blob: 797a876f2b4049c38049bf1477b5ecb80819e022 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/media/base/videoadapter.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
#include "webrtc/media/base/mediaconstants.h"
#include "webrtc/media/base/videocommon.h"
namespace {
// Scale factors optimized for in libYUV that we accept.
// Must be sorted in decreasing scale factors for FindScaleLargerThan to work.
const float kScaleFactors[] = {
1.f / 1.f, // Full size.
3.f / 4.f, // 3/4 scale.
1.f / 2.f, // 1/2 scale.
3.f / 8.f, // 3/8 scale.
1.f / 4.f, // 1/4 scale.
3.f / 16.f, // 3/16 scale.
float FindScaleLessThanOrEqual(int width,
int height,
int target_num_pixels,
int* resulting_number_of_pixels) {
float best_distance = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float best_scale = 0.0f; // Default to 0 if nothing matches.
float pixels = width * height;
float best_number_of_pixels = 0.0f;
for (const auto& scale : kScaleFactors) {
float test_num_pixels = pixels * scale * scale;
float diff = target_num_pixels - test_num_pixels;
if (diff < 0) {
if (diff < best_distance) {
best_distance = diff;
best_scale = scale;
best_number_of_pixels = test_num_pixels;
if (best_distance == 0) { // Found exact match.
if (resulting_number_of_pixels) {
*resulting_number_of_pixels = static_cast<int>(best_number_of_pixels + .5f);
return best_scale;
float FindScaleLargerThan(int width,
int height,
int target_num_pixels,
int* resulting_number_of_pixels) {
float best_distance = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float best_scale = 1.f; // Default to unscaled if nothing matches.
float pixels = width * height;
float best_number_of_pixels = pixels; // Default to input number of pixels.
for (const auto& scale : kScaleFactors) {
float test_num_pixels = pixels * scale * scale;
float diff = test_num_pixels - target_num_pixels;
if (diff <= 0) {
if (diff < best_distance) {
best_distance = diff;
best_scale = scale;
best_number_of_pixels = test_num_pixels;
*resulting_number_of_pixels = static_cast<int>(best_number_of_pixels + .5f);
return best_scale;
} // namespace
namespace cricket {
: output_num_pixels_(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()),
resolution_request_max_pixel_count_(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) {}
VideoAdapter::~VideoAdapter() {}
void VideoAdapter::SetExpectedInputFrameInterval(int64_t interval) {
// TODO(perkj): Consider measuring input frame rate instead.
// Frame rate typically varies depending on lighting.
rtc::CritScope cs(&critical_section_);
input_format_.interval = interval;
void VideoAdapter::SetInputFormat(const VideoFormat& format) {
bool is_resolution_change = (input_format().width != format.width ||
input_format().height != format.height);
int64_t old_input_interval = input_format_.interval;
input_format_ = format;
output_format_.interval =
std::max(output_format_.interval, input_format_.interval);
if (old_input_interval != input_format_.interval) {
LOG(LS_INFO) << "VAdapt input interval changed from "
<< old_input_interval << " to " << input_format_.interval;
if (is_resolution_change) {
// Trigger the adaptation logic again, to potentially reset the adaptation
// state for things like view requests that may not longer be capping
// output (or may now cap output).
const VideoFormat& VideoAdapter::input_format() const {
rtc::CritScope cs(&critical_section_);
return input_format_;
VideoFormat VideoAdapter::AdaptFrameResolution(int in_width, int in_height) {
rtc::CritScope cs(&critical_section_);
in_width, in_height, input_format_.interval, input_format_.fourcc));
// Drop the input frame if necessary.
bool should_drop = false;
if (!output_num_pixels_) {
// Drop all frames as the output format is 0x0.
should_drop = true;
} else {
// Drop some frames based on input fps and output fps.
// Normally output fps is less than input fps.
interval_next_frame_ += input_format_.interval;
if (output_format_.interval > 0) {
if (interval_next_frame_ >= output_format_.interval) {
interval_next_frame_ %= output_format_.interval;
} else {
should_drop = true;
if (should_drop) {
// Show VAdapt log every 90 frames dropped. (3 seconds)
if ((frames_in_ - frames_out_) % 90 == 0) {
// TODO(fbarchard): Reduce to LS_VERBOSE when adapter info is not needed
// in default calls.
LOG(LS_INFO) << "VAdapt Drop Frame: scaled " << frames_scaled_
<< " / out " << frames_out_
<< " / in " << frames_in_
<< " Changes: " << adaption_changes_
<< " Input: " << in_width
<< "x" << in_height
<< " i" << input_format_.interval
<< " Output: i" << output_format_.interval;
return VideoFormat(); // Drop frame.
const float scale = FindScaleLessThanOrEqual(in_width, in_height,
output_num_pixels_, nullptr);
const int output_width = static_cast<int>(in_width * scale + .5f);
const int output_height = static_cast<int>(in_height * scale + .5f);
if (scale != 1)
if (previous_width_ && (previous_width_ != output_width ||
previous_height_ != output_height)) {
LOG(LS_INFO) << "Frame size changed: scaled " << frames_scaled_ << " / out "
<< frames_out_ << " / in " << frames_in_
<< " Changes: " << adaption_changes_ << " Input: " << in_width
<< "x" << in_height << " i" << input_format_.interval
<< " Scale: " << scale << " Output: " << output_width << "x"
<< output_height << " i" << output_format_.interval;
output_format_.width = output_width;
output_format_.height = output_height;
previous_width_ = output_width;
previous_height_ = output_height;
return output_format_;
void VideoAdapter::OnOutputFormatRequest(const VideoFormat& format) {
rtc::CritScope cs(&critical_section_);
format_request_max_pixel_count_ = format.width * format.height;
output_format_.interval = format.interval;
void VideoAdapter::OnResolutionRequest(
rtc::Optional<int> max_pixel_count,
rtc::Optional<int> max_pixel_count_step_up) {
rtc::CritScope cs(&critical_section_);
resolution_request_max_pixel_count_ =
bool VideoAdapter::Adapt(int max_num_pixels, int max_pixel_count_step_up) {
float scale_lower =
FindScaleLessThanOrEqual(input_format_.width, input_format_.height,
max_num_pixels, &max_num_pixels);
float scale_upper =
max_pixel_count_step_up > 0
? FindScaleLargerThan(input_format_.width, input_format_.height,
: 1.f;
bool use_max_pixel_count_step_up =
max_pixel_count_step_up > 0 && max_num_pixels > max_pixel_count_step_up;
int old_num_pixels = output_num_pixels_;
output_num_pixels_ =
use_max_pixel_count_step_up ? max_pixel_count_step_up : max_num_pixels;
// Log the new size.
float scale = use_max_pixel_count_step_up ? scale_upper : scale_lower;
int new_width = static_cast<int>(input_format_.width * scale + .5f);
int new_height = static_cast<int>(input_format_.height * scale + .5f);
bool changed = output_num_pixels_ != old_num_pixels;
LOG(LS_INFO) << "OnResolutionRequest: "
<< " Max pixels: " << max_num_pixels
<< " Max pixels step up: " << max_pixel_count_step_up
<< " Output Pixels: " << output_num_pixels_
<< " Input: " << input_format_.width << "x"
<< input_format_.height << " Scale: " << scale
<< " Resolution: " << new_width << "x" << new_height
<< " Changed: " << (changed ? "true" : "false");
return changed;
} // namespace cricket