blob: 454e60bf312c7eafb72dd9158e4110b3ac47d33d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <audioclient.h>
#include <audiopolicy.h>
#include <avrt.h>
#include <comdef.h>
#include <mmdeviceapi.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <propidl.h>
#include <wrl/client.h>
#include <string>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "api/units/time_delta.h"
#include "modules/audio_device/audio_device_name.h"
#include "modules/audio_device/include/audio_device_defines.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "rtc_base/string_utils.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "Avrt.lib")
namespace webrtc {
namespace webrtc_win {
// Utility class which registers a thread with MMCSS in the constructor and
// deregisters MMCSS in the destructor. The task name is given by `task_name`.
// The Multimedia Class Scheduler service (MMCSS) enables multimedia
// applications to ensure that their time-sensitive processing receives
// prioritized access to CPU resources without denying CPU resources to
// lower-priority applications.
class ScopedMMCSSRegistration {
const char* PriorityClassToString(DWORD priority_class) {
switch (priority_class) {
return "ABOVE_NORMAL";
return "BELOW_NORMAL";
return "HIGH";
return "IDLE";
return "NORMAL";
return "REALTIME";
return "INVALID";
const char* PriorityToString(int priority) {
switch (priority) {
return "ABOVE_NORMAL";
return "BELOW_NORMAL";
return "HIGHEST";
return "IDLE";
return "LOWEST";
return "NORMAL";
// Can happen in combination with REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS.
return "INVALID";
explicit ScopedMMCSSRegistration(const wchar_t* task_name) {
RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "ScopedMMCSSRegistration: " << rtc::ToUtf8(task_name);
// Register the calling thread with MMCSS for the supplied `task_name`.
DWORD mmcss_task_index = 0;
mmcss_handle_ = AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW(task_name, &mmcss_task_index);
if (mmcss_handle_ == nullptr) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to enable MMCSS on this thread: "
<< GetLastError();
} else {
const DWORD priority_class = GetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess());
const int priority = GetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread());
RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "priority class: "
<< PriorityClassToString(priority_class) << "("
<< priority_class << ")";
RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "priority: " << PriorityToString(priority) << "("
<< priority << ")";
~ScopedMMCSSRegistration() {
if (Succeeded()) {
// Deregister with MMCSS.
RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "~ScopedMMCSSRegistration";
ScopedMMCSSRegistration(const ScopedMMCSSRegistration&) = delete;
ScopedMMCSSRegistration& operator=(const ScopedMMCSSRegistration&) = delete;
bool Succeeded() const { return mmcss_handle_ != nullptr; }
HANDLE mmcss_handle_ = nullptr;
// A PROPVARIANT that is automatically initialized and cleared upon respective
// construction and destruction of this class.
class ScopedPropVariant {
ScopedPropVariant() { PropVariantInit(&pv_); }
~ScopedPropVariant() { Reset(); }
ScopedPropVariant(const ScopedPropVariant&) = delete;
ScopedPropVariant& operator=(const ScopedPropVariant&) = delete;
bool operator==(const ScopedPropVariant&) const = delete;
bool operator!=(const ScopedPropVariant&) const = delete;
// Returns a pointer to the underlying PROPVARIANT for use as an out param in
// a function call.
PROPVARIANT* Receive() {
return &pv_;
// Clears the instance to prepare it for re-use (e.g., via Receive).
void Reset() {
if (pv_.vt != VT_EMPTY) {
HRESULT result = PropVariantClear(&pv_);
RTC_DCHECK_EQ(result, S_OK);
const PROPVARIANT& get() const { return pv_; }
const PROPVARIANT* ptr() const { return &pv_; }
// Simple scoped memory releaser class for COM allocated memory.
template <typename T>
class ScopedCoMem {
ScopedCoMem() : mem_ptr_(nullptr) {}
~ScopedCoMem() { Reset(nullptr); }
ScopedCoMem(const ScopedCoMem&) = delete;
ScopedCoMem& operator=(const ScopedCoMem&) = delete;
T** operator&() { // NOLINT
RTC_DCHECK(mem_ptr_ == nullptr); // To catch memory leaks.
return &mem_ptr_;
operator T*() { return mem_ptr_; }
T* operator->() {
RTC_DCHECK(mem_ptr_ != nullptr);
return mem_ptr_;
const T* operator->() const {
RTC_DCHECK(mem_ptr_ != nullptr);
return mem_ptr_;
explicit operator bool() const { return mem_ptr_; }
friend bool operator==(const ScopedCoMem& lhs, std::nullptr_t) {
return lhs.Get() == nullptr;
friend bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, const ScopedCoMem& rhs) {
return rhs.Get() == nullptr;
friend bool operator!=(const ScopedCoMem& lhs, std::nullptr_t) {
return lhs.Get() != nullptr;
friend bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t, const ScopedCoMem& rhs) {
return rhs.Get() != nullptr;
void Reset(T* ptr) {
if (mem_ptr_)
mem_ptr_ = ptr;
T* Get() const { return mem_ptr_; }
T* mem_ptr_;
// A HANDLE that is automatically initialized and closed upon respective
// construction and destruction of this class.
class ScopedHandle {
ScopedHandle() : handle_(nullptr) {}
explicit ScopedHandle(HANDLE h) : handle_(nullptr) { Set(h); }
~ScopedHandle() { Close(); }
ScopedHandle& operator=(const ScopedHandle&) = delete;
bool operator==(const ScopedHandle&) const = delete;
bool operator!=(const ScopedHandle&) const = delete;
// Use this instead of comparing to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE.
bool IsValid() const { return handle_ != nullptr; }
void Set(HANDLE new_handle) {
// Windows is inconsistent about invalid handles.
// See
// for details.
if (new_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
handle_ = new_handle;
HANDLE Get() const { return handle_; }
operator HANDLE() const { return handle_; }
void Close() {
if (handle_) {
if (!::CloseHandle(handle_)) {
handle_ = nullptr;
HANDLE handle_;
// Utility methods for the Core Audio API on Windows.
// Always ensure that Core Audio is supported before using these methods.
// Use webrtc_win::core_audio_utility::IsSupported() for this purpose.
// Also, all methods must be called on a valid COM thread. This can be done
// by using the ScopedCOMInitializer helper class.
// These methods are based on media::CoreAudioUtil in Chrome.
namespace core_audio_utility {
// Helper class which automates casting between WAVEFORMATEX and
// WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE raw pointers using implicit constructors and
// operator overloading. Note that, no memory is allocated by this utility
// structure. It only serves as a handle (or a wrapper) of the structure
// provided to it at construction.
class WaveFormatWrapper {
: ptr_(reinterpret_cast<WAVEFORMATEX*>(p)) {}
WaveFormatWrapper(WAVEFORMATEX* p) : ptr_(p) {}
~WaveFormatWrapper() = default;
operator WAVEFORMATEX*() const { return ptr_; }
WAVEFORMATEX* operator->() const { return ptr_; }
WAVEFORMATEX* get() const { return ptr_; }
WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE* GetExtensible() const;
bool IsExtensible() const;
bool IsPcm() const;
bool IsFloat() const;
size_t size() const;
// Returns true if Windows Core Audio is supported.
// Always verify that this method returns true before using any of the
// other methods in this class.
bool IsSupported();
// Returns true if Multimedia Class Scheduler service (MMCSS) is supported.
// The MMCSS enables multimedia applications to ensure that their time-sensitive
// processing receives prioritized access to CPU resources without denying CPU
// resources to lower-priority applications.
bool IsMMCSSSupported();
// The MMDevice API lets clients discover the audio endpoint devices in the
// system and determine which devices are suitable for the application to use.
// Header file Mmdeviceapi.h defines the interfaces in the MMDevice API.
// Number of active audio devices in the specified data flow direction.
// Set `data_flow` to eAll to retrieve the total number of active audio
// devices.
int NumberOfActiveDevices(EDataFlow data_flow);
// Returns 1, 2, or 3 depending on what version of IAudioClient the platform
// supports.
// Example: IAudioClient2 is supported on Windows 8 and higher => 2 is returned.
uint32_t GetAudioClientVersion();
// Creates an IMMDeviceEnumerator interface which provides methods for
// enumerating audio endpoint devices.
// TODO(henrika): IMMDeviceEnumerator::RegisterEndpointNotificationCallback.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMMDeviceEnumerator> CreateDeviceEnumerator();
// These functions return the unique device id of the default or
// communications input/output device, or an empty string if no such device
// exists or if the device has been disabled.
std::string GetDefaultInputDeviceID();
std::string GetDefaultOutputDeviceID();
std::string GetCommunicationsInputDeviceID();
std::string GetCommunicationsOutputDeviceID();
// Creates an IMMDevice interface corresponding to the unique device id in
// `device_id`, or by data-flow direction and role if `device_id` is set to
// AudioDeviceName::kDefaultDeviceId.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMMDevice> CreateDevice(absl::string_view device_id,
EDataFlow data_flow,
ERole role);
// Returns the unique ID and user-friendly name of a given endpoint device.
// Example: "{}.{8db6020f-18e3-4f25-b6f5-7726c9122574}", and
// "Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)".
webrtc::AudioDeviceName GetDeviceName(IMMDevice* device);
// Gets the user-friendly name of the endpoint device which is represented
// by a unique id in `device_id`, or by data-flow direction and role if
// `device_id` is set to AudioDeviceName::kDefaultDeviceId.
std::string GetFriendlyName(absl::string_view device_id,
EDataFlow data_flow,
ERole role);
// Query if the audio device is a rendering device or a capture device.
EDataFlow GetDataFlow(IMMDevice* device);
// Enumerates all input devices and adds the names (friendly name and unique
// device id) to the list in `device_names`.
bool GetInputDeviceNames(webrtc::AudioDeviceNames* device_names);
// Enumerates all output devices and adds the names (friendly name and unique
// device id) to the list in `device_names`.
bool GetOutputDeviceNames(webrtc::AudioDeviceNames* device_names);
// The Windows Audio Session API (WASAPI) enables client applications to
// manage the flow of audio data between the application and an audio endpoint
// device. Header files Audioclient.h and Audiopolicy.h define the WASAPI
// interfaces.
// Creates an IAudioSessionManager2 interface for the specified `device`.
// This interface provides access to e.g. the IAudioSessionEnumerator
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IAudioSessionManager2> CreateSessionManager2(
IMMDevice* device);
// Creates an IAudioSessionEnumerator interface for the specified `device`.
// The client can use the interface to enumerate audio sessions on the audio
// device
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IAudioSessionEnumerator> CreateSessionEnumerator(
IMMDevice* device);
// Number of active audio sessions for the given `device`. Expired or inactive
// sessions are not included.
int NumberOfActiveSessions(IMMDevice* device);
// Creates an IAudioClient instance for a specific device or the default
// device specified by data-flow direction and role.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IAudioClient> CreateClient(absl::string_view device_id,
EDataFlow data_flow,
ERole role);
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IAudioClient2> CreateClient2(absl::string_view device_id,
EDataFlow data_flow,
ERole role);
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IAudioClient3> CreateClient3(absl::string_view device_id,
EDataFlow data_flow,
ERole role);
// Sets the AudioCategory_Communications category. Should be called before
// GetSharedModeMixFormat() and IsFormatSupported(). The `client` argument must
// be an IAudioClient2 or IAudioClient3 interface pointer, hence only supported
// on Windows 8 and above.
// TODO(henrika): evaluate effect (if any).
HRESULT SetClientProperties(IAudioClient2* client);
// Returns the buffer size limits of the hardware audio engine in
// 100-nanosecond units given a specified `format`. Does not require prior
// audio stream initialization. The `client` argument must be an IAudioClient2
// or IAudioClient3 interface pointer, hence only supported on Windows 8 and
// above.
// TODO(henrika): always fails with AUDCLNT_E_OFFLOAD_MODE_ONLY.
HRESULT GetBufferSizeLimits(IAudioClient2* client,
REFERENCE_TIME* min_buffer_duration,
REFERENCE_TIME* max_buffer_duration);
// Get the mix format that the audio engine uses internally for processing
// of shared-mode streams. The client can call this method before calling
// IAudioClient::Initialize. When creating a shared-mode stream for an audio
// endpoint device, the Initialize method always accepts the stream format
// obtained by this method.
HRESULT GetSharedModeMixFormat(IAudioClient* client,
// Returns true if the specified `client` supports the format in `format`
// for the given `share_mode` (shared or exclusive). The client can call this
// method before calling IAudioClient::Initialize.
bool IsFormatSupported(IAudioClient* client,
// For a shared-mode stream, the audio engine periodically processes the
// data in the endpoint buffer at the period obtained in `device_period`.
// For an exclusive mode stream, `device_period` corresponds to the minimum
// time interval between successive processing by the endpoint device.
// This period plus the stream latency between the buffer and endpoint device
// represents the minimum possible latency that an audio application can
// achieve. The time in `device_period` is expressed in 100-nanosecond units.
HRESULT GetDevicePeriod(IAudioClient* client,
REFERENCE_TIME* device_period);
// Returns the range of periodicities supported by the engine for the specified
// stream `format`. The periodicity of the engine is the rate at which the
// engine wakes an event-driven audio client to transfer audio data to or from
// the engine. Can be used for low-latency support on some devices.
// The `client` argument must be an IAudioClient3 interface pointer, hence only
// supported on Windows 10 and above.
HRESULT GetSharedModeEnginePeriod(IAudioClient3* client3,
uint32_t* default_period_in_frames,
uint32_t* fundamental_period_in_frames,
uint32_t* min_period_in_frames,
uint32_t* max_period_in_frames);
// Get the preferred audio parameters for the given `client` corresponding to
// the stream format that the audio engine uses for its internal processing of
// shared-mode streams. The acquired values should only be utilized for shared
// mode streamed since there are no preferred settings for an exclusive mode
// stream.
HRESULT GetPreferredAudioParameters(IAudioClient* client,
webrtc::AudioParameters* params);
// As above but override the preferred sample rate and use `sample_rate`
// instead. Intended mainly for testing purposes and in combination with rate
// conversion.
HRESULT GetPreferredAudioParameters(IAudioClient* client,
webrtc::AudioParameters* params,
uint32_t sample_rate);
// After activating an IAudioClient interface on an audio endpoint device,
// the client must initialize it once, and only once, to initialize the audio
// stream between the client and the device. In shared mode, the client
// connects indirectly through the audio engine which does the mixing.
// If a valid event is provided in `event_handle`, the client will be
// initialized for event-driven buffer handling. If `event_handle` is set to
// nullptr, event-driven buffer handling is not utilized. To achieve the
// minimum stream latency between the client application and audio endpoint
// device, set `buffer_duration` to 0. A client has the option of requesting a
// buffer size that is larger than what is strictly necessary to make timing
// glitches rare or nonexistent. Increasing the buffer size does not necessarily
// increase the stream latency. Each unit of reference time is 100 nanoseconds.
// The `auto_convert_pcm` parameter can be used for testing purposes to ensure
// that the sample rate of the client side does not have to match the audio
// engine mix format. If `auto_convert_pcm` is set to true, a rate converter
// will be inserted to convert between the sample rate in `format` and the
// preferred rate given by GetPreferredAudioParameters().
// The output parameter `endpoint_buffer_size` contains the size of the
// endpoint buffer and it is expressed as the number of audio frames the
// buffer can hold.
HRESULT SharedModeInitialize(IAudioClient* client,
HANDLE event_handle,
REFERENCE_TIME buffer_duration,
bool auto_convert_pcm,
uint32_t* endpoint_buffer_size);
// Works as SharedModeInitialize() but adds support for using smaller engine
// periods than the default period.
// The `client` argument must be an IAudioClient3 interface pointer, hence only
// supported on Windows 10 and above.
// TODO(henrika): can probably be merged into SharedModeInitialize() to avoid
// duplicating code. Keeping as separate method for now until decided if we
// need low-latency support.
HRESULT SharedModeInitializeLowLatency(IAudioClient3* client,
HANDLE event_handle,
uint32_t period_in_frames,
bool auto_convert_pcm,
uint32_t* endpoint_buffer_size);
// Creates an IAudioRenderClient client for an existing IAudioClient given by
// `client`. The IAudioRenderClient interface enables a client to write
// output data to a rendering endpoint buffer. The methods in this interface
// manage the movement of data packets that contain audio-rendering data.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IAudioRenderClient> CreateRenderClient(
IAudioClient* client);
// Creates an IAudioCaptureClient client for an existing IAudioClient given by
// `client`. The IAudioCaptureClient interface enables a client to read
// input data from a capture endpoint buffer. The methods in this interface
// manage the movement of data packets that contain capture data.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IAudioCaptureClient> CreateCaptureClient(
IAudioClient* client);
// Creates an IAudioClock interface for an existing IAudioClient given by
// `client`. The IAudioClock interface enables a client to monitor a stream's
// data rate and the current position in the stream.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IAudioClock> CreateAudioClock(IAudioClient* client);
// Creates an AudioSessionControl interface for an existing IAudioClient given
// by `client`. The IAudioControl interface enables a client to configure the
// control parameters for an audio session and to monitor events in the session.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IAudioSessionControl> CreateAudioSessionControl(
IAudioClient* client);
// Creates an ISimpleAudioVolume interface for an existing IAudioClient given by
// `client`. This interface enables a client to control the master volume level
// of an active audio session.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ISimpleAudioVolume> CreateSimpleAudioVolume(
IAudioClient* client);
// Fills up the endpoint rendering buffer with silence for an existing
// IAudioClient given by `client` and a corresponding IAudioRenderClient
// given by `render_client`.
bool FillRenderEndpointBufferWithSilence(IAudioClient* client,
IAudioRenderClient* render_client);
// Prints/logs all fields of the format structure in `format`.
// Also supports extended versions (WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE).
std::string WaveFormatToString(WaveFormatWrapper format);
// Converts Windows internal REFERENCE_TIME (100 nanosecond units) into
// generic webrtc::TimeDelta which then can be converted to any time unit.
webrtc::TimeDelta ReferenceTimeToTimeDelta(REFERENCE_TIME time);
// Converts size expressed in number of audio frames, `num_frames`, into
// milliseconds given a specified `sample_rate`.
double FramesToMilliseconds(uint32_t num_frames, uint16_t sample_rate);
// Converts a COM error into a human-readable string.
std::string ErrorToString(const _com_error& error);
} // namespace core_audio_utility
} // namespace webrtc_win
} // namespace webrtc