blob: 204cc60b582001f0e7b7de3d42a12cf461267036 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// This file contains codec dependent definitions that are needed in
// order to compile the WebRTC codebase, even if this codec is not used.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "modules/video_coding/codecs/interface/common_constants.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
namespace webrtc {
const int16_t kMaxOneBytePictureId = 0x7F; // 7 bits
const int16_t kMaxTwoBytePictureId = 0x7FFF; // 15 bits
const uint8_t kNoSpatialIdx = 0xFF;
const uint8_t kNoGofIdx = 0xFF;
const uint8_t kNumVp9Buffers = 8;
const size_t kMaxVp9RefPics = 3;
const size_t kMaxVp9FramesInGof = 0xFF; // 8 bits
const size_t kMaxVp9NumberOfSpatialLayers = 8;
const int kMinVp9SpatialLayerLongSideLength = 240;
const int kMinVp9SpatialLayerShortSideLength = 135;
enum TemporalStructureMode {
kTemporalStructureMode1, // 1 temporal layer structure - i.e., IPPP...
kTemporalStructureMode2, // 2 temporal layers 01...
kTemporalStructureMode3, // 3 temporal layers 0212...
struct GofInfoVP9 {
void SetGofInfoVP9(TemporalStructureMode tm) {
switch (tm) {
case kTemporalStructureMode1:
num_frames_in_gof = 1;
temporal_idx[0] = 0;
temporal_up_switch[0] = true;
num_ref_pics[0] = 1;
pid_diff[0][0] = 1;
case kTemporalStructureMode2:
num_frames_in_gof = 2;
temporal_idx[0] = 0;
temporal_up_switch[0] = true;
num_ref_pics[0] = 1;
pid_diff[0][0] = 2;
temporal_idx[1] = 1;
temporal_up_switch[1] = true;
num_ref_pics[1] = 1;
pid_diff[1][0] = 1;
case kTemporalStructureMode3:
num_frames_in_gof = 4;
temporal_idx[0] = 0;
temporal_up_switch[0] = true;
num_ref_pics[0] = 1;
pid_diff[0][0] = 4;
temporal_idx[1] = 2;
temporal_up_switch[1] = true;
num_ref_pics[1] = 1;
pid_diff[1][0] = 1;
temporal_idx[2] = 1;
temporal_up_switch[2] = true;
num_ref_pics[2] = 1;
pid_diff[2][0] = 2;
temporal_idx[3] = 2;
temporal_up_switch[3] = true;
num_ref_pics[3] = 1;
pid_diff[3][0] = 1;
void CopyGofInfoVP9(const GofInfoVP9& src) {
num_frames_in_gof = src.num_frames_in_gof;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_frames_in_gof; ++i) {
temporal_idx[i] = src.temporal_idx[i];
temporal_up_switch[i] = src.temporal_up_switch[i];
num_ref_pics[i] = src.num_ref_pics[i];
for (uint8_t r = 0; r < num_ref_pics[i]; ++r) {
pid_diff[i][r] = src.pid_diff[i][r];
friend bool operator==(const GofInfoVP9& lhs, const GofInfoVP9& rhs) {
if (lhs.num_frames_in_gof != rhs.num_frames_in_gof ||
lhs.pid_start != rhs.pid_start)
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < lhs.num_frames_in_gof; ++i) {
if (lhs.temporal_idx[i] != rhs.temporal_idx[i] ||
lhs.temporal_up_switch[i] != rhs.temporal_up_switch[i] ||
lhs.num_ref_pics[i] != rhs.num_ref_pics[i]) {
return false;
for (uint8_t r = 0; r < lhs.num_ref_pics[i]; ++r) {
if (lhs.pid_diff[i][r] != rhs.pid_diff[i][r])
return false;
return true;
friend bool operator!=(const GofInfoVP9& lhs, const GofInfoVP9& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
size_t num_frames_in_gof;
uint8_t temporal_idx[kMaxVp9FramesInGof];
bool temporal_up_switch[kMaxVp9FramesInGof];
uint8_t num_ref_pics[kMaxVp9FramesInGof];
uint8_t pid_diff[kMaxVp9FramesInGof][kMaxVp9RefPics];
uint16_t pid_start;
struct RTPVideoHeaderVP9 {
void InitRTPVideoHeaderVP9() {
inter_pic_predicted = false;
flexible_mode = false;
beginning_of_frame = false;
end_of_frame = false;
ss_data_available = false;
non_ref_for_inter_layer_pred = false;
picture_id = kNoPictureId;
max_picture_id = kMaxTwoBytePictureId;
tl0_pic_idx = kNoTl0PicIdx;
temporal_idx = kNoTemporalIdx;
spatial_idx = kNoSpatialIdx;
temporal_up_switch = false;
inter_layer_predicted = false;
gof_idx = kNoGofIdx;
num_ref_pics = 0;
num_spatial_layers = 1;
first_active_layer = 0;
end_of_picture = true;
friend bool operator==(const RTPVideoHeaderVP9& lhs,
const RTPVideoHeaderVP9& rhs) {
if (lhs.inter_pic_predicted != rhs.inter_pic_predicted ||
lhs.flexible_mode != rhs.flexible_mode ||
lhs.beginning_of_frame != rhs.beginning_of_frame ||
lhs.end_of_frame != rhs.end_of_frame ||
lhs.ss_data_available != rhs.ss_data_available ||
lhs.non_ref_for_inter_layer_pred != rhs.non_ref_for_inter_layer_pred ||
lhs.picture_id != rhs.picture_id ||
lhs.max_picture_id != rhs.max_picture_id ||
lhs.tl0_pic_idx != rhs.tl0_pic_idx ||
lhs.temporal_idx != rhs.temporal_idx ||
lhs.spatial_idx != rhs.spatial_idx || lhs.gof_idx != rhs.gof_idx ||
lhs.temporal_up_switch != rhs.temporal_up_switch ||
lhs.inter_layer_predicted != rhs.inter_layer_predicted ||
lhs.num_ref_pics != rhs.num_ref_pics ||
lhs.end_of_picture != rhs.end_of_picture) {
return false;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < lhs.num_ref_pics; ++i) {
if (lhs.pid_diff[i] != rhs.pid_diff[i] ||
lhs.ref_picture_id[i] != rhs.ref_picture_id[i]) {
return false;
if (lhs.ss_data_available) {
if (lhs.spatial_layer_resolution_present !=
rhs.spatial_layer_resolution_present ||
lhs.num_spatial_layers != rhs.num_spatial_layers ||
lhs.first_active_layer != rhs.first_active_layer ||
lhs.gof != rhs.gof) {
return false;
if (lhs.spatial_layer_resolution_present) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < lhs.num_spatial_layers; i++) {
if (lhs.width[i] != rhs.width[i] || lhs.height[i] != rhs.height[i]) {
return false;
return true;
friend bool operator!=(const RTPVideoHeaderVP9& lhs,
const RTPVideoHeaderVP9& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
bool inter_pic_predicted; // This layer frame is dependent on previously
// coded frame(s).
bool flexible_mode; // This frame is in flexible mode.
bool beginning_of_frame; // True if this packet is the first in a VP9 layer
// frame.
bool end_of_frame; // True if this packet is the last in a VP9 layer frame.
bool ss_data_available; // True if SS data is available in this payload
// descriptor.
bool non_ref_for_inter_layer_pred; // True for frame which is not used as
// reference for inter-layer prediction.
int16_t picture_id; // PictureID index, 15 bits;
// kNoPictureId if PictureID does not exist.
int16_t max_picture_id; // Maximum picture ID index; either 0x7F or 0x7FFF;
int16_t tl0_pic_idx; // TL0PIC_IDX, 8 bits;
// kNoTl0PicIdx means no value provided.
uint8_t temporal_idx; // Temporal layer index, or kNoTemporalIdx.
uint8_t spatial_idx; // Spatial layer index, or kNoSpatialIdx.
bool temporal_up_switch; // True if upswitch to higher frame rate is possible
// meaning subsequent higher temporal layer pictures
// will not depend on any picture before the current
// picture (in coding order) with temporal layer ID
// greater than `temporal_idx` of this frame.
bool inter_layer_predicted; // Frame is dependent on directly lower spatial
// layer frame.
uint8_t gof_idx; // Index to predefined temporal frame info in SS data.
uint8_t num_ref_pics; // Number of reference pictures used by this layer
// frame.
uint8_t pid_diff[kMaxVp9RefPics]; // P_DIFF signaled to derive the PictureID
// of the reference pictures.
int16_t ref_picture_id[kMaxVp9RefPics]; // PictureID of reference pictures.
// SS data.
size_t num_spatial_layers; // Always populated.
size_t first_active_layer; // Not sent on wire, used to adjust ss data.
bool spatial_layer_resolution_present;
uint16_t width[kMaxVp9NumberOfSpatialLayers];
uint16_t height[kMaxVp9NumberOfSpatialLayers];
GofInfoVP9 gof;
bool end_of_picture; // This frame is the last frame in picture.
} // namespace webrtc