blob: fc2fe53eedab6555d3300a011f29f794510052a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// File: MtType.h
// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines a class that holds and manages
// media type information.
// Copyright (c) 1992-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __MTYPE__
#define __MTYPE__
/* Helper class that derived pin objects can use to compare media
types etc. Has same data members as the struct AM_MEDIA_TYPE defined
in the streams IDL file, but also has (non-virtual) functions */
class CMediaType : public _AMMediaType {
CMediaType(const GUID * majortype);
CMediaType(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE&, __out_opt HRESULT* phr = NULL);
CMediaType(const CMediaType&, __out_opt HRESULT* phr = NULL);
CMediaType& operator=(const CMediaType&);
CMediaType& operator=(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE&);
BOOL operator == (const CMediaType&) const;
BOOL operator != (const CMediaType&) const;
HRESULT Set(const CMediaType& rt);
BOOL IsValid() const;
const GUID *Type() const { return &majortype;} ;
void SetType(const GUID *);
const GUID *Subtype() const { return &subtype;} ;
void SetSubtype(const GUID *);
BOOL IsFixedSize() const {return bFixedSizeSamples; };
BOOL IsTemporalCompressed() const {return bTemporalCompression; };
ULONG GetSampleSize() const;
void SetSampleSize(ULONG sz);
void SetVariableSize();
void SetTemporalCompression(BOOL bCompressed);
// read/write pointer to format - can't change length without
// calling SetFormat, AllocFormatBuffer or ReallocFormatBuffer
BYTE* Format() const {return pbFormat; };
ULONG FormatLength() const { return cbFormat; };
void SetFormatType(const GUID *);
const GUID *FormatType() const {return &formattype; };
BOOL SetFormat(__in_bcount(length) BYTE *pFormat, ULONG length);
void ResetFormatBuffer();
BYTE* AllocFormatBuffer(ULONG length);
BYTE* ReallocFormatBuffer(ULONG length);
void InitMediaType();
BOOL MatchesPartial(const CMediaType* ppartial) const;
BOOL IsPartiallySpecified(void) const;
/* General purpose functions to copy and delete a task allocated AM_MEDIA_TYPE
structure which is useful when using the IEnumMediaFormats interface as
the implementation allocates the structures which you must later delete */
void WINAPI DeleteMediaType(__inout_opt AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt);
AM_MEDIA_TYPE * WINAPI CreateMediaType(AM_MEDIA_TYPE const *pSrc);
HRESULT WINAPI CopyMediaType(__out AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmtTarget, const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmtSource);
void WINAPI FreeMediaType(__inout AM_MEDIA_TYPE& mt);
// Initialize a media type from a WAVEFORMATEX
STDAPI CreateAudioMediaType(
const WAVEFORMATEX *pwfx,
__out AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt,
BOOL bSetFormat);
#endif /* __MTYPE__ */