| # This file is used in addition to the one already maintained in Chrome. |
| # It acts as a place holder for future additions for WebRTC. |
| # It must exist for the Python wrapper script to work properly. |
| |
| # There are three kinds of suppressions in this file. |
| # 1. third_party libraries |
| # 2. webrtc stuff |
| # 3. libjingle stuff (talk folder) |
| #----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| # third_party libraries |
| |
| { |
| libc_free_hitting_gce_vms |
| Memcheck:Free |
| fun:free |
| fun:__libc_freeres |
| fun:_vgnU_freeres |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| Ubuntu_Precise_Itoa_Optimized_Code |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| fun:_itoa_word |
| fun:vfprintf |
| fun:vsnprintf |
| fun:snprintf |
| ... |
| } |
| |
| #----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # webrtc stuff |
| { |
| bug_3446 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| fun:vp8cx_pick_filter_level_fast |
| fun:vp8_loopfilter_frame |
| fun:encode_frame_to_data_rate |
| fun:vp8_get_compressed_data |
| fun:vp8e_encode |
| fun:vpx_codec_encode |
| ... |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc4test18VideoProcessorImpl12ProcessFrameEi |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc29VideoProcessorIntegrationTest22ProcessFramesAndVerifyENS_14QualityMetricsENS_11RateProfileENS_15CodecConfigParsEPNS_18RateControlMetricsE |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc70VideoProcessorIntegrationTest_ProcessNoLossSpatialResizeFrameDrop_Test8TestBodyEv |
| } |
| { |
| bug_1976_1 |
| Memcheck:Unaddressable |
| fun:pthread_mutex_unlock |
| fun:_ZN9rtc15CriticalSection5LeaveEv |
| fun:_ZN9rtc9CritScopeD1Ev |
| ... |
| fun:_ZN9rtc6Thread15ProcessMessagesEi |
| fun:_ZN9rtc6Thread3RunEv |
| fun:_ZN9rtc6Thread6PreRunEPv |
| } |
| { |
| bug_2100_3 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| fun:tls1_enc |
| fun:ssl3_get_record |
| fun:ssl3_read_bytes |
| fun:ssl3_read_internal |
| fun:ssl3_read |
| fun:SSL_read |
| fun:_ZN9rtc20OpenSSLStreamAdapter4ReadEPvmPmPi |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| bug_2100_4 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| fun:_ZN7testing8internal11CmpHelperEQIjhEENS_15AssertionResultEPKcS4_RKT_RKT0_ |
| fun:_ZN7testing8internal8EqHelperILb0EE7CompareIjhEENS_15AssertionResultEPKcS6_RKT_RKT0_ |
| fun:_ZN24SSLStreamAdapterTestDTLS8ReadDataEPN9rtc15StreamInterfaceE |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| bug_2100_5 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| fun:dtls1_process_record |
| fun:dtls1_get_record |
| fun:dtls1_read_bytes |
| fun:ssl3_read_internal |
| fun:ssl3_read |
| fun:SSL_read |
| fun:_ZN9rtc20OpenSSLStreamAdapter4ReadEPvmPmPi |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| BIO_new_mem_buf_1 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:malloc |
| fun:default_malloc_ex |
| fun:CRYPTO_malloc |
| fun:BUF_MEM_new |
| fun:mem_new |
| fun:BIO_set |
| fun:BIO_new |
| fun:BIO_new_mem_buf |
| fun:_ZN9rtc18OpenSSLCertificate13FromPEMStringERKSs |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| BIO_new_mem_buf_2 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:malloc |
| fun:default_malloc_ex |
| fun:CRYPTO_malloc |
| fun:BUF_MEM_new |
| fun:mem_new |
| fun:BIO_set |
| fun:BIO_new |
| fun:BIO_new_mem_buf |
| fun:_ZN9rtc15OpenSSLIdentity14FromPEMStringsERKSsS2_ |
| } |
| { |
| SignalsCloseAfterForcedCloseAll |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:_Znw* |
| fun:_ZN3rtc10HttpServer10Connection12BeginProcessEPNS_15StreamInterfaceE |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| SignalsCloseAfterForcedCloseAll2 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:_Znw* |
| fun:_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeISt4pairIKSsSsEEE8allocateEmPKv |
| fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsSsESt10_Select1stIS2_EN3rtc5ilessESaIS2_EE11_M_get_nodeEv |
| fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsSsESt10_Select1stIS2_EN3rtc5ilessESaIS2_EE14_M_create_nodeIJS2_EEEPSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIS2_EDpOT_ |
| fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsSsESt10_Select1stIS2_EN3rtc5ilessESaIS2_EE10_M_insert_IS2_EESt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS2_EPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseSE_OT_ |
| fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsSsESt10_Select1stIS2_EN3rtc5ilessESaIS2_EE15_M_insert_equalIS2_EESt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS2_EOT_ |
| fun:_ZNSt8multimapISsSsN3rtc5ilessESaISt4pairIKSsSsEEE6insertIS4_vEESt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS4_EOT_ |
| fun:_ZN3rtc8HttpData12changeHeaderERKSsS2_NS0_13HeaderCombineE |
| fun:_ZN3rtc8HttpData9setHeaderERKSsS2_b |
| fun:_ZN3rtc8HttpData9setHeaderENS_10HttpHeaderERKSsb |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| DoNotDeleteTask2 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:_Znw* |
| ... |
| fun:_ZN3rtc41unstarted_task_test_DoNotDeleteTask2_Test8TestBodyEv |
| } |
| { |
| bug_329_1 |
| Memcheck:Unaddressable |
| fun:I422ToARGBRow_SSSE3 |
| fun:I420ToARGB |
| fun:ConvertFromI420 |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc15ConvertFromI420EPKhiNS_9VideoTypeEiiiPh |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel12DeliverFrameEPhij |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel11RenderFrameEjRNS_10VideoFrameE |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream26IncomingVideoStreamProcessEv |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream28IncomingVideoStreamThreadFunEPv |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc11ThreadPosix3RunEv |
| fun:StartThread |
| } |
| |
| { |
| bug_329_3 |
| Memcheck:Unaddressable |
| fun:I422ToARGBRow_SSSE3 |
| fun:I420ToARGB |
| fun:ConvertFromI420 |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc15ConvertFromI420EPKhiNS_9VideoTypeEiiiPh |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel12DeliverFrameEPhij |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel11RenderFrameEjRNS_10VideoFrameE |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream26IncomingVideoStreamProcessEv |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream28IncomingVideoStreamThreadFunEPv |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc11ThreadPosix3RunEv |
| fun:StartThread |
| } |
| |
| { |
| bug_329_7 |
| Memcheck:Unaddressable |
| fun:I422ToARGBRow_SSSE3 |
| fun:I420ToARGB |
| fun:ConvertFromI420 |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc15ConvertFromI420ERKNS_10VideoFrameEiNS_9VideoTypeEiPh |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel12DeliverFrameERKNS_10VideoFrameE |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel11RenderFrameEjRNS_10VideoFrameE |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream26IncomingVideoStreamProcessEv |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream28IncomingVideoStreamThreadFunEPv |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc11ThreadPosix3RunEv |
| fun:StartThread |
| } |
| |
| { |
| bug_329_8 |
| Memcheck:Unaddressable |
| fun:I422ToARGBRow_SSSE3 |
| fun:I420ToARGB |
| fun:ConvertFromI420 |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc15ConvertFromI420ERKNS_10VideoFrameEiNS_9VideoTypeEiPh |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel12DeliverFrameERKNS_10VideoFrameE |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel11RenderFrameEjRNS_10VideoFrameE |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream26IncomingVideoStreamProcessEv |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream28IncomingVideoStreamThreadFunEPv |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc11ThreadPosix3RunEv |
| fun:StartThread |
| } |
| |
| { |
| bug_898_1 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| ... |
| fun:_ZN16FakeMediaProcess7ProcessEiN6webrtc15ProcessingTypesEPsiib |
| ... |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc21AudioDeviceLinuxPulse17PlayThreadProcessEv |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc21AudioDeviceLinuxPulse14PlayThreadFuncEPv |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc11ThreadPosix3RunEv |
| fun:StartThread |
| } |
| |
| { |
| bug_898_2 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| ... |
| fun:_ZN16FakeMediaProcess7ProcessEiN6webrtc15ProcessingTypesEPsiib |
| ... |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc21AudioDeviceLinuxPulse16RecThreadProcessEv |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc21AudioDeviceLinuxPulse13RecThreadFuncEPv |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc11ThreadPosix3RunEv |
| fun:StartThread |
| } |
| |
| { |
| bug_891 |
| Memcheck:Unaddressable |
| fun:XShmPutImage |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel12DeliverFrameEPhij |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc15VideoX11Channel11RenderFrameEjRNS_10VideoFrameE |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream26IncomingVideoStreamProcessEv |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc19IncomingVideoStream28IncomingVideoStreamThreadFunEPv |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc11ThreadPosix3RunEv |
| fun:StartThread |
| } |
| |
| { |
| ignore_common_benevolent_trace_library_errors |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| ... |
| fun:vsnprintf |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc5Trace3AddENS_10TraceLevelENS_11TraceModuleEiPKcz |
| ... |
| } |
| |
| { |
| bug_270_1 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| ... |
| fun:WebRtcNetEQ_RecOutInternal |
| fun:WebRtcNetEQ_RecOut |
| ... |
| } |
| |
| { |
| bug_270_2 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| fun:WebRtcNetEQ_GetSpeechOutputType |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| vfprintf |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| fun:vfprintf |
| fun:vsnprintf |
| fun:snprintf |
| ... |
| fun:_ZNK7testing8internal18FunctionMockerBaseIFbRKN6webrtc4rtcp17TransportFeedbackEEE32UntypedDescribeUninterestingCallEPKvPSo |
| fun:_ZN7testing8internal25UntypedFunctionMockerBase17UntypedInvokeWithEPKv |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc11MockRtpRtcp18SendFeedbackPacketERKNS_4rtcp17TransportFeedbackE |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc12PacketRouter12SendFeedbackEPNS_4rtcp17TransportFeedbackE |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc34PacketRouterTest_SendFeedback_Test8TestBodyEv |
| } |
| |
| |
| #----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # libjingle stuff (talk folder) |
| { |
| bug_2056_1 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:malloc |
| fun:_dl_close_worker |
| fun:_dl_close |
| fun:_dl_catch_error |
| fun:_dlerror_run |
| fun:dlclose |
| ... |
| fun:snd_device_name_hint |
| fun:_ZNK6webrtc20AudioDeviceLinuxALSA14GetDevicesInfoEibiPci |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| bug_2100_1 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| fun:_ZN7testing8internal11CmpHelperEQIiiEENS_15AssertionResultEPKcS4_RKT_RKT0_ |
| fun:_ZN7testing8internal8EqHelperILb1EE7CompareIiiEENS_15AssertionResultEPKcS6_RKT_RKT0_PNS0_8EnableIfIXntsrNS0_10is_pointerISA_EE5valueEE4typeE |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| bug_2100_2 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| fun:bcmp |
| fun:_ZN23SSLStreamAdapterTestTLS12TestTransferEi |
| ... |
| } |
| # For tests that create XMPPClient which can only be deleted by task runner. |
| { |
| HangoutPubSubClientTest |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:_Znw* |
| fun:_ZN*HangoutPubSubClientTest*Ev |
| } |
| { |
| MucRoomConfigTaskTest |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:_Znw* |
| fun:_ZN21MucRoomConfigTaskTest5SetUpEv |
| } |
| { |
| MucRoomDiscoveryTaskTest |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:_Znw* |
| fun:_ZN24MucRoomDiscoveryTaskTest5SetUpEv |
| } |
| { |
| MucRoomLookupTaskTest |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:_Znw* |
| fun:_ZN21MucRoomLookupTaskTest5SetUpEv |
| } |
| { |
| MucRoomUniqueHangoutIdTaskTest |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:_Znw* |
| fun:_ZN30MucRoomUniqueHangoutIdTaskTest5SetUpEv |
| } |
| { |
| PingTaskTest |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:_Znw* |
| fun:_ZN12PingTaskTest5SetUpEv |
| } |
| { |
| PubSubClientTest |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:_Znw* |
| fun:_ZN*PubSubClientTest*Ev |
| } |
| { |
| PubSubTasksTest |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:_Znw* |
| fun:_ZN*PubSubTasksTest*Ev |
| } |
| # failures which can't be reproduced locally |
| { |
| bug_2153_1 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:calloc |
| ... |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc26AudioMixerManagerLinuxALSA11OpenSpeakerEPc |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc20AudioDeviceLinuxALSA11InitSpeakerEv |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| bug_2153_3 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:calloc |
| obj:* |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc26AudioMixerManagerLinuxALSA14OpenMicrophoneEPc |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc20AudioDeviceLinuxALSA14InitMicrophoneEv |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| bug_2263_1 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| fun:_ZN14DtlsTestClient12VerifyPacketEPKcmPj |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| bug_3478 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:_Znw* |
| fun:_ZNK3rtc18FakeSSLCertificate12GetReferenceEv |
| fun:_ZN3rtc18FakeSSLCertificate7DupCertES0_ |
| fun:_ZSt9transformIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKN3rtc18FakeSSLCertificateESt6vectorIS3_SaIS3_EEEENS1_IPPNS2_14SSLCertificateES6_ISB_SaISB_EEEEPFPS3_S3_EET0_T_SK_SJ_T1_ |
| fun:_ZNK3rtc18FakeSSLCertificate8GetChainEPPNS_12SSLCertChainE |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc14StatsCollector21AddCertificateReportsEPKN3rtc14SSLCertificateE |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc14StatsCollector18ExtractSessionInfoEv |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc14StatsCollector11UpdateStatsENS_23PeerConnectionInterface16StatsOutputLevelE |
| fun:_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_118StatsCollectorTest22TestCertificateReportsERKN3rtc18FakeSSLCertificateERKSt6vectorISsSaISsEES4_S9_ |
| fun:_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_156StatsCollectorTest_ChainedCertificateReportsCreated_Test8TestBodyEv |
| } |
| { |
| bug_5651 |
| Memcheck:Unaddressable |
| fun:silk_NLSF_encode |
| fun:silk_process_NLSFs |
| fun:silk_process_NLSFs_FLP |
| fun:silk_find_pred_coefs_FLP |
| fun:silk_encode_frame_FLP |
| fun:silk_Encode |
| fun:opus_encode_native |
| fun:opus_encode |
| fun:WebRtcOpus_Encode |
| } |
| { |
| bug_5983 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc11DataChannel4InitERKNS_23InternalDataChannelInitE |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| bug_5984 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc15GainControlImpl19ProcessCaptureAudioEPNS_11AudioBufferEb |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| bug_5986 |
| Memcheck:Unaddressable |
| fun:silk_stereo_LR_to_MS |
| fun:silk_Encode |
| fun:opus_encode_native |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| bug_5987 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:_Znw* |
| fun:_ZN6webrtc51AudioEncoderCopyRedDeathTest_NullSpeechEncoder_Test8TestBodyEv |
| } |
| { |
| bug_5988 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:_Znw* |
| fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsSsESt10_Select1stIS2_EN3rtc5ilessESaIS2_EE15_M_insert_equalIS2_EESt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS2_EOT_ |
| fun:_ZN3rtc8HttpData12changeHeaderERKSsS2_NS0_13HeaderCombineE |
| fun:_ZN3rtc16HttpResponseData9set_errorEj |
| fun:_ZN3rtc12_GLOBAL__N_117HttpServerMonitor9OnRequestEPNS_10HttpServerEPNS_21HttpServerTransactionE |
| fun:_ZN3rtc10HttpServer10Connection14onHttpCompleteENS_8HttpModeENS_9HttpErrorE |
| fun:_ZN3rtc8HttpBase10OnCompleteENS_9HttpErrorE |
| fun:_ZN3rtc8HttpBase17OnHttpStreamEventEPNS_15StreamInterfaceEii |
| fun:_ZN7testing12StreamSource11QueueStringEPKc |
| fun:_ZN3rtc12_GLOBAL__N_122CreateClientConnectionERNS_10HttpServerERNS0_17HttpServerMonitorEb |
| fun:_ZN3rtc47HttpServer_SignalsCloseAfterForcedCloseAll_Test8TestBodyEv |
| } |
| { |
| bug_5989 |
| Memcheck:Unaddressable |
| ... |
| fun:_ZNK3rtc15CriticalSection5EnterEv |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| bug_6444_encode |
| Memcheck:Unaddressable |
| fun:pitch_search |
| fun:run_prefilter |
| fun:celt_encode_with_ec |
| fun:opus_encode_native |
| ... |
| fun:opus_encode |
| fun:WebRtcOpus_Encode |
| ... |
| } |
| { |
| bug_6444_decode |
| Memcheck:Unaddressable |
| fun:pitch_search |
| fun:celt_decode_lost |
| fun:celt_decode_with_ec |
| fun:opus_decode_frame |
| ... |
| fun:opus_decode_native |
| fun:opus_decode |
| fun:WebRtcOpus_Decode* |
| ... |
| } |