blob: 8720b204a87a3e1a8d4053eef570f373f1768167 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2024 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "pc/payload_type_picker.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/strings/match.h"
#include "api/rtc_error.h"
#include "media/base/codec.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
// Due to interoperability issues with old Chrome/WebRTC versions that
// ignore the [35, 63] range prefer the lower range for new codecs.
static const int kFirstDynamicPayloadTypeLowerRange = 35;
static const int kLastDynamicPayloadTypeLowerRange = 63;
static const int kFirstDynamicPayloadTypeUpperRange = 96;
static const int kLastDynamicPayloadTypeUpperRange = 127;
// Note: The only fields we need from a Codec are the type (audio/video),
// the subtype (vp8/h264/....), the clock rate, the channel count, and the
// fmtp parameters. The use of cricket::Codec, which contains more fields,
// is only a temporary measure.
bool MatchesForSdp(const cricket::Codec& codec_1,
const cricket::Codec& codec_2) {
return absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(, &&
codec_1.type == codec_2.type && codec_1.channels == codec_2.channels &&
codec_1.clockrate == codec_2.clockrate &&
codec_1.params == codec_2.params;
struct MapTableEntry {
webrtc::SdpAudioFormat format;
int payload_type;
RTCErrorOr<PayloadType> FindFreePayloadType(std::set<PayloadType> seen_pt) {
for (auto i = kFirstDynamicPayloadTypeUpperRange;
i < kLastDynamicPayloadTypeUpperRange; i++) {
if (seen_pt.count(PayloadType(i)) == 0) {
return PayloadType(i);
for (auto i = kFirstDynamicPayloadTypeLowerRange;
i < kLastDynamicPayloadTypeLowerRange; i++) {
if (seen_pt.count(PayloadType(i)) == 0) {
return PayloadType(i);
"All available dynamic PTs have been assigned");
} // namespace
PayloadTypePicker::PayloadTypePicker() {
// Default audio codecs. Duplicates media/engine/
const MapTableEntry default_audio_mappings[] = {
// Static payload type assignments according to RFC 3551.
{{cricket::kPcmuCodecName, 8000, 1}, 0},
{{"GSM", 8000, 1}, 3},
{{"G723", 8000, 1}, 4},
{{"DVI4", 8000, 1}, 5},
{{"DVI4", 16000, 1}, 6},
{{"LPC", 8000, 1}, 7},
{{cricket::kPcmaCodecName, 8000, 1}, 8},
{{cricket::kG722CodecName, 8000, 1}, 9},
{{cricket::kL16CodecName, 44100, 2}, 10},
{{cricket::kL16CodecName, 44100, 1}, 11},
{{"QCELP", 8000, 1}, 12},
{{cricket::kCnCodecName, 8000, 1}, 13},
// RFC 4566 is a bit ambiguous on the contents of the "encoding
// parameters" field, which, for audio, encodes the number of
// channels. It is "optional and may be omitted if the number of
// channels is one". Does that necessarily imply that an omitted
// encoding parameter means one channel? Since RFC 3551 doesn't
// specify a value for this parameter for MPA, I've included both 0
// and 1 here, to increase the chances it will be correctly used if
// someone implements an MPEG audio encoder/decoder.
{{"MPA", 90000, 0}, 14},
{{"MPA", 90000, 1}, 14},
{{"G728", 8000, 1}, 15},
{{"DVI4", 11025, 1}, 16},
{{"DVI4", 22050, 1}, 17},
{{"G729", 8000, 1}, 18},
// Payload type assignments currently used by WebRTC.
// Includes data to reduce collisions (and thus reassignments)
{{cricket::kIlbcCodecName, 8000, 1}, 102},
{{cricket::kCnCodecName, 16000, 1}, 105},
{{cricket::kCnCodecName, 32000, 1}, 106},
{{cricket::kCodecParamMinPTime, "10"},
{cricket::kCodecParamUseInbandFec, cricket::kParamValueTrue}}},
// RED for opus is assigned in the lower range, starting at the top.
// Note that the FMTP refers to the opus payload type.
{{cricket::kCodecParamNotInNameValueFormat, "111/111"}}},
// TODO(solenberg): Remove the hard coded 16k,32k,48k DTMF once we
// assign payload types dynamically for send side as well.
{{cricket::kDtmfCodecName, 48000, 1}, 110},
{{cricket::kDtmfCodecName, 32000, 1}, 112},
{{cricket::kDtmfCodecName, 16000, 1}, 113},
{{cricket::kDtmfCodecName, 8000, 1}, 126}};
for (auto entry : default_audio_mappings) {
RTCErrorOr<PayloadType> PayloadTypePicker::SuggestMapping(
cricket::Codec codec,
const PayloadTypeRecorder* excluder) {
// The first matching entry is returned, unless excluder
// maps it to something different.
for (auto entry : entries_) {
if (MatchesForSdp(entry.codec(), codec)) {
if (excluder) {
auto result = excluder->LookupCodec(entry.payload_type());
if (result.ok() && !MatchesForSdp(result.value(), codec)) {
return entry.payload_type();
RTCErrorOr<PayloadType> found_pt = FindFreePayloadType(seen_payload_types_);
if (found_pt.ok()) {
AddMapping(found_pt.value(), codec);
return found_pt;
RTCError PayloadTypePicker::AddMapping(PayloadType payload_type,
cricket::Codec codec) {
// Completely duplicate mappings are ignored.
// Multiple mappings for the same codec and the same PT are legal;
for (auto entry : entries_) {
if (payload_type == entry.payload_type() &&
MatchesForSdp(codec, entry.codec())) {
return RTCError::OK();
entries_.emplace_back(MapEntry(payload_type, codec));
return RTCError::OK();
RTCError PayloadTypeRecorder::AddMapping(PayloadType payload_type,
cricket::Codec codec) {
auto existing_codec_it = payload_type_to_codec_.find(payload_type);
if (existing_codec_it != payload_type_to_codec_.end() &&
!MatchesForSdp(codec, existing_codec_it->second)) {
if (absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(, existing_codec_it-> {
// The difference is in clock rate, channels or FMTP parameters.
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Warning: Attempt to change a codec's parameters";
// Some FMTP value changes are harmless, others are harmful.
// This is done in production today, so we can't return an error.
} else {
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Warning: You attempted to redefine a codec from "
<< existing_codec_it->second.ToString() << " to "
<< " new codec " << codec.ToString();
// This is a spec violation.
// TODO: - return an error.
// Accept redefinition.
payload_type_to_codec_.insert_or_assign(payload_type, codec);
return RTCError::OK();
payload_type_to_codec_.emplace(payload_type, codec);
suggester_.AddMapping(payload_type, codec);
return RTCError::OK();
std::vector<std::pair<PayloadType, cricket::Codec>>
PayloadTypeRecorder::GetMappings() const {
return std::vector<std::pair<PayloadType, cricket::Codec>>{};
RTCErrorOr<PayloadType> PayloadTypeRecorder::LookupPayloadType(
cricket::Codec codec) const {
// Note that having multiple PTs mapping to the same codec is NOT an error.
// In this case, we return the first found (not deterministic).
auto result = std::find_if(
payload_type_to_codec_.begin(), payload_type_to_codec_.end(),
[codec](const auto& iter) { return MatchesForSdp(iter.second, codec); });
if (result == payload_type_to_codec_.end()) {
"No payload type found for codec");
return result->first;
RTCErrorOr<cricket::Codec> PayloadTypeRecorder::LookupCodec(
PayloadType payload_type) const {
auto result = payload_type_to_codec_.find(payload_type);
if (result == payload_type_to_codec_.end()) {
return RTCError(RTCErrorType::INVALID_PARAMETER, "No such payload type");
return result->second;
void PayloadTypeRecorder::Commit() {
checkpoint_payload_type_to_codec_ = payload_type_to_codec_;
void PayloadTypeRecorder::Rollback() {
payload_type_to_codec_ = checkpoint_payload_type_to_codec_;
} // namespace webrtc