blob: 1f75f66f2041270c63198dd18aeeb7966611d462 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "api/rtp_parameters.h"
#include "api/video/video_frame.h"
#include "api/video/video_source_interface.h"
#include "api/video/video_stream_encoder_observer.h"
#include "api/video_codecs/video_codec.h"
#include "api/video_codecs/video_encoder.h"
#include "api/video_codecs/video_encoder_config.h"
#include "call/adaptation/resource.h"
#include "call/adaptation/resource_adaptation_module_interface.h"
#include "rtc_base/experiments/balanced_degradation_settings.h"
#include "rtc_base/experiments/quality_rampup_experiment.h"
#include "rtc_base/experiments/quality_scaler_settings.h"
#include "system_wrappers/include/clock.h"
#include "video/encode_usage_resource.h"
#include "video/overuse_frame_detector.h"
#include "video/quality_scaler_resource.h"
namespace webrtc {
class VideoStreamEncoder;
// This class is used by the VideoStreamEncoder and is responsible for adapting
// resolution up or down based on encode usage percent. It keeps track of video
// source settings, adaptation counters and may get influenced by
// VideoStreamEncoder's quality scaler through AdaptUp() and AdaptDown() calls.
// This class is single-threaded. The caller is responsible for ensuring safe
// usage.
// TODO(hbos): Add unittests specific to this class, it is currently only tested
// indirectly in and other tests exercising
// VideoStreamEncoder.
// TODO(hbos): Create and implement an abstract interface
// ResourceAdaptationModuleInterface and make this class inherit it. Use the
// generic interface in VideoStreamEncoder, unblocking other modules from being
// implemented and used.
class OveruseFrameDetectorResourceAdaptationModule
: public ResourceAdaptationModuleInterface,
public ResourceListener {
// The module can be constructed on any sequence, but must be initialized and
// used on a single sequence, e.g. the encoder queue.
Clock* clock,
bool experiment_cpu_load_estimator,
std::unique_ptr<OveruseFrameDetector> overuse_detector,
VideoStreamEncoderObserver* encoder_stats_observer,
ResourceAdaptationModuleListener* adaptation_listener);
~OveruseFrameDetectorResourceAdaptationModule() override;
DegradationPreference degradation_preference() const {
return degradation_preference_;
// ResourceAdaptationModuleInterface implementation.
void StartResourceAdaptation(
ResourceAdaptationModuleListener* adaptation_listener) override;
void StopResourceAdaptation() override;
// Uses a default AdaptReason of kCpu.
void AddResource(Resource* resource) override;
void AddResource(Resource* resource,
AdaptationObserverInterface::AdaptReason reason);
void SetHasInputVideo(bool has_input_video) override;
void SetDegradationPreference(
DegradationPreference degradation_preference) override;
void SetEncoderSettings(EncoderSettings encoder_settings) override;
void SetStartBitrate(DataRate start_bitrate) override;
void SetTargetBitrate(DataRate target_bitrate) override;
void SetEncoderRates(
const VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters& encoder_rates) override;
void OnFrame(const VideoFrame& frame) override;
void OnFrameDroppedDueToSize() override;
void OnMaybeEncodeFrame() override;
void OnEncodeStarted(const VideoFrame& cropped_frame,
int64_t time_when_first_seen_us) override;
void OnEncodeCompleted(const EncodedImage& encoded_image,
int64_t time_sent_in_us,
absl::optional<int> encode_duration_us) override;
void OnFrameDropped(EncodedImageCallback::DropReason reason) override;
// TODO(hbos): Is dropping initial frames really just a special case of "don't
// encode frames right now"? Can this be part of VideoSourceRestrictions,
// which handles the output of the rest of the encoder settings? This is
// something we'll need to support for "disable video due to overuse", not
// initial frames.
bool DropInitialFrames() const;
// TODO(eshr): This can be made private if we configure on
// SetDegredationPreference and SetEncoderSettings.
// (
void ConfigureQualityScaler(const VideoEncoder::EncoderInfo& encoder_info);
// ResourceUsageListener implementation.
ResourceListenerResponse OnResourceUsageStateMeasured(
const Resource& resource) override;
class VideoSourceRestrictor;
class AdaptCounter;
class InitialFrameDropper;
enum class State { kStopped, kStarted };
struct AdaptationRequest {
// The pixel count produced by the source at the time of the adaptation.
int input_pixel_count_;
// Framerate received from the source at the time of the adaptation.
int framerate_fps_;
// Indicates if request was to adapt up or down.
enum class Mode { kAdaptUp, kAdaptDown } mode_;
// Preconditions for OnResourceUnderuse() to adapt up.
bool CanAdaptUp(AdaptationObserverInterface::AdaptReason reason,
const AdaptationRequest& adaptation_request) const;
// Adapts up if preconditions apply and VideoSourceRestrictor allows it.
// TODO( This method is still a "Maybe" method
// due to the remaining VideoSourceRestrictor logic and it implicitly
// calculating the tareet. Instead have the steps "GetNextTarget",
// "CanApplyTarget?" and "DoApplyTarget!". In the future "GetNextTarget" and
// "CanApplyTarget?" may even be merged, such that "GetNextTarget" always
// returns a valid target (or null if there is no next target).
void OnResourceUnderuse(AdaptationObserverInterface::AdaptReason reason);
// Preconditions for OnResourceOveruse() to adapt down.
bool CanAdaptDown(const AdaptationRequest& adaptation_request) const;
// Adapts down if preconditions apply and VideoSourceRestrictor allows it.
ResourceListenerResponse OnResourceOveruse(
AdaptationObserverInterface::AdaptReason reason);
CpuOveruseOptions GetCpuOveruseOptions() const;
VideoCodecType GetVideoCodecTypeOrGeneric() const;
int LastInputFrameSizeOrDefault() const;
VideoStreamEncoderObserver::AdaptationSteps GetActiveCounts(
AdaptationObserverInterface::AdaptReason reason);
void ClearAdaptCounters();
const AdaptCounter& GetConstAdaptCounter() const;
// Makes |video_source_restrictions_| up-to-date and informs the
// |adaptation_listener_| if restrictions are changed, allowing the listener
// to reconfigure the source accordingly.
void MaybeUpdateVideoSourceRestrictions();
// Calculates an up-to-date value of the target frame rate and informs the
// |encode_usage_resource_| of the new value.
void MaybeUpdateTargetFrameRate();
// Use nullopt to disable quality scaling.
void UpdateQualityScalerSettings(
absl::optional<VideoEncoder::QpThresholds> qp_thresholds);
void UpdateAdaptationStats(AdaptationObserverInterface::AdaptReason reason);
DegradationPreference EffectiveDegradationPreference() const;
AdaptCounter& GetAdaptCounter();
bool CanAdaptUpResolution(int pixels, uint32_t bitrate_bps) const;
// Checks to see if we should execute the quality rampup experiment. The
// experiment resets all video restrictions at the start of the call in the
// case the bandwidth estimate is high enough.
// TODO( Move experiment details into an inner
// class.
void MaybePerformQualityRampupExperiment();
void ResetVideoSourceRestrictions();
ResourceAdaptationModuleListener* const adaptation_listener_;
Clock* clock_;
State state_;
const bool experiment_cpu_load_estimator_;
// The restrictions that |adaptation_listener_| is informed of.
VideoSourceRestrictions video_source_restrictions_;
bool has_input_video_;
DegradationPreference degradation_preference_;
// Counters used for deciding if the video resolution or framerate is
// currently restricted, and if so, why, on a per degradation preference
// basis.
// TODO(sprang): Replace this with a state holding a relative overuse measure
// instead, that can be translated into suitable down-scale or fps limit.
std::map<const DegradationPreference, AdaptCounter> adapt_counters_;
const BalancedDegradationSettings balanced_settings_;
// Stores a snapshot of the last adaptation request triggered by an AdaptUp
// or AdaptDown signal.
absl::optional<AdaptationRequest> last_adaptation_request_;
// Keeps track of source restrictions that this adaptation module outputs.
const std::unique_ptr<VideoSourceRestrictor> source_restrictor_;
const std::unique_ptr<EncodeUsageResource> encode_usage_resource_;
const std::unique_ptr<QualityScalerResource> quality_scaler_resource_;
const std::unique_ptr<InitialFrameDropper> initial_frame_dropper_;
const bool quality_scaling_experiment_enabled_;
absl::optional<int> last_input_frame_size_;
absl::optional<double> target_frame_rate_;
// This is the last non-zero target bitrate for the encoder.
absl::optional<uint32_t> encoder_target_bitrate_bps_;
absl::optional<VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters> encoder_rates_;
bool quality_rampup_done_;
QualityRampupExperiment quality_rampup_experiment_;
absl::optional<EncoderSettings> encoder_settings_;
VideoStreamEncoderObserver* const encoder_stats_observer_;
// Ties a resource to a reason for statistical reporting. This AdaptReason is
// also used by this module to make decisions about how to adapt up/down.
struct ResourceAndReason {
ResourceAndReason(Resource* resource,
AdaptationObserverInterface::AdaptReason reason)
: resource(resource), reason(reason) {}
virtual ~ResourceAndReason() = default;
Resource* const resource;
const AdaptationObserverInterface::AdaptReason reason;
std::vector<ResourceAndReason> resources_;
} // namespace webrtc