blob: 3824494134eab3e39c230a408462fefe12bdd14a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "api/rtp_headers.h"
#include "api/units/time_delta.h"
#include "api/units/timestamp.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/bye.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/extended_reports.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/fir.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/loss_notification.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/nack.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/pli.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/receiver_report.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/remb.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/sender_report.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/transport_feedback.h"
namespace webrtc {
// The different event types are deliberately POD. Analysis of large logs is
// already resource intensive. The code simplifications that would be possible
// possible by having a base class (containing e.g. the log time) are not
// considered to outweigh the added memory and runtime overhead incurred by
// adding a vptr.
struct LoggedRtpPacket {
LoggedRtpPacket(int64_t timestamp_us,
RTPHeader header,
size_t header_length,
size_t total_length)
: timestamp_us(timestamp_us),
total_length(total_length) {}
int64_t log_time_us() const { return timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return timestamp_us / 1000; }
int64_t timestamp_us;
// TODO(terelius): This allocates space for 15 CSRCs even if none are used.
RTPHeader header;
size_t header_length;
size_t total_length;
struct LoggedRtpPacketIncoming {
LoggedRtpPacketIncoming(int64_t timestamp_us,
RTPHeader header,
size_t header_length,
size_t total_length)
: rtp(timestamp_us, header, header_length, total_length) {}
int64_t log_time_us() const { return rtp.timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return rtp.timestamp_us / 1000; }
LoggedRtpPacket rtp;
struct LoggedRtpPacketOutgoing {
LoggedRtpPacketOutgoing(int64_t timestamp_us,
RTPHeader header,
size_t header_length,
size_t total_length)
: rtp(timestamp_us, header, header_length, total_length) {}
int64_t log_time_us() const { return rtp.timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return rtp.timestamp_us / 1000; }
LoggedRtpPacket rtp;
struct LoggedRtcpPacket {
LoggedRtcpPacket(int64_t timestamp_us, const std::vector<uint8_t>& packet);
LoggedRtcpPacket(int64_t timestamp_us, const std::string& packet);
LoggedRtcpPacket(const LoggedRtcpPacket&);
int64_t log_time_us() const { return timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return timestamp_us / 1000; }
int64_t timestamp_us;
std::vector<uint8_t> raw_data;
struct LoggedRtcpPacketIncoming {
LoggedRtcpPacketIncoming(int64_t timestamp_us,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& packet)
: rtcp(timestamp_us, packet) {}
LoggedRtcpPacketIncoming(uint64_t timestamp_us, const std::string& packet)
: rtcp(timestamp_us, packet) {}
int64_t log_time_us() const { return rtcp.timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return rtcp.timestamp_us / 1000; }
LoggedRtcpPacket rtcp;
struct LoggedRtcpPacketOutgoing {
LoggedRtcpPacketOutgoing(int64_t timestamp_us,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& packet)
: rtcp(timestamp_us, packet) {}
LoggedRtcpPacketOutgoing(uint64_t timestamp_us, const std::string& packet)
: rtcp(timestamp_us, packet) {}
int64_t log_time_us() const { return rtcp.timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return rtcp.timestamp_us / 1000; }
LoggedRtcpPacket rtcp;
struct LoggedRtcpPacketReceiverReport {
LoggedRtcpPacketReceiverReport() = default;
LoggedRtcpPacketReceiverReport(int64_t timestamp_us,
const rtcp::ReceiverReport& rr)
: timestamp_us(timestamp_us), rr(rr) {}
int64_t log_time_us() const { return timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return timestamp_us / 1000; }
int64_t timestamp_us;
rtcp::ReceiverReport rr;
struct LoggedRtcpPacketSenderReport {
LoggedRtcpPacketSenderReport() = default;
LoggedRtcpPacketSenderReport(int64_t timestamp_us,
const rtcp::SenderReport& sr)
: timestamp_us(timestamp_us), sr(sr) {}
int64_t log_time_us() const { return timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return timestamp_us / 1000; }
int64_t timestamp_us;
rtcp::SenderReport sr;
struct LoggedRtcpPacketExtendedReports {
LoggedRtcpPacketExtendedReports() = default;
int64_t log_time_us() const { return timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return timestamp_us / 1000; }
int64_t timestamp_us;
rtcp::ExtendedReports xr;
struct LoggedRtcpPacketRemb {
LoggedRtcpPacketRemb() = default;
LoggedRtcpPacketRemb(int64_t timestamp_us, const rtcp::Remb& remb)
: timestamp_us(timestamp_us), remb(remb) {}
int64_t log_time_us() const { return timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return timestamp_us / 1000; }
int64_t timestamp_us;
rtcp::Remb remb;
struct LoggedRtcpPacketNack {
LoggedRtcpPacketNack() = default;
LoggedRtcpPacketNack(int64_t timestamp_us, const rtcp::Nack& nack)
: timestamp_us(timestamp_us), nack(nack) {}
int64_t log_time_us() const { return timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return timestamp_us / 1000; }
int64_t timestamp_us;
rtcp::Nack nack;
struct LoggedRtcpPacketFir {
LoggedRtcpPacketFir() = default;
int64_t log_time_us() const { return timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return timestamp_us / 1000; }
int64_t timestamp_us;
rtcp::Fir fir;
struct LoggedRtcpPacketPli {
LoggedRtcpPacketPli() = default;
int64_t log_time_us() const { return timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return timestamp_us / 1000; }
int64_t timestamp_us;
rtcp::Pli pli;
struct LoggedRtcpPacketTransportFeedback {
: transport_feedback(/*include_timestamps=*/true, /*include_lost*/ true) {
int64_t timestamp_us,
const rtcp::TransportFeedback& transport_feedback)
: timestamp_us(timestamp_us), transport_feedback(transport_feedback) {}
int64_t log_time_us() const { return timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return timestamp_us / 1000; }
int64_t timestamp_us;
rtcp::TransportFeedback transport_feedback;
struct LoggedRtcpPacketLossNotification {
LoggedRtcpPacketLossNotification() = default;
int64_t timestamp_us,
const rtcp::LossNotification& loss_notification)
: timestamp_us(timestamp_us), loss_notification(loss_notification) {}
int64_t log_time_us() const { return timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return timestamp_us / 1000; }
int64_t timestamp_us;
rtcp::LossNotification loss_notification;
struct LoggedRtcpPacketBye {
LoggedRtcpPacketBye() = default;
int64_t log_time_us() const { return timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return timestamp_us / 1000; }
int64_t timestamp_us;
rtcp::Bye bye;
struct LoggedStartEvent {
explicit LoggedStartEvent(int64_t timestamp_us)
: LoggedStartEvent(timestamp_us, timestamp_us / 1000) {}
LoggedStartEvent(int64_t timestamp_us, int64_t utc_start_time_ms)
: timestamp_us(timestamp_us), utc_start_time_ms(utc_start_time_ms) {}
int64_t log_time_us() const { return timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return timestamp_us / 1000; }
Timestamp utc_time() const { return Timestamp::Millis(utc_start_time_ms); }
int64_t timestamp_us;
int64_t utc_start_time_ms;
struct LoggedStopEvent {
explicit LoggedStopEvent(int64_t timestamp_us) : timestamp_us(timestamp_us) {}
int64_t log_time_us() const { return timestamp_us; }
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return timestamp_us / 1000; }
int64_t timestamp_us;
struct InferredRouteChangeEvent {
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return; }
int64_t log_time_us() const { return; }
uint32_t route_id;
Timestamp log_time = Timestamp::MinusInfinity();
uint16_t send_overhead;
uint16_t return_overhead;
enum class LoggedMediaType : uint8_t { kUnknown, kAudio, kVideo };
struct LoggedPacketInfo {
LoggedPacketInfo(const LoggedRtpPacket& rtp,
LoggedMediaType media_type,
bool rtx,
Timestamp capture_time);
LoggedPacketInfo(const LoggedPacketInfo&);
int64_t log_time_ms() const { return; }
int64_t log_time_us() const { return; }
uint32_t ssrc;
uint16_t stream_seq_no;
uint16_t size;
uint16_t payload_size;
uint16_t padding_size;
uint16_t overhead = 0;
uint8_t payload_type;
LoggedMediaType media_type = LoggedMediaType::kUnknown;
bool rtx = false;
bool marker_bit = false;
bool has_transport_seq_no = false;
bool last_in_feedback = false;
uint16_t transport_seq_no = 0;
// The RTP header timestamp unwrapped and converted from tick count to seconds
// based timestamp.
Timestamp capture_time;
// The time the packet was logged. This is the receive time for incoming
// packets and send time for outgoing.
Timestamp log_packet_time;
// Send time as reported by abs-send-time extension, For outgoing packets this
// corresponds to log_packet_time, but might be measured using another clock.
Timestamp reported_send_time;
// The receive time that was reported in feedback. For incoming packets this
// corresponds to log_packet_time, but might be measured using another clock.
// PlusInfinity indicates that the packet was lost.
Timestamp reported_recv_time = Timestamp::MinusInfinity();
// The time feedback message was logged. This is the feedback send time for
// incoming packets and feedback receive time for outgoing.
// PlusInfinity indicates that feedback was expected but not received.
Timestamp log_feedback_time = Timestamp::MinusInfinity();
// The delay betweeen receiving an RTP packet and sending feedback for
// incoming packets. For outgoing packets we don't know the feedback send
// time, and this is instead calculated as the difference in reported receive
// time between this packet and the last packet in the same feedback message.
TimeDelta feedback_hold_duration = TimeDelta::MinusInfinity();
enum class LoggedIceEventType {
struct LoggedIceEvent {
uint32_t candidate_pair_id;
Timestamp log_time;
LoggedIceEventType event_type;
} // namespace webrtc