blob: e7f21349bd4323c4f061e84ffc6232762dd3ed3a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "api/array_view.h"
#include "net/dcsctp/public/dcsctp_message.h"
#include "net/dcsctp/public/packet_observer.h"
#include "net/dcsctp/public/timeout.h"
#include "net/dcsctp/public/types.h"
namespace dcsctp {
// Send options for sending messages
struct SendOptions {
// If the message should be sent with unordered message delivery.
IsUnordered unordered = IsUnordered(false);
// If set, will discard messages that haven't been correctly sent and
// received before the lifetime has expired. This is only available if the
// peer supports Partial Reliability Extension (RFC3758).
absl::optional<DurationMs> lifetime = absl::nullopt;
// If set, limits the number of retransmissions. This is only available
// if the peer supports Partial Reliability Extension (RFC3758).
absl::optional<size_t> max_retransmissions = absl::nullopt;
enum class ErrorKind {
// Indicates that no error has occurred. This will never be the case when
// `OnError` or `OnAborted` is called.
// There have been too many retries or timeouts, and the library has given up.
// A command was received that is only possible to execute when the socket is
// connected, which it is not.
// Parsing of the command or its parameters failed.
// Commands are received in the wrong sequence, which indicates a
// synchronisation mismatch between the peers.
// The peer has reported an issue using ERROR or ABORT command.
// The peer has performed a protocol violation.
// The receive or send buffers have been exhausted.
inline constexpr absl::string_view ToString(ErrorKind error) {
switch (error) {
case ErrorKind::kNoError:
return "NO_ERROR";
case ErrorKind::kTooManyRetries:
case ErrorKind::kNotConnected:
case ErrorKind::kParseFailed:
return "PARSE_FAILED";
case ErrorKind::kWrongSequence:
case ErrorKind::kPeerReported:
case ErrorKind::kProtocolViolation:
case ErrorKind::kResourceExhaustion:
// Return value of SupportsStreamReset.
enum class StreamResetSupport {
// If the connection is not yet established, this will be returned.
// Indicates that Stream Reset is supported by the peer.
// Indicates that Stream Reset is not supported by the peer.
// Callbacks that the DcSctpSocket will be done synchronously to the owning
// client. It is allowed to call back into the library from callbacks that start
// with "On". It has been explicitly documented when it's not allowed to call
// back into this library from within a callback.
// Theses callbacks are only synchronously triggered as a result of the client
// calling a public method in `DcSctpSocketInterface`.
class DcSctpSocketCallbacks {
virtual ~DcSctpSocketCallbacks() = default;
// Called when the library wants the packet serialized as `data` to be sent.
// Note that it's NOT ALLOWED to call into this library from within this
// callback.
virtual void SendPacket(rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> data) = 0;
// Called when the library wants to create a Timeout. The callback must return
// an object that implements that interface.
// Note that it's NOT ALLOWED to call into this library from within this
// callback.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Timeout> CreateTimeout() = 0;
// Returns the current time in milliseconds (from any epoch).
// Note that it's NOT ALLOWED to call into this library from within this
// callback.
virtual TimeMs TimeMillis() = 0;
// Called when the library needs a random number uniformly distributed between
// `low` (inclusive) and `high` (exclusive). The random number used by the
// library are not used for cryptographic purposes there are no requirements
// on a secure random number generator.
// Note that it's NOT ALLOWED to call into this library from within this
// callback.
virtual uint32_t GetRandomInt(uint32_t low, uint32_t high) = 0;
// Triggered when the outgoing message buffer is empty, meaning that there are
// no more queued messages, but there can still be packets in-flight or to be
// retransmitted. (in contrast to SCTP_SENDER_DRY_EVENT).
// TODO(boivie): This is currently only used in benchmarks to have a steady
// flow of packets to send
// Note that it's NOT ALLOWED to call into this library from within this
// callback.
virtual void NotifyOutgoingMessageBufferEmpty() = 0;
// Called when the library has received an SCTP message in full and delivers
// it to the upper layer.
// It is allowed to call into this library from within this callback.
virtual void OnMessageReceived(DcSctpMessage message) = 0;
// Triggered when an non-fatal error is reported by either this library or
// from the other peer (by sending an ERROR command). These should be logged,
// but no other action need to be taken as the association is still viable.
// It is allowed to call into this library from within this callback.
virtual void OnError(ErrorKind error, absl::string_view message) = 0;
// Triggered when the socket has aborted - either as decided by this socket
// due to e.g. too many retransmission attempts, or by the peer when
// receiving an ABORT command. No other callbacks will be done after this
// callback, unless reconnecting.
// It is allowed to call into this library from within this callback.
virtual void OnAborted(ErrorKind error, absl::string_view message) = 0;
// Called when calling `Connect` succeeds, but also for incoming successful
// connection attempts.
// It is allowed to call into this library from within this callback.
virtual void OnConnected() = 0;
// Called when the socket is closed in a controlled way. No other
// callbacks will be done after this callback, unless reconnecting.
// It is allowed to call into this library from within this callback.
virtual void OnClosed() = 0;
// On connection restarted (by peer). This is just a notification, and the
// association is expected to work fine after this call, but there could have
// been packet loss as a result of restarting the association.
// It is allowed to call into this library from within this callback.
virtual void OnConnectionRestarted() = 0;
// Indicates that a stream reset request has failed.
// It is allowed to call into this library from within this callback.
virtual void OnStreamsResetFailed(
rtc::ArrayView<const StreamID> outgoing_streams,
absl::string_view reason) = 0;
// Indicates that a stream reset request has been performed.
// It is allowed to call into this library from within this callback.
virtual void OnStreamsResetPerformed(
rtc::ArrayView<const StreamID> outgoing_streams) = 0;
// When a peer has reset some of its outgoing streams, this will be called. An
// empty list indicates that all streams have been reset.
// It is allowed to call into this library from within this callback.
virtual void OnIncomingStreamsReset(
rtc::ArrayView<const StreamID> incoming_streams) = 0;
// If an outgoing message has expired before being completely sent.
// TODO(boivie) Add some kind of message identifier.
// TODO(boivie) Add callbacks for OnMessageSent and OnSentMessageAcked
// It is allowed to call into this library from within this callback.
virtual void OnSentMessageExpired(StreamID stream_id,
PPID ppid,
bool unsent) = 0;
// The DcSctpSocket implementation implements the following interface.
class DcSctpSocketInterface {
virtual ~DcSctpSocketInterface() = default;
// To be called when an incoming SCTP packet is to be processed.
virtual void ReceivePacket(rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> data) = 0;
// To be called when a timeout has expired. The `timeout_id` is provided
// when the timeout was initiated.
virtual void HandleTimeout(TimeoutID timeout_id) = 0;
// Connects the socket. This is an asynchronous operation, and
// `DcSctpSocketCallbacks::OnConnected` will be called on success.
virtual void Connect() = 0;
// Gracefully shutdowns the socket and sends all outstanding data. This is an
// asynchronous operation and `DcSctpSocketCallbacks::OnClosed` will be called
// on success.
virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
// Closes the connection non-gracefully. Will send ABORT if the connection is
// not already closed. No callbacks will be made after Close() has returned.
virtual void Close() = 0;
// Resetting streams is an asynchronous operation and the results will
// be notified using `DcSctpSocketCallbacks::OnStreamsResetDone()` on success
// and `DcSctpSocketCallbacks::OnStreamsResetFailed()` on failure. Note that
// only outgoing streams can be reset.
// When it's known that the peer has reset its own outgoing streams,
// `DcSctpSocketCallbacks::OnIncomingStreamReset` is called.
// Note that resetting a stream will also remove all queued messages on those
// streams, but will ensure that the currently sent message (if any) is fully
// sent before closing the stream.
// Resetting streams can only be done on an established association that
// supports stream resetting. Calling this method on e.g. a closed association
// or streams that don't support resetting will not perform any operation.
virtual void ResetStreams(
rtc::ArrayView<const StreamID> outgoing_streams) = 0;
// Indicates if the peer supports resetting streams (RFC6525). Please note
// that the connection must be established for support to be known.
virtual StreamResetSupport SupportsStreamReset() const = 0;
// Sends the message `message` using the provided send options.
// Sending a message is an asynchrous operation, and the `OnError` callback
// may be invoked to indicate any errors in sending the message.
// The association does not have to be established before calling this method.
// If it's called before there is an established association, the message will
// be queued.
void Send(DcSctpMessage message, const SendOptions& send_options = {}) {
SendMessage(std::move(message), send_options);
virtual void SendMessage(DcSctpMessage message,
const SendOptions& send_options) = 0;
} // namespace dcsctp