blob: fe44694d3a3d396cc273761a8b32b1f9be5d5243 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2024 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/desktop_capture/mac/screen_capturer_sck.h"
#import <ScreenCaptureKit/ScreenCaptureKit.h>
#include <atomic>
#include "modules/desktop_capture/mac/desktop_frame_iosurface.h"
#include "modules/desktop_capture/shared_desktop_frame.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "rtc_base/synchronization/mutex.h"
#include "rtc_base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "rtc_base/time_utils.h"
#include "sdk/objc/helpers/scoped_cftyperef.h"
using webrtc::DesktopFrameIOSurface;
namespace webrtc {
class ScreenCapturerSck;
} // namespace webrtc
// The ScreenCaptureKit API was available in macOS 12.3, but full-screen capture was reported to be
// broken before macOS 13 - see
// Also, the `SCContentFilter` fields `contentRect` and `pointPixelScale` were introduced in
// macOS 14.
@interface SckHelper : NSObject <SCStreamDelegate, SCStreamOutput>
- (instancetype)initWithCapturer:(webrtc::ScreenCapturerSck*)capturer;
- (void)onShareableContentCreated:(SCShareableContent*)content;
// Called just before the capturer is destroyed. This avoids a dangling pointer, and prevents any
// new calls into a deleted capturer. If any method-call on the capturer is currently running on a
// different thread, this blocks until it completes.
- (void)releaseCapturer;
namespace webrtc {
class API_AVAILABLE(macos(14.0)) ScreenCapturerSck final : public DesktopCapturer {
explicit ScreenCapturerSck(const DesktopCaptureOptions& options);
ScreenCapturerSck(const ScreenCapturerSck&) = delete;
ScreenCapturerSck& operator=(const ScreenCapturerSck&) = delete;
~ScreenCapturerSck() override;
// DesktopCapturer interface. All these methods run on the caller's thread.
void Start(DesktopCapturer::Callback* callback) override;
void SetMaxFrameRate(uint32_t max_frame_rate) override;
void CaptureFrame() override;
bool SelectSource(SourceId id) override;
// Called by SckHelper when shareable content is returned by ScreenCaptureKit. `content` will be
// nil if an error occurred. May run on an arbitrary thread.
void OnShareableContentCreated(SCShareableContent* content);
// Called by SckHelper to notify of a newly captured frame. May run on an arbitrary thread.
void OnNewIOSurface(IOSurfaceRef io_surface, CFDictionaryRef attachment);
// Called when starting the capturer or the configuration has changed (either from a
// SelectSource() call, or the screen-resolution has changed). This tells SCK to fetch new
// shareable content, and the completion-handler will either start a new stream, or reconfigure
// the existing stream. Runs on the caller's thread.
void StartOrReconfigureCapturer();
// Helper object to receive Objective-C callbacks from ScreenCaptureKit and call into this C++
// object. The helper may outlive this C++ instance, if a completion-handler is passed to
// ScreenCaptureKit APIs and the C++ object is deleted before the handler executes.
SckHelper* __strong helper_;
// Callback for returning captured frames, or errors, to the caller. Only used on the caller's
// thread.
Callback* callback_ = nullptr;
// Options passed to the constructor. May be accessed on any thread, but the options are
// unchanged during the capturer's lifetime.
DesktopCaptureOptions capture_options_;
// Signals that a permanent error occurred. This may be set on any thread, and is read by
// CaptureFrame() which runs on the caller's thread.
std::atomic<bool> permanent_error_ = false;
// Guards some variables that may be accessed on different threads.
Mutex lock_;
// Provides captured desktop frames.
SCStream* __strong stream_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Currently selected display, or 0 if the full desktop is selected. This capturer does not
// support full-desktop capture, and will fall back to the first display.
CGDirectDisplayID current_display_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(lock_) = 0;
// Used by CaptureFrame() to detect if the screen configuration has changed. Only used on the
// caller's thread.
MacDesktopConfiguration desktop_config_;
Mutex latest_frame_lock_;
std::unique_ptr<SharedDesktopFrame> latest_frame_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(latest_frame_lock_);
int32_t latest_frame_dpi_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(latest_frame_lock_) = kStandardDPI;
// Tracks whether the latest frame contains new data since it was returned to the caller. This is
// used to set the DesktopFrame's `updated_region` property. The flag is cleared after the frame
// is sent to OnCaptureResult(), and is set when SCK reports a new frame with non-empty "dirty"
// rectangles.
// TODO: - Replace this flag with ScreenCapturerHelper to more accurately
// track the dirty rectangles from the SCStreamFrameInfoDirtyRects attachment.
bool frame_is_dirty_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(latest_frame_lock_) = true;
ScreenCapturerSck::ScreenCapturerSck(const DesktopCaptureOptions& options)
: capture_options_(options) {
helper_ = [[SckHelper alloc] initWithCapturer:this];
ScreenCapturerSck::~ScreenCapturerSck() {
[stream_ stopCaptureWithCompletionHandler:nil];
[helper_ releaseCapturer];
void ScreenCapturerSck::Start(DesktopCapturer::Callback* callback) {
callback_ = callback;
desktop_config_ = capture_options_.configuration_monitor()->desktop_configuration();
void ScreenCapturerSck::SetMaxFrameRate(uint32_t max_frame_rate) {
// TODO: - Implement this.
void ScreenCapturerSck::CaptureFrame() {
int64_t capture_start_time_millis = rtc::TimeMillis();
if (permanent_error_) {
callback_->OnCaptureResult(Result::ERROR_PERMANENT, nullptr);
MacDesktopConfiguration new_config =
if (!desktop_config_.Equals(new_config)) {
desktop_config_ = new_config;
std::unique_ptr<DesktopFrame> frame;
MutexLock lock(&latest_frame_lock_);
if (latest_frame_) {
frame = latest_frame_->Share();
frame->set_dpi(DesktopVector(latest_frame_dpi_, latest_frame_dpi_));
if (frame_is_dirty_) {
frame_is_dirty_ = false;
if (frame) {
callback_->OnCaptureResult(Result::SUCCESS, std::move(frame));
} else {
callback_->OnCaptureResult(Result::ERROR_TEMPORARY, nullptr);
bool ScreenCapturerSck::SelectSource(SourceId id) {
bool stream_started = false;
MutexLock lock(&lock_);
current_display_ = id;
if (stream_) {
stream_started = true;
// If the capturer was already started, reconfigure it. Otherwise, wait until Start() gets called.
if (stream_started) {
return true;
void ScreenCapturerSck::OnShareableContentCreated(SCShareableContent* content) {
if (!content) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "getShareableContent failed.";
permanent_error_ = true;
if (!content.displays.count) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "getShareableContent returned no displays.";
permanent_error_ = true;
SCDisplay* captured_display;
MutexLock lock(&lock_);
for (SCDisplay* display in content.displays) {
if (current_display_ == display.displayID) {
captured_display = display;
if (!captured_display) {
if (current_display_ == static_cast<CGDirectDisplayID>(kFullDesktopScreenId)) {
<< "Full screen capture is not supported, falling back to first display.";
} else {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Display " << current_display_
<< " not found, falling back to first display.";
captured_display = content.displays.firstObject;
SCContentFilter* filter = [[SCContentFilter alloc] initWithDisplay:captured_display
SCStreamConfiguration* config = [[SCStreamConfiguration alloc] init];
config.pixelFormat = kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA;
config.showsCursor = capture_options_.prefer_cursor_embedded();
config.width = filter.contentRect.size.width * filter.pointPixelScale;
config.height = filter.contentRect.size.height * filter.pointPixelScale;
config.captureResolution = SCCaptureResolutionNominal;
MutexLock lock(&latest_frame_lock_);
latest_frame_dpi_ = filter.pointPixelScale * kStandardDPI;
MutexLock lock(&lock_);
if (stream_) {
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Updating stream configuration.";
[stream_ updateContentFilter:filter completionHandler:nil];
[stream_ updateConfiguration:config completionHandler:nil];
} else {
stream_ = [[SCStream alloc] initWithFilter:filter configuration:config delegate:helper_];
// TODO: - Choose an appropriate sampleHandlerQueue for best performance.
NSError* add_stream_output_error;
bool add_stream_output_result = [stream_ addStreamOutput:helper_
if (!add_stream_output_result) {
stream_ = nil;
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "addStreamOutput failed.";
permanent_error_ = true;
auto handler = ^(NSError* error) {
if (error) {
// It should be safe to access `this` here, because the C++ destructor calls
// stopCaptureWithCompletionHandler on the stream, which cancels this handler.
permanent_error_ = true;
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "startCaptureWithCompletionHandler failed.";
} else {
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Capture started.";
[stream_ startCaptureWithCompletionHandler:handler];
void ScreenCapturerSck::OnNewIOSurface(IOSurfaceRef io_surface, CFDictionaryRef attachment) {
rtc::ScopedCFTypeRef<IOSurfaceRef> scoped_io_surface(io_surface, rtc::RetainPolicy::RETAIN);
std::unique_ptr<DesktopFrameIOSurface> desktop_frame_io_surface =
if (!desktop_frame_io_surface) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to lock IOSurface.";
std::unique_ptr<SharedDesktopFrame> frame =
bool dirty;
MutexLock lock(&latest_frame_lock_);
// Mark the frame as dirty if it has a different size, and ignore any DirtyRects attachment in
// this case. This is because SCK does not apply a correct attachment to the frame in the case
// where the stream was reconfigured.
dirty = !latest_frame_ || !latest_frame_->size().equals(frame->size());
if (!dirty) {
const void* dirty_rects_ptr =
CFDictionaryGetValue(attachment, (__bridge CFStringRef)SCStreamFrameInfoDirtyRects);
if (!dirty_rects_ptr) {
// This is never expected to happen - SCK attaches a non-empty dirty-rects list to every
// frame, even when nothing has changed.
if (CFGetTypeID(dirty_rects_ptr) != CFArrayGetTypeID()) {
CFArrayRef dirty_rects_array = static_cast<CFArrayRef>(dirty_rects_ptr);
int size = CFArrayGetCount(dirty_rects_array);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
const void* rect_ptr = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(dirty_rects_array, i);
if (CFGetTypeID(rect_ptr) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) {
// This is never expected to happen - the dirty-rects attachment should always be an array
// of dictionaries.
CGRect rect{};
CGRectMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation(static_cast<CFDictionaryRef>(rect_ptr), &rect);
if (!CGRectIsEmpty(rect)) {
dirty = true;
if (dirty) {
MutexLock lock(&latest_frame_lock_);
frame_is_dirty_ = true;
std::swap(latest_frame_, frame);
void ScreenCapturerSck::StartOrReconfigureCapturer() {
// The copy is needed to avoid capturing `this` in the Objective-C block. Accessing `helper_`
// inside the block is equivalent to `this->helper_` and would crash (UAF) if `this` is
// deleted before the block is executed.
SckHelper* local_helper = helper_;
auto handler = ^(SCShareableContent* content, NSError* error) {
[local_helper onShareableContentCreated:content];
[SCShareableContent getShareableContentWithCompletionHandler:handler];
std::unique_ptr<DesktopCapturer> CreateScreenCapturerSck(const DesktopCaptureOptions& options) {
if (@available(macOS 14.0, *)) {
return std::make_unique<ScreenCapturerSck>(options);
} else {
return nullptr;
} // namespace webrtc
@implementation SckHelper {
// This lock is to prevent the capturer being destroyed while an instance method is still running
// on another thread.
webrtc::Mutex _capturer_lock;
webrtc::ScreenCapturerSck* _capturer;
- (instancetype)initWithCapturer:(webrtc::ScreenCapturerSck*)capturer {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_capturer = capturer;
return self;
- (void)onShareableContentCreated:(SCShareableContent*)content {
webrtc::MutexLock lock(&_capturer_lock);
if (_capturer) {
- (void)stream:(SCStream*)stream
ofType:(SCStreamOutputType)type {
CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer);
if (!pixelBuffer) {
IOSurfaceRef ioSurface = CVPixelBufferGetIOSurface(pixelBuffer);
if (!ioSurface) {
CFArrayRef attachmentsArray =
CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray(sampleBuffer, /*createIfNecessary=*/false);
if (!attachmentsArray || CFArrayGetCount(attachmentsArray) <= 0) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Discarding frame with no attachments.";
CFDictionaryRef attachment =
static_cast<CFDictionaryRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(attachmentsArray, 0));
webrtc::MutexLock lock(&_capturer_lock);
if (_capturer) {
_capturer->OnNewIOSurface(ioSurface, attachment);
- (void)releaseCapturer {
webrtc::MutexLock lock(&_capturer_lock);
_capturer = nullptr;