| # Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license |
| # that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source |
| # tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found |
| # in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may |
| # be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. |
| { |
| 'includes': [ |
| '../talk/build/common.gypi', |
| ], |
| 'targets': [ |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'relayserver', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(webrtc_root)/base/base.gyp:rtc_base', |
| '<(webrtc_root)/pc/pc.gyp:rtc_pc', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'examples/relayserver/relayserver_main.cc', |
| ], |
| }, # target relayserver |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'stunserver', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(webrtc_root)/base/base.gyp:rtc_base', |
| '<(webrtc_root)/pc/pc.gyp:rtc_pc', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'examples/stunserver/stunserver_main.cc', |
| ], |
| }, # target stunserver |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'turnserver', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(webrtc_root)/base/base.gyp:rtc_base', |
| '<(webrtc_root)/pc/pc.gyp:rtc_pc', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'examples/turnserver/turnserver_main.cc', |
| ], |
| }, # target turnserver |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'peerconnection_server', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'examples/peerconnection/server/data_socket.cc', |
| 'examples/peerconnection/server/data_socket.h', |
| 'examples/peerconnection/server/main.cc', |
| 'examples/peerconnection/server/peer_channel.cc', |
| 'examples/peerconnection/server/peer_channel.h', |
| 'examples/peerconnection/server/utils.cc', |
| 'examples/peerconnection/server/utils.h', |
| ], |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(webrtc_root)/base/base.gyp:rtc_base', |
| '<(webrtc_root)/common.gyp:webrtc_common', |
| ], |
| # TODO(ronghuawu): crbug.com/167187 fix size_t to int truncations. |
| 'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4309, ], |
| }, # target peerconnection_server |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="linux" or OS=="win"', { |
| 'targets': [ |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'peerconnection_client', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'examples/peerconnection/client/conductor.cc', |
| 'examples/peerconnection/client/conductor.h', |
| 'examples/peerconnection/client/defaults.cc', |
| 'examples/peerconnection/client/defaults.h', |
| 'examples/peerconnection/client/peer_connection_client.cc', |
| 'examples/peerconnection/client/peer_connection_client.h', |
| ], |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'api/api.gyp:libjingle_peerconnection', |
| '<(webrtc_root)/system_wrappers/system_wrappers.gyp:field_trial_default', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['build_json==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/third_party/jsoncpp/jsoncpp.gyp:jsoncpp', |
| ], |
| }], |
| # TODO(ronghuawu): Move these files to a win/ directory then they |
| # can be excluded automatically. |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'examples/peerconnection/client/flagdefs.h', |
| 'examples/peerconnection/client/main.cc', |
| 'examples/peerconnection/client/main_wnd.cc', |
| 'examples/peerconnection/client/main_wnd.h', |
| ], |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| 'SubSystem': '2', # Windows |
| }, |
| }, |
| }], # OS=="win" |
| ['OS=="win" and clang==1', { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCCLCompilerTool': { |
| 'AdditionalOptions': [ |
| # Disable warnings failing when compiling with Clang on Windows. |
| # https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=5366 |
| '-Wno-reorder', |
| '-Wno-unused-function', |
| ], |
| }, |
| }, |
| }], # OS=="win" and clang==1 |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'examples/peerconnection/client/linux/main.cc', |
| 'examples/peerconnection/client/linux/main_wnd.cc', |
| 'examples/peerconnection/client/linux/main_wnd.h', |
| ], |
| 'cflags': [ |
| '<!@(pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0 gobject-2.0 gtk+-2.0)', |
| ], |
| 'link_settings': { |
| 'ldflags': [ |
| '<!@(pkg-config --libs-only-L --libs-only-other glib-2.0' |
| ' gobject-2.0 gthread-2.0 gtk+-2.0)', |
| ], |
| 'libraries': [ |
| '<!@(pkg-config --libs-only-l glib-2.0 gobject-2.0' |
| ' gthread-2.0 gtk+-2.0)', |
| '-lX11', |
| '-lXcomposite', |
| '-lXext', |
| '-lXrender', |
| ], |
| }, |
| }], # OS=="linux" |
| ['OS=="linux" and target_arch=="ia32"', { |
| 'cflags': [ |
| '-Wno-sentinel', |
| ], |
| }], # OS=="linux" and target_arch=="ia32" |
| ], # conditions |
| }, # target peerconnection_client |
| ], # targets |
| }], # OS=="linux" or OS=="win" |
| |
| ['OS=="ios" or (OS=="mac" and target_arch!="ia32")', { |
| 'targets': [ |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'apprtc_common', |
| 'type': 'static_library', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(webrtc_root)/system_wrappers/system_wrappers.gyp:field_trial_default', |
| '../talk/app/webrtc/legacy_objc_api.gyp:libjingle_peerconnection_objc', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/common/ARDUtilities.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/common/ARDUtilities.m', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/common', |
| ], |
| 'direct_dependent_settings': { |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/common', |
| ], |
| }, |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="ios"', { |
| 'xcode_settings': { |
| # Suppress compiler warnings about deprecated that triggered |
| # when moving from ios_deployment_target 7.0 to 9.0. |
| # See webrtc:5549 for more details. |
| '-Wno-deprecated-declarations', |
| ], |
| }, |
| }], |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| 'xcode_settings': { |
| }, |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'link_settings': { |
| 'xcode_settings': { |
| '-framework QuartzCore', |
| ], |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'apprtc_signaling', |
| 'type': 'static_library', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'apprtc_common', |
| '../talk/app/webrtc/legacy_objc_api.gyp:libjingle_peerconnection_objc', |
| 'socketrocket', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDAppClient.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDAppClient.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDAppClient+Internal.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDAppEngineClient.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDAppEngineClient.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDBitrateTracker.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDBitrateTracker.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDCEODTURNClient.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDCEODTURNClient.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDJoinResponse.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDJoinResponse.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDJoinResponse+Internal.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDMessageResponse.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDMessageResponse.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDMessageResponse+Internal.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDRoomServerClient.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDSDPUtils.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDSDPUtils.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDSignalingChannel.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDSignalingMessage.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDSignalingMessage.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDStatsBuilder.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDStatsBuilder.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDTURNClient.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDWebSocketChannel.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ARDWebSocketChannel.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/RTCICECandidate+JSON.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/RTCICECandidate+JSON.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/RTCICEServer+JSON.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/RTCICEServer+JSON.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/RTCMediaConstraints+JSON.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/RTCMediaConstraints+JSON.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/RTCSessionDescription+JSON.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/RTCSessionDescription+JSON.m', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo', |
| ], |
| 'direct_dependent_settings': { |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo', |
| ], |
| }, |
| 'export_dependent_settings': [ |
| '../talk/app/webrtc/legacy_objc_api.gyp:libjingle_peerconnection_objc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="ios"', { |
| 'xcode_settings': { |
| # Suppress compiler warnings about deprecated that triggered |
| # when moving from ios_deployment_target 7.0 to 9.0. |
| # See webrtc:5549 for more details. |
| '-Wno-deprecated-declarations', |
| ], |
| }, |
| }], |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| 'xcode_settings': { |
| }, |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'AppRTCDemo', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'product_name': 'AppRTCDemo', |
| 'mac_bundle': 1, |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'apprtc_common', |
| 'apprtc_signaling', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="ios"', { |
| 'mac_bundle_resources': [ |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/resources/iPhone5@2x.png', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/resources/iPhone6@2x.png', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/resources/iPhone6p@3x.png', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/resources/Roboto-Regular.ttf', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/resources/ic_call_end_black_24dp.png', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/resources/ic_call_end_black_24dp@2x.png', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/resources/ic_clear_black_24dp.png', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/resources/ic_clear_black_24dp@2x.png', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/resources/ic_switch_video_black_24dp.png', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/resources/ic_switch_video_black_24dp@2x.png', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/resources/mozart.mp3', |
| 'examples/objc/Icon.png', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/ARDAppDelegate.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/ARDAppDelegate.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/ARDMainView.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/ARDMainView.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/ARDMainViewController.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/ARDMainViewController.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/ARDStatsView.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/ARDStatsView.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/ARDVideoCallView.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/ARDVideoCallView.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/ARDVideoCallViewController.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/ARDVideoCallViewController.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/AppRTCDemo-Prefix.pch', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/UIImage+ARDUtilities.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/UIImage+ARDUtilities.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/main.m', |
| ], |
| 'xcode_settings': { |
| 'INFOPLIST_FILE': 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/ios/Info.plist', |
| # Suppress compiler warnings about deprecated that triggered |
| # when moving from ios_deployment_target 7.0 to 9.0. |
| # See webrtc:5549 for more details. |
| '-Wno-deprecated-declarations', |
| ], |
| }, |
| }], |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/mac/APPRTCAppDelegate.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/mac/APPRTCAppDelegate.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/mac/APPRTCViewController.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/mac/APPRTCViewController.m', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/mac/main.m', |
| ], |
| 'xcode_settings': { |
| 'INFOPLIST_FILE': 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/mac/Info.plist', |
| '-framework AVFoundation', |
| ], |
| }, |
| }], |
| ['target_arch=="ia32"', { |
| 'dependencies' : [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/testing/iossim/iossim.gyp:iossim#host', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, # target AppRTCDemo |
| { |
| # TODO(tkchin): move this into the real third party location and |
| # have it mirrored on chrome infra. |
| 'target_name': 'socketrocket', |
| 'type': 'static_library', |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/third_party/SocketRocket/SRWebSocket.h', |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/third_party/SocketRocket/SRWebSocket.m', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| 'xcode_settings': { |
| # SocketRocket autosynthesizes some properties. Disable the |
| # warning so we can compile successfully. |
| # SRWebSocket.m uses code with partial availability. |
| # https://code.google.com/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=4695 |
| 'WARNING_CFLAGS!': ['-Wpartial-availability'], |
| }, |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'direct_dependent_settings': { |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| 'examples/objc/AppRTCDemo/third_party/SocketRocket', |
| ], |
| }, |
| 'xcode_settings': { |
| '-Wno-deprecated-declarations', |
| '-Wno-nonnull', |
| ], |
| }, |
| 'link_settings': { |
| 'xcode_settings': { |
| '-framework CFNetwork', |
| '-licucore', |
| ], |
| }, |
| } |
| }, # target socketrocket |
| ], # targets |
| }], # OS=="ios" or (OS=="mac" and target_arch!="ia32") |
| |
| ['OS=="android"', { |
| 'targets': [ |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'AppRTCDemo', |
| 'type': 'none', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'api/api.gyp:libjingle_peerconnection_java', |
| ], |
| 'variables': { |
| 'apk_name': 'AppRTCDemo', |
| 'java_in_dir': 'examples/androidapp', |
| 'has_java_resources': 1, |
| 'resource_dir': 'examples/androidapp/res', |
| 'R_package': 'org.appspot.apprtc', |
| 'R_package_relpath': 'org/appspot/apprtc', |
| 'input_jars_paths': [ |
| 'examples/androidapp/third_party/autobanh/autobanh.jar', |
| ], |
| 'library_dexed_jars_paths': [ |
| 'examples/androidapp/third_party/autobanh/autobanh.jar', |
| ], |
| 'native_lib_target': 'libjingle_peerconnection_so', |
| 'add_to_dependents_classpaths':1, |
| }, |
| 'includes': [ '../build/java_apk.gypi' ], |
| }, # target AppRTCDemo |
| |
| { |
| # AppRTCDemo creates a .jar as a side effect. Any java targets |
| # that need that .jar in their classpath should depend on this target, |
| # AppRTCDemo_apk. Dependents of AppRTCDemo_apk receive its |
| # jar path in the variable 'apk_output_jar_path'. |
| # This target should only be used by targets which instrument |
| # AppRTCDemo_apk. |
| 'target_name': 'AppRTCDemo_apk', |
| 'type': 'none', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'AppRTCDemo', |
| ], |
| 'includes': [ '../build/apk_fake_jar.gypi' ], |
| }, # target AppRTCDemo_apk |
| |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'AppRTCDemoTest', |
| 'type': 'none', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'AppRTCDemo_apk', |
| ], |
| 'variables': { |
| 'apk_name': 'AppRTCDemoTest', |
| 'java_in_dir': 'examples/androidtests', |
| 'is_test_apk': 1, |
| }, |
| 'includes': [ '../build/java_apk.gypi' ], |
| }, |
| ], # targets |
| }], # OS=="android" |
| ], |
| } |