blob: a8003c1aa9c53c49aa1ebd8478617d34c51f5dc9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/common_types.h"
#include "webrtc/config.h"
#include "webrtc/frame_callback.h"
#include "webrtc/transport.h"
#include "webrtc/video_renderer.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace newapi {
// RTCP mode to use. Compound mode is described by RFC 4585 and reduced-size
// RTCP mode is described by RFC 5506.
enum RtcpMode { kRtcpCompound, kRtcpReducedSize };
} // namespace newapi
class VideoDecoder;
class VideoReceiveStream {
// TODO(mflodman) Move all these settings to VideoDecoder and move the
// declaration to common_types.h.
struct Decoder {
std::string ToString() const;
// The actual decoder instance.
VideoDecoder* decoder = nullptr;
// Received RTP packets with this payload type will be sent to this decoder
// instance.
int payload_type = 0;
// Name of the decoded payload (such as VP8). Maps back to the depacketizer
// used to unpack incoming packets.
std::string payload_name;
// 'true' if the decoder handles rendering as well.
bool is_renderer = false;
// The expected delay for decoding and rendering, i.e. the frame will be
// delivered this many milliseconds, if possible, earlier than the ideal
// render time.
// Note: Ignored if 'renderer' is false.
int expected_delay_ms = 0;
struct Stats {
int network_frame_rate = 0;
int decode_frame_rate = 0;
int render_frame_rate = 0;
// Decoder stats.
FrameCounts frame_counts;
int decode_ms = 0;
int max_decode_ms = 0;
int current_delay_ms = 0;
int target_delay_ms = 0;
int jitter_buffer_ms = 0;
int min_playout_delay_ms = 0;
int render_delay_ms = 10;
int total_bitrate_bps = 0;
int discarded_packets = 0;
uint32_t ssrc = 0;
std::string c_name;
StreamDataCounters rtp_stats;
RtcpPacketTypeCounter rtcp_packet_type_counts;
RtcpStatistics rtcp_stats;
struct Config {
std::string ToString() const;
// Decoders for every payload that we can receive.
std::vector<Decoder> decoders;
// Receive-stream specific RTP settings.
struct Rtp {
std::string ToString() const;
// Synchronization source (stream identifier) to be received.
uint32_t remote_ssrc = 0;
// Sender SSRC used for sending RTCP (such as receiver reports).
uint32_t local_ssrc = 0;
// See RtcpMode for description.
newapi::RtcpMode rtcp_mode = newapi::kRtcpCompound;
// Extended RTCP settings.
struct RtcpXr {
// True if RTCP Receiver Reference Time Report Block extension
// (RFC 3611) should be enabled.
bool receiver_reference_time_report = false;
} rtcp_xr;
// See draft-alvestrand-rmcat-remb for information.
bool remb = false;
// See NackConfig for description.
NackConfig nack;
// See FecConfig for description.
FecConfig fec;
// RTX settings for incoming video payloads that may be received. RTX is
// disabled if there's no config present.
struct Rtx {
// SSRCs to use for the RTX streams.
uint32_t ssrc = 0;
// Payload type to use for the RTX stream.
int payload_type = 0;
// Map from video RTP payload type -> RTX config.
typedef std::map<int, Rtx> RtxMap;
RtxMap rtx;
// RTP header extensions used for the received stream.
std::vector<RtpExtension> extensions;
} rtp;
// VideoRenderer will be called for each decoded frame. 'nullptr' disables
// rendering of this stream.
VideoRenderer* renderer = nullptr;
// Expected delay needed by the renderer, i.e. the frame will be delivered
// this many milliseconds, if possible, earlier than the ideal render time.
// Only valid if 'renderer' is set.
int render_delay_ms = 10;
// Audio channel corresponding to this video stream, used for audio/video
// synchronization. 'audio_channel_id' is ignored if no VoiceEngine is set
// when creating the VideoEngine instance. '-1' disables a/v sync.
int audio_channel_id = -1;
// Called for each incoming video frame, i.e. in encoded state. E.g. used
// when
// saving the stream to a file. 'nullptr' disables the callback.
EncodedFrameObserver* pre_decode_callback = nullptr;
// Called for each decoded frame. E.g. used when adding effects to the
// decoded
// stream. 'nullptr' disables the callback.
I420FrameCallback* pre_render_callback = nullptr;
// Target delay in milliseconds. A positive value indicates this stream is
// used for streaming instead of a real-time call.
int target_delay_ms = 0;
virtual void Start() = 0;
virtual void Stop() = 0;
// TODO(pbos): Add info on currently-received codec to Stats.
virtual Stats GetStats() const = 0;
virtual ~VideoReceiveStream() {}
} // namespace webrtc