blob: f870999b297abca3aaac6283ef915d958864706e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "dl/sp/api/armSP.h"
#include "dl/sp/api/omxSP.h"
#include "dl/sp/src/test/aligned_ptr.h"
#include "dl/sp/src/test/compare.h"
#include "dl/sp/src/test/gensig.h"
#include "dl/sp/src/test/test_util.h"
* Verbosity of output. Higher values means more verbose output for
* debugging.
int verbose;
extern const char* UsageMessage();
extern void FinishedMessage();
extern void SetThresholds(struct TestInfo *info);
extern OMXResult ForwardRFFT(OMX_F32* x,
OMX_F32* y,
OMXFFTSpec_R_F32 *fft_fwd_spec);
extern OMXResult InverseRFFT(OMX_F32* y,
OMX_F32* z,
OMXFFTSpec_R_F32 *fft_inv_spec);
void TestFloatFFT(int fft_log_size, int sigtype, float signal_value);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
struct Options options;
struct TestInfo info;
int failed_count = 0;
SetDefaultOptions(&options, 1, MAX_FFT_ORDER);
verbose = options.verbose_;
info.real_only_ = options.real_only_;
info.min_fft_order_ = options.min_fft_order_;
info.max_fft_order_ = options.max_fft_order_;
info.do_forward_tests_ = options.do_forward_tests_;
info.do_inverse_tests_ = options.do_inverse_tests_;
/* No known failures */
info.known_failures_ = 0;
if (verbose > 255)
DumpOptions(stderr, &options);
if (options.test_mode_) {
failed_count = RunAllTests(&info);
} else {
"Float Real FFT");
return failed_count > 0 ? 1 : 0;
/* Briefly print out the contents of the FFT spec */
void DumpFFTSpec(OMXFFTSpec_R_F32* pSpec) {
ARMsFFTSpec_R_FC32* p = (ARMsFFTSpec_R_FC32*) pSpec;
printf("FFTSpec %p:\n", (void*) pSpec);
printf(" N = %d\n", p->N);
printf(" pBitRev = %p\n", p->pBitRev);
/* See omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S32 for the size of the twiddle table. */
printf(" pTwiddle = %p - %p\n", p->pTwiddle, p->pTwiddle + (5 * p->N / 8));
/* See omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_S32 for the size of pBuf. */
printf(" pBuf = %p - %p\n", p->pBuf, p->pBuf + (p->N << 1));
* Generate a signal and the corresponding theoretical FFT
void GenerateSignal(OMX_F32* x, OMX_FC32* fft, int size, int signal_type,
float signal_value) {
int k;
struct ComplexFloat *test_signal;
struct ComplexFloat *true_fft;
test_signal = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*test_signal) * size);
true_fft = (struct ComplexFloat*) malloc(sizeof(*true_fft) * size);
GenerateTestSignalAndFFT(test_signal, true_fft, size, signal_type,
signal_value, 1);
* Convert the complex result to what we want
for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
x[k] = test_signal[k].Re;
for (k = 0; k < size / 2 + 1; ++k) {
fft[k].Re = true_fft[k].Re;
fft[k].Im = true_fft[k].Im;
/* Run one forward FFT test in test mode */
float RunOneForwardTest(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, float signal_value,
struct SnrResult* snr) {
OMX_F32* x;
OMX_FC32* y;
struct AlignedPtr* x_aligned;
struct AlignedPtr* y_aligned;
OMX_FC32* y_true;
OMX_INT fft_spec_buffer_size;
OMXResult status;
OMXFFTSpec_R_F32 * fft_fwd_spec = NULL;
int fft_size;
fft_size = 1 << fft_log_size;
status = omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_F32(fft_log_size, &fft_spec_buffer_size);
if (verbose > 63) {
printf("fft_spec_buffer_size = %d\n", fft_spec_buffer_size);
fft_fwd_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_R_F32*) malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
status = omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32(fft_fwd_spec, fft_log_size);
if (status) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init forward FFT: status = %d\n", status);
x_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
y_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size + 2));
x = x_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
y = y_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
y_true = (OMX_FC32*) malloc(sizeof(*y_true) * (fft_size / 2 + 1));
GenerateSignal(x, y_true, fft_size, signal_type, signal_value);
if (verbose > 255) {
printf("input = %p - %p\n", x, x + fft_size);
printf("output = %p - %p\n", y, y + fft_size / 2 + 1);
if (verbose > 63) {
DumpArrayFloat("x", fft_size, x);
printf("Expected FFT output\n");
DumpArrayComplexFloat("y", 1 + fft_size / 2, y_true);
status = ForwardRFFT(x, (OMX_F32*) y, fft_fwd_spec);
if (status != OMX_Sts_NoErr) {
fprintf(stderr, "Forward FFT failed: status = %d\n", status);
if (verbose > 63) {
printf("FFT Output\n");
DumpArrayComplexFloat("y", 1 + fft_size / 2, y);
CompareComplexFloat(snr, y, y_true, fft_size / 2 + 1);
return snr->complex_snr_;
/* Run one inverse FFT test in test mode */
float RunOneInverseTest(int fft_log_size, int signal_type, float signal_value,
struct SnrResult* snr) {
OMX_F32* x;
OMX_FC32* y;
OMX_F32* z;
struct AlignedPtr* x_aligned;
struct AlignedPtr* y_aligned;
struct AlignedPtr* z_aligned;
OMX_FC32* yTrue;
struct AlignedPtr* yTrueAligned;
OMX_INT fft_spec_buffer_size;
OMXResult status;
OMXFFTSpec_R_F32 * fft_inv_spec = NULL;
int fft_size;
fft_size = 1 << fft_log_size;
status = omxSP_FFTGetBufSize_R_F32(fft_log_size, &fft_spec_buffer_size);
if (verbose > 3) {
printf("fft_spec_buffer_size = %d\n", fft_spec_buffer_size);
fft_inv_spec = (OMXFFTSpec_R_F32*)malloc(fft_spec_buffer_size);
status = omxSP_FFTInit_R_F32(fft_inv_spec, fft_log_size);
if (status) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init backward FFT: status = %d\n", status);
x_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*x) * fft_size);
y_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size / 2 + 1));
z_aligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*z) * fft_size);
yTrueAligned = AllocAlignedPointer(32, sizeof(*y) * (fft_size / 2 + 1));
x = x_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
y = y_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
z = z_aligned->aligned_pointer_;
yTrue = yTrueAligned->aligned_pointer_;
GenerateSignal(x, yTrue, fft_size, signal_type, signal_value);
if (verbose > 255) {
printf("input = %p - %p\n", yTrue, yTrue + fft_size / 2 + 1);
printf("output = %p - %p\n", z, z + fft_size);
if (verbose > 63) {
printf("Inverse FFT Input Signal\n");
DumpArrayComplexFloat("y", 1 + fft_size / 2, yTrue);
printf("Expected Inverse FFT output\n");
DumpArrayFloat("x", fft_size, x);
status = InverseRFFT((OMX_F32 *) yTrue, z, fft_inv_spec);
if (status != OMX_Sts_NoErr) {
fprintf(stderr, "Inverse FFT failed: status = %d\n", status);
if (verbose > 63) {
printf("Actual Inverse FFT Output\n");
DumpArrayFloat("z", fft_size, z);
CompareFloat(snr, z, x, fft_size);
return snr->real_snr_;