blob: 234ac31b8bce1114d598b7a223556ce0a17e35ea [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_video_layers_allocation_extension.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "absl/algorithm/container.h"
#include "api/video/video_layers_allocation.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/byte_io.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
namespace webrtc {
constexpr RTPExtensionType RtpVideoLayersAllocationExtension::kId;
constexpr const char RtpVideoLayersAllocationExtension::kUri[];
namespace {
constexpr int kMaxNumRtpStreams = 4;
// TODO( share Leb128 functions with av1 packetizer.
// Returns minimum number of bytes required to store `value`.
int Leb128Size(uint32_t value) {
int size = 0;
while (value >= 0x80) {
value >>= 7;
return size + 1;
// Returns number of bytes consumed.
int WriteLeb128(uint32_t value, uint8_t* buffer) {
int size = 0;
while (value >= 0x80) {
buffer[size] = 0x80 | (value & 0x7F);
value >>= 7;
buffer[size] = value;
return size;
// Reads leb128 encoded value and advance read_at by number of bytes consumed.
// Sets read_at to nullptr on error.
uint64_t ReadLeb128(const uint8_t*& read_at, const uint8_t* end) {
uint64_t value = 0;
int fill_bits = 0;
while (read_at != end && fill_bits < 64 - 7) {
uint8_t leb128_byte = *read_at;
value |= uint64_t{leb128_byte & 0x7Fu} << fill_bits;
fill_bits += 7;
if ((leb128_byte & 0x80) == 0) {
return value;
// Failed to find terminator leb128 byte.
read_at = nullptr;
return 0;
bool AllocationIsValid(const VideoLayersAllocation& allocation) {
// Since all multivalue fields are stored in (rtp_stream_id, spatial_id) order
// assume `allocation.active_spatial_layers` is already sorted. It is simpler
// to assemble it in the sorted way than to resort during serialization.
if (!absl::c_is_sorted(
[](const VideoLayersAllocation::SpatialLayer& lhs,
const VideoLayersAllocation::SpatialLayer& rhs) {
return std::make_tuple(lhs.rtp_stream_index, lhs.spatial_id) <
std::make_tuple(rhs.rtp_stream_index, rhs.spatial_id);
})) {
return false;
int max_rtp_stream_idx = 0;
for (const auto& spatial_layer : allocation.active_spatial_layers) {
if (spatial_layer.rtp_stream_index < 0 ||
spatial_layer.rtp_stream_index >= 4) {
return false;
if (spatial_layer.spatial_id < 0 || spatial_layer.spatial_id >= 4) {
return false;
if (spatial_layer.target_bitrate_per_temporal_layer.empty() ||
spatial_layer.target_bitrate_per_temporal_layer.size() > 4) {
return false;
if (max_rtp_stream_idx < spatial_layer.rtp_stream_index) {
max_rtp_stream_idx = spatial_layer.rtp_stream_index;
if (allocation.resolution_and_frame_rate_is_valid) {
// TODO(danilchap): Add check width and height are no more than 0x10000
// when width and height become larger type and thus would support maximum
// resolution.
if (spatial_layer.width <= 0) {
return false;
if (spatial_layer.height <= 0) {
return false;
if (spatial_layer.frame_rate_fps > 255) {
return false;
if (allocation.rtp_stream_index < 0 ||
(!allocation.active_spatial_layers.empty() &&
allocation.rtp_stream_index > max_rtp_stream_idx)) {
return false;
return true;
struct SpatialLayersBitmasks {
int max_rtp_stream_id = 0;
uint8_t spatial_layer_bitmask[kMaxNumRtpStreams] = {};
bool bitmasks_are_the_same = true;
SpatialLayersBitmasks SpatialLayersBitmasksPerRtpStream(
const VideoLayersAllocation& allocation) {
SpatialLayersBitmasks result;
for (const auto& layer : allocation.active_spatial_layers) {
result.spatial_layer_bitmask[layer.rtp_stream_index] |=
(1u << layer.spatial_id);
if (result.max_rtp_stream_id < layer.rtp_stream_index) {
result.max_rtp_stream_id = layer.rtp_stream_index;
for (int i = 1; i <= result.max_rtp_stream_id; ++i) {
if (result.spatial_layer_bitmask[i] != result.spatial_layer_bitmask[0]) {
result.bitmasks_are_the_same = false;
return result;
} // namespace
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// |RID| NS| sl_bm |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// Spatial layer bitmask |sl0_bm |sl1_bm |
// up to 2 bytes |---------------|
// when sl_bm == 0 |sl2_bm |sl3_bm |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// Number of temporal |#tl|#tl|#tl|#tl|
// layers per spatial layer :---------------:
// up to 4 bytes | ... |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// Target bitrate in kpbs | |
// per temporal layer : ... :
// leb128 encoded | |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// Resolution and framerate | |
// 5 bytes per spatial layer + width-1 for +
// (optional) | rid=0, sid=0 |
// +---------------+
// | |
// + height-1 for +
// | rid=0, sid=0 |
// +---------------+
// | max framerate |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// : ... :
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// RID: RTP stream index this allocation is sent on, numbered from 0. 2 bits.
// NS: Number of RTP streams - 1. 2 bits, thus allowing up-to 4 RTP streams.
// sl_bm: BitMask of the active Spatial Layers when same for all RTP streams or
// 0 otherwise. 4 bits thus allows up to 4 spatial layers per RTP streams.
// slX_bm: BitMask of the active Spatial Layers for RTP stream with index=X.
// byte-aligned. When NS < 2, takes ones byte, otherwise uses two bytes.
// #tl: 2-bit value of number of temporal layers-1, thus allowing up-to 4
// temporal layer per spatial layer. One per spatial layer per RTP stream.
// values are stored in (RTP stream id, spatial id) ascending order.
// zero-padded to byte alignment.
// Target bitrate in kbps. Values are stored using leb128 encoding.
// one value per temporal layer. values are stored in
// (RTP stream id, spatial id, temporal id) ascending order.
// All bitrates are total required bitrate to receive the corresponding
// layer, i.e. in simulcast mode they include only corresponding spatial
// layer, in full-svc all lower spatial layers are included. All lower
// temporal layers are also included.
// Resolution and framerate.
// Optional. Presense is infered from the rtp header extension size.
// Encoded (width - 1), 16-bit, (height - 1), 16-bit, max frame rate 8-bit
// per spatial layer per RTP stream.
// Values are stored in (RTP stream id, spatial id) ascending order.
// An empty layer allocation (i.e nothing sent on ssrc) is encoded as
// special case with a single 0 byte.
bool RtpVideoLayersAllocationExtension::Write(
rtc::ArrayView<uint8_t> data,
const VideoLayersAllocation& allocation) {
RTC_DCHECK_GE(data.size(), ValueSize(allocation));
if (allocation.active_spatial_layers.empty()) {
data[0] = 0;
return true;
SpatialLayersBitmasks slb = SpatialLayersBitmasksPerRtpStream(allocation);
uint8_t* write_at =;
// First half of the header byte.
*write_at = (allocation.rtp_stream_index << 6);
// number of rtp stream - 1 is the same as the maximum rtp_stream_id.
*write_at |= slb.max_rtp_stream_id << 4;
if (slb.bitmasks_are_the_same) {
// Second half of the header byte.
*write_at |= slb.spatial_layer_bitmask[0];
} else {
// spatial layer bitmasks when they are different for different RTP streams.
*++write_at =
(slb.spatial_layer_bitmask[0] << 4) | slb.spatial_layer_bitmask[1];
if (slb.max_rtp_stream_id >= 2) {
*++write_at =
(slb.spatial_layer_bitmask[2] << 4) | slb.spatial_layer_bitmask[3];
{ // Number of temporal layers.
int bit_offset = 8;
*write_at = 0;
for (const auto& layer : allocation.active_spatial_layers) {
if (bit_offset == 0) {
bit_offset = 6;
*++write_at = 0;
} else {
bit_offset -= 2;
*write_at |=
((layer.target_bitrate_per_temporal_layer.size() - 1) << bit_offset);
// Target bitrates.
for (const auto& spatial_layer : allocation.active_spatial_layers) {
for (const DataRate& bitrate :
spatial_layer.target_bitrate_per_temporal_layer) {
write_at += WriteLeb128(bitrate.kbps(), write_at);
if (allocation.resolution_and_frame_rate_is_valid) {
for (const auto& spatial_layer : allocation.active_spatial_layers) {
ByteWriter<uint16_t>::WriteBigEndian(write_at, spatial_layer.width - 1);
write_at += 2;
ByteWriter<uint16_t>::WriteBigEndian(write_at, spatial_layer.height - 1);
write_at += 2;
*write_at = spatial_layer.frame_rate_fps;
RTC_DCHECK_EQ(write_at -, ValueSize(allocation));
return true;
bool RtpVideoLayersAllocationExtension::Parse(
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> data,
VideoLayersAllocation* allocation) {
if (data.empty() || allocation == nullptr) {
return false;
const uint8_t* read_at =;
const uint8_t* const end = + data.size();
if (data.size() == 1 && *read_at == 0) {
allocation->rtp_stream_index = 0;
allocation->resolution_and_frame_rate_is_valid = true;
return true;
// Header byte.
allocation->rtp_stream_index = *read_at >> 6;
int num_rtp_streams = 1 + ((*read_at >> 4) & 0b11);
uint8_t spatial_layers_bitmasks[kMaxNumRtpStreams];
spatial_layers_bitmasks[0] = *read_at & 0b1111;
if (spatial_layers_bitmasks[0] != 0) {
for (int i = 1; i < num_rtp_streams; ++i) {
spatial_layers_bitmasks[i] = spatial_layers_bitmasks[0];
} else {
// Spatial layer bitmasks when they are different for different RTP streams.
if (++read_at == end) {
return false;
spatial_layers_bitmasks[0] = *read_at >> 4;
spatial_layers_bitmasks[1] = *read_at & 0b1111;
if (num_rtp_streams > 2) {
if (++read_at == end) {
return false;
spatial_layers_bitmasks[2] = *read_at >> 4;
spatial_layers_bitmasks[3] = *read_at & 0b1111;
if (++read_at == end) {
return false;
// Read number of temporal layers,
// Create `allocation->active_spatial_layers` while iterating though it.
int bit_offset = 8;
for (int stream_idx = 0; stream_idx < num_rtp_streams; ++stream_idx) {
for (int sid = 0; sid < VideoLayersAllocation::kMaxSpatialIds; ++sid) {
if ((spatial_layers_bitmasks[stream_idx] & (1 << sid)) == 0) {
if (bit_offset == 0) {
bit_offset = 6;
if (++read_at == end) {
return false;
} else {
bit_offset -= 2;
int num_temporal_layers = 1 + ((*read_at >> bit_offset) & 0b11);
auto& layer = allocation->active_spatial_layers.back();
layer.rtp_stream_index = stream_idx;
layer.spatial_id = sid;
if (++read_at == end) {
return false;
// Target bitrates.
for (auto& layer : allocation->active_spatial_layers) {
for (DataRate& rate : layer.target_bitrate_per_temporal_layer) {
uint64_t bitrate_kbps = ReadLeb128(read_at, end);
// bitrate_kbps might represent larger values than DataRate type,
// discard unreasonably large values.
if (read_at == nullptr || bitrate_kbps > 1'000'000) {
return false;
rate = DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(bitrate_kbps);
if (read_at == end) {
allocation->resolution_and_frame_rate_is_valid = false;
return true;
if (read_at + 5 * allocation->active_spatial_layers.size() != end) {
// data is left, but it size is not what can be used for resolutions and
// framerates.
return false;
allocation->resolution_and_frame_rate_is_valid = true;
for (auto& layer : allocation->active_spatial_layers) {
layer.width = 1 + ByteReader<uint16_t, 2>::ReadBigEndian(read_at);
read_at += 2;
layer.height = 1 + ByteReader<uint16_t, 2>::ReadBigEndian(read_at);
read_at += 2;
layer.frame_rate_fps = *read_at;
return true;
size_t RtpVideoLayersAllocationExtension::ValueSize(
const VideoLayersAllocation& allocation) {
if (allocation.active_spatial_layers.empty()) {
return 1;
size_t result = 1; // header
SpatialLayersBitmasks slb = SpatialLayersBitmasksPerRtpStream(allocation);
if (!slb.bitmasks_are_the_same) {
if (slb.max_rtp_stream_id >= 2) {
// 2 bits per active spatial layer, rounded up to full byte, i.e.
// 0.25 byte per active spatial layer.
result += (allocation.active_spatial_layers.size() + 3) / 4;
for (const auto& spatial_layer : allocation.active_spatial_layers) {
for (DataRate value : spatial_layer.target_bitrate_per_temporal_layer) {
result += Leb128Size(value.kbps());
if (allocation.resolution_and_frame_rate_is_valid) {
result += 5 * allocation.active_spatial_layers.size();
return result;
} // namespace webrtc