blob: d2fb20ed4ca0689fd6f51ee994308e876680ab1e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/desktop_capture/mac/window_list_utils.h"
#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
static_assert(static_cast<webrtc::WindowId>(kCGNullWindowID) ==
"kNullWindowId needs to equal to kCGNullWindowID.");
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
bool ToUtf8(const CFStringRef str16, std::string* str8) {
size_t maxlen = CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(CFStringGetLength(str16),
kCFStringEncodingUTF8) +
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buffer(new char[maxlen]);
if (!buffer ||
!CFStringGetCString(str16, buffer.get(), maxlen, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) {
return false;
return true;
// Get CFDictionaryRef from `id` and call `on_window` against it. This function
// returns false if native APIs fail, typically it indicates that the `id` does
// not represent a window. `on_window` will not be called if false is returned
// from this function.
bool GetWindowRef(CGWindowID id,
rtc::FunctionView<void(CFDictionaryRef)> on_window) {
// TODO(zijiehe): `id` is a 32-bit integer, casting it to an array seems not
// safe enough. Maybe we should create a new
// const void* arr[] = {
// reinterpret_cast<void*>(id) }
// };
CFArrayRef window_id_array =
CFArrayCreate(NULL, reinterpret_cast<const void**>(&id), 1, NULL);
CFArrayRef window_array =
bool result = false;
// TODO(zijiehe): CFArrayGetCount(window_array) should always return 1.
// Otherwise, we should treat it as failure.
if (window_array && CFArrayGetCount(window_array)) {
CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(window_array, 0)));
result = true;
if (window_array) {
return result;
} // namespace
bool GetWindowList(rtc::FunctionView<bool(CFDictionaryRef)> on_window,
bool ignore_minimized,
bool only_zero_layer) {
// Only get on screen, non-desktop windows.
// According to
// , when kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly is used, the order of windows are in
// decreasing z-order.
CFArrayRef window_array = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(
kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly | kCGWindowListExcludeDesktopElements,
if (!window_array)
return false;
MacDesktopConfiguration desktop_config = MacDesktopConfiguration::GetCurrent(
// Check windows to make sure they have an id, title, and use window layer
// other than 0.
CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount(window_array);
for (CFIndex i = 0; i < count; i++) {
CFDictionaryRef window = reinterpret_cast<CFDictionaryRef>(
CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(window_array, i));
if (!window) {
CFNumberRef window_id = reinterpret_cast<CFNumberRef>(
CFDictionaryGetValue(window, kCGWindowNumber));
if (!window_id) {
CFNumberRef window_layer = reinterpret_cast<CFNumberRef>(
CFDictionaryGetValue(window, kCGWindowLayer));
if (!window_layer) {
// Skip windows with layer!=0 (menu, dock).
int layer;
if (!CFNumberGetValue(window_layer, kCFNumberIntType, &layer)) {
if (only_zero_layer && layer != 0) {
// Skip windows that are minimized and not full screen.
if (ignore_minimized && !IsWindowOnScreen(window) &&
!IsWindowFullScreen(desktop_config, window)) {
// If window title is empty, only consider it if it is either on screen or
// fullscreen.
CFStringRef window_title = reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef>(
CFDictionaryGetValue(window, kCGWindowName));
if (!window_title && !IsWindowOnScreen(window) &&
!IsWindowFullScreen(desktop_config, window)) {
if (!on_window(window)) {
return true;
bool GetWindowList(DesktopCapturer::SourceList* windows,
bool ignore_minimized,
bool only_zero_layer) {
// Use a std::list so that iterators are preversed upon insertion and
// deletion.
std::list<DesktopCapturer::Source> sources;
std::map<int, std::list<DesktopCapturer::Source>::const_iterator> pid_itr_map;
const bool ret = GetWindowList(
[&sources, &pid_itr_map](CFDictionaryRef window) {
WindowId window_id = GetWindowId(window);
if (window_id != kNullWindowId) {
const std::string title = GetWindowTitle(window);
const int pid = GetWindowOwnerPid(window);
// Check if window for the same pid have been already inserted.
itr = pid_itr_map.find(pid);
// Only consider empty titles if the app has no other window with a
// proper title.
if (title.empty()) {
std::string owner_name = GetWindowOwnerName(window);
// At this time we do not know if there will be other windows
// for the same pid unless they have been already inserted, hence
// the check in the map. Also skip the window if owner name is
// empty too.
if (!owner_name.empty() && (itr == pid_itr_map.end())) {
sources.push_back(DesktopCapturer::Source{window_id, owner_name});
// Get an iterator on the last valid element in the source list.
std::list<DesktopCapturer::Source>::const_iterator last_source =
pid, last_source));
} else {
sources.push_back(DesktopCapturer::Source{window_id, title});
// Once the window with empty title has been removed no other empty
// windows are allowed for the same pid.
if (itr != pid_itr_map.end() && (itr->second != sources.end())) {
// sdt::list::end() never changes during the lifetime of that
// list.
itr->second = sources.end();
return true;
ignore_minimized, only_zero_layer);
if (!ret)
return false;
windows->reserve(windows->size() + sources.size());
std::copy(std::begin(sources), std::end(sources),
return true;
// Returns true if the window is occupying a full screen.
bool IsWindowFullScreen(const MacDesktopConfiguration& desktop_config,
CFDictionaryRef window) {
bool fullscreen = false;
CFDictionaryRef bounds_ref = reinterpret_cast<CFDictionaryRef>(
CFDictionaryGetValue(window, kCGWindowBounds));
CGRect bounds;
if (bounds_ref &&
CGRectMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation(bounds_ref, &bounds)) {
for (MacDisplayConfigurations::const_iterator it =
it != desktop_config.displays.end(); it++) {
if (it->bounds.equals(
DesktopRect::MakeXYWH(bounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.y,
bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height))) {
fullscreen = true;
return fullscreen;
bool IsWindowFullScreen(const MacDesktopConfiguration& desktop_config,
CGWindowID id) {
bool fullscreen = false;
GetWindowRef(id, [&](CFDictionaryRef window) {
fullscreen = IsWindowFullScreen(desktop_config, window);
return fullscreen;
bool IsWindowOnScreen(CFDictionaryRef window) {
CFBooleanRef on_screen = reinterpret_cast<CFBooleanRef>(
CFDictionaryGetValue(window, kCGWindowIsOnscreen));
return on_screen != NULL && CFBooleanGetValue(on_screen);
bool IsWindowOnScreen(CGWindowID id) {
bool on_screen;
if (GetWindowRef(id, [&on_screen](CFDictionaryRef window) {
on_screen = IsWindowOnScreen(window);
})) {
return on_screen;
return false;
std::string GetWindowTitle(CFDictionaryRef window) {
CFStringRef title = reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef>(
CFDictionaryGetValue(window, kCGWindowName));
std::string result;
if (title && ToUtf8(title, &result)) {
return result;
return std::string();
std::string GetWindowTitle(CGWindowID id) {
std::string title;
if (GetWindowRef(id, [&title](CFDictionaryRef window) {
title = GetWindowTitle(window);
})) {
return title;
return std::string();
std::string GetWindowOwnerName(CFDictionaryRef window) {
CFStringRef owner_name = reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef>(
CFDictionaryGetValue(window, kCGWindowOwnerName));
std::string result;
if (owner_name && ToUtf8(owner_name, &result)) {
return result;
return std::string();
std::string GetWindowOwnerName(CGWindowID id) {
std::string owner_name;
if (GetWindowRef(id, [&owner_name](CFDictionaryRef window) {
owner_name = GetWindowOwnerName(window);
})) {
return owner_name;
return std::string();
WindowId GetWindowId(CFDictionaryRef window) {
CFNumberRef window_id = reinterpret_cast<CFNumberRef>(
CFDictionaryGetValue(window, kCGWindowNumber));
if (!window_id) {
return kNullWindowId;
// Note: WindowId is 64-bit on 64-bit system, but CGWindowID is always 32-bit.
// CFNumberGetValue() fills only top 32 bits, so we should use CGWindowID to
// receive the window id.
CGWindowID id;
if (!CFNumberGetValue(window_id, kCFNumberIntType, &id)) {
return kNullWindowId;
return id;
int GetWindowOwnerPid(CFDictionaryRef window) {
CFNumberRef window_pid = reinterpret_cast<CFNumberRef>(
CFDictionaryGetValue(window, kCGWindowOwnerPID));
if (!window_pid) {
return 0;
int pid;
if (!CFNumberGetValue(window_pid, kCFNumberIntType, &pid)) {
return 0;
return pid;
int GetWindowOwnerPid(CGWindowID id) {
int pid;
if (GetWindowRef(id, [&pid](CFDictionaryRef window) {
pid = GetWindowOwnerPid(window);
})) {
return pid;
return 0;
float GetScaleFactorAtPosition(const MacDesktopConfiguration& desktop_config,
DesktopVector position) {
// Find the dpi to physical pixel scale for the screen where the mouse cursor
// is.
for (auto it = desktop_config.displays.begin();
it != desktop_config.displays.end(); ++it) {
if (it->bounds.Contains(position)) {
return it->dip_to_pixel_scale;
return 1;
float GetWindowScaleFactor(CGWindowID id, DesktopSize size) {
DesktopRect window_bounds = GetWindowBounds(id);
float scale = 1.0f;
if (!window_bounds.is_empty() && !size.is_empty()) {
float scale_x = size.width() / window_bounds.width();
float scale_y = size.height() / window_bounds.height();
// Currently the scale in X and Y directions must be same.
if ((std::fabs(scale_x - scale_y) <=
std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon() * std::max(scale_x, scale_y)) &&
scale_x > 0.0f) {
scale = scale_x;
return scale;
DesktopRect GetWindowBounds(CFDictionaryRef window) {
CFDictionaryRef window_bounds = reinterpret_cast<CFDictionaryRef>(
CFDictionaryGetValue(window, kCGWindowBounds));
if (!window_bounds) {
return DesktopRect();
CGRect gc_window_rect;
if (!CGRectMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation(window_bounds, &gc_window_rect)) {
return DesktopRect();
return DesktopRect::MakeXYWH(gc_window_rect.origin.x, gc_window_rect.origin.y,
DesktopRect GetWindowBounds(CGWindowID id) {
DesktopRect result;
if (GetWindowRef(id, [&result](CFDictionaryRef window) {
result = GetWindowBounds(window);
})) {
return result;
return DesktopRect();
} // namespace webrtc