blob: a156afdc026f3aa2164a78e3b0c6ece9b694bdfd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "media/base/sdp_video_format_utils.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include "api/video_codecs/h264_profile_level_id.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/string_to_number.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
const char kProfileLevelId[] = "profile-level-id";
const char kH264LevelAsymmetryAllowed[] = "level-asymmetry-allowed";
// Max frame rate for VP8 and VP9 video.
const char kVPxFmtpMaxFrameRate[] = "max-fr";
// Max frame size for VP8 and VP9 video.
const char kVPxFmtpMaxFrameSize[] = "max-fs";
const int kVPxFmtpFrameSizeSubBlockPixels = 256;
bool IsH264LevelAsymmetryAllowed(const SdpVideoFormat::Parameters& params) {
const auto it = params.find(kH264LevelAsymmetryAllowed);
return it != params.end() && strcmp(it->second.c_str(), "1") == 0;
// Compare H264 levels and handle the level 1b case.
bool H264LevelIsLess(H264Level a, H264Level b) {
if (a == H264Level::kLevel1_b)
return b != H264Level::kLevel1 && b != H264Level::kLevel1_b;
if (b == H264Level::kLevel1_b)
return a == H264Level::kLevel1;
return a < b;
H264Level H264LevelMin(H264Level a, H264Level b) {
return H264LevelIsLess(a, b) ? a : b;
absl::optional<int> ParsePositiveNumberFromParams(
const SdpVideoFormat::Parameters& params,
const char* parameter_name) {
const auto max_frame_rate_it = params.find(parameter_name);
if (max_frame_rate_it == params.end())
return absl::nullopt;
const absl::optional<int> i =
if (!i.has_value() || i.value() <= 0)
return absl::nullopt;
return i;
} // namespace
// Set level according to
void H264GenerateProfileLevelIdForAnswer(
const SdpVideoFormat::Parameters& local_supported_params,
const SdpVideoFormat::Parameters& remote_offered_params,
SdpVideoFormat::Parameters* answer_params) {
// If both local and remote haven't set profile-level-id, they are both using
// the default profile. In this case, don't set profile-level-id in answer
// either.
if (!local_supported_params.count(kProfileLevelId) &&
!remote_offered_params.count(kProfileLevelId)) {
// Parse profile-level-ids.
const absl::optional<H264ProfileLevelId> local_profile_level_id =
const absl::optional<H264ProfileLevelId> remote_profile_level_id =
// The local and remote codec must have valid and equal H264 Profiles.
// Parse level information.
const bool level_asymmetry_allowed =
IsH264LevelAsymmetryAllowed(local_supported_params) &&
const H264Level local_level = local_profile_level_id->level;
const H264Level remote_level = remote_profile_level_id->level;
const H264Level min_level = H264LevelMin(local_level, remote_level);
// Determine answer level. When level asymmetry is not allowed, level upgrade
// is not allowed, i.e., the level in the answer must be equal to or lower
// than the level in the offer.
const H264Level answer_level =
level_asymmetry_allowed ? local_level : min_level;
// Set the resulting profile-level-id in the answer parameters.
(*answer_params)[kProfileLevelId] = *H264ProfileLevelIdToString(
H264ProfileLevelId(local_profile_level_id->profile, answer_level));
absl::optional<int> ParseSdpForVPxMaxFrameRate(
const SdpVideoFormat::Parameters& params) {
return ParsePositiveNumberFromParams(params, kVPxFmtpMaxFrameRate);
absl::optional<int> ParseSdpForVPxMaxFrameSize(
const SdpVideoFormat::Parameters& params) {
const absl::optional<int> i =
ParsePositiveNumberFromParams(params, kVPxFmtpMaxFrameSize);
return i ? absl::make_optional(i.value() * kVPxFmtpFrameSizeSubBlockPixels)
: absl::nullopt;
} // namespace webrtc