blob: 0f390b8a4f7d0aa337c221cc53c539987eabab03 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/fix/source/pitch_estimator.h"
void WebRtcIsacfix_PitchFilterCore(int loopNumber,
int16_t gain,
size_t index,
int16_t sign,
int16_t* inputState,
int16_t* outputBuf2,
const int16_t* coefficient,
int16_t* inputBuf,
int16_t* outputBuf,
int* index2) {
int ind2t = *index2;
int i = 0;
int16_t* out2_pos2 = &outputBuf2[PITCH_BUFFSIZE - (index + 2)] + ind2t;
int32_t w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, gain32, sign32;
int32_t coef1, coef2, coef3, coef4, coef5 = 0;
// Define damp factors as int32_t (pair of int16_t)
int32_t kDampF0 = 0x0000F70A;
int32_t kDampF1 = 0x51EC2000;
int32_t kDampF2 = 0xF70A2000;
int16_t* input1 = inputBuf + ind2t;
int16_t* output1 = outputBuf + ind2t;
int16_t* output2 = outputBuf2 + ind2t + PITCH_BUFFSIZE;
// Load coefficients outside the loop and sign-extend gain and sign
__asm __volatile (
".set push \n\t"
".set noreorder \n\t"
"lwl %[coef1], 3(%[coefficient]) \n\t"
"lwl %[coef2], 7(%[coefficient]) \n\t"
"lwl %[coef3], 11(%[coefficient]) \n\t"
"lwl %[coef4], 15(%[coefficient]) \n\t"
"lwr %[coef1], 0(%[coefficient]) \n\t"
"lwr %[coef2], 4(%[coefficient]) \n\t"
"lwr %[coef3], 8(%[coefficient]) \n\t"
"lwr %[coef4], 12(%[coefficient]) \n\t"
"lhu %[coef5], 16(%[coefficient]) \n\t"
"seh %[gain32], %[gain] \n\t"
"seh %[sign32], %[sign] \n\t"
".set pop \n\t"
: [coef1] "=&r" (coef1), [coef2] "=&r" (coef2), [coef3] "=&r" (coef3),
[coef4] "=&r" (coef4), [coef5] "=&r" (coef5), [gain32] "=&r" (gain32),
[sign32] "=&r" (sign32)
: [coefficient] "r" (coefficient), [gain] "r" (gain),
[sign] "r" (sign)
: "memory"
for (i = 0; i < loopNumber; i++) {
__asm __volatile (
".set push \n\t"
".set noreorder \n\t"
// Filter to get fractional pitch
"li %[w1], 8192 \n\t"
"mtlo %[w1] \n\t"
"mthi $0 \n\t"
"lwl %[w1], 3(%[out2_pos2]) \n\t"
"lwl %[w2], 7(%[out2_pos2]) \n\t"
"lwl %[w3], 11(%[out2_pos2]) \n\t"
"lwl %[w4], 15(%[out2_pos2]) \n\t"
"lwr %[w1], 0(%[out2_pos2]) \n\t"
"lwr %[w2], 4(%[out2_pos2]) \n\t"
"lwr %[w3], 8(%[out2_pos2]) \n\t"
"lwr %[w4], 12(%[out2_pos2]) \n\t"
"lhu %[w5], 16(%[out2_pos2]) \n\t"
" $ac0, %[w1], %[coef1] \n\t"
" $ac0, %[w2], %[coef2] \n\t"
" $ac0, %[w3], %[coef3] \n\t"
" $ac0, %[w4], %[coef4] \n\t"
" $ac0, %[w5], %[coef5] \n\t"
"addiu %[out2_pos2], %[out2_pos2], 2 \n\t"
"mthi $0, $ac1 \n\t"
"lwl %[w2], 3(%[inputState]) \n\t"
"lwl %[w3], 7(%[inputState]) \n\t"
// Fractional pitch shift & saturation
"extr_s.h %[w1], $ac0, 14 \n\t"
"li %[w4], 16384 \n\t"
"lwr %[w2], 0(%[inputState]) \n\t"
"lwr %[w3], 4(%[inputState]) \n\t"
"mtlo %[w4], $ac1 \n\t"
// Shift low pass filter state
"swl %[w2], 5(%[inputState]) \n\t"
"swl %[w3], 9(%[inputState]) \n\t"
"mul %[w1], %[gain32], %[w1] \n\t"
"swr %[w2], 2(%[inputState]) \n\t"
"swr %[w3], 6(%[inputState]) \n\t"
// Low pass filter accumulation
" $ac1, %[kDampF1], %[w2] \n\t"
" $ac1, %[kDampF2], %[w3] \n\t"
"lh %[w4], 0(%[input1]) \n\t"
"addiu %[input1], %[input1], 2 \n\t"
"shra_r.w %[w1], %[w1], 12 \n\t"
"sh %[w1], 0(%[inputState]) \n\t"
" $ac1, %[kDampF0], %[w1] \n\t"
// Low pass filter shift & saturation
"extr_s.h %[w2], $ac1, 15 \n\t"
"mul %[w2], %[w2], %[sign32] \n\t"
// Buffer update
"subu %[w2], %[w4], %[w2] \n\t"
"shll_s.w %[w2], %[w2], 16 \n\t"
"sra %[w2], %[w2], 16 \n\t"
"sh %[w2], 0(%[output1]) \n\t"
"addu %[w2], %[w2], %[w4] \n\t"
"shll_s.w %[w2], %[w2], 16 \n\t"
"addiu %[output1], %[output1], 2 \n\t"
"sra %[w2], %[w2], 16 \n\t"
"sh %[w2], 0(%[output2]) \n\t"
"addiu %[output2], %[output2], 2 \n\t"
".set pop \n\t"
: [w1] "=&r" (w1), [w2] "=&r" (w2), [w3] "=&r" (w3), [w4] "=&r" (w4),
[w5] "=&r" (w5), [input1] "+r" (input1), [out2_pos2] "+r" (out2_pos2),
[output1] "+r" (output1), [output2] "+r" (output2)
: [coefficient] "r" (coefficient), [inputState] "r" (inputState),
[gain32] "r" (gain32), [sign32] "r" (sign32), [kDampF0] "r" (kDampF0),
[kDampF1] "r" (kDampF1), [kDampF2] "r" (kDampF2),
[coef1] "r" (coef1), [coef2] "r" (coef2), [coef3] "r" (coef3),
[coef4] "r" (coef4), [coef5] "r" (coef5)
: "hi", "lo", "$ac1hi", "$ac1lo", "memory"
(*index2) += loopNumber;