blob: 82662e63384be3b730989de63978c27e4c57e0aa [file] [log] [blame]
;// File Name: armSP_FFT_CToC_SC16_Radix4_fs_unsafe_s.s
;// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
;// Last Modified Revision: 7761
;// Last Modified Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007
;// (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
;// Description:
;// Compute a first stage Radix 4 FFT stage for a N point complex signal
;// Include standard headers
INCLUDE omxtypes_s.h
;// Import symbols required from other files
;// (For example tables)
;// Set debugging level
;// Guarding implementation by the processor name
;// Guarding implementation by the processor name
IF CortexA8
;//Input Registers
pSrc RN 0
pDst RN 2
pTwiddle RN 1
pPingPongBuf RN 5
subFFTNum RN 6
subFFTSize RN 7
;//Output Registers
;//Local Scratch Registers
grpSize RN 3
setCount RN 3 ;// Reuse grpSize as setCount
pointStep RN 4
outPointStep RN 4
setStep RN 8
step1 RN 9
step3 RN 10
;// Neon Registers
dXr0 DN D0.S16
dXi0 DN D1.S16
dXr1 DN D2.S16
dXi1 DN D3.S16
dXr2 DN D4.S16
dXi2 DN D5.S16
dXr3 DN D6.S16
dXi3 DN D7.S16
dYr0 DN D8.S16
dYi0 DN D9.S16
dYr1 DN D10.S16
dYi1 DN D11.S16
dYr2 DN D12.S16
dYi2 DN D13.S16
dYr3 DN D14.S16
dYi3 DN D15.S16
dZr0 DN D16.S16
dZi0 DN D17.S16
dZr1 DN D18.S16
dZi1 DN D19.S16
dZr2 DN D20.S16
dZi2 DN D21.S16
dZr3 DN D22.S16
dZi3 DN D23.S16
qY0 QN Q4.S16
qY2 QN Q6.S16
qX0 QN Q0.S16
qX2 QN Q2.S16
qY1 QN Q5.S16
qY3 QN Q7.S16
qX1 QN Q1.S16
qX3 QN Q3.S16
qZ0 QN Q8.S16
qZ1 QN Q9.S16
FFTSTAGE $scaled, $inverse, $name
;// Define stack arguments
MOV pointStep,subFFTNum
;// Update pSubFFTSize and pSubFFTNum regs
VLD2 {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc@128],pointStep ;// data[0]
;// Note: setCount = subFFTNum/4 (reuse the grpSize reg for setCount)
LSR grpSize,subFFTNum,#2
MOV subFFTNum,grpSize
;// pT0+1 increments pT0 by 4 bytes
;// pT0+pointStep = increment of 4*pointStep bytes = grpSize bytes
;// Note: outPointStep = pointStep for firststage
VLD2 {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc@128],pointStep ;// data[1]
;// Calculate the step of input data for the next set
;//MOV setStep,pointStep,LSL #1
MOV setStep,grpSize,LSL #3
VLD2 {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc@128],pointStep ;// data[2]
MOV step1,setStep
ADD setStep,setStep,pointStep ;// setStep = 3*pointStep
RSB setStep,setStep,#16 ;// setStep = - 3*pointStep+16
VLD2 {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc@128],setStep ;// data[3]
MOV subFFTSize,#4 ;// subFFTSize = 1 for the first stage
IF $scaled
VHADD qY0,qX0,qX2 ;// u0
VADD qY0,qX0,qX2 ;// u0
RSB step3,pointStep,#0
;// grp = 0 a special case since all the twiddle factors are 1
;// Loop on the sets: 4 sets at a time
IF $scaled
;// finish first stage of 4 point FFT
VHSUB qY2,qX0,qX2 ;// u1
SUBS setCount,setCount,#4 ;// decrement the set loop counter
VLD2 {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc@128],step1 ;// data[0]
VHADD qY1,qX1,qX3 ;// u2
VLD2 {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc@128],step3
VHSUB qY3,qX1,qX3 ;// u3
;// finish second stage of 4 point FFT
VLD2 {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc@128],step1 ;// data[1]
VHADD qZ0,qY0,qY1 ;// y0
VLD2 {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc@128],setStep
IF $inverse
VHSUB dZr3,dYr2,dYi3 ;// y3
VHADD dZi3,dYi2,dYr3
VST2 {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst@128],outPointStep
VHSUB qZ1,qY0,qY1 ;// y2
VST2 {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst@128],outPointStep
VHADD dZr2,dYr2,dYi3 ;// y1
VST2 {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst@128],outPointStep
VHSUB dZi2,dYi2,dYr3
VHADD qY0,qX0,qX2 ;// u0 (next loop)
VST2 {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst@128],setStep
VHADD dZr2,dYr2,dYi3 ;// y1
VHSUB dZi2,dYi2,dYr3
VST2 {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst@128],outPointStep
VHSUB qZ1,qY0,qY1 ;// y2
VST2 {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst@128],outPointStep
VHSUB dZr3,dYr2,dYi3 ;// y3
VHADD dZi3,dYi2,dYr3
VST2 {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst@128],outPointStep
VHADD qY0,qX0,qX2 ;// u0 (next loop)
VST2 {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst@128],setStep
;// finish first stage of 4 point FFT
VSUB qY2,qX0,qX2 ;// u1
SUBS setCount,setCount,#4 ;// decrement the set loop counter
VLD2 {dXr0,dXi0},[pSrc@128],step1 ;// data[0]
VADD qY1,qX1,qX3 ;// u2
VLD2 {dXr2,dXi2},[pSrc@128],step3
VSUB qY3,qX1,qX3 ;// u3
;// finish second stage of 4 point FFT
VLD2 {dXr1,dXi1},[pSrc@128],step1 ;// data[1]
VADD qZ0,qY0,qY1 ;// y0
VLD2 {dXr3,dXi3},[pSrc@128],setStep
IF $inverse
VSUB dZr3,dYr2,dYi3 ;// y3
VADD dZi3,dYi2,dYr3
VST2 {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst@128],outPointStep
VSUB qZ1,qY0,qY1 ;// y2
VST2 {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst@128],outPointStep
VADD dZr2,dYr2,dYi3 ;// y1
VST2 {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst@128],outPointStep
VSUB dZi2,dYi2,dYr3
VADD qY0,qX0,qX2 ;// u0 (next loop)
VST2 {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst@128],setStep
VADD dZr2,dYr2,dYi3 ;// y1
VSUB dZi2,dYi2,dYr3
VST2 {dZr0,dZi0},[pDst@128],outPointStep
VSUB qZ1,qY0,qY1 ;// y2
VST2 {dZr2,dZi2},[pDst@128],outPointStep
VSUB dZr3,dYr2,dYi3 ;// y3
VADD dZi3,dYi2,dYr3
VST2 {dZr1,dZi1},[pDst@128],outPointStep
VADD qY0,qX0,qX2 ;// u0 (next loop)
VST2 {dZr3,dZi3},[pDst@128],setStep
BGT grpZeroSetLoop$name
;// reset pSrc to pDst for the next stage
SUB pSrc,pDst,pointStep ;// pDst -= grpSize
MOV pDst,pPingPongBuf
M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC16_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
M_START armSP_FFTFwd_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
M_START armSP_FFTInv_CToC_SC16_Sfs_Radix4_fs_OutOfPlace_unsafe,r4
ENDIF ;//CortexA8