966968952028961e-01,   8.121144680959244e-02,
+  -9.965711457905548e-01,   8.274026454937569e-02,
+  -9.964430513500426e-01,   8.426888759332407e-02,
+  -9.963126121827780e-01,   8.579731234443990e-02,
+  -9.961798285956970e-01,   8.732553520619206e-02,
+  -9.960447009012520e-01,   8.885355258252460e-02,
+  -9.959072294174117e-01,   9.038136087786498e-02,
+  -9.957674144676598e-01,   9.190895649713272e-02,
+  -9.956252563809943e-01,   9.343633584574779e-02,
+  -9.954807554919269e-01,   9.496349532963899e-02,
+  -9.953339121404823e-01,   9.649043135525259e-02,
+  -9.951847266721969e-01,   9.801714032956060e-02,
+  -9.950331994381186e-01,   9.954361866006932e-02,
+  -9.948793307948056e-01,   1.010698627548278e-01,
+  -9.947231211043257e-01,   1.025958690224363e-01,
+  -9.945645707342554e-01,   1.041216338720546e-01,
+  -9.944036800576791e-01,   1.056471537134106e-01,
+  -9.942404494531879e-01,   1.071724249568088e-01,
+  -9.940748793048794e-01,   1.086974440131387e-01,
+  -9.939069700023561e-01,   1.102222072938831e-01,
+  -9.937367219407246e-01,   1.117467112111266e-01,
+  -9.935641355205953e-01,   1.132709521775643e-01,
+  -9.933892111480807e-01,   1.147949266065101e-01,
+  -9.932119492347945e-01,   1.163186309119048e-01,
+  -9.930323501978514e-01,   1.178420615083250e-01,
+  -9.928504144598651e-01,   1.193652148109914e-01,
+  -9.926661424489480e-01,   1.208880872357771e-01,
+  -9.924795345987100e-01,   1.224106751992162e-01,
+  -9.922905913482574e-01,   1.239329751185122e-01,
+  -9.920993131421918e-01,   1.254549834115462e-01,
+  -9.919057004306093e-01,   1.269766964968859e-01,
+  -9.917097536690995e-01,   1.284981107937932e-01,
+  -9.915114733187439e-01,   1.300192227222333e-01,
+  -9.913108598461154e-01,   1.315400287028831e-01,
+  -9.911079137232769e-01,   1.330605251571391e-01,
+  -9.909026354277800e-01,   1.345807085071262e-01,
+  -9.906950254426646e-01,   1.361005751757062e-01,
+  -9.904850842564571e-01,   1.376201215864860e-01,
+  -9.902728123631691e-01,   1.391393441638262e-01,
+  -9.900582102622971e-01,   1.406582393328492e-01,
+  -9.898412784588205e-01,   1.421768035194480e-01,
+  -9.896220174632009e-01,   1.436950331502945e-01,
+  -9.894004277913804e-01,   1.452129246528475e-01,
+  -9.891765099647810e-01,   1.467304744553617e-01,
+  -9.889502645103030e-01,   1.482476789868960e-01,
+  -9.887216919603238e-01,   1.497645346773215e-01,
+  -9.884907928526966e-01,   1.512810379573302e-01,
+  -9.882575677307495e-01,   1.527971852584434e-01,
+  -9.880220171432835e-01,   1.543129730130201e-01,
+  -9.877841416445722e-01,   1.558283976542652e-01,
+  -9.875439417943592e-01,   1.573434556162382e-01,
+  -9.873014181578584e-01,   1.588581433338614e-01,
+  -9.870565713057510e-01,   1.603724572429283e-01,
+  -9.868094018141855e-01,   1.618863937801118e-01,
+  -9.865599102647754e-01,   1.633999493829732e-01,
+  -9.863080972445987e-01,   1.649131204899699e-01,
+  -9.860539633461954e-01,   1.664259035404641e-01,
+  -9.857975091675675e-01,   1.679382949747312e-01,
+  -9.855387353121761e-01,   1.694502912339680e-01,
+  -9.852776423889412e-01,   1.709618887603012e-01,
+  -9.850142310122398e-01,   1.724730839967960e-01,
+  -9.847485018019042e-01,   1.739838733874638e-01,
+  -9.844804553832209e-01,   1.754942533772714e-01,
+  -9.842100923869290e-01,   1.770042204121487e-01,
+  -9.839374134492189e-01,   1.785137709389975e-01,
+  -9.836624192117303e-01,   1.800229014056995e-01,
+  -9.833851103215512e-01,   1.815316082611250e-01,
+  -9.831054874312163e-01,   1.830398879551410e-01,
+  -9.828235511987052e-01,   1.845477369386196e-01,
+  -9.825393022874412e-01,   1.860551516634466e-01,
+  -9.822527413662894e-01,   1.875621285825296e-01,
+  -9.819638691095552e-01,   1.890686641498062e-01,
+  -9.816726861969831e-01,   1.905747548202527e-01,
+  -9.813791933137546e-01,   1.920803970498924e-01,
+  -9.810833911504867e-01,   1.935855872958036e-01,
+  -9.807852804032304e-01,   1.950903220161282e-01,
+  -9.804848617734694e-01,   1.965945976700802e-01,
+  -9.801821359681174e-01,   1.980984107179536e-01,
+  -9.798771036995176e-01,   1.996017576211310e-01,
+  -9.795697656854405e-01,   2.011046348420919e-01,
+  -9.792601226490820e-01,   2.026070388444211e-01,
+  -9.789481753190622e-01,   2.041089660928169e-01,
+  -9.786339244294232e-01,   2.056104130530992e-01,
+  -9.783173707196277e-01,   2.071113761922186e-01,
+  -9.779985149345571e-01,   2.086118519782635e-01,
+  -9.776773578245099e-01,   2.101118368804696e-01,
+  -9.773539001452000e-01,   2.116113273692276e-01,
+  -9.770281426577544e-01,   2.131103199160914e-01,
+  -9.767000861287118e-01,   2.146088109937868e-01,
+  -9.763697313300211e-01,   2.161067970762195e-01,
+  -9.760370790390390e-01,   2.176042746384836e-01,
+  -9.757021300385286e-01,   2.191012401568698e-01,
+  -9.753648851166570e-01,   2.205976901088735e-01,
+  -9.750253450669941e-01,   2.220936209732035e-01,
+  -9.746835106885107e-01,   2.235890292297900e-01,
+  -9.743393827855759e-01,   2.250839113597928e-01,
+  -9.739929621679558e-01,   2.265782638456100e-01,
+  -9.736442496508120e-01,   2.280720831708857e-01,
+  -9.732932460546982e-01,   2.295653658205189e-01,
+  -9.729399522055602e-01,   2.310581082806711e-01,
+  -9.725843689347322e-01,   2.325503070387752e-01,
+  -9.722264970789363e-01,   2.340419585835434e-01,
+  -9.718663374802794e-01,   2.355330594049755e-01,
+  -9.715038909862518e-01,   2.370236059943672e-01,
+  -9.711391584497251e-01,   2.385135948443184e-01,
+  -9.707721407289504e-01,   2.400030224487415e-01,
+  -9.704028386875555e-01,   2.414918853028693e-01,
+  -9.700312531945440e-01,   2.429801799032639e-01,
+  -9.696573851242924e-01,   2.444679027478242e-01,
+  -9.692812353565485e-01,   2.459550503357946e-01,
+  -9.689028047764289e-01,   2.474416191677733e-01,
+  -9.685220942744174e-01,   2.489276057457201e-01,
+  -9.681391047463624e-01,   2.504130065729652e-01,
+  -9.677538370934755e-01,   2.518978181542170e-01,
+  -9.673662922223285e-01,   2.533820369955702e-01,
+  -9.669764710448521e-01,   2.548656596045146e-01,
+  -9.665843744783331e-01,   2.563486824899429e-01,
+  -9.661900034454125e-01,   2.578311021621590e-01,
+  -9.657933588740837e-01,   2.593129151328862e-01,
+  -9.653944416976894e-01,   2.607941179152755e-01,
+  -9.649932528549203e-01,   2.622747070239136e-01,
+  -9.645897932898128e-01,   2.637546789748313e-01,
+  -9.641840639517458e-01,   2.652340302855118e-01,
+  -9.637760657954398e-01,   2.667127574748984e-01,
+  -9.633657997809540e-01,   2.681908570634032e-01,
+  -9.629532668736839e-01,   2.696683255729151e-01,
+  -9.625384680443592e-01,   2.711451595268080e-01,
+  -9.621214042690416e-01,   2.726213554499490e-01,
+  -9.617020765291225e-01,   2.740969098687064e-01,
+  -9.612804858113206e-01,   2.755718193109581e-01,
+  -9.608566331076797e-01,   2.770460803060999e-01,
+  -9.604305194155658e-01,   2.785196893850531e-01,
+  -9.600021457376660e-01,   2.799926430802732e-01,
+  -9.595715130819845e-01,   2.814649379257579e-01,
+  -9.591386224618419e-01,   2.829365704570554e-01,
+  -9.587034748958716e-01,   2.844075372112719e-01,
+  -9.582660714080177e-01,   2.858778347270806e-01,
+  -9.578264130275329e-01,   2.873474595447295e-01,
+  -9.573845007889759e-01,   2.888164082060495e-01,
+  -9.569403357322088e-01,   2.902846772544623e-01,
+  -9.564939189023951e-01,   2.917522632349893e-01,
+  -9.560452513499964e-01,   2.932191626942586e-01,
+  -9.555943341307711e-01,   2.946853721805143e-01,
+  -9.551411683057708e-01,   2.961508882436238e-01,
+  -9.546857549413383e-01,   2.976157074350862e-01,
+  -9.542280951091057e-01,   2.990798263080405e-01,
+  -9.537681898859903e-01,   3.005432414172735e-01,
+  -9.533060403541939e-01,   3.020059493192281e-01,
+  -9.528416476011987e-01,   3.034679465720113e-01,
+  -9.523750127197659e-01,   3.049292297354024e-01,
+  -9.519061368079323e-01,   3.063897953708609e-01,
+  -9.514350209690083e-01,   3.078496400415349e-01,
+  -9.509616663115751e-01,   3.093087603122687e-01,
+  -9.504860739494817e-01,   3.107671527496115e-01,
+  -9.500082450018430e-01,   3.122248139218249e-01,
+  -9.495281805930367e-01,   3.136817403988915e-01,
+  -9.490458818527006e-01,   3.151379287525224e-01,
+  -9.485613499157303e-01,   3.165933755561658e-01,
+  -9.480745859222762e-01,   3.180480773850149e-01,
+  -9.475855910177411e-01,   3.195020308160157e-01,
+  -9.470943663527772e-01,   3.209552324278752e-01,
+  -9.466009130832835e-01,   3.224076788010699e-01,
+  -9.461052323704034e-01,   3.238593665178529e-01,
+  -9.456073253805213e-01,   3.253102921622629e-01,
+  -9.451071932852606e-01,   3.267604523201317e-01,
+  -9.446048372614803e-01,   3.282098435790925e-01,
+  -9.441002584912727e-01,   3.296584625285875e-01,
+  -9.435934581619604e-01,   3.311063057598764e-01,
+  -9.430844374660935e-01,   3.325533698660442e-01,
+  -9.425731976014469e-01,   3.339996514420094e-01,
+  -9.420597397710173e-01,   3.354451470845316e-01,
+  -9.415440651830208e-01,   3.368898533922201e-01,
+  -9.410261750508893e-01,   3.383337669655411e-01,
+  -9.405060705932683e-01,   3.397768844068269e-01,
+  -9.399837530340140e-01,   3.412192023202824e-01,
+  -9.394592236021899e-01,   3.426607173119944e-01,
+  -9.389324835320646e-01,   3.441014259899388e-01,
+  -9.384035340631081e-01,   3.455413249639891e-01,
+  -9.378723764399899e-01,   3.469804108459237e-01,
+  -9.373390119125750e-01,   3.484186802494346e-01,
+  -9.368034417359216e-01,   3.498561297901349e-01,
+  -9.362656671702783e-01,   3.512927560855671e-01,
+  -9.357256894810804e-01,   3.527285557552107e-01,
+  -9.351835099389476e-01,   3.541635254204903e-01,
+  -9.346391298196808e-01,   3.555976617047839e-01,
+  -9.340925504042590e-01,   3.570309612334300e-01,
+  -9.335437729788362e-01,   3.584634206337365e-01,
+  -9.329927988347390e-01,   3.598950365349881e-01,
+  -9.324396292684624e-01,   3.613258055684543e-01,
+  -9.318842655816681e-01,   3.627557243673972e-01,
+  -9.313267090811804e-01,   3.641847895670799e-01,
+  -9.307669610789837e-01,   3.656129978047739e-01,
+  -9.302050228922191e-01,   3.670403457197672e-01,
+  -9.296408958431813e-01,   3.684668299533723e-01,
+  -9.290745812593159e-01,   3.698924471489341e-01,
+  -9.285060804732156e-01,   3.713171939518375e-01,
+  -9.279353948226179e-01,   3.727410670095158e-01,
+  -9.273625256504011e-01,   3.741640629714579e-01,
+  -9.267874743045817e-01,   3.755861784892172e-01,
+  -9.262102421383114e-01,   3.770074102164183e-01,
+  -9.256308305098727e-01,   3.784277548087656e-01,
+  -9.250492407826776e-01,   3.798472089240512e-01,
+  -9.244654743252626e-01,   3.812657692221624e-01,
+  -9.238795325112867e-01,   3.826834323650898e-01,
+  -9.232914167195276e-01,   3.841001950169350e-01,
+  -9.227011283338786e-01,   3.855160538439188e-01,
+  -9.221086687433452e-01,   3.869310055143886e-01,
+  -9.215140393420420e-01,   3.883450466988262e-01,
+  -9.209172415291895e-01,   3.897581740698564e-01,
+  -9.203182767091106e-01,   3.911703843022539e-01,
+  -9.197171462912274e-01,   3.925816740729515e-01,
+  -9.191138516900578e-01,   3.939920400610481e-01,
+  -9.185083943252123e-01,   3.954014789478164e-01,
+  -9.179007756213905e-01,   3.968099874167103e-01,
+  -9.172909970083779e-01,   3.982175621533736e-01,
+  -9.166790599210427e-01,   3.996241998456468e-01,
+  -9.160649657993317e-01,   4.010298971835756e-01,
+  -9.154487160882678e-01,   4.024346508594184e-01,
+  -9.148303122379462e-01,   4.038384575676541e-01,
+  -9.142097557035307e-01,   4.052413140049899e-01,
+  -9.135870479452508e-01,   4.066432168703690e-01,
+  -9.129621904283982e-01,   4.080441628649787e-01,
+  -9.123351846233227e-01,   4.094441486922576e-01,
+  -9.117060320054299e-01,   4.108431710579039e-01,
+  -9.110747340551764e-01,   4.122412266698829e-01,
+  -9.104412922580672e-01,   4.136383122384345e-01,
+  -9.098057081046522e-01,   4.150344244760816e-01,
+  -9.091679830905224e-01,   4.164295600976372e-01,
+  -9.085281187163061e-01,   4.178237158202123e-01,
+  -9.078861164876663e-01,   4.192168883632239e-01,
+  -9.072419779152958e-01,   4.206090744484025e-01,
+  -9.065957045149153e-01,   4.220002707997997e-01,
+  -9.059472978072685e-01,   4.233904741437960e-01,
+  -9.052967593181188e-01,   4.247796812091088e-01,
+  -9.046440905782462e-01,   4.261678887267996e-01,
+  -9.039892931234433e-01,   4.275550934302821e-01,
+  -9.033323684945118e-01,   4.289412920553295e-01,
+  -9.026733182372588e-01,   4.303264813400826e-01,
+  -9.020121439024932e-01,   4.317106580250573e-01,
+  -9.013488470460220e-01,   4.330938188531520e-01,
+  -9.006834292286470e-01,   4.344759605696557e-01,
+  -9.000158920161603e-01,   4.358570799222555e-01,
+  -8.993462369793416e-01,   4.372371736610441e-01,
+  -8.986744656939538e-01,   4.386162385385277e-01,
+  -8.980005797407399e-01,   4.399942713096333e-01,
+  -8.973245807054183e-01,   4.413712687317167e-01,
+  -8.966464701786802e-01,   4.427472275645700e-01,
+  -8.959662497561852e-01,   4.441221445704292e-01,
+  -8.952839210385576e-01,   4.454960165139817e-01,
+  -8.945994856313827e-01,   4.468688401623742e-01,
+  -8.939129451452033e-01,   4.482406122852199e-01,
+  -8.932243011955153e-01,   4.496113296546065e-01,
+  -8.925335554027646e-01,   4.509809890451039e-01,
+  -8.918407093923427e-01,   4.523495872337709e-01,
+  -8.911457647945832e-01,   4.537171210001639e-01,
+  -8.904487232447579e-01,   4.550835871263438e-01,
+  -8.897495863830728e-01,   4.564489823968839e-01,
+  -8.890483558546646e-01,   4.578133035988772e-01,
+  -8.883450333095964e-01,   4.591765475219441e-01,
+  -8.876396204028539e-01,   4.605387109582400e-01,
+  -8.869321187943422e-01,   4.618997907024627e-01,
+  -8.862225301488806e-01,   4.632597835518601e-01,
+  -8.855108561362000e-01,   4.646186863062378e-01,
+  -8.847970984309378e-01,   4.659764957679662e-01,
+  -8.840812587126350e-01,   4.673332087419884e-01,
+  -8.833633386657316e-01,   4.686888220358279e-01,
+  -8.826433399795628e-01,   4.700433324595956e-01,
+  -8.819212643483550e-01,   4.713967368259976e-01,
+  -8.811971134712221e-01,   4.727490319503428e-01,
+  -8.804708890521608e-01,   4.741002146505500e-01,
+  -8.797425928000474e-01,   4.754502817471559e-01,
+  -8.790122264286335e-01,   4.767992300633221e-01,
+  -8.782797916565416e-01,   4.781470564248430e-01,
+  -8.775452902072614e-01,   4.794937576601530e-01,
+  -8.768087238091457e-01,   4.808393306003340e-01,
+  -8.760700941954066e-01,   4.821837720791227e-01,
+  -8.753294031041109e-01,   4.835270789329187e-01,
+  -8.745866522781761e-01,   4.848692480007911e-01,
+  -8.738418434653669e-01,   4.862102761244864e-01,
+  -8.730949784182901e-01,   4.875501601484360e-01,
+  -8.723460588943915e-01,   4.888888969197632e-01,
+  -8.715950866559510e-01,   4.902264832882912e-01,
+  -8.708420634700790e-01,   4.915629161065499e-01,
+  -8.700869911087115e-01,   4.928981922297840e-01,
+  -8.693298713486068e-01,   4.942323085159597e-01,
+  -8.685707059713409e-01,   4.955652618257725e-01,
+  -8.678094967633033e-01,   4.968970490226545e-01,
+  -8.670462455156926e-01,   4.982276669727819e-01,
+  -8.662809540245130e-01,   4.995571125450818e-01,
+  -8.655136240905691e-01,   5.008853826112407e-01,
+  -8.647442575194624e-01,   5.022124740457108e-01,
+  -8.639728561215868e-01,   5.035383837257176e-01,
+  -8.631994217121242e-01,   5.048631085312676e-01,
+  -8.624239561110406e-01,   5.061866453451552e-01,
+  -8.616464611430813e-01,   5.075089910529709e-01,
+  -8.608669386377673e-01,   5.088301425431070e-01,
+  -8.600853904293901e-01,   5.101500967067668e-01,
+  -8.593018183570085e-01,   5.114688504379703e-01,
+  -8.585162242644427e-01,   5.127864006335630e-01,
+  -8.577286100002721e-01,   5.141027441932217e-01,
+  -8.569389774178288e-01,   5.154178780194629e-01,
+  -8.561473283751945e-01,   5.167317990176499e-01,
+  -8.553536647351960e-01,   5.180445040959993e-01,
+  -8.545579883654005e-01,   5.193559901655896e-01,
+  -8.537603011381114e-01,   5.206662541403672e-01,
+  -8.529606049303636e-01,   5.219752929371544e-01,
+  -8.521589016239198e-01,   5.232831034756564e-01,
+  -8.513551931052652e-01,   5.245896826784690e-01,
+  -8.505494812656035e-01,   5.258950274710846e-01,
+  -8.497417680008525e-01,   5.271991347819013e-01,
+  -8.489320552116396e-01,   5.285020015422285e-01,
+  -8.481203448032972e-01,   5.298036246862946e-01,
+  -8.473066386858583e-01,   5.311040011512550e-01,
+  -8.464909387740521e-01,   5.324031278771979e-01,
+  -8.456732469872991e-01,   5.337010018071530e-01,
+  -8.448535652497071e-01,   5.349976198870972e-01,
+  -8.440318954900664e-01,   5.362929790659632e-01,
+  -8.432082396418454e-01,   5.375870762956454e-01,
+  -8.423825996431858e-01,   5.388799085310084e-01,
+  -8.415549774368984e-01,   5.401714727298929e-01,
+  -8.407253749704581e-01,   5.414617658531234e-01,
+  -8.398937941959995e-01,   5.427507848645159e-01,
+  -8.390602370703127e-01,   5.440385267308838e-01,
+  -8.382247055548381e-01,   5.453249884220465e-01,
+  -8.373872016156619e-01,   5.466101669108349e-01,
+  -8.365477272235120e-01,   5.478940591731002e-01,
+  -8.357062843537526e-01,   5.491766621877197e-01,
+  -8.348628749863800e-01,   5.504579729366048e-01,
+  -8.340175011060181e-01,   5.517379884047073e-01,
+  -8.331701647019132e-01,   5.530167055800275e-01,
+  -8.323208677679297e-01,   5.542941214536200e-01,
+  -8.314696123025452e-01,   5.555702330196022e-01,
+  -8.306164003088463e-01,   5.568450372751601e-01,
+  -8.297612337945230e-01,   5.581185312205561e-01,
+  -8.289041147718649e-01,   5.593907118591361e-01,
+  -8.280450452577558e-01,   5.606615761973360e-01,
+  -8.271840272736691e-01,   5.619311212446895e-01,
+  -8.263210628456635e-01,   5.631993440138341e-01,
+  -8.254561540043776e-01,   5.644662415205195e-01,
+  -8.245893027850253e-01,   5.657318107836131e-01,
+  -8.237205112273914e-01,   5.669960488251087e-01,
+  -8.228497813758264e-01,   5.682589526701315e-01,
+  -8.219771152792416e-01,   5.695205193469471e-01,
+  -8.211025149911046e-01,   5.707807458869673e-01,
+  -8.202259825694347e-01,   5.720396293247570e-01,
+  -8.193475200767969e-01,   5.732971666980422e-01,
+  -8.184671295802987e-01,   5.745533550477158e-01,
+  -8.175848131515837e-01,   5.758081914178453e-01,
+  -8.167005728668278e-01,   5.770616728556794e-01,
+  -8.158144108067338e-01,   5.783137964116556e-01,
+  -8.149263290565266e-01,   5.795645591394056e-01,
+  -8.140363297059484e-01,   5.808139580957645e-01,
+  -8.131444148492536e-01,   5.820619903407754e-01,
+  -8.122505865852039e-01,   5.833086529376983e-01,
+  -8.113548470170637e-01,   5.845539429530153e-01,
+  -8.104571982525948e-01,   5.857978574564389e-01,
+  -8.095576424040513e-01,   5.870403935209180e-01,
+  -8.086561815881750e-01,   5.882815482226452e-01,
+  -8.077528179261904e-01,   5.895213186410639e-01,
+  -8.068475535437993e-01,   5.907597018588742e-01,
+  -8.059403905711763e-01,   5.919966949620410e-01,
+  -8.050313311429637e-01,   5.932322950397998e-01,
+  -8.041203773982658e-01,   5.944664991846644e-01,
+  -8.032075314806449e-01,   5.956993044924334e-01,
+  -8.022927955381157e-01,   5.969307080621965e-01,
+  -8.013761717231402e-01,   5.981607069963423e-01,
+  -8.004576621926228e-01,   5.993892984005645e-01,
+  -7.995372691079050e-01,   6.006164793838690e-01,
+  -7.986149946347608e-01,   6.018422470585800e-01,
+  -7.976908409433912e-01,   6.030665985403482e-01,
+  -7.967648102084188e-01,   6.042895309481560e-01,
+  -7.958369046088836e-01,   6.055110414043255e-01,
+  -7.949071263282370e-01,   6.067311270345245e-01,
+  -7.939754775543372e-01,   6.079497849677736e-01,
+  -7.930419604794436e-01,   6.091670123364532e-01,
+  -7.921065773002124e-01,   6.103828062763095e-01,
+  -7.911693302176902e-01,   6.115971639264619e-01,
+  -7.902302214373100e-01,   6.128100824294097e-01,
+  -7.892892531688857e-01,   6.140215589310384e-01,
+  -7.883464276266063e-01,   6.152315905806268e-01,
+  -7.874017470290314e-01,   6.164401745308536e-01,
+  -7.864552135990858e-01,   6.176473079378039e-01,
+  -7.855068295640539e-01,   6.188529879609763e-01,
+  -7.845565971555752e-01,   6.200572117632891e-01,
+  -7.836045186096382e-01,   6.212599765110876e-01,
+  -7.826505961665757e-01,   6.224612793741500e-01,
+  -7.816948320710594e-01,   6.236611175256945e-01,
+  -7.807372285720945e-01,   6.248594881423863e-01,
+  -7.797777879230146e-01,   6.260563884043435e-01,
+  -7.788165123814760e-01,   6.272518154951441e-01,
+  -7.778534042094531e-01,   6.284457666018327e-01,
+  -7.768884656732324e-01,   6.296382389149270e-01,
+  -7.759216990434077e-01,   6.308292296284245e-01,
+  -7.749531065948739e-01,   6.320187359398091e-01,
+  -7.739826906068229e-01,   6.332067550500572e-01,
+  -7.730104533627370e-01,   6.343932841636455e-01,
+  -7.720363971503845e-01,   6.355783204885561e-01,
+  -7.710605242618138e-01,   6.367618612362842e-01,
+  -7.700828369933479e-01,   6.379439036218440e-01,
+  -7.691033376455797e-01,   6.391244448637757e-01,
+  -7.681220285233654e-01,   6.403034821841517e-01,
+  -7.671389119358204e-01,   6.414810128085832e-01,
+  -7.661539901963129e-01,   6.426570339662269e-01,
+  -7.651672656224590e-01,   6.438315428897914e-01,
+  -7.641787405361167e-01,   6.450045368155439e-01,
+  -7.631884172633813e-01,   6.461760129833163e-01,
+  -7.621962981345789e-01,   6.473459686365121e-01,
+  -7.612023854842618e-01,   6.485144010221124e-01,
+  -7.602066816512024e-01,   6.496813073906832e-01,
+  -7.592091889783881e-01,   6.508466849963809e-01,
+  -7.582099098130153e-01,   6.520105310969595e-01,
+  -7.572088465064846e-01,   6.531728429537768e-01,
+  -7.562060014143945e-01,   6.543336178318004e-01,
+  -7.552013768965365e-01,   6.554928529996153e-01,
+  -7.541949753168892e-01,   6.566505457294289e-01,
+  -7.531867990436125e-01,   6.578066932970786e-01,
+  -7.521768504490428e-01,   6.589612929820373e-01,
+  -7.511651319096865e-01,   6.601143420674205e-01,
+  -7.501516458062151e-01,   6.612658378399923e-01,
+  -7.491363945234594e-01,   6.624157775901718e-01,
+  -7.481193804504036e-01,   6.635641586120398e-01,
+  -7.471006059801801e-01,   6.647109782033448e-01,
+  -7.460800735100638e-01,   6.658562336655097e-01,
+  -7.450577854414661e-01,   6.669999223036375e-01,
+  -7.440337441799293e-01,   6.681420414265185e-01,
+  -7.430079521351217e-01,   6.692825883466360e-01,
+  -7.419804117208311e-01,   6.704215603801731e-01,
+  -7.409511253549591e-01,   6.715589548470183e-01,
+  -7.399200954595162e-01,   6.726947690707729e-01,
+  -7.388873244606151e-01,   6.738290003787560e-01,
+  -7.378528147884660e-01,   6.749616461020119e-01,
+  -7.368165688773699e-01,   6.760927035753159e-01,
+  -7.357785891657136e-01,   6.772221701371803e-01,
+  -7.347388780959635e-01,   6.783500431298615e-01,
+  -7.336974381146604e-01,   6.794763198993650e-01,
+  -7.326542716724128e-01,   6.806009977954530e-01,
+  -7.316093812238926e-01,   6.817240741716497e-01,
+  -7.305627692278276e-01,   6.828455463852481e-01,
+  -7.295144381469970e-01,   6.839654117973154e-01,
+  -7.284643904482252e-01,   6.850836677727004e-01,
+  -7.274126286023758e-01,   6.862003116800386e-01,
+  -7.263591550843460e-01,   6.873153408917590e-01,
+  -7.253039723730608e-01,   6.884287527840904e-01,
+  -7.242470829514670e-01,   6.895405447370668e-01,
+  -7.231884893065275e-01,   6.906507141345346e-01,
+  -7.221281939292153e-01,   6.917592583641577e-01,
+  -7.210661993145081e-01,   6.928661748174246e-01,
+  -7.200025079613817e-01,   6.939714608896540e-01,
+  -7.189371223728045e-01,   6.950751139800009e-01,
+  -7.178700450557317e-01,   6.961771314914630e-01,
+  -7.168012785210995e-01,   6.972775108308865e-01,
+  -7.157308252838186e-01,   6.983762494089729e-01,
+  -7.146586878627691e-01,   6.994733446402838e-01,
+  -7.135848687807936e-01,   7.005687939432483e-01,
+  -7.125093705646923e-01,   7.016625947401685e-01,
+  -7.114321957452164e-01,   7.027547444572253e-01,
+  -7.103533468570624e-01,   7.038452405244849e-01,
+  -7.092728264388657e-01,   7.049340803759049e-01,
+  -7.081906370331954e-01,   7.060212614493397e-01,
+  -7.071067811865476e-01,   7.071067811865475e-01,
+#error Unsupported twiddle table size
diff --git a/dl/armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable.c b/dl/armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25807e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable.c
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ *  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+ *  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+ */
+ * 
+ * File Name:  armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable.c
+ * OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+ * Last Modified Revision:   6781
+ * Last Modified Date:       Wed, 25 Jul 2007
+ * 
+ * (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * 
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Twiddle table for Forward FFT in Q31 format.
+ * It contains complex pairs [-cos (W * i), -sin (W * i)] where W = -2*PI/N
+ * and 0<= i<= N/8.  N is the max size of the FFT. Here N = 2^12.
+ * Values for N/8 < i < N are generated in the FFTInit function using the 
+ * symmetries of cos and sine.
+ * 
+ * NOTE: The values are stored negated. This is to represent '1' which cannot be otherwise 
+ * represented as Q31 in 32 bits. 
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+const OMX_S32 armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[1026] ={
+0x80000000,		0x0,
+0x800009df,		0x3243f5,
+0x8000277a,		0x6487e3,
+0x800058d4,		0x96cbc1,
+0x80009dea,		0xc90f88,
+0x8000f6bd,		0xfb5330,
+0x8001634e,		0x12d96b1,
+0x8001e39b,		0x15fda03,
+0x800277a6,		0x1921d20,
+0x80031f6d,		0x1c45ffe,
+0x8003daf1,		0x1f6a297,
+0x8004aa32,		0x228e4e2,
+0x80058d2f,		0x25b26d7,
+0x800683e8,		0x28d6870,
+0x80078e5e,		0x2bfa9a4,
+0x8008ac90,		0x2f1ea6c,
+0x8009de7e,		0x3242abf,
+0x800b2427,		0x3566a96,
+0x800c7d8c,		0x388a9ea,
+0x800deaad,		0x3bae8b2,
+0x800f6b88,		0x3ed26e6,
+0x8011001f,		0x41f6480,
+0x8012a86f,		0x451a177,
+0x8014647b,		0x483ddc3,
+0x80163440,		0x4b6195d,
+0x801817bf,		0x4e8543e,
+0x801a0ef8,		0x51a8e5c,
+0x801c19ea,		0x54cc7b1,
+0x801e3895,		0x57f0035,
+0x80206af8,		0x5b137df,
+0x8022b114,		0x5e36ea9,
+0x80250ae7,		0x615a48b,
+0x80277872,		0x647d97c,
+0x8029f9b4,		0x67a0d76,
+0x802c8ead,		0x6ac406f,
+0x802f375d,		0x6de7262,
+0x8031f3c2,		0x710a345,
+0x8034c3dd,		0x742d311,
+0x8037a7ac,		0x77501be,
+0x803a9f31,		0x7a72f45,
+0x803daa6a,		0x7d95b9e,
+0x8040c956,		0x80b86c2,
+0x8043fbf6,		0x83db0a7,
+0x80474248,		0x86fd947,
+0x804a9c4d,		0x8a2009a,
+0x804e0a04,		0x8d42699,
+0x80518b6b,		0x9064b3a,
+0x80552084,		0x9386e78,
+0x8058c94c,		0x96a9049,
+0x805c85c4,		0x99cb0a7,
+0x806055eb,		0x9cecf89,
+0x806439c0,		0xa00ece8,
+0x80683143,		0xa3308bd,
+0x806c3c74,		0xa6522fe,
+0x80705b50,		0xa973ba5,
+0x80748dd9,		0xac952aa,
+0x8078d40d,		0xafb6805,
+0x807d2dec,		0xb2d7baf,
+0x80819b74,		0xb5f8d9f,
+0x80861ca6,		0xb919dcf,
+0x808ab180,		0xbc3ac35,
+0x808f5a02,		0xbf5b8cb,
+0x8094162c,		0xc27c389,
+0x8098e5fb,		0xc59cc68,
+0x809dc971,		0xc8bd35e,
+0x80a2c08b,		0xcbdd865,
+0x80a7cb49,		0xcefdb76,
+0x80ace9ab,		0xd21dc87,
+0x80b21baf,		0xd53db92,
+0x80b76156,		0xd85d88f,
+0x80bcba9d,		0xdb7d376,
+0x80c22784,		0xde9cc40,
+0x80c7a80a,		0xe1bc2e4,
+0x80cd3c2f,		0xe4db75b,
+0x80d2e3f2,		0xe7fa99e,
+0x80d89f51,		0xeb199a4,
+0x80de6e4c,		0xee38766,
+0x80e450e2,		0xf1572dc,
+0x80ea4712,		0xf475bff,
+0x80f050db,		0xf7942c7,
+0x80f66e3c,		0xfab272b,
+0x80fc9f35,		0xfdd0926,
+0x8102e3c4,		0x100ee8ad,
+0x81093be8,		0x1040c5bb,
+0x810fa7a0,		0x1072a048,
+0x811626ec,		0x10a4784b,
+0x811cb9ca,		0x10d64dbd,
+0x8123603a,		0x11082096,
+0x812a1a3a,		0x1139f0cf,
+0x8130e7c9,		0x116bbe60,
+0x8137c8e6,		0x119d8941,
+0x813ebd90,		0x11cf516a,
+0x8145c5c7,		0x120116d5,
+0x814ce188,		0x1232d979,
+0x815410d4,		0x1264994e,
+0x815b53a8,		0x1296564d,
+0x8162aa04,		0x12c8106f,
+0x816a13e6,		0x12f9c7aa,
+0x8171914e,		0x132b7bf9,
+0x8179223a,		0x135d2d53,
+0x8180c6a9,		0x138edbb1,
+0x81887e9a,		0x13c0870a,
+0x81904a0c,		0x13f22f58,
+0x819828fd,		0x1423d492,
+0x81a01b6d,		0x145576b1,
+0x81a82159,		0x148715ae,
+0x81b03ac2,		0x14b8b17f,
+0x81b867a5,		0x14ea4a1f,
+0x81c0a801,		0x151bdf86,
+0x81c8fbd6,		0x154d71aa,
+0x81d16321,		0x157f0086,
+0x81d9dde1,		0x15b08c12,
+0x81e26c16,		0x15e21445,
+0x81eb0dbe,		0x16139918,
+0x81f3c2d7,		0x16451a83,
+0x81fc8b60,		0x1676987f,
+0x82056758,		0x16a81305,
+0x820e56be,		0x16d98a0c,
+0x82175990,		0x170afd8d,
+0x82206fcc,		0x173c6d80,
+0x82299971,		0x176dd9de,
+0x8232d67f,		0x179f429f,
+0x823c26f3,		0x17d0a7bc,
+0x82458acc,		0x1802092c,
+0x824f0208,		0x183366e9,
+0x82588ca7,		0x1864c0ea,
+0x82622aa6,		0x18961728,
+0x826bdc04,		0x18c7699b,
+0x8275a0c0,		0x18f8b83c,
+0x827f78d8,		0x192a0304,
+0x8289644b,		0x195b49ea,
+0x82936317,		0x198c8ce7,
+0x829d753a,		0x19bdcbf3,
+0x82a79ab3,		0x19ef0707,
+0x82b1d381,		0x1a203e1b,
+0x82bc1fa2,		0x1a517128,
+0x82c67f14,		0x1a82a026,
+0x82d0f1d5,		0x1ab3cb0d,
+0x82db77e5,		0x1ae4f1d6,
+0x82e61141,		0x1b161479,
+0x82f0bde8,		0x1b4732ef,
+0x82fb7dd8,		0x1b784d30,
+0x83065110,		0x1ba96335,
+0x8311378d,		0x1bda74f6,
+0x831c314e,		0x1c0b826a,
+0x83273e52,		0x1c3c8b8c,
+0x83325e97,		0x1c6d9053,
+0x833d921b,		0x1c9e90b8,
+0x8348d8dc,		0x1ccf8cb3,
+0x835432d8,		0x1d00843d,
+0x835fa00f,		0x1d31774d,
+0x836b207d,		0x1d6265dd,
+0x8376b422,		0x1d934fe5,
+0x83825afb,		0x1dc4355e,
+0x838e1507,		0x1df5163f,
+0x8399e244,		0x1e25f282,
+0x83a5c2b0,		0x1e56ca1e,
+0x83b1b649,		0x1e879d0d,
+0x83bdbd0e,		0x1eb86b46,
+0x83c9d6fc,		0x1ee934c3,
+0x83d60412,		0x1f19f97b,
+0x83e2444d,		0x1f4ab968,
+0x83ee97ad,		0x1f7b7481,
+0x83fafe2e,		0x1fac2abf,
+0x840777d0,		0x1fdcdc1b,
+0x84140490,		0x200d888d,
+0x8420a46c,		0x203e300d,
+0x842d5762,		0x206ed295,
+0x843a1d70,		0x209f701c,
+0x8446f695,		0x20d0089c,
+0x8453e2cf,		0x21009c0c,
+0x8460e21a,		0x21312a65,
+0x846df477,		0x2161b3a0,
+0x847b19e1,		0x219237b5,
+0x84885258,		0x21c2b69c,
+0x84959dd9,		0x21f3304f,
+0x84a2fc62,		0x2223a4c5,
+0x84b06df2,		0x225413f8,
+0x84bdf286,		0x22847de0,
+0x84cb8a1b,		0x22b4e274,
+0x84d934b1,		0x22e541af,
+0x84e6f244,		0x23159b88,
+0x84f4c2d4,		0x2345eff8,
+0x8502a65c,		0x23763ef7,
+0x85109cdd,		0x23a6887f,
+0x851ea652,		0x23d6cc87,
+0x852cc2bb,		0x24070b08,
+0x853af214,		0x243743fa,
+0x8549345c,		0x24677758,
+0x85578991,		0x2497a517,
+0x8565f1b0,		0x24c7cd33,
+0x85746cb8,		0x24f7efa2,
+0x8582faa5,		0x25280c5e,
+0x85919b76,		0x2558235f,
+0x85a04f28,		0x2588349d,
+0x85af15b9,		0x25b84012,
+0x85bdef28,		0x25e845b6,
+0x85ccdb70,		0x26184581,
+0x85dbda91,		0x26483f6c,
+0x85eaec88,		0x26783370,
+0x85fa1153,		0x26a82186,
+0x860948ef,		0x26d809a5,
+0x86189359,		0x2707ebc7,
+0x8627f091,		0x2737c7e3,
+0x86376092,		0x27679df4,
+0x8646e35c,		0x27976df1,
+0x865678eb,		0x27c737d3,
+0x8666213c,		0x27f6fb92,
+0x8675dc4f,		0x2826b928,
+0x8685aa20,		0x2856708d,
+0x86958aac,		0x288621b9,
+0x86a57df2,		0x28b5cca5,
+0x86b583ee,		0x28e5714b,
+0x86c59c9f,		0x29150fa1,
+0x86d5c802,		0x2944a7a2,
+0x86e60614,		0x29743946,
+0x86f656d3,		0x29a3c485,
+0x8706ba3d,		0x29d34958,
+0x8717304e,		0x2a02c7b8,
+0x8727b905,		0x2a323f9e,
+0x8738545e,		0x2a61b101,
+0x87490258,		0x2a911bdc,
+0x8759c2ef,		0x2ac08026,
+0x876a9621,		0x2aefddd8,
+0x877b7bec,		0x2b1f34eb,
+0x878c744d,		0x2b4e8558,
+0x879d7f41,		0x2b7dcf17,
+0x87ae9cc5,		0x2bad1221,
+0x87bfccd7,		0x2bdc4e6f,
+0x87d10f75,		0x2c0b83fa,
+0x87e2649b,		0x2c3ab2b9,
+0x87f3cc48,		0x2c69daa6,
+0x88054677,		0x2c98fbba,
+0x8816d327,		0x2cc815ee,
+0x88287256,		0x2cf72939,
+0x883a23ff,		0x2d263596,
+0x884be821,		0x2d553afc,
+0x885dbeb8,		0x2d843964,
+0x886fa7c2,		0x2db330c7,
+0x8881a33d,		0x2de2211e,
+0x8893b125,		0x2e110a62,
+0x88a5d177,		0x2e3fec8b,
+0x88b80432,		0x2e6ec792,
+0x88ca4951,		0x2e9d9b70,
+0x88dca0d3,		0x2ecc681e,
+0x88ef0ab4,		0x2efb2d95,
+0x890186f2,		0x2f29ebcc,
+0x89141589,		0x2f58a2be,
+0x8926b677,		0x2f875262,
+0x893969b9,		0x2fb5fab2,
+0x894c2f4c,		0x2fe49ba7,
+0x895f072e,		0x30133539,
+0x8971f15a,		0x3041c761,
+0x8984edcf,		0x30705217,
+0x8997fc8a,		0x309ed556,
+0x89ab1d87,		0x30cd5115,
+0x89be50c3,		0x30fbc54d,
+0x89d1963c,		0x312a31f8,
+0x89e4edef,		0x3158970e,
+0x89f857d8,		0x3186f487,
+0x8a0bd3f5,		0x31b54a5e,
+0x8a1f6243,		0x31e39889,
+0x8a3302be,		0x3211df04,
+0x8a46b564,		0x32401dc6,
+0x8a5a7a31,		0x326e54c7,
+0x8a6e5123,		0x329c8402,
+0x8a823a36,		0x32caab6f,
+0x8a963567,		0x32f8cb07,
+0x8aaa42b4,		0x3326e2c3,
+0x8abe6219,		0x3354f29b,
+0x8ad29394,		0x3382fa88,
+0x8ae6d720,		0x33b0fa84,
+0x8afb2cbb,		0x33def287,
+0x8b0f9462,		0x340ce28b,
+0x8b240e11,		0x343aca87,
+0x8b3899c6,		0x3468aa76,
+0x8b4d377c,		0x34968250,
+0x8b61e733,		0x34c4520d,
+0x8b76a8e4,		0x34f219a8,
+0x8b8b7c8f,		0x351fd918,
+0x8ba0622f,		0x354d9057,
+0x8bb559c1,		0x357b3f5d,
+0x8bca6343,		0x35a8e625,
+0x8bdf7eb0,		0x35d684a6,
+0x8bf4ac05,		0x36041ad9,
+0x8c09eb40,		0x3631a8b8,
+0x8c1f3c5d,		0x365f2e3b,
+0x8c349f58,		0x368cab5c,
+0x8c4a142f,		0x36ba2014,
+0x8c5f9ade,		0x36e78c5b,
+0x8c753362,		0x3714f02a,
+0x8c8addb7,		0x37424b7b,
+0x8ca099da,		0x376f9e46,
+0x8cb667c8,		0x379ce885,
+0x8ccc477d,		0x37ca2a30,
+0x8ce238f6,		0x37f76341,
+0x8cf83c30,		0x382493b0,
+0x8d0e5127,		0x3851bb77,
+0x8d2477d8,		0x387eda8e,
+0x8d3ab03f,		0x38abf0ef,
+0x8d50fa59,		0x38d8fe93,
+0x8d675623,		0x39060373,
+0x8d7dc399,		0x3932ff87,
+0x8d9442b8,		0x395ff2c9,
+0x8daad37b,		0x398cdd32,
+0x8dc175e0,		0x39b9bebc,
+0x8dd829e4,		0x39e6975e,
+0x8deeef82,		0x3a136712,
+0x8e05c6b7,		0x3a402dd2,
+0x8e1caf80,		0x3a6ceb96,
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+0x8e4ab5bf,		0x3ac64c0f,
+0x8e61d32e,		0x3af2eeb7,
+0x8e790222,		0x3b1f8848,
+0x8e904298,		0x3b4c18ba,
+0x8ea7948c,		0x3b78a007,
+0x8ebef7fb,		0x3ba51e29,
+0x8ed66ce1,		0x3bd19318,
+0x8eedf33b,		0x3bfdfecd,
+0x8f058b04,		0x3c2a6142,
+0x8f1d343a,		0x3c56ba70,
+0x8f34eed8,		0x3c830a50,
+0x8f4cbadb,		0x3caf50da,
+0x8f649840,		0x3cdb8e09,
+0x8f7c8701,		0x3d07c1d6,
+0x8f94871d,		0x3d33ec39,
+0x8fac988f,		0x3d600d2c,
+0x8fc4bb53,		0x3d8c24a8,
+0x8fdcef66,		0x3db832a6,
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+0x903e6c7b,		0x3e680b2c,
+0x9056f6df,		0x3e93e950,
+0x906f927c,		0x3ebfbdcd,
+0x90883f4d,		0x3eeb889c,
+0x90a0fd4e,		0x3f1749b8,
+0x90b9cc7d,		0x3f430119,
+0x90d2acd4,		0x3f6eaeb8,
+0x90eb9e50,		0x3f9a5290,
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+0x911db4a9,		0x3ff17cca,
+0x9136d97d,		0x401d0321,
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+0x919c1781,		0x40cab958,
+0x91b5919a,		0x40f60dfb,
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+0x91e8b8d0,		0x414c992f,
+0x920265e4,		0x4177cfb1,
+0x921c23ef,		0x41a2fc1a,
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+0x933ba968,		0x437b42e1,
+0x935631c5,		0x43a5f41e,
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+0x938b74c1,		0x43fb3746,
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+0x93c0faa3,		0x4450507e,
+0x93dbd6a0,		0x447acd50,
+0x93f6c34a,		0x44a53f93,
+0x9411c09e,		0x44cfa740,
+0x942cce96,		0x44fa0450,
+0x9447ed2f,		0x452456bd,
+0x94631c65,		0x454e9e80,
+0x947e5c33,		0x4578db93,
+0x9499ac95,		0x45a30df0,
+0x94b50d87,		0x45cd358f,
+0x94d07f05,		0x45f7526b,
+0x94ec010b,		0x4621647d,
+0x95079394,		0x464b6bbe,
+0x9523369c,		0x46756828,
+0x953eea1e,		0x469f59b4,
+0x955aae17,		0x46c9405c,
+0x95768283,		0x46f31c1a,
+0x9592675c,		0x471cece7,
+0x95ae5c9f,		0x4746b2bc,
+0x95ca6247,		0x47706d93,
+0x95e67850,		0x479a1d67,
+0x96029eb6,		0x47c3c22f,
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+0x965773e7,		0x48406e08,
+0x9673db94,		0x4869e665,
+0x96905388,		0x48935397,
+0x96acdbbe,		0x48bcb599,
+0x96c97432,		0x48e60c62,
+0x96e61ce0,		0x490f57ee,
+0x9702d5c3,		0x49389836,
+0x971f9ed7,		0x4961cd33,
+0x973c7817,		0x498af6df,
+0x9759617f,		0x49b41533,
+0x97765b0a,		0x49dd282a,
+0x979364b5,		0x4a062fbd,
+0x97b07e7a,		0x4a2f2be6,
+0x97cda855,		0x4a581c9e,
+0x97eae242,		0x4a8101de,
+0x98082c3b,		0x4aa9dba2,
+0x9825863d,		0x4ad2a9e2,
+0x9842f043,		0x4afb6c98,
+0x98606a49,		0x4b2423be,
+0x987df449,		0x4b4ccf4d,
+0x989b8e40,		0x4b756f40,
+0x98b93828,		0x4b9e0390,
+0x98d6f1fe,		0x4bc68c36,
+0x98f4bbbc,		0x4bef092d,
+0x9912955f,		0x4c177a6e,
+0x99307ee0,		0x4c3fdff4,
+0x994e783d,		0x4c6839b7,
+0x996c816f,		0x4c9087b1,
+0x998a9a74,		0x4cb8c9dd,
+0x99a8c345,		0x4ce10034,
+0x99c6fbde,		0x4d092ab0,
+0x99e5443b,		0x4d31494b,
+0x9a039c57,		0x4d595bfe,
+0x9a22042d,		0x4d8162c4,
+0x9a407bb9,		0x4da95d96,
+0x9a5f02f5,		0x4dd14c6e,
+0x9a7d99de,		0x4df92f46,
+0x9a9c406e,		0x4e210617,
+0x9abaf6a1,		0x4e48d0dd,
+0x9ad9bc71,		0x4e708f8f,
+0x9af891db,		0x4e984229,
+0x9b1776da,		0x4ebfe8a5,
+0x9b366b68,		0x4ee782fb,
+0x9b556f81,		0x4f0f1126,
+0x9b748320,		0x4f369320,
+0x9b93a641,		0x4f5e08e3,
+0x9bb2d8de,		0x4f857269,
+0x9bd21af3,		0x4faccfab,
+0x9bf16c7a,		0x4fd420a4,
+0x9c10cd70,		0x4ffb654d,
+0x9c303dcf,		0x50229da1,
+0x9c4fbd93,		0x5049c999,
+0x9c6f4cb6,		0x5070e92f,
+0x9c8eeb34,		0x5097fc5e,
+0x9cae9907,		0x50bf031f,
+0x9cce562c,		0x50e5fd6d,
+0x9cee229c,		0x510ceb40,
+0x9d0dfe54,		0x5133cc94,
+0x9d2de94d,		0x515aa162,
+0x9d4de385,		0x518169a5,
+0x9d6decf4,		0x51a82555,
+0x9d8e0597,		0x51ced46e,
+0x9dae2d68,		0x51f576ea,
+0x9dce6463,		0x521c0cc2,
+0x9deeaa82,		0x524295f0,
+0x9e0effc1,		0x5269126e,
+0x9e2f641b,		0x528f8238,
+0x9e4fd78a,		0x52b5e546,
+0x9e705a09,		0x52dc3b92,
+0x9e90eb94,		0x53028518,
+0x9eb18c26,		0x5328c1d0,
+0x9ed23bb9,		0x534ef1b5,
+0x9ef2fa49,		0x537514c2,
+0x9f13c7d0,		0x539b2af0,
+0x9f34a449,		0x53c13439,
+0x9f558fb0,		0x53e73097,
+0x9f7689ff,		0x540d2005,
+0x9f979331,		0x5433027d,
+0x9fb8ab41,		0x5458d7f9,
+0x9fd9d22a,		0x547ea073,
+0x9ffb07e7,		0x54a45be6,
+0xa01c4c73,		0x54ca0a4b,
+0xa03d9fc8,		0x54efab9c,
+0xa05f01e1,		0x55153fd4,
+0xa08072ba,		0x553ac6ee,
+0xa0a1f24d,		0x556040e2,
+0xa0c38095,		0x5585adad,
+0xa0e51d8c,		0x55ab0d46,
+0xa106c92f,		0x55d05faa,
+0xa1288376,		0x55f5a4d2,
+0xa14a4c5e,		0x561adcb9,
+0xa16c23e1,		0x56400758,
+0xa18e09fa,		0x566524aa,
+0xa1affea3,		0x568a34a9,
+0xa1d201d7,		0x56af3750,
+0xa1f41392,		0x56d42c99,
+0xa21633cd,		0x56f9147e,
+0xa2386284,		0x571deefa,
+0xa25a9fb1,		0x5742bc06,
+0xa27ceb4f,		0x57677b9d,
+0xa29f4559,		0x578c2dba,
+0xa2c1adc9,		0x57b0d256,
+0xa2e4249b,		0x57d5696d,
+0xa306a9c8,		0x57f9f2f8,
+0xa3293d4b,		0x581e6ef1,
+0xa34bdf20,		0x5842dd54,
+0xa36e8f41,		0x58673e1b,
+0xa3914da8,		0x588b9140,
+0xa3b41a50,		0x58afd6bd,
+0xa3d6f534,		0x58d40e8c,
+0xa3f9de4e,		0x58f838a9,
+0xa41cd599,		0x591c550e,
+0xa43fdb10,		0x594063b5,
+0xa462eeac,		0x59646498,
+0xa486106a,		0x598857b2,
+0xa4a94043,		0x59ac3cfd,
+0xa4cc7e32,		0x59d01475,
+0xa4efca31,		0x59f3de12,
+0xa513243b,		0x5a1799d1,
+0xa5368c4b,		0x5a3b47ab,
+0xa55a025b,		0x5a5ee79a,
+0xa57d8666,		0x5a82799a
+/*End of File*/
diff --git a/dl/arm_fft.gyp b/dl/arm_fft.gyp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb7386f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/arm_fft.gyp
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+#  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+#  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+#  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+#  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+  'variables' : {
+    # Override this value to build with small float FFT tables
+    'big_float_fft%' : 1,
+  },
+  'targets': [
+    {
+      'target_name': 'arm_fft',
+      'type': 'static_library',
+      'sources': [
+        'armCOMM.h',
+        'armCOMM_s.h',
+        'armOMX.h',
+        'armSP.h',
+        'omxSP.h',
+        'omxtypes.h',
+        'omxtypes_s.h',
+        # Complex 32-bit fixed-point FFT.
+        'armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable.c',
+        'omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32.c',
+        'omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC32.c',
+        'armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_unsafe_s.S',
+        'armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_unsafe_s.S',
+        'armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_unsafe_s.S',
+        'armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_unsafe_s.S',
+        'armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_unsafe_s.S',
+        'armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_unsafe_s.S',
+        'armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix4_unsafe_s.S',
+        'armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix8_fs_unsafe_s.S',
+        'omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_s.S',
+        'omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_s.S',
+        # Real 32-bit fixed-point FFT
+        'armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe_s.S',
+        'omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs_s.S',
+        'omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S32.c',
+        'omxSP_FFTInit_R_S32.c',
+        'omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs_s.S',
+        # Real 16-bit fixed-point FFT
+        'omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16S32_Sfs_s.S',
+        'omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S16S32.c',
+        'omxSP_FFTInit_R_S16S32.c',
+        'omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32S16_Sfs_s.S',
+        # Complex floating-point FFT
+        'armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_unsafe_s.S',
+        'armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix2_ls_unsafe_s.S',
+        'armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_unsafe_s.S',
+        'armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_unsafe_s.S',
+        'armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix4_ls_unsafe_s.S',
+        'armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix2_unsafe_s.S',
+        'armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix4_unsafe_s.S',
+        'armSP_FFT_CToC_FC32_Radix8_fs_unsafe_s.S',
+        'armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable.c',
+        'omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_FC32.c',
+        'omxSP_FFTInit_C_FC32.c',
+        'omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Sfs_s.S',
+        'omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Sfs_s.S',
+        # Real floating-point FFT
+        'armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe_s.S',
+        'omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_F32_Sfs_s.S',
+        'omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_F32.c',
+        'omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32.c',
+        'omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_Sfs_s.S',
+      ],
+      'conditions' : [
+        ['big_float_fft == 1', {
+          'defines': [
+            'BIG_FFT_TABLE',
+          ],
+        }],
+      ],
+  }]
diff --git a/dl/omxSP.h b/dl/omxSP.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0ad9cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2299 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ *  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+ *  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+ */
+ * File: omxSP.h
+ * Brief: OpenMAX DL v1.0.2 - Signal Processing library
+ *
+ * Copyright 2005-2008 The Khronos Group Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * These materials are protected by copyright laws and contain material 
+ * proprietary to the Khronos Group, Inc.  You may use these materials 
+ * for implementing Khronos specifications, without altering or removing 
+ * any trademark, copyright or other notice from the specification.
+ * 
+ * Khronos Group makes no, and expressly disclaims any, representations 
+ * or warranties, express or implied, regarding these materials, including, 
+ * without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness 
+ * for a particular purpose or non-infringement of any intellectual property. 
+ * Khronos Group makes no, and expressly disclaims any, warranties, express 
+ * or implied, regarding the correctness, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, 
+ * and reliability of these materials. 
+ *
+ * Under no circumstances will the Khronos Group, or any of its Promoters, 
+ * Contributors or Members or their respective partners, officers, directors, 
+ * employees, agents or representatives be liable for any damages, whether 
+ * direct, indirect, special or consequential damages for lost revenues, 
+ * lost profits, or otherwise, arising from or in connection with these 
+ * materials.
+ * 
+ * Khronos and OpenMAX are trademarks of the Khronos Group Inc. 
+ *
+ */
+/* *****************************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _OMXSP_H_
+#define _OMXSP_H_
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* 2.1 Vendor-Specific FFT Data Structures */
+ typedef void OMXFFTSpec_C_SC16;
+ typedef void OMXFFTSpec_C_SC32;
+ typedef void OMXFFTSpec_R_S16S32;
+ typedef void OMXFFTSpec_R_S32;
+ typedef void OMXFFTSpec_R_F32;
+ typedef void OMXFFTSpec_C_FC32;
+ * Function:  omxSP_Copy_S16   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Copies the len elements of the vector pointed to by pSrcinto the len 
+ * elements of the vector pointed to by pDst. That is: 
+ *     pDst[i] = pSrc[i], for (i=0, 1, ..., len-1)
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrc - pointer to the source vector 
+ *   len - number of elements contained in the source and destination vectors 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pDst - pointer to the destination vector 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments detected; returned if one or more of 
+ *              the following is true: 
+ *    -   pSrc or pDst is NULL 
+ *    -   len < 0 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_Copy_S16 (
+    const OMX_S16 *pSrc,
+    OMX_S16 *pDst,
+    OMX_INT len
+ * Function:  omxSP_DotProd_S16   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Calculates the dot product of the two input vectors.  This function does 
+ * not perform scaling. The internal accumulator width must be at least 32 
+ * bits.  If any of the partially accumulated values exceeds the range of a 
+ * signed 32-bit integer then the result is undefined. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrc1 - pointer to the first input vector; must be aligned on an 8-byte 
+ *            boundary. 
+ *   pSrc2 - pointer to the second input vector; must be aligned on an 8-byte 
+ *            boundary. 
+ *   len - length of the vectors in pSrc1 and pSrc2 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    The dot product result  Note: this function returns the actual result 
+ *              rather than the standard OMXError. 
+ *
+ */
+OMX_S32 omxSP_DotProd_S16 (
+    const OMX_S16 *pSrc1,
+    const OMX_S16 *pSrc2,
+    OMX_INT len
+ * Function:  omxSP_DotProd_S16_Sfs   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Calculates the dot product of the two input signals with output scaling 
+ * and saturation, i.e., the result is multiplied by two to the power of the 
+ * negative (-)scalefactor (scaled) prior to return.  The result is saturated 
+ * with rounding if the scaling operation produces a value outside the range 
+ * of a signed 32-bit integer. Rounding behavior is defined in section 1.6.7 
+ * Integer Scaling and Rounding Conventions. The internal accumulator width 
+ * must be at least 32 bits. The result is undefined if any of the partially 
+ * accumulated values exceeds the range of a signed 32-bit integer. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrc1 - pointer to the first input vector; must be aligned on an 8-byte 
+ *            boundary. 
+ *   pSrc2 - pointer to the second input vector; must be aligned on an 8-byte 
+ *            boundary. 
+ *   len - length of the vectors in pSrc1 and pSrc2 
+ *   scaleFactor - integer scalefactor 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    The dot product result  Note: This function returns the actual result 
+ *              rather than the standard OMXError. 
+ *
+ */
+OMX_S32 omxSP_DotProd_S16_Sfs (
+    const OMX_S16 *pSrc1,
+    const OMX_S16 *pSrc2,
+    OMX_INT len,
+    OMX_INT scaleFactor
+ * Function:  omxSP_BlockExp_S16   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Block exponent calculation for 16-bit and 32-bit signals (count leading 
+ * sign bits). These functions compute the number of extra sign bits of all 
+ * values in the 16-bit and 32-bit input vector pSrc and return the minimum 
+ * sign bit count. This is also the maximum shift value that could be used in 
+ * scaling the block of data.  The functions BlockExp_S16 and 
+ * BlockExp_S32 return the values 15 and 31, respectively, for input vectors in 
+ * which all entries are equal to zero.  
+ *
+ * Note: These functions differ from other DL functions by not returning the 
+ *       standard OMXError but the actual result. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrc - pointer to the input vector 
+ *   len - number of elements contained in the input and output 
+ *         vectors (0 < len < 65536) 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   none 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    Maximum exponent that may be used in scaling 
+ *
+ */
+OMX_INT omxSP_BlockExp_S16 (
+    const OMX_S16 *pSrc,
+    OMX_INT len
+ * Function:  omxSP_BlockExp_S32   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Block exponent calculation for 16-bit and 32-bit signals (count leading 
+ * sign bits). These functions compute the number of extra sign bits of all 
+ * values in the 16-bit and 32-bit input vector pSrc and return the minimum 
+ * sign bit count. This is also the maximum shift value that could be used in 
+ * scaling the block of data.  The functions BlockExp_S16 and 
+ * BlockExp_S32 return the values 15 and 31, respectively, for input vectors in 
+ * which all entries are equal to zero.  
+ * 
+ * Note: These functions differ from other DL functions by not returning the 
+ *       standard OMXError but the actual result. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrc - pointer to the input vector 
+ *   len - number of elements contained in the input and output 
+ *         vectors (0 < len < 65536) 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   none 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    Maximum exponent that may be used in scaling 
+ *
+ */
+OMX_INT omxSP_BlockExp_S32 (
+    const OMX_S32 *pSrc,
+    OMX_INT len
+ * Function:  omxSP_FIR_Direct_S16   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Block FIR filtering for 16-bit data type.  This function applies the 
+ * FIR filter defined by the coefficient vector pTapsQ15 to a vector of 
+ * input data.  The result is saturated with rounding if the operation 
+ * produces a value outside the range of a signed 16-bit integer.  
+ * Rounding behavior is defined in:
+ *     section 1.6.7 "Integer Scaling and Rounding Conventions".  
+ * The internal accumulator width must be at least 32 bits.  The result 
+ * is undefined if any of the partially accumulated values exceeds the 
+ * range of a signed 32-bit integer. 
+ *
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrc   - pointer to the vector of input samples to which the 
+ *            filter is applied 
+ *   sampLen - the number of samples contained in the input and output 
+ *            vectors 
+ *   pTapsQ15 - pointer to the vector that contains the filter coefficients, 
+ *            represented in Q0.15 format (defined in section 1.6.5). Given 
+ *            that:
+ *                    -32768 = pTapsQ15(k) < 32768, 
+ *                     0 = k <tapsLen, 
+ *            the range on the actual filter coefficients is -1 = bK <1, and 
+ *            therefore coefficient normalization may be required during the 
+ *            filter design process. 
+ *   tapsLen - the number of taps, or, equivalently, the filter order + 1 
+ *   pDelayLine - pointer to the 2.tapsLen -element filter memory buffer 
+ *            (state). The user is responsible for allocation, initialization, 
+ *            and de-allocation. The filter memory elements are initialized to 
+ *            zero in most applications. 
+ *   pDelayLineIndex - pointer to the filter memory index that is maintained 
+ *            internally by the function. The user should initialize the value 
+ *            of this index to zero. 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pDst   - pointer to the vector of filtered output samples 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -   One or more of the following pointers is NULL: 
+ *          -  pSrc, 
+ *          -  pDst, 
+ *          -  pSrcDst, 
+ *          -  pTapsQ15, 
+ *          -  pDelayLine, or 
+ *          -  pDelayLineIndex 
+ *    -   samplen < 0 
+ *    -   tapslen < 1 
+ *    -   *pDelayLineIndex < 0 or *pDelayLineIndex >= (2 * tapslen). 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FIR_Direct_S16 (
+    const OMX_S16 *pSrc,
+    OMX_S16 *pDst,
+    OMX_INT sampLen,
+    const OMX_S16 *pTapsQ15,
+    OMX_INT tapsLen,
+    OMX_S16 *pDelayLine,
+    OMX_INT *pDelayLineIndex
+ * Function:  omxSP_FIR_Direct_S16_I   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Block FIR filtering for 16-bit data type.  This function applies the 
+ * FIR filter defined by the coefficient vector pTapsQ15 to a vector of 
+ * input data.  The result is saturated with rounding if the operation 
+ * produces a value outside the range of a signed 16-bit integer.  
+ * Rounding behavior is defined in:
+ *     section 1.6.7 "Integer Scaling and Rounding Conventions".  
+ * The internal accumulator width must be at least 32 bits.  The result 
+ * is undefined if any of the partially accumulated values exceeds the 
+ * range of a signed 32-bit integer. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrcDst - pointer to the vector of input samples to which the 
+ *            filter is applied 
+ *   sampLen - the number of samples contained in the input and output 
+ *            vectors 
+ *   pTapsQ15 - pointer to the vector that contains the filter coefficients, 
+ *            represented in Q0.15 format (defined in section 1.6.5). Given 
+ *            that:
+ *                    -32768 = pTapsQ15(k) < 32768, 
+ *                     0 = k <tapsLen, 
+ *            the range on the actual filter coefficients is -1 = bK <1, and 
+ *            therefore coefficient normalization may be required during the 
+ *            filter design process. 
+ *   tapsLen - the number of taps, or, equivalently, the filter order + 1 
+ *   pDelayLine - pointer to the 2.tapsLen -element filter memory buffer 
+ *            (state). The user is responsible for allocation, initialization, 
+ *            and de-allocation. The filter memory elements are initialized to 
+ *            zero in most applications. 
+ *   pDelayLineIndex - pointer to the filter memory index that is maintained 
+ *            internally by the function. The user should initialize the value 
+ *            of this index to zero. 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrcDst - pointer to the vector of filtered output samples 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -   One or more of the following pointers is NULL: 
+ *          -  pSrc, 
+ *          -  pDst, 
+ *          -  pSrcDst, 
+ *          -  pTapsQ15, 
+ *          -  pDelayLine, or 
+ *          -  pDelayLineIndex 
+ *    -   samplen < 0 
+ *    -   tapslen < 1 
+ *    -   *pDelayLineIndex < 0 or *pDelayLineIndex >= (2 * tapslen). 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FIR_Direct_S16_I (
+    OMX_S16 *pSrcDst,
+    OMX_INT sampLen,
+    const OMX_S16 *pTapsQ15,
+    OMX_INT tapsLen,
+    OMX_S16 *pDelayLine,
+    OMX_INT *pDelayLineIndex
+ * Function:  omxSP_FIR_Direct_S16_Sfs   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Block FIR filtering for 16-bit data type. This function applies 
+ * the FIR filter defined by the coefficient vector pTapsQ15 to a 
+ * vector of input data.  The output is multiplied by 2 to the negative 
+ * power of scalefactor (i.e., 2^-scalefactor) before returning to the caller.
+ * Scaling and rounding conventions are defined in section 1.6.7.  
+ * The internal accumulator width must be at least 32 bits.  
+ * The result is undefined if any of the partially accumulated 
+ * values exceeds the range of a signed 32-bit integer. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrc    - pointer to the vector of input samples to which the 
+ *            filter is applied 
+ *   sampLen - the number of samples contained in the input and output 
+ *            vectors 
+ *   pTapsQ15 - pointer to the vector that contains the filter coefficients, 
+ *            represented in Q0.15 format (defined in section 1.6.5). Given 
+ *            that:
+ *                    -32768 = pTapsQ15(k) < 32768, 
+ *                     0 = k <tapsLen, 
+ *            the range on the actual filter coefficients is -1 = bK <1, and 
+ *            therefore coefficient normalization may be required during the 
+ *            filter design process. 
+ *   tapsLen - the number of taps, or, equivalently, the filter order + 1 
+ *   pDelayLine - pointer to the 2.tapsLen -element filter memory buffer 
+ *            (state). The user is responsible for allocation, initialization, 
+ *            and de-allocation. The filter memory elements are initialized to 
+ *            zero in most applications. 
+ *   pDelayLineIndex - pointer to the filter memory index that is maintained 
+ *            internally by the function. The user should initialize the value 
+ *            of this index to zero. 
+ *   scaleFactor - saturation fixed scalefactor
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pDst  - pointer to the vector of filtered output samples 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -   One or more of the following pointers is NULL: 
+ *          -  pSrc, 
+ *          -  pDst, 
+ *          -  pSrcDst, 
+ *          -  pTapsQ15, 
+ *          -  pDelayLine, or 
+ *          -  pDelayLineIndex 
+ *    -   samplen < 0 
+ *    -   tapslen < 1 
+ *    -   scaleFactor < 0 
+ *    -   *pDelayLineIndex < 0 or *pDelayLineIndex >= (2 * tapslen). 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FIR_Direct_S16_Sfs (
+    const OMX_S16 *pSrc,
+    OMX_S16 *pDst,
+    OMX_INT sampLen,
+    const OMX_S16 *pTapsQ15,
+    OMX_INT tapsLen,
+    OMX_S16 *pDelayLine,
+    OMX_INT *pDelayLineIndex,
+    OMX_INT scaleFactor
+ * Function:  omxSP_FIR_Direct_S16_ISfs   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Block FIR filtering for 16-bit data type. This function applies 
+ * the FIR filter defined by the coefficient vector pTapsQ15 to a 
+ * vector of input data.  The output is multiplied by 2 to the negative 
+ * power of scalefactor (i.e., 2^-scalefactor) before returning to the caller.
+ * Scaling and rounding conventions are defined in section 1.6.7.  
+ * The internal accumulator width must be at least 32 bits.  
+ * The result is undefined if any of the partially accumulated 
+ * values exceeds the range of a signed 32-bit integer. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrcDst - pointer to the vector of input samples to which the 
+ *            filter is applied 
+ *   sampLen - the number of samples contained in the input and output 
+ *            vectors 
+ *   pTapsQ15 - pointer to the vector that contains the filter coefficients, 
+ *            represented in Q0.15 format (defined in section 1.6.5). Given 
+ *            that:
+ *                    -32768 = pTapsQ15(k) < 32768, 
+ *                     0 = k <tapsLen, 
+ *            the range on the actual filter coefficients is -1 = bK <1, and 
+ *            therefore coefficient normalization may be required during the 
+ *            filter design process. 
+ *   tapsLen - the number of taps, or, equivalently, the filter order + 1 
+ *   pDelayLine - pointer to the 2.tapsLen -element filter memory buffer 
+ *            (state). The user is responsible for allocation, initialization, 
+ *            and de-allocation. The filter memory elements are initialized to 
+ *            zero in most applications. 
+ *   pDelayLineIndex - pointer to the filter memory index that is maintained 
+ *            internally by the function. The user should initialize the value 
+ *            of this index to zero. 
+ *   scaleFactor - saturation fixed scalefactor
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrcDst - pointer to the vector of filtered output samples 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -   One or more of the following pointers is NULL: 
+ *          -  pSrc, 
+ *          -  pDst, 
+ *          -  pSrcDst, 
+ *          -  pTapsQ15, 
+ *          -  pDelayLine, or 
+ *          -  pDelayLineIndex 
+ *    -   samplen < 0 
+ *    -   tapslen < 1 
+ *    -   scaleFactor < 0 
+ *    -   *pDelayLineIndex < 0 or *pDelayLineIndex >= (2 * tapslen). 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FIR_Direct_S16_ISfs (
+    OMX_S16 *pSrcDst,
+    OMX_INT sampLen,
+    const OMX_S16 *pTapsQ15,
+    OMX_INT tapsLen,
+    OMX_S16 *pDelayLine,
+    OMX_INT *pDelayLineIndex,
+    OMX_INT scaleFactor
+ * Function:  omxSP_FIROne_Direct_S16   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Single-sample FIR filtering for 16-bit data type. These functions apply 
+ * the FIR filter defined by the coefficient vector pTapsQ15 to a single 
+ * sample of input data. The result is saturated with rounding if the 
+ * operation produces a value outside the range of a signed 16-bit integer.  
+ * Rounding behavior is defined in:
+ *       section 1.6.7 "Integer Scaling and Rounding Conventions".  
+ * The internal accumulator width must be at least 32 bits.  The result is 
+ * undefined if any of the partially accumulated values exceeds the range of a 
+ * signed 32-bit integer.
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   val      - the single input sample to which the filter is 
+ *            applied.
+ *   pTapsQ15 - pointer to the vector that contains the filter coefficients, 
+ *            represented in Q0.15 format (as defined in section 1.6.5). Given 
+ *            that:
+ *                    -32768 = pTapsQ15(k) < 32768, 
+ *                         0 = k < tapsLen, 
+ *            the range on the actual filter coefficients is -1 = bK <1, and 
+ *            therefore coefficient normalization may be required during the 
+ *            filter design process. 
+ *   tapsLen - the number of taps, or, equivalently, the filter order + 1 
+ *   pDelayLine - pointer to the 2.tapsLen -element filter memory buffer 
+ *            (state). The user is responsible for allocation, initialization, 
+ *            and de-allocation. The filter memory elements are initialized to 
+ *            zero in most applications. 
+ *   pDelayLineIndex - pointer to the filter memory index that is maintained 
+ *            internally by the function. The user should initialize the value 
+ *            of this index to zero. 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pResult - pointer to the filtered output sample 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -    One or more of the following pointers is NULL: 
+ *            -  pResult, 
+ *            -  pTapsQ15, 
+ *            -  pDelayLine, or 
+ *            -  pDelayLineIndex 
+ *    -    tapslen < 1 
+ *    -    *pDelayLineIndex < 0 or *pDelayLineIndex >= (2 * tapslen) 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FIROne_Direct_S16 (
+    OMX_S16 val,
+    OMX_S16 *pResult,
+    const OMX_S16 *pTapsQ15,
+    OMX_INT tapsLen,
+    OMX_S16 *pDelayLine,
+    OMX_INT *pDelayLineIndex
+ * Function:  omxSP_FIROne_Direct_S16_I   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Single-sample FIR filtering for 16-bit data type. These functions apply 
+ * the FIR filter defined by the coefficient vector pTapsQ15 to a single 
+ * sample of input data. The result is saturated with rounding if the 
+ * operation produces a value outside the range of a signed 16-bit integer.  
+ * Rounding behavior is defined in:
+ *       section 1.6.7 "Integer Scaling and Rounding Conventions".  
+ * The internal accumulator width must be at least 32 bits.  The result is 
+ * undefined if any of the partially accumulated values exceeds the range of a 
+ * signed 32-bit integer.
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pValResult - pointer to the single input sample to which the filter is 
+ *            applied. 
+ *   pTapsQ15 - pointer to the vector that contains the filter coefficients, 
+ *            represented in Q0.15 format (as defined in section 1.6.5). Given 
+ *            that:
+ *                    -32768 = pTapsQ15(k) < 32768, 
+ *                         0 = k < tapsLen, 
+ *            the range on the actual filter coefficients is -1 = bK <1, and 
+ *            therefore coefficient normalization may be required during the 
+ *            filter design process. 
+ *   tapsLen - the number of taps, or, equivalently, the filter order + 1 
+ *   pDelayLine - pointer to the 2.tapsLen -element filter memory buffer 
+ *            (state). The user is responsible for allocation, initialization, 
+ *            and de-allocation. The filter memory elements are initialized to 
+ *            zero in most applications. 
+ *   pDelayLineIndex - pointer to the filter memory index that is maintained 
+ *            internally by the function. The user should initialize the value 
+ *            of this index to zero. 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pValResult - pointer to the filtered output sample 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -    One or more of the following pointers is NULL: 
+ *            -  pValResult, 
+ *            -  pTapsQ15, 
+ *            -  pDelayLine, or 
+ *            -  pDelayLineIndex 
+ *    -    tapslen < 1 
+ *    -    *pDelayLineIndex < 0 or *pDelayLineIndex >= (2 * tapslen) 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FIROne_Direct_S16_I (
+    OMX_S16 *pValResult,
+    const OMX_S16 *pTapsQ15,
+    OMX_INT tapsLen,
+    OMX_S16 *pDelayLine,
+    OMX_INT *pDelayLineIndex
+ * Function:  omxSP_FIROne_Direct_S16_Sfs   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Single-sample FIR filtering for 16-bit data type. These functions apply 
+ * the FIR filter defined by the coefficient vector pTapsQ15 to a single 
+ * sample of input data. The output is multiplied by 2 to the negative power 
+ * of scalefactor (i.e., 2^-scalefactor) before returning to the user.  
+ * Scaling and rounding conventions are defined in section 1.6.7.  
+ * The internal accumulator width must be at least 32 bits.  
+ * The result is undefined if any of the partially accumulated values exceeds 
+ * the range of a signed 32-bit integer. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   val      - the single input sample to which the filter is 
+ *            applied.  
+ *   pTapsQ15 - pointer to the vector that contains the filter coefficients, 
+ *            represented in Q0.15 format (as defined in section 1.6.5). Given 
+ *            that:
+ *                    -32768 = pTapsQ15(k) < 32768, 
+ *                         0 = k < tapsLen, 
+ *            the range on the actual filter coefficients is -1 = bK <1, and 
+ *            therefore coefficient normalization may be required during the 
+ *            filter design process. 
+ *   tapsLen - the number of taps, or, equivalently, the filter order + 1 
+ *   pDelayLine - pointer to the 2.tapsLen -element filter memory buffer 
+ *            (state). The user is responsible for allocation, initialization, 
+ *            and de-allocation. The filter memory elements are initialized to 
+ *            zero in most applications. 
+ *   pDelayLineIndex - pointer to the filter memory index that is maintained 
+ *            internally by the function. The user should initialize the value 
+ *            of this index to zero. 
+ *   scaleFactor - saturation fixed scaleFactor 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pResult - pointer to the filtered output sample 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -    One or more of the following pointers is NULL: 
+ *            -  pResult, 
+ *            -  pTapsQ15, 
+ *            -  pDelayLine, or 
+ *            -  pDelayLineIndex 
+ *    -    tapslen < 1 
+ *    -    scaleFactor < 0 
+ *    -    *pDelayLineIndex < 0 or *pDelayLineIndex >= (2 * tapslen) 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FIROne_Direct_S16_Sfs (
+    OMX_S16 val,
+    OMX_S16 *pResult,
+    const OMX_S16 *pTapsQ15,
+    OMX_INT tapsLen,
+    OMX_S16 *pDelayLine,
+    OMX_INT *pDelayLineIndex,
+    OMX_INT scaleFactor
+ * Function:  omxSP_FIROne_Direct_S16_ISfs   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Single-sample FIR filtering for 16-bit data type. These functions apply 
+ * the FIR filter defined by the coefficient vector pTapsQ15 to a single 
+ * sample of input data. The output is multiplied by 2 to the negative power 
+ * of scalefactor (i.e., 2^-scalefactor) before returning to the user.  
+ * Scaling and rounding conventions are defined in section 1.6.7.  
+ * The internal accumulator width must be at least 32 bits.  
+ * The result is undefined if any of the partially accumulated values exceeds 
+ * the range of a signed 32-bit integer. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pValResult - the pointer to a single input sample to which the filter is 
+ *            applied. 
+ *   pTapsQ15 - pointer to the vector that contains the filter coefficients, 
+ *            represented in Q0.15 format (as defined in section 1.6.5). Given 
+ *            that:
+ *                    -32768 = pTapsQ15(k) < 32768, 
+ *                         0 = k < tapsLen, 
+ *            the range on the actual filter coefficients is -1 = bK <1, and 
+ *            therefore coefficient normalization may be required during the 
+ *            filter design process. 
+ *   tapsLen - the number of taps, or, equivalently, the filter order + 1 
+ *   pDelayLine - pointer to the 2.tapsLen -element filter memory buffer 
+ *            (state). The user is responsible for allocation, initialization, 
+ *            and de-allocation. The filter memory elements are initialized to 
+ *            zero in most applications. 
+ *   pDelayLineIndex - pointer to the filter memory index that is maintained 
+ *            internally by the function. The user should initialize the value 
+ *            of this index to zero. 
+ *   scaleFactor - saturation fixed scaleFactor 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pValResult - pointer to the filtered output sample 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -    One or more of the following pointers is NULL: 
+ *            -  pValResult, 
+ *            -  pTapsQ15, 
+ *            -  pDelayLine, or 
+ *            -  pDelayLineIndex 
+ *    -    tapslen < 1 
+ *    -    scaleFactor < 0 
+ *    -    *pDelayLineIndex < 0 or *pDelayLineIndex >= (2 * tapslen) 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FIROne_Direct_S16_ISfs (
+    OMX_S16 *pValResult,
+    const OMX_S16 *pTapsQ15,
+    OMX_INT tapsLen,
+    OMX_S16 *pDelayLine,
+    OMX_INT *pDelayLineIndex,
+    OMX_INT scaleFactor
+ * Function:  omxSP_IIR_Direct_S16   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Block IIR filtering for 16-bit data. This function applies the direct form 
+ * II IIR filter defined by the coefficient vector pTaps to a vector of input 
+ * data.  The internal accumulator width must be at least 32 bits, and the 
+ * result is saturated if the operation produces a value outside the range of 
+ * a signed 16-bit integer, i.e., the output will saturate to 0x8000 (-32768) 
+ * for a negative overflow or 0x7fff (32767) for a positive overflow.  The 
+ * result is undefined if any of the partially accumulated values exceeds the 
+ * range of a signed 32-bit integer. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrc  - pointer to the vector of input samples to which the 
+ *            filter is applied 
+ *   len - the number of samples contained in both the input and output 
+ *            vectors 
+ *   pTaps - pointer to the 2L+2-element vector that contains the combined 
+ *            numerator and denominator filter coefficients from the system 
+ *            transfer function, H(z). Coefficient scaling and coefficient 
+ *            vector organization should follow the conventions described 
+ *            above. The value of the coefficient scaleFactor exponent must be 
+ *            non-negative (sf=0). 
+ *   order - the maximum of the degrees of the numerator and denominator 
+ *            coefficient polynomials from the system transfer function, H(z). 
+ *            In the notation of section, the parameter 
+ *            order=max(K,M)=L gives the maximum delay, in samples, used to 
+ *            compute each output sample. 
+ *   pDelayLine - pointer to the L-element filter memory buffer (state). The 
+ *            user is responsible for allocation, initialization, and 
+ *            deallocation. The filter memory elements are initialized to zero 
+ *            in most applications. 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pDst - pointer to the vector of filtered output samples 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -    one or more of the following pointers is NULL: 
+ *             -  pSrc, 
+ *             -  pDst, 
+ *             -  pTaps, or 
+ *             -  pDelayLine. 
+ *    -    len < 0 
+ *    -    pTaps[order+1] < 0 (negative scaling) 
+ *    -    order < 1 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_IIR_Direct_S16 (
+    const OMX_S16 *pSrc,
+    OMX_S16 *pDst,
+    OMX_INT len,
+    const OMX_S16 *pTaps,
+    OMX_INT order,
+    OMX_S32 *pDelayLine
+ * Function:  omxSP_IIR_Direct_S16_I   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Block IIR filtering for 16-bit data. This function applies the direct form 
+ * II IIR filter defined by the coefficient vector pTaps to a vector of input 
+ * data.  The internal accumulator width must be at least 32 bits, and the 
+ * result is saturated if the operation produces a value outside the range of 
+ * a signed 16-bit integer, i.e., the output will saturate to 0x8000 (-32768) 
+ * for a negative overflow or 0x7fff (32767) for a positive overflow.  The 
+ * result is undefined if any of the partially accumulated values exceeds the 
+ * range of a signed 32-bit integer. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrcDst - pointer to the vector of input samples to which the 
+ *            filter is applied 
+ *   len - the number of samples contained in both the input and output 
+ *            vectors 
+ *   pTaps - pointer to the 2L+2-element vector that contains the combined 
+ *            numerator and denominator filter coefficients from the system 
+ *            transfer function, H(z). Coefficient scaling and coefficient 
+ *            vector organization should follow the conventions described 
+ *            above. The value of the coefficient scaleFactor exponent must be 
+ *            non-negative (sf>=0). 
+ *   order - the maximum of the degrees of the numerator and denominator 
+ *            coefficient polynomials from the system transfer function, H(z). 
+ *            In the notation of section, the parameter 
+ *            order=max(K,M)=L gives the maximum delay, in samples, used to 
+ *            compute each output sample. 
+ *   pDelayLine - pointer to the L-element filter memory buffer (state). The 
+ *            user is responsible for allocation, initialization, and 
+ *            deallocation. The filter memory elements are initialized to zero 
+ *            in most applications. 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrcDst - pointer to the vector of filtered output samples 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -    one or more of the following pointers is NULL: 
+ *             -  pSrcDst, 
+ *             -  pTaps, or 
+ *             -  pDelayLine. 
+ *    -    len < 0 
+ *    -    pTaps[order+1] < 0 (negative scaling) 
+ *    -    order < 1 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_IIR_Direct_S16_I (
+    OMX_S16 *pSrcDst,
+    OMX_INT len,
+    const OMX_S16 *pTaps,
+    OMX_INT order,
+    OMX_S32 *pDelayLine
+ * Function:  omxSP_IIROne_Direct_S16   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Single sample IIR filtering for 16-bit data.  This function applies the 
+ * direct form II IIR filter defined by the coefficient vector pTaps to a 
+ * single sample of input data. The internal accumulator width must be at 
+ * least 32 bits, and the result is saturated if the operation produces a 
+ * value outside the range of a signed 16-bit integer, i.e., the output will 
+ * saturate to 0x8000 (-32768) for a negative overflow or 0x7fff (32767) for a 
+ * positive overflow.  The result is undefined if any of the partially 
+ * accumulated values exceeds the range of a signed 32-bit integer. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   val - the single input sample to which the filter is 
+ *            applied.  
+ *   pTaps - pointer to the 2L+2 -element vector that contains the combined 
+ *            numerator and denominator filter coefficients from the system 
+ *            transfer function, H(z). Coefficient scaling and coefficient 
+ *            vector organization should follow the conventions described 
+ *            above. The value of the coefficient scaleFactor exponent must be 
+ *            non-negative (sf>=0). 
+ *   order - the maximum of the degrees of the numerator and denominator 
+ *            coefficient polynomials from the system transfer function, H(z). 
+ *            In the notation of section, the parameter 
+ *            order=max(K,M)=L gives the maximum delay, in samples, used to 
+ *            compute each output sample. 
+ *   pDelayLine - pointer to the L-element filter memory buffer (state). The 
+ *            user is responsible for allocation, initialization, and 
+ *            deallocation. The filter memory elements are initialized to zero 
+ *            in most applications. 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pResult - pointer to the filtered output sample 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -    one or more of the following pointers is NULL: pResult, 
+ *              pTaps, or pDelayLine. 
+ *    -    order < 1 
+ *    -    pTaps[order+1] < 0 (negative scaling) 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_IIROne_Direct_S16 (
+    OMX_S16 val,
+    OMX_S16 *pResult,
+    const OMX_S16 *pTaps,
+    OMX_INT order,
+    OMX_S32 *pDelayLine
+ * Function:  omxSP_IIROne_Direct_S16_I   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Single sample IIR filtering for 16-bit data.  This function applies the 
+ * direct form II IIR filter defined by the coefficient vector pTaps to a 
+ * single sample of input data. The internal accumulator width must be at 
+ * least 32 bits, and the result is saturated if the operation produces a 
+ * value outside the range of a signed 16-bit integer, i.e., the output will 
+ * saturate to 0x8000 (-32768) for a negative overflow or 0x7fff (32767) for a 
+ * positive overflow.  The result is undefined if any of the partially 
+ * accumulated values exceeds the range of a signed 32-bit integer. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pValResult - pointer to the single input sample to which the filter is 
+ *            applied.
+ *   pTaps - pointer to the 2L+2 -element vector that contains the combined 
+ *            numerator and denominator filter coefficients from the system 
+ *            transfer function, H(z). Coefficient scaling and coefficient 
+ *            vector organization should follow the conventions described 
+ *            above. The value of the coefficient scaleFactor exponent must be 
+ *            non-negative (sf>=0). 
+ *   order - the maximum of the degrees of the numerator and denominator 
+ *            coefficient polynomials from the system transfer function, H(z). 
+ *            In the notation of section, the parameter 
+ *            order=max(K,M)=L gives the maximum delay, in samples, used to 
+ *            compute each output sample. 
+ *   pDelayLine - pointer to the L-element filter memory buffer (state). The 
+ *            user is responsible for allocation, initialization, and 
+ *            deallocation. The filter memory elements are initialized to zero 
+ *            in most applications. 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pValResult - pointer to the filtered output sample 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -    one or more of the following pointers is NULL:  
+ *              pValResult, pTaps, or pDelayLine. 
+ *    -    order < 1 
+ *    -    pTaps[order+1] < 0 (negative scaling) 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_IIROne_Direct_S16_I (
+    OMX_S16 *pValResult,
+    const OMX_S16 *pTaps,
+    OMX_INT order,
+    OMX_S32 *pDelayLine
+ * Function:  omxSP_IIR_BiQuadDirect_S16   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Block biquad IIR filtering for 16-bit data type. This function applies the 
+ * direct form II biquad IIR cascade defined by the coefficient vector pTaps 
+ * to a vector of input data.  The internal accumulator width must be at least 
+ * 32 bits, and the result is saturated if the operation produces a value 
+ * outside the range of a signed 16-bit integer, i.e., the output will 
+ * saturate to 0x8000 (-32768) for a negative overflow or 0x7fff (32767) for a 
+ * positive overflow.  The result is undefined if any of the partially 
+ * accumulated values exceeds the range of a signed 32-bit integer. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrc - pointer to the vector of input samples to which the 
+ *            filter is applied 
+ *   len - the number of samples contained in both the input and output 
+ *            vectors 
+ *   pTaps - pointer to the 6P -element vector that contains the combined 
+ *            numerator and denominator filter coefficients from the biquad 
+ *            cascade. Coefficient scaling and coefficient vector organization 
+ *            should follow the conventions described above. The value of the 
+ *            coefficient scaleFactor exponent must be non-negative. (sfp>=0). 
+ *   numBiquad - the number of biquads contained in the IIR filter cascade: 
+ *            (P) 
+ *   pDelayLine - pointer to the 2P -element filter memory buffer (state). 
+ *            The user is responsible for allocation, initialization, and 
+ *            de-allocation. The filter memory elements are initialized to 
+ *            zero in most applications. 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pDst - pointer to the vector of filtered output samples 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -    one or more of the following pointers is NULL: pSrc, pDst, 
+ *              pTaps, or pDelayLine. 
+ *    -    len < 0 
+ *    -    numBiquad < 1 
+ *    -    pTaps[3+n*6] < 0, for 0 <= n < numBiquad (negative scaling) 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_IIR_BiQuadDirect_S16 (
+    const OMX_S16 *pSrc,
+    OMX_S16 *pDst,
+    OMX_INT len,
+    const OMX_S16 *pTaps,
+    OMX_INT numBiquad,
+    OMX_S32 *pDelayLine
+ * Function:  omxSP_IIR_BiQuadDirect_S16_I   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Block biquad IIR filtering for 16-bit data type. This function applies the 
+ * direct form II biquad IIR cascade defined by the coefficient vector pTaps 
+ * to a vector of input data.  The internal accumulator width must be at least 
+ * 32 bits, and the result is saturated if the operation produces a value 
+ * outside the range of a signed 16-bit integer, i.e., the output will 
+ * saturate to 0x8000 (-32768) for a negative overflow or 0x7fff (32767) for a 
+ * positive overflow.  The result is undefined if any of the partially 
+ * accumulated values exceeds the range of a signed 32-bit integer. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrcDst - pointer to the vector of input samples to which the 
+ *            filter is applied 
+ *   len - the number of samples contained in both the input and output 
+ *            vectors 
+ *   pTaps - pointer to the 6P -element vector that contains the combined 
+ *            numerator and denominator filter coefficients from the biquad 
+ *            cascade. Coefficient scaling and coefficient vector organization 
+ *            should follow the conventions described above. The value of the 
+ *            coefficient scaleFactor exponent must be non-negative. (sfp>=0). 
+ *   numBiquad - the number of biquads contained in the IIR filter cascade: 
+ *            (P) 
+ *   pDelayLine - pointer to the 2P -element filter memory buffer (state). 
+ *            The user is responsible for allocation, initialization, and 
+ *            de-allocation. The filter memory elements are initialized to 
+ *            zero in most applications. 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrcDst - pointer to the vector of filtered output samples 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -    one or more of the following pointers is NULL: 
+ *              pSrcDst, pTaps, or pDelayLine. 
+ *    -    len < 0 
+ *    -    numBiquad < 1 
+ *    -    pTaps[3+n*6] < 0, for 0 <= n < numBiquad (negative scaling) 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_IIR_BiQuadDirect_S16_I (
+    OMX_S16 *pSrcDst,
+    OMX_INT len,
+    const OMX_S16 *pTaps,
+    OMX_INT numBiquad,
+    OMX_S32 *pDelayLine
+ * Function:  omxSP_IIROne_BiQuadDirect_S16   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Single-sample biquad IIR filtering for 16-bit data type. This function 
+ * applies the direct form II biquad IIR cascade defined by the coefficient 
+ * vector pTaps to a single sample of input data.  The internal accumulator 
+ * width must be at least 32 bits, and the result is saturated if the 
+ * operation produces a value outside the range of a signed 16-bit integer, 
+ * i.e., the output will saturate to 0x8000 (-32768) for a negative overflow 
+ * or 0x7fff (32767) for a positive overflow.  The result is undefined if any 
+ * of the partially accumulated values exceeds the range of a signed 32-bit 
+ * integer. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   val   - the single input sample to which the filter is 
+ *            applied. 
+ *   pTaps - pointer to the 6P-element vector that contains the combined 
+ *            numerator and denominator filter coefficients from the biquad 
+ *            cascade. Coefficient scaling and coefficient vector organization 
+ *            should follow the conventions described above. The value of the 
+ *            coefficient scalefactor exponent must be non-negative: (sfp>=0). 
+ *   numBiquad - the number of biquads contained in the IIR filter cascade: 
+ *            (P) 
+ *   pDelayLine - pointer to the 2p-element filter memory buffer (state). The 
+ *            user is responsible for allocation, initialization, and 
+ *            deallocation. The filter memory elements are initialized to zero 
+ *            in most applications. 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pResult - pointer to the filtered output sample 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -    one or more of the following pointers is NULL: pResult, 
+ *              pValResult, pTaps, or pDelayLine. 
+ *    -    numBiquad < 1 
+ *    -    pTaps[3+n*6] < 0, for 0 <= n < numBiquad (negative scaling) 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_IIROne_BiQuadDirect_S16 (
+    OMX_S16 val,
+    OMX_S16 *pResult,
+    const OMX_S16 *pTaps,
+    OMX_INT numBiquad,
+    OMX_S32 *pDelayLine
+ * Function:  omxSP_IIROne_BiQuadDirect_S16_I   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Single-sample biquad IIR filtering for 16-bit data type. This function 
+ * applies the direct form II biquad IIR cascade defined by the coefficient 
+ * vector pTaps to a single sample of input data.  The internal accumulator 
+ * width must be at least 32 bits, and the result is saturated if the 
+ * operation produces a value outside the range of a signed 16-bit integer, 
+ * i.e., the output will saturate to 0x8000 (-32768) for a negative overflow 
+ * or 0x7fff (32767) for a positive overflow.  The result is undefined if any 
+ * of the partially accumulated values exceeds the range of a signed 32-bit 
+ * integer. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pValResult - pointer to the single input sample to which the filter is 
+ *            applied. 
+ *   pTaps - pointer to the 6P-element vector that contains the combined 
+ *            numerator and denominator filter coefficients from the biquad 
+ *            cascade. Coefficient scaling and coefficient vector organization 
+ *            should follow the conventions described above. The value of the 
+ *            coefficient scalefactor exponent must be non-negative: (sfp>=0). 
+ *   numBiquad - the number of biquads contained in the IIR filter cascade: 
+ *            (P) 
+ *   pDelayLine - pointer to the 2p-element filter memory buffer (state). The 
+ *            user is responsible for allocation, initialization, and 
+ *            deallocation. The filter memory elements are initialized to zero 
+ *            in most applications. 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pValResult - pointer to the filtered output sample 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -    one or more of the following pointers is NULL:
+ *              pValResult, pTaps, or pDelayLine. 
+ *    -    numBiquad < 1 
+ *    -    pTaps[3+n*6] < 0, for 0 <= n < numBiquad (negative scaling) 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_IIROne_BiQuadDirect_S16_I (
+    OMX_S16 *pValResult,
+    const OMX_S16 *pTaps,
+    OMX_INT numBiquad,
+    OMX_S32 *pDelayLine
+ * Function:  omxSP_FilterMedian_S32   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * This function computes the median over the region specified by the median 
+ * mask for the every element of the input array. The median outputs are 
+ * stored in the corresponding elements of the output vector. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrc - pointer to the input vector 
+ *   len - number of elements contained in the input and output vectors (0 < 
+ *            len < 65536) 
+ *   maskSize - median mask size; if an even value is specified, the function 
+ *            subtracts 1 and uses the odd value of the filter mask for median 
+ *            filtering (0 < maskSize < 256) 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pDst - pointer to the median-filtered output vector 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -   one or more of the following pointers is NULL: pSrc, pDst. 
+ *    -    len < 0 
+ *    -    maskSize < 1 or maskSize> 255 
+ *    OMX_StsSP_EvenMedianMaskSizeErr - even mask size replaced by odd mask 
+ *              size 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FilterMedian_S32 (
+    const OMX_S32 *pSrc,
+    OMX_S32 *pDst,
+    OMX_INT len,
+    OMX_INT maskSize
+ * Function:  omxSP_FilterMedian_S32_I   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * This function computes the median over the region specified by the median 
+ * mask for the every element of the input array. The median outputs are 
+ * stored in the corresponding elements of the output vector. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrcDst - pointer to the input vector 
+ *   len - number of elements contained in the input and output vectors (0 < 
+ *            len < 65536) 
+ *   maskSize - median mask size; if an even value is specified, the function 
+ *            subtracts 1 and uses the odd value of the filter mask for median 
+ *            filtering (0 < maskSize < 256) 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSrcDst - pointer to the median-filtered output vector 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -    pSrcDst is NULL. 
+ *    -    len < 0 
+ *    -    maskSize < 1 or maskSize> 255 
+ *    OMX_StsSP_EvenMedianMaskSizeErr - even mask size replaced by odd mask 
+ *              size 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FilterMedian_S32_I (
+    OMX_S32 *pSrcDst,
+    OMX_INT len,
+    OMX_INT maskSize
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC16   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions initialize the specification structures required for the 
+ * complex FFT and IFFT functions. Desired block length is specified as an 
+ * input. The function <FFTInit_C_SC16> is used to initialize the 
+ * specification structures for functions <FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs> and 
+ * <FFTInv_CToC_SC16_Sfs>.
+ *
+ * Memory for the specification structure *pFFTSpec 
+ * must be allocated prior to calling these functions and should be 4-byte 
+ * aligned for omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC16. 
+ *
+ * The space required for *pFFTSpec, in bytes, can be 
+ * determined using <FFTGetBufSize_C_SC16>. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   order - base-2 logarithm of the desired block length; 
+ *           valid in the range [0,12] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pFFTSpec - pointer to initialized specification structure 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr -no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -   pFFTSpec is either NULL or violates the 4-byte alignment 
+ *              restrictions 
+ *    -   order < 0 or order > 12 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC16 (
+    OMXFFTSpec_C_SC16 *pFFTSpec,
+    OMX_INT order
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC32   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions initialize the specification structures required for the 
+ * complex FFT and IFFT functions. Desired block length is specified as an 
+ * input. The function <FFTInit_C_SC32> is used to initialize 
+ * the specification structures for the functions <FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs> and 
+ * <FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs>.
+ *
+ * Memory for the specification structure *pFFTSpec must be allocated prior 
+ * to calling these functions and should be 8-byte aligned for 
+ * omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC32. 
+ *
+ * The space required for *pFFTSpec, in bytes, can be 
+ * determined using <FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32>. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   order - base-2 logarithm of the desired block length; valid in the range 
+ *            [0,12] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pFFTSpec - pointer to initialized specification structure 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr -no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -   pFFTSpec is either NULL or violates the 8-byte alignment 
+ *              restrictions 
+ *    -   order < 0 or order > 12 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC32 (
+    OMXFFTSpec_C_SC32 *pFFTSpec,
+    OMX_INT order
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTInit_C_FC32   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions initialize the specification structures required for the 
+ * complex FFT and IFFT functions. Desired block length is specified as an 
+ * input. The function <FFTInit_C_FC32> is used to initialize 
+ * the specification structures for the functions <FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Sfs> and 
+ * <FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Sfs>.
+ *
+ * Memory for the specification structure *pFFTSpec must be allocated prior 
+ * to calling these functions and should be 8-byte aligned for 
+ * omxSP_FFTInit_C_FC32. 
+ *
+ * The space required for *pFFTSpec, in bytes, can be 
+ * determined using <FFTGetBufSize_C_FC32>. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   order - base-2 logarithm of the desired block length; valid in the range 
+ *            [0,12] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pFFTSpec - pointer to initialized specification structure 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr -no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -   pFFTSpec is either NULL or violates the 8-byte alignment 
+ *              restrictions 
+ *    -   order < 0 or order > 12 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInit_C_FC32(
+    OMXFFTSpec_C_FC32* pFFTSpec,
+    OMX_INT order
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTInit_R_S16S32   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions initialize specification structures required for the real 
+ * FFT and IFFT functions. The function <FFTInit_R_S16S32> is used to 
+ * initialize the specification structures for functions 
+ * <FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16S32_Sfs> and <FFTInv_CCSToR_S32S16_Sfs>.
+ * 
+ * Memory for 
+ * *pFFTFwdSpec must be allocated before calling these functions and should be 
+ * 8-byte aligned. The number of bytes required for *pFFTFwdSpec can be 
+ * determined using <FFTGetBufSize_R_S16S32>. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   order - base-2 logarithm of the desired block length; valid in the range 
+ *            [0,12] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pFFTFwdSpec - pointer to the initialized specification structure 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -   pFFTFwdSpec is either NULL or violates the 8-byte alignment 
+ *              restrictions 
+ *    -   order < 0 or order > 12 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInit_R_S16S32(
+    OMXFFTSpec_R_S16S32* pFFTFwdSpec,
+    OMX_INT order
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTInit_R_S32   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions initialize specification structures required for the real 
+ * FFT and IFFT functions. The function <FFTInit_R_S32> is used to initialize 
+ * the specification structures for functions <FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs> 
+ * and <FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs>. 
+ *
+ * Memory for *pFFTFwdSpec must be allocated before calling these functions
+ * and should be 8-byte aligned. 
+ *
+ * The number of bytes required for *pFFTFwdSpec can be 
+ * determined using <FFTGetBufSize_R_S32>. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   order - base-2 logarithm of the desired block length; valid in the range 
+ *            [0,12] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pFFTFwdSpec - pointer to the initialized specification structure 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -   pFFTFwdSpec is either NULL or violates the 8-byte alignment 
+ *              restrictions 
+ *    -   order < 0 or order > 12 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInit_R_S32 (
+    OMXFFTSpec_R_S32*pFFTFwdSpec,
+    OMX_INT order
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions initialize specification structures required for the real 
+ * FFT and IFFT functions. The function <FFTInit_R_F32> is used to initialize 
+ * the specification structures for functions <FFTFwd_RToCCS_F32_Sfs> 
+ * and <FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_Sfs>. 
+ *
+ * Memory for *pFFTFwdSpec must be allocated before calling these functions
+ * and should be 8-byte aligned. 
+ *
+ * The number of bytes required for *pFFTFwdSpec can be 
+ * determined using <FFTGetBufSize_R_F32>. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   order - base-2 logarithm of the desired block length; valid in the range 
+ *            [0,12] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pFFTFwdSpec - pointer to the initialized specification structure 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -   pFFTFwdSpec is either NULL or violates the 8-byte alignment 
+ *              restrictions 
+ *    -   order < 0 or order > 12 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32(
+    OMXFFTSpec_R_F32* pFFTFwdSpec,
+    OMX_INT order
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC16   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions compute the size of the specification structure 
+ * required for the length 2^order complex FFT and IFFT functions. The function 
+ * <FFTGetBufSize_C_SC16> is used in conjunction with the 16-bit functions 
+ * <FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs> and <FFTInv_CToC_SC16_Sfs>. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   order - base-2 logarithm of the desired block length; valid in the range 
+ *            [0,12] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSize - pointer to the number of bytes required for the specification 
+ *            structure 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -    pSize is NULL 
+ *    -    order < 0 or order > 12 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC16 (
+    OMX_INT order,
+    OMX_INT *pSize
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions compute the size of the specification structure 
+ * required for the length 2^order complex FFT and IFFT functions. The function 
+ * <FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32> is used in conjunction with the 32-bit functions 
+ * <FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs> and <FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs>. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   order - base-2 logarithm of the desired block length; valid in the range 
+ *            [0,12] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSize - pointer to the number of bytes required for the specification 
+ *            structure 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -    pSize is NULL 
+ *    -    order < 0 or order > 12 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32 (
+    OMX_INT order,
+    OMX_INT *pSize
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_FC32
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions compute the size of the specification structure 
+ * required for the length 2^order complex FFT and IFFT functions. The function 
+ * <FFTGetBufSize_C_FC32> is used in conjunction with the 32-bit functions 
+ * <FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Sfs> and <FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Sfs>. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   order - base-2 logarithm of the desired block length; valid in the range 
+ *            [0,12] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSize - pointer to the number of bytes required for the specification 
+ *            structure 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments; returned if one or more of the 
+ *              following is true: 
+ *    -    pSize is NULL 
+ *    -    order < 0 or order > 12 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_FC32(
+    OMX_INT order,
+    OMX_INT* pSize
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S16S32   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * order These functions compute the size of the specification structure 
+ * required for the length 2^order real FFT and IFFT functions. The function 
+ * <FFTGetBufSize_R_S16S32> is used in conjunction with the 16-bit functions 
+ * <FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16S32_Sfs> and <FFTInv_CCSToR_S32S16_Sfs>. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   order - base-2 logarithm of the length; valid in the range [0,12] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSize - pointer to the number of bytes required for the specification 
+ *            structure 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments The function returns 
+ *              OMX_Sts_BadArgErr if one or more of the following is true: 
+ *    pSize is NULL 
+ *    order < 0 or order > 12 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S16S32(
+    OMX_INT order,
+    OMX_INT* pSize
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S32   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions compute the size of the specification structure 
+ * required for the length 2^order real FFT and IFFT functions.  The function 
+ * <FFTGetBufSize_R_S32> is used in conjunction with the 32-bit functions 
+ * <FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs> and <FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs>. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   order - base-2 logarithm of the length; valid in the range [0,12] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSize - pointer to the number of bytes required for the specification 
+ *            structure 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments The function returns 
+ *              OMX_Sts_BadArgErr if one or more of the following is true: 
+ *    pSize is NULL 
+ *    order < 0 or order > 12 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S32 (
+    OMX_INT order,
+    OMX_INT *pSize
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_F32
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions compute the size of the specification structure 
+ * required for the length 2^order real FFT and IFFT functions.  The function 
+ * <FFTGetBufSize_R_F32> is used in conjunction with the 32-bit functions 
+ * <FFTFwd_RToCCS_F32_Sfs> and <FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_Sfs>. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   order - base-2 logarithm of the length; valid in the range [0,12] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSize - pointer to the number of bytes required for the specification 
+ *            structure 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments The function returns 
+ *              OMX_Sts_BadArgErr if one or more of the following is true: 
+ *    pSize is NULL 
+ *    order < 0 or order > 12 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_F32(
+    OMX_INT order,
+    OMX_INT* pSize
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Compute an FFT for a complex signal of length of 2^order, 
+ * where 0 <= order <= 12. 
+ * Transform length is determined by the specification structure, which 
+ * must be initialized prior to calling the FFT function using the appropriate 
+ * helper, i.e., <FFTInit_C_sc32> or <FFTInit_C_SC16>. The relationship 
+ * between the input and output sequences can be expressed in terms of the 
+ * DFT, i.e., 
+ *
+ *      X[k] = 2^(-scaleFactor) . SUM[n=0...N-1]x[n].e^(-jnk.2.pi/N)
+ *      k = 0,1,2,..., N-1
+ *      N = 2^order
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   pSrc - pointer to the input signal, a complex-valued vector of length 2^order; 
+ *            must be aligned on a 32 byte boundary. 
+ *   pFFTSpec - pointer to the preallocated and initialized specification 
+ *            structure 
+ *   scaleFactor - output scale factor; the range for is [0,16] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   pDst - pointer to the complex-valued output vector, of length 2^order; 
+ *          must be aligned on an 32-byte boundary. 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - returned if one or more of the following conditions 
+ *              is true: 
+ *    -   one or more of the following pointers is NULL: pSrc, pDst, or 
+ *              pFFTSpec. 
+ *    -    pSrc or pDst is not 32-byte aligned 
+ *    -    scaleFactor<0 or scaleFactor>16
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs (
+    const OMX_SC16 *pSrc,
+    OMX_SC16 *pDst,
+    const OMXFFTSpec_C_SC16 *pFFTSpec,
+    OMX_INT scaleFactor
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_neon (
+    const OMX_SC16 *pSrc,
+    OMX_SC16 *pDst,
+    const OMXFFTSpec_C_SC16 *pFFTSpec,
+    OMX_INT scaleFactor
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Compute an FFT for a complex signal of length of 2^order, 
+ * where 0 <= order <= 12. 
+ * Transform length is determined by the specification structure, which 
+ * must be initialized prior to calling the FFT function using the appropriate 
+ * helper, i.e., <FFTInit_C_sc32> or <FFTInit_C_SC16>. The relationship 
+ * between the input and output sequences can be expressed in terms of the 
+ * DFT, i.e., 
+ *
+ *      X[k] = 2^(-scaleFactor) . SUM[n=0...N-1]x[n].e^(-jnk.2.pi/N)
+ *      k = 0,1,2,..., N-1
+ *      N = 2^order
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   pSrc - pointer to the input signal, a complex-valued vector of length 2^order; 
+ *            must be aligned on a 32 byte boundary. 
+ *   pFFTSpec - pointer to the preallocated and initialized specification 
+ *            structure 
+ *   scaleFactor - output scale factor; the range is [0,32] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   pDst - pointer to the complex-valued output vector, of length 2^order; must be 
+ *            aligned on an 32-byte boundary. 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - returned if one or more of the following conditions 
+ *              is true: 
+ *    -   one or more of the following pointers is NULL: pSrc, pDst, or 
+ *              pFFTSpec. 
+ *    -    pSrc or pDst is not 32-byte aligned 
+ *    -    scaleFactor<0 or scaleFactor >32 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs (
+    const OMX_SC32 *pSrc,
+    OMX_SC32 *pDst,
+    const OMXFFTSpec_C_SC32 *pFFTSpec,
+    OMX_INT scaleFactor
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC16_Sfs   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions compute an inverse FFT for a complex signal of  length
+ * of 2^order, where 0 <= order <= 12. Transform length is determined by the 
+ * specification structure, which must be initialized prior to calling the FFT 
+ * function using the appropriate helper, i.e., <FFTInit_C_sc32> or 
+ * <FFTInit_C_SC16>. The relationship between the input and output sequences 
+ * can be expressed in terms of the IDFT, i.e.: 
+ *
+ *     x[n] = (2^(-scalefactor)/N)  . SUM[k=0,...,N-1] X[k].e^(jnk.2.pi/N)
+ *     n=0,1,2,...N-1
+ *     N=2^order.
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   pSrc - pointer to the complex-valued input signal, of length 2^order ; 
+ *          must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary. 
+ *   pFFTSpec - pointer to the preallocated and initialized specification 
+ *            structure 
+ *   scaleFactor - scale factor of the output. Valid value is 0
+ *          only.
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   order 
+ *   pDst - pointer to the complex-valued output signal, of length 2^order; 
+ *          must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary. 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *  
+ *    Positive value - the shift scale that was performed inside
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - returned if one or more of the following conditions 
+ *              is true: 
+ *    -   one or more of the following pointers is NULL: pSrc, pDst, or 
+ *              pFFTSpec. 
+ *    -   pSrc or pDst is not 32-byte aligned 
+ *    -   scaleFactor<0 or scaleFactor>16 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC16_Sfs (
+    const OMX_SC16 *pSrc,
+    OMX_SC16 *pDst,
+    const OMXFFTSpec_C_SC16 *pFFTSpec,
+    OMX_INT scaleFactor
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC16_Sfs_neon (
+    const OMX_SC16 *pSrc,
+    OMX_SC16 *pDst,
+    const OMXFFTSpec_C_SC16 *pFFTSpec,
+    OMX_INT scaleFactor
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions compute an inverse FFT for a complex signal of length
+ * of 2^order, where 0 <= order <= 12. Transform length is determined by the 
+ * specification structure, which must be initialized prior to calling the FFT 
+ * function using the appropriate helper, i.e., <FFTInit_C_sc32> or 
+ * <FFTInit_C_SC16>. The relationship between the input and output sequences 
+ * can be expressed in terms of the IDFT, i.e.: 
+ *
+ *     x[n] = (2^(-scalefactor)/N)  . SUM[k=0,...,N-1] X[k].e^(jnk.2.pi/N)
+ *     n=0,1,2,...N-1
+ *     N=2^order.
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   pSrc - pointer to the complex-valued input signal, of length 2^order ; 
+ *          must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary. 
+ *   pFFTSpec - pointer to the preallocated and initialized specification 
+ *            structure 
+ *   scaleFactor - scale factor of the output. Valid range is [0,32]. 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   order 
+ *   pDst - pointer to the complex-valued output signal, of length 2^order; 
+ *          must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary. 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - returned if one or more of the following conditions 
+ *              is true: 
+ *    -   one or more of the following pointers is NULL: pSrc, pDst, or 
+ *              pFFTSpec. 
+ *    -   pSrc or pDst is not 32-byte aligned 
+ *    -   scaleFactor<0 or scaleFactor>32
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs (
+    const OMX_SC32 *pSrc,
+    OMX_SC32 *pDst,
+    const OMXFFTSpec_C_SC32 *pFFTSpec,
+    OMX_INT scaleFactor
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16S32_Sfs   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions compute an FFT for a real-valued signal of length of 2^order,
+ * where 0 <= order <= 12. Transform length is determined by the 
+ * specification structure, which must be initialized prior to calling the FFT 
+ * function using the appropriate helper, i.e., <FFTInit_R_S16S32>. 
+ * The relationship between the input and output sequences 
+ * can be expressed in terms of the DFT, i.e.:
+ *
+ *     x[n] = (2^(-scalefactor)/N)  . SUM[k=0,...,N-1] X[k].e^(jnk.2.pi/N)
+ *     n=0,1,2,...N-1
+ *     N=2^order.
+ *
+ * The conjugate-symmetric output sequence is represented using a CCS vector, 
+ * which is of length N+2, and is organized as follows: 
+ *
+ *   Index:      0  1  2  3  4  5   . . .   N-2       N-1       N       N+1 
+ *   Component:  R0 0  R1 I1 R2 I2  . . .   R[N/2-1]  I[N/2-1]  R[N/2]  0 
+ *
+ * where R[n] and I[n], respectively, denote the real and imaginary components 
+ * for FFT bin 'n'. Bins  are numbered from 0 to N/2, where N is the FFT length. 
+ * Bin index 0 corresponds to the DC component, and bin index N/2 corresponds to the 
+ * foldover frequency. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   pSrc - pointer to the real-valued input sequence, of length 2^order; 
+ *          must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary. 
+ *   pFFTSpec - pointer to the preallocated and initialized specification 
+ *            structure 
+ *   scaleFactor - output scale factor; valid range is [0, 32] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   pDst - pointer to output sequence, represented using CCS format, of 
+ *            length (2^order)+2; must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary. 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments, if one or more of the following is true: 
+ *    -    one of the pointers pSrc, pDst, or pFFTSpec is NULL 
+ *    -    pSrc or pDst is not aligned on a 32-byte boundary 
+ *    -    scaleFactor<0 or scaleFactor >32 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16S32_Sfs (
+    const OMX_S16 *pSrc,
+    OMX_S32 *pDst,
+    const OMXFFTSpec_R_S16S32 *pFFTSpec,
+    OMX_INT scaleFactor
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions compute an FFT for a real-valued signal of length of 2^order,
+ * where 0 <= order <= 12. Transform length is determined by the 
+ * specification structure, which must be initialized prior to calling the FFT 
+ * function using the appropriate helper, i.e., <FFTInit_R_S32>. 
+ * The relationship between the input and output sequences 
+ * can be expressed in terms of the DFT, i.e.:
+ *
+ *     x[n] = (2^(-scalefactor)/N)  . SUM[k=0,...,N-1] X[k].e^(jnk.2.pi/N)
+ *     n=0,1,2,...N-1
+ *     N=2^order.
+ *
+ * The conjugate-symmetric output sequence is represented using a CCS vector, 
+ * which is of length N+2, and is organized as follows: 
+ *
+ *   Index:      0  1  2  3  4  5   . . .   N-2       N-1       N       N+1 
+ *   Component:  R0 0  R1 I1 R2 I2  . . .   R[N/2-1]  I[N/2-1]  R[N/2]  0 
+ *
+ * where R[n] and I[n], respectively, denote the real and imaginary components 
+ * for FFT bin 'n'. Bins  are numbered from 0 to N/2, where N is the FFT length. 
+ * Bin index 0 corresponds to the DC component, and bin index N/2 corresponds to the 
+ * foldover frequency. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   pSrc - pointer to the real-valued input sequence, of length 2^order; 
+ *          must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary. 
+ *   pFFTSpec - pointer to the preallocated and initialized specification 
+ *            structure 
+ *   scaleFactor - output scale factor; valid range is [0, 32] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   pDst - pointer to output sequence, represented using CCS format, of 
+ *            length (2^order)+2; must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary. 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments, if one or more of the following is true: 
+ *    -    one of the pointers pSrc, pDst, or pFFTSpec is NULL 
+ *    -    pSrc or pDst is not aligned on a 32-byte boundary 
+ *    -    scaleFactor<0 or scaleFactor >32 
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs (
+    const OMX_S32 *pSrc,
+    OMX_S32 *pDst,
+    const OMXFFTSpec_R_S32 *pFFTSpec,
+    OMX_INT scaleFactor
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_F32_Sfs
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions compute an FFT for a real-valued signal of length
+ * of 2^order, where 0 <= order <= 12. Transform length is determined
+ * by the specification structure, which must be initialized prior to
+ * calling the FFT function using the appropriate helper, i.e.,
+ * <FFTInit_R_F32>. The relationship between the input and output
+ * sequences can be expressed in terms of the DFT, i.e.:
+ *
+ *     x[n] = (2^(-scalefactor)/N)  . SUM[k=0,...,N-1] X[k].e^(jnk.2.pi/N)
+ *     n=0,1,2,...N-1
+ *     N=2^order.
+ *
+ * The conjugate-symmetric output sequence is represented using a CCS vector, 
+ * which is of length N+2, and is organized as follows: 
+ *
+ *   Index:      0  1  2  3  4  5   . . .   N-2       N-1       N       N+1 
+ *   Component:  R0 0  R1 I1 R2 I2  . . .   R[N/2-1]  I[N/2-1]  R[N/2]  0 
+ *
+ * where R[n] and I[n], respectively, denote the real and imaginary
+ * components for FFT bin 'n'. Bins are numbered from 0 to N/2, where
+ * N is the FFT length. Bin index 0 corresponds to the DC component,
+ * and bin index N/2 corresponds to the foldover frequency.
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   pSrc - pointer to the real-valued input sequence, of length 2^order; 
+ *          must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary. 
+ *   pFFTSpec - pointer to the preallocated and initialized specification 
+ *            structure 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   pDst - pointer to output sequence, represented using CCS format, of 
+ *            length (2^order)+2; must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary. 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments, if one or more of the
+ *    following is true: - one of the pointers pSrc, pDst, or pFFTSpec
+ *    is NULL - pSrc or pDst is not aligned on a 32-byte boundary
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_F32_Sfs(
+    const OMX_F32* pSrc,
+    OMX_F32* pDst,
+    const OMXFFTSpec_R_F32* pFFTSpec
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32S16_Sfs   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions compute the inverse FFT for a conjugate-symmetric input 
+ * sequence.  Transform length is determined by the specification structure, 
+ * which must be initialized prior to calling the FFT function using 
+ * <FFTInit_R_S16S32>. For a transform of length M, the input sequence is 
+ * represented using a packed CCS vector of length M+2, and is organized 
+ * as follows: 
+ *
+ *   Index:     0    1  2    3    4    5    . . .  M-2       M-1      M      M+1 
+ *   Component  R[0] 0  R[1] I[1] R[2] I[2] . . .  R[M/2-1]  I[M/2-1] R[M/2] 0 
+ *
+ * where R[n] and I[n], respectively, denote the real and imaginary components for FFT bin n. 
+ * Bins are numbered from 0 to M/2, where M is the FFT length.  Bin index 0 
+ * corresponds to the DC component, and bin index M/2 corresponds to the 
+ * foldover frequency. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   pSrc - pointer to the complex-valued input sequence represented using 
+ *            CCS format, of length (2^order) + 2; must be aligned on a 32-byte 
+ *            boundary. 
+ *   pFFTSpec - pointer to the preallocated and initialized specification 
+ *            structure 
+ *   scaleFactor - output scalefactor; range is [0,16]
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   pDst - pointer to the real-valued output sequence, of length 2^order ; must be 
+ *            aligned on a 32-byte boundary. 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments if one or more of the following is true: 
+ *    -    pSrc, pDst, or pFFTSpec is NULL 
+ *    -    pSrc or pDst is not aligned on a 32-byte boundary 
+ *    -    scaleFactor<0 or scaleFactor >16
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32S16_Sfs (
+    const OMX_S32 *pSrc,
+    OMX_S16 *pDst,
+    const OMXFFTSpec_R_S16S32 *pFFTSpec,
+    OMX_INT scaleFactor
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions compute the inverse FFT for a conjugate-symmetric input 
+ * sequence.  Transform length is determined by the specification structure, 
+ * which must be initialized prior to calling the FFT function using 
+ * <FFTInit_R_S32>. For a transform of length M, the input sequence is 
+ * represented using a packed CCS vector of length M+2, and is organized 
+ * as follows: 
+ *
+ *   Index:     0    1  2    3    4    5    . . .  M-2       M-1      M      M+1 
+ *   Component  R[0] 0  R[1] I[1] R[2] I[2] . . .  R[M/2-1]  I[M/2-1] R[M/2] 0 
+ *
+ * where R[n] and I[n], respectively, denote the real and imaginary components for FFT bin n. 
+ * Bins are numbered from 0 to M/2, where M is the FFT length.  Bin index 0 
+ * corresponds to the DC component, and bin index M/2 corresponds to the 
+ * foldover frequency. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   pSrc - pointer to the complex-valued input sequence represented using 
+ *            CCS format, of length (2^order) + 2; must be aligned on a 32-byte 
+ *            boundary. 
+ *   pFFTSpec - pointer to the preallocated and initialized specification 
+ *            structure 
+ *   scaleFactor - output scalefactor; range is [0,32] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   pDst - pointer to the real-valued output sequence, of length 2^order ; must be 
+ *            aligned on a 32-byte boundary. 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments if one or more of the following is true: 
+ *    -    pSrc, pDst, or pFFTSpec is NULL 
+ *    -    pSrc or pDst is not aligned on a 32-byte boundary 
+ *    -    scaleFactor<0 or scaleFactor >32
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs (
+    const OMX_S32 *pSrc,
+    OMX_S32 *pDst,
+    const OMXFFTSpec_R_S32 *pFFTSpec,
+    OMX_INT scaleFactor
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_Sfs
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions compute the inverse FFT for a conjugate-symmetric input 
+ * sequence.  Transform length is determined by the specification structure, 
+ * which must be initialized prior to calling the FFT function using 
+ * <FFTInit_R_F32>. For a transform of length M, the input sequence is 
+ * represented using a packed CCS vector of length M+2, and is organized 
+ * as follows: 
+ *
+ *   Index:   0  1  2    3    4    5    . . .  M-2       M-1      M      M+1 
+ *   Comp:  R[0] 0  R[1] I[1] R[2] I[2] . . .  R[M/2-1]  I[M/2-1] R[M/2] 0 
+ *
+ * where R[n] and I[n], respectively, denote the real and imaginary
+ * components for FFT bin n. Bins are numbered from 0 to M/2, where M
+ * is the FFT length.  Bin index 0 corresponds to the DC component,
+ * and bin index M/2 corresponds to the foldover frequency.
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   pSrc - pointer to the complex-valued input sequence represented
+ *          using CCS format, of length (2^order) + 2; must be aligned on a
+ *          32-byte boundary.
+ *   pFFTSpec - pointer to the preallocated and initialized
+ *              specification structure
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   pDst - pointer to the real-valued output sequence, of length
+ *          2^order ; must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - bad arguments if one or more of the
+ *      following is true:
+ *    -    pSrc, pDst, or pFFTSpec is NULL 
+ *    -    pSrc or pDst is not aligned on a 32-byte boundary 
+ *    -    scaleFactor<0 or scaleFactor >32
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_Sfs(
+    const OMX_F32* pSrc,
+    OMX_F32* pDst,
+    const OMXFFTSpec_R_F32* pFFTSpec
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /** end of #define _OMXSP_H_ */
+/** EOF */
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Sfs_s.S b/dl/omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Sfs_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65c1653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Sfs_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This is a modification of omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_s.s
+@//  to support float instead of SC32.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute an inverse FFT for a complex signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+@// Set debugging level
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+    @// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Sfs_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc            r0
+#define pDst            r1
+#define pFFTSpec        r2
+@// Output registers
+#define result          r0
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define argTwiddle      r1
+#define argDst          r2
+#define argScale        r4
+#define tmpOrder        r4
+#define pTwiddle        r4
+#define pOut            r5
+#define subFFTSize      r7
+#define subFFTNum       r6
+#define N               r6
+#define order           r14
+#define diff            r9
+@// Total num of radix stages required to comple the FFT
+#define count           r8
+#define x0r             r4
+#define x0i             r5
+#define diffMinusOne    r2
+@// Neon registers
+#define dX0     D0.F32
+    @// Allocate stack memory required by the function
+    @// Write function header
+        M_START     omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Sfs,r11,d15
+@ Structure offsets for the FFTSpec
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_N, 0
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBitRev, 4
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle, 8
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf, 12
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// Read the size from structure and take log
+        LDR     N, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_N]
+        @// Read other structure parameters
+        LDR     pTwiddle, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle]
+        LDR     pOut, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf]
+        CLZ     order,N                             @// N = 2^order
+        RSB     order,order,#31
+        MOV     subFFTSize,#1
+        @//MOV     subFFTNum,N
+        CMP     order,#3
+        BGT     orderGreaterthan3                   @// order > 3
+        CMP     order,#1
+        BGE     orderGreaterthan0                   @// order > 0
+        VLD1    dX0,[pSrc]
+        VST1    dX0,[pDst]
+        MOV     pSrc,pDst
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        @// set the buffers appropriately for various orders
+        CMP     order,#2
+        MOVNE   argDst,pDst
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pOut
+        @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOVEQ   pOut,pDst
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle
+        CMP     order,#1
+        BGT     orderGreaterthan1
+        @// order = 1
+        BL    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        B       FFTEnd
+        CMP     order,#2
+        BGT     orderGreaterthan2
+        @// order = 2
+        BL    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        BL    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        B       FFTEnd
+orderGreaterthan2:                                                                     @// order =3
+        BL    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        BL    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        BL    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        B       FFTEnd
+        @// Set input args to fft stages
+        TST     order, #2
+        MOVNE   argDst,pDst
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pOut
+        @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOVEQ   pOut,pDst
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle
+        @//check for even or odd order
+        @// NOTE: The following combination of BL's would work fine even though
+        @// the first BL would corrupt the flags. This is because the end of
+        @// the "grpZeroSetLoop" loop inside
+        @// armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe sets the Z flag
+        @// to EQ
+        TST     order,#0x00000001
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        BLNE    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        BEQ        lastStageUnscaledRadix4
+         BL        armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+         B        unscaledRadix4Loop
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        B        FFTEnd
+        @// Set return value
+        MOV     result, #OMX_Sts_NoErr
+        @// Write function tail
+        M_END
+        .end
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_s.S b/dl/omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17287ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+@//  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+@// File Name:  omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_s.s
+@// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+@// Last Modified Revision:   6684
+@// Last Modified Date:       Mon, 09 Jul 2007
+@// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute an inverse FFT for a complex signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe   
+@// Set debugging level        
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+    @// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe     
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe      
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc		r0
+#define pDst		r1
+#define pFFTSpec	r2
+#define scale		r3
+@// Output registers
+#define result		r0
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define argTwiddle	r1
+#define argDst		r2
+#define argScale	r4
+#define tmpOrder	r4
+#define pTwiddle	r4
+#define pOut		r5
+#define subFFTSize	r7     
+#define subFFTNum	r6
+#define N		r6
+#define order		r14
+#define diff		r9
+@// Total num of radix stages required to comple the FFT	
+#define count		r8
+#define x0r		r4    
+#define x0i		r5
+#define diffMinusOne	r2
+#define round		r3
+@// Neon registers
+#define dX0	D0.S32
+#define dShift	D1.S32
+    @// Allocate stack memory required by the function
+        M_ALLOC4        diffOnStack, 4
+    @// Write function header
+        M_START     omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs,r11,d15
+@ Structure offsets for the FFTSpec		
+	.set	ARMsFFTSpec_N, 0
+	.set	ARMsFFTSpec_pBitRev, 4
+	.set	ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle, 8
+	.set	ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf, 12
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// Read the size from structure and take log
+        LDR     N, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_N]
+        @// Read other structure parameters
+        LDR     pTwiddle, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle]
+        LDR     pOut, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf]
+        CLZ     order,N                             @// N = 2^order 
+        RSB     order,order,#31     
+        MOV     subFFTSize,#1
+        @//MOV     subFFTNum,N
+        CMP     order,#3
+        BGT     orderGreaterthan3                   @// order > 3
+        CMP     order,#1
+        BGE     orderGreaterthan0                   @// order > 0
+        M_STR   scale, diffOnStack,LT               @// order = 0
+        VLD1    dX0,[pSrc]
+        VST1    dX0,[pDst]
+        MOV     pSrc,pDst
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        @// set the buffers appropriately for various orders
+        CMP     order,#2
+        MOVNE   argDst,pDst        
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pOut
+        MOVEQ   pOut,pDst                           @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle
+        SUBS     diff,scale,order
+        M_STR   diff,diffOnStack
+        MOVGT   scale,order
+        @// Now scale <= order
+        CMP     order,#1
+        BGT     orderGreaterthan1
+        SUBS    scale,scale,#1
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe  @// order = 1
+        BLLT    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe      @// order = 1
+        B       FFTEnd
+        CMP     order,#2
+        MOV     argScale,scale
+        BGT     orderGreaterthan2
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1
+        BLGE    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe      @// order =2          
+        BLLT    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe  
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe  
+        BLLT    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe  
+        B       FFTEnd
+orderGreaterthan2:	                                                               @// order =3        
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1
+        BLGE    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe // "fs" means first stage
+        BLLT    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe  
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1
+        BLGE    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe  
+        BLLT    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe // "ls" means last stage
+        BLLT    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe    
+        B       FFTEnd
+        @// check scale = 0 or scale = order
+        SUBS    diff, scale, order                 @// scale > order 
+        MOVGT   scale,order     
+        BGE     specialScaleCase                   @// scale = 0 or scale = order 
+        CMP     scale,#0
+        BEQ     specialScaleCase
+        B       generalScaleCase
+specialScaleCase:	                                    @//  scale = 0 or scale = order  and order >= 2     
+        TST     order, #2                           @// Set input args to fft stages
+        MOVNE   argDst,pDst        
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pOut
+        MOVEQ   pOut,pDst                           @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle  
+        CMP      diff,#0
+        M_STR    diff, diffOnStack
+        BGE      scaleEqualsOrder  
+        @//check for even or odd order
+        @// NOTE: The following combination of BL's would work fine eventhough the first
+        @// BL would corrupt the flags. This is because the end of the "grpZeroSetLoop" loop inside 
+        @// armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe sets the Z flag to EQ
+        TST     order,#0x00000001
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        BLNE    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        BEQ        lastStageUnscaledRadix4
+         BL        armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+         B        unscaledRadix4Loop
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        B        FFTEnd        
+        @//check for even or odd order
+        @// NOTE: The following combination of BL's would work fine eventhough the first
+        @// BL would corrupt the flags. This is because the end of the "grpZeroSetLoop" loop inside 
+        @// armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe sets the Z flag to EQ
+        TST     order,#0x00000001
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        BLNE    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        BEQ        lastStageScaledRadix4
+         BL        armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+         B        scaledRadix4Loop         
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        B        FFTEnd        
+generalScaleCase:	                                        @// 0 < scale < order and order >= 2
+        @// Determine the correct destination buffer
+        SUB     diff,order,scale
+        TST     diff,#0x01
+        ADDEQ   count,scale,diff,LSR #1         @// count = scale + (order - scale)/2
+        MOVNE   count,order
+        TST     count,#0x01                     @// Is count even or odd ?
+        MOVNE   argDst,pDst                     @// Set input args to fft stages
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pOut
+        MOVEQ   pOut,pDst                       @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle  
+        M_STR   diff, diffOnStack    
+        MOV     argScale,scale                  @// Put scale in RN4 so as to save and restore
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe     @// scaled first stage
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1
+        BLGT    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1            @// save and restore scale (RN4) in the scaled stages
+        BGT     scaledRadix2Loop
+        M_LDR   diff, diffOnStack  
+        @//check for even or odd order
+        TST     diff,#0x00000001
+        BEQ     generalUnscaledRadix4Loop
+        B       unscaledRadix2Loop
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+         BEQ        generalLastStageUnscaledRadix4
+         BL        armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         B        generalUnscaledRadix4Loop 
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        B        End             
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#2
+         BEQ        generalLastStageUnscaledRadix2
+         BL        armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         B        unscaledRadix2Loop        
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        B        End             
+FFTEnd:	                                              @// Does only the scaling
+        M_LDR   diff, diffOnStack  
+        CMP     diff,#0
+        BLE     End
+        RSB     diff,diff,#0                        @// to use VRSHL for right shift by a variable
+        VDUP    dShift,diff     
+scaleFFTData:	                                        @// N = subFFTSize  ; dataptr = pDst  ; scale = diff
+        VLD1    {dX0},[pSrc]            @// pSrc contains pDst pointer
+        SUBS    subFFTSize,subFFTSize,#1
+        VRSHL   dX0,dShift
+        VST1    {dX0},[pSrc]!
+        BGT     scaleFFTData
+        @// Set return value
+        MOV     result, #OMX_Sts_NoErr       
+        @// Write function tail
+        M_END
+	.end
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_F32_Sfs_s.S b/dl/omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_F32_Sfs_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..850fa9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_F32_Sfs_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This is a modification of omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs_s.s
+@//  to support float instead of SC32.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute FFT for a real signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+@// Set debugging level
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+    @// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc            r0
+#define pDst            r1
+#define pFFTSpec        r2
+#define scale           r3
+@// Output registers
+#define result          r0
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define argTwiddle      r1
+#define argDst          r2
+#define argScale        r4
+#define tmpOrder        r4
+#define pTwiddle        r4
+#define pOut            r5
+#define subFFTSize      r7
+#define subFFTNum       r6
+#define N               r6
+#define order           r14
+#define diff            r9
+@// Total num of radix stages required to comple the FFT
+#define count           r8
+#define x0r             r4
+#define x0i             r5
+#define diffMinusOne    r2
+#define subFFTSizeTmp   r6
+#define step            r3
+#define step1           r4
+#define twStep          r8
+#define zero            r9
+#define pTwiddleTmp     r5
+#define t0              r10
+@// Neon registers
+#define dX0       d0.f32
+#define dzero     d1.f32
+#define dZero     d2.f32
+#define dShift    d3.f32
+#define dX0r      d2.f32
+#define dX0i      d3.f32
+#define dX1r      d4.f32
+#define dX1i      d5.f32
+#define dT0       d6.f32
+#define dT1       d7.f32
+#define dT2       d8.f32
+#define dT3       d9.f32
+#define qT0       d10.f32
+#define qT1       d12.f32
+#define dW0r      d14.f32
+#define dW0i      d15.f32
+#define dW1r      d16.f32
+#define dW1i      d17.f32
+#define dY0r      d14.f32
+#define dY0i      d15.f32
+#define dY1r      d16.f32
+#define dY1i      d17.f32
+#define dY0rS64   d14.s64
+#define dY0iS64   d15.s64
+#define qT2       d18.f32
+#define qT3       d20.f32
+@// lastThreeelements
+#define dX1       d3.f32
+#define dW0       d4.f32
+#define dW1       d5.f32
+#define dY0       d10.f32
+#define dY1       d11.f32
+#define dY2       d12.f32
+#define dY3       d13.f32
+#define half      d0.f32
+HALF:   .float  0.5
+    @// Allocate stack memory required by the function
+    @// Write function header
+        M_START     omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_F32_Sfs,r11,d15
+@ Structure offsets for the FFTSpec
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_N, 0
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBitRev, 4
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle, 8
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf, 12
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// Read the size from structure and take log
+        LDR     N, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_N]
+        @// Read other structure parameters
+        LDR     pTwiddle, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle]
+        LDR     pOut, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf]
+        @//  N=1 Treat seperately
+        CMP     N,#1
+        BGT     sizeGreaterThanOne
+        VLD1    dX0[0],[pSrc]
+        MOV     zero,#0
+        VMOV    dzero[0],zero
+        VMOV    dZero[0],zero
+        VST3    {dX0[0],dzero[0],dZero[0]},[pDst]
+        B       End
+        @// Do a N/2 point complex FFT including the scaling
+        MOV     N,N,ASR #1                          @// N/2 point complex FFT
+        CLZ     order,N                             @// N = 2^order
+        RSB     order,order,#31
+        MOV     subFFTSize,#1
+        @//MOV     subFFTNum,N
+        CMP     order,#3
+        BGT     orderGreaterthan3                   @// order > 3
+        CMP     order,#1
+        BGE     orderGreaterthan0                   @// order > 0
+        VLD1    dX0,[pSrc]
+        VST1    dX0,[pOut]
+        MOV     pSrc,pOut
+        MOV     argDst,pDst
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        @// set the buffers appropriately for various orders
+        CMP     order,#2
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pDst
+        MOVNE   argDst,pOut
+        @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOVNE   pOut,pDst
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle
+        CMP     order,#1
+        BGT     orderGreaterthan1
+        @// order = 1
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        B       FFTEnd
+        CMP     order,#2
+        BGT     orderGreaterthan2
+        @// order =2
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        B       FFTEnd
+orderGreaterthan2:@// order =3
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        B       FFTEnd
+        @// Set input args to fft stages
+        TST     order, #2
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pDst
+        MOVNE   argDst,pOut
+        @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOVNE   pOut,pDst
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle
+        @//check for even or odd order
+        @// NOTE: The following combination of BL's would work fine even though
+        @// the first BL would corrupt the flags. This is because the end of
+        @// the "grpZeroSetLoop" loop inside
+        @// armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe sets the Z flag
+        @// to EQ
+        TST     order,#0x00000001
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        BLNE    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        BEQ        lastStageUnscaledRadix4
+         BL        armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+         B        unscaledRadix4Loop
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        B        FFTEnd
+        @// F(0) = 1/2[Z(0) + Z'(0)] - j [Z(0) - Z'(0)]
+        @// 1/2[(a+jb) + (a-jb)] - j  [(a+jb) - (a-jb)]
+        @// 1/2[2a+j0] - j [0+j2b]
+        @// (a+b, 0)
+        @// F(N/2) = 1/2[Z(0) + Z'(0)] + j [Z(0) - Z'(0)]
+        @// 1/2[(a+jb) + (a-jb)] + j  [(a+jb) - (a-jb)]
+        @// 1/2[2a+j0] + j [0+j2b]
+        @// (a-b, 0)
+        @// F(0) and F(N/2)
+        VLD2    {dX0r[0],dX0i[0]},[pSrc]!
+        MOV     zero,#0
+        VMOV    dX0r[1],zero
+        MOV     step,subFFTSize,LSL #3            @// step = N/2 * 8 bytes
+        VMOV    dX0i[1],zero
+        @// twStep = 3N/8 * 8 bytes pointing to W^1
+        SUB     twStep,step,subFFTSize,LSL #1
+        VADD    dY0r,dX0r,dX0i                    @// F(0) = ((Z0.r+Z0.i) , 0)
+        MOV     step1,subFFTSize,LSL #2           @// step1 = N/2 * 4 bytes
+        VSUB    dY0i,dX0r,dX0i                    @// F(N/2) = ((Z0.r-Z0.i) , 0)
+        SUBS    subFFTSize,subFFTSize,#2
+        VST1    dY0r,[argDst],step
+        ADD     pTwiddleTmp,argTwiddle,#8         @// W^2
+        VST1    dY0i,[argDst]!
+        ADD     argTwiddle,argTwiddle,twStep      @// W^1
+        VDUP    dzero,zero
+        SUB     argDst,argDst,step
+        BLT     End
+        BEQ     lastElement
+        SUB     step,step,#24
+        SUB     step1,step1,#8                    @// (N/4-1)*8 bytes
+        @// F(k) = 1/2[Z(k) +  Z'(N/2-k)] -j*W^(k) [Z(k) -  Z'(N/2-k)]
+        @// Note: W^k is stored as negative values in the table
+        @// Process 4 elements at a time. E.g: F(1),F(2) and F(N/2-2),F(N/2-1)
+        @// since both of them require Z(1),Z(2) and Z(N/2-2),Z(N/2-1)
+        LDR     t0, =HALF
+        VLD1    half[0], [t0]
+        VLD1    dW0r,[argTwiddle],step1
+        VLD1    dW1r,[argTwiddle]!
+        VLD2    {dX0r,dX0i},[pSrc],step
+        SUB     argTwiddle,argTwiddle,step1
+        VLD2    {dX1r,dX1i},[pSrc]!
+        SUB     step1,step1,#8                    @// (N/4-2)*8 bytes
+        VLD1    dW0i,[pTwiddleTmp],step1
+        VLD1    dW1i,[pTwiddleTmp]!
+        SUB     pSrc,pSrc,step
+        SUB     pTwiddleTmp,pTwiddleTmp,step1
+        VREV64  dX1r,dX1r
+        VREV64  dX1i,dX1i
+        SUBS    subFFTSize,subFFTSize,#4
+        VSUB    dT2,dX0r,dX1r                     @// a-c
+        SUB     step1,step1,#8
+        VADD    dT0,dX0r,dX1r                     @// a+c
+        VSUB    dT1,dX0i,dX1i                     @// b-d
+        VADD    dT3,dX0i,dX1i                     @// b+d
+        VMUL   dT0,dT0,half[0]
+        VMUL   dT1,dT1,half[0]
+        VZIP    dW1r,dW1i
+        VZIP    dW0r,dW0i
+        VMUL   qT0,dW1r,dT2
+        VMUL   qT1,dW1r,dT3
+        VMUL   qT2,dW0r,dT2
+        VMUL   qT3,dW0r,dT3
+        VMLA   qT0,dW1i,dT3
+        VMLS   qT1,dW1i,dT2
+        VMLS   qT2,dW0i,dT3
+        VMLA   qT3,dW0i,dT2
+        VMUL  dX1r,qT0,half[0]
+        VMUL  dX1i,qT1,half[0]
+        VSUB    dY1r,dT0,dX1i                     @// F(N/2 -1)
+        VADD    dY1i,dT1,dX1r
+        VNEG    dY1i,dY1i
+        VREV64  dY1r,dY1r
+        VREV64  dY1i,dY1i
+        VMUL  dX0r,qT2,half[0]
+        VMUL  dX0i,qT3,half[0]
+        VSUB    dY0r,dT0,dX0i                     @// F(1)
+        VADD    dY0i,dT1,dX0r
+        VST2    {dY0r,dY0i},[argDst],step
+        VST2    {dY1r,dY1i},[argDst]!
+        SUB     argDst,argDst,step
+        SUB     step,step,#32                     @// (N/2-4)*8 bytes
+        BGT     evenOddButterflyLoop
+        @// set both the ptrs to the last element
+        SUB     pSrc,pSrc,#8
+        SUB     argDst,argDst,#8
+        @// Last element can be expanded as follows
+        @// 1/2[Z(k) + Z'(k)] + j w^k [Z(k) - Z'(k)]
+        @// 1/2[(a+jb) + (a-jb)] + j w^k [(a+jb) - (a-jb)]
+        @// 1/2[2a+j0] + j (c+jd) [0+j2b]
+        @// (a-bc, -bd)
+        @// Since (c,d) = (0,1) for the last element, result is just (a,-b)
+        VLD1    dX0r,[pSrc]
+        VST1    dX0r[0],[argDst]!
+        VNEG    dX0r,dX0r
+        VST1    dX0r[1],[argDst]!
+        @// Set return value
+        MOV     result, #OMX_Sts_NoErr
+        @// Write function tail
+        M_END
+        .end
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16S32_Sfs_s.S b/dl/omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16S32_Sfs_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73b02d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16S32_Sfs_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+@//  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+@// File Name:  omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16S32_Sfs_s.s
+@// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+@// Last Modified Revision:   7403
+@// Last Modified Date:       Mon, 17 Sep 2007
+@// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute FFT for a real signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs
+@// Set debugging level        
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+    @// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc            r0
+#define pDst            r1
+#define pFFTSpec        r2
+#define scale           r3
+@// Output registers
+#define result          r0
+#define pTmpDst         r4
+#define pTmpSrc         r5
+#define N               r6
+#define order           r7
+#define pOut            r8
+@// Neon registers
+#define dX0             D0.S16
+#define qY0             Q1.S32
+#define dY0S32          D2.S32
+#define qX0             Q1.S32
+#define dY1S32          D3.S32
+#define dX0S32          D0.S32
+    @// Allocate stack memory required by the function
+    @// Write function header
+        M_START     omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16S32_Sfs,r11,d15
+@ Structure offsets for the FFTSpec             
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_N, 0
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBitRev, 4
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle, 8
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf, 12
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// Read the size from structure and take log
+        LDR     N, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_N]
+        @// Read other structure parameters
+        @//LDR     pTwiddle, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle]
+        LDR     pOut, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf]
+        @//  N=1 Treat seperately  
+        CMP     N,#1
+        BGT     sizeGreaterThanOne
+        VLD1    dX0[0],[pSrc]
+        VMOVL   qY0,dX0
+        VST1    dY0S32[0],[pDst]
+        MOV     pSrc,pDst
+        B       realS32FFT
+        MOV     N,N,ASR #1
+        CLZ     order,N                             @// N = 2^order 
+        RSB     order,order,#31
+        TST     order,#1
+        MOVEQ   pTmpDst,pOut
+        MOVNE   pTmpDst,pDst
+        MOV     pTmpSrc,pTmpDst
+        CMP     N,#1
+        BGT     copyS16ToS32
+        VLD1    dX0S32[0],[pSrc]
+        VMOVL   qX0,dX0
+        VST1    dY0S32,[pTmpDst]
+        B       setpSrc
+        VLD1    dX0,[pSrc]!
+        SUBS    N,N,#2
+        VMOVL   qX0,dX0
+        VST1    {dY0S32,dY1S32},[pTmpDst]!
+        BGT     copyS16ToS32
+        MOV     pSrc,pTmpSrc
+        BL      omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs        
+        @// Set return value
+        MOV     result, #OMX_Sts_NoErr       
+        @// Write function tail
+        M_END
+        .end
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs_s.S b/dl/omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaef25e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+@//  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+@// File Name:  omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs_s.s
+@// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+@// Last Modified Revision:   7810
+@// Last Modified Date:       Thu, 04 Oct 2007
+@// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute FFT for a real signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe   
+@// Set debugging level        
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+    @// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe     
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe      
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc            r0
+#define pDst            r1
+#define pFFTSpec        r2
+#define scale           r3
+@// Output registers
+#define result          r0
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define argTwiddle      r1
+#define argDst          r2
+#define argScale        r4
+#define tmpOrder        r4
+#define pTwiddle        r4
+#define pOut            r5
+#define subFFTSize      r7     
+#define subFFTNum       r6
+#define N               r6
+#define order           r14
+#define diff            r9
+@// Total num of radix stages required to comple the FFT        
+#define count           r8
+#define x0r             r4    
+#define x0i             r5
+#define diffMinusOne    r2
+#define subFFTSizeTmp   r6
+#define step            r3
+#define step1           r4
+#define twStep          r8
+#define zero            r9
+#define pTwiddleTmp     r5
+#define t0              r10
+@// Neon registers
+#define dX0       d0.s32
+#define dzero     d1.s32
+#define dZero     d2.s32
+#define dShift    d3.s32
+#define dX0r      d2.s32            
+#define dX0i      d3.s32
+#define dX1r      d4.s32
+#define dX1i      d5.s32
+#define dT0       d6.s32
+#define dT1       d7.s32
+#define dT2       d8.s32
+#define dT3       d9.s32
+#define qT0       q5.s64
+#define qT1       q6.s64
+#define dW0r      d14.s32
+#define dW0i      d15.s32
+#define dW1r      d16.s32
+#define dW1i      d17.s32
+#define dY0r      d14.s32
+#define dY0i      d15.s32
+#define dY1r      d16.s32
+#define dY1i      d17.s32
+#define dY0rS64   d14.s64
+#define dY0iS64   d15.s64
+#define qT2       q9.s64
+#define qT3       q10.s64
+@// lastThreeelements
+#define dX1       d3.s32
+#define dW0       d4.s32
+#define dW1       d5.s32
+#define dY0       d10.s32
+#define dY1       d11.s32
+#define dY2       d12.s32
+#define dY3       d13.s32
+    @// Allocate stack memory required by the function
+        M_ALLOC4        diffOnStack, 4
+    @// Write function header
+        M_START     omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs,r11,d15
+@ Structure offsets for the FFTSpec             
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_N, 0
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBitRev, 4
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle, 8
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf, 12
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// Read the size from structure and take log
+        LDR     N, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_N]
+        @// Read other structure parameters
+        LDR     pTwiddle, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle]
+        LDR     pOut, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf]
+        @//  N=1 Treat seperately  
+        CMP     N,#1
+        BGT     sizeGreaterThanOne
+        VLD1    dX0[0],[pSrc]
+        RSB     scale,scale,#0                        @// to use VRSHL for right shift by a variable
+        MOV     zero,#0
+        VMOV    dShift[0],scale
+        VMOV    dzero[0],zero
+        VRSHL   dX0,dShift
+        VMOV    dZero[0],zero
+        VST3    {dX0[0],dzero[0],dZero[0]},[pDst]
+        B       End
+        @// Do a N/2 point complex FFT including the scaling
+        MOV     N,N,ASR #1                          @// N/2 point complex FFT
+        CLZ     order,N                             @// N = 2^order 
+        RSB     order,order,#31     
+        MOV     subFFTSize,#1
+        @//MOV     subFFTNum,N
+        CMP     order,#3
+        BGT     orderGreaterthan3                   @// order > 3
+        CMP     order,#1
+        BGE     orderGreaterthan0                   @// order > 0
+        M_STR   scale, diffOnStack,LT               @// order = 0
+        VLD1    dX0,[pSrc]
+        VST1    dX0,[pOut]
+        MOV     pSrc,pOut
+        MOV     argDst,pDst
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        @// set the buffers appropriately for various orders
+        CMP     order,#2
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pDst        
+        MOVNE   argDst,pOut
+        MOVNE   pOut,pDst                           @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle
+        SUBS     diff,scale,order
+        M_STR   diff,diffOnStack
+        MOVGT   scale,order
+        @// Now scale <= order
+        CMP     order,#1
+        BGT     orderGreaterthan1
+        SUBS    scale,scale,#1
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe  @// order = 1
+        BLLT    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe      @// order = 1
+        B       FFTEnd
+        CMP     order,#2
+        MOV     argScale,scale
+        BGT     orderGreaterthan2
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1
+        BLGE    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe      @// order =2          
+        BLLT    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe  
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe  
+        BLLT    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe  
+        B       FFTEnd
+orderGreaterthan2:@// order =3        
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1
+        BLGE    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe      
+        BLLT    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe  
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1
+        BLGE    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe  
+        BLLT    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe      
+        BLLT    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe    
+        B       FFTEnd
+        @// check scale = 0 or scale = order
+        SUBS    diff, scale, order                 @// scale > order 
+        MOVGT   scale,order     
+        BGE     specialScaleCase                   @// scale = 0 or scale = order 
+        CMP     scale,#0
+        BEQ     specialScaleCase
+        B       generalScaleCase
+specialScaleCase:@//  scale = 0 or scale = order  and order >= 2     
+        TST     order, #2                           @// Set input args to fft stages
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pDst        
+        MOVNE   argDst,pOut
+        MOVNE   pOut,pDst                           @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle  
+        CMP      diff,#0
+        M_STR    diff, diffOnStack
+        BGE      scaleEqualsOrder  
+        @//check for even or odd order
+        @// NOTE: The following combination of BL's would work fine eventhough the first
+        @// BL would corrupt the flags. This is because the end of the "grpZeroSetLoop" loop inside 
+        @// armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe sets the Z flag to EQ
+        TST     order,#0x00000001
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        BLNE    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        BEQ        lastStageUnscaledRadix4
+         BL        armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+         B        unscaledRadix4Loop
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        B        FFTEnd        
+        @//check for even or odd order
+        @// NOTE: The following combination of BL's would work fine eventhough the first
+        @// BL would corrupt the flags. This is because the end of the "grpZeroSetLoop" loop inside 
+        @// armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe sets the Z flag to EQ
+        TST     order,#0x00000001
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        BLNE    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        BEQ        lastStageScaledRadix4
+         BL        armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+         B        scaledRadix4Loop         
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        B        FFTEnd        
+generalScaleCase:@// 0 < scale < order and order >= 2
+        @// Determine the correct destination buffer
+        SUB     diff,order,scale
+        TST     diff,#0x01
+        ADDEQ   count, scale,diff,lsr #1         @// count = scale + (order - scale)/2
+        MOVNE   count, order
+        TST     count, #0x01                     @// Is count even or odd ?
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pDst                     @// Set input args to fft stages
+        MOVNE   argDst,pOut
+        MOVNE   pOut,pDst                       @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle  
+        M_STR   diff, diffOnStack    
+        MOV     argScale,scale                  @// Put scale in RN4 so as to save and restore
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe     @// scaled first stage
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1
+        BLGT    armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1            @// save and restore scale (RN4) in the scaled stages
+        BGT     scaledRadix2Loop
+        M_LDR   diff, diffOnStack  
+        @//check for even or odd order
+        TST     diff,#0x00000001
+        BEQ     generalUnscaledRadix4Loop
+        B       unscaledRadix2Loop
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+         BEQ        generalLastStageUnscaledRadix4
+         BL        armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         B        generalUnscaledRadix4Loop 
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        B        finalComplexToRealFixup             
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#2
+         BEQ        generalLastStageUnscaledRadix2
+         BL        armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         B        unscaledRadix2Loop        
+        BL      armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        B        finalComplexToRealFixup             
+FFTEnd:@// Does only the scaling
+        M_LDR   diff, diffOnStack  
+        CMP     diff,#0
+        BLE     finalComplexToRealFixup
+        RSB     diff,diff,#0                        @// to use VRSHL for right shift by a variable
+        VDUP    dShift,diff
+        @// save subFFTSize and use tmpsubfftsize in the folowwing loop
+        MOV    subFFTSizeTmp,subFFTSize                 @// subFFTSizeTmp same reg as subFFTNum      
+scaleFFTData:@// N = subFFTSize  ; dataptr = pDst  ; scale = diff
+        VLD1    {dX0},[pSrc]            @// pSrc contains pDst pointer
+        SUBS    subFFTSizeTmp,subFFTSizeTmp,#1
+        VRSHL   dX0,dShift
+        VST1    {dX0},[pSrc]!
+        BGT     scaleFFTData
+        SUB     pSrc,pSrc,subFFTSize,LSL #3             @// reset pSrc for final fixup
+        @//  change the logic so that output after scaling is in pOut and not in pDst
+        @//  finally store from pOut to pDst
+        @//  change branch "End" to branch "finalComplexToRealFixup" in the above
+        @//  chk the code below for multiplication by j factor
+        @// F(0) = 1/2[Z(0) + Z'(0)] - j [Z(0) - Z'(0)]
+        @// 1/2[(a+jb) + (a-jb)] - j  [(a+jb) - (a-jb)]
+        @// 1/2[2a+j0] - j [0+j2b]
+        @// (a+b, 0)
+        @// F(N/2) = 1/2[Z(0) + Z'(0)] + j [Z(0) - Z'(0)]
+        @// 1/2[(a+jb) + (a-jb)] + j  [(a+jb) - (a-jb)]
+        @// 1/2[2a+j0] + j [0+j2b]
+        @// (a-b, 0)
+        @// F(0) and F(N/2)
+        VLD2    {dX0r[0],dX0i[0]},[pSrc]!
+        MOV     zero,#0
+        VMOV    dX0r[1],zero
+        MOV     step,subFFTSize,LSL #3                  @// step = N/2 * 8 bytes
+        VMOV    dX0i[1],zero
+        SUB     twStep,step,subFFTSize,LSL #1           @// twStep = 3N/8 * 8 bytes pointing to W^1
+        VADD    dY0r,dX0r,dX0i                          @// F(0) = ((Z0.r+Z0.i) , 0)
+        MOV     step1,subFFTSize,LSL #2                 @// step1 = N/2 * 4 bytes
+        VSUB    dY0i,dX0r,dX0i                            @// F(N/2) = ((Z0.r-Z0.i) , 0)
+        SUBS    subFFTSize,subFFTSize,#2
+        VST1    dY0r,[argDst],step
+        ADD     pTwiddleTmp,argTwiddle,#8                @// W^2
+        VST1    dY0i,[argDst]!
+        ADD     argTwiddle,argTwiddle,twStep             @// W^1 
+        VDUP    dzero,zero
+        SUB     argDst,argDst,step
+        BLT     End
+        BEQ     lastElement
+        SUB     step,step,#24
+        SUB     step1,step1,#8                         @// (N/4-1)*8 bytes
+        @// F(k) = 1/2[Z(k) +  Z'(N/2-k)] -j*W^(k) [Z(k) -  Z'(N/2-k)]
+        @// Note: W^k is stored as negative values in the table
+        @// Process 4 elements at a time. E.g: F(1),F(2) and F(N/2-2),F(N/2-1) since both of them
+        @// require Z(1),Z(2) and Z(N/2-2),Z(N/2-1)
+        VLD1    dW0r,[argTwiddle],step1
+        VLD1    dW1r,[argTwiddle]!
+        VLD2    {dX0r,dX0i},[pSrc],step
+        SUB     argTwiddle,argTwiddle,step1
+        VLD2    {dX1r,dX1i},[pSrc]!
+        SUB     step1,step1,#8                          @// (N/4-2)*8 bytes
+        VLD1    dW0i,[pTwiddleTmp],step1
+        VLD1    dW1i,[pTwiddleTmp]!
+        SUB     pSrc,pSrc,step
+        SUB     pTwiddleTmp,pTwiddleTmp,step1
+        VREV64  dX1r,dX1r
+        VREV64  dX1i,dX1i
+        SUBS    subFFTSize,subFFTSize,#4
+        VSUB    dT2,dX0r,dX1r                            @// a-c
+        SUB     step1,step1,#8
+        VADD    dT3,dX0i,dX1i                            @// b+d
+        VADD    dT0,dX0r,dX1r                           @// a+c
+        VSUB    dT1,dX0i,dX1i                            @// b-d
+        VHADD   dT0,dT0,dzero
+        VHADD   dT1,dT1,dzero
+        VZIP    dW1r,dW1i
+        vzip    dW0r,dW0i
+        VMULL   qT0,dW1r,dT2
+        VMLAL   qT0,dW1i,dT3
+        VMULL   qT1,dW1r,dT3
+        VMLSL   qT1,dW1i,dT2
+        VMULL   qT2,dW0r,dT2
+        VMLSL   qT2,dW0i,dT3
+        VMULL   qT3,dW0r,dT3
+        VMLAL   qT3,dW0i,dT2
+        VRSHRN  dX1r,qT0,#32
+        VRSHRN  dX1i,qT1,#32
+        VSUB    dY1r,dT0,dX1i                           @// F(N/2 -1)
+        VADD    dY1i,dT1,dX1r
+        VNEG    dY1i,dY1i
+        VREV64  dY1r,dY1r
+        VREV64  dY1i,dY1i
+        VRSHRN  dX0r,qT2,#32
+        VRSHRN  dX0i,qT3,#32
+        VSUB    dY0r,dT0,dX0i                           @// F(1)
+        VADD    dY0i,dT1,dX0r
+        VST2    {dY0r,dY0i},[argDst],step
+        VST2    {dY1r,dY1i},[argDst]!
+        SUB     argDst,argDst,step
+        SUB     step,step,#32                            @// (N/2-4)*8 bytes
+        BGT     evenOddButterflyLoop
+        SUB     pSrc,pSrc,#8                @// set both the ptrs to the last element
+        SUB     argDst,argDst,#8
+        @// Last element can be expanded as follows
+        @// 1/2[Z(k) + Z'(k)] + j w^k [Z(k) - Z'(k)]
+        @// 1/2[(a+jb) + (a-jb)] + j w^k [(a+jb) - (a-jb)]
+        @// 1/2[2a+j0] + j (c+jd) [0+j2b]
+        @// (a-bc, -bd)
+        @// Since (c,d) = (0,1) for the last element, result is just (a,-b)
+        VLD1    dX0r,[pSrc]
+        VST1    dX0r[0],[argDst]!
+        VNEG    dX0r,dX0r
+        VST1    dX0r[1],[argDst]!
+        @// Set return value
+        MOV     result, #OMX_Sts_NoErr       
+        @// Write function tail
+        M_END
+        .end
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_FC32.c b/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_FC32.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d43686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_FC32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "armOMX.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_FC32
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions compute the size of the specification structure
+ * required for the length 2^order complex FFT and IFFT functions. The function
+ * <FFTGetBufSize_C_FC32> is used in conjunction with the 32-bit functions
+ * <FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Sfs> and <FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Sfs>.
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *
+ *   order - base-2 logarithm of the desired block length; valid in the range
+ *            [0,12] ([0,15] if BIG_FFT_TABLE is defined.)
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *
+ *   pSize - pointer to the number of bytes required for the specification
+ *            structure
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error
+ *
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_FC32(OMX_INT order, OMX_INT *pSize) {
+  if (!pSize || (order < 0) || (order > TWIDDLE_TABLE_ORDER))
+    return OMX_Sts_BadArgErr;
+  /*
+   * The required size is the same as for C_SC32, because the
+   * elements are the same size and because ARMsFFTSpec_SC32 is
+   * the same size as ARMsFFTSpec_FC32.
+   */
+  return omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32(order, pSize);
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC16.c b/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC16.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a19848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC16.c
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ *  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+ *  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+ */
+ * 
+ * File Name:  omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC16.c
+ * OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+ * Last Modified Revision:   9468
+ * Last Modified Date:       Thu, 03 Jan 2008
+ * 
+ * (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ * Compute the size of the specification structure required
+ */
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+#include "armOMX.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+#include "armCOMM.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC16   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions compute the size of the specification structure 
+ * required for the length 2^order complex FFT and IFFT functions. The function 
+ * <FFTGetBufSize_C_SC16> is used in conjunction with the 16-bit functions 
+ * <FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs> and <FFTInv_CToC_SC16_Sfs>. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   order - base-2 logarithm of the desired block length; valid in the range 
+ *            [0,12] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSize - pointer to the number of bytes required for the specification 
+ *            structure 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC16(
+     OMX_INT order,
+     OMX_INT *pSize)
+    OMX_INT     N,twiddleSize;
+    /* Check for order zero */
+    if (order == 0)
+    {
+        *pSize = sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_SC16);   
+        return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+    }
+    N = 1 << order;
+    /*The max size of the twiddle table needed is 3N/4 for a radix-4 stage*/
+    twiddleSize = 3*N/4;
+    /* 2 pointers to store bitreversed array and twiddle factor array */
+    *pSize = sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_SC16)
+        /* Twiddle factors  */
+           + sizeof(OMX_SC16) * twiddleSize
+        /* Ping Pong buffer   */   
+           + sizeof(OMX_SC16) * N
+           + 62 ;  /* Extra bytes to get 32 byte alignment of ptwiddle and pBuf */
+    return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+ *                              END OF FILE
+ *****************************************************************************/
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32.c b/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7ef65b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ *  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+ *  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+ */
+ * 
+ * File Name:  omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32.c
+ * OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+ * Last Modified Revision:   9468
+ * Last Modified Date:       Thu, 03 Jan 2008
+ * 
+ * (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ * Compute the size of the specification structure required
+ */
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+#include "armOMX.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+ * Function:  omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32   (
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions compute the size of the specification structure 
+ * required for the length 2^order complex FFT and IFFT functions. The function 
+ * <FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32> is used in conjunction with the 32-bit functions 
+ * <FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs> and <FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs>. 
+ *
+ * Input Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   order - base-2 logarithm of the desired block length; valid in the range 
+ *            [0,12] 
+ *
+ * Output Arguments:
+ *   
+ *   pSize - pointer to the number of bytes required for the specification 
+ *            structure 
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ *    
+ *    OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error 
+ *    
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32(
+     OMX_INT order,
+     OMX_INT *pSize)
+    OMX_INT     N,twiddleSize;
+    /* Check for order zero */
+    if (order == 0)
+    {
+        *pSize = sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_SC32);   
+        return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+    }
+    N = 1 << order;
+    /*The max size of the twiddle table needed is 3N/4 for a radix-4 stage*/
+    twiddleSize = 3*N/4;
+    *pSize = sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_SC32)
+        /* N Twiddle factors  */
+           + sizeof(OMX_SC32) * twiddleSize
+        /* Ping Pong buffer   */   
+           + sizeof(OMX_SC32) * N
+           + 62 ;  /* Extra bytes to get 32 byte alignment of ptwiddle and pBuf */ 
+    return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+ *                              END OF FILE
+ *****************************************************************************/
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_F32.c b/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_F32.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f2787b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_F32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ */
+#include "armCOMM.h"
+#include "armOMX.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+ * Function: omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_F32
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Computes the size of the specification structure required for the length
+ * 2^order real FFT and IFFT functions.
+ *
+ * Remarks:
+ * This function is used in conjunction with the 32-bit functions
+ * <FFTFwd_RToCCS_F32_Sfs> and <FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_Sfs>.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  order       base-2 logarithm of the length; valid in the range
+ *                    [0,12]. ([0,15] if BIG_FFT_TABLE is defined.)
+ * [out] pSize	   pointer to the number of bytes required for the
+ *			   specification structure.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * Standard omxError result. See enumeration for possible result codes.
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_F32(OMX_INT order, OMX_INT *pSize) {
+  if (!pSize || (order < 0) || (order > TWIDDLE_TABLE_ORDER))
+    return OMX_Sts_BadArgErr;
+  /*
+   * The required size is the same as for R_S32, because the
+   * elements are the same size and because ARMsFFTSpec_R_SC32 is
+   * the same size as ARMsFFTSpec_R_FC32.
+   */
+  return omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S32(order, pSize);
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S16S32.c b/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S16S32.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26f1f31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S16S32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ *  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+ *  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+ */
+ * 
+ * File Name:  omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S16S32.c
+ * OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+ * Last Modified Revision:   7777
+ * Last Modified Date:       Thu, 27 Sep 2007
+ * 
+ * (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ * Computes the size of the specification structure required.
+ */
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+#include "armOMX.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+#include "armCOMM.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+ * Function: omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S16S32
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Computes the size of the specification structure required for the length
+ * 2^order real FFT and IFFT functions.
+ *
+ * Remarks:
+ * This function is used in conjunction with the 16-bit functions
+ * <FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16_S32_Sfs> and <FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_S16_Sfs>.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  order       base-2 logarithm of the length; valid in the range
+ *			   [0,12].
+ * [out] pSize	   pointer to the number of bytes required for the
+ *			   specification structure.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * Standard omxError result. See enumeration for possible result codes.
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S16S32(
+     OMX_INT order,     
+     OMX_INT *pSize
+ )
+    OMX_INT     NBy2,N,twiddleSize;
+    /* Check for order zero */
+    if (order == 0)
+    {
+        *pSize = sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_R_SC32)  
+                 + sizeof(OMX_S32) * (2); /* Extra size 'N' is used in FFTInv_CCSToR_S32S16_Sfs as a temporary buf */   
+        return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+    }
+    NBy2 = 1 << (order - 1);
+    N = NBy2<<1;
+    twiddleSize = 5*N/8;            /* 3/4(N/2) + N/4 */
+    /* 2 pointers to store bitreversed array and twiddle factor array */
+    *pSize = sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_R_SC32)
+        /* Twiddle factors  */
+           + sizeof(OMX_SC32) * twiddleSize
+        /* Ping Pong buffer for doing the N/2 point complex FFT  */      
+           + sizeof(OMX_S32) * (N<<1)  /* Extra size 'N' is used in FFTInv_CCSToR_S32S16_Sfs as a temporary buf */
+           + 62 ;  /* Extra bytes to get 32 byte alignment of ptwiddle and pBuf */ 
+    return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+ *                              END OF FILE
+ *****************************************************************************/
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S32.c b/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S32.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0be596e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ *  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+ *  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+ */
+ * 
+ * File Name:  omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S32.c
+ * OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+ * Last Modified Revision:   7777
+ * Last Modified Date:       Thu, 27 Sep 2007
+ * 
+ * (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ * Computes the size of the specification structure required.
+ */
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+#include "armOMX.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+#include "armCOMM.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+ * Function: omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S32
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Computes the size of the specification structure required for the length
+ * 2^order real FFT and IFFT functions.
+ *
+ * Remarks:
+ * This function is used in conjunction with the 32-bit functions
+ * <FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs> and <FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs>.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  order       base-2 logarithm of the length; valid in the range
+ *			   [0,12].
+ * [out] pSize	   pointer to the number of bytes required for the
+ *			   specification structure.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * Standard omxError result. See enumeration for possible result codes.
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S32(
+     OMX_INT order,     
+     OMX_INT *pSize
+ )
+    OMX_INT     NBy2,N,twiddleSize;
+    /* Check for order zero */
+    if (order == 0)
+    {
+        *pSize = sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_R_SC32)
+                + sizeof(OMX_S32) * (2); /* Extra size 'N' is used in FFTInv_CCSToR_S32S16_Sfs as a temporary buf */   
+        return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+    }
+    NBy2 = 1 << (order - 1);
+    N = NBy2<<1;
+    twiddleSize = 5*N/8;            /* 3/4(N/2) + N/4 */
+    /* 2 pointers to store bitreversed array and twiddle factor array */
+    *pSize = sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_R_SC32)
+        /* Twiddle factors  */
+           + sizeof(OMX_SC32) * twiddleSize
+        /* Ping Pong buffer for doing the N/2 point complex FFT  */      
+           + sizeof(OMX_S32) * (N<<1)  /* Extra size 'N' is used in FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs as a temporary buf */
+           + 62 ;  /* Extra bytes to get 32 byte alignment of ptwiddle and pBuf */ 
+    return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+ *                              END OF FILE
+ *****************************************************************************/
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_C_FC32.c b/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_C_FC32.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cb15ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_C_FC32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ *  This is a modification of omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC32.c to support
+ *  complex float instead of SC32.
+ */
+#include "armCOMM.h"
+#include "armOMX.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+ * Function: omxSP_FFTInit_C_FC32
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Initializes the specification structures required for the
+ * complex FFT and IFFT functions.
+ *
+ * Remarks:
+ * Desired block length is specified as an input. The function is used to
+ * initialize the specification structures for functions <FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Sfs>
+ * and <FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Sfs>. Memory for the specification structure *pFFTSpec
+ * must be allocated prior to calling this function. The space required for
+ * *pFFTSpec, in bytes, can be determined using <FFTGetBufSize_C_FC32>.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  order       base-2 logarithm of the desired block length;
+ *                     valid in the range [0,12].
+ * [out] pFFTSpec    pointer to initialized specification structure.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * Standard omxError result. See enumeration for possible result codes.
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInit_C_FC32(OMXFFTSpec_C_FC32* pFFTSpec, OMX_INT order) {
+  OMX_INT i;
+  OMX_INT j;
+  OMX_FC32* pTwiddle;
+  OMX_FC32* pBuf;
+  OMX_U16* pBitRev;
+  OMX_U32 pTmp;
+  OMX_INT Nby2;
+  OMX_INT diff;
+  OMX_INT step;
+  ARMsFFTSpec_FC32* pFFTStruct = 0;
+  OMX_F32 x;
+  OMX_F32 y;
+  OMX_F32 xNeg;
+  pFFTStruct = (ARMsFFTSpec_FC32 *) pFFTSpec;
+  /* if order zero no init is needed */
+  if (order == 0) {
+    pFFTStruct->N = 1;
+    return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+  }
+  /* Validate args */
+  if (!pFFTSpec || (order < 0) || (order > TWIDDLE_TABLE_ORDER))
+    return OMX_Sts_BadArgErr;
+  /* Do the initializations */
+  Nby2 = 1 << (order - 1);
+  N = Nby2 << 1;
+  M = N >> 3;
+  /* optimized implementations don't use bitreversal */
+  pBitRev = NULL;
+  pTwiddle = (OMX_FC32 *) (sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_FC32) + (OMX_S8*) pFFTSpec);
+  /* Align to 32 byte boundary */
+  pTmp = ((OMX_U32) pTwiddle) & 31;
+  if (pTmp)
+    pTwiddle = (OMX_FC32*) ((OMX_S8*)pTwiddle + (32 - pTmp));
+  pBuf = (OMX_FC32*) (sizeof(OMX_FC32) * (3 * N / 4) + (OMX_S8*) pTwiddle);
+  /* Align to 32 byte boundary */
+  pTmp = ((OMX_U32)pBuf) & 31;
+  if (pTmp)
+    pBuf = (OMX_FC32*) ((OMX_S8*)pBuf + (32 - pTmp));
+  /*
+   * Filling Twiddle factors :
+   *
+   * The original twiddle table "armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable" is of size
+   * (MaxSize/8 + 1) Rest of the values i.e., upto MaxSize are
+   * calculated using the symmetries of sin and cos The max size of
+   * the twiddle table needed is 3N/4 for a radix-4 stage
+   *
+   * W = (-2 * PI) / N
+   * N = 1 << order
+   * W = -PI >> (order - 1)
+   */
+  diff = TWIDDLE_TABLE_ORDER - order;
+  /* step into the twiddle table for the current order */
+  step = 1 << diff;
+  x = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[0];
+  y = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[1];
+  xNeg = 1;
+  if (order >= 3) {
+    /* i = 0 case */
+    pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+    pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+    pTwiddle[2 * M].Re = -y;
+    pTwiddle[2 * M].Im = xNeg;
+    pTwiddle[4 * M].Re = xNeg;
+    pTwiddle[4 * M].Im = y;
+    for (i = 1; i <= M; i++) {
+      j = i * step;
+      x = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[2 * j];
+      y = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[2 * j + 1];
+      pTwiddle[i].Re = x;
+      pTwiddle[i].Im = y;
+      pTwiddle[2 * M - i].Re = -y;
+      pTwiddle[2 * M - i].Im = -x;
+      pTwiddle[2 * M + i].Re = y;
+      pTwiddle[2 * M + i].Im = -x;
+      pTwiddle[4 * M - i].Re = -x;
+      pTwiddle[4 * M - i].Im = y;
+      pTwiddle[4 * M + i].Re = -x;
+      pTwiddle[4 * M + i].Im = -y;
+      pTwiddle[6 * M - i].Re = y;
+      pTwiddle[6 * M - i].Im = x;
+    }
+  } else if (order == 2) {
+    pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+    pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+    pTwiddle[1].Re = -y;
+    pTwiddle[1].Im = xNeg;
+    pTwiddle[2].Re = xNeg;
+    pTwiddle[2].Im = y;
+  } else if (order == 1) {
+    pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+    pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+  }
+  /* Update the structure */
+  pFFTStruct->N = N;
+  pFFTStruct->pTwiddle = pTwiddle;
+  pFFTStruct->pBitRev = pBitRev;
+  pFFTStruct->pBuf = pBuf;
+  return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+ *                              END OF FILE
+ *****************************************************************************/
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC16.c b/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC16.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95b2eee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC16.c
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ *  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+ *  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+ */
+ * 
+ * File Name:  omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC16.c
+ * OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+ * Last Modified Revision:   15322
+ * Last Modified Date:       Wed, 15 Oct 2008
+ * 
+ * (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ * Initializes the specification structures required
+ */
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+#include "armOMX.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+#include "armCOMM.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+ * Function: omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC16
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * These functions initialize the specification structures required for the
+ * complex FFT and IFFT functions.
+ *
+ * Remarks:
+ * Desired block length is specified as an input. The function is used to
+ * initialize the specification structures for functions <FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs>
+ * and <FFTInv_CToC_SC16_Sfs>. Memory for the specification structure *pFFTSpec
+ * must be allocated prior to calling this function. The space required for
+ * *pFFTSpec, in bytes, can be determined using <FFTGetBufSize_C_SC16>.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  order       	base-2 logarithm of the desired block length;
+ *				valid in the range [0,12].
+ * [out] pFFTSpec		pointer to initialized specification structure.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * Standard omxError result. See enumeration for possible result codes.
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC16(
+     OMXFFTSpec_C_SC16* pFFTSpec,
+     OMX_INT order
+ )
+ {
+    OMX_INT     i,j;
+    OMX_SC16    *pTwiddle, *pBuf;
+    OMX_U16     *pBitRev;
+    OMX_INT     Nby2,N,M,diff,step;
+    OMX_U32             pTmp;
+    ARMsFFTSpec_SC16 *pFFTStruct = 0;
+    OMX_S16     x,y,xNeg;
+    OMX_S32     xS32,yS32;
+    pFFTStruct = (ARMsFFTSpec_SC16 *) pFFTSpec;
+    /* if order zero no init is needed */
+    if (order == 0)
+    {
+        pFFTStruct->N = 1;
+        return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+    }
+    /* Do the initializations */
+    Nby2 = 1 << (order - 1);
+    N = Nby2 << 1;
+    M = N>>3;
+    pBitRev = NULL ;  
+    pTwiddle = (OMX_SC16 *) 
+        (sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_SC16) + (OMX_S8*) pFFTSpec);
+    /* Align to 32 byte boundary */
+    pTmp = ((OMX_U32)pTwiddle)&31;              /* (OMX_U32)pTwiddle % 32 */
+    if(pTmp != 0)
+        pTwiddle = (OMX_SC16*) ((OMX_S8*)pTwiddle + (32-pTmp));        
+    pBuf = (OMX_SC16 *)        
+        (sizeof(OMX_SC16) * (3*N/4) + (OMX_S8*) pTwiddle);
+    /* Align to 32 byte boundary */
+    pTmp = ((OMX_U32)pBuf)&31;                 /* (OMX_U32)pBuf % 32 */
+    if(pTmp != 0)
+        pBuf = (OMX_SC16*) ((OMX_S8*)pBuf + (32-pTmp));            
+    /* 
+     * Filling Twiddle factors : 
+     * The original twiddle table "armSP_FFT_S16TwiddleTable" is of size (MaxSize/8 + 1)
+     * Rest of the values i.e., upto MaxSize are calculated using the symmetries of sin and cos
+     * The max size of the twiddle table needed is 3N/4 for a radix-4 stage
+     *
+     * W = (-2 * PI) / N 
+     * N = 1 << order
+     * W = -PI >> (order - 1)
+     */
+    diff = 12 - order;
+    step = 1<<diff;             /* step into the twiddle table for the current order */
+    xS32 = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[0];
+    yS32 = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[1];
+    x = (xS32+0x8000)>>16;
+    y = (yS32+0x8000)>>16;
+    xNeg = 0x7FFF;
+    if(order >=3)    
+    {
+            /* i = 0 case */
+            pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M].Re = -y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M].Im = xNeg;
+            pTwiddle[4*M].Re = xNeg;
+            pTwiddle[4*M].Im = y;
+        for (i=1; i<=M; i++)
+          {
+            j = i*step;
+            xS32 = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[2*j];
+            yS32 = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[2*j+1];
+            x = (xS32+0x8000)>>16;
+            y = (yS32+0x8000)>>16;
+            pTwiddle[i].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle[i].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M-i].Re = -y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M-i].Im = -x;
+            pTwiddle[2*M+i].Re = y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M+i].Im = -x;
+            pTwiddle[4*M-i].Re = -x;
+            pTwiddle[4*M-i].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle[4*M+i].Re = -x;
+            pTwiddle[4*M+i].Im = -y;
+            pTwiddle[6*M-i].Re = y;
+            pTwiddle[6*M-i].Im = x;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (order == 2)
+        {
+            pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle[1].Re = -y;
+            pTwiddle[1].Im = xNeg;
+            pTwiddle[2].Re = xNeg;
+            pTwiddle[2].Im = y;
+        }
+        if (order == 1)
+        {
+            pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+        }        
+    }
+    /* Update the structure */
+    pFFTStruct->N = N;
+    pFFTStruct->pTwiddle = pTwiddle;
+    pFFTStruct->pBitRev = pBitRev;
+    pFFTStruct->pBuf = pBuf;
+    return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+ *                              END OF FILE
+ *****************************************************************************/
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC32.c b/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC32.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc7f745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ *  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+ *  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+ */
+ * 
+ * File Name:  omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC32.c
+ * OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+ * Last Modified Revision:   7769
+ * Last Modified Date:       Thu, 27 Sep 2007
+ * 
+ * (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ * Initializes the specification structures required
+ */
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+#include "armOMX.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+#include "armCOMM.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+ * Function: omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC32
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Initializes the specification structures required for the
+ * complex FFT and IFFT functions.
+ *
+ * Remarks:
+ * Desired block length is specified as an input. The function is used to
+ * initialize the specification structures for functions <FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs>
+ * and <FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs>. Memory for the specification structure *pFFTSpec
+ * must be allocated prior to calling this function. The space required for
+ * *pFFTSpec, in bytes, can be determined using <FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32>.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  order       	base-2 logarithm of the desired block length;
+ *				valid in the range [0,12].
+ * [out] pFFTSpec		pointer to initialized specification structure.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * Standard omxError result. See enumeration for possible result codes.
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC32(
+     OMXFFTSpec_C_SC32* pFFTSpec,
+     OMX_INT order
+ )
+    OMX_INT     i,j;
+    OMX_SC32    *pTwiddle, *pBuf;
+    OMX_U16     *pBitRev;
+    OMX_U32      pTmp;
+    OMX_INT     Nby2,N,M,diff, step; 
+    ARMsFFTSpec_SC32 *pFFTStruct = 0;
+    OMX_S32     x,y,xNeg;
+    pFFTStruct = (ARMsFFTSpec_SC32 *) pFFTSpec;
+    /* if order zero no init is needed */
+    if (order == 0)
+    {
+        pFFTStruct->N = 1;
+        return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+    }
+    /* Do the initializations */
+    Nby2 = 1 << (order - 1);
+    N = Nby2 << 1;
+    M = N>>3;                
+    pBitRev = NULL ;                /* optimized implementations don't use bitreversal */
+    pTwiddle = (OMX_SC32 *) 
+        (sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_SC32) + (OMX_S8*) pFFTSpec);
+    /* Align to 32 byte boundary */
+    pTmp = ((OMX_U32)pTwiddle)&31;              /* (OMX_U32)pTwiddle % 32 */
+    if(pTmp != 0)
+        pTwiddle = (OMX_SC32*) ((OMX_S8*)pTwiddle + (32-pTmp));            
+    pBuf = (OMX_SC32*)        
+        (sizeof(OMX_SC32) * (3*N/4) + (OMX_S8*) pTwiddle);
+    /* Align to 32 byte boundary */
+    pTmp = ((OMX_U32)pBuf)&31;                 /* (OMX_U32)pBuf % 32 */
+    if(pTmp != 0)
+        pBuf = (OMX_SC32*) ((OMX_S8*)pBuf + (32-pTmp));                
+    /* 
+     * Filling Twiddle factors : 
+     * The original twiddle table "armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable" is of size (MaxSize/8 + 1)
+     * Rest of the values i.e., upto MaxSize are calculated using the symmetries of sin and cos
+     * The max size of the twiddle table needed is 3N/4 for a radix-4 stage
+     *
+     * W = (-2 * PI) / N 
+     * N = 1 << order
+     * W = -PI >> (order - 1)
+     */
+    diff = 12 - order;
+    step = 1<<diff;             /* step into the twiddle table for the current order */
+    x = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[0];
+    y = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[1];
+    xNeg = 0x7FFFFFFF;
+    if(order >=3)    
+    {
+            /* i = 0 case */
+            pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M].Re = -y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M].Im = xNeg;
+            pTwiddle[4*M].Re = xNeg;
+            pTwiddle[4*M].Im = y;
+        for (i=1; i<=M; i++)
+          {
+            j = i*step;
+            x = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[2*j];
+            y = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[2*j+1];
+            pTwiddle[i].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle[i].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M-i].Re = -y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M-i].Im = -x;
+            pTwiddle[2*M+i].Re = y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M+i].Im = -x;
+            pTwiddle[4*M-i].Re = -x;
+            pTwiddle[4*M-i].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle[4*M+i].Re = -x;
+            pTwiddle[4*M+i].Im = -y;
+            pTwiddle[6*M-i].Re = y;
+            pTwiddle[6*M-i].Im = x;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (order == 2)
+        {
+            pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle[1].Re = -y;
+            pTwiddle[1].Im = xNeg;
+            pTwiddle[2].Re = xNeg;
+            pTwiddle[2].Im = y;
+        }
+        if (order == 1)
+        {
+            pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+        }        
+    }
+    /* Update the structure */
+    pFFTStruct->N = N;
+    pFFTStruct->pTwiddle = pTwiddle;
+    pFFTStruct->pBitRev = pBitRev;
+    pFFTStruct->pBuf = pBuf;
+    return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+ *                              END OF FILE
+ *****************************************************************************/
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32.c b/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a2fe9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ *  This is a modification of omxSP_FFTInit_R_S32.c to support float
+ *  instead of S32.
+ */
+#include "armCOMM.h"
+#include "armOMX.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+ * Function: omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Initialize the real forward-FFT specification information struct.
+ *
+ * Remarks:
+ * This function is used to initialize the specification structures
+ * for functions <ippsFFTFwd_RToCCS_F32_Sfs> and
+ * <ippsFFTInv_CCSToR_F32_Sfs>. Memory for *pFFTSpec must be
+ * allocated prior to calling this function. The number of bytes
+ * required for *pFFTSpec can be determined using
+ * <FFTGetBufSize_R_F32>.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  order       base-2 logarithm of the desired block length;
+ *                         valid in the range [0,12].
+ * [out] pFFTFwdSpec pointer to the initialized specification structure.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * Standard omxError result. See enumeration for possible result codes.
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32(OMXFFTSpec_R_F32* pFFTSpec, OMX_INT order) {
+  OMX_INT i;
+  OMX_INT j;
+  OMX_FC32* pTwiddle;
+  OMX_FC32* pTwiddle1;
+  OMX_FC32* pTwiddle2;
+  OMX_FC32* pTwiddle3;
+  OMX_FC32* pTwiddle4;
+  OMX_F32* pBuf;
+  OMX_U16* pBitRev;
+  OMX_U32 pTmp;
+  OMX_INT Nby2;
+  OMX_INT diff;
+  OMX_INT step;
+  OMX_F32 x;
+  OMX_F32 y;
+  OMX_F32 xNeg;
+  ARMsFFTSpec_R_FC32* pFFTStruct = 0;
+  pFFTStruct = (ARMsFFTSpec_R_FC32 *) pFFTSpec;
+  /* if order zero no init is needed */
+  if (order == 0) {
+    pFFTStruct->N = 1;
+    pFFTStruct->pTwiddle = NULL;
+    pFFTStruct->pBuf = (OMX_F32 *)
+        (sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_R_SC32) + (OMX_S8*) pFFTSpec);
+    return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+  }
+  /* Validate args */
+  if (!pFFTSpec || (order < 0) || (order > TWIDDLE_TABLE_ORDER))
+    return OMX_Sts_BadArgErr;
+  /* Do the initializations */
+  Nby2 = 1 << (order - 1);
+  N = Nby2 << 1;
+  /* optimized implementations don't use bitreversal */
+  pBitRev = NULL;
+  pTwiddle = (OMX_FC32 *) (sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_R_SC32) + (OMX_S8*) pFFTSpec);
+  /* Align to 32 byte boundary */
+  pTmp = ((OMX_U32)pTwiddle) & 31;
+  if (pTmp)
+    pTwiddle = (OMX_FC32*) ((OMX_S8*)pTwiddle + (32 - pTmp));
+  pBuf = (OMX_F32*) (sizeof(OMX_FC32)*(5*N/8) + (OMX_S8*) pTwiddle);
+  /* Align to 32 byte boundary */
+  pTmp = ((OMX_U32)pBuf)&31;                 /* (OMX_U32)pBuf % 32 */
+  if (pTmp)
+    pBuf = (OMX_F32*) ((OMX_S8*)pBuf + (32 - pTmp));
+  /*
+   * Filling Twiddle factors :
+   *
+   * exp^(-j*2*PI*k/ (N/2) ) ; k=0,1,2,...,3/4(N/2)
+   *
+   * N/2 point complex FFT is used to compute N point real FFT The
+   * original twiddle table "armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable" is of size
+   * (MaxSize/8 + 1) Rest of the values i.e., upto MaxSize are
+   * calculated using the symmetries of sin and cos The max size of
+   * the twiddle table needed is 3/4(N/2) for a radix-4 stage
+   *
+   * W = (-2 * PI) / N
+   * N = 1 << order
+   * W = -PI >> (order - 1)
+   */
+  M = Nby2 >> 3;
+  diff = TWIDDLE_TABLE_ORDER - (order - 1);
+  /* step into the twiddle table for the current order */
+  step = 1 << diff;
+  x = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[0];
+  y = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[1];
+  xNeg = 1;
+  if ((order - 1) >= 3) {
+    /* i = 0 case */
+    pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+    pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+    pTwiddle[2*M].Re = -y;
+    pTwiddle[2*M].Im = xNeg;
+    pTwiddle[4*M].Re = xNeg;
+    pTwiddle[4*M].Im = y;
+    for (i = 1; i <= M; i++) {
+      j = i*step;
+      x = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[2*j];
+      y = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[2*j+1];
+      pTwiddle[i].Re = x;
+      pTwiddle[i].Im = y;
+      pTwiddle[2*M-i].Re = -y;
+      pTwiddle[2*M-i].Im = -x;
+      pTwiddle[2*M+i].Re = y;
+      pTwiddle[2*M+i].Im = -x;
+      pTwiddle[4*M-i].Re = -x;
+      pTwiddle[4*M-i].Im = y;
+      pTwiddle[4*M+i].Re = -x;
+      pTwiddle[4*M+i].Im = -y;
+      pTwiddle[6*M-i].Re = y;
+      pTwiddle[6*M-i].Im = x;
+    }
+  } else if ((order - 1) == 2) {
+    pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+    pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+    pTwiddle[1].Re = -y;
+    pTwiddle[1].Im = xNeg;
+    pTwiddle[2].Re = xNeg;
+    pTwiddle[2].Im = y;
+  } else if ((order-1) == 1) {
+    pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+    pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+  }
+  /*
+   * Now fill the last N/4 values : exp^(-j*2*PI*k/N) ;
+   * k=1,3,5,...,N/2-1 These are used for the final twiddle fix-up for
+   * converting complex to real FFT
+   */
+  M = N >> 3;
+  diff = TWIDDLE_TABLE_ORDER - order;
+  step = 1 << diff;
+  pTwiddle1 = pTwiddle + 3*N/8;
+  pTwiddle4 = pTwiddle1 + (N/4 - 1);
+  pTwiddle3 = pTwiddle1 + N/8;
+  pTwiddle2 = pTwiddle1 + (N/8 - 1);
+  x = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[0];
+  y = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[1];
+  xNeg = 1;
+  if (order >=3) {
+    for (i = 1; i <= M; i += 2) {
+      j = i*step;
+      x = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[2*j];
+      y = armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable[2*j+1];
+      pTwiddle1[0].Re = x;
+      pTwiddle1[0].Im = y;
+      pTwiddle1 += 1;
+      pTwiddle2[0].Re = -y;
+      pTwiddle2[0].Im = -x;
+      pTwiddle2 -= 1;
+      pTwiddle3[0].Re = y;
+      pTwiddle3[0].Im = -x;
+      pTwiddle3 += 1;
+      pTwiddle4[0].Re = -x;
+      pTwiddle4[0].Im = y;
+      pTwiddle4 -= 1;
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (order == 2) {
+      pTwiddle1[0].Re = -y;
+      pTwiddle1[0].Im = xNeg;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Update the structure */
+  pFFTStruct->N = N;
+  pFFTStruct->pTwiddle = pTwiddle;
+  pFFTStruct->pBitRev = pBitRev;
+  pFFTStruct->pBuf = pBuf;
+  return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_R_S16S32.c b/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_R_S16S32.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2210e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_R_S16S32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ *  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+ *  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+ */
+ * 
+ * File Name:  omxSP_FFTInit_R_S16S32.c
+ * OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+ * Last Modified Revision:   7777
+ * Last Modified Date:       Thu, 27 Sep 2007
+ * 
+ * (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * 
+ * Description: 
+ * Initialize the real forward-FFT specification information struct.
+ */
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+#include "armOMX.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+#include "armCOMM.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+ * Function: omxSP_FFTInit_R_S16_S32
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Initialize the real forward-FFT specification information struct.
+ *
+ * Remarks:
+ * This function is used to initialize the specification structures
+ * for functions <ippsFFTFwd_RToCCS_S16_S32_Sfs> and
+ * <ippsFFTInv_CCSToR_S32_S16_Sfs>. Memory for *pFFTSpec must be
+ * allocated prior to calling this function. The number of bytes
+ * required for *pFFTSpec can be determined using
+ * <FFTGetBufSize_R_S16_S32>.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  order       base-2 logarithm of the desired block length;
+ *			   valid in the range [0,12].
+ * [out] pFFTFwdSpec pointer to the initialized specification structure.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * Standard omxError result. See enumeration for possible result codes.
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInit_R_S16S32(
+     OMXFFTSpec_R_S16S32* pFFTSpec,
+     OMX_INT order
+    OMX_INT     i,j;
+    OMX_SC32    *pTwiddle,*pTwiddle1,*pTwiddle2,*pTwiddle3,*pTwiddle4;
+    OMX_S32     *pBuf;
+    OMX_U16     *pBitRev;
+    OMX_U32     pTmp;
+    OMX_INT     Nby2,N,M,diff, step; 
+    OMX_S32     x,y,xNeg;
+    ARMsFFTSpec_R_SC32 *pFFTStruct = 0;
+    pFFTStruct = (ARMsFFTSpec_R_SC32 *) pFFTSpec;
+    /* if order zero no init is needed */
+    if (order == 0)
+    {
+        pFFTStruct->N = 1;
+        pFFTStruct->pTwiddle = NULL;
+        pFFTStruct->pBuf = (OMX_S32 *)
+               (sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_R_SC32) + (OMX_S8*) pFFTSpec);
+        return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+    }
+    /* Do the initializations */
+    Nby2 = 1 << (order - 1);
+    N = Nby2 << 1;
+    pBitRev = NULL ;                /* optimized implementations don't use bitreversal */
+    pTwiddle = (OMX_SC32 *) 
+        (sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_R_SC32) + (OMX_S8*) pFFTSpec);
+    /* Align to 32 byte boundary */
+    pTmp = ((OMX_U32)pTwiddle)&31;              /* (OMX_U32)pTwiddle % 32 */
+    if(pTmp != 0)
+        pTwiddle = (OMX_SC32*) ((OMX_S8*)pTwiddle + (32-pTmp));                    
+    pBuf = (OMX_S32*)        
+        (sizeof(OMX_SC32) * (5*N/8) + (OMX_S8*) pTwiddle);
+    /* Align to 32 byte boundary */
+    pTmp = ((OMX_U32)pBuf)&31;                 /* (OMX_U32)pBuf % 32 */
+    if(pTmp != 0)
+        pBuf = (OMX_S32*) ((OMX_S8*)pBuf + (32-pTmp));                        
+    /* 
+     * Filling Twiddle factors : exp^(-j*2*PI*k/ (N/2) ) ; k=0,1,2,...,3/4(N/2)
+     * N/2 point complex FFT is used to compute N point real FFT
+     * The original twiddle table "armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable" is of size (MaxSize/8 + 1)
+     * Rest of the values i.e., upto MaxSize are calculated using the symmetries of sin and cos
+     * The max size of the twiddle table needed is 3/4(N/2) for a radix-4 stage
+     *
+     * W = (-2 * PI) / N 
+     * N = 1 << order
+     * W = -PI >> (order - 1)
+     */
+    M = Nby2>>3;
+    diff = 12 - (order-1);
+    step = 1<<diff;             /* step into the twiddle table for the current order */
+    x = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[0];
+    y = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[1];
+    xNeg = 0x7FFFFFFF;
+    if((order-1) >=3)    
+    {
+            /* i = 0 case */
+            pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M].Re = -y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M].Im = xNeg;
+            pTwiddle[4*M].Re = xNeg;
+            pTwiddle[4*M].Im = y;
+        for (i=1; i<=M; i++)
+          {
+            j = i*step;
+            x = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[2*j];
+            y = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[2*j+1];
+            pTwiddle[i].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle[i].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M-i].Re = -y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M-i].Im = -x;
+            pTwiddle[2*M+i].Re = y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M+i].Im = -x;
+            pTwiddle[4*M-i].Re = -x;
+            pTwiddle[4*M-i].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle[4*M+i].Re = -x;
+            pTwiddle[4*M+i].Im = -y;
+            pTwiddle[6*M-i].Re = y;
+            pTwiddle[6*M-i].Im = x;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if ((order-1) == 2)
+        {
+            pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle[1].Re = -y;
+            pTwiddle[1].Im = xNeg;
+            pTwiddle[2].Re = xNeg;
+            pTwiddle[2].Im = y;
+        }
+        if ((order-1) == 1)
+        {
+            pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+        }        
+    }
+    /*
+     * Now fill the last N/4 values : exp^(-j*2*PI*k/N) ;  k=1,3,5,...,N/2-1 
+     * These are used for the final twiddle fix-up for converting complex to real FFT
+     */
+    M = N>>3;
+    diff = 12 - order;
+    step = 1<<diff;
+    pTwiddle1 = pTwiddle + 3*N/8;
+    pTwiddle4 = pTwiddle1 + (N/4-1);
+    pTwiddle3 = pTwiddle1 + N/8;
+    pTwiddle2 = pTwiddle1 + (N/8-1);
+    x = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[0];
+    y = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[1];
+    xNeg = 0x7FFFFFFF;
+    if((order) >=3)    
+    {
+        for (i=1; i<=M; i+=2 )
+          {
+            j = i*step;
+            x = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[2*j];
+            y = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[2*j+1];
+            pTwiddle1[0].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle1[0].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle1 += 1;
+            pTwiddle2[0].Re = -y;
+            pTwiddle2[0].Im = -x;
+            pTwiddle2 -= 1;
+            pTwiddle3[0].Re = y;
+            pTwiddle3[0].Im = -x;
+            pTwiddle3 += 1;
+            pTwiddle4[0].Re = -x;
+            pTwiddle4[0].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle4 -= 1;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (order == 2)
+        {
+            pTwiddle1[0].Re = -y;
+            pTwiddle1[0].Im = xNeg;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Update the structure */
+    pFFTStruct->N = N;
+    pFFTStruct->pTwiddle = pTwiddle;
+    pFFTStruct->pBitRev = pBitRev;
+    pFFTStruct->pBuf = pBuf;
+    return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+ *                              END OF FILE
+ *****************************************************************************/
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_R_S32.c b/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_R_S32.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a1a225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTInit_R_S32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ *  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+ *  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+ */
+ * 
+ * File Name:  omxSP_FFTInit_R_S32.c
+ * OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+ * Last Modified Revision:   7777
+ * Last Modified Date:       Thu, 27 Sep 2007
+ * 
+ * (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * 
+ * Description: 
+ * Initialize the real forward-FFT specification information struct.
+ */
+#include "omxtypes.h"
+#include "armOMX.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+#include "armCOMM.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+ * Function: omxSP_FFTInit_R_S32
+ *
+ * Description:
+ * Initialize the real forward-FFT specification information struct.
+ *
+ * Remarks:
+ * This function is used to initialize the specification structures
+ * for functions <ippsFFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs> and
+ * <ippsFFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs>. Memory for *pFFTSpec must be
+ * allocated prior to calling this function. The number of bytes
+ * required for *pFFTSpec can be determined using
+ * <FFTGetBufSize_R_S32>.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * [in]  order       base-2 logarithm of the desired block length;
+ *			   valid in the range [0,12].
+ * [out] pFFTFwdSpec pointer to the initialized specification structure.
+ *
+ * Return Value:
+ * Standard omxError result. See enumeration for possible result codes.
+ *
+ */
+OMXResult omxSP_FFTInit_R_S32(
+     OMXFFTSpec_R_S32* pFFTSpec,
+     OMX_INT order
+    OMX_INT     i,j;
+    OMX_SC32    *pTwiddle,*pTwiddle1,*pTwiddle2,*pTwiddle3,*pTwiddle4;
+    OMX_S32     *pBuf;
+    OMX_U16     *pBitRev;
+    OMX_U32     pTmp;
+    OMX_INT     Nby2,N,M,diff, step; 
+    OMX_S32     x,y,xNeg;
+    ARMsFFTSpec_R_SC32 *pFFTStruct = 0;
+    pFFTStruct = (ARMsFFTSpec_R_SC32 *) pFFTSpec;
+    /* if order zero no init is needed */
+    if (order == 0)
+    {
+        pFFTStruct->N = 1;
+        pFFTStruct->pTwiddle = NULL;
+        pFFTStruct->pBuf = (OMX_S32 *)
+               (sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_R_SC32) + (OMX_S8*) pFFTSpec);
+        return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+    }
+    /* Do the initializations */
+    Nby2 = 1 << (order - 1);
+    N = Nby2 << 1;
+    pBitRev = NULL ;                /* optimized implementations don't use bitreversal */
+    pTwiddle = (OMX_SC32 *) 
+        (sizeof(ARMsFFTSpec_R_SC32) + (OMX_S8*) pFFTSpec);
+    /* Align to 32 byte boundary */
+    pTmp = ((OMX_U32)pTwiddle)&31;              /* (OMX_U32)pTwiddle % 32 */
+    if(pTmp != 0)
+        pTwiddle = (OMX_SC32*) ((OMX_S8*)pTwiddle + (32-pTmp));                
+    pBuf = (OMX_S32*)        
+        (sizeof(OMX_SC32) * (5*N/8) + (OMX_S8*) pTwiddle);
+    /* Align to 32 byte boundary */
+    pTmp = ((OMX_U32)pBuf)&31;                 /* (OMX_U32)pBuf % 32 */
+    if(pTmp != 0)
+        pBuf = (OMX_S32*) ((OMX_S8*)pBuf + (32-pTmp));                    
+    /* 
+     * Filling Twiddle factors : exp^(-j*2*PI*k/ (N/2) ) ; k=0,1,2,...,3/4(N/2)
+     * N/2 point complex FFT is used to compute N point real FFT
+     * The original twiddle table "armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable" is of size (MaxSize/8 + 1)
+     * Rest of the values i.e., upto MaxSize are calculated using the symmetries of sin and cos
+     * The max size of the twiddle table needed is 3/4(N/2) for a radix-4 stage
+     *
+     * W = (-2 * PI) / N 
+     * N = 1 << order
+     * W = -PI >> (order - 1)
+     */
+    M = Nby2>>3;
+    diff = 12 - (order-1);
+    step = 1<<diff;             /* step into the twiddle table for the current order */
+    x = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[0];
+    y = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[1];
+    xNeg = 0x7FFFFFFF;
+    if((order-1) >=3)    
+    {
+            /* i = 0 case */
+            pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M].Re = -y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M].Im = xNeg;
+            pTwiddle[4*M].Re = xNeg;
+            pTwiddle[4*M].Im = y;
+        for (i=1; i<=M; i++)
+          {
+            j = i*step;
+            x = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[2*j];
+            y = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[2*j+1];
+            pTwiddle[i].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle[i].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M-i].Re = -y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M-i].Im = -x;
+            pTwiddle[2*M+i].Re = y;
+            pTwiddle[2*M+i].Im = -x;
+            pTwiddle[4*M-i].Re = -x;
+            pTwiddle[4*M-i].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle[4*M+i].Re = -x;
+            pTwiddle[4*M+i].Im = -y;
+            pTwiddle[6*M-i].Re = y;
+            pTwiddle[6*M-i].Im = x;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if ((order-1) == 2)
+        {
+            pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle[1].Re = -y;
+            pTwiddle[1].Im = xNeg;
+            pTwiddle[2].Re = xNeg;
+            pTwiddle[2].Im = y;
+        }
+        if ((order-1) == 1)
+        {
+            pTwiddle[0].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle[0].Im = y;
+        }        
+    }
+    /*
+     * Now fill the last N/4 values : exp^(-j*2*PI*k/N) ;  k=1,3,5,...,N/2-1 
+     * These are used for the final twiddle fix-up for converting complex to real FFT
+     */
+    M = N>>3;
+    diff = 12 - order;
+    step = 1<<diff;
+    pTwiddle1 = pTwiddle + 3*N/8;
+    pTwiddle4 = pTwiddle1 + (N/4-1);
+    pTwiddle3 = pTwiddle1 + N/8;
+    pTwiddle2 = pTwiddle1 + (N/8-1);
+    x = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[0];
+    y = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[1];
+    xNeg = 0x7FFFFFFF;
+    if((order) >=3)    
+    {
+        for (i=1; i<=M; i+=2 )
+          {
+            j = i*step;
+            x = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[2*j];
+            y = armSP_FFT_S32TwiddleTable[2*j+1];
+            pTwiddle1[0].Re = x;
+            pTwiddle1[0].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle1 += 1;
+            pTwiddle2[0].Re = -y;
+            pTwiddle2[0].Im = -x;
+            pTwiddle2 -= 1;
+            pTwiddle3[0].Re = y;
+            pTwiddle3[0].Im = -x;
+            pTwiddle3 += 1;
+            pTwiddle4[0].Re = -x;
+            pTwiddle4[0].Im = y;
+            pTwiddle4 -= 1;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (order == 2)
+        {
+            pTwiddle1[0].Re = -y;
+            pTwiddle1[0].Im = xNeg;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Update the structure */
+    pFFTStruct->N = N;
+    pFFTStruct->pTwiddle = pTwiddle;
+    pFFTStruct->pBitRev = pBitRev;
+    pFFTStruct->pBuf = pBuf;
+    return OMX_Sts_NoErr;
+ *                              END OF FILE
+ *****************************************************************************/
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_Sfs_s.S b/dl/omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_Sfs_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19e5789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_Sfs_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This is a modification of omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs_s.s
+@//  to support float instead of SC32.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute an inverse FFT for a complex signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe
+@// Set debugging level
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+      @// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc            r0
+#define pDst            r1
+#define pFFTSpec        r2
+#define scale           r3
+@// Output registers
+#define result          r0
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define argTwiddle      r1
+#define argDst          r2
+#define argScale        r4
+#define tmpOrder        r4
+#define pTwiddle        r4
+#define pOut            r5
+#define subFFTSize      r7
+#define subFFTNum       r6
+#define N               r6
+#define order           r14
+#define diff            r9
+@// Total num of radix stages required to comple the FFT
+#define count           r8
+#define x0r             r4
+#define x0i             r5
+#define diffMinusOne    r2
+#define round           r3
+#define pOut1           r2
+#define size            r7
+#define step            r8
+#define step1           r9
+#define twStep          r10
+#define pTwiddleTmp     r11
+#define argTwiddle1     r12
+#define zero            r14
+@// Neon registers
+#define dX0     D0.F32
+#define dShift  D1.F32
+#define dX1     D1.F32
+#define dY0     D2.F32
+#define dY1     D3.F32
+#define dX0r    D0.F32
+#define dX0i    D1.F32
+#define dX1r    D2.F32
+#define dX1i    D3.F32
+#define dW0r    D4.F32
+#define dW0i    D5.F32
+#define dW1r    D6.F32
+#define dW1i    D7.F32
+#define dT0     D8.F32
+#define dT1     D9.F32
+#define dT2     D10.F32
+#define dT3     D11.F32
+#define qT0     d12.F32
+#define qT1     d14.F32
+#define qT2     d16.F32
+#define qT3     d18.F32
+#define dY0r    D4.F32
+#define dY0i    D5.F32
+#define dY1r    D6.F32
+#define dY1i    D7.F32
+#define dzero   D20.F32
+#define dY2     D4.F32
+#define dY3     D5.F32
+#define dW0     D6.F32
+#define dW1     D7.F32
+#define dW0Tmp  D10.F32
+#define dW1Neg  D11.F32
+#define sN      S0.S32
+#define fN      S1.F32
+@// one must be the same as dScale[0]!
+#define dScale  D2.F32
+#define one     S4.F32
+    @// Allocate stack memory required by the function
+        M_ALLOC4        complexFFTSize, 4
+    @// Write function header
+        M_START     omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_Sfs,r11,d15
+@ Structure offsets for the FFTSpec
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_N, 0
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBitRev, 4
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle, 8
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf, 12
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// Read the size from structure and take log
+        LDR     N, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_N]
+        @// Read other structure parameters
+        LDR     pTwiddle, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle]
+        LDR     pOut, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf]
+        @//  N=1 Treat seperately
+        CMP     N,#1
+        BGT     sizeGreaterThanOne
+        VLD1    dX0[0],[pSrc]
+        VST1    dX0[0],[pDst]
+        B       End
+        @// Call the preTwiddle Radix2 stage before doing the compledIFFT
+        BL    armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe
+        ASR     N,N,#1                             @// N/2 point complex IFFT
+        M_STR   N, complexFFTSize                  @ Save N for scaling later
+        ADD     pSrc,pOut,N,LSL #3                 @// set pSrc as pOut1
+        CLZ     order,N                             @// N = 2^order
+        RSB     order,order,#31
+        MOV     subFFTSize,#1
+        @//MOV     subFFTNum,N
+        CMP     order,#3
+        BGT     orderGreaterthan3                   @// order > 3
+        CMP     order,#1
+        BGE     orderGreaterthan0                   @// order > 0
+        VLD1    dX0,[pSrc]
+        VST1    dX0,[pDst]
+        MOV     pSrc,pDst
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        @// set the buffers appropriately for various orders
+        CMP     order,#2
+        MOVNE   argDst,pDst
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pOut
+        @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOVEQ   pOut,pDst
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle
+        BGE     orderGreaterthan1
+        BLLT    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe  @// order = 1
+        B       FFTEnd
+        MOV     tmpOrder,order                          @// tmpOrder = RN 4
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        CMP     tmpOrder,#2
+        BLGT    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        B       FFTEnd
+        @// Set input args to fft stages
+        TST     order, #2
+        MOVNE   argDst,pDst
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pOut
+        @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOVEQ   pOut,pDst
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle
+        @//check for even or odd order
+        @// NOTE: The following combination of BL's would work fine even though
+        @// the first BL would corrupt the flags. This is because the end of
+        @// the "grpZeroSetLoop" loop inside
+        @// armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe sets the Z flag
+        @// to EQ
+        TST     order,#0x00000001
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        BLNE    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        BEQ        lastStageUnscaledRadix4
+         BL        armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+         B        unscaledRadix4Loop
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        B        FFTEnd
+FFTEnd:                                               @// Does only the scaling
+        @ Scale inverse FFT result by 1/N
+        M_LDR   N, complexFFTSize
+        VMOV    sN,N
+        VCVT    fN, sN                  @ fn = fftSize, as a float
+        VMOV    one, 1.0
+        VDIV    one, one, fN            @ one = dScale[0] = 1 / fftSize
+        @// N = subFFTSize  ; dataptr = pDst
+        VLD1    {dX0},[pSrc]            @// pSrc contains pDst pointer
+        SUBS    subFFTSize,subFFTSize,#1
+        VMUL    dX0, dX0, dScale[0]
+        VST1    {dX0},[pSrc]!
+        BGT     scaleFFTData
+        @// Set return value
+        MOV     result, #OMX_Sts_NoErr
+        @// Write function tail
+        M_END
+        .end
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32S16_Sfs_s.S b/dl/omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32S16_Sfs_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ab61fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32S16_Sfs_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+@//  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+@// File Name:  omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32S16_Sfs_s.s
+@// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+@// Last Modified Revision:   7098
+@// Last Modified Date:       Thu, 16 Aug 2007
+@// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute an inverse FFT for a complex signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs
+@// Set debugging level        
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+      @// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc            r0
+#define pDst            r1
+#define pFFTSpec        r2
+#define scale           r3
+@// Output registers
+#define result          r0
+#define N               r6
+#define pOut            r5
+#define pTmpDst         r4
+@// Neon registers
+#define dX0     D0.S32
+#define dX01    D1.S32  
+#define qX0     Q0.S32
+#define dY0     D2.S16
+#define dY0S32  D2.S32
+    @// Allocate stack memory required by the function
+    @// Write function header
+        M_START     omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32S16_Sfs,r11,d15
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_N, 0
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBitRev, 4
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle, 8
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf, 12
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// Read the size from structure and take log
+        LDR     N, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_N]
+        @// Read other structure parameters
+        @//LDR     pTwiddle, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle]
+        LDR     pOut, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf]
+        MOV     pTmpDst,pDst
+        ADD     pDst,pOut,N, LSL #2
+        BL      omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs
+        ADD     pDst,pOut,N, LSL #2
+        CMP     N,#2
+        BGT     copyLoop
+        BEQ     copyS32ToS16
+        VLD1    dX0[0],[pDst]
+        VQMOVN  dY0,qX0
+        VST1    dY0[0],[pTmpDst]
+        B       End
+        VLD1    dX0,[pDst]
+        VQMOVN  dY0,qX0
+        VST1    dY0S32[0],[pTmpDst]
+        B       End
+        VLD1    {dX0,dX01},[pDst]!
+        SUBS    N,N,#4
+        VQMOVN  dY0,qX0
+        VST1    dY0,[pTmpDst]!
+        BGT     copyLoop
+        @// Set return value
+        MOV     result, #OMX_Sts_NoErr       
+        @// Write function tail
+        M_END
+    .end
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs_s.S b/dl/omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e547f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+@//  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+@// File Name:  omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs_s.s
+@// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+@// Last Modified Revision:   7469
+@// Last Modified Date:       Thu, 20 Sep 2007
+@// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute an inverse FFT for a complex signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe        
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe        
+@// Set debugging level        
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+      @// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe     
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc            r0
+#define pDst            r1
+#define pFFTSpec        r2
+#define scale           r3
+@// Output registers
+#define result          r0
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define argTwiddle      r1
+#define argDst          r2
+#define argScale        r4
+#define tmpOrder        r4
+#define pTwiddle        r4
+#define pOut            r5
+#define subFFTSize      r7     
+#define subFFTNum       r6
+#define N               r6
+#define order           r14
+#define diff            r9
+@// Total num of radix stages required to comple the FFT
+#define count           r8
+#define x0r             r4    
+#define x0i             r5
+#define diffMinusOne    r2
+#define round           r3
+#define pOut1           r2
+#define size            r7
+#define step            r8            
+#define step1           r9
+#define twStep          r10
+#define pTwiddleTmp     r11
+#define argTwiddle1     r12
+#define zero            r14
+@// Neon registers
+#define dX0     D0.S32
+#define dShift  D1.S32
+#define dX1     D1.S32
+#define dY0     D2.S32
+#define dY1     D3.S32
+#define dX0r    D0.S32            
+#define dX0i    D1.S32
+#define dX1r    D2.S32
+#define dX1i    D3.S32
+#define dW0r    D4.S32
+#define dW0i    D5.S32
+#define dW1r    D6.S32
+#define dW1i    D7.S32
+#define dT0     D8.S32
+#define dT1     D9.S32
+#define dT2     D10.S32
+#define dT3     D11.S32
+#define qT0     Q6.S64
+#define qT1     Q7.S64
+#define qT2     Q8.S64
+#define qT3     Q9.S64
+#define dY0r    D4.S32
+#define dY0i    D5.S32
+#define dY1r    D6.S32
+#define dY1i    D7.S32
+#define dzero   D20.S32
+#define dY2     D4.S32
+#define dY3     D5.S32
+#define dW0     D6.S32
+#define dW1     D7.S32
+#define dW0Tmp  D10.S32
+#define dW1Neg  D11.S32
+    @// Allocate stack memory required by the function
+        M_ALLOC4        diffOnStack, 4
+    @// Write function header
+        M_START     omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs,r11,d15
+@ Structure offsets for the FFTSpec             
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_N, 0
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBitRev, 4
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle, 8
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf, 12
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// Read the size from structure and take log
+        LDR     N, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_N]
+        @// Read other structure parameters
+        LDR     pTwiddle, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle]
+        LDR     pOut, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf]
+        @//  N=1 Treat seperately  
+        CMP     N,#1
+        BGT     sizeGreaterThanOne
+        VLD1    dX0[0],[pSrc]
+        RSB     scale,scale,#0                        @// to use VRSHL for right shift by a variable
+        VMOV    dShift[0],scale
+        VRSHL   dX0,dShift
+        VST1    dX0[0],[pDst]
+        B       End
+        @// Call the preTwiddle Radix2 stage before doing the compledIFFT
+        @// The following conditional BL combination would work since 
+        @// evenOddButterflyLoop in the first call would set Z flag to zero
+        CMP     scale,#0
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe
+        BLGT    armSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs_preTwiddleRadix2_unsafe
+        ASR     N,N,#1                             @// N/2 point complex IFFT 
+        ADD     pSrc,pOut,N,LSL #3                 @// set pSrc as pOut1 
+        CLZ     order,N                             @// N = 2^order 
+        RSB     order,order,#31     
+        MOV     subFFTSize,#1
+        @//MOV     subFFTNum,N
+        ADD     scale,scale,order                   @// FFTInverse has a final scaling factor by N
+        CMP     order,#3
+        BGT     orderGreaterthan3                   @// order > 3
+        CMP     order,#1
+        BGE     orderGreaterthan0                   @// order > 0
+        M_STR   scale, diffOnStack,LT               @// order = 0
+        VLD1    dX0,[pSrc]
+        VST1    dX0,[pDst]
+        MOV     pSrc,pDst
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        @// set the buffers appropriately for various orders
+        CMP     order,#2
+        MOVNE   argDst,pDst        
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pOut
+        MOVEQ   pOut,pDst                           @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle
+        @// Store the scale factor and scale at the end
+        SUB     diff,scale,order
+        M_STR   diff, diffOnStack
+        BGE     orderGreaterthan1
+        BLLT    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe  @// order = 1
+        B       FFTEnd
+        MOV     tmpOrder,order                          @// tmpOrder = RN 4
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe        
+        CMP     tmpOrder,#2
+        BLGT    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        B       FFTEnd
+        @// check scale = 0 or scale = order
+        SUBS    diff, scale, order                 @// scale > order 
+        MOVGT   scale,order     
+        BGE     specialScaleCase                   @// scale = 0 or scale = order 
+        CMP     scale,#0
+        BEQ     specialScaleCase
+        B       generalScaleCase
+specialScaleCase:                                           @//  scale = 0 or scale = order  and order >= 2     
+        TST     order, #2                           @// Set input args to fft stages
+        MOVNE   argDst,pDst        
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pOut
+        MOVEQ   pOut,pDst                           @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle  
+        CMP      diff,#0
+        M_STR    diff, diffOnStack
+        BGE      scaleEqualsOrder  
+        @//check for even or odd order
+        @// NOTE: The following combination of BL's would work fine eventhough the first
+        @// BL would corrupt the flags. This is because the end of the "grpZeroSetLoop" loop inside 
+        @// armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe sets the Z flag to EQ
+        TST     order,#0x00000001
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        BLNE    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        BEQ        lastStageUnscaledRadix4
+         BL        armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+         B        unscaledRadix4Loop
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        B        FFTEnd        
+        @//check for even or odd order
+        @// NOTE: The following combination of BL's would work fine eventhough the first
+        @// BL would corrupt the flags. This is because the end of the "grpZeroSetLoop" loop inside 
+        @// armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe sets the Z flag to EQ
+        TST     order,#0x00000001
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        BLNE    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        BEQ        lastStageScaledRadix4
+         BL        armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+         B        scaledRadix4Loop         
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        B        FFTEnd        
+generalScaleCase:                                               @// 0 < scale < order and order >= 2
+        @// Determine the correct destination buffer
+        SUB     diff,order,scale
+        TST     diff,#0x01
+        ADDEQ   count,scale,diff,LSR #1         @// count = scale + (order - scale)/2
+        MOVNE   count,order
+        TST     count,#0x01                     @// Is count even or odd ?
+        MOVNE   argDst,pDst                     @// Set input args to fft stages
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pOut
+        MOVEQ   pOut,pDst                       @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle  
+        M_STR   diff, diffOnStack    
+        MOV     argScale,scale                  @// Put scale in RN4 so as to save and restore
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe     @// scaled first stage
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1
+        BLGT    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1            @// save and restore scale (RN4) in the scaled stages
+        BGT     scaledRadix2Loop
+        M_LDR   diff, diffOnStack  
+        @//check for even or odd order
+        TST     diff,#0x00000001
+        BEQ     generalUnscaledRadix4Loop
+        B       unscaledRadix2Loop
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+         BEQ        generalLastStageUnscaledRadix4
+         BL        armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         B        generalUnscaledRadix4Loop 
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        B        End             
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#2
+         BEQ        generalLastStageUnscaledRadix2
+         BL        armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         B        unscaledRadix2Loop        
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        B        End             
+FFTEnd:                                               @// Does only the scaling
+        M_LDR   diff, diffOnStack  
+        CMP     diff,#0
+        BLE     End
+        RSB     diff,diff,#0                        @// to use VRSHL for right shift by a variable
+        VDUP    dShift,diff     
+scaleFFTData:                                           @// N = subFFTSize  ; dataptr = pDst  ; scale = diff
+        VLD1    {dX0},[pSrc]            @// pSrc contains pDst pointer
+        SUBS    subFFTSize,subFFTSize,#1
+        VRSHL   dX0,dShift
+        VST1    {dX0},[pSrc]!
+        BGT     scaleFFTData
+        @// Set return value
+        MOV     result, #OMX_Sts_NoErr       
+        @// Write function tail
+        M_END
+        .end
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Sfs_s.S b/dl/omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Sfs_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d5d3d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Sfs_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This is a modification of armSP_FFT_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_unsafe_s.s
+@//  to support float instead of SC32.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute an inverse FFT for a complex signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+@// Set debugging level
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+      @// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc            r0
+#define pDst            r1
+#define pFFTSpec        r2
+@// Output registers
+#define result          r0
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define argTwiddle      r1
+#define argDst          r2
+#define argScale        r4
+#define tmpOrder        r4
+#define pTwiddle        r4
+#define pOut            r5
+#define subFFTSize      r7
+#define subFFTNum       r6
+#define N               r6
+#define order           r14
+#define diff            r9
+@// Total num of radix stages required to comple the FFT
+#define count           r8
+#define x0r             r4
+#define x0i             r5
+#define diffMinusOne    r2
+@// Neon registers
+#define dX0     D0.F32
+#define qX0     Q0.F32
+#define sN      S0.S32
+#define fN      S1.F32
+@// one must be the same as dScale[0]!
+#define dScale  D4.F32
+#define one     S8.F32
+    @// Allocate stack memory required by the function
+        M_ALLOC4        fftSize, 4
+    @// Write function header
+        M_START     omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Sfs,r11,d15
+@ Structure offsets for the FFTSpec
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_N, 0
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBitRev, 4
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle, 8
+        .set    ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf, 12
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// Read the size from structure and take log
+        LDR     N, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_N]
+        M_STR   N, fftSize
+        @// Read other structure parameters
+        LDR     pTwiddle, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle]
+        LDR     pOut, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf]
+        CLZ     order,N                             @// N = 2^order
+        RSB     order,order,#31
+        MOV     subFFTSize,#1
+        @//MOV     subFFTNum,N
+        CMP     order,#3
+        BGT     orderGreaterthan3                   @// order > 3
+        CMP     order,#1
+        BGE     orderGreaterthan0                   @// order > 0
+        VLD1    dX0,[pSrc]
+        VST1    dX0,[pDst]
+        MOV     pSrc,pDst
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        @// set the buffers appropriately for various orders
+        CMP     order,#2
+        MOVNE   argDst,pDst
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pOut
+        @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOVEQ   pOut,pDst
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle
+        BGE     orderGreaterthan1
+        @// order = 1
+        BLLT    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        B       FFTEnd
+        MOV     tmpOrder,order                          @// tmpOrder = RN 4
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        CMP     tmpOrder,#2
+        BLGT    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        B       FFTEnd
+        @// Set input args to fft stages
+        TST     order, #2
+        MOVNE   argDst,pDst
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pOut
+        @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOVEQ   pOut,pDst
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle
+        @//check for even or odd order
+        @// NOTE: The following combination of BL's would work fine even though
+        @// the first BL would corrupt the flags. This is because the end of
+        @// the "grpZeroSetLoop" loop inside
+        @// armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe sets the Z flag
+        @// to EQ
+        TST     order,#0x00000001
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        BLNE    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        BEQ        lastStageUnscaledRadix4
+         BL        armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+         B        unscaledRadix4Loop
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        B        FFTEnd
+FFTEnd:                                               @// Does only the scaling
+        M_LDR   N, fftSize
+        VMOV    sN,N
+        VCVT    fN, sN                  @ fn = fftSize, as a float
+        VMOV    one, 1.0
+        VDIV    one, one, fN            @ one = dScale[0] = 1 / fftSize
+        @ Scale data, doing 2 complex values at a time (because N is
+        @ always even).
+        @// N = subFFTSize  ; dataptr = pDst  ; scale = diff
+        VLD1    {qX0},[pSrc :128]            @// pSrc contains pDst pointer
+        SUBS    subFFTSize,subFFTSize,#2
+        VMUL    qX0, qX0, dScale[0]
+        VST1    {qX0},[pSrc :128]!
+        BGT     scaleFFTData
+        @// Set return value
+        MOV     result, #OMX_Sts_NoErr
+        @// Write function tail
+        M_END
+        .end
diff --git a/dl/omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_s.S b/dl/omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_s.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e645fb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_s.S
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+@//  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+@// File Name:  omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_s.s
+@// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+@// Last Modified Revision:   6675
+@// Last Modified Date:       Fri, 06 Jul 2007
+@// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+@// Description:
+@// Compute an inverse FFT for a complex signal
+@// Include standard headers
+#include "omxtypes_s.h"
+#include "armCOMM_s.h"
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe   
+@// Set debugging level        
+@// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+      @// Guarding implementation by the processor name
+@// Import symbols required from other files
+@// (For example tables)
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe     
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        .extern  armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe        
+@//Input Registers
+#define pSrc	r0
+#define pDst	r1
+#define pFFTSpec	r2
+#define scale	r3
+@// Output registers
+#define result	r0
+@//Local Scratch Registers
+#define argTwiddle	r1
+#define argDst	r2
+#define argScale	r4
+#define tmpOrder	r4
+#define pTwiddle	r4
+#define pOut	r5
+#define subFFTSize	r7     
+#define subFFTNum	r6
+#define N	r6
+#define order	r14
+#define diff	r9
+@// Total num of radix stages required to comple the FFT
+#define count	r8
+#define x0r	r4    
+#define x0i	r5
+#define diffMinusOne	r2
+#define round	r3
+@// Neon registers
+#define dX0	D0.S32
+#define dShift	D1.S32
+    @// Allocate stack memory required by the function
+        M_ALLOC4        diffOnStack, 4
+    @// Write function header
+        M_START     omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs,r11,d15
+@ Structure offsets for the FFTSpec		
+	.set	ARMsFFTSpec_N, 0
+	.set	ARMsFFTSpec_pBitRev, 4
+	.set	ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle, 8
+	.set	ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf, 12
+        @// Define stack arguments
+        @// Read the size from structure and take log
+        LDR     N, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_N]
+        @// Read other structure parameters
+        LDR     pTwiddle, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pTwiddle]
+        LDR     pOut, [pFFTSpec, #ARMsFFTSpec_pBuf]
+        CLZ     order,N                             @// N = 2^order 
+        RSB     order,order,#31     
+        MOV     subFFTSize,#1
+        @//MOV     subFFTNum,N
+        ADD     scale,scale,order                   @// FFTInverse has a final scaling factor by N
+        CMP     order,#3
+        BGT     orderGreaterthan3                   @// order > 3
+        CMP     order,#1
+        BGE     orderGreaterthan0                   @// order > 0
+        M_STR   scale, diffOnStack,LT               @// order = 0
+        VLD1    dX0,[pSrc]
+        VST1    dX0,[pDst]
+        MOV     pSrc,pDst
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        @// set the buffers appropriately for various orders
+        CMP     order,#2
+        MOVNE   argDst,pDst        
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pOut
+        MOVEQ   pOut,pDst                           @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle
+        @// Store the scale factor and scale at the end
+        SUB     diff,scale,order
+        M_STR   diff, diffOnStack
+        BGE     orderGreaterthan1
+        BLLT    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe  @// order = 1
+        B       FFTEnd
+        MOV     tmpOrder,order                          @// tmpOrder = RN 4
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe        
+        CMP     tmpOrder,#2
+        BLGT    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        B       FFTEnd
+        @// check scale = 0 or scale = order
+        SUBS    diff, scale, order                 @// scale > order 
+        MOVGT   scale,order     
+        BGE     specialScaleCase                   @// scale = 0 or scale = order 
+        CMP     scale,#0
+        BEQ     specialScaleCase
+        B       generalScaleCase
+specialScaleCase:	                                    @//  scale = 0 or scale = order  and order >= 2     
+        TST     order, #2                           @// Set input args to fft stages
+        MOVNE   argDst,pDst        
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pOut
+        MOVEQ   pOut,pDst                           @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle  
+        CMP      diff,#0
+        M_STR    diff, diffOnStack
+        BGE      scaleEqualsOrder  
+        @//check for even or odd order
+        @// NOTE: The following combination of BL's would work fine eventhough the first
+        @// BL would corrupt the flags. This is because the end of the "grpZeroSetLoop" loop inside 
+        @// armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe sets the Z flag to EQ
+        TST     order,#0x00000001
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        BLNE    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        BEQ        lastStageUnscaledRadix4
+         BL        armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+         B        unscaledRadix4Loop
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        B        FFTEnd        
+        @//check for even or odd order
+        @// NOTE: The following combination of BL's would work fine eventhough the first
+        @// BL would corrupt the flags. This is because the end of the "grpZeroSetLoop" loop inside 
+        @// armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe sets the Z flag to EQ
+        TST     order,#0x00000001
+        BLEQ    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        BLNE    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix8_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+        BLT     FFTEnd
+        BEQ        lastStageScaledRadix4
+         BL        armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+         B        scaledRadix4Loop         
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        B        FFTEnd        
+generalScaleCase:	                                        @// 0 < scale < order and order >= 2
+        @// Determine the correct destination buffer
+        SUB     diff,order,scale
+        TST     diff,#0x01
+        ADDEQ   count,scale,diff,LSR #1         @// count = scale + (order - scale)/2
+        MOVNE   count,order
+        TST     count,#0x01                     @// Is count even or odd ?
+        MOVNE   argDst,pDst                     @// Set input args to fft stages
+        MOVEQ   argDst,pOut
+        MOVEQ   pOut,pDst                       @// Pass the first stage destination in RN5
+        MOV     argTwiddle,pTwiddle  
+        M_STR   diff, diffOnStack    
+        MOV     argScale,scale                  @// Put scale in RN4 so as to save and restore
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe     @// scaled first stage
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1
+        BLGT    armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+        SUBS    argScale,argScale,#1            @// save and restore scale (RN4) in the scaled stages
+        BGT     scaledRadix2Loop
+        M_LDR   diff, diffOnStack  
+        @//check for even or odd order
+        TST     diff,#0x00000001
+        BEQ     generalUnscaledRadix4Loop
+        B       unscaledRadix2Loop
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#4
+         BEQ        generalLastStageUnscaledRadix4
+         BL        armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         B        generalUnscaledRadix4Loop 
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix4_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        B        End             
+        CMP        subFFTNum,#2
+         BEQ        generalLastStageUnscaledRadix2
+         BL        armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix2_OutOfPlace_unsafe
+         B        unscaledRadix2Loop        
+        BL      armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Radix2_ls_OutOfPlace_unsafe 
+        B        End             
+FFTEnd:	                                              @// Does only the scaling
+        M_LDR   diff, diffOnStack  
+        CMP     diff,#0
+        BLE     End
+        RSB     diff,diff,#0                        @// to use VRSHL for right shift by a variable
+        VDUP    dShift,diff     
+scaleFFTData:	                                        @// N = subFFTSize  ; dataptr = pDst  ; scale = diff
+        VLD1    {dX0},[pSrc]            @// pSrc contains pDst pointer
+        SUBS    subFFTSize,subFFTSize,#1
+        VRSHL   dX0,dShift
+        VST1    {dX0},[pSrc]!
+        BGT     scaleFFTData
+        @// Set return value
+        MOV     result, #OMX_Sts_NoErr       
+        @// Write function tail
+        M_END
+	.end
diff --git a/dl/omxtypes.h b/dl/omxtypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0732e40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxtypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ *
+ *  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+ *  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+ */
+ * File: omxtypes.h
+ * Brief: Defines basic Data types used in OpenMAX v1.0.2 header files.
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2005-2008 The Khronos Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. 
+ *
+ * These materials are protected by copyright laws and contain material 
+ * proprietary to the Khronos Group, Inc.  You may use these materials 
+ * for implementing Khronos specifications, without altering or removing 
+ * any trademark, copyright or other notice from the specification.
+ * 
+ * Khronos Group makes no, and expressly disclaims any, representations 
+ * or warranties, express or implied, regarding these materials, including, 
+ * without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness 
+ * for a particular purpose or non-infringement of any intellectual property. 
+ * Khronos Group makes no, and expressly disclaims any, warranties, express 
+ * or implied, regarding the correctness, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, 
+ * and reliability of these materials. 
+ *
+ * Under no circumstances will the Khronos Group, or any of its Promoters, 
+ * Contributors or Members or their respective partners, officers, directors, 
+ * employees, agents or representatives be liable for any damages, whether 
+ * direct, indirect, special or consequential damages for lost revenues, 
+ * lost profits, or otherwise, arising from or in connection with these 
+ * materials.
+ * 
+ * Khronos and OpenMAX are trademarks of the Khronos Group Inc. 
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _OMXTYPES_H_
+#define _OMXTYPES_H_
+#include <limits.h> 
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * Maximum FFT order supported by the twiddle table.  Only used by the
+ * float FFT routines. Must be consistent with the table in
+ * armSP_FFT_F32TwiddleTable.c.
+ */
+#define OMX_IN
+#define OMX_OUT
+#define OMX_INOUT
+typedef enum {
+    /* Mandatory return codes - use cases are explicitly described for each function */
+    OMX_Sts_NoErr                    =  0,    /* No error, the function completed successfully */
+    OMX_Sts_Err                      = -2,    /* Unknown/unspecified error */    
+    OMX_Sts_InvalidBitstreamValErr   = -182,  /* Invalid value detected during bitstream processing */    
+    OMX_Sts_MemAllocErr              = -9,    /* Not enough memory allocated for the operation */
+    OMX_StsACAAC_GainCtrErr    	     = -159,  /* AAC: Unsupported gain control data detected */
+    OMX_StsACAAC_PrgNumErr           = -167,  /* AAC: Invalid number of elements for one program   */
+    OMX_StsACAAC_CoefValErr          = -163,  /* AAC: Invalid quantized coefficient value          */     
+    OMX_StsACAAC_MaxSfbErr           = -162,  /* AAC: Invalid maxSfb value in relation to numSwb */    
+	OMX_StsACAAC_PlsDataErr		     = -160,  /* AAC: pulse escape sequence data error */
+    /* Optional return codes - use cases are explicitly described for each function*/
+    OMX_Sts_BadArgErr                = -5,    /* Bad Arguments */
+    OMX_StsACAAC_TnsNumFiltErr       = -157,  /* AAC: Invalid number of TNS filters  */
+    OMX_StsACAAC_TnsLenErr           = -156,  /* AAC: Invalid TNS region length  */   
+    OMX_StsACAAC_TnsOrderErr         = -155,  /* AAC: Invalid order of TNS filter  */                  
+    OMX_StsACAAC_TnsCoefResErr       = -154,  /* AAC: Invalid bit-resolution for TNS filter coefficients  */
+    OMX_StsACAAC_TnsCoefErr          = -153,  /* AAC: Invalid TNS filter coefficients  */                  
+    OMX_StsACAAC_TnsDirectErr        = -152,  /* AAC: Invalid TNS filter direction  */  
+    OMX_StsICJP_JPEGMarkerErr        = -183,  /* JPEG marker encountered within an entropy-coded block; */
+                                              /* Huffman decoding operation terminated early.           */
+    OMX_StsICJP_JPEGMarker           = -181,  /* JPEG marker encountered; Huffman decoding */
+                                              /* operation terminated early.                         */
+    OMX_StsIPPP_ContextMatchErr      = -17,   /* Context parameter doesn't match to the operation */
+    OMX_StsSP_EvenMedianMaskSizeErr  = -180,  /* Even size of the Median Filter mask was replaced by the odd one */
+    OMX_Sts_MaximumEnumeration       = INT_MAX  /*Placeholder, forces enum of size OMX_INT*/
+ } OMXResult;          /** Return value or error value returned from a function. Identical to OMX_INT */
+/* OMX_U8 */
+#if UCHAR_MAX == 0xff
+typedef unsigned char OMX_U8;
+#elif USHRT_MAX == 0xff 
+typedef unsigned short int OMX_U8; 
+#error OMX_U8 undefined
+/* OMX_S8 */
+#if SCHAR_MAX == 0x7f 
+typedef signed char OMX_S8;
+#elif SHRT_MAX == 0x7f 
+typedef signed short int OMX_S8; 
+#error OMX_S8 undefined
+/* OMX_U16 */
+#if USHRT_MAX == 0xffff
+typedef unsigned short int OMX_U16;
+#elif UINT_MAX == 0xffff
+typedef unsigned int OMX_U16; 
+#error OMX_U16 undefined
+/* OMX_S16 */
+#if SHRT_MAX == 0x7fff 
+typedef signed short int OMX_S16;
+#elif INT_MAX == 0x7fff 
+typedef signed int OMX_S16; 
+#error OMX_S16 undefined
+/* OMX_U32 */
+#if UINT_MAX == 0xffffffff
+typedef unsigned int OMX_U32;
+#elif LONG_MAX == 0xffffffff
+typedef unsigned long int OMX_U32; 
+#error OMX_U32 undefined
+/* OMX_S32 */
+#if INT_MAX == 0x7fffffff
+typedef signed int OMX_S32;
+#elif LONG_MAX == 0x7fffffff
+typedef long signed int OMX_S32; 
+#error OMX_S32 undefined
+/* OMX_U64 & OMX_S64 */
+#if defined( _WIN32 ) || defined ( _WIN64 )
+    typedef __int64 OMX_S64; /** Signed 64-bit integer */
+    typedef unsigned __int64 OMX_U64; /** Unsigned 64-bit integer */
+    #define OMX_MIN_S64			(0x8000000000000000i64)
+    #define OMX_MIN_U64			(0x0000000000000000i64)
+    #define OMX_MAX_S64			(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFi64)
+    #define OMX_MAX_U64			(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFi64)
+    typedef long long OMX_S64; /** Signed 64-bit integer */
+    typedef unsigned long long OMX_U64; /** Unsigned 64-bit integer */
+    #define OMX_MIN_S64			(0x8000000000000000LL)
+    #define OMX_MIN_U64			(0x0000000000000000LL)
+    #define OMX_MAX_S64			(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL)
+/* OMX_SC8 */
+typedef struct
+  OMX_S8 Re; /** Real part */
+  OMX_S8 Im; /** Imaginary part */	
+} OMX_SC8; /** Signed 8-bit complex number */
+/* OMX_SC16 */
+typedef struct
+  OMX_S16 Re; /** Real part */
+  OMX_S16 Im; /** Imaginary part */	
+} OMX_SC16; /** Signed 16-bit complex number */
+/* OMX_SC32 */
+typedef struct
+  OMX_S32 Re; /** Real part */
+  OMX_S32 Im; /** Imaginary part */	
+} OMX_SC32; /** Signed 32-bit complex number */
+/* OMX_SC64 */
+typedef struct
+  OMX_S64 Re; /** Real part */
+  OMX_S64 Im; /** Imaginary part */	
+} OMX_SC64; /** Signed 64-bit complex number */
+/* OMX_F32 */
+typedef float OMX_F32; /** Single precision floating point,IEEE 754 */
+/* OMX_F64 */
+typedef double OMX_F64; /** Double precision floating point,IEEE 754 */
+/* OMX_FC32 */
+typedef struct
+  OMX_F32 Re; /** Real part */
+  OMX_F32 Im; /** Imaginary part */	
+} OMX_FC32; /** single precision floating point complex number */
+/* OMX_FC64 */
+typedef struct
+  OMX_F64 Re; /** Real part */
+  OMX_F64 Im; /** Imaginary part */	
+} OMX_FC64; /** double precision floating point complex number */
+/* OMX_INT */
+typedef int OMX_INT; /** signed integer corresponding to machine word length, has maximum signed value INT_MAX*/
+#define OMX_MIN_S8  	   	(-128)
+#define OMX_MIN_U8  		0
+#define OMX_MIN_S16		 	(-32768)
+#define OMX_MIN_U16			0
+#define OMX_MIN_S32			(-2147483647-1)
+#define OMX_MIN_U32			0
+#define OMX_MAX_S8			(127)
+#define OMX_MAX_U8			(255)
+#define OMX_MAX_S16			(32767)
+#define OMX_MAX_U16			(0xFFFF)
+#define OMX_MAX_S32			(2147483647)
+#define OMX_MAX_U32			(0xFFFFFFFF)
+typedef void OMXVoid;
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL ((void*)0)
+/** Defines the geometric position and size of a rectangle, 
+  * where x,y defines the coordinates of the top left corner
+  * of the rectangle, with dimensions width in the x-direction 
+  * and height in the y-direction */
+typedef struct {
+	OMX_INT x;      /** x-coordinate of top left corner of rectangle */
+	OMX_INT y;      /** y-coordinate of top left corner of rectangle */
+	OMX_INT width;  /** Width in the x-direction. */
+	OMX_INT height; /** Height in the y-direction. */
+/** Defines the geometric position of a point, */
+typedef struct 
+ OMX_INT x; /** x-coordinate */
+ OMX_INT y;	/** y-coordinate */
+} OMXPoint;
+/** Defines the dimensions of a rectangle, or region of interest in an image */
+typedef struct 
+ OMX_INT width;  /** Width of the rectangle, in the x-direction */
+ OMX_INT height; /** Height of the rectangle, in the y-direction */
+} OMXSize;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _OMXTYPES_H_ */
diff --git a/dl/omxtypes_s.h b/dl/omxtypes_s.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d880d35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/omxtypes_s.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+@//  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+@//  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+@//  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+@//  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+@//  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+@//  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+@//  This file was originally licensed as follows. It has been
+@//  relicensed with permission from the copyright holders.
+@// File Name:  omxtypes_s.h
+@// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+@// Last Modified Revision:   9622
+@// Last Modified Date:       Wed, 06 Feb 2008
+@// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+@// Mandatory return codes - use cases are explicitly described for each function 
+	.equ	OMX_Sts_NoErr, 0    @// No error the function completed successfully 
+	.equ	OMX_Sts_Err, -2    @// Unknown/unspecified error     
+	.equ	OMX_Sts_InvalidBitstreamValErr, -182  @// Invalid value detected during bitstream processing     
+	.equ	OMX_Sts_MemAllocErr, -9    @// Not enough memory allocated for the operation 
+	.equ	OMX_StsACAAC_GainCtrErr, -159  @// AAC: Unsupported gain control data detected 
+	.equ	OMX_StsACAAC_PrgNumErr, -167  @// AAC: Invalid number of elements for one program   
+	.equ	OMX_StsACAAC_CoefValErr, -163  @// AAC: Invalid quantized coefficient value               
+	.equ	OMX_StsACAAC_MaxSfbErr, -162  @// AAC: Invalid maxSfb value in relation to numSwb     
+	.equ	OMX_StsACAAC_PlsDataErr, -160  @// AAC: pulse escape sequence data error 
+@// Optional return codes - use cases are explicitly described for each function
+	.equ	OMX_Sts_BadArgErr, -5    @// Bad Arguments 
+	.equ	OMX_StsACAAC_TnsNumFiltErr, -157  @// AAC: Invalid number of TNS filters  
+	.equ	OMX_StsACAAC_TnsLenErr, -156  @// AAC: Invalid TNS region length     
+	.equ	OMX_StsACAAC_TnsOrderErr, -155  @// AAC: Invalid order of TNS filter                    
+	.equ	OMX_StsACAAC_TnsCoefResErr, -154  @// AAC: Invalid bit-resolution for TNS filter coefficients  
+	.equ	OMX_StsACAAC_TnsCoefErr, -153  @// AAC: Invalid TNS filter coefficients                    
+	.equ	OMX_StsACAAC_TnsDirectErr, -152  @// AAC: Invalid TNS filter direction    
+	.equ	OMX_StsICJP_JPEGMarkerErr, -183  @// JPEG marker encountered within an entropy-coded block; 
+                                            @// Huffman decoding operation terminated early.           
+	.equ	OMX_StsICJP_JPEGMarker, -181  @// JPEG marker encountered; Huffman decoding 
+                                            @// operation terminated early.                         
+	.equ	OMX_StsIPPP_ContextMatchErr, -17   @// Context parameter doesn't match to the operation 
+	.equ	OMX_StsSP_EvenMedianMaskSizeErr, -180  @// Even size of the Median Filter mask was replaced by the odd one 
+	.equ	OMX_Sts_MaximumEnumeration, 0x7FFFFFFF
+	.equ	OMX_MIN_S8, (-128)
+	.equ	OMX_MIN_U8, 0
+	.equ	OMX_MIN_S16, (-32768)
+	.equ	OMX_MIN_U16, 0
+	.equ	OMX_MIN_S32, (-2147483647-1)
+	.equ	OMX_MIN_U32, 0
+	.equ	OMX_MAX_S8, (127)
+	.equ	OMX_MAX_U8, (255)
+	.equ	OMX_MAX_S16, (32767)
+	.equ	OMX_MAX_U16, (0xFFFF)
+	.equ	OMX_MAX_S32, (2147483647)
+	.equ	OMX_MAX_U32, (0xFFFFFFFF)
+	.equ	OMX_VC_UPPER, 0x1                 @// Used by the PredictIntra functions   
+	.equ	OMX_VC_LEFT, 0x2                 @// Used by the PredictIntra functions 
+	.equ	OMX_VC_UPPER_RIGHT, 0x40          @// Used by the PredictIntra functions   
+	.equ	NULL, 0
diff --git a/dl/test/aligned_ptr.c b/dl/test/aligned_ptr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bb3e7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/test/aligned_ptr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "aligned_ptr.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+/* |alignment| is the byte alignment and MUST be a power of two. */
+struct AlignedPtr* AllocAlignedPointer(int alignment, int bytes) {
+  struct AlignedPtr* aligned_ptr;
+  unsigned long raw_address;
+  aligned_ptr = (struct AlignedPtr*) malloc(sizeof(*aligned_ptr));
+  aligned_ptr->raw_pointer_ = malloc(bytes + alignment);
+  raw_address = (unsigned long) aligned_ptr->raw_pointer_;
+  raw_address = (raw_address + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1);
+  aligned_ptr->aligned_pointer_ = (void*) raw_address;
+  return aligned_ptr;
+void FreeAlignedPointer(struct AlignedPtr* pointer) {
+  free(pointer->raw_pointer_);
+  free(pointer);
diff --git a/dl/test/aligned_ptr.h b/dl/test/aligned_ptr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6da752
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/test/aligned_ptr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+ * Simple aligned pointer structure to get provide aligned pointers
+ * that can be freed.
+ */
+struct AlignedPtr {
+  void* raw_pointer_;
+  void* aligned_pointer_;
+ * Allocate an aligned pointer to an area of size |bytes| bytes.  The
+ * pointer is aligned to |alignment| bytes, which MUST be a power of
+ * two.  The aligned pointer itself is in the aligned_pointer_ slot of
+ * the structure.
+ */
+struct AlignedPtr* AllocAlignedPointer(int alignment, int bytes);
+ * Free the memory allocated for the aligned pointer, including the
+ * object itself.
+ */
+void FreeAlignedPointer(struct AlignedPtr* pointer);
diff --git a/dl/test/compare.c b/dl/test/compare.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56a4baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/test/compare.c
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "armSP.h"
+#include "compare.h"
+extern int verbose;
+// Convert to dB
+static double Db(double x) {
+    return (x <= 0) ? -1000.0 : 10 * log(x) / log(10);
+static double CalculateSNR(double signal_power, double noise_power) {
+    return (noise_power == 0) ? 1000 : Db(signal_power / noise_power);
+ * Compute the SNR of the actual signal, returning the SNR of the real
+ * and imaginary parts separately, and also the overall (complex SNR)
+ */
+void CompareComplex32(struct SnrResult* snr, OMX_SC32* actual,
+                      OMX_SC32* expected, int size) {
+  double real_signal_power = 0;
+  double imag_signal_power = 0;
+  double complex_signal_power = 0;
+  double real_noise_power = 0;
+  double imag_noise_power = 0;
+  double complex_noise_power = 0;
+  int k;
+  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+    double x2;
+    double y2;
+    double z2;
+    if (verbose > 255) {
+      printf("%4d: (%10d, %10d) (%10d, %10d)\n", k,
+             actual[k].Re, actual[k].Im,
+             expected[k].Re, expected[k].Im);
+    }
+    x2 = pow((double) expected[k].Re, 2);
+    y2 = pow((double) expected[k].Im, 2);
+    real_signal_power += x2;
+    imag_signal_power += y2;
+    complex_signal_power += x2 + y2;
+    x2 = pow((double) actual[k].Re - expected[k].Re, 2);
+    y2 = pow((double) actual[k].Im - expected[k].Im, 2);
+    real_noise_power += x2;
+    imag_noise_power += y2;
+    complex_noise_power += x2 + y2;
+  }
+  snr->real_snr_ = CalculateSNR(real_signal_power, real_noise_power);
+  snr->imag_snr_ = CalculateSNR(imag_signal_power, imag_noise_power);
+  snr->complex_snr_ = CalculateSNR(complex_signal_power, complex_noise_power);
+ * Compute the SNR of the actual real signal, returning the SNR.
+ */
+void CompareReal32(struct SnrResult* snr, OMX_S32* actual,
+                   OMX_S32* expected, int size) {
+  double real_signal_power = 0;
+  double real_noise_power = 0;
+  int k;
+  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+    double x2;
+    x2 = pow((double) expected[k], 2);
+    real_signal_power += x2;
+    x2 = pow((double) actual[k] - expected[k], 2);
+    real_noise_power += x2;
+  }
+  snr->real_snr_ = CalculateSNR(real_signal_power, real_noise_power);
+  snr->imag_snr_ = -10000;
+  snr->complex_snr_ = -10000;
+void CompareReal16(struct SnrResult* snr, OMX_S16* actual,
+                   OMX_S16* expected, int size) {
+  double real_signal_power = 0;
+  double real_noise_power = 0;
+  int k;
+  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+    double x2;
+    x2 = pow((double) expected[k], 2);
+    real_signal_power += x2;
+    x2 = pow((double) actual[k] - expected[k], 2);
+    real_noise_power += x2;
+  }
+  snr->real_snr_ = CalculateSNR(real_signal_power, real_noise_power);
+  snr->imag_snr_ = -10000;
+  snr->complex_snr_ = -10000;
+void CompareComplexFloat(struct SnrResult* snr, OMX_FC32* actual,
+                         OMX_FC32* expected, int size) {
+  double real_signal_power = 0;
+  double imag_signal_power = 0;
+  double complex_signal_power = 0;
+  double real_noise_power = 0;
+  double imag_noise_power = 0;
+  double complex_noise_power = 0;
+  int k;
+  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+    double x2;
+    double y2;
+    double z2;
+    if (verbose > 255) {
+      printf("%4d: (%10g, %10g) (%10g, %10g)\n", k,
+             actual[k].Re, actual[k].Im,
+             expected[k].Re, expected[k].Im);
+    }
+    x2 = pow((double) expected[k].Re, 2);
+    y2 = pow((double) expected[k].Im, 2);
+    real_signal_power += x2;
+    imag_signal_power += y2;
+    complex_signal_power += x2 + y2;
+    x2 = pow((double) actual[k].Re - expected[k].Re, 2);
+    y2 = pow((double) actual[k].Im - expected[k].Im, 2);
+    real_noise_power += x2;
+    imag_noise_power += y2;
+    complex_noise_power += x2 + y2;
+  }
+  snr->real_snr_ = CalculateSNR(real_signal_power, real_noise_power);
+  snr->imag_snr_ = CalculateSNR(imag_signal_power, imag_noise_power);
+  snr->complex_snr_ = CalculateSNR(complex_signal_power, complex_noise_power);
+void CompareFloat(struct SnrResult* snr, OMX_F32* actual,
+                  OMX_F32* expected, int size) {
+  double signal_power = 0;
+  double noise_power = 0;
+  int k;
+  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+    double x2;
+    x2 = pow((double) expected[k], 2);
+    signal_power += x2;
+    x2 = pow((double) actual[k] - expected[k], 2);
+    noise_power += x2;
+  }
+  snr->real_snr_ = CalculateSNR(signal_power, noise_power);
+  snr->imag_snr_ = -10000;
+  snr->complex_snr_ = snr->real_snr_;
diff --git a/dl/test/compare.h b/dl/test/compare.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b5d182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/test/compare.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+struct SnrResult {
+  /* SNR (in dB) for real component (for complex signals) */
+  float real_snr_;
+  /* SNR (in dB) for imaginary component (for complex signals) */
+  float imag_snr_;
+  /* SNR (in dB) for real and complex component (for complex signals) */
+  float complex_snr_;
+ * Compute the SNR between the |actual| and |expected| signals of
+ * length |size|.  Three SNRs are computed.  An SNR is computed for
+ * just the real component, just the imaginary component, and the
+ * complex component.  The computed SNR is in dBs.
+ */
+void CompareComplex32(struct SnrResult* snr, OMX_SC32* actual,
+                      OMX_SC32* expected, int size);
+void CompareReal32(struct SnrResult* snr, OMX_S32* actual,
+                   OMX_S32* expected, int size);
+void CompareReal16(struct SnrResult* snr, OMX_S16* actual,
+                   OMX_S16* expected, int size);
+void CompareComplexFloat(struct SnrResult* snr, OMX_FC32* actual,
+                         OMX_FC32* expected, int size);
+void CompareFloat(struct SnrResult* snr, OMX_F32* actual,
+                  OMX_F32* expected, int size);
diff --git a/dl/test/gensig.c b/dl/test/gensig.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dbf0a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/test/gensig.c
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "gensig.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define MAX_SIGNAL_TYPE 4
+int MaxSignalType(int real_only) {
+  return real_only ? MAX_REAL_SIGNAL_TYPE : MAX_SIGNAL_TYPE;
+ * Generate a test signal and compute the theoretical FFT.
+ *
+ * The test signal is specified by |signal_type|, and the test signal
+ * is saved in |x| with the corresponding FFT in |fft|.  The size of
+ * the test signal is |size|.  |signalValue| is desired the amplitude
+ * of the test signal.
+ *
+ * If |real_only| is true, then the test signal is assumed to be real
+ * instead of complex, which is the default.  This is only applicable
+ * for a |signal_type| of 0 or 3; the other signals are already real-valued.
+ */
+void GenerateTestSignalAndFFT(struct ComplexFloat* x,
+                              struct ComplexFloat* fft,
+                              int size,
+                              int signal_type,
+                              float signal_value,
+                              int real_only) {
+  int k;
+  switch (signal_type) {
+    case 0:
+      /*
+       * Signal is a constant signal_value + i*signal_value (or just
+       * signal_value if real_only is true.)
+       */
+      for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+        x[k].Re = signal_value;
+        x[k].Im = real_only ? 0 : signal_value;
+      }
+      fft[0].Re = signal_value * size;
+      fft[0].Im = real_only ? 0 : signal_value * size;
+      for (k = 1; k < size; ++k) {
+        fft[k].Re = fft[k].Im = 0;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      /*
+       * A real-valued ramp
+       */
+      {
+        double factor = signal_value / (float) size;
+        double omega = 2 * M_PI / size;
+        for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+          x[k].Re = ((k + 1)*factor);
+          x[k].Im = 0;
+        }
+        fft[0].Re = factor * size * (size + 1) / 2;
+        fft[0].Im = 0;
+        for (k = 1; k < size; ++k) {
+          double phase;
+          phase = omega * k;
+          fft[k].Re = factor * -size / 2;
+          fft[k].Im = factor * size / 2 * (sin(phase) / (1 - cos(phase)));
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      /*
+       * Pure real-valued sine wave, one cycle.
+       */
+      {
+        double omega = 2 * M_PI / size;
+        for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+          x[k].Re = signal_value * sin(omega * k);
+          x[k].Im = 0;
+        }
+        for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+          fft[k].Re = 0;
+          fft[k].Im = 0;
+        }
+        fft[1].Im = -signal_value * (size / 2);
+        fft[size - 1].Im = signal_value * (size / 2);
+      }
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      /*
+       * The source signal is x[k] = 0 except x[1] = x[size-1] =
+       * -i*signal_value.  The transform is one period of a pure real
+       * (negative) sine wave.  Only defined when real_only is false.
+       */
+      if (!real_only) {
+        double omega = 2 * M_PI / size;
+        for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+          x[k].Re = 0;
+          x[k].Im = 0;
+        }
+        x[1].Im = -signal_value;
+        x[size-1].Im = signal_value;
+        for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+          fft[k].Re = -2 * signal_value * sin(omega * k);
+          fft[k].Im = 0;
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+      /* Fall through if real_only */
+    case MAX_SIGNAL_TYPE:
+    default:
+      fprintf(stderr, "invalid signal type: %d\n", signal_type);
+      exit(1);
+  }
diff --git a/dl/test/gensig.h b/dl/test/gensig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f650f41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/test/gensig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+struct ComplexFloat {
+    float Re;
+    float Im;
+ * Returns the max allowed signal type, depending on whether the test
+ * signal is real or not
+ */
+int MaxSignalType(int real_only);
+ * Generate a test signal and corresponding FFT.
+ */
+void GenerateTestSignalAndFFT(struct ComplexFloat* x,
+                              struct ComplexFloat* fft,
+                              int size,
+                              int signal_type,
+                              float signal_value,
+                              int real_only);
diff --git a/dl/test/test_fft.gyp b/dl/test/test_fft.gyp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb7cd47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/test/test_fft.gyp
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+#  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+#  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+#  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+#  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+  'variables' : {
+    # Override this value to build with small float FFT tables
+    'big_float_fft%' : 1,
+  },
+  'targets': [
+    {
+      # Test utilities
+      'target_name': 'test_utilities',
+      'type' : '<(component)',
+      'include_dirs': [
+        '..',
+      ],
+      'dependencies' : [
+        '../arm_fft.gyp:arm_fft',
+      ],
+      'sources' : [
+        'aligned_ptr.c',
+        'compare.c',
+        'gensig.c',
+        'test_util.c',
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      # Test complex fixed-point 32-bit FFT
+      'target_name': 'test_fft32',
+      'type': 'executable',
+      'include_dirs': [
+        '..',
+      ],
+      'dependencies' : [
+        '../arm_fft.gyp:arm_fft',
+        'test_utilities'
+      ],
+      'sources': [
+        'test_fft32.c',
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      # Test real 32-bit fixed-point FFT
+      'target_name': 'test_rfft32',
+      'type': 'executable',
+      'include_dirs': [
+        '..',
+      ],
+      'dependencies' : [
+        'test_utilities'
+      ],
+      'sources': [
+        'test_rfft32.c',
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      # Test real 16-bit fixed-point FFT
+      'target_name': 'test_rfft16',
+      'type': 'executable',
+      'include_dirs': [
+        '..',
+      ],
+      'dependencies' : [
+        'test_utilities'
+      ],
+      'sources': [
+        'test_rfft16.c',
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      # Test complex floating-point FFT
+      'target_name': 'test_float_fft',
+      'type': 'executable',
+      'include_dirs': [
+        '..',
+      ],
+      'dependencies' : [
+        'test_utilities'
+      ],
+      'sources': [
+        'test_float_fft.c',
+      ],
+      'conditions': [
+        ['big_float_fft == 1', {
+          'defines': [
+            'BIG_FFT_TABLE',
+          ],
+        }],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      # Test real floating-point FFT
+      'target_name': 'test_float_rfft',
+      'type': 'executable',
+      'include_dirs': [
+        '..',
+      ],
+      'dependencies' : [
+        'test_utilities'
+      ],
+      'sources': [
+        'test_float_rfft.c',
+      ],
+      'conditions': [
+        ['big_float_fft == 1', {
+          'defines': [
+            'BIG_FFT_TABLE',
+          ],
+        }],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      # Simple timing test of FFTs
+      'target_name': 'test_fft_time',
+      'type': 'executable',
+      'include_dirs': [
+        '..',
+      ],
+      'dependencies' : [
+        'test_utilities'
+      ],
+      'sources': [
+        'test_fft_time.c',
+      ],
+      'conditions': [
+        ['big_float_fft == 1', {
+          'defines': [
+            'BIG_FFT_TABLE',
+          ],
+        }],
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      # Build all test programs.
+      'target_name': 'All',
+      'type': 'none',
+      'dependencies': [
+        'test_fft32',
+        'test_float_fft',
+        'test_float_rfft',
+        'test_rfft16',
+        'test_rfft32',
+        'test_fft_time',
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
diff --git a/dl/test/test_fft32.c b/dl/test/test_fft32.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2963deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/test/test_fft32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "aligned_ptr.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+#include "compare.h"
+#include "gensig.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+#include "test_util.h"
+#define MAX_FFT_ORDER   12
+int verbose;
+int signal_value;
+void TestFFT(int fft_log_size, int sigtype, int scale_factor);
+void main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+  struct Options options;
+  SetDefaultOptions(&options, 0, MAX_FFT_ORDER);
+  ProcessCommandLine(&options, argc, argv,
+                     "Test forward and inverse 32-bit fixed-point FFT\n");
+  verbose = options.verbose_;
+  signal_value = options.signal_value_;
+  if (verbose > 255)
+    DumpOptions(stderr, &options);
+  if (options.test_mode_) {
+    struct TestInfo info;
+    info.real_only_ = options.real_only_;
+    info.max_fft_order_ = options.max_fft_order_;
+    info.min_fft_order_ = options.min_fft_order_;
+    info.do_forward_tests_ = options.do_forward_tests_;
+    info.do_inverse_tests_ = options.do_inverse_tests_;
+    info.known_failures_ = 0;
+    /*
+     * These threshold values assume that we're using the default
+     * signal_value set below.
+     */
+    info.forward_threshold_ = 107.33;
+    info.inverse_threshold_ = 79.02;
+    if (!options.signal_value_given_) {
+      signal_value = 262144;         /* 18 bits */
+    }
+    RunAllTests(&info);
+  } else {
+    TestFFT(options.fft_log_size_,
+            options.signal_type_,
+            options.scale_factor_);
+  }
+void GenerateSignal(OMX_SC32* x, OMX_SC32* fft, int size, int signal_type) {
+  int k;
+  struct ComplexFloat *test_signal;
+  struct ComplexFloat *true_fft;
+  test_signal = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*test_signal) * size);
+  true_fft = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*true_fft) * size);
+  GenerateTestSignalAndFFT(test_signal, true_fft, size, signal_type,
+                           signal_value, 0);
+  /*
+   * Convert the complex float result to SC32 format.  Just round.
+   * No error-checking here!
+   */
+  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+    x[k].Re = 0.5 + test_signal[k].Re;
+    x[k].Im = 0.5 + test_signal[k].Im;
+    fft[k].Re = 0.5 + true_fft[k].Re;
+    fft[k].Im = 0.5 + true_fft[k].Im;
+  }
+  free(test_signal);
+  free(true_fft);
+void DumpFFTSpec(OMXFFTSpec_C_SC32* pSpec) {
+  ARMsFFTSpec_SC32* p = (ARMsFFTSpec_SC32*) pSpec;
+  printf(" N = %d\n", p->N);
+  printf(" pBitRev  = %p\n", p->pBitRev);
+  printf(" pTwiddle = %p\n", p->pTwiddle);
+  printf(" pBuf     = %p\n", p->pBuf);
+ * Compute forward and inverse FFT for one test case and compare the
+ * result with the expected result.
+ */
+void TestFFT(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, int scale_factor) {
+  struct SnrResult snr;
+  RunOneForwardTest(fft_log_size, signal_type, signal_value, &snr);
+  printf("Forward float FFT\n");
+  printf("SNR:  real part    %f dB\n", snr.real_snr_);
+  printf("      imag part    %f dB\n", snr.imag_snr_);
+  printf("      complex part %f dB\n", snr.complex_snr_);
+  RunOneInverseTest(fft_log_size, signal_type, signal_value, &snr);
+  printf("Inverse float FFT\n");
+  printf("SNR:  real part    %f dB\n", snr.real_snr_);
+  printf("      imag part    %f dB\n", snr.imag_snr_);
+  printf("      complex part %f dB\n", snr.complex_snr_);
+ * Like TestFFT, but do just the forward FFT.
+ */
+float RunOneForwardTest(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, float signal_value,
+                        struct SnrResult* snr) {
+  OMX_SC32* x;
+  OMX_SC32* y;
+  struct AlignedPtr* x_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_aligned;
+  OMX_SC32* y_true;
+  OMX_INT n, fft_spec_buffer_size;
+  OMXResult status;
+  OMXFFTSpec_C_SC32 * fft_fwd_spec = NULL;
+  int fft_size;
+  fft_size = 1 << fft_log_size;
+  status = omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32(fft_log_size, &fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("fft_spec_buffer_size = %d\n", fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  }
+  fft_fwd_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_C_SC32*) malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC32(fft_fwd_spec, fft_log_size);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init forward FFT:  status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  x_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
+  y_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size + 2));
+  y_true = (OMX_SC32*) malloc(sizeof(*y_true) * fft_size);
+  x = x_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y = y_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  GenerateSignal(x, y_true, fft_size, signal_type);
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("Signal\n");
+    DumpArrayComplex32("x", fft_size, x);
+    printf("Expected FFT output\n");
+    DumpArrayComplex32("y", fft_size, y_true);
+  }
+  status = omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs(x, y, fft_fwd_spec, 0);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Forward FFT failed: status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("FFT Output\n");
+    DumpArrayComplex32("y", fft_size, y);
+  }
+  CompareComplex32(snr, y, y_true, fft_size);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(x_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_aligned);
+  free(fft_fwd_spec);
+  return snr->complex_snr_;
+ * Like TestFFT, but do just the inverse FFT
+ */
+float RunOneInverseTest(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, float signal_value,
+                        struct SnrResult* snr) {
+  OMX_SC32* x;
+  OMX_SC32* y;
+  OMX_SC32* z;
+  struct AlignedPtr* x_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* z_aligned;
+  OMX_INT n, fft_spec_buffer_size;
+  OMXResult status;
+  OMXFFTSpec_C_SC32 * fft_fwd_spec = NULL;
+  OMXFFTSpec_C_SC32 * fft_inv_spec = NULL;
+  int fft_size;
+  fft_size = 1 << fft_log_size;
+  status = omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32(fft_log_size, &fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  if (verbose > 3) {
+    printf("fft_spec_buffer_size = %d\n", fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  }
+  fft_inv_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_C_SC32*)malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC32(fft_inv_spec, fft_log_size);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init backward FFT:  status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  x_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
+  y_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size + 2));
+  z_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*z) * fft_size);
+  x = x_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y = y_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  z = z_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  GenerateSignal(x, y, fft_size, signal_type);
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("Inverse FFT Input Signal\n");
+    printf("n\tx[n]\n");
+    DumpArrayComplex32("x", fft_size, y);
+    printf("Expected Inverse FFT output\n");
+    DumpArrayComplex32("y", fft_size, x);
+  }
+  status = omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs(y, z, fft_inv_spec, 0);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Inverse FFT failed: status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("Actual Inverse FFT Output\n");
+    DumpArrayComplex32("y", fft_size, z);
+  }
+  CompareComplex32(snr, z, x, fft_size);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(x_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(z_aligned);
+  free(fft_inv_spec);
+  return snr->complex_snr_;
diff --git a/dl/test/test_fft_time.c b/dl/test/test_fft_time.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33ede2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/test/test_fft_time.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1076 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "aligned_ptr.h"
+#include "armCOMM.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+#include "gensig.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+void TimeOneFloatFFT(int count, int fft_log_size, float signal_value,
+                     int signal_type);
+void TimeFloatFFT(int count, float signal_value, int signal_type);
+void TimeOneFloatRFFT(int count, int fft_log_size, float signal_value,
+                      int signal_type);
+void TimeFloatRFFT(int count, float signal_value, int signal_type);
+void TimeOneSC32FFT(int count, int fft_log_size, float signal_value,
+                    int signal_type);
+void TimeSC32FFT(int count, float signal_value, int signal_type);
+void TimeOneRFFT16(int count, int fft_log_size, float signal_value,
+                   int signal_type);
+void TimeRFFT16(int count, float signal_value, int signal_type);
+void TimeOneRFFT32(int count, int fft_log_size, float signal_value,
+                   int signal_type);
+void TimeRFFT32(int count, float signal_value, int signal_type);
+static int verbose = 1;
+static int include_conversion = 0;
+static int adapt_count = 1;
+static int do_forward_test = 1;
+static int do_inverse_test = 1;
+static int min_fft_order = 2;
+static int max_fft_order = MAX_FFT_ORDER;
+void TimeFFTUsage(const char* prog) {
+  fprintf(stderr, 
+	  "%s: [-hTFICA] [-f fft] [-c count] [-n logsize] [-s scale]\n"
+	  "    [-g signal-type] [-S signal value]\n"
+	  "    [-m minFFTsize] [-M maxFFTsize]\n",
+          ProgramName(prog));
+  fprintf(stderr, 
+	  "Simple FFT timing tests\n"
+	  "  -h          This help\n"
+	  "  -v level    Verbose output level (default = 1)\n"
+	  "  -F          Skip forward FFT tests\n"
+	  "  -I          Skip inverse FFT tests\n"
+	  "  -C          Include float-to-fixed and fixed-to-float cost for"
+	  " real\n"
+	  "                16-bit FFT (forward and inverse)\n"
+	  "  -c count    Number of FFTs to compute for timing.  This is a"
+	  " lower\n"
+	  "                lower limit; shorter FFTs will do more FFTs such"
+	  " that the\n"
+	  "                elapsed time is very roughly constant, if -A is"
+	  " not given.\n"
+	  "  -A          Don't adapt the count given by -c; use specified"
+	  " value\n"
+	  "  -m min      Mininum FFT order to test\n"
+	  "  -M max      Maximum FFT order to test\n"
+	  "  -T          Run just one FFT timing test\n"
+	  "  -f          FFT type:\n"
+	  "	         0 - Complex Float\n"
+	  "	         1 - Real Float\n"
+	  "	         2 - Complex 32-bit\n"
+	  "	         3 - Real 16-bit\n"
+	  "	         4 - Real 32-bit\n"
+	  "  -n logsize  Log2 of FFT size\n"
+	  "  -s scale    Scale factor for forward FFT (default = 0)\n"
+	  "  -S signal   Base value for the test signal (default = 1024)\n"
+	  "  -g type     Input signal type:\n"
+	  "	         0 - Constant signal S + i*S. (Default value.)\n"
+	  "	         1 - Real ramp starting at S/N, N = FFT size\n"
+	  "	         2 - Sine wave of amplitude S\n"
+	  "	         3 - Complex signal whose transform is a sine wave.\n"
+	  "\n"
+	  "Use -v 0 in combination with -F or -I to get output that can\n"
+	  "be pasted into a spreadsheet.\n"
+	  "\n"
+	  "Most of the options listed after -T above are only applicable\n"
+	  "when -T is given to test just one FFT size and FFT type.\n"
+	  "\n");
+  exit(0);
+void main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+  int fft_log_size = 4;
+  float signal_value = 1024;
+  int signal_type = 0;
+  int test_mode = 1;
+  int count = 100;
+  int fft_type = 0;
+  int fft_type_given = 0;
+  int opt;
+  while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hTFICAc:n:s:S:g:v:f:m:M:")) != -1) {
+    switch (opt) {
+      case 'h':
+        TimeFFTUsage(argv[0]);
+        break;
+      case 'T':
+        test_mode = 0;
+        break;
+      case 'C':
+        include_conversion = 1;
+        break;
+      case 'F':
+        do_forward_test = 0;
+        break;
+      case 'I':
+        do_inverse_test = 0;
+        break;
+      case 'A':
+        adapt_count = 0;
+        break;
+      case 'c':
+        count = atoi(optarg);
+        break;
+      case 'n':
+        fft_log_size = atoi(optarg);
+        break;
+      case 'S':
+        signal_value = atof(optarg);
+        break;
+      case 'g':
+        signal_type = atoi(optarg);
+        break;
+      case 'v':
+        verbose = atoi(optarg);
+        break;
+      case 'f':
+        fft_type = atoi(optarg);
+        fft_type_given = 1;
+        break;
+      case 'm':
+        min_fft_order = atoi(optarg);
+        if (min_fft_order <= 2) {
+          fprintf(stderr, "Setting min FFT order to 2 (from %d)\n",
+                  min_fft_order);
+          min_fft_order = 2;
+        }
+        break;
+      case 'M':
+        max_fft_order = atoi(optarg);
+        if (max_fft_order > MAX_FFT_ORDER) {
+          fprintf(stderr, "Setting max FFT order to %d (from %d)\n",
+                  MAX_FFT_ORDER, max_fft_order);
+          max_fft_order = MAX_FFT_ORDER;
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        TimeFFTUsage(argv[0]);
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (test_mode && fft_type_given)
+    printf("Warning:  -f ignored when -T not specified\n");
+  if (test_mode) {
+    TimeFloatFFT(count, signal_value, signal_type);
+    TimeFloatRFFT(count, signal_value, signal_type);
+    TimeSC32FFT(count, signal_value, signal_type);
+    TimeRFFT16(count, signal_value, signal_type);
+    TimeRFFT32(count, signal_value, signal_type);
+  } else {
+    switch (fft_type) {
+      case 0:
+        TimeOneFloatFFT(count, fft_log_size, signal_value, signal_type);
+        break;
+      case 1:
+        TimeOneFloatRFFT(count, fft_log_size, signal_value, signal_type);
+        break;
+      case 2:
+        TimeOneSC32FFT(count, fft_log_size, signal_value, signal_type);
+        break;
+      case 3:
+        TimeOneRFFT16(count, fft_log_size, signal_value, signal_type);
+        break;
+      case 4:
+        TimeOneRFFT32(count, fft_log_size, signal_value, signal_type);
+        break;
+      default:
+        fprintf(stderr, "Unknown FFT type: %d\n", fft_type);
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+void GetUserTime(struct timeval* time) {
+  struct rusage usage;
+  getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &usage);
+  memcpy(time, &usage.ru_utime, sizeof(*time));
+double TimeDifference(const struct timeval * start,
+                      const struct timeval * end) {
+  double start_time;
+  double end_time;
+  start_time = start->tv_sec + start->tv_usec * 1e-6;
+  end_time = end->tv_sec + end->tv_usec * 1e-6;
+  return end_time - start_time;
+void PrintResult(const char* prefix, int fft_log_size, double elapsed_time,
+                 int count) {
+  if (verbose == 0) {
+    printf("%2d\t%8.4f\t%8d\t%.4e\n",
+           fft_log_size, elapsed_time, count, 1000 * elapsed_time / count);
+  } else {
+    printf("%-18s:  order %2d:  %8.4f sec for %8d FFTs:  %.4e msec/FFT\n",
+           prefix, fft_log_size, elapsed_time, count,
+           1000 * elapsed_time / count);
+  }
+int ComputeCount(int nominal_count, int fft_log_size) {
+  /*
+   * Try to figure out how many repetitions to do for a given FFT
+   * order (fft_log_size) given that we want a repetition of
+   * nominal_count for order 15 FFTs to be the approsimate amount of
+   * time we want to for all tests.
+   */
+  int count;
+  if (adapt_count) {
+    double maxTime = ((double) nominal_count) * (1 << MAX_FFT_ORDER)
+        * MAX_FFT_ORDER;
+    double c = maxTime / ((1 << fft_log_size) * fft_log_size);
+    const int max_count = 10000000;
+    count = (c > max_count) ? max_count : c;
+  } else {
+    count = nominal_count;
+  }
+  return count;
+void TimeOneFloatFFT(int count, int fft_log_size, float signal_value,
+                     int signal_type) {
+  struct AlignedPtr* x_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* z_aligned;
+  struct ComplexFloat* x;
+  struct ComplexFloat* y;
+  OMX_FC32* z;
+  struct ComplexFloat* y_true;
+  OMX_INT n, fft_spec_buffer_size;
+  OMXFFTSpec_C_FC32 * fft_fwd_spec = NULL;
+  OMXFFTSpec_C_FC32 * fft_inv_spec = NULL;
+  int fft_size;
+  struct timeval start_time;
+  struct timeval end_time;
+  double elapsed_time;
+  fft_size = 1 << fft_log_size;
+  x_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
+  y_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size + 2));
+  z_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*z) * fft_size);
+  y_true = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*y_true) * fft_size);
+  x = x_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y = y_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  z = z_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  GenerateTestSignalAndFFT(x, y_true, fft_size, signal_type, signal_value, 0);
+  omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_FC32(fft_log_size, &fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  fft_fwd_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_C_FC32*) malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  fft_inv_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_C_FC32*) malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  omxSP_FFTInit_C_FC32(fft_fwd_spec, fft_log_size);
+  omxSP_FFTInit_C_FC32(fft_inv_spec, fft_log_size);
+  if (do_forward_test) {
+    GetUserTime(&start_time);
+    for (n = 0; n < count; ++n) {
+      omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Sfs(x, y, fft_fwd_spec);
+    }
+    GetUserTime(&end_time);
+    elapsed_time = TimeDifference(&start_time, &end_time);
+    PrintResult("Forward Float FFT", fft_log_size, elapsed_time, count);
+  }
+  if (do_inverse_test) {
+    GetUserTime(&start_time);
+    for (n = 0; n < count; ++n) {
+      omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Sfs(y, z, fft_inv_spec);
+    }
+    GetUserTime(&end_time);
+    elapsed_time = TimeDifference(&start_time, &end_time);
+    PrintResult("Inverse Float FFT", fft_log_size, elapsed_time, count);
+  }
+  FreeAlignedPointer(x_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(z_aligned);
+  free(y_true);
+  free(fft_fwd_spec);
+  free(fft_inv_spec);
+void TimeFloatFFT(int count, float signal_value, int signal_type) {
+  int k;
+  if (verbose == 0)
+    printf("Float FFT\n");
+  for (k = min_fft_order; k <= max_fft_order; ++k) {
+    int testCount = ComputeCount(count, k);
+    TimeOneFloatFFT(testCount, k, signal_value, signal_type);
+  }
+void GenerateRealFloatSignal(OMX_F32* x, OMX_FC32* fft, int size,
+                             int signal_type, float signal_value)
+  int k;
+  struct ComplexFloat *test_signal;
+  struct ComplexFloat *true_fft;
+  test_signal = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*test_signal) * size);
+  true_fft = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*true_fft) * size);
+  GenerateTestSignalAndFFT(test_signal, true_fft, size, signal_type,
+                           signal_value, 1);
+  /*
+   * Convert the complex result to what we want
+   */
+  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+    x[k] = test_signal[k].Re;
+  }
+  for (k = 0; k < size / 2 + 1; ++k) {
+    fft[k].Re = true_fft[k].Re;
+    fft[k].Im = true_fft[k].Im;
+  }
+  free(test_signal);
+  free(true_fft);
+void TimeOneFloatRFFT(int count, int fft_log_size, float signal_value,
+                      int signal_type) {
+  OMX_F32* x;                   /* Source */
+  OMX_F32* y;                   /* Transform */
+  OMX_F32* z;                   /* Inverse transform */
+  OMX_F32* y_true;              /* True FFT */
+  struct AlignedPtr* x_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* z_aligned;
+  OMX_INT n, fft_spec_buffer_size;
+  OMXResult status;
+  OMXFFTSpec_R_F32 * fft_fwd_spec = NULL;
+  OMXFFTSpec_R_F32 * fft_inv_spec = NULL;
+  int fft_size;
+  struct timeval start_time;
+  struct timeval end_time;
+  double elapsed_time;
+  fft_size = 1 << fft_log_size;
+  x_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
+  /* The transformed value is in CCS format and is has fft_size + 2 values */
+  y_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size + 2));
+  z_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*z) * fft_size);
+  x = x_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y = y_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  z = z_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y_true = (OMX_F32*) malloc(sizeof(*y_true) * (fft_size + 2));
+  GenerateRealFloatSignal(x, (OMX_FC32*) y_true, fft_size, signal_type,
+                          signal_value);
+  status = omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_F32(fft_log_size, &fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  fft_fwd_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_R_F32*) malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  fft_inv_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_R_F32*) malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32(fft_fwd_spec, fft_log_size);
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32(fft_inv_spec, fft_log_size);
+  if (do_forward_test) {
+    GetUserTime(&start_time);
+    for (n = 0; n < count; ++n) {
+      omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_F32_Sfs(x, y, fft_fwd_spec);
+    }
+    GetUserTime(&end_time);
+    elapsed_time = TimeDifference(&start_time, &end_time);
+    PrintResult("Forward Float RFFT", fft_log_size, elapsed_time, count);
+  }
+  if (do_inverse_test) {
+    GetUserTime(&start_time);
+    for (n = 0; n < count; ++n) {
+      omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_Sfs(y, z, fft_inv_spec);
+    }
+    GetUserTime(&end_time);
+    elapsed_time = TimeDifference(&start_time, &end_time);
+    PrintResult("Inverse Float RFFT", fft_log_size, elapsed_time, count);
+  }
+  FreeAlignedPointer(x_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(z_aligned);
+  free(fft_fwd_spec);
+  free(fft_inv_spec);
+void TimeFloatRFFT(int count, float signal_value, int signal_type) {
+  int k;
+  if (verbose == 0)
+    printf("Float RFFT\n");
+  for (k = min_fft_order; k <= max_fft_order; ++k) {
+    int testCount = ComputeCount(count, k);
+    TimeOneFloatRFFT(testCount, k, signal_value, signal_type);
+  }
+void generateSC32Signal(OMX_SC32* x, OMX_SC32* fft, int size, int signal_type,
+                        float signal_value) {
+  int k;
+  struct ComplexFloat *test_signal;
+  struct ComplexFloat *true_fft;
+  test_signal = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*test_signal) * size);
+  true_fft = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*true_fft) * size);
+  GenerateTestSignalAndFFT(test_signal, true_fft, size, signal_type,
+                           signal_value, 0);
+  /*
+   * Convert the complex result to what we want
+   */
+  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+    x[k].Re = 0.5 + test_signal[k].Re;
+    x[k].Im = 0.5 + test_signal[k].Im;
+    fft[k].Re = 0.5 + true_fft[k].Re;
+    fft[k].Im = 0.5 + true_fft[k].Im;
+  }
+  free(test_signal);
+  free(true_fft);
+void TimeOneSC32FFT(int count, int fft_log_size, float signal_value,
+                    int signal_type) {
+  OMX_SC32* x;
+  OMX_SC32* y;
+  OMX_SC32* z;
+  struct AlignedPtr* x_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* z_aligned;
+  OMX_SC32* y_true;
+  OMX_SC32* temp32a;
+  OMX_SC32* temp32b;
+  OMX_INT n, fft_spec_buffer_size;
+  OMXResult status;
+  OMXFFTSpec_C_SC32 * fft_fwd_spec = NULL;
+  OMXFFTSpec_C_SC32 * fft_inv_spec = NULL;
+  int fft_size;
+  struct timeval start_time;
+  struct timeval end_time;
+  double elapsed_time;
+  fft_size = 1 << fft_log_size;
+  x_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
+  y_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * fft_size);
+  z_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*z) * fft_size);
+  y_true = (OMX_SC32*) malloc(sizeof(*y_true) * fft_size);
+  temp32a = (OMX_SC32*) malloc(sizeof(*temp32a) * fft_size);
+  temp32b = (OMX_SC32*) malloc(sizeof(*temp32b) * fft_size);
+  x = x_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y = y_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  z = z_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  generateSC32Signal(x, y_true, fft_size, signal_type, signal_value);
+  status = omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_SC32(fft_log_size, &fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  fft_fwd_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_C_SC32*) malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  fft_inv_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_C_SC32*) malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC32(fft_fwd_spec, fft_log_size);
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_C_SC32(fft_inv_spec, fft_log_size);
+  if (do_forward_test) {
+    if (include_conversion) {
+      int k;
+      float factor = -1;
+      GetUserTime(&start_time);
+      for (k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size; ++n) {
+          if (fabs(x[n].Re) > factor) {
+            factor = fabs(x[n].Re);
+          }
+          if (fabs(x[n].Im) > factor) {
+            factor = fabs(x[n].Im);
+          }
+        }
+        factor = ((1 << 18) - 1) / factor;
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size; ++n) {
+          temp32a[n].Re = factor * x[n].Re;
+          temp32a[n].Im = factor * x[n].Im;
+        }
+        omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs(x, y, fft_fwd_spec, 0);
+        factor = 1 / factor;
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size; ++n) {
+          temp32b[n].Re = y[n].Re * factor;
+          temp32b[n].Im = y[n].Im * factor;
+        }
+      }
+      GetUserTime(&end_time);
+    } else {
+      GetUserTime(&start_time);
+      for (n = 0; n < count; ++n) {
+        omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC32_Sfs(x, y, fft_fwd_spec, 0);
+      }
+      GetUserTime(&end_time);
+    }
+    elapsed_time = TimeDifference(&start_time, &end_time);
+    PrintResult("Forward SC32 FFT", fft_log_size, elapsed_time, count);
+  }
+  if (do_inverse_test) {
+    if (include_conversion) {
+      int k;
+      float factor = -1;
+      GetUserTime(&start_time);
+      for (k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size; ++n) {
+          if (fabs(x[n].Re) > factor) {
+            factor = fabs(x[n].Re);
+          }
+          if (fabs(x[n].Im) > factor) {
+            factor = fabs(x[n].Im);
+          }
+        }
+        factor = ((1 << 18) - 1) / factor;
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size; ++n) {
+          temp32a[n].Re = factor * x[n].Re;
+          temp32a[n].Im = factor * x[n].Im;
+        }
+        status = omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs(y, z, fft_inv_spec, 0);
+        factor = 1 / factor;
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size; ++n) {
+          temp32b[n].Re = y[n].Re * factor;
+          temp32b[n].Im = y[n].Im * factor;
+        }
+      }
+      GetUserTime(&end_time);
+    } else {
+      GetUserTime(&start_time);
+      for (n = 0; n < count; ++n) {
+        status = omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC32_Sfs(y, z, fft_inv_spec, 0);
+      }
+      GetUserTime(&end_time);
+    }
+    elapsed_time = TimeDifference(&start_time, &end_time);
+    PrintResult("Inverse SC32 FFT", fft_log_size, elapsed_time, count);
+  }
+  FreeAlignedPointer(x_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(z_aligned);
+  free(temp32a);
+  free(temp32b);
+  free(fft_fwd_spec);
+  free(fft_inv_spec);
+void TimeSC32FFT(int count, float signal_value, int signal_type) {
+  int k;
+  int max_order = (max_fft_order > MAX_FFT_ORDER_FIXED_POINT)
+      ? MAX_FFT_ORDER_FIXED_POINT : max_fft_order;
+  if (verbose == 0)
+    printf("SC32 FFT\n");
+  for (k = min_fft_order; k <= max_order; ++k) {
+    int testCount = ComputeCount(count, k);
+    TimeOneSC32FFT(testCount, k, signal_value, signal_type);
+  }
+void GenerateRFFT16Signal(OMX_S16* x, OMX_SC32* fft, int size, int signal_type,
+                          float signal_value) {
+  int k;
+  struct ComplexFloat *test_signal;
+  struct ComplexFloat *true_fft;
+  test_signal = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*test_signal) * size);
+  true_fft = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*true_fft) * size);
+  GenerateTestSignalAndFFT(test_signal, true_fft, size, signal_type,
+                           signal_value, 1);
+  /*
+   * Convert the complex result to what we want
+   */
+  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+    x[k] = test_signal[k].Re;
+  }
+  for (k = 0; k < size / 2 + 1; ++k) {
+    fft[k].Re = true_fft[k].Re;
+    fft[k].Im = true_fft[k].Im;
+  }
+  free(test_signal);
+  free(true_fft);
+void TimeOneRFFT16(int count, int fft_log_size, float signal_value,
+                   int signal_type) {
+  OMX_S16* x;
+  OMX_S32* y;
+  OMX_S16* z;
+  OMX_S32* y_true;
+  OMX_F32* xr;
+  OMX_F32* yrTrue;
+  struct AlignedPtr* x_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* z_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_trueAligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* xr_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* yr_true_aligned;
+  OMX_S16* temp16;
+  OMX_S32* temp32;
+  OMX_INT n, fft_spec_buffer_size;
+  OMXResult status;
+  OMXFFTSpec_R_S16S32 * fft_fwd_spec = NULL;
+  OMXFFTSpec_R_S16S32 * fft_inv_spec = NULL;
+  int fft_size;
+  struct timeval start_time;
+  struct timeval end_time;
+  double elapsed_time;
+  int scaleFactor;
+  fft_size = 1 << fft_log_size;
+  scaleFactor = fft_log_size;
+  x_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
+  y_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size + 2));
+  z_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*z) * fft_size);
+  y_trueAligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y_true) * (fft_size + 2));
+  xr_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*xr) * fft_size);
+  yr_true_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*yrTrue) * (fft_size + 2));
+  x = x_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y = y_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  z = z_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y_true = y_trueAligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  xr = xr_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  yrTrue = yr_true_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  temp16 = (OMX_S16*) malloc(sizeof(*temp16) * fft_size);
+  temp32 = (OMX_S32*) malloc(sizeof(*temp32) * fft_size);
+  GenerateRFFT16Signal(x, (OMX_SC32*) y_true, fft_size, signal_type,
+                       signal_value);
+  /*
+   * Generate a real version so we can measure scaling costs
+   */
+  GenerateRealFloatSignal(xr, (OMX_FC32*) yrTrue, fft_size, signal_type,
+                          signal_value);
+  status = omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S16S32(fft_log_size, &fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  fft_fwd_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_R_S16S32*) malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  fft_inv_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_R_S16S32*) malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_R_S16S32(fft_fwd_spec, fft_log_size);
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_R_S16S32(fft_inv_spec, fft_log_size);
+  if (do_forward_test) {
+    if (include_conversion) {
+      int k;
+      float factor = -1;
+      GetUserTime(&start_time);
+      for (k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
+        /*
+         * Spend some time computing the max of the signal, and then scaling it.
+         */
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size; ++n) {
+          if (fabs(xr[n]) > factor) {
+            factor = fabs(xr[n]);
+          }
+        }
+        factor = 32767 / factor;
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size; ++n) {
+          temp16[n] = factor * xr[n];
+        }
+        status = omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16S32_Sfs(x, y, fft_fwd_spec,
+                                                (OMX_INT) scaleFactor);
+        /*
+         * Now spend some time converting the fixed-point FFT back to float.
+         */
+        factor = 1 / factor;
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size + 2; ++n) {
+          xr[n] = y[n] * factor;
+        }
+      }
+      GetUserTime(&end_time);
+    } else {
+      float factor = -1;
+      GetUserTime(&start_time);
+      for (n = 0; n < count; ++n) {
+        status = omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16S32_Sfs(x, y, fft_fwd_spec,
+                                                (OMX_INT) scaleFactor);
+      }
+      GetUserTime(&end_time);
+    }
+    elapsed_time = TimeDifference(&start_time, &end_time);
+    PrintResult("Forward RFFT16", fft_log_size, elapsed_time, count);
+  }
+  if (do_inverse_test) {
+    if (include_conversion) {
+      int k;
+      float factor = -1;
+      GetUserTime(&start_time);
+      for (k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
+        /*
+         * Spend some time scaling the FFT signal to fixed point.
+         */
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size; ++n) {
+          if (fabs(yrTrue[n]) > factor) {
+            factor = fabs(yrTrue[n]);
+          }
+        }
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size; ++n) {
+          temp32[n] = factor * yrTrue[n];
+        }
+        status = omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16S32_Sfs(x, y, fft_fwd_spec,
+                                                (OMX_INT) scaleFactor);
+        /*
+         * Spend some time converting the result back to float
+         */
+        factor = 1 / factor;
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size; ++n) {
+          xr[n] = factor * z[n];
+        }
+      }
+      GetUserTime(&end_time);
+    } else {
+      GetUserTime(&start_time);
+      for (n = 0; n < count; ++n) {
+        status = omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32S16_Sfs(y, z, fft_inv_spec, 0);
+      }
+      GetUserTime(&end_time);
+    }
+    elapsed_time = TimeDifference(&start_time, &end_time);
+    PrintResult("Inverse RFFT16", fft_log_size, elapsed_time, count);
+  }
+  FreeAlignedPointer(x_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(z_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_trueAligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(xr_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(yr_true_aligned);
+  free(fft_fwd_spec);
+  free(fft_inv_spec);
+void TimeRFFT16(int count, float signal_value, int signal_type) {
+  int k;
+  int max_order = (max_fft_order > MAX_FFT_ORDER_FIXED_POINT)
+      ? MAX_FFT_ORDER_FIXED_POINT : max_fft_order;
+  if (verbose == 0)
+    printf("RFFT16\n");
+  for (k = min_fft_order; k <= max_order; ++k) {
+    int testCount = ComputeCount(count, k);
+    TimeOneRFFT16(testCount, k, signal_value, signal_type);
+  }
+void GenerateRFFT32Signal(OMX_S32* x, OMX_SC32* fft, int size, int signal_type,
+                          float signal_value) {
+  int k;
+  struct ComplexFloat *test_signal;
+  struct ComplexFloat *true_fft;
+  test_signal = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*test_signal) * size);
+  true_fft = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*true_fft) * size);
+  GenerateTestSignalAndFFT(test_signal, true_fft, size, signal_type,
+                           signal_value, 1);
+  /*
+   * Convert the complex result to what we want
+   */
+  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+    x[k] = test_signal[k].Re;
+  }
+  for (k = 0; k < size / 2 + 1; ++k) {
+    fft[k].Re = true_fft[k].Re;
+    fft[k].Im = true_fft[k].Im;
+  }
+  free(test_signal);
+  free(true_fft);
+void TimeOneRFFT32(int count, int fft_log_size, float signal_value,
+                   int signal_type) {
+  OMX_S32* x;
+  OMX_S32* y;
+  OMX_S32* z;
+  OMX_S32* y_true;
+  OMX_F32* xr;
+  OMX_F32* yrTrue;
+  struct AlignedPtr* x_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* z_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_true_aligned;
+  OMX_S32* temp1;
+  OMX_S32* temp2;
+  OMX_INT n, fft_spec_buffer_size;
+  OMXResult status;
+  OMXFFTSpec_R_S16S32 * fft_fwd_spec = NULL;
+  OMXFFTSpec_R_S16S32 * fft_inv_spec = NULL;
+  int fft_size;
+  struct timeval start_time;
+  struct timeval end_time;
+  double elapsed_time;
+  int scaleFactor;
+  fft_size = 1 << fft_log_size;
+  x_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
+  y_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size + 2));
+  z_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*z) * fft_size);
+  y_true_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y_true) * (fft_size + 2));
+  x = x_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y = y_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  z = z_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y_true = y_true_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  if (verbose > 3) {
+    printf("x = %p\n", (void*)x);
+    printf("y = %p\n", (void*)y);
+    printf("z = %p\n", (void*)z);
+  }
+  xr = (OMX_F32*) malloc(sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
+  yrTrue = (OMX_F32*) malloc(sizeof(*y) * (fft_size + 2));
+  temp1 = (OMX_S32*) malloc(sizeof(*temp1) * fft_size);
+  temp2 = (OMX_S32*) malloc(sizeof(*temp2) * (fft_size + 2));
+  GenerateRFFT32Signal(x, (OMX_SC32*) y_true, fft_size, signal_type,
+                       signal_value);
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("Signal\n");
+    printf("n\tx[n]\n");
+    for (n = 0; n < fft_size; ++n) {
+      printf("%4d\t%d\n", n, x[n]);
+    }
+  }
+  status = omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S32(fft_log_size, &fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  if (verbose > 3) {
+    printf("fft_spec_buffer_size = %d\n", fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  }
+  fft_fwd_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_R_S32*) malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  fft_inv_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_R_S32*) malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_R_S32(fft_fwd_spec, fft_log_size);
+  if (status) {
+    printf("Failed to init forward FFT:  status = %d\n", status);
+  }
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_R_S32(fft_inv_spec, fft_log_size);
+  if (status) {
+    printf("Failed to init backward FFT:  status = %d\n", status);
+  }
+  if (do_forward_test) {
+    if (include_conversion) {
+      int k;
+      float factor = -1;
+      GetUserTime(&start_time);
+      for (k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
+        /*
+         * Spend some time computing the max of the signal, and then scaling it.
+         */
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size; ++n) {
+          if (fabs(xr[n]) > factor) {
+            factor = fabs(xr[n]);
+          }
+        }
+        factor = (1 << 20) / factor;
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size; ++n) {
+          temp1[n] = factor * xr[n];
+        }
+        status = omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs(x, y, fft_fwd_spec,
+                                             (OMX_INT) scaleFactor);
+        /*
+         * Now spend some time converting the fixed-point FFT back to float.
+         */
+        factor = 1 / factor;
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size + 2; ++n) {
+          xr[n] = y[n] * factor;
+        }
+      }
+      GetUserTime(&end_time);
+    } else {
+      float factor = -1;
+      GetUserTime(&start_time);
+      for (n = 0; n < count; ++n) {
+        status = omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs(x, y, fft_fwd_spec,
+                                             (OMX_INT) scaleFactor);
+      }
+      GetUserTime(&end_time);
+    }
+    elapsed_time = TimeDifference(&start_time, &end_time);
+    PrintResult("Forward RFFT32", fft_log_size, elapsed_time, count);
+  }
+  if (do_inverse_test) {
+    if (include_conversion) {
+      int k;
+      float factor = -1;
+      GetUserTime(&start_time);
+      for (k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
+        /*
+         * Spend some time scaling the FFT signal to fixed point.
+         */
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size + 2; ++n) {
+          if (fabs(yrTrue[n]) > factor) {
+            factor = fabs(yrTrue[n]);
+          }
+        }
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size + 2; ++n) {
+          temp2[n] = factor * yrTrue[n];
+        }
+        status = omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs(y, z, fft_inv_spec, 0);
+        /*
+         * Spend some time converting the result back to float
+         */
+        factor = 1 / factor;
+        for (n = 0; n < fft_size; ++n) {
+          xr[n] = factor * z[n];
+        }
+      }
+      GetUserTime(&end_time);
+    } else {
+      GetUserTime(&start_time);
+      for (n = 0; n < count; ++n) {
+        status = omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs(y, z, fft_inv_spec, 0);
+      }
+      GetUserTime(&end_time);
+    }
+    elapsed_time = TimeDifference(&start_time, &end_time);
+    PrintResult("Inverse RFFT32", fft_log_size, elapsed_time, count);
+  }
+  FreeAlignedPointer(x_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(z_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_true_aligned);
+  free(fft_fwd_spec);
+  free(fft_inv_spec);
+void TimeRFFT32(int count, float signal_value, int signal_type) {
+  int k;
+  int max_order = (max_fft_order > MAX_FFT_ORDER_FIXED_POINT)
+      ? MAX_FFT_ORDER_FIXED_POINT : max_fft_order;
+  if (verbose == 0)
+    printf("RFFT32\n");
+  for (k = min_fft_order; k <= max_order; ++k) {
+    int testCount = ComputeCount(count, k);
+    TimeOneRFFT32(testCount, k, signal_value, signal_type);
+  }
diff --git a/dl/test/test_float_fft.c b/dl/test/test_float_fft.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bee55d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/test/test_float_fft.c
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "aligned_ptr.h"
+#include "armCOMM.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+#include "compare.h"
+#include "gensig.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+#include "test_util.h"
+int verbose;
+void TestFloatFFT(int fft_log_size, int sigtype, float signal_value);
+void main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+  struct Options options;
+  SetDefaultOptions(&options, 0, MAX_FFT_ORDER);
+  ProcessCommandLine(&options, argc, argv,
+                     "Test forward and inverse floating-point FFT\n");
+  verbose = options.verbose_;
+  if (verbose > 255)
+    DumpOptions(stderr, &options);
+  if (options.test_mode_) {
+    struct TestInfo info;
+    info.real_only_ = options.real_only_;
+    info.max_fft_order_ = options.max_fft_order_;
+    info.min_fft_order_ = options.min_fft_order_;
+    info.do_forward_tests_ = options.do_forward_tests_;
+    info.do_inverse_tests_ = options.do_inverse_tests_;
+    /* No known failures */
+    info.known_failures_ = 0;
+    info.forward_threshold_ = 138.81;
+    info.inverse_threshold_ = 138.81;
+    RunAllTests(&info);
+  } else {
+    TestFloatFFT(options.fft_log_size_,
+                 options.signal_type_,
+                 options.signal_value_);
+  }
+void DumpFFTSpec(OMXFFTSpec_C_FC32* pSpec) {
+  ARMsFFTSpec_FC32* p = (ARMsFFTSpec_FC32*) pSpec;
+  printf(" N = %d\n", p->N);
+  printf(" pBitRev  = %p\n", p->pBitRev);
+  printf(" pTwiddle = %p\n", p->pTwiddle);
+  printf(" pBuf     = %p\n", p->pBuf);
+void GenerateSignal(OMX_FC32* x, OMX_FC32* fft, int size, int signal_type,
+                    float signal_value) {
+  GenerateTestSignalAndFFT((struct ComplexFloat *) x,
+                           (struct ComplexFloat *) fft,
+                           size,
+                           signal_type,
+                           signal_value,
+                           0);
+void TestFloatFFT(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, float signal_value) {
+  struct SnrResult snr;
+  RunOneForwardTest(fft_log_size, signal_type, signal_value, &snr);
+  printf("Forward float FFT\n");
+  printf("SNR:  real part    %f dB\n", snr.real_snr_);
+  printf("      imag part    %f dB\n", snr.imag_snr_);
+  printf("      complex part %f dB\n", snr.complex_snr_);
+  RunOneInverseTest(fft_log_size, signal_type, signal_value, &snr);
+  printf("Inverse float FFT\n");
+  printf("SNR:  real part    %f dB\n", snr.real_snr_);
+  printf("      imag part    %f dB\n", snr.imag_snr_);
+  printf("      complex part %f dB\n", snr.complex_snr_);
+float RunOneForwardTest(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, float signal_value,
+                        struct SnrResult* snr) {
+  OMX_FC32* x;
+  OMX_FC32* y;
+  struct AlignedPtr* x_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_aligned;
+  OMX_FC32* y_true;
+  OMX_INT n, fft_spec_buffer_size;
+  OMXResult status;
+  OMXFFTSpec_C_FC32 * fft_fwd_spec = NULL;
+  int fft_size;
+  fft_size = 1 << fft_log_size;
+  status = omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_FC32(fft_log_size, &fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("fft_spec_buffer_size = %d\n", fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  }
+  fft_fwd_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_C_FC32*) malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_C_FC32(fft_fwd_spec, fft_log_size);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr,
+            "Failed to init forward FFT:  status = %d, order %d \n",
+            status, fft_log_size);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  x_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
+  y_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size + 2));
+  y_true = (OMX_FC32*) malloc(sizeof(*y_true) * fft_size);
+  x = x_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y = y_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  GenerateSignal(x, y_true, fft_size, signal_type, signal_value);
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("Signal\n");
+    DumpArrayComplexFloat("x", fft_size, x);
+    printf("Expected FFT output\n");
+    DumpArrayComplexFloat("y", fft_size, y_true);
+  }
+  status = omxSP_FFTFwd_CToC_FC32_Sfs(x, y, fft_fwd_spec);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Forward FFT failed: status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("FFT Output\n");
+    DumpArrayComplexFloat("y", fft_size, y);
+  }
+  CompareComplexFloat(snr, y, y_true, fft_size);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(x_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_aligned);
+  free(fft_fwd_spec);
+  return snr->complex_snr_;
+float RunOneInverseTest(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, float signal_value,
+                        struct SnrResult* snr) {
+  OMX_FC32* x;
+  OMX_FC32* y;
+  OMX_FC32* z;
+  struct AlignedPtr* x_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* z_aligned;
+  OMX_INT n, fft_spec_buffer_size;
+  OMXResult status;
+  OMXFFTSpec_C_FC32 * fft_fwd_spec = NULL;
+  OMXFFTSpec_C_FC32 * fft_inv_spec = NULL;
+  int fft_size;
+  fft_size = 1 << fft_log_size;
+  status = omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_C_FC32(fft_log_size, &fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  if (verbose > 3) {
+    printf("fft_spec_buffer_size = %d\n", fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  }
+  fft_inv_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_C_FC32*)malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_C_FC32(fft_inv_spec, fft_log_size);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init backward FFT:  status = %d, order %d\n",
+            status, fft_log_size);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  x_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
+  y_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size + 2));
+  z_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*z) * fft_size);
+  x = x_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y = y_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  z = z_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  GenerateSignal(x, y, fft_size, signal_type, signal_value);
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("Inverse FFT Input Signal\n");
+    DumpArrayComplexFloat("x", fft_size, y);
+    printf("Expected Inverse FFT output\n");
+    DumpArrayComplexFloat("x", fft_size, x);
+  }
+  status = omxSP_FFTInv_CToC_FC32_Sfs(y, z, fft_inv_spec);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Inverse FFT failed: status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("Actual Inverse FFT Output\n");
+    DumpArrayComplexFloat("z", fft_size, z);
+  }
+  CompareComplexFloat(snr, z, x, fft_size);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(x_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(z_aligned);
+  free(fft_inv_spec);
+  return snr->complex_snr_;
diff --git a/dl/test/test_float_rfft.c b/dl/test/test_float_rfft.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8850ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/test/test_float_rfft.c
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "aligned_ptr.h"
+#include "armCOMM.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+#include "compare.h"
+#include "gensig.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+#include "test_util.h"
+ * Verbosity of output.  Higher values means more verbose output for
+ * debugging.
+ */
+int verbose;
+void TestFloatFFT(int fft_log_size, int sigtype, float signal_value);
+void main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+  struct Options options;
+  SetDefaultOptions(&options, 1, MAX_FFT_ORDER);
+  options.signal_value_ = 1024;
+  ProcessCommandLine(&options, argc, argv,
+                     "Test forward and inverse real floating-point FFT\n");
+  verbose = options.verbose_;
+  if (verbose > 255)
+    DumpOptions(stderr, &options);
+  if (options.test_mode_) {
+    struct TestInfo info;
+    info.real_only_ = options.real_only_;
+    info.min_fft_order_ = options.min_fft_order_;
+    info.max_fft_order_ = options.max_fft_order_;
+    info.do_forward_tests_ = options.do_forward_tests_;
+    info.do_inverse_tests_ = options.do_inverse_tests_;
+    /* No known failures */
+    info.known_failures_ = 0;
+    info.forward_threshold_ = 136.07;
+    info.inverse_threshold_ = 140.76;
+    info.forward_threshold_ = 136.07;
+    info.inverse_threshold_ = 142.41;
+    RunAllTests(&info);
+  } else {
+    TestFloatFFT(options.fft_log_size_,
+                 options.signal_type_,
+                 options.signal_value_);
+  }
+/* Briefly print out the contents of the FFT spec */
+void DumpFFTSpec(OMXFFTSpec_R_F32* pSpec) {
+  ARMsFFTSpec_R_FC32* p = (ARMsFFTSpec_R_FC32*) pSpec;
+  printf(" N = %d\n", p->N);
+  printf(" pBitRev  = %p\n", p->pBitRev);
+  printf(" pTwiddle = %p\n", p->pTwiddle);
+  printf(" pBuf     = %p\n", p->pBuf);
+ * Generate a signal and the corresponding theoretical FFT
+ */
+void GenerateSignal(OMX_F32* x, OMX_FC32* fft, int size, int signal_type,
+                    float signal_value) {
+  int k;
+  struct ComplexFloat *test_signal;
+  struct ComplexFloat *true_fft;
+  test_signal = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*test_signal) * size);
+  true_fft = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*true_fft) * size);
+  GenerateTestSignalAndFFT(test_signal, true_fft, size, signal_type,
+                           signal_value, 1);
+  /*
+   * Convert the complex result to what we want
+   */
+  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+    x[k] = test_signal[k].Re;
+  }
+  for (k = 0; k < size / 2 + 1; ++k) {
+    fft[k].Re = true_fft[k].Re;
+    fft[k].Im = true_fft[k].Im;
+  }
+  free(test_signal);
+  free(true_fft);
+ * Run one test of the forward and inverse FFT for the specified FFT
+ * size, signal type and amplitude
+ */
+void TestFloatFFT(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, float signal_value) {
+  struct SnrResult snr;
+  RunOneForwardTest(fft_log_size, signal_type, signal_value, &snr);
+  printf("Forward float FFT\n");
+  printf("SNR:  real part    %f dB\n", snr.real_snr_);
+  printf("      imag part    %f dB\n", snr.imag_snr_);
+  printf("      complex part %f dB\n", snr.complex_snr_);
+  RunOneInverseTest(fft_log_size, signal_type, signal_value, &snr);
+  printf("Inverse float FFT\n");
+  printf("SNR:  %f dB\n", snr.real_snr_);
+/* Run one forward FFT test in test mode */
+float RunOneForwardTest(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, float signal_value,
+                        struct SnrResult* snr) {
+  OMX_F32* x;
+  OMX_FC32* y;
+  struct AlignedPtr* x_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_aligned;
+  OMX_FC32* y_true;
+  OMX_INT n;
+  OMX_INT fft_spec_buffer_size;
+  OMXResult status;
+  OMXFFTSpec_R_F32 * fft_fwd_spec = NULL;
+  int fft_size;
+  fft_size = 1 << fft_log_size;
+  status = omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_F32(fft_log_size, &fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("fft_spec_buffer_size = %d\n", fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  }
+  fft_fwd_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_R_F32*) malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32(fft_fwd_spec, fft_log_size);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init forward FFT:  status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  x_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
+  y_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size + 2));
+  x = x_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y = y_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y_true = (OMX_FC32*) malloc(sizeof(*y_true) * (fft_size / 2 + 1));
+  GenerateSignal(x, y_true, fft_size, signal_type, signal_value);
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("Signal\n");
+    DumpArrayFloat("x", fft_size, x);
+    printf("Expected FFT output\n");
+    DumpArrayComplexFloat("y", fft_size / 2, y_true);
+  }
+  status = omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_F32_Sfs(x, (OMX_F32*) y, fft_fwd_spec);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Forward FFT failed: status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("FFT Output\n");
+    DumpArrayComplexFloat("y", fft_size / 2, y);
+  }
+  CompareComplexFloat(snr, y, y_true, fft_size / 2 + 1);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(x_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_aligned);
+  free(y_true);
+  free(fft_fwd_spec);
+  return snr->complex_snr_;
+/* Run one inverse FFT test in test mode */
+float RunOneInverseTest(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, float signal_value,
+                        struct SnrResult* snr) {
+  OMX_F32* x;
+  OMX_FC32* y;
+  OMX_F32* z;
+  struct AlignedPtr* x_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* z_aligned;
+  OMX_FC32* yTrue;
+  struct AlignedPtr* yTrueAligned;
+  OMX_INT n;
+  OMX_INT fft_spec_buffer_size;
+  OMXResult status;
+  OMXFFTSpec_R_F32 * fft_fwd_spec = NULL;
+  OMXFFTSpec_R_F32 * fft_inv_spec = NULL;
+  int fft_size;
+  fft_size = 1 << fft_log_size;
+  status = omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_F32(fft_log_size, &fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  if (verbose > 3) {
+    printf("fft_spec_buffer_size = %d\n", fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  }
+  fft_inv_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_R_F32*)malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32(fft_inv_spec, fft_log_size);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init backward FFT:  status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  x_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
+  y_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size / 2 + 1));
+  z_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*z) * fft_size);
+  yTrueAligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size / 2 + 1));
+  x = x_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y = y_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  z = z_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  yTrue = yTrueAligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  GenerateSignal(x, yTrue, fft_size, signal_type, signal_value);
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("Inverse FFT Input Signal\n");
+    DumpArrayComplexFloat("y", fft_size / 2, yTrue);
+    printf("Expected Inverse FFT output\n");
+    DumpArrayFloat("x", fft_size, x);
+  }
+  status = omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_F32_Sfs((OMX_F32 *) yTrue, z, fft_inv_spec);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Inverse FFT failed: status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("Actual Inverse FFT Output\n");
+    DumpArrayFloat("z", fft_size, z);
+  }
+  CompareFloat(snr, z, x, fft_size);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(x_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(z_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(yTrueAligned);
+  free(fft_inv_spec);
+  return snr->real_snr_;
diff --git a/dl/test/test_rfft16.c b/dl/test/test_rfft16.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0acf2e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/test/test_rfft16.c
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "aligned_ptr.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+#include "compare.h"
+#include "gensig.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+#include "test_util.h"
+int verbose;
+int signal_value;
+#define MAX_FFT_ORDER   12
+void TestFFT(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, int scale_factor);
+void main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+  struct Options options;
+  SetDefaultOptions(&options, 1, MAX_FFT_ORDER);
+  ProcessCommandLine(&options, argc, argv,
+                     "Test forward and inverse real 16-bit fixed-point FFT\n");
+  verbose = options.verbose_;
+  signal_value = options.signal_value_;
+  if (verbose > 255)
+    DumpOptions(stderr, &options);
+  if (options.test_mode_) {
+    struct TestInfo info;
+    info.real_only_ = options.real_only_;
+    info.max_fft_order_ = options.max_fft_order_;
+    info.min_fft_order_ = options.min_fft_order_;
+    info.do_forward_tests_ = options.do_forward_tests_;
+    info.do_inverse_tests_ = options.do_inverse_tests_;
+    /* No known failures */
+    info.known_failures_ = 0;
+    info.forward_threshold_ = 90.12;
+    info.inverse_threshold_ = 89.28;
+    signal_value = 32767;
+    RunAllTests(&info);
+  } else {
+    TestFFT(options.fft_log_size_,
+            options.signal_type_,
+            options.scale_factor_);
+  }
+void GenerateSignal(OMX_S16* x, OMX_SC32* fft, int size, int signal_type) {
+  int k;
+  struct ComplexFloat *test_signal;
+  struct ComplexFloat *true_fft;
+  test_signal = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*test_signal) * size);
+  true_fft = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*true_fft) * size);
+  GenerateTestSignalAndFFT(test_signal, true_fft, size, signal_type,
+                           signal_value, 1);
+  /*
+   * Convert the complex result to what we want
+   */
+  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+    x[k] = test_signal[k].Re;
+  }
+  for (k = 0; k < size / 2 + 1; ++k) {
+    fft[k].Re = true_fft[k].Re;
+    fft[k].Im = true_fft[k].Im;
+  }
+  free(test_signal);
+  free(true_fft);
+void TestFFT(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, int scale_factor) {
+  struct SnrResult snr;
+  RunOneForwardTest(fft_log_size, signal_type, signal_value, &snr);
+  printf("Forward float FFT\n");
+  printf("SNR:  real part    %f dB\n", snr.real_snr_);
+  printf("      imag part    %f dB\n", snr.imag_snr_);
+  printf("      complex part %f dB\n", snr.complex_snr_);
+  RunOneInverseTest(fft_log_size, signal_type, signal_value, &snr);
+  printf("Inverse float FFT\n");
+  printf("SNR:  %f dB\n", snr.real_snr_);
+float RunOneForwardTest(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, float signal_value,
+                        struct SnrResult* snr) {
+  OMX_S16* x;
+  OMX_SC32* y;
+  struct AlignedPtr* x_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_aligned;
+  OMX_SC32* y_true;
+  OMX_INT n, fft_spec_buffer_size;
+  OMXResult status;
+  OMXFFTSpec_R_S16S32 * fft_fwd_spec = NULL;
+  int fft_size;
+  fft_size = 1 << fft_log_size;
+  status = omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S16S32(fft_log_size, &fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("fft_spec_buffer_size = %d\n", fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  }
+  fft_fwd_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_R_S16S32*) malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_R_S16S32(fft_fwd_spec, fft_log_size);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init forward FFT:  status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  x_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
+  y_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size + 2));
+  y_true = (OMX_SC32*) malloc(sizeof(*y_true) * (fft_size / 2 + 1));
+  x = x_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y = y_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  GenerateSignal(x, y_true, fft_size, signal_type);
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("Signal\n");
+    DumpArrayReal16("x", fft_size, x);
+    printf("Expected FFT output\n");
+    DumpArrayComplex32("y", fft_size / 2, y_true);
+  }
+  status = omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S16S32_Sfs(x, (OMX_S32*) y, fft_fwd_spec, 0);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Forward FFT failed: status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("FFT Output\n");
+    DumpArrayComplex32("y", fft_size / 2, y);
+  }
+  CompareComplex32(snr, y, y_true, fft_size / 2 + 1);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(x_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_aligned);
+  free(fft_fwd_spec);
+  return snr->complex_snr_;
+float RunOneInverseTest(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, float signal_value,
+                        struct SnrResult* snr) {
+  OMX_S16* x;
+  OMX_SC32* y;
+  OMX_S16* z;
+  OMX_SC32* y_true;
+  struct AlignedPtr* x_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* z_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_true_aligned;
+  OMX_INT n;
+  OMX_INT fft_spec_buffer_size;
+  OMXResult status;
+  OMXFFTSpec_R_S16S32 * fft_inv_spec = NULL;
+  int fft_size;
+  fft_size = 1 << fft_log_size;
+  status = omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S16S32(fft_log_size, &fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  if (verbose > 3) {
+    printf("fft_spec_buffer_size = %d\n", fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  }
+  fft_inv_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_R_S16S32*)malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_R_S16S32(fft_inv_spec, fft_log_size);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init backward FFT:  status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  x_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
+  y_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size / 2 + 1));
+  z_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*z) * fft_size);
+  y_true_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size / 2 + 1));
+  x = x_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y = y_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  z = z_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y_true = y_true_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  GenerateSignal(x, y_true, fft_size, signal_type);
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("Inverse FFT Input Signal\n");
+    DumpArrayComplex32("y", fft_size / 2, y_true);
+    printf("Expected Inverse FFT output\n");
+    DumpArrayReal16("x", fft_size, x);
+  }
+  status = omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32S16_Sfs((OMX_S32*) y_true, z,
+                                          fft_inv_spec, 0);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Inverse FFT failed: status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("Actual Inverse FFT Output\n");
+    DumpArrayReal16("x", fft_size, z);
+  }
+  CompareReal16(snr, z, x, fft_size);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(x_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(z_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_true_aligned);
+  free(fft_inv_spec);
+  return snr->real_snr_;
diff --git a/dl/test/test_rfft32.c b/dl/test/test_rfft32.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d9beab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/test/test_rfft32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "aligned_ptr.h"
+#include "armSP.h"
+#include "compare.h"
+#include "gensig.h"
+#include "omxSP.h"
+#include "test_util.h"
+int verbose;
+int signal_value;
+#define MAX_FFT_ORDER   12
+void TestFFT(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, int scale_factor);
+void main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+  struct Options options;
+  SetDefaultOptions(&options, 1, MAX_FFT_ORDER);
+  ProcessCommandLine(&options, argc, argv,
+                     "Test forward and inverse real 32-bit fixed-point FFT\n");
+  verbose = options.verbose_;
+  signal_value = options.signal_value_;
+  if (verbose > 255)
+    DumpOptions(stderr, &options);
+  if (options.test_mode_) {
+    struct TestInfo info;
+    info.real_only_ = options.real_only_;
+    info.min_fft_order_ = options.min_fft_order_;
+    info.max_fft_order_ = options.max_fft_order_;
+    info.do_forward_tests_ = options.do_forward_tests_;
+    info.do_inverse_tests_ = options.do_inverse_tests_;
+    /* No known failures */
+    info.known_failures_ = 0;
+    /* These thresholds are set for the default signal_value below */
+    info.forward_threshold_ = 105.94;
+    info.inverse_threshold_ = 104.62;
+    if (!options.signal_value_given_) {
+      signal_value = 262144;
+    }
+    RunAllTests(&info);
+  } else {
+    TestFFT(options.fft_log_size_,
+            options.signal_type_,
+            options.scale_factor_);
+  }
+void GenerateSignal(OMX_S32* x, OMX_SC32* fft, int size, int signal_type) {
+  int k;
+  struct ComplexFloat *test_signal;
+  struct ComplexFloat *true_fft;
+  test_signal = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*test_signal) * size);
+  true_fft = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*true_fft) * size);
+  GenerateTestSignalAndFFT(test_signal, true_fft, size,
+                           signal_type, signal_value, 1);
+  /*
+   * Convert the complex result to what we want
+   */
+  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
+    x[k] = 0.5 + test_signal[k].Re;
+  }
+  for (k = 0; k < size / 2 + 1; ++k) {
+    fft[k].Re = 0.5 + true_fft[k].Re;
+    fft[k].Im = 0.5 + true_fft[k].Im;
+  }
+  free(test_signal);
+  free(true_fft);
+void TestFFT(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, int scale_factor) {
+  struct SnrResult snr;
+  RunOneForwardTest(fft_log_size, signal_type, signal_value, &snr);
+  printf("Forward float FFT\n");
+  printf("SNR:  real part    %f dB\n", snr.real_snr_);
+  printf("      imag part    %f dB\n", snr.imag_snr_);
+  printf("      complex part %f dB\n", snr.complex_snr_);
+  RunOneInverseTest(fft_log_size, signal_type, signal_value, &snr);
+  printf("Inverse float FFT\n");
+  printf("SNR:  %f dB\n", snr.real_snr_);
+float RunOneForwardTest(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, float signal_value,
+                        struct SnrResult* snr) {
+  OMX_S32* x;
+  OMX_SC32* y;
+  struct AlignedPtr* x_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_aligned;
+  OMX_SC32* y_true;
+  OMX_INT n, fft_spec_buffer_size;
+  OMXResult status;
+  OMXFFTSpec_R_S32 * pFwdSpec = NULL;
+  int fft_size;
+  fft_size = 1 << fft_log_size;
+  status = omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S32(fft_log_size, &fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("fft_spec_buffer_size = %d\n", fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  }
+  pFwdSpec = (OMXFFTSpec_R_S32*) malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_R_S32(pFwdSpec, fft_log_size);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init forward FFT:  status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  x_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
+  y_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size + 2));
+  y_true = (OMX_SC32*) malloc(sizeof(*y_true) * (fft_size / 2 + 1));
+  x = x_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y = y_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  GenerateSignal(x, y_true, fft_size, signal_type);
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("Signal\n");
+    DumpArrayReal32("x", fft_size, x);
+    printf("Expected FFT output\n");
+    DumpArrayComplex32("y", fft_size / 2, y_true);
+  }
+  status = omxSP_FFTFwd_RToCCS_S32_Sfs(x, (OMX_S32*) y, pFwdSpec, 0);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Forward FFT failed: status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("FFT Output\n");
+    DumpArrayComplex32("y", fft_size / 2, y);
+  }
+  CompareComplex32(snr, y, y_true, fft_size / 2 + 1);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(x_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_aligned);
+  free(y_true);
+  free(pFwdSpec);
+  return snr->complex_snr_;
+float RunOneInverseTest(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, float signal_value,
+                        struct SnrResult* snr) {
+  OMX_S32* x;
+  OMX_SC32* y;
+  OMX_S32* z;
+  OMX_SC32* y_true;
+  struct AlignedPtr* x_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* z_aligned;
+  struct AlignedPtr* y_true_aligned;
+  OMX_INT n, fft_spec_buffer_size;
+  OMXResult status;
+  OMXFFTSpec_R_S32 * pFwdSpec = NULL;
+  OMXFFTSpec_R_S32 * pInvSpec = NULL;
+  int fft_size;
+  fft_size = 1 << fft_log_size;
+  status = omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S32(fft_log_size, &fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  if (verbose > 3) {
+    printf("fft_spec_buffer_size = %d\n", fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  }
+  pInvSpec = (OMXFFTSpec_R_S32*)malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
+  status = omxSP_FFTInit_R_S32(pInvSpec, fft_log_size);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init backward FFT:  status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  x_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
+  y_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size / 2 + 1));
+  z_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*z) * fft_size);
+  y_true_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32,
+                                       sizeof(*y_true) * (fft_size / 2 + 1));
+  x = x_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y = y_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  z = z_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  y_true = y_true_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
+  GenerateSignal(x, y_true, fft_size, signal_type);
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("Inverse FFT Input Signal\n");
+    DumpArrayComplex32("y", fft_size / 2, y_true);
+    printf("Expected Inverse FFT output\n");
+    DumpArrayReal32("x", fft_size, x);
+  }
+  status = omxSP_FFTInv_CCSToR_S32_Sfs((OMX_S32*) y_true, z, pInvSpec, 0);
+  if (status) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Inverse FFT failed: status = %d\n", status);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  if (verbose > 63) {
+    printf("Actual Inverse FFT Output\n");
+    DumpArrayReal32("x", fft_size, z);
+  }
+  CompareReal32(snr, z, x, fft_size);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(x_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(z_aligned);
+  FreeAlignedPointer(y_true_aligned);
+  free(pInvSpec);
+  return snr->real_snr_;
diff --git a/dl/test/test_util.c b/dl/test/test_util.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b412754
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/test/test_util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "armSP.h"
+#include "compare.h"
+#include "test_util.h"
+ * Test resuls from running either forward or inverse FFT tests
+ */
+struct TestResult {
+  /* Number of tests that failed */
+  int failed_count_;
+  /* Number of tests run */
+  int test_count_;
+  /* Number of tests that were expected to fail */
+  int expected_failure_count_;
+  /* The minimum SNR found for all of the tests */
+  float min_snr_;
+ * Return the program name, fur usage messages and debugging
+ */
+char* ProgramName(char* argv0) {
+  char* slash = strrchr(argv0, '/');
+  return slash ? slash + 1 : argv0;
+ * Print usage message for the command line options.
+ */
+void usage(char* prog, int real_only, int max_fft_order, const char *summary) {
+  fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: [-hTFI] [-n logsize] [-s scale] [-g signal-type] "
+          "[-S signal value]\n\t\t[-v verbose] [-m minFFT] [-M maxFFT]\n",
+          ProgramName(prog));
+  fprintf(stderr, summary);
+  fprintf(stderr, "  -h\t\tThis help\n");
+  fprintf(stderr, "  -T\t\tIndividual test mode, otherwise run all tests\n");
+  fprintf(stderr, "  -F\t\tDo not run forward FFT tests\n");
+  fprintf(stderr, "  -I\t\tDo not run inverse FFT tests\n");
+  fprintf(stderr, "  -m min\tMinium FFT order to test (default 2)\n");
+  fprintf(stderr, "  -M min\tMaximum FFT order to test (default %d)\n",
+          max_fft_order);
+  fprintf(stderr, "  -n logsize\tLog2 of FFT size\n");
+  fprintf(stderr, "  -s scale\tScale factor for forward FFT (default = 0)\n");
+  fprintf(stderr, "  -S signal\tBase value for the test signal "
+          "(default = 1024)\n");
+  fprintf(stderr, "  -v level\tVerbose output level (default = 1)\n");
+  fprintf(stderr, "  -g type\tInput signal type:\n");
+  fprintf(stderr, "\t\t  0 - Constant signal S + i*S. (Default value.)\n");
+  fprintf(stderr, "\t\t  1 - Real ramp starting at S/N, N = FFT size\n");
+  fprintf(stderr, "\t\t  2 - Sine wave of amplitude S\n");
+  if (!real_only)
+    fprintf(stderr, "\t\t  3 - Complex signal whose transform is a sine "
+            "wave.\n");
+  exit(0);
+ * Set default values for all command line options.
+ */
+void SetDefaultOptions(struct Options* options, int real_only,
+                       int max_fft_order) {
+  options->real_only_ = real_only;
+  options->verbose_ = 1;
+  /*
+   * Test mode options, defaulting to non-test mode
+   */
+  options->test_mode_ = 1;
+  options->do_forward_tests_ = 1;
+  options->do_inverse_tests_ = 1;
+  options->min_fft_order_ = 2;
+  options->max_fft_order_ = max_fft_order;
+  /*
+   * Individual test options
+   */
+  options->fft_log_size_ = 4;
+  options->scale_factor_ = 0;
+  options->signal_type_ = 0;
+  options->signal_value_ = 1024;
+  options->signal_value_given_ = 0;
+ * Print values of command line options, for debugging.
+ */
+void DumpOptions(FILE* f, const struct Options* options) {
+    fprintf(f, "real_only          = %d\n", options->real_only_);
+    fprintf(f, "verbose            = %d\n", options->verbose_);
+    fprintf(f, "test_mode          = %d\n", options->test_mode_);
+    fprintf(f, "do_forward_tests   = %d\n", options->do_forward_tests_);
+    fprintf(f, "do_inverse_tests   = %d\n", options->do_inverse_tests_);
+    fprintf(f, "min_fft_order      = %d\n", options->min_fft_order_);
+    fprintf(f, "max_fft_order      = %d\n", options->max_fft_order_);
+    fprintf(f, "fft_log_size       = %d\n", options->fft_log_size_);
+    fprintf(f, "scale_factor       = %d\n", options->scale_factor_);
+    fprintf(f, "signal_type        = %d\n", options->signal_type_);
+    fprintf(f, "signal_value       = %g\n", options->signal_value_);
+    fprintf(f, "signal_value_given = %d\n", options->signal_value_given_);
+ * Process command line options, returning the values in |options|.
+ */
+void ProcessCommandLine(struct Options *options, int argc, char* argv[],
+                        const char* summary) {
+  int opt;
+  int max_fft_order = options->max_fft_order_;
+  options->signal_value_given_ = 0;
+  while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hTFIn:s:S:g:v:m:M:")) != -1) {
+    switch (opt) {
+      case 'h':
+        usage(argv[0], options->real_only_, max_fft_order, summary);
+        break;
+      case 'T':
+        options->test_mode_ = 0;
+        break;
+      case 'F':
+        options->do_forward_tests_ = 0;
+        break;
+      case 'I':
+        options->do_inverse_tests_ = 0;
+        break;
+      case 'm':
+        options->min_fft_order_ = atoi(optarg);
+        break;
+      case 'M':
+        options->max_fft_order_ = atoi(optarg);
+        break;
+      case 'n':
+        options->fft_log_size_ = atoi(optarg);
+        break;
+      case 'S':
+        options->signal_value_ = atof(optarg);
+        options->signal_value_given_ = 1;
+        break;
+      case 's':
+        options->scale_factor_ = atoi(optarg);
+        break;
+      case 'g':
+        options->signal_type_ = atoi(optarg);
+        break;
+      case 'v':
+        options->verbose_ = atoi(optarg);
+        break;
+      default:
+        usage(argv[0], options->real_only_, max_fft_order, summary);
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+ * Return true if the given test is known to fail.  The array of known
+ * failures is in |knownFailures|.  The FFT order is |fft_order|,
+ * |is_inverse_fft| is true, if the test fails for the inverse FFT
+ * (otherwise for forward FFT), and |signal_type| specifies the test
+ * signal used.
+ */
+int IsKnownFailure(int fft_order, int is_inverse_fft, int signal_type,
+                   struct KnownTestFailures* known_failures) {
+  if (known_failures) {
+    /*
+     * Look through array of known failures and see if an FFT
+     * (forward or inverse) of the given order and signal type
+     * matches.  Return true if so.
+     */
+    while (known_failures->fft_order_ > 0) {
+      if ((fft_order == known_failures->fft_order_)
+          && (is_inverse_fft == known_failures->is_inverse_fft_test_)
+          && (signal_type == known_failures->signal_type_)) {
+        return 1;
+      }
+      ++known_failures;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+ * Run a set of tests, printing out the result of each test.
+ */
+void RunTests(struct TestResult* result,
+              float (*test_function)(int, int, float, struct SnrResult*),
+              const char* id,
+              int is_inverse_test,
+              const struct TestInfo* info,
+              float snr_threshold) {
+  int fft_order;
+  int signal_type;
+  float snr;
+  int tests = 0;
+  int failures = 0;
+  int expected_failures = 0;
+  float min_snr = 1e10;
+  struct SnrResult snrResults;
+  for (fft_order = info->min_fft_order_; fft_order <= info->max_fft_order_;
+       ++fft_order) {
+    for (signal_type = 0; signal_type < MaxSignalType(info->real_only_);
+         ++signal_type) {
+      int known_failure = 0;
+      int test_failed = 0;
+      ++tests;
+      snr = test_function(fft_order, signal_type, 1024.0, &snrResults);
+      if (snr < min_snr)
+        min_snr = snr;
+      known_failure = IsKnownFailure(fft_order, is_inverse_test,
+                                     signal_type, info->known_failures_);
+      if (snr < snr_threshold) {
+        ++failures;
+        test_failed = 1;
+        if (known_failure) {
+          ++expected_failures;
+          printf(" *FAILED: %s ", id);
+        } else {
+          printf("**FAILED: %s ", id);
+        }
+      } else {
+        test_failed = 0;
+        printf("  PASSED: %s ", id);
+      }
+      printf("order %2d signal %d:  SNR = %9.3f",
+             fft_order, signal_type, snr);
+      if (known_failure) {
+        if (test_failed) {
+          printf(" (expected failure)");
+        } else {
+          printf(" (**Expected to fail, but passed)");
+        }
+      }
+      printf("\n");
+    }
+  }
+  printf("%sSummary:  %d %s tests failed out of %d tests. "
+         "(Success rate %.2f%%.)\n",
+         failures ? "**" : "",
+         failures,
+         id,
+         tests,
+         (100.0 * (tests - failures)) / tests);
+  if (expected_failures)
+    printf("    (%d expected failures)\n", expected_failures);
+  printf("    (Minimum SNR = %.3f dB)\n", min_snr);
+  result->failed_count_ = failures;
+  result->test_count_ = tests;
+  result->expected_failure_count_ = expected_failures;
+  result->min_snr_ = min_snr;
+ * For all FFT orders and signal types, run the forward FFT.
+ * runOneForwardTest must be defined to compute the forward FFT and
+ * return the SNR beween the actual and expected FFT.
+ *
+ * Also finds the minium SNR from all of the tests and returns the
+ * minimum SNR value.
+ */
+void RunForwardTests(struct TestResult* result, const struct TestInfo* info,
+                     float snr_threshold) {
+  RunTests(result, RunOneForwardTest, "FwdFFT", 0, info, snr_threshold);
+ * For all FFT orders and signal types, run the inverse FFT.
+ * runOneInverseTest must be defined to compute the forward FFT and
+ * return the SNR beween the actual and expected FFT.
+ *
+ * Also finds the minium SNR from all of the tests and returns the
+ * minimum SNR value.
+ */
+void RunInverseTests(struct TestResult* result, const struct TestInfo* info,
+                     float snr_threshold) {
+  RunTests(result, RunOneInverseTest, "InvFFT", 1, info, snr_threshold);
+ * Run all forward and inverse FFT tests, printing a summary of the
+ * results.
+ */
+void RunAllTests(const struct TestInfo* info) {
+  int failed;
+  int total;
+  float min_forward_snr;
+  float min_inverse_snr;
+  struct TestResult forward_results;
+  struct TestResult inverse_results;
+  if (info->do_forward_tests_)
+    RunForwardTests(&forward_results, info, info->forward_threshold_);
+  if (info->do_inverse_tests_)
+    RunInverseTests(&inverse_results, info, info->inverse_threshold_);
+  failed = forward_results.failed_count_ + inverse_results.failed_count_;
+  total = forward_results.test_count_ + inverse_results.test_count_;
+  min_forward_snr = forward_results.min_snr_;
+  min_inverse_snr = inverse_results.min_snr_;
+  if (total) {
+    printf("%sTotal: %d tests failed out of %d tests.  "
+           "(Success rate = %.2f%%.)\n",
+           failed ? "**" : "",
+           failed,
+           total,
+           (100.0 * (total - failed)) / total);
+    if (forward_results.expected_failure_count_
+        + inverse_results.expected_failure_count_) {
+      printf("  (%d expected failures)\n",
+             forward_results.expected_failure_count_
+             + inverse_results.expected_failure_count_);
+    }
+    printf("  Min forward SNR = %.3f dB, min inverse SNR = %.3f dB\n",
+           min_forward_snr,
+           min_inverse_snr);
+  } else {
+    printf("No tests run\n");
+  }
+ * Print the contents of an array to stdout, one element per line.
+ * |array_name| is the name of the array to be used in the header
+ * line.
+ *
+ * Arrays with elements of type OMX_S16, OMX_S32, OMX_SC32, OMX_F32,
+ * and OMX_FC32 are supported.
+ */
+void DumpArrayReal16(const char* array_name, int count,
+                     const OMX_S16* array) {
+  int n;
+  printf("%4s\t%5s[n]\n", "n", array_name);
+  for (n = 0; n < count; ++n) {
+    printf("%4d\t%8d\n", n, array[n]);
+  }
+void DumpArrayReal32(const char* array_name, int count, const OMX_S32* array) {
+  int n;
+  printf("%4s\t%5s[n]\n", "n", array_name);
+  for (n = 0; n < count; ++n) {
+    printf("%4d\t%8d\n", n, array[n]);
+  }
+void DumpArrayComplex32(const char* array_name, int count,
+                        const OMX_SC32* array) {
+  int n;
+  printf("%4s\[n]\[n]\n", "n", array_name);
+  for (n = 0; n < count; ++n) {
+    printf("%4d\t%16d\t%16d\n", n, array[n].Re, array[n].Im);
+  }
+void DumpArrayFloat(const char* array_name, int count, const OMX_F32* array) {
+  int n;
+  printf("%4s\t%13s[n]\n", "n", array_name);
+  for (n = 0; n < count; ++n) {
+    printf("%4d\t%16g\n", n, array[n]);
+  }
+void DumpArrayComplexFloat(const char* array_name, int count,
+                           const OMX_FC32* array) {
+  int n;
+  printf("%4s\[n]\[n]\n", "n", array_name, array_name);
+  for (n = 0; n < count; ++n) {
+    printf("%4d\t%16g\t%16g\n", n, array[n].Re, array[n].Im);
+  }
diff --git a/dl/test/test_util.h b/dl/test/test_util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b64e518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dl/test/test_util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+/* Command line options */
+struct Options {
+    /*
+     * Set to non-zero if test is only for real signals.  This is just
+     * for printing out the correct usage message.
+     */
+    int real_only_;
+    /* Debugging output level, used in test and non-test mode */
+    int verbose_;
+    /* Test mode where all tests are run. */
+    int test_mode_;
+    /* Run forward FFT tests (in test mode) */
+    int do_forward_tests_;
+    /* Run inverse FFT tests (in test mode) */
+    int do_inverse_tests_;
+    /* Minimum FFT order for test mode */
+    int min_fft_order_;
+    /* Maximum FFT order for test mode */
+    int max_fft_order_;
+    /* FFT Order */
+    int fft_log_size_;
+    /* Forward FFT scale factor, only for for fixed-point routines */
+    int scale_factor_;
+    /* Signal type to use for testing */
+    int signal_type_;
+    /* Signal amplitude */
+    float signal_value_;
+    /* Set if the command line options set a value for signalValue */
+    int signal_value_given_;
+ * Information about a test that is known to fail.
+ */
+struct KnownTestFailures {
+    /* FFT order of the test */
+    int fft_order_;
+    /* Set to non-zero for inverse FFT case.  Otherwise, it's forward FFT */
+    int is_inverse_fft_test_;
+    /* The test signal used */
+    int signal_type_;
+struct TestInfo {
+    /* True if test is for real signals */
+    int real_only_;
+    /* Max FFT order to be tested */
+    int max_fft_order_;
+    /* Min FFT order to be tested */
+    int min_fft_order_;
+    /* True if forward FFT tests should be run */
+    int do_forward_tests_;
+    /* True if inverse FFT tests should be run */
+    int do_inverse_tests_;
+    /* SNR threshold for forward FFT tests */
+    float forward_threshold_;
+    /* SNR threshold for inverse FFT tests */
+    float inverse_threshold_;
+    /*
+     * Array of known test failures.  Should either be 0 or point to
+     * an array of known failures, terminated by a test case with
+     * negative fftOrder.
+     */
+    struct KnownTestFailures* known_failures_;
+ * Set default options for the command line options.  Must be called
+ * before call |processCommandLine|
+ */
+void SetDefaultOptions(struct Options* options, int real_only,
+                       int max_fft_order);
+ * Process the command line options
+ */
+void ProcessCommandLine(struct Options* options, int argc, char* argv[],
+                        const char* summary);
+ * Print command line options and their values, for debugging.
+ */
+void DumpOptions(FILE*, const struct Options* options);
+ * Run one forward FFT test of the given size, signal type, and amplitude
+ */
+float RunOneForwardTest(int fft_log_size, int signal_type,
+                        float signal_value, struct SnrResult* snr);
+ * Run one inverse FFT test of the given size, signal type, and amplitude
+ */
+float RunOneInverseTest(int fft_log_size, int signal_type,
+                        float signal_value, struct SnrResult* snr);
+ * Run all FFT tests, as specified by |info|
+ */
+void RunAllTests(const struct TestInfo* info);
+ * Returns the program name, for debugging.
+ */
+char* ProgramName(char*);
+ * Return true if the specified FFT test is a known failure.
+ */
+int IsKnownFailure(int fft_order, int is_forward_fft, int signal_type,
+                   struct KnownTestFailures* known_failures);
+ * Neatly print the contents of an array to stdout.
+ */
+void DumpArrayReal16(const char* array_name, int count, const OMX_S16* array);
+void DumpArrayReal32(const char* array_name, int count, const OMX_S32* array);
+void DumpArrayComplex32(const char* array_name, int count,
+                        const OMX_SC32* array);
+void DumpArrayFloat(const char* array_name, int count, const OMX_F32* array);
+void DumpArrayComplexFloat(const char* array_name, int count,
+                           const OMX_FC32* array);