Add documentation for video/adaptation

Bug: webrtc:12564
Change-Id: I24e807be6e7bbf1cd6d8b7ed0fa25bde6b257f34
Commit-Queue: Evan Shrubsole <>
Reviewed-by: Artem Titov <>
Reviewed-by: Henrik Andreassson <>
Reviewed-by: Henrik Boström <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#33728}
diff --git a/g3doc/ b/g3doc/
index 5e0a9a8..95671df 100644
--- a/g3doc/
+++ b/g3doc/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
       * AudioProcessingModule
         * [APM](/modules/audio_processing/g3doc/
     *   Video
+      * [Adaptation](/video/g3doc/
     *   DataChannel
     *   PeerConnection
     *   Desktop capture
diff --git a/video/g3doc/ b/video/g3doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2dc3379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/video/g3doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+<?% config.freshness.reviewed = '2021-04-13' %?>
+<?% config.freshness.owner = 'eshr' %?>
+# Video Adaptation
+Video adaptation is a mechanism which reduces the bandwidth or CPU consumption
+by reducing encoded video quality.
+## Overview
+Adaptation occurs when a _Resource_ signals that it is currently underused or
+overused. When overused, the video quality is decreased and when underused, the
+video quality is increased. There are currently two dimensions in which the
+quality can be adapted: frame-rate and resolution. The dimension that is adapted
+is based on the degradation preference for the video track.
+## Resources
+_Resources_ monitor metrics from the system or the video stream. For example, a
+resource could monitor system temperature or the bandwidth usage of the video
+stream. A resource implements the [Resource][resource.h] interface. When a
+resource detects that it is overused, it calls `SetUsageState(kOveruse)`. When
+the resource is no longer overused, it can signal this using
+There are two resources that are used by default on all video tracks: Quality
+scaler resource and encode overuse resource.
+### QP Scaler Resource
+The quality scaler resource monitors the quantization parameter (QP) of the
+encoded video frames for video send stream and ensures that the quality of the
+stream is acceptable for the current resolution. After each frame is encoded the
+[QualityScaler][quality_scaler.h] is given the QP of the encoded frame. Overuse
+or underuse is signalled when the average QP is outside of the
+[QP thresholds][VideoEncoder::QpThresholds]. If the average QP is above the
+_high_ threshold, the QP scaler signals _overuse_, and when below the _low_
+threshold the QP scaler signals _underuse_.
+The thresholds are set by the video encoder in the `scaling_settings` property
+of the [EncoderInfo][EncoderInfo].
+*Note:* that the QP scaler is only enabled when the degradation preference is
+### Encode Usage Resource
+The [encoder usage resource][encode_usage_resource.h] monitors how long it takes
+to encode a video frame. This works as a good proxy measurement for CPU usage as
+contention increases when CPU usage is high, increasing the encode times of the
+video frames.
+The time is tracked from when frame encoding starts to when it is completed. If
+the average encoder usage exceeds the thresholds set, *overuse* is triggered.
+### Injecting other Resources
+A custom resource can be injected into the call using the
+[Call::AddAdaptationResource][Call::AddAdaptationResource] method.
+## Adaptation
+When a a *resource* signals the it is over or underused, this signal reaches the
+`ResourceAdaptationProcessor` who requests an `Adaptation` proposal from the
+[VideoStreamAdapter][VideoStreamAdapter]. This proposal is based on the
+degradation preference of the video stream. `ResourceAdaptationProcessor` will
+determine if the `Adaptation` should be applied based on the current adaptation
+status and the `Adaptation` proposal.
+### Degradation Preference
+There are 3 degradation preferences, described in the
+[RtpParameters][RtpParameters] header. These are
+*   `MAINTIAIN_FRAMERATE`: Adapt video resolution
+*   `MAINTIAIN_RESOLUTION`: Adapt video frame-rate.
+*   `BALANCED`: Adapt video frame-rate or resolution.
+The degradation preference is set for a video track using the
+`degradation_preference` property in the [RtpParameters][RtpParameters].
+## VideoSinkWants and video stream adaptation
+Once an adaptation is applied it notifies the video stream. The video stream
+converts this adaptation to a [VideoSinkWants][VideoSinkWants]. These sink wants
+indicate to the video stream that some restrictions should be applied to the
+stream before it is sent to encoding. It has a few properties, but for
+adaptation the properties that might be set are:
+*   `target_pixel_count`: The desired number of pixels for each video frame. The
+    actual pixel count should be close to this but does not have to be exact so
+    that aspect ratio can be maintained.
+*   `max_pixel_count`: The maximum number of pixels in each video frame. This
+    value can not be exceeded if set.
+*   `max_framerate_fps`: The maximum frame-rate for the video source. The source
+    is expected to drop frames that cause this threshold to be exceeded.
+The `VideoSinkWants` can be applied by any video source, or one may use the
+[AdaptedVideoTraceSource][adapted_video_track_source.h] which is a base class
+for sources that need video adaptation.