blob: f8bb879b4f21721207e92f5c02d8646d9ad057f6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#import "WebRTC/RTCCallbackLogger.h"
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
@interface RTCCallbackLoggerTests : XCTestCase
@property(nonatomic, strong) RTCCallbackLogger *logger;
@implementation RTCCallbackLoggerTests
@synthesize logger;
- (void)setUp {
self.logger = [[RTCCallbackLogger alloc] init];
- (void)tearDown {
self.logger = nil;
- (void)testCallbackGetsCalledForAppropriateLevel {
self.logger.severity = RTCLoggingSeverityWarning;
XCTestExpectation *callbackExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"callbackWarning"];
[self.logger start:^(NSString *message) {
XCTAssertTrue([message hasSuffix:@"Horrible error\n"]);
[callbackExpectation fulfill];
RTCLogError("Horrible error");
[self waitForExpectations:@[ callbackExpectation ] timeout:10.0];
- (void)testCallbackDoesNotGetCalledForOtherLevels {
self.logger.severity = RTCLoggingSeverityError;
XCTestExpectation *callbackExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"callbackError"];
[self.logger start:^(NSString *message) {
XCTAssertTrue([message hasSuffix:@"Horrible error\n"]);
[callbackExpectation fulfill];
RTCLogInfo("Just some info");
RTCLogWarning("Warning warning");
RTCLogError("Horrible error");
[self waitForExpectations:@[ callbackExpectation ] timeout:10.0];
- (void)testStartingWithNilCallbackDoesNotCrash {
[self.logger start:nil];
RTCLogError("Horrible error");
- (void)testStopCallbackLogger {
XCTestExpectation *callbackExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"stopped"];
[self.logger start:^(NSString *message) {
[callbackExpectation fulfill];
[self.logger stop];
RTCLogInfo("Just some info");
XCTWaiter *waiter = [[XCTWaiter alloc] init];
XCTWaiterResult result = [waiter waitForExpectations:@[ callbackExpectation ] timeout:1.0];
XCTAssertEqual(result, XCTWaiterResultTimedOut);
- (void)testDestroyingCallbackLogger {
XCTestExpectation *callbackExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"destroyed"];
[self.logger start:^(NSString *message) {
[callbackExpectation fulfill];
self.logger = nil;
RTCLogInfo("Just some info");
XCTWaiter *waiter = [[XCTWaiter alloc] init];
XCTWaiterResult result = [waiter waitForExpectations:@[ callbackExpectation ] timeout:1.0];
XCTAssertEqual(result, XCTWaiterResultTimedOut);