blob: 43d4544f714612545d44beed5277646c9d00fe9a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2022 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <memory>
#include "api/field_trials_view.h"
#include "api/task_queue/task_queue_base.h"
#include "api/video/encoded_frame.h"
#include "api/video/frame_buffer.h"
#include "modules/video_coding/include/video_coding_defines.h"
#include "modules/video_coding/timing/inter_frame_delay_variation_calculator.h"
#include "modules/video_coding/timing/jitter_estimator.h"
#include "modules/video_coding/timing/timing.h"
#include "system_wrappers/include/clock.h"
#include "video/decode_synchronizer.h"
#include "video/video_receive_stream_timeout_tracker.h"
namespace webrtc {
class FrameSchedulingReceiver {
virtual ~FrameSchedulingReceiver() = default;
virtual void OnEncodedFrame(std::unique_ptr<EncodedFrame> frame) = 0;
virtual void OnDecodableFrameTimeout(TimeDelta wait_time) = 0;
class VideoStreamBufferControllerStatsObserver {
virtual ~VideoStreamBufferControllerStatsObserver() = default;
virtual void OnCompleteFrame(bool is_keyframe,
size_t size_bytes,
VideoContentType content_type) = 0;
virtual void OnDroppedFrames(uint32_t frames_dropped) = 0;
// `jitter_buffer_delay` is the delay experienced by a single frame,
// whereas `target_delay` and `minimum_delay` are the current delays
// applied by the jitter buffer.
virtual void OnDecodableFrame(TimeDelta jitter_buffer_delay,
TimeDelta target_delay,
TimeDelta minimum_delay) = 0;
// Various jitter buffer delays determined by VCMTiming.
virtual void OnFrameBufferTimingsUpdated(int estimated_max_decode_time_ms,
int current_delay_ms,
int target_delay_ms,
int jitter_delay_ms,
int min_playout_delay_ms,
int render_delay_ms) = 0;
virtual void OnTimingFrameInfoUpdated(const TimingFrameInfo& info) = 0;
class VideoStreamBufferController {
Clock* clock,
TaskQueueBase* worker_queue,
VCMTiming* timing,
VideoStreamBufferControllerStatsObserver* stats_proxy,
FrameSchedulingReceiver* receiver,
TimeDelta max_wait_for_keyframe,
TimeDelta max_wait_for_frame,
std::unique_ptr<FrameDecodeScheduler> frame_decode_scheduler,
const FieldTrialsView& field_trials);
virtual ~VideoStreamBufferController() = default;
void Stop();
void SetProtectionMode(VCMVideoProtection protection_mode);
void Clear();
std::optional<int64_t> InsertFrame(std::unique_ptr<EncodedFrame> frame);
void UpdateRtt(int64_t max_rtt_ms);
void SetMaxWaits(TimeDelta max_wait_for_keyframe,
TimeDelta max_wait_for_frame);
void StartNextDecode(bool keyframe_required);
int Size();
void OnFrameReady(
absl::InlinedVector<std::unique_ptr<EncodedFrame>, 4> frames,
Timestamp render_time);
void OnTimeout(TimeDelta delay);
void FrameReadyForDecode(uint32_t rtp_timestamp, Timestamp render_time);
void UpdateDroppedFrames() RTC_RUN_ON(&worker_sequence_checker_);
void UpdateFrameBufferTimings(Timestamp min_receive_time, Timestamp now);
void UpdateTimingFrameInfo();
bool IsTooManyFramesQueued() const RTC_RUN_ON(&worker_sequence_checker_);
void ForceKeyFrameReleaseImmediately() RTC_RUN_ON(&worker_sequence_checker_);
void MaybeScheduleFrameForRelease() RTC_RUN_ON(&worker_sequence_checker_);
RTC_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS SequenceChecker worker_sequence_checker_;
const FieldTrialsView& field_trials_;
Clock* const clock_;
VideoStreamBufferControllerStatsObserver* const stats_proxy_;
FrameSchedulingReceiver* const receiver_;
VCMTiming* const timing_;
const std::unique_ptr<FrameDecodeScheduler> frame_decode_scheduler_
JitterEstimator jitter_estimator_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&worker_sequence_checker_);
InterFrameDelayVariationCalculator ifdv_calculator_
bool keyframe_required_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&worker_sequence_checker_) = false;
std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer> buffer_
FrameDecodeTiming decode_timing_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&worker_sequence_checker_);
VideoReceiveStreamTimeoutTracker timeout_tracker_
int frames_dropped_before_last_new_frame_
RTC_GUARDED_BY(&worker_sequence_checker_) = 0;
VCMVideoProtection protection_mode_
RTC_GUARDED_BY(&worker_sequence_checker_) = kProtectionNack;
// This flag guards frames from queuing in front of the decoder. Without this
// guard, encoded frames will not wait for the decoder to finish decoding a
// frame and just queue up, meaning frames will not be dropped or
// fast-forwarded when the decoder is slow or hangs.
bool decoder_ready_for_new_frame_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&worker_sequence_checker_) =
// Maximum number of frames in the decode queue to allow pacing. If the
// queue grows beyond the max limit, pacing will be disabled and frames will
// be pushed to the decoder as soon as possible. This only has an effect
// when the low-latency rendering path is active, which is indicated by
// the frame's render time == 0.
FieldTrialParameter<unsigned> zero_playout_delay_max_decode_queue_size_;
ScopedTaskSafety worker_safety_;
} // namespace webrtc