blob: e91e06efd555c9f8a0e9e852ad4979ee9088e1cc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/congestion_controller/probe_controller.h"
#include <initializer_list>
#include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
// Number of deltas between probes per cluster. On the very first cluster,
// we will need kProbeDeltasPerCluster + 1 probes, but on a cluster following
// another, we need kProbeDeltasPerCluster probes.
constexpr int kProbeDeltasPerCluster = 5;
// Maximum waiting time from the time of initiating probing to getting
// the measured results back.
constexpr int64_t kMaxWaitingTimeForProbingResultMs = 1000;
// Value of |min_bitrate_to_probe_further_bps_| that indicates
// further probing is disabled.
constexpr int kExponentialProbingDisabled = 0;
} // namespace
ProbeController::ProbeController(PacedSender* pacer, Clock* clock)
: pacer_(pacer),
max_bitrate_bps_(0) {}
void ProbeController::SetBitrates(int min_bitrate_bps,
int start_bitrate_bps,
int max_bitrate_bps) {
rtc::CritScope cs(&critsect_);
if (state_ == State::kInit) {
// When probing at 1.8 Mbps ( 6x 300), this represents a threshold of
// 1.2 Mbps to continue probing.
InitiateProbing({3 * start_bitrate_bps, 6 * start_bitrate_bps},
4 * start_bitrate_bps);
// Only do probing if:
// we are mid-call, which we consider to be if
// exponential probing is not active and
// |estimated_bitrate_bps_| is valid (> 0) and
// the current bitrate is lower than the new |max_bitrate_bps|, and
// we actually want to increase the |max_bitrate_bps_|.
if (state_ != State::kWaitingForProbingResult &&
estimated_bitrate_bps_ != 0 && estimated_bitrate_bps_ < max_bitrate_bps &&
max_bitrate_bps > max_bitrate_bps_) {
InitiateProbing({max_bitrate_bps}, kExponentialProbingDisabled);
max_bitrate_bps_ = max_bitrate_bps;
void ProbeController::SetEstimatedBitrate(int bitrate_bps) {
rtc::CritScope cs(&critsect_);
if (state_ == State::kWaitingForProbingResult) {
if ((clock_->TimeInMilliseconds() - time_last_probing_initiated_ms_) >
kMaxWaitingTimeForProbingResultMs) {
LOG(LS_INFO) << "kWaitingForProbingResult: timeout";
state_ = State::kProbingComplete;
min_bitrate_to_probe_further_bps_ = kExponentialProbingDisabled;
} else {
// Continue probing if probing results indicate channel has greater
// capacity.
LOG(LS_INFO) << "Measured bitrate: " << bitrate_bps
<< " Minimum to probe further: "
<< min_bitrate_to_probe_further_bps_;
if (min_bitrate_to_probe_further_bps_ != kExponentialProbingDisabled &&
bitrate_bps > min_bitrate_to_probe_further_bps_) {
// Double the probing bitrate and expect a minimum of 25% gain to
// continue probing.
InitiateProbing({2 * bitrate_bps}, 1.25 * bitrate_bps);
estimated_bitrate_bps_ = bitrate_bps;
void ProbeController::InitiateProbing(
std::initializer_list<int> bitrates_to_probe,
int min_bitrate_to_probe_further_bps) {
bool first_cluster = true;
for (int bitrate : bitrates_to_probe) {
if (first_cluster) {
pacer_->CreateProbeCluster(bitrate, kProbeDeltasPerCluster + 1);
first_cluster = false;
} else {
pacer_->CreateProbeCluster(bitrate, kProbeDeltasPerCluster);
min_bitrate_to_probe_further_bps_ = min_bitrate_to_probe_further_bps;
time_last_probing_initiated_ms_ = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
if (min_bitrate_to_probe_further_bps == kExponentialProbingDisabled)
state_ = State::kProbingComplete;
state_ = State::kWaitingForProbingResult;
} // namespace webrtc