1. 74f0f35 Delete a chain of methods in ViE, VoE and ACM by henrik.lundin · 9 years ago
  2. 0d26605 VoE: apply new style guide on VoE interfaces and their implementations by Jelena Marusic · 10 years ago
  3. 822fbd8 Update talk to 50918584. by wu@webrtc.org · 12 years ago
  4. aa4d96a Revert r4301 by tnakamura@webrtc.org · 12 years ago
  5. 66b2e5c Breaking out receive-stats, rtp-payload-registry and rtp-receiver from the by stefan@webrtc.org · 12 years ago
  6. d900e8b Proper spacing for end-of-namespace comments. by pbos@webrtc.org · 12 years ago
  7. e46c8d3 API to control target delay in NetEq jitter buffer. NetEq maintains the given delay unless channel conditions require a higher delay. by turaj@webrtc.org · 12 years ago
  8. 1de0135 Adding playout buffer status to the voe video sync by pwestin@webrtc.org · 12 years ago
  9. 6388c3e Implement initial delay. This CL allows clients of VoE to set an initial delay. Playout of audio is delayed and the extra playout delay is maintained during the call. While packets are buffered (in NetEq) to acheive the desired delay. ACM will playout silence (zeros). Initial delay has to be set before any packet is pushed into ACM. by turaj@webrtc.org · 12 years ago
  10. 14b43be Move src/ -> webrtc/ by andrew@webrtc.org · 12 years ago[Renamed from src/voice_engine/voe_video_sync_impl.h]
  11. 6f8db36 Reorganize voice_engine/. by andrew@webrtc.org · 13 years ago[Renamed from src/voice_engine/main/source/voe_video_sync_impl.h]
  12. a990e12 * Change the reference counting implementation for VoE to be per object and by tommi@webrtc.org · 13 years ago
  13. 851becd Remove public virtual voe::SharedData inheritance. by tommi@webrtc.org · 13 years ago
  14. 9ff87db Remove the diamond inheritance pattern from VoEVideoSyncImpl in attempt to see if this fixes coverity reports. by tommi@webrtc.org · 13 years ago
  15. 470e71d by niklase@google.com · 14 years ago