blob: 84bb032af0982d66943cee2ffe50e2507de42bb6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "media/base/fake_video_capturer.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "api/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "api/video/i420_buffer.h"
#include "api/video/video_frame_buffer.h"
#include "rtc_base/arraysize.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/time_utils.h"
namespace cricket {
FakeVideoCapturer::FakeVideoCapturer(bool is_screencast)
: running_(false),
rotation_(webrtc::kVideoRotation_0) {
// Default supported formats. Use ResetSupportedFormats to over write.
using cricket::VideoFormat;
static const VideoFormat formats[] = {
{1280, 720, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), cricket::FOURCC_I420},
{640, 480, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), cricket::FOURCC_I420},
{320, 240, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), cricket::FOURCC_I420},
{160, 120, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), cricket::FOURCC_I420},
{1280, 720, VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(60), cricket::FOURCC_I420},
ResetSupportedFormats({&formats[0], &formats[arraysize(formats)]});
FakeVideoCapturer::FakeVideoCapturer() : FakeVideoCapturer(false) {}
FakeVideoCapturer::~FakeVideoCapturer() {
void FakeVideoCapturer::ResetSupportedFormats(
const std::vector<cricket::VideoFormat>& formats) {
bool FakeVideoCapturer::CaptureFrame() {
if (!GetCaptureFormat()) {
return false;
RTC_CHECK_EQ(GetCaptureFormat()->fourcc, FOURCC_I420);
return CaptureFrame(frame_source_->GetFrame());
bool FakeVideoCapturer::CaptureCustomFrame(int width, int height) {
// Default to 30fps.
// TODO(nisse): Would anything break if we always stick to
// the configure frame interval?
return CaptureFrame(frame_source_->GetFrame(width, height, rotation_,
rtc::kNumMicrosecsPerSec / 30));
bool FakeVideoCapturer::CaptureFrame(const webrtc::VideoFrame& frame) {
if (!running_) {
return false;
int adapted_width;
int adapted_height;
int crop_width;
int crop_height;
int crop_x;
int crop_y;
// TODO(nisse): It's a bit silly to have this logic in a fake
// class. Child classes of VideoCapturer are expected to call
// AdaptFrame, and the test case
// VideoCapturerTest.SinkWantsMaxPixelAndMaxPixelCountStepUp
// depends on this.
if (AdaptFrame(frame.width(), frame.height(), frame.timestamp_us(),
frame.timestamp_us(), &adapted_width, &adapted_height,
&crop_width, &crop_height, &crop_x, &crop_y, nullptr)) {
rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::I420Buffer> buffer(
webrtc::I420Buffer::Create(adapted_width, adapted_height));
webrtc::VideoFrame adapted_frame =
OnFrame(adapted_frame, frame.width(), frame.height());
return true;
cricket::CaptureState FakeVideoCapturer::Start(
const cricket::VideoFormat& format) {
running_ = true;
frame_source_ = absl::make_unique<FakeFrameSource>(
format.width, format.height,
format.interval / rtc::kNumNanosecsPerMicrosec, rtc::TimeMicros());
return cricket::CS_RUNNING;
void FakeVideoCapturer::Stop() {
running_ = false;
bool FakeVideoCapturer::IsRunning() {
return running_;
bool FakeVideoCapturer::IsScreencast() const {
return is_screencast_;
bool FakeVideoCapturer::GetPreferredFourccs(std::vector<uint32_t>* fourccs) {
return true;
void FakeVideoCapturer::SetRotation(webrtc::VideoRotation rotation) {
rotation_ = rotation;
if (frame_source_)
webrtc::VideoRotation FakeVideoCapturer::GetRotation() {
return rotation_;
bool is_screencast)
: FakeVideoCapturer(is_screencast) {}
FakeVideoCapturerWithTaskQueue::FakeVideoCapturerWithTaskQueue() {}
bool FakeVideoCapturerWithTaskQueue::CaptureFrame() {
if (task_queue_.IsCurrent())
return FakeVideoCapturer::CaptureFrame();
bool ret = false;
[this, &ret]() { ret = FakeVideoCapturer::CaptureFrame(); });
return ret;
bool FakeVideoCapturerWithTaskQueue::CaptureCustomFrame(int width, int height) {
if (task_queue_.IsCurrent())
return FakeVideoCapturer::CaptureCustomFrame(width, height);
bool ret = false;
task_queue_.SendTask([this, &ret, width, height]() {
ret = FakeVideoCapturer::CaptureCustomFrame(width, height);
return ret;
} // namespace cricket