blob: b442e0466419905e9062213d1254267db78893b2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/audio_processing/aec3/suppression_gain.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <numeric>
#include "modules/audio_processing/aec3/moving_average.h"
#include "modules/audio_processing/aec3/vector_math.h"
#include "modules/audio_processing/logging/apm_data_dumper.h"
#include "rtc_base/atomicops.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
bool EnableNewSuppression() {
return !field_trial::IsEnabled("WebRTC-Aec3NewSuppressionKillSwitch");
// Adjust the gains according to the presence of known external filters.
void AdjustForExternalFilters(std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>* gain) {
// Limit the low frequency gains to avoid the impact of the high-pass filter
// on the lower-frequency gain influencing the overall achieved gain.
(*gain)[0] = (*gain)[1] = std::min((*gain)[1], (*gain)[2]);
// Limit the high frequency gains to avoid the impact of the anti-aliasing
// filter on the upper-frequency gains influencing the overall achieved
// gain. TODO(peah): Update this when new anti-aliasing filters are
// implemented.
constexpr size_t kAntiAliasingImpactLimit = (64 * 2000) / 8000;
const float min_upper_gain = (*gain)[kAntiAliasingImpactLimit];
gain->begin() + kAntiAliasingImpactLimit, gain->end() - 1,
[min_upper_gain](float& a) { a = std::min(a, min_upper_gain); });
(*gain)[kFftLengthBy2] = (*gain)[kFftLengthBy2Minus1];
// Computes the gain to apply for the bands beyond the first band.
float UpperBandsGain(
const absl::optional<int>& narrow_peak_band,
bool saturated_echo,
const std::vector<std::vector<float>>& render,
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& low_band_gain) {
RTC_DCHECK_LT(0, render.size());
if (render.size() == 1) {
return 1.f;
if (narrow_peak_band &&
(*narrow_peak_band > static_cast<int>(kFftLengthBy2Plus1 - 10))) {
return 0.001f;
constexpr size_t kLowBandGainLimit = kFftLengthBy2 / 2;
const float gain_below_8_khz = *std::min_element(
low_band_gain.begin() + kLowBandGainLimit, low_band_gain.end());
// Always attenuate the upper bands when there is saturated echo.
if (saturated_echo) {
return std::min(0.001f, gain_below_8_khz);
// Compute the upper and lower band energies.
const auto sum_of_squares = [](float a, float b) { return a + b * b; };
const float low_band_energy =
std::accumulate(render[0].begin(), render[0].end(), 0.f, sum_of_squares);
float high_band_energy = 0.f;
for (size_t k = 1; k < render.size(); ++k) {
const float energy = std::accumulate(render[k].begin(), render[k].end(),
0.f, sum_of_squares);
high_band_energy = std::max(high_band_energy, energy);
// If there is more power in the lower frequencies than the upper frequencies,
// or if the power in upper frequencies is low, do not bound the gain in the
// upper bands.
float anti_howling_gain;
constexpr float kThreshold = kBlockSize * 10.f * 10.f / 4.f;
if (high_band_energy < std::max(low_band_energy, kThreshold)) {
anti_howling_gain = 1.f;
} else {
// In all other cases, bound the gain for upper frequencies.
RTC_DCHECK_LE(low_band_energy, high_band_energy);
RTC_DCHECK_NE(0.f, high_band_energy);
anti_howling_gain = 0.01f * sqrtf(low_band_energy / high_band_energy);
// Choose the gain as the minimum of the lower and upper gains.
return std::min(gain_below_8_khz, anti_howling_gain);
// Scales the echo according to assessed audibility at the other end.
void WeightEchoForAudibility(const EchoCanceller3Config& config,
rtc::ArrayView<const float> echo,
rtc::ArrayView<float> weighted_echo,
rtc::ArrayView<float> one_by_weighted_echo) {
RTC_DCHECK_EQ(kFftLengthBy2Plus1, echo.size());
RTC_DCHECK_EQ(kFftLengthBy2Plus1, weighted_echo.size());
RTC_DCHECK_EQ(kFftLengthBy2Plus1, one_by_weighted_echo.size());
auto weigh = [](float threshold, float normalizer, size_t begin, size_t end,
rtc::ArrayView<const float> echo,
rtc::ArrayView<float> weighted_echo,
rtc::ArrayView<float> one_by_weighted_echo) {
for (size_t k = begin; k < end; ++k) {
if (echo[k] < threshold) {
float tmp = (threshold - echo[k]) * normalizer;
weighted_echo[k] = echo[k] * std::max(0.f, 1.f - tmp * tmp);
} else {
weighted_echo[k] = echo[k];
one_by_weighted_echo[k] =
weighted_echo[k] > 0.f ? 1.f / weighted_echo[k] : 1.f;
float threshold = config.echo_audibility.floor_power *
float normalizer = 1.f / (threshold - config.echo_audibility.floor_power);
weigh(threshold, normalizer, 0, 3, echo, weighted_echo, one_by_weighted_echo);
threshold = config.echo_audibility.floor_power *
normalizer = 1.f / (threshold - config.echo_audibility.floor_power);
weigh(threshold, normalizer, 3, 7, echo, weighted_echo, one_by_weighted_echo);
threshold = config.echo_audibility.floor_power *
normalizer = 1.f / (threshold - config.echo_audibility.floor_power);
weigh(threshold, normalizer, 7, kFftLengthBy2Plus1, echo, weighted_echo,
// Computes the gain to reduce the echo to a non audible level.
void GainToNoAudibleEchoFallback(
const EchoCanceller3Config& config,
bool low_noise_render,
bool saturated_echo,
bool linear_echo_estimate,
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& nearend,
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& weighted_echo,
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& masker,
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& min_gain,
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& max_gain,
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& one_by_weighted_echo,
std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>* gain) {
float nearend_masking_margin = 0.f;
if (linear_echo_estimate) {
nearend_masking_margin =
? config.gain_mask.m9
: (saturated_echo ? config.gain_mask.m2 : config.gain_mask.m3);
} else {
nearend_masking_margin = config.gain_mask.m7;
RTC_DCHECK_LE(0.f, nearend_masking_margin);
RTC_DCHECK_GT(1.f, nearend_masking_margin);
const float masker_margin =
linear_echo_estimate ? config.gain_mask.m0 : config.gain_mask.m8;
for (size_t k = 0; k < gain->size(); ++k) {
// TODO(devicentepena): Experiment by removing the reverberation estimation
// from the nearend signal before computing the gains.
const float unity_gain_masker = std::max(nearend[k], masker[k]);
RTC_DCHECK_LE(0.f, nearend_masking_margin * unity_gain_masker);
if (weighted_echo[k] <= nearend_masking_margin * unity_gain_masker ||
unity_gain_masker <= 0.f) {
(*gain)[k] = 1.f;
} else {
RTC_DCHECK_LT(0.f, unity_gain_masker);
(*gain)[k] =
std::max(0.f, (1.f - config.gain_mask.gain_curve_slope *
weighted_echo[k] / unity_gain_masker) *
(*gain)[k] = std::max(masker_margin * masker[k] * one_by_weighted_echo[k],
(*gain)[k] = std::min(std::max((*gain)[k], min_gain[k]), max_gain[k]);
// TODO(peah): Make adaptive to take the actual filter error into account.
constexpr size_t kUpperAccurateBandPlus1 = 29;
// Limits the gain in the frequencies for which the adaptive filter has not
// converged. Currently, these frequencies are not hardcoded to the frequencies
// which are typically not excited by speech.
// TODO(peah): Make adaptive to take the actual filter error into account.
void AdjustNonConvergedFrequencies(
std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>* gain) {
constexpr float oneByBandsInSum =
1 / static_cast<float>(kUpperAccurateBandPlus1 - 20);
const float hf_gain_bound =
std::accumulate(gain->begin() + 20,
gain->begin() + kUpperAccurateBandPlus1, 0.f) *
std::for_each(gain->begin() + kUpperAccurateBandPlus1, gain->end(),
[hf_gain_bound](float& a) { a = std::min(a, hf_gain_bound); });
} // namespace
int SuppressionGain::instance_count_ = 0;
// Computes the gain to reduce the echo to a non audible level.
void SuppressionGain::GainToNoAudibleEcho(
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& nearend,
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& echo,
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& masker,
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& min_gain,
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& max_gain,
std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>* gain) const {
for (size_t k = 0; k < gain->size(); ++k) {
float enr = echo[k] / (nearend[k] + 1.f); // Echo-to-nearend ratio.
float emr = echo[k] / (masker[k] + 1.f); // Echo-to-masker (noise) ratio.
float g = 1.0f;
if (enr > enr_transparent_[k] && emr > emr_transparent_[k]) {
g = (enr_suppress_[k] - enr) / (enr_suppress_[k] - enr_transparent_[k]);
g = std::max(g, emr_transparent_[k] / emr);
(*gain)[k] = std::max(std::min(g, max_gain[k]), min_gain[k]);
// TODO(peah): Add further optimizations, in particular for the divisions.
void SuppressionGain::LowerBandGain(
bool low_noise_render,
const AecState& aec_state,
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& nearend,
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& echo,
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& comfort_noise,
std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>* gain) {
const bool saturated_echo = aec_state.SaturatedEcho();
const bool linear_echo_estimate = aec_state.UsableLinearEstimate();
// Weight echo power in terms of audibility. // Precompute 1/weighted echo
// (note that when the echo is zero, the precomputed value is never used).
std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1> weighted_echo;
std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1> one_by_weighted_echo;
WeightEchoForAudibility(config_, echo, weighted_echo, one_by_weighted_echo);
// Compute the minimum gain as the attenuating gain to put the signal just
// above the zero sample values.
std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1> min_gain;
const float min_echo_power =
low_noise_render ? config_.echo_audibility.low_render_limit
: config_.echo_audibility.normal_render_limit;
if (!saturated_echo) {
for (size_t k = 0; k < nearend.size(); ++k) {
const float denom = std::min(nearend[k], weighted_echo[k]);
min_gain[k] = denom > 0.f ? min_echo_power / denom : 1.f;
min_gain[k] = std::min(min_gain[k], 1.f);
for (size_t k = 0; k < 6; ++k) {
// Make sure the gains of the low frequencies do not decrease too
// quickly after strong nearend.
if (last_nearend_[k] > last_echo_[k]) {
min_gain[k] =
last_gain_[k] * config_.gain_updates.max_dec_factor_lf);
min_gain[k] = std::min(min_gain[k], 1.f);
} else {
// Compute the maximum gain by limiting the gain increase from the previous
// gain.
std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1> max_gain;
for (size_t k = 0; k < gain->size(); ++k) {
max_gain[k] =
std::min(std::max(last_gain_[k] * config_.gain_updates.max_inc_factor,
// Iteratively compute the gain required to attenuate the echo to a non
// noticeable level.
std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1> masker;
if (enable_new_suppression_) {
GainToNoAudibleEcho(nearend, weighted_echo, comfort_noise, min_gain,
max_gain, gain);
} else {
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
std::copy(comfort_noise.begin(), comfort_noise.end(), masker.begin());
GainToNoAudibleEchoFallback(config_, low_noise_render, saturated_echo,
linear_echo_estimate, nearend, weighted_echo,
masker, min_gain, max_gain,
one_by_weighted_echo, gain);
// Adjust the gain for frequencies which have not yet converged.
// Store data required for the gain computation of the next block.
std::copy(nearend.begin(), nearend.end(), last_nearend_.begin());
std::copy(weighted_echo.begin(), weighted_echo.end(), last_echo_.begin());
std::copy(gain->begin(), gain->end(), last_gain_.begin());
// Debug outputs for the purpose of development and analysis.
data_dumper_->DumpRaw("aec3_suppressor_min_gain", min_gain);
data_dumper_->DumpRaw("aec3_suppressor_max_gain", max_gain);
data_dumper_->DumpRaw("aec3_suppressor_masker", masker);
SuppressionGain::SuppressionGain(const EchoCanceller3Config& config,
Aec3Optimization optimization,
int sample_rate_hz)
: data_dumper_(
new ApmDataDumper(rtc::AtomicOps::Increment(&instance_count_))),
config.suppressor.nearend_average_blocks) {
RTC_DCHECK_LT(0, state_change_duration_blocks_);
one_by_state_change_duration_blocks_ = 1.f / state_change_duration_blocks_;
// Compute per-band masking thresholds.
constexpr size_t kLastLfBand = 5;
constexpr size_t kFirstHfBand = 8;
RTC_DCHECK_LT(kLastLfBand, kFirstHfBand);
auto& lf = config.suppressor.mask_lf;
auto& hf = config.suppressor.mask_hf;
RTC_DCHECK_LT(lf.enr_transparent, lf.enr_suppress);
RTC_DCHECK_LT(hf.enr_transparent, hf.enr_suppress);
for (size_t k = 0; k < kFftLengthBy2Plus1; k++) {
float a;
if (k <= kLastLfBand) {
a = 0.f;
} else if (k < kFirstHfBand) {
a = (k - kLastLfBand) / static_cast<float>(kFirstHfBand - kLastLfBand);
} else {
a = 1.f;
enr_transparent_[k] = (1 - a) * lf.enr_transparent + a * hf.enr_transparent;
enr_suppress_[k] = (1 - a) * lf.enr_suppress + a * hf.enr_suppress;
emr_transparent_[k] = (1 - a) * lf.emr_transparent + a * hf.emr_transparent;
SuppressionGain::~SuppressionGain() = default;
void SuppressionGain::GetGain(
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& nearend_spectrum,
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& echo_spectrum,
const std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>& comfort_noise_spectrum,
const FftData& linear_aec_fft,
const FftData& capture_fft,
const RenderSignalAnalyzer& render_signal_analyzer,
const AecState& aec_state,
const std::vector<std::vector<float>>& render,
float* high_bands_gain,
std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1>* low_band_gain) {
const auto& cfg = config_.suppressor;
if (cfg.enforce_transparent) {
*high_bands_gain = cfg.enforce_empty_higher_bands ? 0.f : 1.f;
std::array<float, kFftLengthBy2Plus1> nearend_average;
moving_average_.Average(nearend_spectrum, nearend_average);
// Compute gain for the lower band.
bool low_noise_render = low_render_detector_.Detect(render);
const absl::optional<int> narrow_peak_band =
LowerBandGain(low_noise_render, aec_state, nearend_average, echo_spectrum,
comfort_noise_spectrum, low_band_gain);
// Limit the gain of the lower bands during start up and after resets.
const float gain_upper_bound = aec_state.SuppressionGainLimit();
if (gain_upper_bound < 1.f) {
for (size_t k = 0; k < low_band_gain->size(); ++k) {
(*low_band_gain)[k] = std::min((*low_band_gain)[k], gain_upper_bound);
// Compute the gain for the upper bands.
*high_bands_gain = UpperBandsGain(narrow_peak_band, aec_state.SaturatedEcho(),
render, *low_band_gain);
if (cfg.enforce_empty_higher_bands) {
*high_bands_gain = 0.f;
void SuppressionGain::SetInitialState(bool state) {
initial_state_ = state;
if (state) {
initial_state_change_counter_ = state_change_duration_blocks_;
} else {
initial_state_change_counter_ = 0;
// Detects when the render signal can be considered to have low power and
// consist of stationary noise.
bool SuppressionGain::LowNoiseRenderDetector::Detect(
const std::vector<std::vector<float>>& render) {
float x2_sum = 0.f;
float x2_max = 0.f;
for (auto x_k : render[0]) {
const float x2 = x_k * x_k;
x2_sum += x2;
x2_max = std::max(x2_max, x2);
constexpr float kThreshold = 50.f * 50.f * 64.f;
const bool low_noise_render =
average_power_ < kThreshold && x2_max < 3 * average_power_;
average_power_ = average_power_ * 0.9f + x2_sum * 0.1f;
return low_noise_render;
} // namespace webrtc