blob: 3fe2bff77314067ecf25e18c0e222ddfce47c8ef [file] [log] [blame]
# This is supposed to be a complete list of top-level directories,
# excepting only api/ itself.
include_rules = [
"-external/webrtc/webrtc", # Android platform build.
specific_include_rules = {
# Some internal headers are allowed even in API headers:
".*\.h": [
"array_view\.h": [
# Needed because AudioEncoderOpus is in the wrong place for
# backwards compatibilty reasons. See
"audio_encoder_opus\.h": [
"asyncresolverfactory\.h": [
"candidate\.h": [
"datachannelinterface\.h": [
"dtmfsenderinterface\.h": [
"fec_controller\.h": [
"jsep\.h": [
"jsepicecandidate\.h": [
"jsepsessiondescription\.h": [
"mediastreaminterface\.h": [
"peerconnectionfactoryproxy\.h": [
"refcountedbase\.h": [
"rtcerror\.h": [
"rtpreceiverinterface\.h": [
"rtpsenderinterface\.h": [
"rtptransceiverinterface\.h": [
"setremotedescriptionobserverinterface\.h": [
"statstypes\.h": [
"umametrics\.h": [
"audio_frame\.h": [
"audio_mixer\.h": [
"audio_decoder\.h": [
"audio_decoder_factory\.h": [
"audio_decoder_factory_template\.h": [
"audio_encoder\.h": [
"audio_encoder_factory\.h": [
"audio_encoder_factory_template\.h": [
"builtin_audio_decoder_factory\.h": [
"builtin_audio_encoder_factory\.h": [
"framedecryptorinterface\.h": [
"frameencryptorinterface\.h": [
"ortcfactoryinterface\.h": [
"udptransportinterface\.h": [
"rtcstatscollectorcallback\.h": [
"rtcstatsreport\.h": [
"audioproc_float\.h": [
"fake_frame_decryptor\.h": [
"fake_frame_encryptor\.h": [
"fakeconstraints\.h": [
"mock.*\.h": [
"simulated_network\.h": [
"test_dependency_factory\.h": [
"videocodec_test_fixture\.h": [
"data_rate\.h": [
"data_size\.h": [
"time_delta\.h": [
"timestamp\.h": [
"i010_buffer\.h": [
"i420_buffer\.h": [
"video_frame_buffer\.h": [
"video_timing\.h": [
"video_encoder_config\.h": [
# .cc files in api/ should not be restricted in what they can #include,
# so we re-add all the top-level directories here. (That's because .h
# files leak their #includes to whoever's #including them, but .cc files
# do not since no one #includes them.)
".*\.cc": [