blob: 3a25bf0e93ffde891de3c7c5def0b7163b553209 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/video_coding/frame_buffer2.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include "modules/video_coding/include/video_coding_defines.h"
#include "modules/video_coding/jitter_estimator.h"
#include "modules/video_coding/timing.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "rtc_base/trace_event.h"
#include "system_wrappers/include/clock.h"
#include "system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace video_coding {
namespace {
// Max number of frames the buffer will hold.
constexpr int kMaxFramesBuffered = 600;
// Max number of decoded frame info that will be saved.
constexpr int kMaxFramesHistory = 50;
// The time it's allowed for a frame to be late to its rendering prediction and
// still be rendered.
constexpr int kMaxAllowedFrameDelayMs = 5;
constexpr int64_t kLogNonDecodedIntervalMs = 5000;
} // namespace
FrameBuffer::FrameBuffer(Clock* clock,
VCMJitterEstimator* jitter_estimator,
VCMTiming* timing,
VCMReceiveStatisticsCallback* stats_callback)
: clock_(clock),
new_continuous_frame_event_(false, false),
last_log_non_decoded_ms_(-kLogNonDecodedIntervalMs) {}
FrameBuffer::~FrameBuffer() {}
FrameBuffer::ReturnReason FrameBuffer::NextFrame(
int64_t max_wait_time_ms,
std::unique_ptr<EncodedFrame>* frame_out,
bool keyframe_required) {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "FrameBuffer::NextFrame");
int64_t latest_return_time_ms =
clock_->TimeInMilliseconds() + max_wait_time_ms;
int64_t wait_ms = max_wait_time_ms;
int64_t now_ms = 0;
do {
now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
if (stopped_)
return kStopped;
wait_ms = max_wait_time_ms;
// Need to hold |crit_| in order to use |frames_|, therefore we
// set it here in the loop instead of outside the loop in order to not
// acquire the lock unnecesserily.
next_frame_it_ = frames_.end();
// |frame_it| points to the first frame after the
// |last_decoded_frame_it_|.
auto frame_it = frames_.end();
if (last_decoded_frame_it_ == frames_.end()) {
frame_it = frames_.begin();
} else {
frame_it = last_decoded_frame_it_;
// |continuous_end_it| points to the first frame after the
// |last_continuous_frame_it_|.
auto continuous_end_it = last_continuous_frame_it_;
if (continuous_end_it != frames_.end())
for (; frame_it != continuous_end_it && frame_it != frames_.end();
++frame_it) {
if (!frame_it->second.continuous ||
frame_it->second.num_missing_decodable > 0) {
EncodedFrame* frame = frame_it->second.frame.get();
if (keyframe_required && !frame->is_keyframe())
if (last_decoded_frame_timestamp_ &&
AheadOf(*last_decoded_frame_timestamp_, frame->Timestamp())) {
next_frame_it_ = frame_it;
if (frame->RenderTime() == -1) {
timing_->RenderTimeMs(frame->Timestamp(), now_ms));
wait_ms = timing_->MaxWaitingTime(frame->RenderTime(), now_ms);
// This will cause the frame buffer to prefer high framerate rather
// than high resolution in the case of the decoder not decoding fast
// enough and the stream has multiple spatial and temporal layers.
// For multiple temporal layers it may cause non-base layer frames to be
// skipped if they are late.
if (wait_ms < -kMaxAllowedFrameDelayMs)
} // rtc::Critscope lock(&crit_);
wait_ms = std::min<int64_t>(wait_ms, latest_return_time_ms - now_ms);
wait_ms = std::max<int64_t>(wait_ms, 0);
} while (new_continuous_frame_event_.Wait(wait_ms));
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
if (next_frame_it_ != frames_.end()) {
std::unique_ptr<EncodedFrame> frame =
if (!frame->delayed_by_retransmission()) {
int64_t frame_delay;
if (inter_frame_delay_.CalculateDelay(frame->Timestamp(), &frame_delay,
frame->ReceivedTime())) {
jitter_estimator_->UpdateEstimate(frame_delay, frame->size());
float rtt_mult = protection_mode_ == kProtectionNackFEC ? 0.0 : 1.0;
if (RttMultExperiment::RttMultEnabled()) {
rtt_mult = RttMultExperiment::GetRttMultValue();
timing_->UpdateCurrentDelay(frame->RenderTime(), now_ms);
} else {
if (RttMultExperiment::RttMultEnabled() ||
// Gracefully handle bad RTP timestamps and render time issues.
if (HasBadRenderTiming(*frame, now_ms)) {
frame->SetRenderTime(timing_->RenderTimeMs(frame->Timestamp(), now_ms));
last_decoded_frame_timestamp_ = frame->Timestamp();
*frame_out = std::move(frame);
return kFrameFound;
if (latest_return_time_ms - now_ms > 0) {
// If |next_frame_it_ == frames_.end()| and there is still time left, it
// means that the frame buffer was cleared as the thread in this function
// was waiting to acquire |crit_| in order to return. Wait for the
// remaining time and then return.
return NextFrame(latest_return_time_ms - now_ms, frame_out);
return kTimeout;
bool FrameBuffer::HasBadRenderTiming(const EncodedFrame& frame,
int64_t now_ms) {
// Assume that render timing errors are due to changes in the video stream.
int64_t render_time_ms = frame.RenderTimeMs();
// Zero render time means render immediately.
if (render_time_ms == 0) {
return false;
if (render_time_ms < 0) {
return true;
const int64_t kMaxVideoDelayMs = 10000;
if (std::abs(render_time_ms - now_ms) > kMaxVideoDelayMs) {
int frame_delay = static_cast<int>(std::abs(render_time_ms - now_ms));
<< "A frame about to be decoded is out of the configured "
<< "delay bounds (" << frame_delay << " > " << kMaxVideoDelayMs
<< "). Resetting the video jitter buffer.";
return true;
if (static_cast<int>(timing_->TargetVideoDelay()) > kMaxVideoDelayMs) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The video target delay has grown larger than "
<< kMaxVideoDelayMs << " ms.";
return true;
return false;
void FrameBuffer::SetProtectionMode(VCMVideoProtection mode) {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "FrameBuffer::SetProtectionMode");
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
protection_mode_ = mode;
void FrameBuffer::Start() {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "FrameBuffer::Start");
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
stopped_ = false;
void FrameBuffer::Stop() {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "FrameBuffer::Stop");
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
stopped_ = true;
void FrameBuffer::UpdateRtt(int64_t rtt_ms) {
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
bool FrameBuffer::ValidReferences(const EncodedFrame& frame) const {
if ( < 0)
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < frame.num_references; ++i) {
if (frame.references[i] < 0 || frame.references[i] >=
return false;
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < frame.num_references; ++j) {
if (frame.references[i] == frame.references[j])
return false;
if (frame.inter_layer_predicted && == 0)
return false;
return true;
void FrameBuffer::UpdatePlayoutDelays(const EncodedFrame& frame) {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "FrameBuffer::UpdatePlayoutDelays");
PlayoutDelay playout_delay = frame.EncodedImage().playout_delay_;
if (playout_delay.min_ms >= 0)
if (playout_delay.max_ms >= 0)
if (!frame.delayed_by_retransmission())
timing_->IncomingTimestamp(frame.Timestamp(), frame.ReceivedTime());
int64_t FrameBuffer::InsertFrame(std::unique_ptr<EncodedFrame> frame) {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "FrameBuffer::InsertFrame");
if (stats_callback_)
stats_callback_->OnCompleteFrame(frame->is_keyframe(), frame->size(),
const VideoLayerFrameId& id = frame->id;
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
int64_t last_continuous_picture_id =
last_continuous_frame_it_ == frames_.end()
? -1
: last_continuous_frame_it_->first.picture_id;
if (!ValidReferences(*frame)) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Frame with (picture_id:spatial_id) ("
<< id.picture_id << ":"
<< static_cast<int>(id.spatial_layer)
<< ") has invalid frame references, dropping frame.";
return last_continuous_picture_id;
if (num_frames_buffered_ >= kMaxFramesBuffered) {
if (frame->is_keyframe()) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Inserting keyframe (picture_id:spatial_id) ("
<< id.picture_id << ":"
<< static_cast<int>(id.spatial_layer)
<< ") but buffer is full, clearing"
<< " buffer and inserting the frame.";
} else {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Frame with (picture_id:spatial_id) ("
<< id.picture_id << ":"
<< static_cast<int>(id.spatial_layer)
<< ") could not be inserted due to the frame "
<< "buffer being full, dropping frame.";
return last_continuous_picture_id;
if (last_decoded_frame_it_ != frames_.end() &&
id <= last_decoded_frame_it_->first) {
if (AheadOf(frame->Timestamp(), *last_decoded_frame_timestamp_) &&
frame->is_keyframe()) {
// If this frame has a newer timestamp but an earlier picture id then we
// assume there has been a jump in the picture id due to some encoder
// reconfiguration or some other reason. Even though this is not according
// to spec we can still continue to decode from this frame if it is a
// keyframe.
<< "A jump in picture id was detected, clearing buffer.";
last_continuous_picture_id = -1;
} else {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Frame with (picture_id:spatial_id) ("
<< id.picture_id << ":"
<< static_cast<int>(id.spatial_layer)
<< ") inserted after frame ("
<< last_decoded_frame_it_->first.picture_id << ":"
<< static_cast<int>(
<< ") was handed off for decoding, dropping frame.";
return last_continuous_picture_id;
// Test if inserting this frame would cause the order of the frames to become
// ambiguous (covering more than half the interval of 2^16). This can happen
// when the picture id make large jumps mid stream.
if (!frames_.empty() && id < frames_.begin()->first &&
frames_.rbegin()->first < id) {
<< "A jump in picture id was detected, clearing buffer.";
last_continuous_picture_id = -1;
auto info = frames_.emplace(id, FrameInfo()).first;
if (info->second.frame) {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Frame with (picture_id:spatial_id) ("
<< id.picture_id << ":"
<< static_cast<int>(id.spatial_layer)
<< ") already inserted, dropping frame.";
return last_continuous_picture_id;
if (!UpdateFrameInfoWithIncomingFrame(*frame, info))
return last_continuous_picture_id;
info->second.frame = std::move(frame);
if (info->second.num_missing_continuous == 0) {
info->second.continuous = true;
last_continuous_picture_id = last_continuous_frame_it_->first.picture_id;
// Since we now have new continuous frames there might be a better frame
// to return from NextFrame. Signal that thread so that it again can choose
// which frame to return.
return last_continuous_picture_id;
void FrameBuffer::PropagateContinuity(FrameMap::iterator start) {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "FrameBuffer::PropagateContinuity");
if (last_continuous_frame_it_ == frames_.end())
last_continuous_frame_it_ = start;
std::queue<FrameMap::iterator> continuous_frames;
// A simple BFS to traverse continuous frames.
while (!continuous_frames.empty()) {
auto frame = continuous_frames.front();
if (last_continuous_frame_it_->first < frame->first)
last_continuous_frame_it_ = frame;
// Loop through all dependent frames, and if that frame no longer has
// any unfulfilled dependencies then that frame is continuous as well.
for (size_t d = 0; d < frame->second.num_dependent_frames; ++d) {
auto frame_ref = frames_.find(frame->second.dependent_frames[d]);
RTC_DCHECK(frame_ref != frames_.end());
// TODO(philipel): Look into why we've seen this happen.
if (frame_ref != frames_.end()) {
if (frame_ref->second.num_missing_continuous == 0) {
frame_ref->second.continuous = true;
void FrameBuffer::PropagateDecodability(const FrameInfo& info) {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "FrameBuffer::PropagateDecodability");
RTC_CHECK(info.num_dependent_frames < FrameInfo::kMaxNumDependentFrames);
for (size_t d = 0; d < info.num_dependent_frames; ++d) {
auto ref_info = frames_.find(info.dependent_frames[d]);
RTC_DCHECK(ref_info != frames_.end());
// TODO(philipel): Look into why we've seen this happen.
if (ref_info != frames_.end()) {
RTC_DCHECK_GT(ref_info->second.num_missing_decodable, 0U);
void FrameBuffer::AdvanceLastDecodedFrame(FrameMap::iterator decoded) {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "FrameBuffer::AdvanceLastDecodedFrame");
if (last_decoded_frame_it_ == frames_.end()) {
last_decoded_frame_it_ = frames_.begin();
} else {
RTC_DCHECK(last_decoded_frame_it_->first < decoded->first);
// First, delete non-decoded frames from the history.
while (last_decoded_frame_it_ != decoded) {
if (last_decoded_frame_it_->second.frame)
last_decoded_frame_it_ = frames_.erase(last_decoded_frame_it_);
// Then remove old history if we have too much history saved.
if (num_frames_history_ > kMaxFramesHistory) {
bool FrameBuffer::UpdateFrameInfoWithIncomingFrame(const EncodedFrame& frame,
FrameMap::iterator info) {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "FrameBuffer::UpdateFrameInfoWithIncomingFrame");
const VideoLayerFrameId& id =;
RTC_DCHECK(last_decoded_frame_it_ == frames_.end() ||
last_decoded_frame_it_->first < info->first);
// In this function we determine how many missing dependencies this |frame|
// has to become continuous/decodable. If a frame that this |frame| depend
// on has already been decoded then we can ignore that dependency since it has
// already been fulfilled.
// For all other frames we will register a backwards reference to this |frame|
// so that |num_missing_continuous| and |num_missing_decodable| can be
// decremented as frames become continuous/are decoded.
struct Dependency {
VideoLayerFrameId id;
bool continuous;
std::vector<Dependency> not_yet_fulfilled_dependencies;
// Find all dependencies that have not yet been fulfilled.
for (size_t i = 0; i < frame.num_references; ++i) {
VideoLayerFrameId ref_key(frame.references[i],;
auto ref_info = frames_.find(ref_key);
// Does |frame| depend on a frame earlier than the last decoded one?
if (last_decoded_frame_it_ != frames_.end() &&
ref_key <= last_decoded_frame_it_->first) {
// Was that frame decoded? If not, this |frame| will never become
// decodable.
if (ref_info == frames_.end()) {
int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
if (last_log_non_decoded_ms_ + kLogNonDecodedIntervalMs < now_ms) {
<< "Frame with (picture_id:spatial_id) (" << id.picture_id << ":"
<< static_cast<int>(id.spatial_layer)
<< ") depends on a non-decoded frame more previous than"
<< " the last decoded frame, dropping frame.";
last_log_non_decoded_ms_ = now_ms;
return false;
} else {
bool ref_continuous =
ref_info != frames_.end() && ref_info->second.continuous;
not_yet_fulfilled_dependencies.push_back({ref_key, ref_continuous});
// Does |frame| depend on the lower spatial layer?
if (frame.inter_layer_predicted) {
VideoLayerFrameId ref_key(, - 1);
auto ref_info = frames_.find(ref_key);
bool lower_layer_continuous =
ref_info != frames_.end() && ref_info->second.continuous;
bool lower_layer_decoded = last_decoded_frame_it_ != frames_.end() &&
last_decoded_frame_it_->first == ref_key;
if (!lower_layer_continuous || !lower_layer_decoded) {
{ref_key, lower_layer_continuous});
info->second.num_missing_continuous = not_yet_fulfilled_dependencies.size();
info->second.num_missing_decodable = not_yet_fulfilled_dependencies.size();
for (const Dependency& dep : not_yet_fulfilled_dependencies) {
if (dep.continuous)
// At this point we know we want to insert this frame, so here we
// intentionally get or create the FrameInfo for this dependency.
FrameInfo* dep_info = &frames_[];
if (dep_info->num_dependent_frames <
(FrameInfo::kMaxNumDependentFrames - 1)) {
dep_info->dependent_frames[dep_info->num_dependent_frames] = id;
} else {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Frame with (picture_id:spatial_id) ("
<< << ":"
<< static_cast<int>(
<< ") is referenced by too many frames.";
return true;
void FrameBuffer::UpdateJitterDelay() {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "FrameBuffer::UpdateJitterDelay");
if (!stats_callback_)
int decode_ms;
int max_decode_ms;
int current_delay_ms;
int target_delay_ms;
int jitter_buffer_ms;
int min_playout_delay_ms;
int render_delay_ms;
if (timing_->GetTimings(&decode_ms, &max_decode_ms, &current_delay_ms,
&target_delay_ms, &jitter_buffer_ms,
&min_playout_delay_ms, &render_delay_ms)) {
decode_ms, max_decode_ms, current_delay_ms, target_delay_ms,
jitter_buffer_ms, min_playout_delay_ms, render_delay_ms);
void FrameBuffer::UpdateTimingFrameInfo() {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "FrameBuffer::UpdateTimingFrameInfo");
absl::optional<TimingFrameInfo> info = timing_->GetTimingFrameInfo();
if (info && stats_callback_)
void FrameBuffer::ClearFramesAndHistory() {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "FrameBuffer::ClearFramesAndHistory");
last_decoded_frame_it_ = frames_.end();
last_continuous_frame_it_ = frames_.end();
next_frame_it_ = frames_.end();
num_frames_history_ = 0;
num_frames_buffered_ = 0;
FrameBuffer::FrameInfo::FrameInfo() = default;
FrameBuffer::FrameInfo::FrameInfo(FrameInfo&&) = default;
FrameBuffer::FrameInfo::~FrameInfo() = default;
} // namespace video_coding
} // namespace webrtc