blob: dba591cb44a4769e08794ca63379cf031d31e6d0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "webrtc/libjingle/xmpp/asyncsocket.h"
#include "webrtc/libjingle/xmpp/xmppclientsettings.h"
#include "webrtc/libjingle/xmpp/xmppengine.h"
#include "webrtc/libjingle/xmpp/xmpptask.h"
#include "webrtc/base/sigslot.h"
#include "webrtc/base/task.h"
namespace buzz {
class PreXmppAuth;
class CaptchaChallenge;
// Just some non-colliding number. Could have picked "1".
#define XMPP_CLIENT_TASK_CODE 0x366c1e47
// See Task first. XmppClient is a parent task for XmppTasks.
// XmppClient is a task which is designed to be the parent task for
// all tasks that depend on a single Xmpp connection. If you want to,
// for example, listen for subscription requests forever, then your
// listener should be a task that is a child of the XmppClient that owns
// the connection you are using. XmppClient has all the utility methods
// that basically drill through to XmppEngine.
// XmppClient is just a wrapper for XmppEngine, and if I were writing it
// all over again, I would make XmppClient == XmppEngine. Why?
// XmppEngine needs tasks too, for example it has an XmppLoginTask which
// should just be the same kind of Task instead of an XmppEngine specific
// thing. It would help do certain things like GAIA auth cleaner.
class XmppClient : public XmppTaskParentInterface,
public XmppClientInterface,
public sigslot::has_slots<>
explicit XmppClient(rtc::TaskParent * parent);
virtual ~XmppClient();
XmppReturnStatus Connect(const XmppClientSettings & settings,
const std::string & lang,
AsyncSocket * socket,
PreXmppAuth * preauth);
virtual int ProcessStart();
virtual int ProcessResponse();
XmppReturnStatus Disconnect();
sigslot::signal1<XmppEngine::State> SignalStateChange;
XmppEngine::Error GetError(int *subcode);
// When there is a <stream:error> stanza, return the stanza
// so that they can be handled.
const XmlElement *GetStreamError();
// When there is an authentication error, we may have captcha info
// that the user can use to unlock their account
CaptchaChallenge GetCaptchaChallenge();
// When authentication is successful, this returns the service token
// (if we used GAIA authentication)
std::string GetAuthMechanism();
std::string GetAuthToken();
XmppReturnStatus SendRaw(const std::string & text);
XmppEngine* engine();
sigslot::signal2<const char *, int> SignalLogInput;
sigslot::signal2<const char *, int> SignalLogOutput;
// As XmppTaskParentIntreface
virtual XmppClientInterface* GetClient() { return this; }
// As XmppClientInterface
virtual XmppEngine::State GetState() const;
virtual const Jid& jid() const;
virtual std::string NextId();
virtual XmppReturnStatus SendStanza(const XmlElement *stanza);
virtual XmppReturnStatus SendStanzaError(const XmlElement * pelOriginal,
XmppStanzaError code,
const std::string & text);
virtual void AddXmppTask(XmppTask *, XmppEngine::HandlerLevel);
virtual void RemoveXmppTask(XmppTask *);
friend class XmppTask;
void OnAuthDone();
// Internal state management
enum {
int Process(int state) {
switch (state) {
case STATE_PRE_XMPP_LOGIN: return ProcessTokenLogin();
case STATE_START_XMPP_LOGIN: return ProcessStartXmppLogin();
default: return Task::Process(state);
std::string GetStateName(int state) const {
switch (state) {
default: return Task::GetStateName(state);
int ProcessTokenLogin();
int ProcessStartXmppLogin();
void EnsureClosed();
class Private;
friend class Private;
std::unique_ptr<Private> d_;
bool delivering_signal_;
bool valid_;