blob: 469aac7576a2d399a54e06d9c8aa25a87b9f0a01 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
package org.webrtc;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Java wrapper of native AndroidVideoTrackSource.
public class VideoSource extends MediaSource {
private static class NativeCapturerObserver implements VideoCapturer.CapturerObserver {
private final long nativeSource;
// TODO( Remove.
@Nullable private final SurfaceTextureHelper surfaceTextureHelper;
public NativeCapturerObserver(long nativeSource) {
this.nativeSource = nativeSource;
this.surfaceTextureHelper = null;
// TODO( Remove.
public NativeCapturerObserver(long nativeSource, SurfaceTextureHelper surfaceTextureHelper) {
this.nativeSource = nativeSource;
this.surfaceTextureHelper = surfaceTextureHelper;
public void onCapturerStarted(boolean success) {
nativeCapturerStarted(nativeSource, success);
public void onCapturerStopped() {
// TODO( Remove.
public void onByteBufferFrameCaptured(
byte[] data, int width, int height, int rotation, long timestampNs) {
// This NV21Buffer is not possible to retain. This is safe only because the native code will
// always call cropAndScale() and directly make a deep copy of the buffer.
final VideoFrame.Buffer nv21Buffer =
new NV21Buffer(data, width, height, null /* releaseCallback */);
final VideoFrame frame = new VideoFrame(nv21Buffer, rotation, timestampNs);
// TODO( Remove.
public void onTextureFrameCaptured(int width, int height, int oesTextureId,
float[] transformMatrix, int rotation, long timestampNs) {
final VideoFrame.Buffer buffer = surfaceTextureHelper.createTextureBuffer(
width, height, RendererCommon.convertMatrixToAndroidGraphicsMatrix(transformMatrix));
final VideoFrame frame = new VideoFrame(buffer, rotation, timestampNs);
public void onFrameCaptured(VideoFrame frame) {
nativeOnFrameCaptured(nativeSource, frame.getBuffer().getWidth(),
frame.getBuffer().getHeight(), frame.getRotation(), frame.getTimestampNs(),
public void dispose() {
if (surfaceTextureHelper != null) {
private final NativeCapturerObserver capturerObserver;
public VideoSource(long nativeSource) {
this.capturerObserver = new NativeCapturerObserver(nativeSource);
// TODO( Remove.
VideoSource(long nativeSource, SurfaceTextureHelper surfaceTextureHelper) {
this.capturerObserver = new NativeCapturerObserver(nativeSource, surfaceTextureHelper);
* Calling this function will cause frames to be scaled down to the requested resolution. Also,
* frames will be cropped to match the requested aspect ratio, and frames will be dropped to match
* the requested fps. The requested aspect ratio is orientation agnostic and will be adjusted to
* maintain the input orientation, so it doesn't matter if e.g. 1280x720 or 720x1280 is requested.
public void adaptOutputFormat(int width, int height, int fps) {
nativeAdaptOutputFormat(nativeSource, width, height, fps);
public VideoCapturer.CapturerObserver getCapturerObserver() {
return capturerObserver;
public void dispose() {
private static native void nativeAdaptOutputFormat(long source, int width, int height, int fps);
private static native void nativeCapturerStarted(long source, boolean success);
private static native void nativeCapturerStopped(long source);
private static native void nativeOnFrameCaptured(
long source, int width, int height, int rotation, long timestampNs, VideoFrame.Buffer frame);