blob: e7dc0825e39c4becb60d976945682cc06ef8f8a4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <stddef.h> // size_t
#include "rtc_base/system/rtc_export.h"
namespace webrtc {
// Configuration struct for EchoCanceller3
struct RTC_EXPORT EchoCanceller3Config {
// Checks and updates the parameters in a config to lie within reasonable
// ranges. Returns true if and only of the config did not need to be changed.
static bool Validate(EchoCanceller3Config* config);
EchoCanceller3Config(const EchoCanceller3Config& e);
struct Delay {
Delay(const Delay& e);
size_t default_delay = 5;
size_t down_sampling_factor = 4;
size_t num_filters = 6;
size_t api_call_jitter_blocks = 26;
size_t min_echo_path_delay_blocks = 0;
size_t delay_headroom_blocks = 2;
size_t hysteresis_limit_1_blocks = 1;
size_t hysteresis_limit_2_blocks = 1;
size_t skew_hysteresis_blocks = 3;
size_t fixed_capture_delay_samples = 0;
float delay_estimate_smoothing = 0.7f;
float delay_candidate_detection_threshold = 0.2f;
struct DelaySelectionThresholds {
int initial;
int converged;
} delay_selection_thresholds = {25, 25};
} delay;
struct Filter {
struct MainConfiguration {
size_t length_blocks;
float leakage_converged;
float leakage_diverged;
float error_floor;
float error_ceil;
float noise_gate;
struct ShadowConfiguration {
size_t length_blocks;
float rate;
float noise_gate;
MainConfiguration main = {13, 0.00005f, 0.05f, 0.001f, 2.f, 20075344.f};
ShadowConfiguration shadow = {13, 0.7f, 20075344.f};
MainConfiguration main_initial = {12, 0.005f, 0.5f,
0.001f, 2.f, 20075344.f};
ShadowConfiguration shadow_initial = {12, 0.9f, 20075344.f};
size_t config_change_duration_blocks = 250;
float initial_state_seconds = 2.5f;
bool conservative_initial_phase = false;
bool enable_shadow_filter_output_usage = true;
} filter;
struct Erle {
float min = 1.f;
float max_l = 4.f;
float max_h = 1.5f;
bool onset_detection = true;
} erle;
struct EpStrength {
float lf = 1.f;
float mf = 1.f;
float hf = 1.f;
float default_len = 0.83f;
bool reverb_based_on_render = true;
bool echo_can_saturate = true;
bool bounded_erl = false;
} ep_strength;
struct EchoAudibility {
float low_render_limit = 4 * 64.f;
float normal_render_limit = 64.f;
float floor_power = 2 * 64.f;
float audibility_threshold_lf = 10;
float audibility_threshold_mf = 10;
float audibility_threshold_hf = 10;
bool use_stationary_properties = true;
bool use_stationarity_properties_at_init = false;
} echo_audibility;
struct RenderLevels {
float active_render_limit = 100.f;
float poor_excitation_render_limit = 150.f;
float poor_excitation_render_limit_ds8 = 20.f;
} render_levels;
struct EchoRemovalControl {
struct GainRampup {
float initial_gain = 0.0f;
float first_non_zero_gain = 0.001f;
int non_zero_gain_blocks = 187;
int full_gain_blocks = 312;
} gain_rampup;
bool has_clock_drift = false;
bool linear_and_stable_echo_path = false;
} echo_removal_control;
struct EchoModel {
EchoModel(const EchoModel& e);
size_t noise_floor_hold = 50;
float min_noise_floor_power = 1638400.f;
float stationary_gate_slope = 10.f;
float noise_gate_power = 27509.42f;
float noise_gate_slope = 0.3f;
size_t render_pre_window_size = 1;
size_t render_post_window_size = 1;
size_t render_pre_window_size_init = 10;
size_t render_post_window_size_init = 10;
float nonlinear_hold = 1;
float nonlinear_release = 0.001f;
} echo_model;
struct Suppressor {
Suppressor(const Suppressor& e);
size_t nearend_average_blocks = 4;
struct MaskingThresholds {
MaskingThresholds(float enr_transparent,
float enr_suppress,
float emr_transparent);
MaskingThresholds(const MaskingThresholds& e);
float enr_transparent;
float enr_suppress;
float emr_transparent;
struct Tuning {
Tuning(MaskingThresholds mask_lf,
MaskingThresholds mask_hf,
float max_inc_factor,
float max_dec_factor_lf);
Tuning(const Tuning& e);
MaskingThresholds mask_lf;
MaskingThresholds mask_hf;
float max_inc_factor;
float max_dec_factor_lf;
Tuning normal_tuning = Tuning(MaskingThresholds(.3f, .4f, .3f),
MaskingThresholds(.07f, .1f, .3f),
Tuning nearend_tuning = Tuning(MaskingThresholds(1.09f, 1.1f, .3f),
MaskingThresholds(.1f, .3f, .3f),
struct DominantNearendDetection {
float enr_threshold = 6.f;
float snr_threshold = 6.f;
int hold_duration = 5;
int trigger_threshold = 15;
} dominant_nearend_detection;
struct HighBandsSuppression {
float enr_threshold = 1.f;
float max_gain_during_echo = 1.f;
} high_bands_suppression;
float floor_first_increase = 0.00001f;
bool enforce_transparent = false;
bool enforce_empty_higher_bands = false;
} suppressor;
} // namespace webrtc