Remove outdated DEPS rules.

From those I removed, transport.h doesn't exist. For the others
I tried checking that the presubmit doesn't fire if I modify
all lines that include the previously +'d entry (for instance
call/rtp_config.h). I take this to mean that all callers of
for instance rtp_config.h now obtain checkdeps permission
elsewhere, closer to where they're located. This change should
not change checkdeps behaviour, therefore.

Bug: webrtc:4243
Change-Id: Ia909d13c5d79cb244f45b737142d2f47568ba77e
Reviewed-by: Mirko Bonadei <>
Commit-Queue: Patrik Höglund <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#23337}
diff --git a/DEPS b/DEPS
index 5f658ba..25a2a93 100644
--- a/DEPS
+++ b/DEPS
@@ -723,10 +723,9 @@
   "+external/webrtc/webrtc",  # Android platform build.
-  # Individual headers that will be moved out of here, see webrtc:4243.
-  "+call/rtp_config.h",
+  # These should eventually move out of here.
-  "+transport.h",
@@ -736,13 +735,3 @@
-# The below rules will be removed when webrtc:4243 is fixed.
-specific_include_rules = {
-  "video_receive_stream\.h": [
-    "+call/video_receive_stream.h",
-  ],
-  "video_send_stream\.h": [
-    "+call/video_send_stream.h",
-  ],