blob: fb677d67bb46ebfd77c8647a1e483da3889ac6dc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <stddef.h> // For size_t
#include <cstdint>
namespace webrtc {
// Statistics for RTCP packet types.
struct RtcpPacketTypeCounter {
: first_packet_time_ms(-1),
unique_nack_requests(0) {}
void Add(const RtcpPacketTypeCounter& other) {
nack_packets += other.nack_packets;
fir_packets += other.fir_packets;
pli_packets += other.pli_packets;
nack_requests += other.nack_requests;
unique_nack_requests += other.unique_nack_requests;
if (other.first_packet_time_ms != -1 &&
(other.first_packet_time_ms < first_packet_time_ms ||
first_packet_time_ms == -1)) {
// Use oldest time.
first_packet_time_ms = other.first_packet_time_ms;
void Subtract(const RtcpPacketTypeCounter& other) {
nack_packets -= other.nack_packets;
fir_packets -= other.fir_packets;
pli_packets -= other.pli_packets;
nack_requests -= other.nack_requests;
unique_nack_requests -= other.unique_nack_requests;
if (other.first_packet_time_ms != -1 &&
(other.first_packet_time_ms > first_packet_time_ms ||
first_packet_time_ms == -1)) {
// Use youngest time.
first_packet_time_ms = other.first_packet_time_ms;
int64_t TimeSinceFirstPacketInMs(int64_t now_ms) const {
return (first_packet_time_ms == -1) ? -1 : (now_ms - first_packet_time_ms);
int UniqueNackRequestsInPercent() const {
if (nack_requests == 0) {
return 0;
return static_cast<int>((unique_nack_requests * 100.0f / nack_requests) +
int64_t first_packet_time_ms; // Time when first packet is sent/received.
uint32_t nack_packets; // Number of RTCP NACK packets.
uint32_t fir_packets; // Number of RTCP FIR packets.
uint32_t pli_packets; // Number of RTCP PLI packets.
uint32_t nack_requests; // Number of NACKed RTP packets.
uint32_t unique_nack_requests; // Number of unique NACKed RTP packets.
class RtcpPacketTypeCounterObserver {
virtual ~RtcpPacketTypeCounterObserver() {}
virtual void RtcpPacketTypesCounterUpdated(
uint32_t ssrc,
const RtcpPacketTypeCounter& packet_counter) = 0;
// Callback, used to notify an observer whenever new rates have been estimated.
class BitrateStatisticsObserver {
virtual ~BitrateStatisticsObserver() {}
virtual void Notify(uint32_t total_bitrate_bps,
uint32_t retransmit_bitrate_bps,
uint32_t ssrc) = 0;
struct FrameCounts {
FrameCounts() : key_frames(0), delta_frames(0) {}
int key_frames;
int delta_frames;
// Callback, used to notify an observer whenever frame counts have been updated.
class FrameCountObserver {
virtual ~FrameCountObserver() {}
virtual void FrameCountUpdated(const FrameCounts& frame_counts,
uint32_t ssrc) = 0;
// Callback, used to notify an observer whenever the send-side delay is updated.
class SendSideDelayObserver {
virtual ~SendSideDelayObserver() {}
virtual void SendSideDelayUpdated(int avg_delay_ms,
int max_delay_ms,
uint32_t ssrc) = 0;
// Callback, used to notify an observer whenever a packet is sent to the
// transport.
// TODO(asapersson): This class will remove the need for SendSideDelayObserver.
// Remove SendSideDelayObserver once possible.
class SendPacketObserver {
virtual ~SendPacketObserver() {}
virtual void OnSendPacket(uint16_t packet_id,
int64_t capture_time_ms,
uint32_t ssrc) = 0;
// Callback, used to notify an observer when the overhead per packet
// has changed.
class OverheadObserver {
virtual ~OverheadObserver() = default;
virtual void OnOverheadChanged(size_t overhead_bytes_per_packet) = 0;
// RTP
enum { kRtpCsrcSize = 15 }; // RFC 3550 page 13
// ==================================================================
// Video specific types
// ==================================================================
// TODO(magjed): Move this and other H264 related classes out to their own file.
namespace H264 {
enum Profile {
} // namespace H264
struct SpatialLayer {
bool operator==(const SpatialLayer& other) const;
bool operator!=(const SpatialLayer& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
unsigned short width;
unsigned short height;
float maxFramerate; // fps.
unsigned char numberOfTemporalLayers;
unsigned int maxBitrate; // kilobits/sec.
unsigned int targetBitrate; // kilobits/sec.
unsigned int minBitrate; // kilobits/sec.
unsigned int qpMax; // minimum quality
bool active; // encoded and sent.
// Simulcast is when the same stream is encoded multiple times with different
// settings such as resolution.
typedef SpatialLayer SimulcastStream;
// Bandwidth over-use detector options. These are used to drive
// experimentation with bandwidth estimation parameters.
// See modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/overuse_detector.h
// TODO(terelius): This is only used in, and only in the
// default constructed state. Can we move the relevant variables into that
// class and delete this? See also disabled warning at line 27
struct OverUseDetectorOptions {
: initial_slope(8.0 / 512.0),
initial_var_noise(50) {
initial_e[0][0] = 100;
initial_e[1][1] = 1e-1;
initial_e[0][1] = initial_e[1][0] = 0;
initial_process_noise[0] = 1e-13;
initial_process_noise[1] = 1e-3;
double initial_slope;
double initial_offset;
double initial_e[2][2];
double initial_process_noise[2];
double initial_avg_noise;
double initial_var_noise;
// Minimum and maximum playout delay values from capture to render.
// These are best effort values.
// A value < 0 indicates no change from previous valid value.
// min = max = 0 indicates that the receiver should try and render
// frame as soon as possible.
// min = x, max = y indicates that the receiver is free to adapt
// in the range (x, y) based on network jitter.
// Note: Given that this gets embedded in a union, it is up-to the owner to
// initialize these values.
struct PlayoutDelay {
int min_ms;
int max_ms;
} // namespace webrtc
#endif // COMMON_TYPES_H_