Modernize TimestampExtrapolator to use correct units

* Add unit tests
* Use TimestampUnwrapper
* Follow style guide

Change-Id: I057b05faba0aeafb2830a45007474be0eca1c6e0
Bug: webrtc:13756
Reviewed-by: Stefan Holmer <>
Commit-Queue: Evan Shrubsole <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#36313}
diff --git a/ b/
index aaa1260..52736b3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -574,6 +574,7 @@
+      "rtc_base/time:timestamp_extrapolator_unittests",
diff --git a/rtc_base/time/ b/rtc_base/time/
index 890695d..092abd9 100644
--- a/rtc_base/time/
+++ b/rtc_base/time/
@@ -17,6 +17,26 @@
-  deps = [ "../../api/units:timestamp" ]
+  deps = [
+    "../../api/units:frequency",
+    "../../api/units:timestamp",
+    "../../modules:module_api_public",
+  ]
   absl_deps = [ "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types:optional" ]
+if (rtc_include_tests) {
+  rtc_library("timestamp_extrapolator_unittests") {
+    testonly = true
+    sources = [ "" ]
+    deps = [
+      ":timestamp_extrapolator",
+      "../../api/units:frequency",
+      "../../api/units:time_delta",
+      "../../api/units:timestamp",
+      "../../system_wrappers",
+      "../../test:test_support",
+    ]
+    absl_deps = [ "//third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types:optional" ]
+  }
diff --git a/rtc_base/time/ b/rtc_base/time/
index 521b5ba..910db8a 100644
--- a/rtc_base/time/
+++ b/rtc_base/time/
@@ -13,87 +13,83 @@
 #include <algorithm>
 #include "absl/types/optional.h"
+#include "api/units/frequency.h"
+#include "modules/include/module_common_types_public.h"
 namespace webrtc {
+namespace {
+constexpr double kLambda = 1;
+constexpr uint32_t kStartUpFilterDelayInPackets = 2;
+constexpr double kAlarmThreshold = 60e3;
+// in timestamp ticks, i.e. 15 ms
+constexpr double kAccDrift = 6600;
+constexpr double kAccMaxError = 7000;
+constexpr double kP11 = 1e10;
+}  // namespace
 TimestampExtrapolator::TimestampExtrapolator(Timestamp start)
-    : _start(Timestamp::Zero()),
-      _prev(Timestamp::Zero()),
-      _firstTimestamp(0),
-      _wrapArounds(0),
-      _prevUnwrappedTimestamp(-1),
-      _prevWrapTimestamp(-1),
-      _lambda(1),
-      _firstAfterReset(true),
-      _packetCount(0),
-      _startUpFilterDelayInPackets(2),
-      _detectorAccumulatorPos(0),
-      _detectorAccumulatorNeg(0),
-      _alarmThreshold(60e3),
-      _accDrift(6600),  // in timestamp ticks, i.e. 15 ms
-      _accMaxError(7000),
-      _pP11(1e10) {
+    : start_(Timestamp::Zero()),
+      prev_(Timestamp::Zero()),
+      packet_count_(0),
+      detector_accumulator_pos_(0),
+      detector_accumulator_neg_(0) {
 void TimestampExtrapolator::Reset(Timestamp start) {
-  _start = start;
-  _prev = _start;
-  _firstTimestamp = 0;
-  _w[0] = 90.0;
-  _w[1] = 0;
-  _pP[0][0] = 1;
-  _pP[1][1] = _pP11;
-  _pP[0][1] = _pP[1][0] = 0;
-  _firstAfterReset = true;
-  _prevUnwrappedTimestamp = -1;
-  _prevWrapTimestamp = -1;
-  _wrapArounds = 0;
-  _packetCount = 0;
-  _detectorAccumulatorPos = 0;
-  _detectorAccumulatorNeg = 0;
+  start_ = start;
+  prev_ = start_;
+  first_unwrapped_timestamp_ = absl::nullopt;
+  w_[0] = 90.0;
+  w_[1] = 0;
+  p_[0][0] = 1;
+  p_[1][1] = kP11;
+  p_[0][1] = p_[1][0] = 0;
+  unwrapper_ = TimestampUnwrapper();
+  packet_count_ = 0;
+  detector_accumulator_pos_ = 0;
+  detector_accumulator_neg_ = 0;
 void TimestampExtrapolator::Update(Timestamp now, uint32_t ts90khz) {
-  if (now - _prev > TimeDelta::Seconds(10)) {
+  if (now - prev_ > TimeDelta::Seconds(10)) {
     // Ten seconds without a complete frame.
     // Reset the extrapolator
   } else {
-    _prev = now;
+    prev_ = now;
   // Remove offset to prevent badly scaled matrices
-  const TimeDelta offset = now - _start;
-  double tMs =;
+  const TimeDelta offset = now - start_;
+  double t_ms =;
-  CheckForWrapArounds(ts90khz);
+  int64_t unwrapped_ts90khz = unwrapper_.Unwrap(ts90khz);
-  int64_t unwrapped_ts90khz =
-      static_cast<int64_t>(ts90khz) +
-      _wrapArounds * ((static_cast<int64_t>(1) << 32) - 1);
-  if (_firstAfterReset) {
+  if (!first_unwrapped_timestamp_) {
     // Make an initial guess of the offset,
-    // should be almost correct since tMs - _startMs
+    // should be almost correct since t_ms - start
     // should about zero at this time.
-    _w[1] = -_w[0] * tMs;
-    _firstTimestamp = unwrapped_ts90khz;
-    _firstAfterReset = false;
+    w_[1] = -w_[0] * t_ms;
+    first_unwrapped_timestamp_ = unwrapped_ts90khz;
-  double residual = (static_cast<double>(unwrapped_ts90khz) - _firstTimestamp) -
-                    tMs * _w[0] - _w[1];
+  double residual =
+      (static_cast<double>(unwrapped_ts90khz) - *first_unwrapped_timestamp_) -
+      t_ms * w_[0] - w_[1];
   if (DelayChangeDetection(residual) &&
-      _packetCount >= _startUpFilterDelayInPackets) {
+      packet_count_ >= kStartUpFilterDelayInPackets) {
     // A sudden change of average network delay has been detected.
     // Force the filter to adjust its offset parameter by changing
     // the offset uncertainty. Don't do this during startup.
-    _pP[1][1] = _pP11;
+    p_[1][1] = kP11;
-  if (_prevUnwrappedTimestamp >= 0 &&
-      unwrapped_ts90khz < _prevUnwrappedTimestamp) {
+  if (prev_unwrapped_timestamp_ &&
+      unwrapped_ts90khz < prev_unwrapped_timestamp_) {
     // Drop reordered frames.
@@ -102,94 +98,62 @@
   // that = T'*w;
   // K = P*T/(lambda + T'*P*T);
   double K[2];
-  K[0] = _pP[0][0] * tMs + _pP[0][1];
-  K[1] = _pP[1][0] * tMs + _pP[1][1];
-  double TPT = _lambda + tMs * K[0] + K[1];
+  K[0] = p_[0][0] * t_ms + p_[0][1];
+  K[1] = p_[1][0] * t_ms + p_[1][1];
+  double TPT = kLambda + t_ms * K[0] + K[1];
   K[0] /= TPT;
   K[1] /= TPT;
   // w = w + K*(ts(k) - that);
-  _w[0] = _w[0] + K[0] * residual;
-  _w[1] = _w[1] + K[1] * residual;
+  w_[0] = w_[0] + K[0] * residual;
+  w_[1] = w_[1] + K[1] * residual;
   // P = 1/lambda*(P - K*T'*P);
   double p00 =
-      1 / _lambda * (_pP[0][0] - (K[0] * tMs * _pP[0][0] + K[0] * _pP[1][0]));
+      1 / kLambda * (p_[0][0] - (K[0] * t_ms * p_[0][0] + K[0] * p_[1][0]));
   double p01 =
-      1 / _lambda * (_pP[0][1] - (K[0] * tMs * _pP[0][1] + K[0] * _pP[1][1]));
-  _pP[1][0] =
-      1 / _lambda * (_pP[1][0] - (K[1] * tMs * _pP[0][0] + K[1] * _pP[1][0]));
-  _pP[1][1] =
-      1 / _lambda * (_pP[1][1] - (K[1] * tMs * _pP[0][1] + K[1] * _pP[1][1]));
-  _pP[0][0] = p00;
-  _pP[0][1] = p01;
-  _prevUnwrappedTimestamp = unwrapped_ts90khz;
-  if (_packetCount < _startUpFilterDelayInPackets) {
-    _packetCount++;
+      1 / kLambda * (p_[0][1] - (K[0] * t_ms * p_[0][1] + K[0] * p_[1][1]));
+  p_[1][0] =
+      1 / kLambda * (p_[1][0] - (K[1] * t_ms * p_[0][0] + K[1] * p_[1][0]));
+  p_[1][1] =
+      1 / kLambda * (p_[1][1] - (K[1] * t_ms * p_[0][1] + K[1] * p_[1][1]));
+  p_[0][0] = p00;
+  p_[0][1] = p01;
+  prev_unwrapped_timestamp_ = unwrapped_ts90khz;
+  if (packet_count_ < kStartUpFilterDelayInPackets) {
+    packet_count_++;
 absl::optional<Timestamp> TimestampExtrapolator::ExtrapolateLocalTime(
-    uint32_t timestamp90khz) {
-  CheckForWrapArounds(timestamp90khz);
-  double unwrapped_ts90khz =
-      static_cast<double>(timestamp90khz) +
-      _wrapArounds * ((static_cast<int64_t>(1) << 32) - 1);
-  if (_packetCount == 0) {
-    return absl::nullopt;
-  } else if (_packetCount < _startUpFilterDelayInPackets) {
-    auto diffMs = static_cast<int64_t>(
-        static_cast<double>(unwrapped_ts90khz - _prevUnwrappedTimestamp) /
-            90.0 +
-        0.5);
-    return _prev + TimeDelta::Millis(diffMs);
-  } else if (_w[0] < 1e-3) {
-    return _start;
-  } else {
-    double timestampDiff =
-        unwrapped_ts90khz - static_cast<double>(_firstTimestamp);
-    auto diffMs = static_cast<int64_t>((timestampDiff - _w[1]) / _w[0] + 0.5);
-    return _start + TimeDelta::Millis(diffMs);
-  }
+    uint32_t timestamp90khz) const {
+  int64_t unwrapped_ts90khz = unwrapper_.UnwrapWithoutUpdate(timestamp90khz);
-// Investigates if the timestamp clock has overflowed since the last timestamp
-// and keeps track of the number of wrap arounds since reset.
-void TimestampExtrapolator::CheckForWrapArounds(uint32_t ts90khz) {
-  if (_prevWrapTimestamp == -1) {
-    _prevWrapTimestamp = ts90khz;
-    return;
-  }
-  if (ts90khz < _prevWrapTimestamp) {
-    // This difference will probably be less than -2^31 if we have had a wrap
-    // around (e.g. timestamp = 1, _previousTimestamp = 2^32 - 1). Since it is
-    // casted to a Word32, it should be positive.
-    if (static_cast<int32_t>(ts90khz - _prevWrapTimestamp) > 0) {
-      // Forward wrap around
-      _wrapArounds++;
-    }
+  if (!first_unwrapped_timestamp_) {
+    return absl::nullopt;
+  } else if (packet_count_ < kStartUpFilterDelayInPackets) {
+    constexpr Frequency k90KHz = Frequency::KiloHertz(90);
+    TimeDelta diff = (unwrapped_ts90khz - *prev_unwrapped_timestamp_) / k90KHz;
+    return prev_ + diff;
+  } else if (w_[0] < 1e-3) {
+    return start_;
   } else {
-    // This difference will probably be less than -2^31 if we have had a
-    // backward wrap around. Since it is casted to a Word32, it should be
-    // positive.
-    if (static_cast<int32_t>(_prevWrapTimestamp - ts90khz) > 0) {
-      // Backward wrap around
-      _wrapArounds--;
-    }
+    double timestampDiff = unwrapped_ts90khz - *first_unwrapped_timestamp_;
+    auto diff_ms = static_cast<int64_t>((timestampDiff - w_[1]) / w_[0] + 0.5);
+    return start_ + TimeDelta::Millis(diff_ms);
-  _prevWrapTimestamp = ts90khz;
 bool TimestampExtrapolator::DelayChangeDetection(double error) {
   // CUSUM detection of sudden delay changes
-  error = (error > 0) ? std::min(error, _accMaxError)
-                      : std::max(error, -_accMaxError);
-  _detectorAccumulatorPos =
-      std::max(_detectorAccumulatorPos + error - _accDrift, double{0});
-  _detectorAccumulatorNeg =
-      std::min(_detectorAccumulatorNeg + error + _accDrift, double{0});
-  if (_detectorAccumulatorPos > _alarmThreshold ||
-      _detectorAccumulatorNeg < -_alarmThreshold) {
+  error = (error > 0) ? std::min(error, kAccMaxError)
+                      : std::max(error, -kAccMaxError);
+  detector_accumulator_pos_ =
+      std::max(detector_accumulator_pos_ + error - kAccDrift, double{0});
+  detector_accumulator_neg_ =
+      std::min(detector_accumulator_neg_ + error + kAccDrift, double{0});
+  if (detector_accumulator_pos_ > kAlarmThreshold ||
+      detector_accumulator_neg_ < -kAlarmThreshold) {
     // Alarm
-    _detectorAccumulatorPos = _detectorAccumulatorNeg = 0;
+    detector_accumulator_pos_ = detector_accumulator_neg_ = 0;
     return true;
   return false;
diff --git a/rtc_base/time/timestamp_extrapolator.h b/rtc_base/time/timestamp_extrapolator.h
index df56eea..23e7975 100644
--- a/rtc_base/time/timestamp_extrapolator.h
+++ b/rtc_base/time/timestamp_extrapolator.h
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 #include "absl/types/optional.h"
 #include "api/units/timestamp.h"
+#include "modules/include/module_common_types_public.h"
 namespace webrtc {
@@ -23,31 +24,23 @@
   explicit TimestampExtrapolator(Timestamp start);
   void Update(Timestamp now, uint32_t ts90khz);
-  absl::optional<Timestamp> ExtrapolateLocalTime(uint32_t timestamp90khz);
+  absl::optional<Timestamp> ExtrapolateLocalTime(uint32_t timestamp90khz) const;
   void Reset(Timestamp start);
   void CheckForWrapArounds(uint32_t ts90khz);
   bool DelayChangeDetection(double error);
-  double _w[2];
-  double _pP[2][2];
-  Timestamp _start;
-  Timestamp _prev;
-  uint32_t _firstTimestamp;
-  int32_t _wrapArounds;
-  int64_t _prevUnwrappedTimestamp;
-  int64_t _prevWrapTimestamp;
-  const double _lambda;
-  bool _firstAfterReset;
-  uint32_t _packetCount;
-  const uint32_t _startUpFilterDelayInPackets;
-  double _detectorAccumulatorPos;
-  double _detectorAccumulatorNeg;
-  const double _alarmThreshold;
-  const double _accDrift;
-  const double _accMaxError;
-  const double _pP11;
+  double w_[2];
+  double p_[2][2];
+  Timestamp start_;
+  Timestamp prev_;
+  absl::optional<int64_t> first_unwrapped_timestamp_;
+  TimestampUnwrapper unwrapper_;
+  absl::optional<int64_t> prev_unwrapped_timestamp_;
+  uint32_t packet_count_;
+  double detector_accumulator_pos_;
+  double detector_accumulator_neg_;
 }  // namespace webrtc
diff --git a/rtc_base/time/ b/rtc_base/time/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b153d7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtc_base/time/
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2022 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "rtc_base/time/timestamp_extrapolator.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <limits>
+#include "absl/types/optional.h"
+#include "api/units/frequency.h"
+#include "api/units/time_delta.h"
+#include "api/units/timestamp.h"
+#include "system_wrappers/include/clock.h"
+#include "test/gmock.h"
+#include "test/gtest.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+using ::testing::Eq;
+using ::testing::Optional;
+namespace {
+constexpr Frequency kRtpHz = Frequency::KiloHertz(90);
+constexpr Frequency k25Fps = Frequency::Hertz(25);
+constexpr TimeDelta k25FpsDelay = 1 / k25Fps;
+}  // namespace
+TEST(TimestampExtrapolatorTest, ExtrapolationOccursAfter2Packets) {
+  SimulatedClock clock(Timestamp::Millis(1337));
+  TimestampExtrapolator ts_extrapolator(clock.CurrentTime());
+  // No packets so no timestamp.
+  EXPECT_THAT(ts_extrapolator.ExtrapolateLocalTime(90000), Eq(absl::nullopt));
+  uint32_t rtp = 90000;
+  clock.AdvanceTime(k25FpsDelay);
+  // First result is a bit confusing since it is based off the "start" time,
+  // which is arbitrary.
+  ts_extrapolator.Update(clock.CurrentTime(), rtp);
+  EXPECT_THAT(ts_extrapolator.ExtrapolateLocalTime(rtp),
+              Optional(clock.CurrentTime()));
+  rtp += kRtpHz / k25Fps;
+  clock.AdvanceTime(k25FpsDelay);
+  ts_extrapolator.Update(clock.CurrentTime(), rtp);
+  EXPECT_THAT(ts_extrapolator.ExtrapolateLocalTime(rtp),
+              Optional(clock.CurrentTime()));
+  EXPECT_THAT(ts_extrapolator.ExtrapolateLocalTime(rtp + 90000),
+              Optional(clock.CurrentTime() + TimeDelta::Seconds(1)));
+TEST(TimestampExtrapolatorTest, ResetsAfter10SecondPause) {
+  SimulatedClock clock(Timestamp::Millis(1337));
+  TimestampExtrapolator ts_extrapolator(clock.CurrentTime());
+  uint32_t rtp = 90000;
+  ts_extrapolator.Update(clock.CurrentTime(), rtp);
+  EXPECT_THAT(ts_extrapolator.ExtrapolateLocalTime(rtp),
+              Optional(clock.CurrentTime()));
+  rtp += kRtpHz / k25Fps;
+  clock.AdvanceTime(k25FpsDelay);
+  ts_extrapolator.Update(clock.CurrentTime(), rtp);
+  EXPECT_THAT(ts_extrapolator.ExtrapolateLocalTime(rtp),
+              Optional(clock.CurrentTime()));
+  rtp += 10 * kRtpHz.hertz();
+  clock.AdvanceTime(TimeDelta::Seconds(10) + TimeDelta::Micros(1));
+  ts_extrapolator.Update(clock.CurrentTime(), rtp);
+  EXPECT_THAT(ts_extrapolator.ExtrapolateLocalTime(rtp),
+              Optional(clock.CurrentTime()));
+TEST(TimestampExtrapolatorTest, TimestampExtrapolatesMultipleRtpWrapArounds) {
+  SimulatedClock clock(Timestamp::Millis(1337));
+  TimestampExtrapolator ts_extrapolator(clock.CurrentTime());
+  uint32_t rtp = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
+  ts_extrapolator.Update(clock.CurrentTime(), rtp);
+  EXPECT_THAT(ts_extrapolator.ExtrapolateLocalTime(rtp),
+              Optional(clock.CurrentTime()));
+  // One overflow. Static cast to avoid undefined behaviour with +=.
+  rtp += static_cast<uint32_t>(kRtpHz / k25Fps);
+  clock.AdvanceTime(k25FpsDelay);
+  ts_extrapolator.Update(clock.CurrentTime(), rtp);
+  EXPECT_THAT(ts_extrapolator.ExtrapolateLocalTime(rtp),
+              Optional(clock.CurrentTime()));
+  // Assert that extrapolation works across the boundary as expected.
+  EXPECT_THAT(ts_extrapolator.ExtrapolateLocalTime(rtp + 90000),
+              Optional(clock.CurrentTime() + TimeDelta::Seconds(1)));
+  // This is not quite 1s since the math always rounds up.
+  EXPECT_THAT(ts_extrapolator.ExtrapolateLocalTime(rtp - 90000),
+              Optional(clock.CurrentTime() - TimeDelta::Millis(999)));
+  // In order to avoid a wrap arounds reset, add a packet every 10s until we
+  // overflow twice.
+  constexpr TimeDelta kRtpOverflowDelay =
+      std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() / kRtpHz;
+  const Timestamp overflow_time = clock.CurrentTime() + kRtpOverflowDelay * 2;
+  while (clock.CurrentTime() < overflow_time) {
+    clock.AdvanceTime(TimeDelta::Seconds(10));
+    // Static-cast before += to avoid undefined behaviour of overflow.
+    rtp += static_cast<uint32_t>(kRtpHz * TimeDelta::Seconds(10));
+    ts_extrapolator.Update(clock.CurrentTime(), rtp);
+    EXPECT_THAT(ts_extrapolator.ExtrapolateLocalTime(rtp),
+                Optional(clock.CurrentTime()));
+  }
+TEST(TimestampExtrapolatorTest, Slow90KHzClock) {
+  // This simulates a slow camera, which produces frames at 24Hz instead of
+  // 25Hz. The extrapolator should be able to resolve this with enough data.
+  SimulatedClock clock(Timestamp::Millis(1337));
+  TimestampExtrapolator ts_extrapolator(clock.CurrentTime());
+  constexpr TimeDelta k24FpsDelay = 1 / Frequency::Hertz(24);
+  uint32_t rtp = 90000;
+  ts_extrapolator.Update(clock.CurrentTime(), rtp);
+  // Slow camera will increment RTP at 25 FPS rate even though its producing at
+  // 24 FPS. After 25 frames the extrapolator should settle at this rate.
+  for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) {
+    rtp += kRtpHz / k25Fps;
+    clock.AdvanceTime(k24FpsDelay);
+    ts_extrapolator.Update(clock.CurrentTime(), rtp);
+  }
+  // The camera would normally produce 25 frames in 90K ticks, but is slow
+  // so takes 1s + k24FpsDelay for 90K ticks.
+  constexpr Frequency kSlowRtpHz = 90000 / (25 * k24FpsDelay);
+  // The extrapolator will be predicting that time at millisecond precision.
+  auto ts = ts_extrapolator.ExtrapolateLocalTime(rtp + kSlowRtpHz.hertz());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(ts.has_value());
+  EXPECT_EQ(ts->ms(), clock.TimeInMilliseconds() + 1000);
+TEST(TimestampExtrapolatorTest, Fast90KHzClock) {
+  // This simulates a fast camera, which produces frames at 26Hz instead of
+  // 25Hz. The extrapolator should be able to resolve this with enough data.
+  SimulatedClock clock(Timestamp::Millis(1337));
+  TimestampExtrapolator ts_extrapolator(clock.CurrentTime());
+  constexpr TimeDelta k26FpsDelay = 1 / Frequency::Hertz(26);
+  uint32_t rtp = 90000;
+  ts_extrapolator.Update(clock.CurrentTime(), rtp);
+  // Fast camera will increment RTP at 25 FPS rate even though its producing at
+  // 26 FPS. After 25 frames the extrapolator should settle at this rate.
+  for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) {
+    rtp += kRtpHz / k25Fps;
+    clock.AdvanceTime(k26FpsDelay);
+    ts_extrapolator.Update(clock.CurrentTime(), rtp);
+  }
+  // The camera would normally produce 25 frames in 90K ticks, but is slow
+  // so takes 1s + k24FpsDelay for 90K ticks.
+  constexpr Frequency kSlowRtpHz = 90000 / (25 * k26FpsDelay);
+  // The extrapolator will be predicting that time at millisecond precision.
+  auto ts = ts_extrapolator.ExtrapolateLocalTime(rtp + kSlowRtpHz.hertz());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(ts.has_value());
+  EXPECT_EQ(ts->ms(), clock.TimeInMilliseconds() + 1000);
+TEST(TimestampExtrapolatorTest, TimestampJump) {
+  // This simulates a jump in RTP timestamp, which could occur if a camera was
+  // swapped for example.
+  SimulatedClock clock(Timestamp::Millis(1337));
+  TimestampExtrapolator ts_extrapolator(clock.CurrentTime());
+  uint32_t rtp = 90000;
+  clock.AdvanceTime(k25FpsDelay);
+  ts_extrapolator.Update(clock.CurrentTime(), rtp);
+  rtp += kRtpHz / k25Fps;
+  clock.AdvanceTime(k25FpsDelay);
+  ts_extrapolator.Update(clock.CurrentTime(), rtp);
+  rtp += kRtpHz / k25Fps;
+  clock.AdvanceTime(k25FpsDelay);
+  ts_extrapolator.Update(clock.CurrentTime(), rtp);
+  EXPECT_THAT(ts_extrapolator.ExtrapolateLocalTime(rtp),
+              Optional(clock.CurrentTime()));
+  EXPECT_THAT(ts_extrapolator.ExtrapolateLocalTime(rtp + 90000),
+              Optional(clock.CurrentTime() + TimeDelta::Seconds(1)));
+  // Jump RTP.
+  uint32_t new_rtp = 1337 * 90000;
+  clock.AdvanceTime(k25FpsDelay);
+  ts_extrapolator.Update(clock.CurrentTime(), new_rtp);
+  new_rtp += kRtpHz / k25Fps;
+  clock.AdvanceTime(k25FpsDelay);
+  ts_extrapolator.Update(clock.CurrentTime(), new_rtp);
+  EXPECT_THAT(ts_extrapolator.ExtrapolateLocalTime(new_rtp),
+              Optional(clock.CurrentTime()));
+}  // namespace webrtc