blob: d3bc7a09cebccdcfccb839cda8e1dcd6d8aeadb7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/media/base/videobroadcaster.h"
#include <limits>
#include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
namespace rtc {
VideoBroadcaster::VideoBroadcaster() {
void VideoBroadcaster::AddOrUpdateSink(
VideoSinkInterface<cricket::VideoFrame>* sink,
const VideoSinkWants& wants) {
RTC_DCHECK(sink != nullptr);
rtc::CritScope cs(&sinks_and_wants_lock_);
VideoSourceBase::AddOrUpdateSink(sink, wants);
void VideoBroadcaster::RemoveSink(
VideoSinkInterface<cricket::VideoFrame>* sink) {
RTC_DCHECK(sink != nullptr);
rtc::CritScope cs(&sinks_and_wants_lock_);
bool VideoBroadcaster::frame_wanted() const {
rtc::CritScope cs(&sinks_and_wants_lock_);
return !sink_pairs().empty();
VideoSinkWants VideoBroadcaster::wants() const {
rtc::CritScope cs(&sinks_and_wants_lock_);
return current_wants_;
void VideoBroadcaster::OnFrame(const cricket::VideoFrame& frame) {
rtc::CritScope cs(&sinks_and_wants_lock_);
for (auto& sink_pair : sink_pairs()) {
if (sink_pair.wants.rotation_applied &&
frame.rotation() != webrtc::kVideoRotation_0) {
// Calls to OnFrame are not synchronized with changes to the sink wants.
// When rotation_applied is set to true, one or a few frames may get here
// with rotation still pending. Protect sinks that don't expect any
// pending rotation.
LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Discarding frame with unexpected rotation.";
if (sink_pair.wants.black_frames) {
GetBlackFrameBuffer(frame.width(), frame.height()), frame.rotation(),
frame.timestamp_us(), frame.transport_frame_id()));
} else {
void VideoBroadcaster::UpdateWants() {
VideoSinkWants wants;
wants.rotation_applied = false;
for (auto& sink : sink_pairs()) {
// wants.rotation_applied == ANY(sink.wants.rotation_applied)
if (sink.wants.rotation_applied) {
wants.rotation_applied = true;
// wants.max_pixel_count == MIN(sink.wants.max_pixel_count)
if (sink.wants.max_pixel_count &&
(!wants.max_pixel_count ||
(*sink.wants.max_pixel_count < *wants.max_pixel_count))) {
wants.max_pixel_count = sink.wants.max_pixel_count;
// wants.max_pixel_count_step_up == MIN(sink.wants.max_pixel_count_step_up)
if (sink.wants.max_pixel_count_step_up &&
(!wants.max_pixel_count_step_up ||
(*sink.wants.max_pixel_count_step_up <
*wants.max_pixel_count_step_up))) {
wants.max_pixel_count_step_up = sink.wants.max_pixel_count_step_up;
if (wants.max_pixel_count && wants.max_pixel_count_step_up &&
*wants.max_pixel_count_step_up >= *wants.max_pixel_count) {
wants.max_pixel_count_step_up = Optional<int>();
current_wants_ = wants;
const rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoFrameBuffer>&
VideoBroadcaster::GetBlackFrameBuffer(int width, int height) {
if (!black_frame_buffer_ || black_frame_buffer_->width() != width ||
black_frame_buffer_->height() != height) {
rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::I420Buffer> buffer =
new RefCountedObject<webrtc::I420Buffer>(width, height);
black_frame_buffer_ = buffer;
return black_frame_buffer_;
} // namespace rtc