blob: f1fa3bf8f35b109a26867755678620edf5966a6f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "video/encoder_overshoot_detector.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace webrtc {
EncoderOvershootDetector::EncoderOvershootDetector(int64_t window_size_ms)
: window_size_ms_(window_size_ms),
buffer_level_bits_(0) {}
EncoderOvershootDetector::~EncoderOvershootDetector() = default;
void EncoderOvershootDetector::SetTargetRate(DataRate target_bitrate,
double target_framerate_fps,
int64_t time_ms) {
// First leak bits according to the previous target rate.
if (target_bitrate_ != DataRate::Zero()) {
} else if (target_bitrate != DataRate::Zero()) {
// Stream was just enabled, reset state.
time_last_update_ms_ = time_ms;
sum_utilization_factors_ = 0.0;
buffer_level_bits_ = 0;
target_bitrate_ = target_bitrate;
target_framerate_fps_ = target_framerate_fps;
void EncoderOvershootDetector::OnEncodedFrame(size_t bytes, int64_t time_ms) {
// Leak bits from the virtual pacer buffer, according to the current target
// bitrate.
// Ideal size of a frame given the current rates.
const int64_t ideal_frame_size = IdealFrameSizeBits();
if (ideal_frame_size == 0) {
// Frame without updated bitrate and/or framerate, ignore it.
// Add new frame to the buffer level. If doing so exceeds the ideal buffer
// size, penalize this frame but cap overshoot to current buffer level rather
// than size of this frame. This is done so that a single large frame is not
// penalized if the encoder afterwards compensates by dropping frames and/or
// reducing frame size. If however a large frame is followed by more data,
// we cannot pace that next frame out within one frame space.
const int64_t bitsum = (bytes * 8) + buffer_level_bits_;
int64_t overshoot_bits = 0;
if (bitsum > ideal_frame_size) {
overshoot_bits = std::min(buffer_level_bits_, bitsum - ideal_frame_size);
// Add entry for the (over) utilization for this frame. Factor is capped
// at 1.0 so that we don't risk overshooting on sudden changes.
double frame_utilization_factor;
if (utilization_factors_.empty()) {
// First frame, cannot estimate overshoot based on previous one so
// for this particular frame, just like as size vs optimal size.
frame_utilization_factor =
std::max(1.0, static_cast<double>(bytes) * 8 / ideal_frame_size);
} else {
frame_utilization_factor =
1.0 + (static_cast<double>(overshoot_bits) / ideal_frame_size);
utilization_factors_.emplace_back(frame_utilization_factor, time_ms);
sum_utilization_factors_ += frame_utilization_factor;
// Remove the overshot bits from the virtual buffer so we don't penalize
// those bits multiple times.
buffer_level_bits_ -= overshoot_bits;
buffer_level_bits_ += bytes * 8;
absl::optional<double> EncoderOvershootDetector::GetUtilizationFactor(
int64_t time_ms) {
// Cull old data points.
const int64_t cutoff_time_ms = time_ms - window_size_ms_;
while (!utilization_factors_.empty() &&
utilization_factors_.front().update_time_ms < cutoff_time_ms) {
// Make sure sum is never allowed to become negative due rounding errors.
sum_utilization_factors_ =
std::max(0.0, sum_utilization_factors_ -
// No data points within window, return.
if (utilization_factors_.empty()) {
return absl::nullopt;
// TODO(sprang): Consider changing from arithmetic mean to some other
// function such as 90th percentile.
return sum_utilization_factors_ / utilization_factors_.size();
void EncoderOvershootDetector::Reset() {
time_last_update_ms_ = -1;
target_bitrate_ = DataRate::Zero();
sum_utilization_factors_ = 0.0;
target_framerate_fps_ = 0.0;
buffer_level_bits_ = 0;
int64_t EncoderOvershootDetector::IdealFrameSizeBits() const {
if (target_framerate_fps_ <= 0 || target_bitrate_ == DataRate::Zero()) {
return 0;
// Current ideal frame size, based on the current target bitrate.
return static_cast<int64_t>(
(target_bitrate_.bps() + target_framerate_fps_ / 2) /
void EncoderOvershootDetector::LeakBits(int64_t time_ms) {
if (time_last_update_ms_ != -1 && target_bitrate_ > DataRate::Zero()) {
int64_t time_delta_ms = time_ms - time_last_update_ms_;
// Leak bits according to the current target bitrate.
int64_t leaked_bits = std::min(
buffer_level_bits_, (target_bitrate_.bps() * time_delta_ms) / 1000);
buffer_level_bits_ -= leaked_bits;
time_last_update_ms_ = time_ms;
} // namespace webrtc