blob: 569f4da47bc6d22c5b1b130432bccbd18fcb6b7c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
# tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
# in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
# Usage: {dir}
# Looks for headers in the git repository and suggests renames to add
# underscores to files that are missing them.
# Outputs a sorted sequence of renames in the form:
# d/hdr1.h --> d/hdr2.h
# If the rename could not be automatically deduced, the output will look like:
# d/hdr1.h --> d/???.h
for old_path in $(git ls-files "${1:+$1/}*.h"); do
# Extract the file name (without the .h).
old_name=$(basename "$old_path" .h)
# If there is an underscore already, assume it does not need to be renamed.
if [[ "$old_name" =~ _ ]]; then
# If there are capital letters it's likely an Objective C file which does
# not need to be renamed.
if [[ "$old_name" =~ [A-Z] ]]; then
# We need to know where to put the underscores, so try a heuristic:
# 1. Look for any sequence in the file that matches (case insensitively) the
# file name.
# 2. Remove any results which are either all lower case or all upper case
# (these aren't going to help).
# 3. Convert the results (in camel case) into snake case.
# 4. Deduplicate.
# If there is only one result then we're good: there's an unambiguous
# translation in the file into snake case. Otherwise, we throw up our hands
# and defer to a human.
cat "$old_path" |
sed 's/^.*PROXY_MAP(\(.*\))$/class \1Proxy/' |
grep -io "$old_name" |
grep -v "$old_name" |
grep -v $(echo "$old_name" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') |
perl -pe 's/([A-Z][a-z])/_$1/g' |
perl -pe 's/^_?//' |
tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' |
sort -u)
if [[ $(echo "$candidates" | wc -w) -eq 1 ]]; then
# We only have one candidate: great! This is most likely correct.
# If the candidate is the same as the file name, then no need to rename.
if [ "$old_name" == "$candidates" ]; then
echo "$old_path --> $(dirname "$old_path")/${candidates}.h"
# Either got 0 candidates or more than 1, need human intervention.
echo "$old_path --> $(dirname "$old_path")/???.h"
done | sort