blob: 0cee4fd8cf4612af17035f57073727ddb4e70de3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <jni.h>
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "sdk/android/generated_video_jni/jni/VideoFileRenderer_jni.h"
#include "sdk/android/src/jni/scoped_java_ref.h"
#include "third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/scale.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace jni {
static void JNI_VideoFileRenderer_I420Scale(
JNIEnv* jni,
const JavaParamRef<jclass>&,
const JavaParamRef<jobject>& j_src_buffer_y,
jint j_src_stride_y,
const JavaParamRef<jobject>& j_src_buffer_u,
jint j_src_stride_u,
const JavaParamRef<jobject>& j_src_buffer_v,
jint j_src_stride_v,
jint width,
jint height,
const JavaParamRef<jobject>& j_dst_buffer,
jint dstWidth,
jint dstHeight) {
size_t src_size_y = jni->GetDirectBufferCapacity(j_src_buffer_y.obj());
size_t src_size_u = jni->GetDirectBufferCapacity(j_src_buffer_u.obj());
size_t src_size_v = jni->GetDirectBufferCapacity(j_src_buffer_v.obj());
size_t dst_size = jni->GetDirectBufferCapacity(j_dst_buffer.obj());
int dst_stride = dstWidth;
RTC_CHECK_GE(src_size_y, j_src_stride_y * height);
RTC_CHECK_GE(src_size_u, j_src_stride_u * height / 4);
RTC_CHECK_GE(src_size_v, j_src_stride_v * height / 4);
RTC_CHECK_GE(dst_size, dst_stride * dstHeight * 3 / 2);
uint8_t* src_y = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(
uint8_t* src_u = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(
uint8_t* src_v = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(
uint8_t* dst = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(
uint8_t* dst_y = dst;
size_t dst_stride_y = dst_stride;
uint8_t* dst_u = dst + dst_stride * dstHeight;
size_t dst_stride_u = dst_stride / 2;
uint8_t* dst_v = dst + dst_stride * dstHeight * 5 / 4;
size_t dst_stride_v = dst_stride / 2;
int ret = libyuv::I420Scale(
src_y, j_src_stride_y, src_u, j_src_stride_u, src_v, j_src_stride_v,
width, height, dst_y, dst_stride_y, dst_u, dst_stride_u, dst_v,
dst_stride_v, dstWidth, dstHeight, libyuv::kFilterBilinear);
if (ret) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Error scaling I420 frame: " << ret;
} // namespace jni
} // namespace webrtc