| function [delay_struct, delayvalues] = plot_neteq_delay(delayfile, varargin) |
| |
| % InfoStruct = plot_neteq_delay(delayfile) |
| % InfoStruct = plot_neteq_delay(delayfile, 'skipdelay', skip_seconds) |
| % |
| % Henrik Lundin, 2006-11-17 |
| % Henrik Lundin, 2011-05-17 |
| % |
| |
| try |
| s = parse_delay_file(delayfile); |
| catch |
| error(lasterr); |
| end |
| |
| delayskip=0; |
| noplot=0; |
| arg_ptr=1; |
| delaypoints=[]; |
| |
| s.sn=unwrap_seqno(s.sn); |
| |
| while arg_ptr+1 <= nargin |
| switch lower(varargin{arg_ptr}) |
| case {'skipdelay', 'delayskip'} |
| % skip a number of seconds in the beginning when calculating delays |
| delayskip = varargin{arg_ptr+1}; |
| arg_ptr = arg_ptr + 2; |
| case 'noplot' |
| noplot=1; |
| arg_ptr = arg_ptr + 1; |
| case {'get_delay', 'getdelay'} |
| % return a vector of delay values for the points in the given vector |
| delaypoints = varargin{arg_ptr+1}; |
| arg_ptr = arg_ptr + 2; |
| otherwise |
| warning('Unknown switch %s\n', varargin{arg_ptr}); |
| arg_ptr = arg_ptr + 1; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| % find lost frames that were covered by one-descriptor decoding |
| one_desc_ix=find(isnan(s.arrival)); |
| for k=1:length(one_desc_ix) |
| ix=find(s.ts==max(s.ts(s.ts(one_desc_ix(k))>s.ts))); |
| s.sn(one_desc_ix(k))=s.sn(ix)+1; |
| s.pt(one_desc_ix(k))=s.pt(ix); |
| s.arrival(one_desc_ix(k))=s.arrival(ix)+s.decode(one_desc_ix(k))-s.decode(ix); |
| end |
| |
| % remove duplicate received frames that were never decoded (RED codec) |
| if length(unique(s.ts(isfinite(s.ts)))) < length(s.ts(isfinite(s.ts))) |
| ix=find(isfinite(s.decode)); |
| s.sn=s.sn(ix); |
| s.ts=s.ts(ix); |
| s.arrival=s.arrival(ix); |
| s.playout_delay=s.playout_delay(ix); |
| s.pt=s.pt(ix); |
| s.optbuf=s.optbuf(ix); |
| plen=plen(ix); |
| s.decode=s.decode(ix); |
| end |
| |
| % find non-unique sequence numbers |
| [~,un_ix]=unique(s.sn); |
| nonun_ix=setdiff(1:length(s.sn),un_ix); |
| if ~isempty(nonun_ix) |
| warning('RTP sequence numbers are in error'); |
| end |
| |
| % sort vectors |
| [s.sn,sort_ix]=sort(s.sn); |
| s.ts=s.ts(sort_ix); |
| s.arrival=s.arrival(sort_ix); |
| s.decode=s.decode(sort_ix); |
| s.playout_delay=s.playout_delay(sort_ix); |
| s.pt=s.pt(sort_ix); |
| |
| send_t=s.ts-s.ts(1); |
| if length(s.fs)<1 |
| warning('No info about sample rate found in file. Using default 8000.'); |
| s.fs(1)=8000; |
| s.fschange_ts(1)=min(s.ts); |
| elseif s.fschange_ts(1)>min(s.ts) |
| s.fschange_ts(1)=min(s.ts); |
| end |
| |
| end_ix=length(send_t); |
| for k=length(s.fs):-1:1 |
| start_ix=find(s.ts==s.fschange_ts(k)); |
| send_t(start_ix:end_ix)=send_t(start_ix:end_ix)/s.fs(k)*1000; |
| s.playout_delay(start_ix:end_ix)=s.playout_delay(start_ix:end_ix)/s.fs(k)*1000; |
| s.optbuf(start_ix:end_ix)=s.optbuf(start_ix:end_ix)/s.fs(k)*1000; |
| end_ix=start_ix-1; |
| end |
| |
| tot_time=max(send_t)-min(send_t); |
| |
| seq_ix=s.sn-min(s.sn)+1; |
| send_t=send_t+max(min(s.arrival-send_t),0); |
| |
| plot_send_t=nan*ones(max(seq_ix),1); |
| plot_send_t(seq_ix)=send_t; |
| plot_nw_delay=nan*ones(max(seq_ix),1); |
| plot_nw_delay(seq_ix)=s.arrival-send_t; |
| |
| cng_ix=find(s.pt~=13); % find those packets that are not CNG/SID |
| |
| if noplot==0 |
| h=plot(plot_send_t/1000,plot_nw_delay); |
| set(h,'color',0.75*[1 1 1]); |
| hold on |
| if any(s.optbuf~=0) |
| peak_ix=find(s.optbuf(cng_ix)<0); % peak mode is labeled with negative values |
| no_peak_ix=find(s.optbuf(cng_ix)>0); %setdiff(1:length(cng_ix),peak_ix); |
| h1=plot(send_t(cng_ix(peak_ix))/1000,... |
| s.arrival(cng_ix(peak_ix))+abs(s.optbuf(cng_ix(peak_ix)))-send_t(cng_ix(peak_ix)),... |
| 'r.'); |
| h2=plot(send_t(cng_ix(no_peak_ix))/1000,... |
| s.arrival(cng_ix(no_peak_ix))+abs(s.optbuf(cng_ix(no_peak_ix)))-send_t(cng_ix(no_peak_ix)),... |
| 'g.'); |
| set([h1, h2],'markersize',1) |
| end |
| %h=plot(send_t(seq_ix)/1000,s.decode+s.playout_delay-send_t(seq_ix)); |
| h=plot(send_t(cng_ix)/1000,s.decode(cng_ix)+s.playout_delay(cng_ix)-send_t(cng_ix)); |
| set(h,'linew',1.5); |
| hold off |
| ax1=axis; |
| axis tight |
| ax2=axis; |
| axis([ax2(1:3) ax1(4)]) |
| end |
| |
| |
| % calculate delays and other parameters |
| |
| delayskip_ix = find(send_t-send_t(1)>=delayskip*1000, 1 ); |
| |
| use_ix = intersect(cng_ix,... % use those that are not CNG/SID frames... |
| intersect(find(isfinite(s.decode)),... % ... that did arrive ... |
| (delayskip_ix:length(s.decode))')); % ... and are sent after delayskip seconds |
| |
| mean_delay = mean(s.decode(use_ix)+s.playout_delay(use_ix)-send_t(use_ix)); |
| neteq_delay = mean(s.decode(use_ix)+s.playout_delay(use_ix)-s.arrival(use_ix)); |
| |
| Npack=max(s.sn(delayskip_ix:end))-min(s.sn(delayskip_ix:end))+1; |
| nw_lossrate=(Npack-length(s.sn(delayskip_ix:end)))/Npack; |
| neteq_lossrate=(length(s.sn(delayskip_ix:end))-length(use_ix))/Npack; |
| |
| delay_struct=struct('mean_delay',mean_delay,'neteq_delay',neteq_delay,... |
| 'nw_lossrate',nw_lossrate,'neteq_lossrate',neteq_lossrate,... |
| 'tot_expand',round(s.tot_expand),'tot_accelerate',round(s.tot_accelerate),... |
| 'tot_preemptive',round(s.tot_preemptive),'tot_time',tot_time,... |
| 'filename',delayfile,'units','ms','fs',unique(s.fs)); |
| |
| if not(isempty(delaypoints)) |
| delayvalues=interp1(send_t(cng_ix),... |
| s.decode(cng_ix)+s.playout_delay(cng_ix)-send_t(cng_ix),... |
| delaypoints,'nearest',NaN); |
| else |
| delayvalues=[]; |
| end |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| function y=unwrap_seqno(x) |
| |
| jumps=find(abs((diff(x)-1))>65000); |
| |
| while ~isempty(jumps) |
| n=jumps(1); |
| if x(n+1)-x(n) < 0 |
| % negative jump |
| x(n+1:end)=x(n+1:end)+65536; |
| else |
| % positive jump |
| x(n+1:end)=x(n+1:end)-65536; |
| end |
| |
| jumps=find(abs((diff(x(n+1:end))-1))>65000); |
| end |
| |
| y=x; |
| |
| return; |