blob: 2bbf04563be47b6de7e0ee69b966e6c649cf00cd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/media/base/streamparams.h"
#include <list>
#include <sstream>
namespace cricket {
namespace {
// NOTE: There is no check here for duplicate streams, so check before
// adding.
void AddStream(std::vector<StreamParams>* streams, const StreamParams& stream) {
const char kFecSsrcGroupSemantics[] = "FEC";
const char kFecFrSsrcGroupSemantics[] = "FEC-FR";
const char kFidSsrcGroupSemantics[] = "FID";
const char kSimSsrcGroupSemantics[] = "SIM";
bool GetStream(const StreamParamsVec& streams,
const StreamSelector& selector,
StreamParams* stream_out) {
const StreamParams* found = GetStream(streams, selector);
if (found && stream_out)
*stream_out = *found;
return found != nullptr;
bool MediaStreams::GetAudioStream(
const StreamSelector& selector, StreamParams* stream) {
return GetStream(audio_, selector, stream);
bool MediaStreams::GetVideoStream(
const StreamSelector& selector, StreamParams* stream) {
return GetStream(video_, selector, stream);
bool MediaStreams::GetDataStream(
const StreamSelector& selector, StreamParams* stream) {
return GetStream(data_, selector, stream);
void MediaStreams::CopyFrom(const MediaStreams& streams) {
audio_ = streams.audio_;
video_ = streams.video_;
data_ = streams.data_;
void MediaStreams::AddAudioStream(const StreamParams& stream) {
AddStream(&audio_, stream);
void MediaStreams::AddVideoStream(const StreamParams& stream) {
AddStream(&video_, stream);
void MediaStreams::AddDataStream(const StreamParams& stream) {
AddStream(&data_, stream);
bool MediaStreams::RemoveAudioStream(
const StreamSelector& selector) {
return RemoveStream(&audio_, selector);
bool MediaStreams::RemoveVideoStream(
const StreamSelector& selector) {
return RemoveStream(&video_, selector);
bool MediaStreams::RemoveDataStream(
const StreamSelector& selector) {
return RemoveStream(&data_, selector);
static std::string SsrcsToString(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ssrcs) {
std::ostringstream ost;
ost << "ssrcs:[";
for (std::vector<uint32_t>::const_iterator it = ssrcs.begin();
it != ssrcs.end(); ++it) {
if (it != ssrcs.begin()) {
ost << ",";
ost << *it;
ost << "]";
return ost.str();
bool SsrcGroup::has_semantics(const std::string& semantics_in) const {
return (semantics == semantics_in && ssrcs.size() > 0);
std::string SsrcGroup::ToString() const {
std::ostringstream ost;
ost << "{";
ost << "semantics:" << semantics << ";";
ost << SsrcsToString(ssrcs);
ost << "}";
return ost.str();
std::string StreamParams::ToString() const {
std::ostringstream ost;
ost << "{";
if (!groupid.empty()) {
ost << "groupid:" << groupid << ";";
if (!id.empty()) {
ost << "id:" << id << ";";
ost << SsrcsToString(ssrcs) << ";";
ost << "ssrc_groups:";
for (std::vector<SsrcGroup>::const_iterator it = ssrc_groups.begin();
it != ssrc_groups.end(); ++it) {
if (it != ssrc_groups.begin()) {
ost << ",";
ost << it->ToString();
ost << ";";
if (!type.empty()) {
ost << "type:" << type << ";";
if (!display.empty()) {
ost << "display:" << display << ";";
if (!cname.empty()) {
ost << "cname:" << cname << ";";
if (!sync_label.empty()) {
ost << "sync_label:" << sync_label;
ost << "}";
return ost.str();
void StreamParams::GetPrimarySsrcs(std::vector<uint32_t>* ssrcs) const {
const SsrcGroup* sim_group = get_ssrc_group(kSimSsrcGroupSemantics);
if (sim_group == NULL) {
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < sim_group->ssrcs.size(); ++i) {
void StreamParams::GetFidSsrcs(const std::vector<uint32_t>& primary_ssrcs,
std::vector<uint32_t>* fid_ssrcs) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < primary_ssrcs.size(); ++i) {
uint32_t fid_ssrc;
if (GetFidSsrc(primary_ssrcs[i], &fid_ssrc)) {
bool StreamParams::AddSecondarySsrc(const std::string& semantics,
uint32_t primary_ssrc,
uint32_t secondary_ssrc) {
if (!has_ssrc(primary_ssrc)) {
return false;
std::vector<uint32_t> ssrc_vector;
SsrcGroup ssrc_group = SsrcGroup(semantics, ssrc_vector);
return true;
bool StreamParams::GetSecondarySsrc(const std::string& semantics,
uint32_t primary_ssrc,
uint32_t* secondary_ssrc) const {
for (std::vector<SsrcGroup>::const_iterator it = ssrc_groups.begin();
it != ssrc_groups.end(); ++it) {
if (it->has_semantics(semantics) &&
it->ssrcs.size() >= 2 &&
it->ssrcs[0] == primary_ssrc) {
*secondary_ssrc = it->ssrcs[1];
return true;
return false;
bool IsOneSsrcStream(const StreamParams& sp) {
if (sp.ssrcs.size() == 1 && sp.ssrc_groups.empty()) {
return true;
const SsrcGroup* fid_group = sp.get_ssrc_group(kFidSsrcGroupSemantics);
const SsrcGroup* fecfr_group = sp.get_ssrc_group(kFecFrSsrcGroupSemantics);
if (sp.ssrcs.size() == 2) {
if (fid_group != nullptr && sp.ssrcs == fid_group->ssrcs) {
return true;
if (fecfr_group != nullptr && sp.ssrcs == fecfr_group->ssrcs) {
return true;
if (sp.ssrcs.size() == 3) {
if (fid_group == nullptr || fecfr_group == nullptr) {
return false;
if (sp.ssrcs[0] != fid_group->ssrcs[0] ||
sp.ssrcs[0] != fecfr_group->ssrcs[0]) {
return false;
// We do not check for FlexFEC over RTX,
// as this combination is not supported.
if (sp.ssrcs[1] == fid_group->ssrcs[1] &&
sp.ssrcs[2] == fecfr_group->ssrcs[1]) {
return true;
if (sp.ssrcs[1] == fecfr_group->ssrcs[1] &&
sp.ssrcs[2] == fid_group->ssrcs[1]) {
return true;
return false;
static void RemoveFirst(std::list<uint32_t>* ssrcs, uint32_t value) {
std::list<uint32_t>::iterator it =
std::find(ssrcs->begin(), ssrcs->end(), value);
if (it != ssrcs->end()) {
bool IsSimulcastStream(const StreamParams& sp) {
const SsrcGroup* const sg = sp.get_ssrc_group(kSimSsrcGroupSemantics);
if (sg == NULL || sg->ssrcs.size() < 2) {
return false;
// Start with all StreamParams SSRCs. Remove simulcast SSRCs (from sg) and
// RTX SSRCs. If we still have SSRCs left, we don't know what they're for.
// Also we remove first-found SSRCs only. So duplicates should lead to errors.
std::list<uint32_t> sp_ssrcs(sp.ssrcs.begin(), sp.ssrcs.end());
for (size_t i = 0; i < sg->ssrcs.size(); ++i) {
RemoveFirst(&sp_ssrcs, sg->ssrcs[i]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < sp.ssrc_groups.size(); ++i) {
const SsrcGroup& group = sp.ssrc_groups[i];
if ( != 0 ||
group.ssrcs.size() != 2) {
RemoveFirst(&sp_ssrcs, group.ssrcs[1]);
// If there's SSRCs left that we don't know how to handle, we bail out.
return sp_ssrcs.size() == 0;
} // namespace cricket