blob: d8f9a9477c3921564de55ed4f759fd393658d34f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/modules/interface/module.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
namespace webrtc {
// Forward declarations.
class PacedSender;
class PacketRouter;
class ReceiveStatistics;
class RemoteBitrateEstimator;
class RtpReceiver;
class Transport;
class RtpRtcp : public Module {
struct Configuration {
/* id - Unique identifier of this RTP/RTCP module object
* audio - True for a audio version of the RTP/RTCP module
* object false will create a video version
* clock - The clock to use to read time. If NULL object
* will be using the system clock.
* incoming_data - Callback object that will receive the incoming
* data. May not be NULL; default callback will do
* nothing.
* incoming_messages - Callback object that will receive the incoming
* RTP messages. May not be NULL; default callback
* will do nothing.
* outgoing_transport - Transport object that will be called when packets
* are ready to be sent out on the network
* intra_frame_callback - Called when the receiver request a intra frame.
* bandwidth_callback - Called when we receive a changed estimate from
* the receiver of out stream.
* audio_messages - Telephone events. May not be NULL; default
* callback will do nothing.
* remote_bitrate_estimator - Estimates the bandwidth available for a set of
* streams from the same client.
* paced_sender - Spread any bursts of packets into smaller
* bursts to minimize packet loss.
int32_t id;
bool audio;
bool receiver_only;
Clock* clock;
ReceiveStatistics* receive_statistics;
Transport* outgoing_transport;
RtcpIntraFrameObserver* intra_frame_callback;
RtcpBandwidthObserver* bandwidth_callback;
SendTimeObserver* send_time_callback;
RtcpRttStats* rtt_stats;
RtcpPacketTypeCounterObserver* rtcp_packet_type_counter_observer;
RtpAudioFeedback* audio_messages;
RemoteBitrateEstimator* remote_bitrate_estimator;
PacedSender* paced_sender;
PacketRouter* packet_router;
BitrateStatisticsObserver* send_bitrate_observer;
FrameCountObserver* send_frame_count_observer;
SendSideDelayObserver* send_side_delay_observer;
* Create a RTP/RTCP module object using the system clock.
* configuration - Configuration of the RTP/RTCP module.
static RtpRtcp* CreateRtpRtcp(const RtpRtcp::Configuration& configuration);
* Receiver functions
virtual int32_t IncomingRtcpPacket(const uint8_t* incoming_packet,
size_t incoming_packet_length) = 0;
virtual void SetRemoteSSRC(uint32_t ssrc) = 0;
* Sender
* set MTU
* size - Max transfer unit in bytes, default is 1500
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t SetMaxTransferUnit(uint16_t size) = 0;
* set transtport overhead
* default is IPv4 and UDP with no encryption
* TCP - true for TCP false UDP
* IPv6 - true for IP version 6 false for version 4
* authenticationOverhead - number of bytes to leave for an
* authentication header
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t SetTransportOverhead(
bool TCP,
bool IPV6,
uint8_t authenticationOverhead = 0) = 0;
* Get max payload length
* A combination of the configuration MaxTransferUnit and
* TransportOverhead.
* Does not account FEC/ULP/RED overhead if FEC is enabled.
* Does not account for RTP headers
virtual uint16_t MaxPayloadLength() const = 0;
* Get max data payload length
* A combination of the configuration MaxTransferUnit, headers and
* TransportOverhead.
* Takes into account FEC/ULP/RED overhead if FEC is enabled.
* Takes into account RTP headers
virtual uint16_t MaxDataPayloadLength() const = 0;
* set codec name and payload type
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t RegisterSendPayload(
const CodecInst& voiceCodec) = 0;
* set codec name and payload type
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t RegisterSendPayload(
const VideoCodec& videoCodec) = 0;
* Unregister a send payload
* payloadType - payload type of codec
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t DeRegisterSendPayload(int8_t payloadType) = 0;
* (De)register RTP header extension type and id.
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t RegisterSendRtpHeaderExtension(RTPExtensionType type,
uint8_t id) = 0;
virtual int32_t DeregisterSendRtpHeaderExtension(RTPExtensionType type) = 0;
* get start timestamp
virtual uint32_t StartTimestamp() const = 0;
* configure start timestamp, default is a random number
* timestamp - start timestamp
virtual void SetStartTimestamp(uint32_t timestamp) = 0;
* Get SequenceNumber
virtual uint16_t SequenceNumber() const = 0;
* Set SequenceNumber, default is a random number
virtual void SetSequenceNumber(uint16_t seq) = 0;
// Returns true if the ssrc matched this module, false otherwise.
virtual bool SetRtpStateForSsrc(uint32_t ssrc,
const RtpState& rtp_state) = 0;
virtual bool GetRtpStateForSsrc(uint32_t ssrc, RtpState* rtp_state) = 0;
* Get SSRC
virtual uint32_t SSRC() const = 0;
* configure SSRC, default is a random number
virtual void SetSSRC(uint32_t ssrc) = 0;
* Set CSRC
* csrcs - vector of CSRCs
virtual void SetCsrcs(const std::vector<uint32_t>& csrcs) = 0;
* Turn on/off sending RTX (RFC 4588). The modes can be set as a combination
* of values of the enumerator RtxMode.
virtual void SetRtxSendStatus(int modes) = 0;
* Get status of sending RTX (RFC 4588). The returned value can be
* a combination of values of the enumerator RtxMode.
virtual int RtxSendStatus() const = 0;
// Sets the SSRC to use when sending RTX packets. This doesn't enable RTX,
// only the SSRC is set.
virtual void SetRtxSsrc(uint32_t ssrc) = 0;
// Sets the payload type to use when sending RTX packets. Note that this
// doesn't enable RTX, only the payload type is set.
virtual void SetRtxSendPayloadType(int payload_type,
int associated_payload_type) = 0;
// Gets the payload type pair of (RTX, associated) to use when sending RTX
// packets.
virtual std::pair<int, int> RtxSendPayloadType() const = 0;
* sends kRtcpByeCode when going from true to false
* sending - on/off
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t SetSendingStatus(bool sending) = 0;
* get send status
virtual bool Sending() const = 0;
* Starts/Stops media packets, on by default
* sending - on/off
virtual void SetSendingMediaStatus(bool sending) = 0;
* get send status
virtual bool SendingMedia() const = 0;
* get sent bitrate in Kbit/s
virtual void BitrateSent(uint32_t* totalRate,
uint32_t* videoRate,
uint32_t* fecRate,
uint32_t* nackRate) const = 0;
* Used by the codec module to deliver a video or audio frame for
* packetization.
* frameType - type of frame to send
* payloadType - payload type of frame to send
* timestamp - timestamp of frame to send
* payloadData - payload buffer of frame to send
* payloadSize - size of payload buffer to send
* fragmentation - fragmentation offset data for fragmented frames such
* as layers or RED
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t SendOutgoingData(
FrameType frameType,
int8_t payloadType,
uint32_t timeStamp,
int64_t capture_time_ms,
const uint8_t* payloadData,
size_t payloadSize,
const RTPFragmentationHeader* fragmentation = NULL,
const RTPVideoHeader* rtpVideoHdr = NULL) = 0;
virtual bool TimeToSendPacket(uint32_t ssrc,
uint16_t sequence_number,
int64_t capture_time_ms,
bool retransmission) = 0;
virtual size_t TimeToSendPadding(size_t bytes) = 0;
// Called on generation of new statistics after an RTP send.
virtual void RegisterSendChannelRtpStatisticsCallback(
StreamDataCountersCallback* callback) = 0;
virtual StreamDataCountersCallback*
GetSendChannelRtpStatisticsCallback() const = 0;
* Get RTCP status
virtual RTCPMethod RTCP() const = 0;
* configure RTCP status i.e on(compound or non- compound)/off
* method - RTCP method to use
virtual void SetRTCPStatus(RTCPMethod method) = 0;
* Set RTCP CName (i.e unique identifier)
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t SetCNAME(const char* c_name) = 0;
* Get remote CName
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t RemoteCNAME(uint32_t remoteSSRC,
char cName[RTCP_CNAME_SIZE]) const = 0;
* Get remote NTP
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t RemoteNTP(
uint32_t *ReceivedNTPsecs,
uint32_t *ReceivedNTPfrac,
uint32_t *RTCPArrivalTimeSecs,
uint32_t *RTCPArrivalTimeFrac,
uint32_t *rtcp_timestamp) const = 0;
* AddMixedCNAME
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t AddMixedCNAME(uint32_t SSRC, const char* c_name) = 0;
* RemoveMixedCNAME
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t RemoveMixedCNAME(uint32_t SSRC) = 0;
* Get RoundTripTime
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t RTT(uint32_t remoteSSRC,
int64_t* RTT,
int64_t* avgRTT,
int64_t* minRTT,
int64_t* maxRTT) const = 0;
* Force a send of a RTCP packet
* periodic SR and RR are triggered via the process function
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t SendRTCP(RTCPPacketType rtcpPacketType) = 0;
* Force a send of a RTCP packet with more than one packet type.
* periodic SR and RR are triggered via the process function
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t SendCompoundRTCP(
const std::set<RTCPPacketType>& rtcpPacketTypes) = 0;
* Good state of RTP receiver inform sender
virtual int32_t SendRTCPReferencePictureSelection(
const uint64_t pictureID) = 0;
* Send a RTCP Slice Loss Indication (SLI)
* 6 least significant bits of pictureID
virtual int32_t SendRTCPSliceLossIndication(uint8_t pictureID) = 0;
* Statistics of the amount of data sent
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t DataCountersRTP(
size_t* bytesSent,
uint32_t* packetsSent) const = 0;
* Get send statistics for the RTP and RTX stream.
virtual void GetSendStreamDataCounters(
StreamDataCounters* rtp_counters,
StreamDataCounters* rtx_counters) const = 0;
* Get packet loss statistics for the RTP stream.
virtual void GetRtpPacketLossStats(
bool outgoing,
uint32_t ssrc,
struct RtpPacketLossStats* loss_stats) const = 0;
* Get received RTCP sender info
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t RemoteRTCPStat(RTCPSenderInfo* senderInfo) = 0;
* Get received RTCP report block
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t RemoteRTCPStat(
std::vector<RTCPReportBlock>* receiveBlocks) const = 0;
* (APP) Application specific data
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t SetRTCPApplicationSpecificData(uint8_t subType,
uint32_t name,
const uint8_t* data,
uint16_t length) = 0;
* (XR) VOIP metric
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t SetRTCPVoIPMetrics(
const RTCPVoIPMetric* VoIPMetric) = 0;
* (XR) Receiver Reference Time Report
virtual void SetRtcpXrRrtrStatus(bool enable) = 0;
virtual bool RtcpXrRrtrStatus() const = 0;
* (REMB) Receiver Estimated Max Bitrate
virtual bool REMB() const = 0;
virtual void SetREMBStatus(bool enable) = 0;
virtual void SetREMBData(uint32_t bitrate,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& ssrcs) = 0;
* (TMMBR) Temporary Max Media Bit Rate
virtual bool TMMBR() const = 0;
virtual void SetTMMBRStatus(bool enable) = 0;
* (NACK)
* TODO(holmer): Propagate this API to VideoEngine.
* Returns the currently configured selective retransmission settings.
virtual int SelectiveRetransmissions() const = 0;
* TODO(holmer): Propagate this API to VideoEngine.
* Sets the selective retransmission settings, which will decide which
* packets will be retransmitted if NACKed. Settings are constructed by
* combining the constants in enum RetransmissionMode with bitwise OR.
* All packets are retransmitted if kRetransmitAllPackets is set, while no
* packets are retransmitted if kRetransmitOff is set.
* By default all packets except FEC packets are retransmitted. For VP8
* with temporal scalability only base layer packets are retransmitted.
* Returns -1 on failure, otherwise 0.
virtual int SetSelectiveRetransmissions(uint8_t settings) = 0;
* Send a Negative acknowledgement packet
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t SendNACK(const uint16_t* nackList, uint16_t size) = 0;
* Store the sent packets, needed to answer to a Negative acknowledgement
* requests
virtual void SetStorePacketsStatus(bool enable, uint16_t numberToStore) = 0;
// Returns true if the module is configured to store packets.
virtual bool StorePackets() const = 0;
// Called on receipt of RTCP report block from remote side.
virtual void RegisterRtcpStatisticsCallback(
RtcpStatisticsCallback* callback) = 0;
virtual RtcpStatisticsCallback*
GetRtcpStatisticsCallback() = 0;
* Audio
* set audio packet size, used to determine when it's time to send a DTMF
* packet in silence (CNG)
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t SetAudioPacketSize(uint16_t packetSizeSamples) = 0;
* Send a TelephoneEvent tone using RFC 2833 (4733)
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t SendTelephoneEventOutband(uint8_t key,
uint16_t time_ms,
uint8_t level) = 0;
* Set payload type for Redundant Audio Data RFC 2198
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t SetSendREDPayloadType(int8_t payloadType) = 0;
* Get payload type for Redundant Audio Data RFC 2198
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t SendREDPayloadType(
int8_t& payloadType) const = 0;
* Store the audio level in dBov for header-extension-for-audio-level-
* indication.
* This API shall be called before transmision of an RTP packet to ensure
* that the |level| part of the extended RTP header is updated.
* return -1 on failure else 0.
virtual int32_t SetAudioLevel(uint8_t level_dBov) = 0;
* Video
* Set the target send bitrate
virtual void SetTargetSendBitrate(uint32_t bitrate_bps) = 0;
* Turn on/off generic FEC
virtual void SetGenericFECStatus(bool enable,
uint8_t payload_type_red,
uint8_t payload_type_fec) = 0;
* Get generic FEC setting
virtual void GenericFECStatus(bool& enable,
uint8_t& payloadTypeRED,
uint8_t& payloadTypeFEC) = 0;
virtual int32_t SetFecParameters(
const FecProtectionParams* delta_params,
const FecProtectionParams* key_params) = 0;
* Set method for requestion a new key frame
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t SetKeyFrameRequestMethod(KeyFrameRequestMethod method) = 0;
* send a request for a keyframe
* return -1 on failure else 0
virtual int32_t RequestKeyFrame() = 0;
} // namespace webrtc