blob: fa111faed94229597e089cc5a6362e5cd2ee64c6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Mappings file for IWYU in webrtc
# Documentation of syntax:
# Remember that it needs include strings INCLUDING <> or "" inside the quotes.
# Redirect to have gmock and gtest includes under our control
{ include: ['"gmock/gmock.h"', "private", '"test/gmock.h"', "public"] },
{ include: ['"gtest/gtest.h"', "private", '"test/gtest.h"', "public"] },
# rtc_base/containers internal defs
{ include: ['"rtc_base/containers/flat_tree.h"', "private", '"rtc_base/containers/flat_set.h"', "public"] },
# Revectoring of JSON
{ include: ['"json/reader.h"', "private", '"rtc_base/strings/json.h"', "public"] },
{ include: ['"json/value.h"', "private", '"rtc_base/strings/json.h"', "public"] },
# LIBSRTP overrides
{ include: ['"rdbx.h"', "private", '"third_party/libsrtp/include/srtp_priv.h"', "public"] },
{ include: ['"auth.h"', "private", '"third_party/libsrtp/include/srtp_priv.h"', "public"] },
# pthread internals
{ include: ['<bits/pthread_types.h>', "private", '<pthread.h>', "public"] },
# Needed to agree with presubmit tests for includes (and not include <iosfwd>)
{ symbol: ["std::string", "public", "<string>", "public"] },
{ symbol: ["std::move", "public", "<utility>", "public"] },
{ symbol: ["std::make_unique", "public", "<memory>", "public"] },
{ symbol: ["std::unique_ptr", "public", "<memory>", "public"] },
# Needed to avoid <iosfwd>
{ symbol: ["std::ostringstream", "public", "<sstream>", "public"] },
# Needed for unknown reasons
{ include: ['<__algorithm/equal.h>', "private", '<algorithm>', "public"] },
{ include: ['<__algorithm/unique.h>', "private", '<algorithm>', "public"] },
{ include: ['<__type_traits/remove_reference.h>', "private", '<type_traits>', "public"] },
{ include: ['<__functional/function.h>', "private", '<functional>', "public"] },
{ include: ['<__utility/pair.h>', "private", '<utility>', "public"] },