blob: bcd360d88ab34c7ac8fd939069e61c70e8c6e321 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/remote_bitrate_estimator_abs_send_time.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
#include "webrtc/base/constructormagic.h"
#include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
#include "webrtc/base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/pacing/paced_sender.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/include/remote_bitrate_estimator.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/critical_section_wrapper.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/metrics.h"
#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
namespace webrtc {
enum {
kTimestampGroupLengthMs = 5,
kAbsSendTimeFraction = 18,
kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift = 8,
kInterArrivalShift = kAbsSendTimeFraction + kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift,
kInitialProbingIntervalMs = 2000,
kMinClusterSize = 4,
kMaxProbePackets = 15,
kExpectedNumberOfProbes = 3
static const double kTimestampToMs = 1000.0 /
static_cast<double>(1 << kInterArrivalShift);
template<typename K, typename V>
std::vector<K> Keys(const std::map<K, V>& map) {
std::vector<K> keys;
for (typename std::map<K, V>::const_iterator it = map.begin();
it != map.end(); ++it) {
return keys;
uint32_t ConvertMsTo24Bits(int64_t time_ms) {
uint32_t time_24_bits =
((static_cast<uint64_t>(time_ms) << kAbsSendTimeFraction) + 500) /
1000) &
return time_24_bits;
bool RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::IsWithinClusterBounds(
int send_delta_ms,
const Cluster& cluster_aggregate) {
if (cluster_aggregate.count == 0)
return true;
float cluster_mean = cluster_aggregate.send_mean_ms /
return fabs(static_cast<float>(send_delta_ms) - cluster_mean) < 2.5f;
void RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::AddCluster(
std::list<Cluster>* clusters,
Cluster* cluster) {
cluster->send_mean_ms /= static_cast<float>(cluster->count);
cluster->recv_mean_ms /= static_cast<float>(cluster->count);
cluster->mean_size /= cluster->count;
RemoteBitrateObserver* observer,
Clock* clock)
: clock_(clock),
incoming_bitrate_(kBitrateWindowMs, 8000),
uma_recorded_(false) {
LOG(LS_INFO) << "RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime: Instantiating.";
void RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::ComputeClusters(
std::list<Cluster>* clusters) const {
Cluster current;
int64_t prev_send_time = -1;
int64_t prev_recv_time = -1;
for (std::list<Probe>::const_iterator it = probes_.begin();
it != probes_.end();
++it) {
if (prev_send_time >= 0) {
int send_delta_ms = it->send_time_ms - prev_send_time;
int recv_delta_ms = it->recv_time_ms - prev_recv_time;
if (send_delta_ms >= 1 && recv_delta_ms >= 1) {
if (!IsWithinClusterBounds(send_delta_ms, current)) {
if (current.count >= kMinClusterSize)
AddCluster(clusters, &current);
current = Cluster();
current.send_mean_ms += send_delta_ms;
current.recv_mean_ms += recv_delta_ms;
current.mean_size += it->payload_size;
prev_send_time = it->send_time_ms;
prev_recv_time = it->recv_time_ms;
if (current.count >= kMinClusterSize)
AddCluster(clusters, &current);
const std::list<Cluster>& clusters) const {
int highest_probe_bitrate_bps = 0;
std::list<Cluster>::const_iterator best_it = clusters.end();
for (std::list<Cluster>::const_iterator it = clusters.begin();
it != clusters.end();
++it) {
if (it->send_mean_ms == 0 || it->recv_mean_ms == 0)
if (it->num_above_min_delta > it->count / 2 &&
(it->recv_mean_ms - it->send_mean_ms <= 2.0f &&
it->send_mean_ms - it->recv_mean_ms <= 5.0f)) {
int probe_bitrate_bps =
std::min(it->GetSendBitrateBps(), it->GetRecvBitrateBps());
if (probe_bitrate_bps > highest_probe_bitrate_bps) {
highest_probe_bitrate_bps = probe_bitrate_bps;
best_it = it;
} else {
int send_bitrate_bps = it->mean_size * 8 * 1000 / it->send_mean_ms;
int recv_bitrate_bps = it->mean_size * 8 * 1000 / it->recv_mean_ms;
LOG(LS_INFO) << "Probe failed, sent at " << send_bitrate_bps
<< " bps, received at " << recv_bitrate_bps
<< " bps. Mean send delta: " << it->send_mean_ms
<< " ms, mean recv delta: " << it->recv_mean_ms
<< " ms, num probes: " << it->count;
return best_it;
RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::ProcessClusters(int64_t now_ms) {
std::list<Cluster> clusters;
if (clusters.empty()) {
// If we reach the max number of probe packets and still have no clusters,
// we will remove the oldest one.
if (probes_.size() >= kMaxProbePackets)
return ProbeResult::kNoUpdate;
std::list<Cluster>::const_iterator best_it = FindBestProbe(clusters);
if (best_it != clusters.end()) {
int probe_bitrate_bps =
std::min(best_it->GetSendBitrateBps(), best_it->GetRecvBitrateBps());
// Make sure that a probe sent on a lower bitrate than our estimate can't
// reduce the estimate.
if (IsBitrateImproving(probe_bitrate_bps)) {
LOG(LS_INFO) << "Probe successful, sent at "
<< best_it->GetSendBitrateBps() << " bps, received at "
<< best_it->GetRecvBitrateBps()
<< " bps. Mean send delta: " << best_it->send_mean_ms
<< " ms, mean recv delta: " << best_it->recv_mean_ms
<< " ms, num probes: " << best_it->count;
remote_rate_.SetEstimate(probe_bitrate_bps, now_ms);
return ProbeResult::kBitrateUpdated;
// Not probing and received non-probe packet, or finished with current set
// of probes.
if (clusters.size() >= kExpectedNumberOfProbes)
return ProbeResult::kNoUpdate;
bool RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::IsBitrateImproving(
int new_bitrate_bps) const {
bool initial_probe = !remote_rate_.ValidEstimate() && new_bitrate_bps > 0;
bool bitrate_above_estimate =
remote_rate_.ValidEstimate() &&
new_bitrate_bps > static_cast<int>(remote_rate_.LatestEstimate());
return initial_probe || bitrate_above_estimate;
void RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::IncomingPacketFeedbackVector(
const std::vector<PacketInfo>& packet_feedback_vector) {
for (const auto& packet_info : packet_feedback_vector) {
packet_info.payload_size, 0);
void RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::IncomingPacket(
int64_t arrival_time_ms,
size_t payload_size,
const RTPHeader& header) {
if (!header.extension.hasAbsoluteSendTime) {
LOG(LS_WARNING) << "RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTimeImpl: Incoming packet "
"is missing absolute send time extension!";
IncomingPacketInfo(arrival_time_ms, header.extension.absoluteSendTime,
payload_size, header.ssrc);
void RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::IncomingPacketInfo(
int64_t arrival_time_ms,
uint32_t send_time_24bits,
size_t payload_size,
uint32_t ssrc) {
RTC_CHECK(send_time_24bits < (1ul << 24));
if (!uma_recorded_) {
uma_recorded_ = true;
// Shift up send time to use the full 32 bits that inter_arrival works with,
// so wrapping works properly.
uint32_t timestamp = send_time_24bits << kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift;
int64_t send_time_ms = static_cast<int64_t>(timestamp) * kTimestampToMs;
int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
// TODO(holmer): SSRCs are only needed for REMB, should be broken out from
// here.
// Check if incoming bitrate estimate is valid, and if it needs to be reset.
rtc::Optional<uint32_t> incoming_bitrate =
if (incoming_bitrate) {
incoming_bitrate_initialized_ = true;
} else if (incoming_bitrate_initialized_) {
// Incoming bitrate had a previous valid value, but now not enough data
// point are left within the current window. Reset incoming bitrate
// estimator so that the window size will only contain new data points.
incoming_bitrate_initialized_ = false;
incoming_bitrate_.Update(payload_size, arrival_time_ms);
if (first_packet_time_ms_ == -1)
first_packet_time_ms_ = now_ms;
uint32_t ts_delta = 0;
int64_t t_delta = 0;
int size_delta = 0;
bool update_estimate = false;
uint32_t target_bitrate_bps = 0;
std::vector<uint32_t> ssrcs;
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
ssrcs_[ssrc] = now_ms;
// For now only try to detect probes while we don't have a valid estimate.
// We currently assume that only packets larger than 200 bytes are paced by
// the sender.
if (payload_size > PacedSender::kMinProbePacketSize &&
(!remote_rate_.ValidEstimate() ||
now_ms - first_packet_time_ms_ < kInitialProbingIntervalMs)) {
// TODO(holmer): Use a map instead to get correct order?
if (total_probes_received_ < kMaxProbePackets) {
int send_delta_ms = -1;
int recv_delta_ms = -1;
if (!probes_.empty()) {
send_delta_ms = send_time_ms - probes_.back().send_time_ms;
recv_delta_ms = arrival_time_ms - probes_.back().recv_time_ms;
LOG(LS_INFO) << "Probe packet received: send time=" << send_time_ms
<< " ms, recv time=" << arrival_time_ms
<< " ms, send delta=" << send_delta_ms
<< " ms, recv delta=" << recv_delta_ms << " ms.";
probes_.push_back(Probe(send_time_ms, arrival_time_ms, payload_size));
// Make sure that a probe which updated the bitrate immediately has an
// effect by calling the OnReceiveBitrateChanged callback.
if (ProcessClusters(now_ms) == ProbeResult::kBitrateUpdated)
update_estimate = true;
if (inter_arrival_->ComputeDeltas(timestamp, arrival_time_ms, now_ms,
payload_size, &ts_delta, &t_delta,
&size_delta)) {
double ts_delta_ms = (1000.0 * ts_delta) / (1 << kInterArrivalShift);
estimator_->Update(t_delta, ts_delta_ms, size_delta, detector_.State());
detector_.Detect(estimator_->offset(), ts_delta_ms,
estimator_->num_of_deltas(), arrival_time_ms);
if (!update_estimate) {
// Check if it's time for a periodic update or if we should update because
// of an over-use.
if (last_update_ms_ == -1 ||
now_ms - last_update_ms_ > remote_rate_.GetFeedbackInterval()) {
update_estimate = true;
} else if (detector_.State() == kBwOverusing) {
rtc::Optional<uint32_t> incoming_rate =
if (incoming_rate &&
remote_rate_.TimeToReduceFurther(now_ms, *incoming_rate)) {
update_estimate = true;
if (update_estimate) {
// The first overuse should immediately trigger a new estimate.
// We also have to update the estimate immediately if we are overusing
// and the target bitrate is too high compared to what we are receiving.
const RateControlInput input(detector_.State(),
remote_rate_.Update(&input, now_ms);
target_bitrate_bps = remote_rate_.UpdateBandwidthEstimate(now_ms);
update_estimate = remote_rate_.ValidEstimate();
ssrcs = Keys(ssrcs_);
if (update_estimate) {
last_update_ms_ = now_ms;
observer_->OnReceiveBitrateChanged(ssrcs, target_bitrate_bps);
void RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::Process() {}
int64_t RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::TimeUntilNextProcess() {
const int64_t kDisabledModuleTime = 1000;
return kDisabledModuleTime;
void RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::TimeoutStreams(int64_t now_ms) {
for (Ssrcs::iterator it = ssrcs_.begin(); it != ssrcs_.end();) {
if ((now_ms - it->second) > kStreamTimeOutMs) {
} else {
if (ssrcs_.empty()) {
// We can't update the estimate if we don't have any active streams.
new InterArrival((kTimestampGroupLengthMs << kInterArrivalShift) / 1000,
kTimestampToMs, true));
estimator_.reset(new OveruseEstimator(OverUseDetectorOptions()));
// We deliberately don't reset the first_packet_time_ms_ here for now since
// we only probe for bandwidth in the beginning of a call right now.
void RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::OnRttUpdate(int64_t avg_rtt_ms,
int64_t max_rtt_ms) {
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
void RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::RemoveStream(uint32_t ssrc) {
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
bool RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::LatestEstimate(
std::vector<uint32_t>* ssrcs,
uint32_t* bitrate_bps) const {
// Currently accessed from both the process thread (see
// ModuleRtpRtcpImpl::Process()) and the configuration thread (see
// Call::GetStats()). Should in the future only be accessed from a single
// thread.
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
if (!remote_rate_.ValidEstimate()) {
return false;
*ssrcs = Keys(ssrcs_);
if (ssrcs_.empty()) {
*bitrate_bps = 0;
} else {
*bitrate_bps = remote_rate_.LatestEstimate();
return true;
void RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::SetMinBitrate(int min_bitrate_bps) {
// Called from both the configuration thread and the network thread. Shouldn't
// be called from the network thread in the future.
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
} // namespace webrtc