| # Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. |
| # |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license |
| # that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source |
| # tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found |
| # in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may |
| # be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. |
| { |
| 'includes': [ '../build/common.gypi', ], |
| 'targets': [ |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'rtc_base_tests_utils', |
| 'type': 'static_library', |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'unittest_main.cc', |
| # Also use this as a convenient dumping ground for misc files that are |
| # included by multiple targets below. |
| 'fakenetwork.h', |
| 'fakesslidentity.h', |
| 'faketaskrunner.h', |
| 'gunit.h', |
| 'testbase64.h', |
| 'testechoserver.h', |
| 'testutils.h', |
| ], |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'base.gyp:rtc_base', |
| '<(DEPTH)/testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '<(webrtc_root)/test/test.gyp:field_trial', |
| ], |
| 'export_dependent_settings': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'rtc_base_tests', |
| 'type': 'none', |
| 'direct_dependent_settings': { |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'array_view_unittest.cc', |
| 'atomicops_unittest.cc', |
| 'autodetectproxy_unittest.cc', |
| 'bandwidthsmoother_unittest.cc', |
| 'base64_unittest.cc', |
| 'basictypes_unittest.cc', |
| 'bind_unittest.cc', |
| 'bitbuffer_unittest.cc', |
| 'buffer_unittest.cc', |
| 'bufferqueue_unittest.cc', |
| 'bytebuffer_unittest.cc', |
| 'byteorder_unittest.cc', |
| 'callback_unittest.cc', |
| 'copyonwritebuffer_unittest.cc', |
| 'crc32_unittest.cc', |
| 'criticalsection_unittest.cc', |
| 'event_tracer_unittest.cc', |
| 'event_unittest.cc', |
| 'exp_filter_unittest.cc', |
| 'filerotatingstream_unittest.cc', |
| 'fileutils_unittest.cc', |
| 'helpers_unittest.cc', |
| 'httpbase_unittest.cc', |
| 'httpcommon_unittest.cc', |
| 'httpserver_unittest.cc', |
| 'ipaddress_unittest.cc', |
| 'logging_unittest.cc', |
| 'md5digest_unittest.cc', |
| 'messagedigest_unittest.cc', |
| 'messagequeue_unittest.cc', |
| 'mod_ops_unittest.cc', |
| 'multipart_unittest.cc', |
| 'nat_unittest.cc', |
| 'network_unittest.cc', |
| 'onetimeevent_unittest.cc', |
| 'optional_unittest.cc', |
| 'optionsfile_unittest.cc', |
| 'pathutils_unittest.cc', |
| 'platform_thread_unittest.cc', |
| 'profiler_unittest.cc', |
| 'proxy_unittest.cc', |
| 'proxydetect_unittest.cc', |
| 'random_unittest.cc', |
| 'rate_statistics_unittest.cc', |
| 'ratelimiter_unittest.cc', |
| 'ratetracker_unittest.cc', |
| 'referencecountedsingletonfactory_unittest.cc', |
| 'rollingaccumulator_unittest.cc', |
| 'rtccertificate_unittest.cc', |
| 'rtccertificategenerator_unittest.cc', |
| 'scopedptrcollection_unittest.cc', |
| 'sha1digest_unittest.cc', |
| 'sharedexclusivelock_unittest.cc', |
| 'signalthread_unittest.cc', |
| 'sigslot_unittest.cc', |
| 'sigslottester.h', |
| 'sigslottester.h.pump', |
| 'stream_unittest.cc', |
| 'stringencode_unittest.cc', |
| 'stringutils_unittest.cc', |
| 'swap_queue_unittest.cc', |
| # TODO(ronghuawu): Reenable this test. |
| # 'systeminfo_unittest.cc', |
| 'task_queue_unittest.cc', |
| 'task_unittest.cc', |
| 'testclient_unittest.cc', |
| 'thread_checker_unittest.cc', |
| 'thread_unittest.cc', |
| 'timeutils_unittest.cc', |
| 'urlencode_unittest.cc', |
| 'versionparsing_unittest.cc', |
| # TODO(ronghuawu): Reenable this test. |
| # 'windowpicker_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'latebindingsymboltable_unittest.cc', |
| # TODO(ronghuawu): Reenable this test. |
| # 'linux_unittest.cc', |
| 'linuxfdwalk_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'win32_unittest.cc', |
| 'win32regkey_unittest.cc', |
| 'win32window_unittest.cc', |
| 'win32windowpicker_unittest.cc', |
| 'winfirewall_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| 'sources!': [ |
| # TODO(pbos): Reenable this test. |
| 'win32windowpicker_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="win" and clang==1', { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCCLCompilerTool': { |
| 'AdditionalOptions': [ |
| # Disable warnings failing when compiling with Clang on Windows. |
| # https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=5366 |
| '-Wno-missing-braces', |
| '-Wno-sign-compare', |
| '-Wno-unused-const-variable', |
| ], |
| }, |
| }, |
| }], |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'macutils_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['os_posix==1', { |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'ssladapter_unittest.cc', |
| 'sslidentity_unittest.cc', |
| 'sslstreamadapter_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="ios" or (OS=="mac" and target_arch!="ia32")', { |
| 'defines': [ |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], # conditions |
| }, |
| }, |
| ], |
| } |