Move more functions called only in sdp_offer_answer into that file.
After this CL, sdp_offer_answer is bigger than peer_connection.
Bug: webrtc:11995
Change-Id: Ie923fabf836de46fa939fe6fd7b3d936bbc85dab
Reviewed-by: Björn Terelius <>
Commit-Queue: Harald Alvestrand <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#32301}
diff --git a/pc/ b/pc/
index cdd529d..a293459 100644
--- a/pc/
+++ b/pc/
@@ -82,17 +82,12 @@
namespace webrtc {
-// Error messages
-const char kSessionError[] = "Session error code: ";
-const char kSessionErrorDesc[] = "Session error description: ";
namespace {
// UMA metric names.
const char kSimulcastNumberOfEncodings[] =
-static const char kDefaultStreamId[] = "default";
static const char kDefaultAudioSenderId[] = "defaulta0";
static const char kDefaultVideoSenderId[] = "defaultv0";
@@ -1076,6 +1071,7 @@
rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamTrackInterface> track,
const RtpTransceiverInit& init,
bool update_negotiation_needed) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
RTC_DCHECK((media_type == cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO ||
media_type == cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO));
if (track) {
@@ -1545,81 +1541,6 @@
sdp_handler_.CreateAnswer(observer, options);
-RTCError PeerConnection::HandleLegacyOfferOptions(
- const RTCOfferAnswerOptions& options) {
- RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
- RTC_DCHECK(IsUnifiedPlan());
- if (options.offer_to_receive_audio == 0) {
- RemoveRecvDirectionFromReceivingTransceiversOfType(
- cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO);
- } else if (options.offer_to_receive_audio == 1) {
- AddUpToOneReceivingTransceiverOfType(cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO);
- } else if (options.offer_to_receive_audio > 1) {
- "offer_to_receive_audio > 1 is not supported.");
- }
- if (options.offer_to_receive_video == 0) {
- RemoveRecvDirectionFromReceivingTransceiversOfType(
- cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO);
- } else if (options.offer_to_receive_video == 1) {
- AddUpToOneReceivingTransceiverOfType(cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO);
- } else if (options.offer_to_receive_video > 1) {
- "offer_to_receive_video > 1 is not supported.");
- }
- return RTCError::OK();
-void PeerConnection::RemoveRecvDirectionFromReceivingTransceiversOfType(
- cricket::MediaType media_type) {
- for (const auto& transceiver : GetReceivingTransceiversOfType(media_type)) {
- RtpTransceiverDirection new_direction =
- RtpTransceiverDirectionWithRecvSet(transceiver->direction(), false);
- if (new_direction != transceiver->direction()) {
- RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Changing " << cricket::MediaTypeToString(media_type)
- << " transceiver (MID="
- << transceiver->mid().value_or("<not set>") << ") from "
- << RtpTransceiverDirectionToString(
- transceiver->direction())
- << " to "
- << RtpTransceiverDirectionToString(new_direction)
- << " since CreateOffer specified offer_to_receive=0";
- transceiver->internal()->set_direction(new_direction);
- }
- }
-void PeerConnection::AddUpToOneReceivingTransceiverOfType(
- cricket::MediaType media_type) {
- RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
- if (GetReceivingTransceiversOfType(media_type).empty()) {
- << "Adding one recvonly " << cricket::MediaTypeToString(media_type)
- << " transceiver since CreateOffer specified offer_to_receive=1";
- RtpTransceiverInit init;
- init.direction = RtpTransceiverDirection::kRecvOnly;
- AddTransceiver(media_type, nullptr, init,
- /*update_negotiation_needed=*/false);
- }
-PeerConnection::GetReceivingTransceiversOfType(cricket::MediaType media_type) {
- std::vector<
- rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpTransceiverProxyWithInternal<RtpTransceiver>>>
- receiving_transceivers;
- for (const auto& transceiver : transceivers_.List()) {
- if (!transceiver->stopped() && transceiver->media_type() == media_type &&
- RtpTransceiverDirectionHasRecv(transceiver->direction())) {
- receiving_transceivers.push_back(transceiver);
- }
- }
- return receiving_transceivers;
void PeerConnection::SetLocalDescription(
SetSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
SessionDescriptionInterface* desc_ptr) {
@@ -1646,49 +1567,6 @@
-void PeerConnection::RemoveStoppedTransceivers() {
- RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
- // For each transceiver in the connection's set of transceivers
- // run the following steps:
- if (!IsUnifiedPlan())
- return;
- // Traverse a copy of the transceiver list.
- auto transceiver_list = transceivers_.List();
- for (auto transceiver : transceiver_list) {
- // If transceiver is stopped, associated with an m= section
- // and the associated m= section is rejected in
- // connection.[[CurrentLocalDescription]] or
- // connection.[[CurrentRemoteDescription]], remove the
- // transceiver from the connection's set of transceivers.
- if (!transceiver->stopped()) {
- continue;
- }
- const ContentInfo* local_content =
- sdp_handler_.FindMediaSectionForTransceiver(transceiver,
- local_description());
- const ContentInfo* remote_content =
- sdp_handler_.FindMediaSectionForTransceiver(transceiver,
- remote_description());
- if ((local_content && local_content->rejected) ||
- (remote_content && remote_content->rejected)) {
- RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Dissociating transceiver"
- << " since the media section is being recycled.";
- transceiver->internal()->set_mid(absl::nullopt);
- transceiver->internal()->set_mline_index(absl::nullopt);
- transceivers_.Remove(transceiver);
- continue;
- }
- if (!local_content && !remote_content) {
- // TODO( Consider if this should be removed already
- // See
- << "Dropping stopped transceiver that was never associated";
- transceivers_.Remove(transceiver);
- continue;
- }
- }
void PeerConnection::SetRemoteDescription(
SetSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
SessionDescriptionInterface* desc_ptr) {
@@ -1703,38 +1581,6 @@
sdp_handler_.SetRemoteDescription(std::move(desc), observer);
-void PeerConnection::ProcessRemovalOfRemoteTrack(
- rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpTransceiverProxyWithInternal<RtpTransceiver>>
- transceiver,
- std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpTransceiverInterface>>* remove_list,
- std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>>* removed_streams) {
- RTC_DCHECK(transceiver->mid());
- RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Processing the removal of a track for MID="
- << *transceiver->mid();
- std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>> previous_streams =
- transceiver->internal()->receiver_internal()->streams();
- // This will remove the remote track from the streams.
- transceiver->internal()->receiver_internal()->set_stream_ids({});
- remove_list->push_back(transceiver);
- RemoveRemoteStreamsIfEmpty(previous_streams, removed_streams);
-void PeerConnection::RemoveRemoteStreamsIfEmpty(
- const std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>>& remote_streams,
- std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface>>* removed_streams) {
- RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
- // TODO( When we use stream IDs instead of
- // streams, see if the stream was removed by checking if this was the last
- // receiver with that stream ID.
- for (const auto& remote_stream : remote_streams) {
- if (remote_stream->GetAudioTracks().empty() &&
- remote_stream->GetVideoTracks().empty()) {
- remote_streams_->RemoveStream(remote_stream);
- removed_streams->push_back(remote_stream);
- }
- }
PeerConnection::GetAssociatedTransceiver(const std::string& mid) const {
@@ -2657,115 +2503,9 @@
-void PeerConnection::RemoveSenders(cricket::MediaType media_type) {
- RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
- UpdateLocalSenders(std::vector<cricket::StreamParams>(), media_type);
- UpdateRemoteSendersList(std::vector<cricket::StreamParams>(), false,
- media_type, nullptr);
-void PeerConnection::UpdateRemoteSendersList(
- const cricket::StreamParamsVec& streams,
- bool default_sender_needed,
- cricket::MediaType media_type,
- StreamCollection* new_streams) {
- RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
- RTC_DCHECK(!IsUnifiedPlan());
- std::vector<RtpSenderInfo>* current_senders =
- GetRemoteSenderInfos(media_type);
- // Find removed senders. I.e., senders where the sender id or ssrc don't match
- // the new StreamParam.
- for (auto sender_it = current_senders->begin();
- sender_it != current_senders->end();
- /* incremented manually */) {
- const RtpSenderInfo& info = *sender_it;
- const cricket::StreamParams* params =
- cricket::GetStreamBySsrc(streams, info.first_ssrc);
- std::string params_stream_id;
- if (params) {
- params_stream_id =
- (!params->first_stream_id().empty() ? params->first_stream_id()
- : kDefaultStreamId);
- }
- bool sender_exists = params && params->id == info.sender_id &&
- params_stream_id == info.stream_id;
- // If this is a default track, and we still need it, don't remove it.
- if ((info.stream_id == kDefaultStreamId && default_sender_needed) ||
- sender_exists) {
- ++sender_it;
- } else {
- OnRemoteSenderRemoved(info, media_type);
- sender_it = current_senders->erase(sender_it);
- }
- }
- // Find new and active senders.
- for (const cricket::StreamParams& params : streams) {
- if (!params.has_ssrcs()) {
- // The remote endpoint has streams, but didn't signal ssrcs. For an active
- // sender, this means it is coming from a Unified Plan endpoint,so we just
- // create a default.
- default_sender_needed = true;
- break;
- }
- // || is the sender id and the stream id uses the first of
- // |params.stream_ids|. The remote description could come from a Unified
- // Plan endpoint, with multiple or no stream_ids() signaled. Since this is
- // not supported in Plan B, we just take the first here and create the
- // default stream ID if none is specified.
- const std::string& stream_id =
- (!params.first_stream_id().empty() ? params.first_stream_id()
- : kDefaultStreamId);
- const std::string& sender_id =;
- uint32_t ssrc = params.first_ssrc();
- rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface> stream =
- remote_streams_->find(stream_id);
- if (!stream) {
- // This is a new MediaStream. Create a new remote MediaStream.
- stream = MediaStreamProxy::Create(rtc::Thread::Current(),
- MediaStream::Create(stream_id));
- remote_streams_->AddStream(stream);
- new_streams->AddStream(stream);
- }
- const RtpSenderInfo* sender_info =
- FindSenderInfo(*current_senders, stream_id, sender_id);
- if (!sender_info) {
- current_senders->push_back(RtpSenderInfo(stream_id, sender_id, ssrc));
- OnRemoteSenderAdded(current_senders->back(), media_type);
- }
- }
- // Add default sender if necessary.
- if (default_sender_needed) {
- rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamInterface> default_stream =
- remote_streams_->find(kDefaultStreamId);
- if (!default_stream) {
- // Create the new default MediaStream.
- default_stream = MediaStreamProxy::Create(
- rtc::Thread::Current(), MediaStream::Create(kDefaultStreamId));
- remote_streams_->AddStream(default_stream);
- new_streams->AddStream(default_stream);
- }
- std::string default_sender_id = (media_type == cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO)
- ? kDefaultAudioSenderId
- : kDefaultVideoSenderId;
- const RtpSenderInfo* default_sender_info =
- FindSenderInfo(*current_senders, kDefaultStreamId, default_sender_id);
- if (!default_sender_info) {
- current_senders->push_back(
- RtpSenderInfo(kDefaultStreamId, default_sender_id, /*ssrc=*/0));
- OnRemoteSenderAdded(current_senders->back(), media_type);
- }
- }
void PeerConnection::OnRemoteSenderAdded(const RtpSenderInfo& sender_info,
cricket::MediaType media_type) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Creating " << cricket::MediaTypeToString(media_type)
<< " receiver for track_id=" << sender_info.sender_id
<< " and stream_id=" << sender_info.stream_id;
@@ -2782,6 +2522,7 @@
void PeerConnection::OnRemoteSenderRemoved(const RtpSenderInfo& sender_info,
cricket::MediaType media_type) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Removing " << cricket::MediaTypeToString(media_type)
<< " receiver for track_id=" << sender_info.sender_id
<< " and stream_id=" << sender_info.stream_id;
@@ -2833,47 +2574,9 @@
-void PeerConnection::UpdateLocalSenders(
- const std::vector<cricket::StreamParams>& streams,
- cricket::MediaType media_type) {
- RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
- std::vector<RtpSenderInfo>* current_senders = GetLocalSenderInfos(media_type);
- // Find removed tracks. I.e., tracks where the track id, stream id or ssrc
- // don't match the new StreamParam.
- for (auto sender_it = current_senders->begin();
- sender_it != current_senders->end();
- /* incremented manually */) {
- const RtpSenderInfo& info = *sender_it;
- const cricket::StreamParams* params =
- cricket::GetStreamBySsrc(streams, info.first_ssrc);
- if (!params || params->id != info.sender_id ||
- params->first_stream_id() != info.stream_id) {
- OnLocalSenderRemoved(info, media_type);
- sender_it = current_senders->erase(sender_it);
- } else {
- ++sender_it;
- }
- }
- // Find new and active senders.
- for (const cricket::StreamParams& params : streams) {
- // The sync_label is the MediaStream label and the || is the
- // sender id.
- const std::string& stream_id = params.first_stream_id();
- const std::string& sender_id =;
- uint32_t ssrc = params.first_ssrc();
- const RtpSenderInfo* sender_info =
- FindSenderInfo(*current_senders, stream_id, sender_id);
- if (!sender_info) {
- current_senders->push_back(RtpSenderInfo(stream_id, sender_id, ssrc));
- OnLocalSenderAdded(current_senders->back(), media_type);
- }
- }
void PeerConnection::OnLocalSenderAdded(const RtpSenderInfo& sender_info,
cricket::MediaType media_type) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
auto sender = FindSenderById(sender_info.sender_id);
if (!sender) {
@@ -2895,6 +2598,7 @@
void PeerConnection::OnLocalSenderRemoved(const RtpSenderInfo& sender_info,
cricket::MediaType media_type) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
auto sender = FindSenderById(sender_info.sender_id);
if (!sender) {
// This is the normal case. I.e., RemoveStream has been called and the
@@ -3198,17 +2902,9 @@
return false;
-void PeerConnection::SetSessionError(SessionError error,
- const std::string& error_desc) {
- RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
- if (error != session_error_) {
- session_error_ = error;
- session_error_desc_ = error_desc;
- }
void PeerConnection::UpdatePayloadTypeDemuxingState(
cricket::ContentSource source) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
// We may need to delete any created default streams and disable creation of
// new ones on the basis of payload type. This is needed to avoid SSRC
// collisions in Call's RtpDemuxer, in the case that a transceiver has
@@ -3288,107 +2984,6 @@
-RTCError PeerConnection::PushdownMediaDescription(
- SdpType type,
- cricket::ContentSource source) {
- const SessionDescriptionInterface* sdesc =
- (source == cricket::CS_LOCAL ? local_description()
- : remote_description());
- RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
- RTC_DCHECK(sdesc);
- UpdatePayloadTypeDemuxingState(source);
- // Push down the new SDP media section for each audio/video transceiver.
- for (const auto& transceiver : transceivers_.List()) {
- const ContentInfo* content_info =
- sdp_handler_.FindMediaSectionForTransceiver(transceiver, sdesc);
- cricket::ChannelInterface* channel = transceiver->internal()->channel();
- if (!channel || !content_info || content_info->rejected) {
- continue;
- }
- const MediaContentDescription* content_desc =
- content_info->media_description();
- if (!content_desc) {
- continue;
- }
- std::string error;
- bool success = (source == cricket::CS_LOCAL)
- ? channel->SetLocalContent(content_desc, type, &error)
- : channel->SetRemoteContent(content_desc, type, &error);
- if (!success) {
- }
- }
- // If using the RtpDataChannel, push down the new SDP section for it too.
- if (data_channel_controller_.rtp_data_channel()) {
- const ContentInfo* data_content =
- cricket::GetFirstDataContent(sdesc->description());
- if (data_content && !data_content->rejected) {
- const MediaContentDescription* data_desc =
- data_content->media_description();
- if (data_desc) {
- std::string error;
- bool success =
- (source == cricket::CS_LOCAL)
- ? data_channel_controller_.rtp_data_channel()->SetLocalContent(
- data_desc, type, &error)
- : data_channel_controller_.rtp_data_channel()->SetRemoteContent(
- data_desc, type, &error);
- if (!success) {
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Need complete offer/answer with an SCTP m= section before starting SCTP,
- // according to
- if (sctp_mid_s_ && local_description() && remote_description()) {
- rtc::scoped_refptr<SctpTransport> sctp_transport =
- transport_controller_->GetSctpTransport(*sctp_mid_s_);
- auto local_sctp_description = cricket::GetFirstSctpDataContentDescription(
- local_description()->description());
- auto remote_sctp_description = cricket::GetFirstSctpDataContentDescription(
- remote_description()->description());
- if (sctp_transport && local_sctp_description && remote_sctp_description) {
- int max_message_size;
- // A remote max message size of zero means "any size supported".
- // We configure the connection with our own max message size.
- if (remote_sctp_description->max_message_size() == 0) {
- max_message_size = local_sctp_description->max_message_size();
- } else {
- max_message_size =
- std::min(local_sctp_description->max_message_size(),
- remote_sctp_description->max_message_size());
- }
- sctp_transport->Start(local_sctp_description->port(),
- remote_sctp_description->port(), max_message_size);
- }
- }
- return RTCError::OK();
-RTCError PeerConnection::PushdownTransportDescription(
- cricket::ContentSource source,
- SdpType type) {
- RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
- if (source == cricket::CS_LOCAL) {
- const SessionDescriptionInterface* sdesc = local_description();
- RTC_DCHECK(sdesc);
- return transport_controller_->SetLocalDescription(type,
- sdesc->description());
- } else {
- const SessionDescriptionInterface* sdesc = remote_description();
- RTC_DCHECK(sdesc);
- return transport_controller_->SetRemoteDescription(type,
- sdesc->description());
- }
bool PeerConnection::GetTransportDescription(
const SessionDescription* description,
const std::string& content_name,
@@ -3653,21 +3248,6 @@
-void PeerConnection::EnableSending() {
- RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
- for (const auto& transceiver : transceivers_.List()) {
- cricket::ChannelInterface* channel = transceiver->internal()->channel();
- if (channel && !channel->enabled()) {
- channel->Enable(true);
- }
- }
- if (data_channel_controller_.rtp_data_channel() &&
- !data_channel_controller_.rtp_data_channel()->enabled()) {
- data_channel_controller_.rtp_data_channel()->Enable(true);
- }
// Returns the media index for a local ice candidate given the content name.
bool PeerConnection::GetLocalCandidateMediaIndex(
const std::string& content_name,
@@ -3791,26 +3371,6 @@
"Neither sdp_mline_index nor sdp_mid specified.");
-void PeerConnection::RemoveUnusedChannels(const SessionDescription* desc) {
- RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
- // Destroy video channel first since it may have a pointer to the
- // voice channel.
- const cricket::ContentInfo* video_info = cricket::GetFirstVideoContent(desc);
- if (!video_info || video_info->rejected) {
- DestroyTransceiverChannel(GetVideoTransceiver());
- }
- const cricket::ContentInfo* audio_info = cricket::GetFirstAudioContent(desc);
- if (!audio_info || audio_info->rejected) {
- DestroyTransceiverChannel(GetAudioTransceiver());
- }
- const cricket::ContentInfo* data_info = cricket::GetFirstDataContent(desc);
- if (!data_info || data_info->rejected) {
- DestroyDataChannelTransport();
- }
RTCError PeerConnection::CreateChannels(const SessionDescription& desc) {
// Creating the media channels. Transports should already have been created
// at this point.
@@ -4010,27 +3570,6 @@
return content->media_description()->rtcp_mux();
-const char* PeerConnection::SessionErrorToString(SessionError error) const {
- switch (error) {
- case SessionError::kNone:
- return "ERROR_NONE";
- case SessionError::kContent:
- return "ERROR_CONTENT";
- case SessionError::kTransport:
- }
- return "";
-std::string PeerConnection::GetSessionErrorMsg() {
- RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
- rtc::StringBuilder desc;
- desc << kSessionError << SessionErrorToString(session_error()) << ". ";
- desc << kSessionErrorDesc << session_error_desc() << ".";
- return desc.Release();
void PeerConnection::ReportSdpFormatReceived(
const SessionDescriptionInterface& remote_offer) {
int num_audio_mlines = 0;
@@ -4120,30 +3659,6 @@
-void PeerConnection::ReportNegotiatedSdpSemantics(
- const SessionDescriptionInterface& answer) {
- SdpSemanticNegotiated semantics_negotiated;
- switch (answer.description()->msid_signaling()) {
- case 0:
- semantics_negotiated = kSdpSemanticNegotiatedNone;
- break;
- case cricket::kMsidSignalingMediaSection:
- semantics_negotiated = kSdpSemanticNegotiatedUnifiedPlan;
- break;
- case cricket::kMsidSignalingSsrcAttribute:
- semantics_negotiated = kSdpSemanticNegotiatedPlanB;
- break;
- case cricket::kMsidSignalingMediaSection |
- cricket::kMsidSignalingSsrcAttribute:
- semantics_negotiated = kSdpSemanticNegotiatedMixed;
- break;
- default:
- }
- RTC_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("WebRTC.PeerConnection.SdpSemanticNegotiated",
- semantics_negotiated, kSdpSemanticNegotiatedMax);
// We need to check the local/remote description for the Transport instead of
// the session, because a new Transport added during renegotiation may have
// them unset while the session has them set from the previous negotiation.