blob: 270fca0b31d2abba4d506d1a89bcfc3d23760105 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
package org.webrtc;
import static;
import static;
import android.Manifest.permission;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.os.Build;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Borrowed from Chromium's
* src/net/android/java/src/org/chromium/net/
* Used by the NetworkMonitor to listen to platform changes in connectivity.
* Note that use of this class requires that the app have the platform
public class NetworkMonitorAutoDetect extends BroadcastReceiver {
public static enum ConnectionType {
public static class IPAddress {
public final byte[] address;
public IPAddress(byte[] address) {
this.address = address;
/** Java version of NetworkMonitor.NetworkInformation */
public static class NetworkInformation {
public final String name;
public final ConnectionType type;
public final long handle;
public final IPAddress[] ipAddresses;
public NetworkInformation(
String name, ConnectionType type, long handle, IPAddress[] addresses) { = name;
this.type = type;
this.handle = handle;
this.ipAddresses = addresses;
static class NetworkState {
private final boolean connected;
// Defined from ConnectivityManager.TYPE_XXX for non-mobile; for mobile, it is
// further divided into 2G, 3G, or 4G from the subtype.
private final int type;
// Defined from NetworkInfo.subtype, which is one of the TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_XXXs.
// Will be useful to find the maximum bandwidth.
private final int subtype;
public NetworkState(boolean connected, int type, int subtype) {
this.connected = connected;
this.type = type;
this.subtype = subtype;
public boolean isConnected() {
return connected;
public int getNetworkType() {
return type;
public int getNetworkSubType() {
return subtype;
* The methods in this class get called when the network changes if the callback
* is registered with a proper network request. It is only available in Android Lollipop
* and above.
private class SimpleNetworkCallback extends NetworkCallback {
public void onAvailable(Network network) {
Logging.d(TAG, "Network becomes available: " + network.toString());
public void onCapabilitiesChanged(Network network, NetworkCapabilities networkCapabilities) {
// A capabilities change may indicate the ConnectionType has changed,
// so forward the new NetworkInformation along to the observer.
Logging.d(TAG, "capabilities changed: " + networkCapabilities.toString());
public void onLinkPropertiesChanged(Network network, LinkProperties linkProperties) {
// A link property change may indicate the IP address changes.
// so forward the new NetworkInformation to the observer.
Logging.d(TAG, "link properties changed: " + linkProperties.toString());
public void onLosing(Network network, int maxMsToLive) {
// Tell the network is going to lose in MaxMsToLive milliseconds.
// We may use this signal later.
TAG, "Network " + network.toString() + " is about to lose in " + maxMsToLive + "ms");
public void onLost(Network network) {
Logging.d(TAG, "Network " + network.toString() + " is disconnected");
private void onNetworkChanged(Network network) {
NetworkInformation networkInformation = connectivityManagerDelegate.networkToInfo(network);
if (networkInformation != null) {
/** Queries the ConnectivityManager for information about the current connection. */
static class ConnectivityManagerDelegate {
* Note: In some rare Android systems connectivityManager is null. We handle that
* gracefully below.
private final ConnectivityManager connectivityManager;
ConnectivityManagerDelegate(Context context) {
connectivityManager =
(ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
// For testing.
ConnectivityManagerDelegate() {
// All the methods below should be overridden.
connectivityManager = null;
* Returns connection type and status information about the current
* default network.
NetworkState getNetworkState() {
if (connectivityManager == null) {
return new NetworkState(false, -1, -1);
return getNetworkState(connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo());
* Returns connection type and status information about |network|.
* Only callable on Lollipop and newer releases.
NetworkState getNetworkState(Network network) {
if (connectivityManager == null) {
return new NetworkState(false, -1, -1);
return getNetworkState(connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo(network));
* Returns connection type and status information gleaned from networkInfo.
NetworkState getNetworkState(NetworkInfo networkInfo) {
if (networkInfo == null || !networkInfo.isConnected()) {
return new NetworkState(false, -1, -1);
return new NetworkState(true, networkInfo.getType(), networkInfo.getSubtype());
* Returns all connected networks.
* Only callable on Lollipop and newer releases.
Network[] getAllNetworks() {
if (connectivityManager == null) {
return new Network[0];
return connectivityManager.getAllNetworks();
List<NetworkInformation> getActiveNetworkList() {
if (!supportNetworkCallback()) {
return null;
ArrayList<NetworkInformation> netInfoList = new ArrayList<NetworkInformation>();
for (Network network : getAllNetworks()) {
NetworkInformation info = networkToInfo(network);
if (info != null) {
return netInfoList;
* Returns the NetID of the current default network. Returns
* INVALID_NET_ID if no current default network connected.
* Only callable on Lollipop and newer releases.
long getDefaultNetId() {
if (!supportNetworkCallback()) {
// Android Lollipop had no API to get the default network; only an
// API to return the NetworkInfo for the default network. To
// determine the default network one can find the network with
// type matching that of the default network.
final NetworkInfo defaultNetworkInfo = connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
if (defaultNetworkInfo == null) {
final Network[] networks = getAllNetworks();
long defaultNetId = INVALID_NET_ID;
for (Network network : networks) {
if (!hasInternetCapability(network)) {
final NetworkInfo networkInfo = connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo(network);
if (networkInfo != null && networkInfo.getType() == defaultNetworkInfo.getType()) {
// There should not be multiple connected networks of the
// same type. At least as of Android Marshmallow this is
// not supported. If this becomes supported this assertion
// may trigger. At that point we could consider using
// ConnectivityManager.getDefaultNetwork() though this
// may give confusing results with VPNs and is only
// available with Android Marshmallow.
assert defaultNetId == INVALID_NET_ID;
defaultNetId = networkToNetId(network);
return defaultNetId;
private NetworkInformation networkToInfo(Network network) {
LinkProperties linkProperties = connectivityManager.getLinkProperties(network);
// getLinkProperties will return null if the network is unknown.
if (linkProperties == null) {
Logging.w(TAG, "Detected unknown network: " + network.toString());
return null;
if (linkProperties.getInterfaceName() == null) {
Logging.w(TAG, "Null interface name for network " + network.toString());
return null;
NetworkState networkState = getNetworkState(network);
ConnectionType connectionType = getConnectionType(networkState);
if (connectionType == ConnectionType.CONNECTION_NONE) {
// This may not be an error. The OS may signal a network event with connection type
// NONE when the network disconnects.
Logging.d(TAG, "Network " + network.toString() + " is disconnected");
return null;
// Some android device may return a CONNECTION_UNKNOWN_CELLULAR or CONNECTION_UNKNOWN type,
// which appears to be usable. Just log them here.
if (connectionType == ConnectionType.CONNECTION_UNKNOWN
|| connectionType == ConnectionType.CONNECTION_UNKNOWN_CELLULAR) {
Logging.d(TAG, "Network " + network.toString() + " connection type is " + connectionType
+ " because it has type " + networkState.getNetworkType() + " and subtype "
+ networkState.getNetworkSubType());
NetworkInformation networkInformation =
new NetworkInformation(linkProperties.getInterfaceName(), connectionType,
networkToNetId(network), getIPAddresses(linkProperties));
return networkInformation;
* Returns true if {@code network} can provide Internet access. Can be used to
* ignore specialized networks (e.g. IMS, FOTA).
boolean hasInternetCapability(Network network) {
if (connectivityManager == null) {
return false;
final NetworkCapabilities capabilities = connectivityManager.getNetworkCapabilities(network);
return capabilities != null && capabilities.hasCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_INTERNET);
/** Only callable on Lollipop and newer releases. */
public void registerNetworkCallback(NetworkCallback networkCallback) {
new NetworkRequest.Builder().addCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_INTERNET).build(),
/** Only callable on Lollipop and newer releases. */
public void requestMobileNetwork(NetworkCallback networkCallback) {
NetworkRequest.Builder builder = new NetworkRequest.Builder();
connectivityManager.requestNetwork(, networkCallback);
IPAddress[] getIPAddresses(LinkProperties linkProperties) {
IPAddress[] ipAddresses = new IPAddress[linkProperties.getLinkAddresses().size()];
int i = 0;
for (LinkAddress linkAddress : linkProperties.getLinkAddresses()) {
ipAddresses[i] = new IPAddress(linkAddress.getAddress().getAddress());
return ipAddresses;
public void releaseCallback(NetworkCallback networkCallback) {
if (supportNetworkCallback()) {
Logging.d(TAG, "Unregister network callback");
public boolean supportNetworkCallback() {
return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP && connectivityManager != null;
/** Queries the WifiManager for SSID of the current Wifi connection. */
static class WifiManagerDelegate {
private final Context context;
WifiManagerDelegate(Context context) {
this.context = context;
// For testing.
WifiManagerDelegate() {
// All the methods below should be overridden.
context = null;
String getWifiSSID() {
final Intent intent = context.registerReceiver(
null, new IntentFilter(WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION));
if (intent != null) {
final WifiInfo wifiInfo = intent.getParcelableExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_WIFI_INFO);
if (wifiInfo != null) {
final String ssid = wifiInfo.getSSID();
if (ssid != null) {
return ssid;
return "";
static final long INVALID_NET_ID = -1;
private static final String TAG = "NetworkMonitorAutoDetect";
// Observer for the connection type change.
private final Observer observer;
private final IntentFilter intentFilter;
private final Context context;
// Used to request mobile network. It does not do anything except for keeping
// the callback for releasing the request.
private final NetworkCallback mobileNetworkCallback;
// Used to receive updates on all networks.
private final NetworkCallback allNetworkCallback;
// connectivityManagerDelegate and wifiManagerDelegate are only non-final for testing.
private ConnectivityManagerDelegate connectivityManagerDelegate;
private WifiManagerDelegate wifiManagerDelegate;
private boolean isRegistered;
private ConnectionType connectionType;
private String wifiSSID;
* Observer interface by which observer is notified of network changes.
public static interface Observer {
* Called when default network changes.
public void onConnectionTypeChanged(ConnectionType newConnectionType);
public void onNetworkConnect(NetworkInformation networkInfo);
public void onNetworkDisconnect(long networkHandle);
* Constructs a NetworkMonitorAutoDetect. Should only be called on UI thread.
public NetworkMonitorAutoDetect(Observer observer, Context context) { = observer;
this.context = context;
connectivityManagerDelegate = new ConnectivityManagerDelegate(context);
wifiManagerDelegate = new WifiManagerDelegate(context);
final NetworkState networkState = connectivityManagerDelegate.getNetworkState();
connectionType = getConnectionType(networkState);
wifiSSID = getWifiSSID(networkState);
intentFilter = new IntentFilter(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION);
if (connectivityManagerDelegate.supportNetworkCallback()) {
// On Android 6.0.0, the WRITE_SETTINGS permission is necessary for
// requestNetwork, so it will fail. This was fixed in Android 6.0.1.
NetworkCallback tempNetworkCallback = new NetworkCallback();
try {
} catch (java.lang.SecurityException e) {
Logging.w(TAG, "Unable to obtain permission to request a cellular network.");
tempNetworkCallback = null;
mobileNetworkCallback = tempNetworkCallback;
allNetworkCallback = new SimpleNetworkCallback();
} else {
mobileNetworkCallback = null;
allNetworkCallback = null;
* Allows overriding the ConnectivityManagerDelegate for tests.
void setConnectivityManagerDelegateForTests(ConnectivityManagerDelegate delegate) {
connectivityManagerDelegate = delegate;
* Allows overriding the WifiManagerDelegate for tests.
void setWifiManagerDelegateForTests(WifiManagerDelegate delegate) {
wifiManagerDelegate = delegate;
* Returns whether the object has registered to receive network connectivity intents.
* Visible for testing.
boolean isReceiverRegisteredForTesting() {
return isRegistered;
List<NetworkInformation> getActiveNetworkList() {
return connectivityManagerDelegate.getActiveNetworkList();
public void destroy() {
if (allNetworkCallback != null) {
if (mobileNetworkCallback != null) {
* Registers a BroadcastReceiver in the given context.
private void registerReceiver() {
if (isRegistered)
isRegistered = true;
context.registerReceiver(this, intentFilter);
* Unregisters the BroadcastReceiver in the given context.
private void unregisterReceiver() {
if (!isRegistered)
isRegistered = false;
public NetworkState getCurrentNetworkState() {
return connectivityManagerDelegate.getNetworkState();
* Returns NetID of device's current default connected network used for
* communication.
* Only implemented on Lollipop and newer releases, returns INVALID_NET_ID
* when not implemented.
public long getDefaultNetId() {
return connectivityManagerDelegate.getDefaultNetId();
public static ConnectionType getConnectionType(NetworkState networkState) {
if (!networkState.isConnected()) {
return ConnectionType.CONNECTION_NONE;
switch (networkState.getNetworkType()) {
case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_ETHERNET:
return ConnectionType.CONNECTION_ETHERNET;
case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI:
return ConnectionType.CONNECTION_WIFI;
case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIMAX:
return ConnectionType.CONNECTION_4G;
case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_BLUETOOTH:
return ConnectionType.CONNECTION_BLUETOOTH;
case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE:
// Use information from TelephonyManager to classify the connection.
switch (networkState.getNetworkSubType()) {
case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_GPRS:
case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EDGE:
case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_CDMA:
case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_1xRTT:
case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_IDEN:
return ConnectionType.CONNECTION_2G;
case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_UMTS:
case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EVDO_0:
case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EVDO_A:
case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_HSDPA:
case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_HSUPA:
case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_HSPA:
case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EVDO_B:
case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EHRPD:
case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_HSPAP:
return ConnectionType.CONNECTION_3G;
case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_LTE:
return ConnectionType.CONNECTION_4G;
return ConnectionType.CONNECTION_UNKNOWN;
private String getWifiSSID(NetworkState networkState) {
if (getConnectionType(networkState) != ConnectionType.CONNECTION_WIFI)
return "";
return wifiManagerDelegate.getWifiSSID();
// BroadcastReceiver
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
final NetworkState networkState = getCurrentNetworkState();
if (ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION.equals(intent.getAction())) {
private void connectionTypeChanged(NetworkState networkState) {
ConnectionType newConnectionType = getConnectionType(networkState);
String newWifiSSID = getWifiSSID(networkState);
if (newConnectionType == connectionType && newWifiSSID.equals(wifiSSID))
connectionType = newConnectionType;
wifiSSID = newWifiSSID;
Logging.d(TAG, "Network connectivity changed, type is: " + connectionType);
* Extracts NetID of network on Lollipop and NetworkHandle (which is mungled
* NetID) on Marshmallow and newer releases. Only available on Lollipop and
* newer releases. Returns long since getNetworkHandle returns long.
private static long networkToNetId(Network network) {
return network.getNetworkHandle();
// NOTE(honghaiz): This depends on Android framework implementation details.
// These details cannot change because Lollipop has been released.
return Integer.parseInt(network.toString());