WebRTC supported plaftorms and compilers

Operating systems and CPUs

The list of officially supported operating systems and CPUs is:

  • Android: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64.
  • iOS: arm64, x86_64.
  • Linux: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64.
  • macOS: x86_64, arm64.
  • Windows: x86_64.

Other platforms are not officially supported (which means there is no CI coverage for them) but patches to keep WebRTC working with them are welcomed by the WebRTC Team.


WebRTC officially supports clang on all the supported platforms. The clang version officially supported is the one used by Chromium (hence the version is really close to Tip of Tree and can be checked here by looking at the value of CLANG_REVISION).

See also here for some clang related documentation from Chromium.

Other compilers are not officially supported (which means there is no CI coverage for them) but patches to keep WebRTC working with them are welcomed by the WebRTC Team.